1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #define LOG_TAG "VtsHalAudioV2_0TargetTest"
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <cmath>
21 #include <cstddef>
22 #include <cstdio>
23 #include <limits>
24 #include <list>
25 #include <string>
26 #include <type_traits>
27 #include <vector>
29 #include <VtsHalHidlTargetTestBase.h>
31 #include <android-base/logging.h>
33 #include <android/hardware/audio/2.0/IDevice.h>
34 #include <android/hardware/audio/2.0/IDevicesFactory.h>
35 #include <android/hardware/audio/2.0/IPrimaryDevice.h>
36 #include <android/hardware/audio/2.0/types.h>
37 #include <android/hardware/audio/common/2.0/types.h>
39 #include "utility/AssertOk.h"
40 #include "utility/PrettyPrintAudioTypes.h"
41 #include "utility/ReturnIn.h"
43 using std::string;
44 using std::to_string;
45 using std::vector;
47 using ::android::sp;
48 using ::android::hardware::Return;
49 using ::android::hardware::hidl_handle;
50 using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
51 using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
52 using ::android::hardware::MQDescriptorSync;
53 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::AudioDrain;
54 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::DeviceAddress;
55 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IDevice;
56 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IPrimaryDevice;
57 using TtyMode = ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode;
58 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IDevicesFactory;
59 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IStream;
60 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IStreamIn;
61 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::TimeSpec;
62 using ReadParameters =
63     ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IStreamIn::ReadParameters;
64 using ReadStatus = ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IStreamIn::ReadStatus;
65 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IStreamOut;
66 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::IStreamOutCallback;
67 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::MmapBufferInfo;
68 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::MmapPosition;
69 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::ParameterValue;
70 using ::android::hardware::audio::V2_0::Result;
71 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioChannelMask;
72 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioConfig;
73 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioDevice;
74 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioFormat;
75 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioHandleConsts;
76 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioInputFlag;
77 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioIoHandle;
78 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioMode;
79 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioOffloadInfo;
80 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioOutputFlag;
81 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioSource;
82 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::ThreadInfo;
84 using utility::returnIn;
getTestName()86 const char* getTestName() {
87     return ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name();
88 }
90 namespace doc {
91 /** Document the current test case.
92  * Eg: calling `doc::test("Dump the state of the hal")` in the "debugDump" test
93  * will output:
94  *   <testcase name="debugDump" status="run" time="6"
95  *             classname="AudioPrimaryHidlTest"
96                description="Dump the state of the hal." />
97  * see
98  https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googletest/docs/AdvancedGuide.md#logging-additional-information
99  */
test(const std::string & testCaseDocumentation)100 void test(const std::string& testCaseDocumentation) {
101     ::testing::Test::RecordProperty("description", testCaseDocumentation);
102 }
104 /** Document why a test was not fully run. Usually due to an optional feature
105  * not implemented. */
partialTest(const std::string & reason)106 void partialTest(const std::string& reason) {
107     LOG(INFO) << "Test " << getTestName() << " partially run: " << reason;
108     ::testing::Test::RecordProperty("partialyRunTest", reason);
109 }
111 /** Add a note to the test. */
note(const std::string & note)112 void note(const std::string& note) {
113     LOG(INFO) << "Test " << getTestName() << " noted: " << note;
114     ::testing::Test::RecordProperty("note", note);
115 }
116 }
118 // Register callback for static object destruction
119 // Avoid destroying static objects after main return.
120 // Post main return destruction leads to incorrect gtest timing measurements as
121 // well as harder
122 // debuging if anything goes wrong during destruction.
123 class Environment : public ::testing::Environment {
124    public:
125     using TearDownFunc = std::function<void()>;
registerTearDown(TearDownFunc && tearDown)126     void registerTearDown(TearDownFunc&& tearDown) {
127         tearDowns.push_back(std::move(tearDown));
128     }
130    private:
TearDown()131     void TearDown() override {
132         // Call the tear downs in reverse order of insertion
133         for (auto& tearDown : tearDowns) {
134             tearDown();
135         }
136     }
137     std::list<TearDownFunc> tearDowns;
138 };
139 // Instance to register global tearDown
140 static Environment* environment;
142 class HidlTest : public ::testing::VtsHalHidlTargetTestBase {
143    protected:
144     // Convenient member to store results
145     Result res;
146 };
148 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
149 ////////////////////// getService audio_devices_factory //////////////////////
150 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
152 // Test all audio devices
153 class AudioHidlTest : public HidlTest {
154    public:
SetUp()155     void SetUp() override {
156         ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(HidlTest::SetUp());  // setup base
158         if (devicesFactory == nullptr) {
159             environment->registerTearDown([] { devicesFactory.clear(); });
160             devicesFactory = ::testing::VtsHalHidlTargetTestBase::getService<
161                 IDevicesFactory>();
162         }
163         ASSERT_TRUE(devicesFactory != nullptr);
164     }
166    protected:
167     // Cache the devicesFactory retrieval to speed up each test by ~0.5s
168     static sp<IDevicesFactory> devicesFactory;
169 };
170 sp<IDevicesFactory> AudioHidlTest::devicesFactory;
TEST_F(AudioHidlTest,GetAudioDevicesFactoryService)172 TEST_F(AudioHidlTest, GetAudioDevicesFactoryService) {
173     doc::test("test the getService (called in SetUp)");
174 }
TEST_F(AudioHidlTest,OpenDeviceInvalidParameter)176 TEST_F(AudioHidlTest, OpenDeviceInvalidParameter) {
177     doc::test("test passing an invalid parameter to openDevice");
178     IDevicesFactory::Result result;
179     sp<IDevice> device;
180     ASSERT_OK(devicesFactory->openDevice(IDevicesFactory::Device(-1),
181                                          returnIn(result, device)));
182     ASSERT_EQ(IDevicesFactory::Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, result);
183     ASSERT_TRUE(device == nullptr);
184 }
186 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
187 /////////////////////////////// openDevice primary ///////////////////////////
188 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
190 // Test the primary device
191 class AudioPrimaryHidlTest : public AudioHidlTest {
192    public:
193     /** Primary HAL test are NOT thread safe. */
SetUp()194     void SetUp() override {
195         ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AudioHidlTest::SetUp());  // setup base
197         if (device == nullptr) {
198             IDevicesFactory::Result result;
199             sp<IDevice> baseDevice;
200             ASSERT_OK(
201                 devicesFactory->openDevice(IDevicesFactory::Device::PRIMARY,
202                                            returnIn(result, baseDevice)));
203             ASSERT_OK(result);
204             ASSERT_TRUE(baseDevice != nullptr);
206             environment->registerTearDown([] { device.clear(); });
207             device = IPrimaryDevice::castFrom(baseDevice);
208             ASSERT_TRUE(device != nullptr);
209         }
210     }
212    protected:
213     // Cache the device opening to speed up each test by ~0.5s
214     static sp<IPrimaryDevice> device;
215 };
216 sp<IPrimaryDevice> AudioPrimaryHidlTest::device;
TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest,OpenPrimaryDevice)218 TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest, OpenPrimaryDevice) {
219     doc::test("Test the openDevice (called in SetUp)");
220 }
TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest,Init)222 TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest, Init) {
223     doc::test("Test that the audio primary hal initialized correctly");
224     ASSERT_OK(device->initCheck());
225 }
227 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
228 ///////////////////// {set,get}{Master,Mic}{Mute,Volume} /////////////////////
229 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
231 template <class Property>
232 class AccessorPrimaryHidlTest : public AudioPrimaryHidlTest {
233    protected:
234     /** Test a property getter and setter. */
235     template <class Getter, class Setter>
testAccessors(const string & propertyName,const vector<Property> & valuesToTest,Setter setter,Getter getter,const vector<Property> & invalidValues={})236     void testAccessors(const string& propertyName,
237                        const vector<Property>& valuesToTest, Setter setter,
238                        Getter getter,
239                        const vector<Property>& invalidValues = {}) {
240         Property initialValue;  // Save initial value to restore it at the end
241                                 // of the test
242         ASSERT_OK((device.get()->*getter)(returnIn(res, initialValue)));
243         ASSERT_OK(res);
245         for (Property setValue : valuesToTest) {
246             SCOPED_TRACE("Test " + propertyName + " getter and setter for " +
247                          testing::PrintToString(setValue));
248             ASSERT_OK((device.get()->*setter)(setValue));
249             Property getValue;
250             // Make sure the getter returns the same value just set
251             ASSERT_OK((device.get()->*getter)(returnIn(res, getValue)));
252             ASSERT_OK(res);
253             EXPECT_EQ(setValue, getValue);
254         }
256         for (Property invalidValue : invalidValues) {
257             SCOPED_TRACE("Try to set " + propertyName +
258                          " with the invalid value " +
259                          testing::PrintToString(invalidValue));
261                           (device.get()->*setter)(invalidValue));
262         }
264         ASSERT_OK(
265             (device.get()->*setter)(initialValue));  // restore initial value
266     }
268     /** Test the getter and setter of an optional feature. */
269     template <class Getter, class Setter>
testOptionalAccessors(const string & propertyName,const vector<Property> & valuesToTest,Setter setter,Getter getter,const vector<Property> & invalidValues={})270     void testOptionalAccessors(const string& propertyName,
271                                const vector<Property>& valuesToTest,
272                                Setter setter, Getter getter,
273                                const vector<Property>& invalidValues = {}) {
274         doc::test("Test the optional " + propertyName + " getters and setter");
275         {
276             SCOPED_TRACE("Test feature support by calling the getter");
277             Property initialValue;
278             ASSERT_OK((device.get()->*getter)(returnIn(res, initialValue)));
279             if (res == Result::NOT_SUPPORTED) {
280                 doc::partialTest(propertyName + " getter is not supported");
281                 return;
282             }
283             ASSERT_OK(res);  // If it is supported it must succeed
284         }
285         // The feature is supported, test it
286         testAccessors(propertyName, valuesToTest, setter, getter,
287                       invalidValues);
288     }
289 };
291 using BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest = AccessorPrimaryHidlTest<bool>;
TEST_F(BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest,MicMuteTest)293 TEST_F(BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest, MicMuteTest) {
294     doc::test("Check that the mic can be muted and unmuted");
295     testAccessors("mic mute", {true, false, true}, &IDevice::setMicMute,
296                   &IDevice::getMicMute);
297     // TODO: check that the mic is really muted (all sample are 0)
298 }
TEST_F(BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest,MasterMuteTest)300 TEST_F(BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest, MasterMuteTest) {
301     doc::test(
302         "If master mute is supported, try to mute and unmute the master "
303         "output");
304     testOptionalAccessors("master mute", {true, false, true},
305                           &IDevice::setMasterMute, &IDevice::getMasterMute);
306     // TODO: check that the master volume is really muted
307 }
309 using FloatAccessorPrimaryHidlTest = AccessorPrimaryHidlTest<float>;
TEST_F(FloatAccessorPrimaryHidlTest,MasterVolumeTest)310 TEST_F(FloatAccessorPrimaryHidlTest, MasterVolumeTest) {
311     doc::test("Test the master volume if supported");
312     testOptionalAccessors("master volume", {0, 0.5, 1},
313                           &IDevice::setMasterVolume, &IDevice::getMasterVolume,
314                           {-0.1, 1.1, NAN, INFINITY, -INFINITY,
315                            1 + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()});
316     // TODO: check that the master volume is really changed
317 }
319 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
320 //////////////////////////////// AudioPatches ////////////////////////////////
321 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
323 class AudioPatchPrimaryHidlTest : public AudioPrimaryHidlTest {
324    protected:
areAudioPatchesSupported()325     bool areAudioPatchesSupported() {
326         auto result = device->supportsAudioPatches();
327         EXPECT_IS_OK(result);
328         return result;
329     }
330 };
TEST_F(AudioPatchPrimaryHidlTest,AudioPatches)332 TEST_F(AudioPatchPrimaryHidlTest, AudioPatches) {
333     doc::test("Test if audio patches are supported");
334     if (!areAudioPatchesSupported()) {
335         doc::partialTest("Audio patches are not supported");
336         return;
337     }
338     // TODO: test audio patches
339 }
341 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
342 //////////////// Required and recommended audio format support ///////////////
343 // From:
344 // https://source.android.com/compatibility/android-cdd.html#5_4_audio_recording
345 // From:
346 // https://source.android.com/compatibility/android-cdd.html#5_5_audio_playback
347 /////////// TODO: move to the beginning of the file for easier update ////////
348 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
350 class AudioConfigPrimaryTest : public AudioPatchPrimaryHidlTest {
351    public:
352     // Cache result ?
getRequiredSupportPlaybackAudioConfig()353     static const vector<AudioConfig> getRequiredSupportPlaybackAudioConfig() {
354         return combineAudioConfig(
355             {AudioChannelMask::OUT_STEREO, AudioChannelMask::OUT_MONO},
356             {8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100},
357             {AudioFormat::PCM_16_BIT});
358     }
360     static const vector<AudioConfig>
getRecommendedSupportPlaybackAudioConfig()361     getRecommendedSupportPlaybackAudioConfig() {
362         return combineAudioConfig(
363             {AudioChannelMask::OUT_STEREO, AudioChannelMask::OUT_MONO},
364             {24000, 48000}, {AudioFormat::PCM_16_BIT});
365     }
getSupportedPlaybackAudioConfig()367     static const vector<AudioConfig> getSupportedPlaybackAudioConfig() {
368         // TODO: retrieve audio config supported by the platform
369         // as declared in the policy configuration
370         return {};
371     }
getRequiredSupportCaptureAudioConfig()373     static const vector<AudioConfig> getRequiredSupportCaptureAudioConfig() {
374         return combineAudioConfig({AudioChannelMask::IN_MONO},
375                                   {8000, 11025, 16000, 44100},
376                                   {AudioFormat::PCM_16_BIT});
377     }
getRecommendedSupportCaptureAudioConfig()378     static const vector<AudioConfig> getRecommendedSupportCaptureAudioConfig() {
379         return combineAudioConfig({AudioChannelMask::IN_STEREO}, {22050, 48000},
380                                   {AudioFormat::PCM_16_BIT});
381     }
getSupportedCaptureAudioConfig()382     static const vector<AudioConfig> getSupportedCaptureAudioConfig() {
383         // TODO: retrieve audio config supported by the platform
384         // as declared in the policy configuration
385         return {};
386     }
388    private:
combineAudioConfig(vector<AudioChannelMask> channelMasks,vector<uint32_t> sampleRates,vector<AudioFormat> formats)389     static const vector<AudioConfig> combineAudioConfig(
390         vector<AudioChannelMask> channelMasks, vector<uint32_t> sampleRates,
391         vector<AudioFormat> formats) {
392         vector<AudioConfig> configs;
393         for (auto channelMask : channelMasks) {
394             for (auto sampleRate : sampleRates) {
395                 for (auto format : formats) {
396                     AudioConfig config{};
397                     // leave offloadInfo to 0
398                     config.channelMask = channelMask;
399                     config.sampleRateHz = sampleRate;
400                     config.format = format;
401                     // FIXME: leave frameCount to 0 ?
402                     configs.push_back(config);
403                 }
404             }
405         }
406         return configs;
407     }
408 };
410 /** Generate a test name based on an audio config.
411  *
412  * As the only parameter changing are channel mask and sample rate,
413  * only print those ones in the test name.
414  */
generateTestName(const testing::TestParamInfo<AudioConfig> & info)415 static string generateTestName(
416     const testing::TestParamInfo<AudioConfig>& info) {
417     const AudioConfig& config = info.param;
418     return to_string(info.index) + "__" + to_string(config.sampleRateHz) + "_" +
419            // "MONO" is more clear than "FRONT_LEFT"
420            ((config.channelMask == AudioChannelMask::OUT_MONO ||
421              config.channelMask == AudioChannelMask::IN_MONO)
422                 ? "MONO"
423                 : toString(config.channelMask));
424 }
426 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
427 ///////////////////////////// getInputBufferSize /////////////////////////////
428 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
430 // FIXME: execute input test only if platform declares
431 // android.hardware.microphone
432 //        how to get this value ? is it a property ???
434 class AudioCaptureConfigPrimaryTest
435     : public AudioConfigPrimaryTest,
436       public ::testing::WithParamInterface<AudioConfig> {
437    protected:
inputBufferSizeTest(const AudioConfig & audioConfig,bool supportRequired)438     void inputBufferSizeTest(const AudioConfig& audioConfig,
439                              bool supportRequired) {
440         uint64_t bufferSize;
441         ASSERT_OK(
442             device->getInputBufferSize(audioConfig, returnIn(res, bufferSize)));
444         switch (res) {
445             case Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS:
446                 EXPECT_FALSE(supportRequired);
447                 break;
448             case Result::OK:
449                 // Check that the buffer is of a sane size
450                 // For now only that it is > 0
451                 EXPECT_GT(bufferSize, uint64_t(0));
452                 break;
453             default:
454                 FAIL() << "Invalid return status: "
455                        << ::testing::PrintToString(res);
456         }
457     }
458 };
460 // Test that the required capture config and those declared in the policy are
461 // indeed supported
462 class RequiredInputBufferSizeTest : public AudioCaptureConfigPrimaryTest {};
TEST_P(RequiredInputBufferSizeTest,RequiredInputBufferSizeTest)463 TEST_P(RequiredInputBufferSizeTest, RequiredInputBufferSizeTest) {
464     doc::test(
465         "Input buffer size must be retrievable for a format with required "
466         "support.");
467     inputBufferSizeTest(GetParam(), true);
468 }
470     RequiredInputBufferSize, RequiredInputBufferSizeTest,
471     ::testing::ValuesIn(
472         AudioConfigPrimaryTest::getRequiredSupportCaptureAudioConfig()),
473     &generateTestName);
475     SupportedInputBufferSize, RequiredInputBufferSizeTest,
476     ::testing::ValuesIn(
477         AudioConfigPrimaryTest::getSupportedCaptureAudioConfig()),
478     &generateTestName);
480 // Test that the recommended capture config are supported or lead to a
482 class OptionalInputBufferSizeTest : public AudioCaptureConfigPrimaryTest {};
TEST_P(OptionalInputBufferSizeTest,OptionalInputBufferSizeTest)483 TEST_P(OptionalInputBufferSizeTest, OptionalInputBufferSizeTest) {
484     doc::test(
485         "Input buffer size should be retrievable for a format with recommended "
486         "support.");
487     inputBufferSizeTest(GetParam(), false);
488 }
490     RecommendedCaptureAudioConfigSupport, OptionalInputBufferSizeTest,
491     ::testing::ValuesIn(
492         AudioConfigPrimaryTest::getRecommendedSupportCaptureAudioConfig()),
493     &generateTestName);
495 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
496 /////////////////////////////// setScreenState ///////////////////////////////
497 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest,setScreenState)499 TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest, setScreenState) {
500     doc::test("Check that the hal can receive the screen state");
501     for (bool turnedOn : {false, true, true, false, false}) {
502         auto ret = device->setScreenState(turnedOn);
503         ASSERT_IS_OK(ret);
504         Result result = ret;
505         auto okOrNotSupported = {Result::OK, Result::NOT_SUPPORTED};
506         ASSERT_RESULT(okOrNotSupported, result);
507     }
508 }
510 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
511 //////////////////////////// {get,set}Parameters /////////////////////////////
512 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest,getParameters)514 TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest, getParameters) {
515     doc::test("Check that the hal can set and get parameters");
516     hidl_vec<hidl_string> keys;
517     hidl_vec<ParameterValue> values;
518     ASSERT_OK(device->getParameters(keys, returnIn(res, values)));
519     ASSERT_OK(device->setParameters(values));
520     values.resize(0);
521     ASSERT_OK(device->setParameters(values));
522 }
524 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
525 //////////////////////////////// debugDebug //////////////////////////////////
526 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
528 template <class DebugDump>
testDebugDump(DebugDump debugDump)529 static void testDebugDump(DebugDump debugDump) {
530     // Dump in a temporary file
531     // Note that SELinux must be deactivate for this test to work
532     FILE* file = tmpfile();
533     ASSERT_NE(nullptr, file) << errno;
535     // Wrap the temporary file file descriptor in a native handle
536     auto* nativeHandle = native_handle_create(1, 0);
537     ASSERT_NE(nullptr, nativeHandle);
538     nativeHandle->data[0] = fileno(file);
540     // Wrap this native handle in a hidl handle
541     hidl_handle handle;
542     handle.setTo(nativeHandle, true /*take ownership*/);
544     ASSERT_OK(debugDump(handle));
546     // Check that at least one bit was written by the hal
547     // TODO: debugDump does not return a Result.
548     // This mean that the hal can not report that it not implementing the
549     // function.
550     rewind(file);  // can not fail
551     char buff;
552     if (fread(&buff, sizeof(buff), 1, file) != 1) {
553         doc::note("debugDump does not seem implemented");
554     }
555     EXPECT_EQ(0, fclose(file)) << errno;
556 }
TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest,DebugDump)558 TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest, DebugDump) {
559     doc::test("Check that the hal can dump its state without error");
560     testDebugDump(
561         [this](const auto& handle) { return device->debugDump(handle); });
562 }
TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest,DebugDumpInvalidArguments)564 TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest, DebugDumpInvalidArguments) {
565     doc::test("Check that the hal dump doesn't crash on invalid arguments");
566     ASSERT_OK(device->debugDump(hidl_handle()));
567 }
569 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
570 ////////////////////////// open{Output,Input}Stream //////////////////////////
571 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
573 template <class Stream>
574 class OpenStreamTest : public AudioConfigPrimaryTest,
575                        public ::testing::WithParamInterface<AudioConfig> {
576    protected:
577     template <class Open>
testOpen(Open openStream,const AudioConfig & config)578     void testOpen(Open openStream, const AudioConfig& config) {
579         // FIXME: Open a stream without an IOHandle
580         //        This is not required to be accepted by hal implementations
581         AudioIoHandle ioHandle =
582             (AudioIoHandle)AudioHandleConsts::AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;
583         AudioConfig suggestedConfig{};
584         ASSERT_OK(openStream(ioHandle, config,
585                              returnIn(res, stream, suggestedConfig)));
587         // TODO: only allow failure for RecommendedPlaybackAudioConfig
588         switch (res) {
589             case Result::OK:
590                 ASSERT_TRUE(stream != nullptr);
591                 audioConfig = config;
592                 break;
593             case Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS:
594                 ASSERT_TRUE(stream == nullptr);
595                 AudioConfig suggestedConfigRetry;
596                 // Could not open stream with config, try again with the
597                 // suggested one
598                 ASSERT_OK(
599                     openStream(ioHandle, suggestedConfig,
600                                returnIn(res, stream, suggestedConfigRetry)));
601                 // This time it must succeed
602                 ASSERT_OK(res);
603                 ASSERT_TRUE(stream != nullptr);
604                 audioConfig = suggestedConfig;
605                 break;
606             default:
607                 FAIL() << "Invalid return status: "
608                        << ::testing::PrintToString(res);
609         }
610         open = true;
611     }
closeStream()613     Return<Result> closeStream() {
614         open = false;
615         return stream->close();
616     }
618    private:
TearDown()619     void TearDown() override {
620         if (open) {
621             ASSERT_OK(stream->close());
622         }
623     }
625    protected:
626     AudioConfig audioConfig;
627     DeviceAddress address = {};
628     sp<Stream> stream;
629     bool open = false;
630 };
632 ////////////////////////////// openOutputStream //////////////////////////////
634 class OutputStreamTest : public OpenStreamTest<IStreamOut> {
SetUp()635     virtual void SetUp() override {
636         ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(OpenStreamTest::SetUp());  // setup base
637         address.device = AudioDevice::OUT_DEFAULT;
638         const AudioConfig& config = GetParam();
639         AudioOutputFlag flags =
640             AudioOutputFlag::NONE;  // TODO: test all flag combination
641         testOpen(
642             [&](AudioIoHandle handle, AudioConfig config, auto cb) {
643                 return device->openOutputStream(handle, address, config, flags,
644                                                 cb);
645             },
646             config);
647     }
648 };
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,OpenOutputStreamTest)649 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, OpenOutputStreamTest) {
650     doc::test(
651         "Check that output streams can be open with the required and "
652         "recommended config");
653     // Open done in SetUp
654 }
656     RequiredOutputStreamConfigSupport, OutputStreamTest,
657     ::testing::ValuesIn(
658         AudioConfigPrimaryTest::getRequiredSupportPlaybackAudioConfig()),
659     &generateTestName);
661     SupportedOutputStreamConfig, OutputStreamTest,
662     ::testing::ValuesIn(
663         AudioConfigPrimaryTest::getSupportedPlaybackAudioConfig()),
664     &generateTestName);
667     RecommendedOutputStreamConfigSupport, OutputStreamTest,
668     ::testing::ValuesIn(
669         AudioConfigPrimaryTest::getRecommendedSupportPlaybackAudioConfig()),
670     &generateTestName);
672 ////////////////////////////// openInputStream //////////////////////////////
674 class InputStreamTest : public OpenStreamTest<IStreamIn> {
SetUp()675     virtual void SetUp() override {
676         ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(OpenStreamTest::SetUp());  // setup base
677         address.device = AudioDevice::IN_DEFAULT;
678         const AudioConfig& config = GetParam();
679         AudioInputFlag flags =
680             AudioInputFlag::NONE;  // TODO: test all flag combination
681         AudioSource source =
682             AudioSource::DEFAULT;  // TODO: test all flag combination
683         testOpen(
684             [&](AudioIoHandle handle, AudioConfig config, auto cb) {
685                 return device->openInputStream(handle, address, config, flags,
686                                                source, cb);
687             },
688             config);
689     }
690 };
TEST_P(InputStreamTest,OpenInputStreamTest)692 TEST_P(InputStreamTest, OpenInputStreamTest) {
693     doc::test(
694         "Check that input streams can be open with the required and "
695         "recommended config");
696     // Open done in setup
697 }
699     RequiredInputStreamConfigSupport, InputStreamTest,
700     ::testing::ValuesIn(
701         AudioConfigPrimaryTest::getRequiredSupportCaptureAudioConfig()),
702     &generateTestName);
704     SupportedInputStreamConfig, InputStreamTest,
705     ::testing::ValuesIn(
706         AudioConfigPrimaryTest::getSupportedCaptureAudioConfig()),
707     &generateTestName);
710     RecommendedInputStreamConfigSupport, InputStreamTest,
711     ::testing::ValuesIn(
712         AudioConfigPrimaryTest::getRecommendedSupportCaptureAudioConfig()),
713     &generateTestName);
715 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
716 ////////////////////////////// IStream getters ///////////////////////////////
717 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
719 /** Unpack the provided result.
720  * If the result is not OK, register a failure and return an undefined value. */
721 template <class R>
extract(Return<R> ret)722 static R extract(Return<R> ret) {
723     if (!ret.isOk()) {
724         EXPECT_IS_OK(ret);
725         return R{};
726     }
727     return ret;
728 }
730 /* Could not find a way to write a test for two parametrized class fixure
731  * thus use this macro do duplicate tests for Input and Output stream */
732 #define TEST_IO_STREAM(test_name, documentation, code) \
733     TEST_P(InputStreamTest, test_name) {               \
734         doc::test(documentation);                      \
735         code;                                          \
736     }                                                  \
737     TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, test_name) {              \
738         doc::test(documentation);                      \
739         code;                                          \
740     }
743     GetFrameCount,
744     "Check that the stream frame count == the one it was opened with",
745     ASSERT_EQ(audioConfig.frameCount, extract(stream->getFrameCount())))
748     GetSampleRate,
749     "Check that the stream sample rate == the one it was opened with",
750     stream->getSampleRate())
753     GetChannelMask,
754     "Check that the stream channel mask == the one it was opened with",
755     stream->getChannelMask())
757 TEST_IO_STREAM(GetFormat,
758                "Check that the stream format == the one it was opened with",
759                ASSERT_EQ(audioConfig.format, extract(stream->getFormat())))
761 // TODO: for now only check that the framesize is not incoherent
762 TEST_IO_STREAM(GetFrameSize,
763                "Check that the stream frame size == the one it was opened with",
764                ASSERT_GT(extract(stream->getFrameSize()), 0U))
766 TEST_IO_STREAM(GetBufferSize,
767                "Check that the stream buffer size== the one it was opened with",
768                ASSERT_GE(extract(stream->getBufferSize()),
769                          extract(stream->getFrameSize())));
771 template <class Property, class CapabilityGetter, class Getter, class Setter>
testCapabilityGetter(const string & name,IStream * stream,Property currentValue,CapabilityGetter capablityGetter,Getter getter,Setter setter)772 static void testCapabilityGetter(const string& name, IStream* stream,
773                                  Property currentValue,
774                                  CapabilityGetter capablityGetter,
775                                  Getter getter, Setter setter) {
776     hidl_vec<Property> capabilities;
777     ASSERT_OK((stream->*capablityGetter)(returnIn(capabilities)));
778     if (capabilities.size() == 0) {
779         // The default hal should probably return a NOT_SUPPORTED if the hal
780         // does not expose
781         // capability retrieval. For now it returns an empty list if not
782         // implemented
783         doc::partialTest(name + " is not supported");
784         return;
785     };
786     // TODO: This code has never been tested on a hal that supports
787     // getSupportedSampleRates
788     EXPECT_NE(std::find(capabilities.begin(), capabilities.end(), currentValue),
789               capabilities.end())
790         << "current " << name << " is not in the list of the supported ones "
791         << toString(capabilities);
793     // Check that all declared supported values are indeed supported
794     for (auto capability : capabilities) {
795         ASSERT_OK((stream->*setter)(capability));
796         ASSERT_EQ(capability, extract((stream->*getter)()));
797     }
798 }
800 TEST_IO_STREAM(SupportedSampleRate,
801                "Check that the stream sample rate is declared as supported",
802                testCapabilityGetter("getSupportedSampleRate", stream.get(),
803                                     extract(stream->getSampleRate()),
804                                     &IStream::getSupportedSampleRates,
805                                     &IStream::getSampleRate,
806                                     &IStream::setSampleRate))
808 TEST_IO_STREAM(SupportedChannelMask,
809                "Check that the stream channel mask is declared as supported",
810                testCapabilityGetter("getSupportedChannelMask", stream.get(),
811                                     extract(stream->getChannelMask()),
812                                     &IStream::getSupportedChannelMasks,
813                                     &IStream::getChannelMask,
814                                     &IStream::setChannelMask))
816 TEST_IO_STREAM(SupportedFormat,
817                "Check that the stream format is declared as supported",
818                testCapabilityGetter("getSupportedFormat", stream.get(),
819                                     extract(stream->getFormat()),
820                                     &IStream::getSupportedFormats,
821                                     &IStream::getFormat, &IStream::setFormat))
testGetDevice(IStream * stream,AudioDevice expectedDevice)823 static void testGetDevice(IStream* stream, AudioDevice expectedDevice) {
824     // Unfortunately the interface does not allow the implementation to return
825     // NOT_SUPPORTED
826     // Thus allow NONE as signaling that the call is not supported.
827     auto ret = stream->getDevice();
828     ASSERT_IS_OK(ret);
829     AudioDevice device = ret;
830     ASSERT_TRUE(device == expectedDevice || device == AudioDevice::NONE)
831         << "Expected: " << ::testing::PrintToString(expectedDevice)
832         << "\n  Actual: " << ::testing::PrintToString(device);
833 }
835 TEST_IO_STREAM(GetDevice,
836                "Check that the stream device == the one it was opened with",
837                areAudioPatchesSupported()
838                    ? doc::partialTest("Audio patches are supported")
839                    : testGetDevice(stream.get(), address.device))
testSetDevice(IStream * stream,const DeviceAddress & address)841 static void testSetDevice(IStream* stream, const DeviceAddress& address) {
842     DeviceAddress otherAddress = address;
843     otherAddress.device = (address.device & AudioDevice::BIT_IN) == 0
844                               ? AudioDevice::OUT_SPEAKER
845                               : AudioDevice::IN_BUILTIN_MIC;
846     EXPECT_OK(stream->setDevice(otherAddress));
848     ASSERT_OK(stream->setDevice(address));  // Go back to the original value
849 }
852     SetDevice,
853     "Check that the stream can be rerouted to SPEAKER or BUILTIN_MIC",
854     areAudioPatchesSupported() ? doc::partialTest("Audio patches are supported")
855                                : testSetDevice(stream.get(), address))
testGetAudioProperties(IStream * stream)857 static void testGetAudioProperties(IStream* stream) {
858     uint32_t sampleRateHz;
859     AudioChannelMask mask;
860     AudioFormat format;
861     stream->getAudioProperties(returnIn(sampleRateHz, mask, format));
862 }
865     GetAudioProperties,
866     "Check that the stream audio properties == the ones it was opened with",
867     testGetAudioProperties(stream.get()))
testConnectedState(IStream * stream)869 static void testConnectedState(IStream* stream) {
870     DeviceAddress address = {};
871     using AD = AudioDevice;
872     for (auto device :
874         address.device = device;
876         ASSERT_OK(stream->setConnectedState(address, true));
877         ASSERT_OK(stream->setConnectedState(address, false));
878     }
879 }
880 TEST_IO_STREAM(SetConnectedState,
881                "Check that the stream can be notified of device connection and "
882                "deconnection",
883                testConnectedState(stream.get()))
885 static auto invalidArgsOrNotSupportedOrOK = {Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS,
886                                              Result::NOT_SUPPORTED, Result::OK};
887 TEST_IO_STREAM(SetHwAvSync, "Try to set hardware sync to an invalid value",
888                ASSERT_RESULT(invalidArgsOrNotSupportedOrOK,
889                              stream->setHwAvSync(666)))
891 TEST_IO_STREAM(GetHwAvSync, "Get hardware sync can not fail",
892                ASSERT_IS_OK(device->getHwAvSync()));
checkGetNoParameter(IStream * stream,hidl_vec<hidl_string> keys,vector<Result> expectedResults)894 static void checkGetNoParameter(IStream* stream, hidl_vec<hidl_string> keys,
895                                 vector<Result> expectedResults) {
896     hidl_vec<ParameterValue> parameters;
897     Result res;
898     ASSERT_OK(stream->getParameters(keys, returnIn(res, parameters)));
899     ASSERT_RESULT(expectedResults, res);
900     if (res == Result::OK) {
901         for (auto& parameter : parameters) {
902             ASSERT_EQ(0U, parameter.value.size()) << toString(parameter);
903         }
904     }
905 }
907 /* Get/Set parameter is intended to be an opaque channel between vendors app and
908  * their HALs.
909  * Thus can not be meaningfully tested.
910  */
911 TEST_IO_STREAM(getEmptySetParameter, "Retrieve the values of an empty set",
912                checkGetNoParameter(stream.get(), {} /* keys */, {Result::OK}))
914 TEST_IO_STREAM(getNonExistingParameter,
915                "Retrieve the values of an non existing parameter",
916                checkGetNoParameter(stream.get(),
917                                    {"Non existing key"} /* keys */,
918                                    {Result::NOT_SUPPORTED}))
920 TEST_IO_STREAM(setEmptySetParameter,
921                "Set the values of an empty set of parameters",
922                ASSERT_RESULT(Result::OK, stream->setParameters({})))
925     setNonExistingParameter, "Set the values of an non existing parameter",
926     // Unfortunately, the set_parameter legacy interface did not return any
927     // error code when a key is not supported.
928     // To allow implementation to just wrapped the legacy one, consider OK as a
929     // valid result for setting a non existing parameter.
930     ASSERT_RESULT(invalidArgsOrNotSupportedOrOK,
931                   stream->setParameters({{"non existing key", "0"}})))
933 TEST_IO_STREAM(DebugDump,
934                "Check that a stream can dump its state without error",
__anonb05f5bda0602(const auto& handle) 935                testDebugDump([this](const auto& handle) {
936                    return stream->debugDump(handle);
937                }))
939 TEST_IO_STREAM(DebugDumpInvalidArguments,
940                "Check that the stream dump doesn't crash on invalid arguments",
941                ASSERT_OK(stream->debugDump(hidl_handle())))
943 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
944 ////////////////////////////// addRemoveEffect ///////////////////////////////
945 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
947 TEST_IO_STREAM(AddNonExistingEffect, "Adding a non existing effect should fail",
948                ASSERT_RESULT(Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, stream->addEffect(666)))
949 TEST_IO_STREAM(RemoveNonExistingEffect,
950                "Removing a non existing effect should fail",
951                ASSERT_RESULT(Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS,
952                              stream->removeEffect(666)))
954 // TODO: positive tests
956 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
957 /////////////////////////////// Control ////////////////////////////////
958 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
960 TEST_IO_STREAM(standby, "Make sure the stream can be put in stanby",
961                ASSERT_OK(stream->standby()))  // can not fail
963 static vector<Result> invalidStateOrNotSupported = {Result::INVALID_STATE,
964                                                     Result::NOT_SUPPORTED};
966 TEST_IO_STREAM(startNoMmap,
967                "Starting a mmaped stream before mapping it should fail",
968                ASSERT_RESULT(invalidStateOrNotSupported, stream->start()))
970 TEST_IO_STREAM(stopNoMmap,
971                "Stopping a mmaped stream before mapping it should fail",
972                ASSERT_RESULT(invalidStateOrNotSupported, stream->stop()))
974 TEST_IO_STREAM(getMmapPositionNoMmap,
975                "Get a stream Mmap position before mapping it should fail",
976                ASSERT_RESULT(invalidStateOrNotSupported, stream->stop()))
978 TEST_IO_STREAM(close, "Make sure a stream can be closed",
979                ASSERT_OK(closeStream()))
980 TEST_IO_STREAM(closeTwice, "Make sure a stream can not be closed twice",
981                ASSERT_OK(closeStream());
982                ASSERT_RESULT(Result::INVALID_STATE, closeStream()))
984 static auto invalidArgsOrNotSupported = {Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS,
985                                          Result::NOT_SUPPORTED};
testCreateTooBigMmapBuffer(IStream * stream)986 static void testCreateTooBigMmapBuffer(IStream* stream) {
987     MmapBufferInfo info;
988     Result res;
989     // Assume that int max is a value too big to be allocated
990     // This is true currently with a 32bit media server, but might not when it
991     // will run in 64 bit
992     auto minSizeFrames = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
993     ASSERT_OK(stream->createMmapBuffer(minSizeFrames, returnIn(res, info)));
994     ASSERT_RESULT(invalidArgsOrNotSupported, res);
995 }
997 TEST_IO_STREAM(CreateTooBigMmapBuffer, "Create mmap buffer too big should fail",
998                testCreateTooBigMmapBuffer(stream.get()))
testGetMmapPositionOfNonMmapedStream(IStream * stream)1000 static void testGetMmapPositionOfNonMmapedStream(IStream* stream) {
1001     Result res;
1002     MmapPosition position;
1003     ASSERT_OK(stream->getMmapPosition(returnIn(res, position)));
1004     ASSERT_RESULT(invalidArgsOrNotSupported, res);
1005 }
1008     GetMmapPositionOfNonMmapedStream,
1009     "Retrieving the mmap position of a non mmaped stream should fail",
1010     testGetMmapPositionOfNonMmapedStream(stream.get()))
1012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1013 ///////////////////////////////// StreamIn ///////////////////////////////////
1014 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
TEST_P(InputStreamTest,GetAudioSource)1016 TEST_P(InputStreamTest, GetAudioSource) {
1017     doc::test(
1018         "Retrieving the audio source of an input stream should always succeed");
1019     AudioSource source;
1020     ASSERT_OK(stream->getAudioSource(returnIn(res, source)));
1021     if (res == Result::NOT_SUPPORTED) {
1022         doc::partialTest("getAudioSource is not supported");
1023         return;
1024     }
1025     ASSERT_OK(res);
1026     ASSERT_EQ(AudioSource::DEFAULT, source);
1027 }
testUnitaryGain(std::function<Return<Result> (float)> setGain)1029 static void testUnitaryGain(std::function<Return<Result>(float)> setGain) {
1030     for (float value :
1031          (float[]){-INFINITY, -1.0, 1.0 + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(),
1032                    2.0, INFINITY, NAN}) {
1033         EXPECT_RESULT(Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, setGain(value)) << "value="
1034                                                                  << value;
1035     }
1036     // Do not consider -0.0 as an invalid value as it is == with 0.0
1037     for (float value : {-0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.5, 0.09, 1.0 /* Restore volume*/}) {
1038         EXPECT_OK(setGain(value)) << "value=" << value;
1039     }
1040 }
testOptionalUnitaryGain(std::function<Return<Result> (float)> setGain,string debugName)1042 static void testOptionalUnitaryGain(
1043     std::function<Return<Result>(float)> setGain, string debugName) {
1044     auto result = setGain(1);
1045     ASSERT_IS_OK(result);
1046     if (result == Result::NOT_SUPPORTED) {
1047         doc::partialTest(debugName + " is not supported");
1048         return;
1049     }
1050     testUnitaryGain(setGain);
1051 }
TEST_P(InputStreamTest,SetGain)1053 TEST_P(InputStreamTest, SetGain) {
1054     doc::test("The gain of an input stream should only be set between [0,1]");
1055     testOptionalUnitaryGain(
1056         [this](float volume) { return stream->setGain(volume); },
1057         "InputStream::setGain");
1058 }
testPrepareForReading(IStreamIn * stream,uint32_t frameSize,uint32_t framesCount)1060 static void testPrepareForReading(IStreamIn* stream, uint32_t frameSize,
1061                                   uint32_t framesCount) {
1062     Result res;
1063     // Ignore output parameters as the call should fail
1064     ASSERT_OK(stream->prepareForReading(
1065         frameSize, framesCount,
1066         [&res](auto r, auto&, auto&, auto&, auto&) { res = r; }));
1068 }
TEST_P(InputStreamTest,PrepareForReadingWithZeroBuffer)1070 TEST_P(InputStreamTest, PrepareForReadingWithZeroBuffer) {
1071     doc::test(
1072         "Preparing a stream for reading with a 0 sized buffer should fail");
1073     testPrepareForReading(stream.get(), 0, 0);
1074 }
TEST_P(InputStreamTest,PrepareForReadingWithHugeBuffer)1076 TEST_P(InputStreamTest, PrepareForReadingWithHugeBuffer) {
1077     doc::test(
1078         "Preparing a stream for reading with a 2^32 sized buffer should fail");
1079     testPrepareForReading(stream.get(), 1,
1080                           std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
1081 }
TEST_P(InputStreamTest,PrepareForReadingCheckOverflow)1083 TEST_P(InputStreamTest, PrepareForReadingCheckOverflow) {
1084     doc::test(
1085         "Preparing a stream for reading with a overflowing sized buffer should "
1086         "fail");
1087     auto uintMax = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
1088     testPrepareForReading(stream.get(), uintMax, uintMax);
1089 }
TEST_P(InputStreamTest,GetInputFramesLost)1091 TEST_P(InputStreamTest, GetInputFramesLost) {
1092     doc::test(
1093         "The number of frames lost on a never started stream should be 0");
1094     auto ret = stream->getInputFramesLost();
1095     ASSERT_IS_OK(ret);
1096     uint32_t framesLost{ret};
1097     ASSERT_EQ(0U, framesLost);
1098 }
TEST_P(InputStreamTest,getCapturePosition)1100 TEST_P(InputStreamTest, getCapturePosition) {
1101     doc::test(
1102         "The capture position of a non prepared stream should not be "
1103         "retrievable");
1104     uint64_t frames;
1105     uint64_t time;
1106     ASSERT_OK(stream->getCapturePosition(returnIn(res, frames, time)));
1107     ASSERT_RESULT(invalidStateOrNotSupported, res);
1108 }
1110 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1111 ///////////////////////////////// StreamIn ///////////////////////////////////
1112 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,getLatency)1114 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, getLatency) {
1115     doc::test("Make sure latency is over 0");
1116     auto result = stream->getLatency();
1117     ASSERT_IS_OK(result);
1118     ASSERT_GT(result, 0U);
1119 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,setVolume)1121 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, setVolume) {
1122     doc::test("Try to set the output volume");
1123     testOptionalUnitaryGain(
1124         [this](float volume) { return stream->setVolume(volume, volume); },
1125         "setVolume");
1126 }
testPrepareForWriting(IStreamOut * stream,uint32_t frameSize,uint32_t framesCount)1128 static void testPrepareForWriting(IStreamOut* stream, uint32_t frameSize,
1129                                   uint32_t framesCount) {
1130     Result res;
1131     // Ignore output parameters as the call should fail
1132     ASSERT_OK(stream->prepareForWriting(
1133         frameSize, framesCount,
1134         [&res](auto r, auto&, auto&, auto&, auto&) { res = r; }));
1136 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,PrepareForWriteWithZeroBuffer)1138 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, PrepareForWriteWithZeroBuffer) {
1139     doc::test(
1140         "Preparing a stream for writing with a 0 sized buffer should fail");
1141     testPrepareForWriting(stream.get(), 0, 0);
1142 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,PrepareForWriteWithHugeBuffer)1144 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, PrepareForWriteWithHugeBuffer) {
1145     doc::test(
1146         "Preparing a stream for writing with a 2^32 sized buffer should fail");
1147     testPrepareForWriting(stream.get(), 1,
1148                           std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
1149 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,PrepareForWritingCheckOverflow)1151 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, PrepareForWritingCheckOverflow) {
1152     doc::test(
1153         "Preparing a stream for writing with a overflowing sized buffer should "
1154         "fail");
1155     auto uintMax = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
1156     testPrepareForWriting(stream.get(), uintMax, uintMax);
1157 }
1159 struct Capability {
CapabilityCapability1160     Capability(IStreamOut* stream) {
1161         EXPECT_OK(stream->supportsPauseAndResume(returnIn(pause, resume)));
1162         auto ret = stream->supportsDrain();
1163         EXPECT_IS_OK(ret);
1164         if (ret.isOk()) {
1165             drain = ret;
1166         }
1167     }
1168     bool pause = false;
1169     bool resume = false;
1170     bool drain = false;
1171 };
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,SupportsPauseAndResumeAndDrain)1173 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, SupportsPauseAndResumeAndDrain) {
1174     doc::test(
1175         "Implementation must expose pause, resume and drain capabilities");
1176     Capability(stream.get());
1177 }
1179 template <class Value>
checkInvalidStateOr0(Result res,Value value)1180 static void checkInvalidStateOr0(Result res, Value value) {
1181     switch (res) {
1182         case Result::INVALID_STATE:
1183             break;
1184         case Result::OK:
1185             ASSERT_EQ(0U, value);
1186             break;
1187         default:
1188             FAIL() << "Unexpected result " << toString(res);
1189     }
1190 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,GetRenderPosition)1192 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, GetRenderPosition) {
1193     doc::test("A new stream render position should be 0 or INVALID_STATE");
1194     uint32_t dspFrames;
1195     ASSERT_OK(stream->getRenderPosition(returnIn(res, dspFrames)));
1196     if (res == Result::NOT_SUPPORTED) {
1197         doc::partialTest("getRenderPosition is not supported");
1198         return;
1199     }
1200     checkInvalidStateOr0(res, dspFrames);
1201 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,GetNextWriteTimestamp)1203 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, GetNextWriteTimestamp) {
1204     doc::test("A new stream next write timestamp should be 0 or INVALID_STATE");
1205     uint64_t timestampUs;
1206     ASSERT_OK(stream->getNextWriteTimestamp(returnIn(res, timestampUs)));
1207     if (res == Result::NOT_SUPPORTED) {
1208         doc::partialTest("getNextWriteTimestamp is not supported");
1209         return;
1210     }
1211     checkInvalidStateOr0(res, timestampUs);
1212 }
1214 /** Stub implementation of out stream callback. */
1215 class MockOutCallbacks : public IStreamOutCallback {
onWriteReady()1216     Return<void> onWriteReady() override { return {}; }
onDrainReady()1217     Return<void> onDrainReady() override { return {}; }
onError()1218     Return<void> onError() override { return {}; }
1219 };
isAsyncModeSupported(IStreamOut * stream)1221 static bool isAsyncModeSupported(IStreamOut* stream) {
1222     auto res = stream->setCallback(new MockOutCallbacks);
1223     stream->clearCallback();  // try to restore the no callback state, ignore
1224                               // any error
1225     auto okOrNotSupported = {Result::OK, Result::NOT_SUPPORTED};
1226     EXPECT_RESULT(okOrNotSupported, res);
1227     return res.isOk() ? res == Result::OK : false;
1228 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,SetCallback)1230 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, SetCallback) {
1231     doc::test(
1232         "If supported, registering callback for async operation should never "
1233         "fail");
1234     if (!isAsyncModeSupported(stream.get())) {
1235         doc::partialTest("The stream does not support async operations");
1236         return;
1237     }
1238     ASSERT_OK(stream->setCallback(new MockOutCallbacks));
1239     ASSERT_OK(stream->setCallback(new MockOutCallbacks));
1240 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,clearCallback)1242 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, clearCallback) {
1243     doc::test(
1244         "If supported, clearing a callback to go back to sync operation should "
1245         "not fail");
1246     if (!isAsyncModeSupported(stream.get())) {
1247         doc::partialTest("The stream does not support async operations");
1248         return;
1249     }
1250     // TODO: Clarify if clearing a non existing callback should fail
1251     ASSERT_OK(stream->setCallback(new MockOutCallbacks));
1252     ASSERT_OK(stream->clearCallback());
1253 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,Resume)1255 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, Resume) {
1256     doc::test(
1257         "If supported, a stream should fail to resume if not previously "
1258         "paused");
1259     if (!Capability(stream.get()).resume) {
1260         doc::partialTest("The output stream does not support resume");
1261         return;
1262     }
1263     ASSERT_RESULT(Result::INVALID_STATE, stream->resume());
1264 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,Pause)1266 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, Pause) {
1267     doc::test(
1268         "If supported, a stream should fail to pause if not previously "
1269         "started");
1270     if (!Capability(stream.get()).pause) {
1271         doc::partialTest("The output stream does not support pause");
1272         return;
1273     }
1274     ASSERT_RESULT(Result::INVALID_STATE, stream->resume());
1275 }
testDrain(IStreamOut * stream,AudioDrain type)1277 static void testDrain(IStreamOut* stream, AudioDrain type) {
1278     if (!Capability(stream).drain) {
1279         doc::partialTest("The output stream does not support drain");
1280         return;
1281     }
1282     ASSERT_RESULT(Result::OK, stream->drain(type));
1283 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,DrainAll)1285 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, DrainAll) {
1286     doc::test("If supported, a stream should always succeed to drain");
1287     testDrain(stream.get(), AudioDrain::ALL);
1288 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,DrainEarlyNotify)1290 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, DrainEarlyNotify) {
1291     doc::test("If supported, a stream should always succeed to drain");
1292     testDrain(stream.get(), AudioDrain::EARLY_NOTIFY);
1293 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,FlushStop)1295 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, FlushStop) {
1296     doc::test("If supported, a stream should always succeed to flush");
1297     auto ret = stream->flush();
1298     ASSERT_IS_OK(ret);
1299     if (ret == Result::NOT_SUPPORTED) {
1300         doc::partialTest("Flush is not supported");
1301         return;
1302     }
1303     ASSERT_OK(ret);
1304 }
TEST_P(OutputStreamTest,GetPresentationPositionStop)1306 TEST_P(OutputStreamTest, GetPresentationPositionStop) {
1307     doc::test(
1308         "If supported, a stream should always succeed to retrieve the "
1309         "presentation position");
1310     uint64_t frames;
1311     TimeSpec mesureTS;
1312     ASSERT_OK(stream->getPresentationPosition(returnIn(res, frames, mesureTS)));
1313     if (res == Result::NOT_SUPPORTED) {
1314         doc::partialTest("getpresentationPosition is not supported");
1315         return;
1316     }
1317     ASSERT_EQ(0U, frames);
1319     if (mesureTS.tvNSec == 0 && mesureTS.tvSec == 0) {
1320         // As the stream has never written a frame yet,
1321         // the timestamp does not really have a meaning, allow to return 0
1322         return;
1323     }
1325     // Make sure the return measure is not more than 1s old.
1326     struct timespec currentTS;
1327     ASSERT_EQ(0, clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &currentTS)) << errno;
1329     auto toMicroSec = [](uint64_t sec, auto nsec) {
1330         return sec * 1e+6 + nsec / 1e+3;
1331     };
1332     auto currentTime = toMicroSec(currentTS.tv_sec, currentTS.tv_nsec);
1333     auto mesureTime = toMicroSec(mesureTS.tvSec, mesureTS.tvNSec);
1334     ASSERT_PRED2([](auto c, auto m) { return c - m < 1e+6; }, currentTime,
1335                  mesureTime);
1336 }
1338 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1339 /////////////////////////////// PrimaryDevice ////////////////////////////////
1340 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest,setVoiceVolume)1342 TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest, setVoiceVolume) {
1343     doc::test("Make sure setVoiceVolume only succeed if volume is in [0,1]");
1344     testUnitaryGain(
1345         [this](float volume) { return device->setVoiceVolume(volume); });
1346 }
TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest,setMode)1348 TEST_F(AudioPrimaryHidlTest, setMode) {
1349     doc::test(
1350         "Make sure setMode always succeeds if mode is valid "
1351         "and fails otherwise");
1352     // Test Invalid values
1353     for (AudioMode mode :
1354          {AudioMode::INVALID, AudioMode::CURRENT, AudioMode::CNT}) {
1355         SCOPED_TRACE("mode=" + toString(mode));
1356         ASSERT_RESULT(Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS, device->setMode(mode));
1357     }
1358     // Test valid values
1359     for (AudioMode mode :
1360          {AudioMode::IN_CALL, AudioMode::IN_COMMUNICATION, AudioMode::RINGTONE,
1361           AudioMode::NORMAL /* Make sure to leave the test in normal mode */}) {
1362         SCOPED_TRACE("mode=" + toString(mode));
1363         ASSERT_OK(device->setMode(mode));
1364     }
1365 }
TEST_F(BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest,BtScoNrecEnabled)1367 TEST_F(BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest, BtScoNrecEnabled) {
1368     doc::test("Query and set the BT SCO NR&EC state");
1369     testOptionalAccessors("BtScoNrecEnabled", {true, false, true},
1370                           &IPrimaryDevice::setBtScoNrecEnabled,
1371                           &IPrimaryDevice::getBtScoNrecEnabled);
1372 }
TEST_F(BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest,setGetBtScoWidebandEnabled)1374 TEST_F(BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest, setGetBtScoWidebandEnabled) {
1375     doc::test("Query and set the SCO whideband state");
1376     testOptionalAccessors("BtScoWideband", {true, false, true},
1377                           &IPrimaryDevice::setBtScoWidebandEnabled,
1378                           &IPrimaryDevice::getBtScoWidebandEnabled);
1379 }
1381 using TtyModeAccessorPrimaryHidlTest = AccessorPrimaryHidlTest<TtyMode>;
TEST_F(TtyModeAccessorPrimaryHidlTest,setGetTtyMode)1382 TEST_F(TtyModeAccessorPrimaryHidlTest, setGetTtyMode) {
1383     doc::test("Query and set the TTY mode state");
1384     testOptionalAccessors(
1385         "TTY mode", {TtyMode::OFF, TtyMode::HCO, TtyMode::VCO, TtyMode::FULL},
1386         &IPrimaryDevice::setTtyMode, &IPrimaryDevice::getTtyMode);
1387 }
TEST_F(BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest,setGetHac)1389 TEST_F(BoolAccessorPrimaryHidlTest, setGetHac) {
1390     doc::test("Query and set the HAC state");
1391     testOptionalAccessors("HAC", {true, false, true},
1392                           &IPrimaryDevice::setHacEnabled,
1393                           &IPrimaryDevice::getHacEnabled);
1394 }
1396 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1397 //////////////////// Clean caches on global tear down ////////////////////////
1398 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
main(int argc,char ** argv)1400 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
1401     environment = new Environment;
1402     ::testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment(environment);
1403     ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
1404     int status = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
1405     LOG(INFO) << "Test result = " << status;
1406     return status;
1407 }