1#pylint: disable-msg=W0611
2# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6import cgi
7import collections
8import HTMLParser
9import logging
10import re
11import textwrap
13from xml.parsers import expat
15import common
17from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
18from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
19from autotest_lib.server import afe_urls
20from autotest_lib.server import site_utils
21from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import constants
22from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import job_status
23from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import reporting_utils
24from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import tools
25from autotest_lib.site_utils  import gmail_lib
28    from chromite.lib import metrics
29except ImportError:
30    metrics = site_utils.metrics_mock
33# Try importing the essential bug reporting libraries.
35    from autotest_lib.site_utils import phapi_lib
36except ImportError, e:
37    fundamental_libs = False
38    logging.debug('Bug filing disabled. %s', e)
40    fundamental_libs = True
44CHROMIUM_EMAIL_ADDRESS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
45        BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'chromium_email_address', default='')
46EMAIL_CREDS_FILE = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
47        'NOTIFICATIONS', 'gmail_api_credentials_test_failure', default=None)
50class Bug(object):
51    """Holds the minimum information needed to make a dedupable bug report."""
53    def __init__(self, title, summary, search_marker=None, labels=None,
54                 owner='', cc=None, components=None):
55        """
56        Initializes Bug object.
58        @param title: The title of the bug.
59        @param summary: The summary of the bug.
60        @param search_marker: The string used to determine if a bug is a
61                              duplicate report or not. All Bugs with the same
62                              search_marker are considered to be for the same
63                              bug. Make this None if you do not want to dedupe.
64        @param labels: The labels that the filed bug will have.
65        @param owner: The owner/asignee of this bug. Typically left blank.
66        @param cc: Who to cc'd for this bug.
67        @param components: The components that the filed bug will have.
68        """
69        self._title = title
70        self._summary = summary
71        self._search_marker = search_marker
72        self.owner = owner
74        self.labels = labels if labels is not None else []
75        self.components = components if components is not None else []
76        self.cc = cc if cc is not None else []
79    def title(self):
80        """Combines information about this bug into a title string."""
81        return self._title
84    def summary(self):
85        """Combines information about this bug into a summary string."""
86        return self._summary
89    def search_marker(self):
90        """Return an Anchor that we can use to dedupe this exact bug."""
91        return self._search_marker
94class TestBug(Bug):
95    """
96    Wrap up all information needed to make an intelligent report about an
97    issue. Each TestBug has a search marker associated with it that can be
98    used to find similar reports.
99    """
101    def __init__(self, build, chrome_version, suite, result):
102        """
103        @param build: The build type, of the form <board>/<milestone>-<release>.
104                      eg: x86-mario-release/R25-4321.0.0
105        @param chrome_version: The chrome version associated with the build.
106                               eg: 28.0.1498.1
107        @param suite: The name of the suite that this test run is a part of.
108        @param result: The status of the job associated with this issue.
109                       This contains the status, job id, test name, hostname
110                       and reason for issue.
111        """
112        self.build = build
113        self.chrome_version = chrome_version
114        self.suite = suite
115        self.name = tools.get_test_name(build, suite, result.test_name)
116        self.reason = result.reason
117        # The result_owner is used to find results and logs.
118        self.result_owner = result.owner
119        self.hostname = result.hostname
120        self.job_id = result.id
122        # Aborts, server/client job failures or a test failure without a
123        # reason field need lab attention. Lab bugs for the aborted case
124        # are disabled till crbug.com/188217 is resolved.
125        self.lab_error = job_status.is_for_infrastructure_fail(result)
127        # The owner is who the bug is assigned to.
128        self.owner = ''
129        self.cc = []
130        self.components = []
132        if result.is_warn():
133            self.labels = ['Test-Warning']
134            self.status = 'Warning'
135        else:
136            self.labels = []
137            self.status = 'Failure'
140    def title(self):
141        """Combines information about this bug into a title string."""
142        return '[%s] %s %s on %s' % (self.suite, self.name,
143                                     self.status, self.build)
146    def summary(self):
147        """Combines information about this bug into a summary string."""
149        links = self._get_links_for_failure()
150        template = ('This report is automatically generated to track the '
151                    'following %(status)s:\n'
152                    'Test: %(test)s.\n'
153                    'Suite: %(suite)s.\n'
154                    'Chrome Version: %(chrome_version)s.\n'
155                    'Build: %(build)s.\n\nReason:\n%(reason)s.\n'
156                    'build artifacts: %(build_artifacts)s.\n'
157                    'results log: %(results_log)s.\n'
158                    'status log: %(status_log)s.\n'
159                    'buildbot stages: %(buildbot_stages)s.\n'
160                    'job link: %(job)s.\n\n'
161                    'You may want to check the test history on wmatrix: '
162                    '%(test_history_url)s\n'
163                    'You may also want to check the test retry dashboard in '
164                    'case this is a flakey test: %(retry_url)s\n')
166        specifics = {
167            'status': self.status,
168            'test': self.name,
169            'suite': self.suite,
170            'build': self.build,
171            'chrome_version': self.chrome_version,
172            'reason': self.reason,
173            'build_artifacts': links.artifacts,
174            'results_log': links.results,
175            'status_log': links.status_log,
176            'buildbot_stages': links.buildbot,
177            'job': links.job,
178            'test_history_url': links.test_history_url,
179            'retry_url': links.retry_url,
180        }
182        return template % specifics
185    # TO-DO(shuqianz) Fix the dedupe failing issue because reason contains
186    # special characters after
187    # https://bugs.chromium.org/p/monorail/issues/detail?id=806 being fixed.
188    def search_marker(self):
189        """Return an Anchor that we can use to dedupe this exact bug."""
190        board = ''
191        try:
192            board = site_utils.ParseBuildName(self.build)[0]
193        except site_utils.ParseBuildNameException as e:
194            logging.error(str(e))
196        # Substitute the board name for a placeholder. We try both build and
197        # release board name variants.
198        reason = self.reason
199        if board:
200            for b in (board, board.replace('_', '-')):
201                reason = reason.replace(b, 'BOARD_PLACEHOLDER')
203        return "%s{%s,%s,%s}" % ('Test%s' % self.status, self.suite,
204                                 self.name, reason)
207    def _get_links_for_failure(self):
208        """Returns a named tuple of links related to this failure."""
209        links = collections.namedtuple('links', ('results,'
210                                                 'status_log,'
211                                                 'artifacts,'
212                                                 'buildbot,'
213                                                 'job,'
214                                                 'test_history_url,'
215                                                 'retry_url'))
216        return links(reporting_utils.link_result_logs(
217                         self.job_id, self.result_owner, self.hostname),
218                     reporting_utils.link_status_log(
219                         self.job_id, self.result_owner, self.hostname),
220                     reporting_utils.link_build_artifacts(self.build),
221                     reporting_utils.link_buildbot_stages(self.build),
222                     reporting_utils.link_job(self.job_id),
223                     reporting_utils.link_test_history(self.name),
224                     reporting_utils.link_retry_url(self.name))
227class MachineKillerBug(Bug):
228    """Wrap up information needed to report a test killing a machine."""
230    # Label used by the bug-filer to categorize machine killers
231    _MACHINE_KILLER_LABEL = 'machine-killer'
232    # Address to which this bug will be cc'd
233    _CC_ADDRESS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
234                            'SCHEDULER', 'notify_email_errors', default='')
237    def __init__(self, job_id, job_name, machine):
238        """Initialize MachineKillerBug.
240        @param job_id: The id of the job, this should be an afe job id.
241        @param job_name: the name of the job
242        @param machine: The hostname of a machine that has been put
243                        in Repair Failed by the job.
245        """
246        # Name of test job may contain information like build and suite.
247        # e.g. lumpy-release/R31-1234.0.0/bvt/dummy_Pass_SERVER_JOB
248        # Try to split job_name with '/' and use the last part
249        # as test name. Note this assumes test name must not contains '/'.
250        self._test_name = job_name.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
251        self._job_id = job_id
252        self._machine = machine
253        self.owner=''
254        self.cc=[self._CC_ADDRESS]
255        self.labels=[self._MACHINE_KILLER_LABEL]
256        self.components = []
259    def title(self):
260        return ('%s suspected of putting machines in Repair Failed state.'
261                 % self._test_name)
263    def summary(self):
264        """Combines information about this bug into a summary string."""
266        template = ('This bug has been automatically filed to track the '
267                    'following issue:\n\n'
268                    'Test: %(test)s.\n'
269                    'Machine: %(machine)s.\n'
270                    'Issue: It is suspected that the test has put the '
271                    'machine in the Repair Failed State.\n'
272                    'Suggested Actions: Investigate to determine if this '
273                    'test is at fault and then either fix or disable the '
274                    'test if appropriate.\n'
275                    'Job link: %(job)s.\n')
276        disclaimer = ('\n\nNote that the autofiled count on this bug indicates '
277                      'the number of times we have attempted to repair the '
278                      'machine, not the number of times it has gone into '
279                      'the repair failed state.\n')
280        specifics = {
281            'test': self._test_name,
282            'machine': self._machine,
283            'job': reporting_utils.link_job(self._job_id),
284        }
285        return template % specifics + disclaimer
288    def search_marker(self):
289        """Returns an Anchor that we can use to dedupe this bug."""
290        return 'MachineKiller{%s}' % self._test_name
293class PoolHealthBug(Bug):
294    """Report information about a critical pool of DUTs in the lab."""
296    _POOL_HEALTH_LABELS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
297            'BUG_REPORTING', 'pool_health_labels', type=list, default=[])
298    _POOL_HEALTH_COMPONENTS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
299            'BUG_REPORTING', 'pool_health_components', type=list, default=[])
300    _CC_ADDRESS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
301            'BUG_REPORTING', 'pool_health_cc', type=list, default=[])
302    _SUMMARY_TEMPLATE = textwrap.dedent("""\
303    This bug has been automatically filed to track the following issue:
305    Not enough DUTs available.
306    Pool: {this._pool}
307    Board: {this._board}
308    DUTs needed: {this._num_required}
309    DUTs available: {this._num_available}
310    Suite: {this._suite_name}
311    Build: {this._build}
313    Hosts:
315    {host_summaries}
316    """)
317    _HOST_TEMPLATE = '{host.hostname} {locked_status} {host.status} {afe_link}'
319    def __init__(self, exception):
320        """Initialize a PoolHealthBug.
322        @param exception: NotEnoughDutsError with context information.
323        @param hosts: An Iterable of all Hosts with the
324            board, in the given pool.
325        """
326        self._exception = exception
327        self._board = exception.board
328        self._pool = exception.pool
329        self._num_available = exception.num_available
330        self._num_required = exception.num_required
331        self._bug_id = exception.bug_id
332        self._hosts = exception.hosts
333        self._suite_name = exception.suite_name
334        self._build = exception.build
336        self.owner = ''
337        self.cc = self._CC_ADDRESS
338        self.labels = self._POOL_HEALTH_LABELS
339        self.components = self._POOL_HEALTH_COMPONENTS
342    def title(self):
343        return ('pool: %s, board: %s in critical state' %
344                (self._pool, self._board))
347    def summary(self):
348        """Combines information about this bug into a summary string."""
349        return self._SUMMARY_TEMPLATE.format(
350            this=self,
351            host_summaries='\n'.join(self._make_host_summaries()))
354    def _make_host_summaries(self):
355        """Yield hosts summary strings."""
356        host_template = self._HOST_TEMPLATE
357        for host in self._hosts:
358            yield host_template.format(
359                host=host,
360                locked_status='Locked' if host.locked else 'Unlocked',
361                afe_link=afe_urls.get_host_url(host.id))
364    def search_marker(self):
365        """Returns an Anchor that we can use to dedupe this bug."""
366        return 'PoolHealthBug{%s, %s}' % (self._pool, self._board)
369class SuiteSchedulerBug(Bug):
370    """Bug filed for suite scheduler."""
372    _SUITE_SCHEDULER_LABELS = ['Build-HardwareLab', 'Pri-1', 'suite_scheduler']
374    def __init__(self, suite, build, board, control_file_exception):
375        self._suite = suite
376        self._build = build
377        self._board = board
378        self._exception = control_file_exception
379        # TODO(fdeng): fix get_sheriffs crbug.com/483254
380        lab_deputies = site_utils.get_sheriffs(lab_only=True)
381        self.owner = lab_deputies[0] if lab_deputies else ''
382        self.labels = self._SUITE_SCHEDULER_LABELS
383        self.cc = lab_deputies[1:] if lab_deputies else []
384        self.components = []
387    def title(self):
388        """Return Title of the bug"""
389        if isinstance(self._exception, error.ControlFileNotFound):
390            t = 'Missing control file'
391        else:
392            t = 'Problem with getting control file'
393        return '[suite scheduler] %s for suite: "%s", build: %s' % (
394                t, self._suite, self._build)
397    def summary(self):
398        """Combines information about this bug into a summary string."""
399        template = ('Suite scheduler could not schedule suite due to '
400                    'a control file problem:\n\n'
401                    'Suite:\t%(suite)s\n'
402                    'Build:\t%(build)s\n'
403                    'Board:\t%(board)s (The problem may happen for other '
404                    'boards as well, only the first board is reported.)\n'
405                    'Diagnose:\n%(diagnose)s\n')
407        if isinstance(self._exception, error.ControlFileNotFound):
408            diagnose = (
409                    '\tThe suite\'s control file does not exist in the build.\n'
410                    '\tDo you expect the suite to run for the said build?\n'
411                    '\t- If yes, please add/backport the control file to '
412                    'the build,\n'
413                    '\t- If not, please fix the entry for this suite in '
414                    'suite_scheduler.ini so that it specifies the '
415                    'right builds to run;\n'
416                    '\t  and request a push to prod.')
417        else:
418            diagnose = ('\tNo suggestion. Please ask infra deputy '
419                        'to triage.\n%s\n') % str(self._exception)
420        specifics = {'suite': self._suite,
421                     'build': self._build,
422                     'board': self._board,
423                     'error': type(self._exception),
424                     'diagnose': diagnose,}
425        return template % specifics
428    def search_marker(self):
429        """Returns an Anchor that we can use to dedupe this bug."""
430        # TODO(fdeng): flaky deduping behavior, see crbug.com/486895
431        return 'SuiteSchedulerBug{%s, %s}' % (
432                self._suite, type(self._exception).__name__)
435ReportResult = collections.namedtuple('ReportResult', ['bug_id', 'update_count'])
438class Reporter(object):
439    """
440    Files external reports about bugs that happened inside autotest.
441    """
442    # Credentials for access to the project hosting api
443    _project_name = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
444        BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'project_name', default='')
445    _oauth_credentials = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
446        BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'credentials', default='')
447    _monorail_server= global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
448        BUG_CONFIG_SECTION, 'monorail_server', default='staging')
450    # AUTOFILED_COUNT is a label prefix used to indicate how
451    # many times we think we've updated an issue automatically.
452    AUTOFILED_COUNT = 'autofiled-count-'
453    _PREDEFINED_LABELS = ['autofiled', '%s%d' % (AUTOFILED_COUNT, 1),
454                          'OS-Chrome', 'Type-Bug',
455                          'Restrict-View-Google']
460    @classmethod
461    def _get_creds_abspath(cls):
462        """Returns the abspath of the bug filer credentials file.
464        @return: A path to the oauth2 credentials file.
465        """
466        return site_utils.get_creds_abspath(cls._oauth_credentials)
469    def __init__(self):
470        if not fundamental_libs:
471            logging.warning("Bug filing disabled due to missing imports.")
472            return
473        try:
474            self._phapi_client = phapi_lib.ProjectHostingApiClient(
475                    self._get_creds_abspath(), self._project_name,
476                    self._monorail_server)
477        except phapi_lib.ProjectHostingApiException as e:
478            logging.error('Unable to create project hosting api client: %s', e)
479            self._phapi_client = None
482    def _check_tracker(self):
483        """Returns True if we have a tracker object to use for filing bugs."""
484        return fundamental_libs and self._phapi_client
487    def get_bug_tracker_client(self):
488        """Returns the client used to communicate with the project hosting api.
490        @return: The instance of the ProjectHostingApiClient associated with
491            this reporter.
492        """
493        if self._check_tracker():
494            return self._phapi_client
495        raise phapi_lib.ProjectHostingApiException('Project hosting client not '
496                'initialized for project:%s, using auth file: %s' %
497                (self._project_name, self._get_creds_abspath()))
500    def _get_lab_error_template(self):
501        """Return the lab error template.
503        @return: A dictionary representing the bug options for an issue that
504                 requires investigation from the lab team.
505        """
506        lab_sheriff = site_utils.get_sheriffs(lab_only=True)
507        return {'labels': ['Build-HardwareLab'],
508                'owner': lab_sheriff[0] if lab_sheriff else '',}
511    def _format_issue_options(self, override, **kwargs):
512        """
513        Override the default issue configuration with a suite specific
514        configuration when one is specified in the suite's bug_template.
515        The bug_template is specified in the suite control file. After
516        overriding the correct options, format them in a way that's understood
517        by the project hosting api.
519        @param override: Suite specific dictionary with issue config operations.
520        @param kwargs: Keyword args containing the default issue config options.
521        @return: A dictionary which contains the suite specific options, and the
522                 default option when a suite specific option isn't specified.
523        """
524        if override:
525            kwargs.update((k,v) for k,v in override.iteritems() if v)
527        kwargs['summary'] = kwargs['title']
528        kwargs['labels'] = list(set(kwargs['labels'] + self._PREDEFINED_LABELS))
529        kwargs['cc'] = list(map(lambda cc: {'name': cc},
530                                set(kwargs['cc'] + kwargs['sheriffs'])))
532        # The existence of an owner key will cause the api to try and match
533        # the value under the key to a member of the project, resulting in a
534        # 404 or 500 Http response when the owner is invalid.
535        if (CHROMIUM_EMAIL_ADDRESS not in kwargs['owner']):
536            del(kwargs['owner'])
537        else:
538            kwargs['owner'] = {'name': kwargs['owner']}
539        return kwargs
542    def _anchor_summary(self, bug):
543        """
544        Creates the summary that can be used for bug deduplication.
546        Only attaches the anchor if the search_marker on the bug is not None.
548        @param: The bug to create the anchored summary for.
550        @return the summary with the anchor appened if the search marker is not
551                None, otherwise return the summary.
552        """
553        if bug.search_marker() is None:
554            return bug.summary()
555        else:
556            return '%s\n\n%s%s\n' % (bug.summary(), self._SEARCH_MARKER,
557                                     bug.search_marker())
560    def _create_bug_report(self, bug, bug_template={}, sheriffs=[]):
561        """
562        Creates a new bug report.
564        @param bug: The Bug instance to create the report for.
565        @param bug_template: A template of options to use for filing bugs.
566        @param sheriffs: A list of chromium email addresses (of sheriffs)
567                         to cc on this bug. Since the list of sheriffs is
568                         dynamic it needs to be determined at runtime, as
569                         opposed to the normal cc list which is available
570                         through the bug template.
571        @return: id of the created issue as a string, or None if an issue
572                 wasn't created.  Note that if either the description or title
573                 fields are missing we won't be able to create a bug.
574        """
575        anchored_summary = self._anchor_summary(bug)
577        issue = self._format_issue_options(bug_template, title=bug.title(),
578            description=anchored_summary, labels=bug.labels,
579            status='Untriaged', owner=bug.owner, cc=bug.cc,
580            sheriffs=sheriffs, components=bug.components)
582        try:
583            filed_bug = self._phapi_client.create_issue(issue)
584        except phapi_lib.ProjectHostingApiException as e:
585            logging.error('Unable to create a bug for issue with title: %s and '
586                          'description %s and owner: %s. To file a new bug you '
587                          'need both a description and a title, and to assign '
588                          'it to an owner, that person must be known to the '
589                          'bug tracker', bug.title(), anchored_summary,
590                          issue.get('owner'))
591        else:
592            logging.info('Filing new bug %s, with description %s',
593                         filed_bug.get('id'), anchored_summary)
594            return filed_bug.get('id')
597    def modify_bug_report(self, issue_id, comment, label_update, status=''):
598        """Modifies an existing bug report with a new comment.
600        Adds the given comment and applies the given list of label
601        updates.
603        @param issue_id     Id of the issue to update with.
604        @param comment      Comment to update the issue with.
605        @param label_update List with label updates.
606        @param status       New status of the issue.
607        """
608        updates = {
609            'content': comment,
610            'updates': { 'labels': label_update, 'status': status }
611        }
612        try:
613            self._phapi_client.update_issue(issue_id, updates)
614        except phapi_lib.ProjectHostingApiException as e:
615            logging.warning('Unable to update issue %s, comment %s, '
616                            'labels %r, status %s: %s', issue_id, comment,
617                            label_update, status, e)
618        else:
619            logging.info('Updated issue %s, comment %s, labels %r, status %s.',
620                         issue_id, comment, label_update, status)
623    def _find_issue_by_marker(self, marker):
624        """
625        Queries the tracker to find if there is a bug filed for this issue.
627        1. 'Escape' the string: cgi.escape is the easiest way to achieve this,
628           though it doesn't handle all html escape characters.
629           eg: replace '"<' with '&quot;&lt;'
630        2. Perform an exact search for the escaped string, if this returns an
631           empty issue list perform a more relaxed query and finally fall back
632           to a query devoid of the reason field. Between these 3 queries we
633           should retrieve the super set of all issues that this marker can be
634           in. In most cases the first search should return a result, examples
635           where this might not be the case are when the reason field contains
636           information that varies between test runs. Since the second search
637           has raw escape characters it will match comments too, and the last
638           should match all similar issues regardless.
639        3. Look through the issues for an exact match between clean versions
640           of the marker and summary; for now 'clean' means bereft of numbers.
641        4. If no match is found look through a list of comments for each issue.
643        @param marker The marker string to search for to find a duplicate of
644                     this issue.
645        @return A phapi_lib.Issue instance of the issue that was found, or
646                None if no issue was found. Also returns None if the marker
647                is None.
648        """
650        if marker is None:
651            logging.info('No search marker specified, will create new issue.')
652            return None
654        # Note that this method cannot handle markers which have already been
655        # html escaped, as it will try and unescape them by converting the &
656        # to &amp again, thereby failing deduplication.
657        marker = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(marker)
658        html_escaped_marker = cgi.escape(marker, quote=True)
660        # The tracker frontend stores summaries and comments as html elements,
661        # specifically, a summary turns into a span and a comment into
662        # preformatted text. Eg:
663        # 1. A summary of >& would become <span>&gt;&amp;</span>
664        # 2. A comment of >& would become <pre>&gt;&amp;</pre>
665        # When searching for exact matches in text, the gdata api gets this
666        # feed and parses all <pre> tags unescaping html, then matching your
667        # exact string to that. However it does not unescape all <span> tags,
668        # presumably for reasons of performance. Therefore a search for the
669        # exact string ">&" would match issue 2, but not issue 1, and a search
670        # for "&gt;&amp;" would match issue 1 but not issue 2. This problem is
671        # further exacerbated when we have quotes within our search string,
672        # which is common when the reason field contains a python dictionary.
673        #
674        # Our searching strategy prioritizes exact matches in the summary, since
675        # the first bug thats filed will have a summary with the anchor. If we
676        # do not find an exact match in any summary we search through all
677        # related issues of the same bug/suite in the hope of finding an exact
678        # match in the comments. Note that the comments are returned as
679        # unescaped text.
680        #
681        # TODO(beeps): when we start merging issues this could return bloated
682        # results, but for now we have to include duplicate issues so that
683        # we can find the original one with the hook.
684        markers = ['"' + self._SEARCH_MARKER + html_escaped_marker + '"',
685                   self._SEARCH_MARKER + marker,
686                   self._SEARCH_MARKER + ','.join(marker.split(',')[:2])]
687        for decorated_marker in markers:
688            issues = self._phapi_client.get_tracker_issues_by_text(
689                decorated_marker, include_dupes=True)
690            if issues:
691                break
693        if not issues:
694            return
696        # Breadth first, since open issues/bugs probably < comments/issue.
697        # If we find more than one issue matching a particular anchor assign
698        # a mystery bug with all relevent information on the owner and return
699        # the first matching issue.
700        clean_marker = re.sub('[0-9]+', '', html_escaped_marker)
701        all_issues = [issue for issue in issues
702                      if clean_marker in re.sub('[0-9]+', '', issue.summary)]
704        if len(all_issues) > 1:
705            issue_ids = [issue.id for issue in all_issues]
706            logging.warning('Multiple results for a specific query. Query: %s, '
707                            'results: %s', marker, issue_ids)
709        if all_issues:
710            return all_issues[0]
712        unescaped_clean_marker = re.sub('[0-9]+', '', marker)
713        for issue in issues:
714            if any(unescaped_clean_marker in re.sub('[0-9]+', '', comment)
715                   for comment in issue.comments):
716                return issue
719    def _dedupe_issue(self, marker):
720        """Finds an issue, then checks if it has a parent that's still open.
722        @param marker: The marker string to search for to find a duplicate of
723                       a issue.
724        @return An Issue instance, representing an open issue that is a
725                duplicate of the one being searched for.
726        """
727        issue = self._find_issue_by_marker(marker)
728        if not issue or issue.state == constants.ISSUE_OPEN:
729            return issue
731        # Iterativly look through the chain of parents, until we find one whose
732        # state is 'open' or reach the end of the chain.
733        # It is possible that the chain forms a circle. Record the visited
734        # issues to prevent loop on a circle.
735        visited_issues = set([issue.id])
736        while issue.merged_into is not None:
737            issue = self._phapi_client.get_tracker_issue_by_id(
738                issue.merged_into)
739            if not issue or issue.id in visited_issues:
740                break
741            elif issue.state == constants.ISSUE_OPEN:
742                logging.debug('Return the active issue %d that duplicated '
743                              'issue(s) have been merged into.', issue.id)
744                return issue
745            else:
746                visited_issues.add(issue.id)
747        logging.debug('All merged issues %s have been closed, marked '
748                      'invalid etc, will create a new issue instead.',
749                      list(visited_issues))
750        return None
753    def _get_count_labels_and_max(self, issue):
754        """Read the current autofiled count labels and count.
756         Automatically filed issues have a label of the form
757        `autofiled-count-<number>` that indicates about how many
758        times the autofiling code has updated the issue.  This
759        routine goes through the labels for the given issue to find
760        the existing count label(s).
762        Old bugs may not have a count; this routine implicitly
763        assigns those bugs an initial count of one.
765        Usually, only one count label should exist. But
766        this method is written to take care of the case
767        where multiple count labels exist. In such case,
768        All the labels and the max count is returned.
770        @param issue: Issue whose 'autofiled-count' is to be read.
772        @returns: 2-tuple with a list of labels and
773                  the max count.
774        """
775        count_labels = []
776        count_max = 1
777        is_count_label = lambda l: l.startswith(self.AUTOFILED_COUNT)
778        for label in filter(is_count_label, issue.labels):
779            try:
780                count = int(label[len(self.AUTOFILED_COUNT):])
781            except ValueError:
782                continue
783            count_max = max(count, count_max)
784            count_labels.append(label)
785        return count_labels, count_max
788    def _create_autofiled_count_update(self, issue):
789        """Calculate an 'autofiled-count' label update.
791        Remove all the existing autofiled count labels
792        and calculate a new count label.
794        Updates to issues aren't guaranteed to be atomic, so in
795        some cases count labels may (in theory at least) be dropped
796        or duplicated.
798        The return values are a list of label updates and the
799        count value of the new count label.  For the label updates,
800        all existing count labels will be prefixed with '-' to
801        remove them, and a new label with a new count will be added
802        to the set.  Labels not related to the count aren't updated.
804        @param issue Issue whose 'autofiled-count' is to be updated.
805        @return      2-tuple with a list of label updates and the
806                     new count value.
807        """
808        count_labels, count_max = self._get_count_labels_and_max(issue)
809        label_updates = []
810        for label in count_labels:
811            label_updates.append('-%s' % label)
812        new_count = count_max + 1
813        label_updates.append('%s%d' % (self.AUTOFILED_COUNT, new_count))
814        return label_updates, new_count
817    @classmethod
818    def _get_project_label_from_title(cls, title):
819        """Extract a project label for the device being tested from
820        provided bug title. If no project is found, return empty string.
822        E.g. For the following bug title:
824          [stress] platform_BootDevice Failure on rikku-release/R44-7075.0.0
826        we extract 'rikku' and return a string 'Proj-rikku'.
828        Note1: For certain boards, they contain the reference name as well:
830          veyron_minnie-release/R44-7075.0.0
832        in these cases, we only extract and use the subboard (minnie) and not
833        the whole string (veyron_minnie).
835        Note2: some builds have different names like tot-release,
836        freon-build, etc. This function needs to handle these cases as well.
838        @param title: A string of the bug title, from which to extract
839                      the project label for the device being tested.
840        @return       '' if no valid label is found, or a label of the
841                      form 'proj-samus' if found.
842        """
843        m = re.search('.* on (?:.*_)?(?P<proj>[^-]*)-[\S]+/.*', title)
844        if m and m.group('proj'):
845            return 'Proj-%s' % m.group('proj')
846        else:
847            return ''
850    def report(self, bug, bug_template=None, ignore_duplicate=False):
851        """Report an issue to the bug tracker.
853        If this issue has happened before, post a comment on the
854        existing bug about it occurring again, and update the
855        'autofiled-count' label.  If this is a new issue, create a
856        new bug for it.
858        @param bug          A Bug instance about the issue.
859        @param bug_template A template dictionary specifying the
860                            default bug filing options for an issue
861                            with this suite.
862        @param ignore_duplicate  If True, when a duplicate is found,
863                                 simply ignore the new one rather than
864                                 posting an update.
865        @return   A ReportResult namedtuple containing:
867                  - the issue id as a string or None
868                  - the number of times the bug has been updated.  For a new
869                    bug, the count is 1.  If we could not file a bug for some
870                    reason, the count is 0.
871        """
872        if bug_template is None:
873            bug_template = {}
875        if not self._check_tracker():
876            logging.error("Can't file %s", bug.title())
877            return ReportResult(None, 0)
879        project_label = self._get_project_label_from_title(bug.title())
881        issue = None
882        try:
883            issue = self._dedupe_issue(bug.search_marker())
884        except expat.ExpatError as e:
885            # If our search string sends python's xml module into a
886            # state which it believes will lead to an xml syntax
887            # error, it will give up and throw an exception. This
888            # might happen with aborted jobs that contain weird
889            # escape characters in their reason fields. We'd rather
890            # create a new issue than fail in deduplicating such cases.
891            logging.warning('Unable to deduplicate, creating new issue: %s',
892                            str(e))
894        if issue and ignore_duplicate:
895            logging.debug('Duplicate found for %s, not filing as requested.',
896                          bug.search_marker())
897            _, bug_count = self._get_count_labels_and_max(issue)
898            return ReportResult(issue.id, bug_count)
900        if issue:
901            comment = '%s\n\n%s' % (bug.title(), self._anchor_summary(bug))
902            label_update, bug_count = (
903                    self._create_autofiled_count_update(issue))
904            if project_label:
905                label_update.append(project_label)
906            self.modify_bug_report(issue.id, comment, label_update)
907            return ReportResult(issue.id, bug_count)
909        sheriffs = []
911        # TODO(beeps): crbug.com/254256
912        try:
913            if bug.lab_error and bug.suite == 'bvt':
914                lab_error_template = self._get_lab_error_template()
915                if bug_template.get('labels'):
916                    lab_error_template['labels'] += bug_template.get('labels')
917                bug_template = lab_error_template
918            elif bug.suite == 'bvt':
919                sheriffs = site_utils.get_sheriffs()
920        except AttributeError:
921            pass
923        if project_label:
924            bug_template.get('labels', []).append(project_label)
925        bug_id = self._create_bug_report(bug, bug_template, sheriffs)
926        bug_count = 1 if bug_id else 0
927        return ReportResult(bug_id, bug_count)
930class NullReporter(object):
931    """Null object for bug reporter."""
933    def report(self, bug, bug_template=None, ignore_duplicate=False):
934        """Report an issue to the bug tracker.
936        If this issue has happened before, post a comment on the
937        existing bug about it occurring again, and update the
938        'autofiled-count' label.  If this is a new issue, create a
939        new bug for it.
941        @param bug          A Bug instance about the issue.
942        @param bug_template A template dictionary specifying the
943                            default bug filing options for an issue
944                            with this suite.
945        @param ignore_duplicate  If True, when a duplicate is found,
946                                 simply ignore the new one rather than
947                                 posting an update.
948        @return   A ReportResult namedtuple containing:
950                  - the issue id as a string or None
951                  - the number of times the bug has been updated.  For a new
952                    bug, the count is 1.  If we could not file a bug for some
953                    reason, the count is 0.
954        """
955        return ReportResult(None, 0)
958# TODO(beeps): Move this to server/site_utils after crbug.com/281906 is fixed.
959def submit_generic_bug_report(*args, **kwargs):
960    """
961    Submit a generic bug report.
963    See server.cros.dynamic_suite.reporting.Bug for valid arguments.
965    @params args: List of arguments to pass to the Bug creation.
966    @params kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to Bug creation.
968    @returns the filed bug's id.
969    """
970    bug = Bug(*args, **kwargs)
971    reporter = Reporter()
972    return reporter.report(bug)[0]
975def send_email(bug, bug_template):
976    """Send email to the owner and cc's to notify the TestBug.
978    @param bug: TestBug instance.
979    @param bug_template: A template dictionary specifying the default bug
980                         filing options for failures in this suite.
981    """
982    to_set = set(bug.cc) if bug.cc else set()
983    if bug.owner:
984        to_set.add(bug.owner)
985    if bug_template.get('cc'):
986        to_set = to_set.union(bug_template.get('cc'))
987    if bug_template.get('owner'):
988        to_set.add(bug_template.get('owner'))
989    recipients = ', '.join(to_set)
990    success = False
991    try:
992        gmail_lib.send_email(
993            recipients, bug.title(), bug.summary(), retry=False,
994            creds_path=site_utils.get_creds_abspath(EMAIL_CREDS_FILE))
995        success = True
996    finally:
997        (metrics.Counter('chromeos/autotest/errors/send_bug_email')
998         .increment(fields={'success': success}))