2 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3 /*--- Command line options.                     pub_tool_options.h ---*/
4 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /*
7    This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
8    framework.
10    Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Julian Seward
11       jseward@acm.org
13    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
15    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
16    License, or (at your option) any later version.
18    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21    General Public License for more details.
23    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
25    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
26    02111-1307, USA.
28    The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
29 */
31 #ifndef __PUB_TOOL_OPTIONS_H
32 #define __PUB_TOOL_OPTIONS_H
34 #include "pub_tool_basics.h"     // for VG_ macro
35 #include "libvex.h"              // for VexControl
38 // Higher-level command-line option recognisers;  use in if/else chains.
39 // Note that they assign a value to the 'qq_var' argument.  So often they
40 // can be used like this:
41 //
42 //   if VG_STR_CLO(arg, "--foo", clo_foo) { }
43 //
44 // But if you want to do further checking or processing, you can do this:
45 //
46 //   if VG_STR_CLO(arg, "--foo", clo_foo) { <further checking or processing> }
47 //
48 // They use GNU statement expressions to do the qq_var assignment within a
49 // conditional expression.
51 // String argument, eg. --foo=yes or --foo=no
52 #define VG_BOOL_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_var) \
53    (VG_STREQN(VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1, qq_arg, qq_option"=") && \
54     ({ \
55       const HChar* val = &(qq_arg)[ VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1 ]; \
56       if      VG_STREQ(val, "yes") (qq_var) = True; \
57       else if VG_STREQ(val, "no")  (qq_var) = False; \
58       else VG_(fmsg_bad_option)(qq_arg, "Invalid boolean value '%s'" \
59                                 " (should be 'yes' or 'no')\n", val);    \
60       True; \
61     }) \
62    )
64 // String argument, eg. --foo=bar
65 #define VG_STR_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_var) \
66    (VG_STREQN(VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1, qq_arg, qq_option"=") && \
67     ({ \
68       const HChar* val = &(qq_arg)[ VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1 ]; \
69       (qq_var) = val; \
70       True; \
71     }) \
72    )
74 // UInt enum set arg, eg. --foo=fubar,bar,baz or --foo=none
75 // or --foo=all  (if qq_all is True)
76 #define VG_USETGEN_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_vals, qq_var, qq_all) \
77    (VG_STREQN(VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1, qq_arg, qq_option"=") && \
78     ({ \
79       const HChar* val = &(qq_arg)[ VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1 ]; \
80       if (!VG_(parse_enum_set)(qq_vals, \
81                                qq_all,/*allow_all*/ \
82                                val, \
83                                &(qq_var))) \
84             VG_(fmsg_bad_option)(qq_arg, "%s is an invalid %s set\n", \
85                                  val, qq_option+2); \
86       True; \
87      }) \
88     )
90 // UInt enum set arg, eg. --foo=fubar,bar,baz or --foo=none or --foo=all
91 #define VG_USET_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_vals, qq_var) \
92    VG_USETGEN_CLO((qq_arg), qq_option, (qq_vals), (qq_var), True)
94 /* Same as VG_USET_CLO but not allowing --foo=all.
95    To be used when some or all of the enum set are mutually eXclusive. */
96 #define VG_USETX_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_vals, qq_var) \
97    VG_USETGEN_CLO((qq_arg), qq_option, (qq_vals), (qq_var), False)
99 // Unbounded integer arg, eg. --foo=10
100 #define VG_INT_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_var) \
101    (VG_STREQN(VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1, qq_arg, qq_option"=") && \
102     ({ \
103       const HChar* val = &(qq_arg)[ VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1 ]; \
104       HChar* s; \
105       Long n = VG_(strtoll10)( val, &s ); \
106       (qq_var) = n; \
107       /* Check for non-numeralness, or overflow. */ \
108       if ('\0' != s[0] || (qq_var) != n) VG_(fmsg_bad_option)(qq_arg, \
109                                   "Invalid integer value '%s'\n", val); \
110       True; \
111      }) \
112     )
114 // Bounded integer arg, eg. --foo=10 ;  if the value exceeds the bounds it
115 // causes an abort.  'qq_base' can be 10 or 16.
116 #define VG_BINTN_CLO(qq_base, qq_arg, qq_option, qq_var, qq_lo, qq_hi) \
117    (VG_STREQN(VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1, qq_arg, qq_option"=") && \
118     ({ \
119       const HChar* val = &(qq_arg)[ VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1 ]; \
120       HChar* s; \
121       Long n = VG_(strtoll##qq_base)( val, &s ); \
122       (qq_var) = n; \
123       /* MMM: separate the two cases, and explain the problem;  likewise */ \
124       /* for all the other macros in this file. */ \
125       /* Check for non-numeralness, or overflow. */ \
126       /* Nb: it will overflow if qq_var is unsigned and qq_val is negative! */ \
127       if ('\0' != s[0] || (qq_var) != n) VG_(fmsg_bad_option)(qq_arg, \
128                                   "Invalid integer value '%s'\n", val); \
129       /* Check bounds. */ \
130       if ((qq_var) < (qq_lo) || (qq_var) > (qq_hi)) { \
131          VG_(fmsg_bad_option)(qq_arg, \
132             "'%s' argument must be between %lld and %lld\n", \
133             (qq_option), (Long)(qq_lo), (Long)(qq_hi)); \
134       } \
135       True; \
136      }) \
137     )
139 // Bounded decimal integer arg, eg. --foo=100
140 #define VG_BINT_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_var, qq_lo, qq_hi) \
141    VG_BINTN_CLO(10, (qq_arg), qq_option, (qq_var), (qq_lo), (qq_hi))
143 // Bounded hexadecimal integer arg, eg. --foo=0x1fa8
144 #define VG_BHEX_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_var, qq_lo, qq_hi) \
145    VG_BINTN_CLO(16, (qq_arg), qq_option, (qq_var), (qq_lo), (qq_hi))
147 // Double (decimal) arg, eg. --foo=4.6
148 // XXX: there's not VG_BDBL_CLO because we don't have a good way of printing
149 // floats at the moment!
150 #define VG_DBL_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_var) \
151    (VG_STREQN(VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1, qq_arg, qq_option"=") && \
152     ({ \
153       const HChar* val = &(qq_arg)[ VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1 ]; \
154       HChar* s; \
155       double n = VG_(strtod)( val, &s ); \
156       (qq_var) = n; \
157       /* Check for non-numeralness */ \
158       if ('\0' != s[0]) VG_(fmsg_bad_option)(qq_arg, \
159                             "Invalid floating point value '%s'\n",val); \
160       True; \
161      }) \
162     )
164 // Arg whose value is denoted by the exact presence of the given string;
165 // if it matches, qq_var is assigned the value in qq_val.
166 #define VG_XACT_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_var, qq_val) \
167    (VG_STREQ((qq_arg), (qq_option)) && \
168     ({ \
169       (qq_var) = (qq_val); \
170       True; \
171     }) \
172    )
174 // Arg that can be one of a set of strings, as specified in an NULL
175 // terminated array.  Returns the index of the string in |qq_ix|, or
176 // aborts if not found.
177 #define VG_STRINDEX_CLO(qq_arg, qq_option, qq_strings, qq_ix) \
178    (VG_STREQN(VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1, qq_arg, qq_option"=") && \
179     ({ \
180       const HChar* val = &(qq_arg)[ VG_(strlen)(qq_option)+1 ]; \
181       for (qq_ix = 0; (qq_strings)[qq_ix]; qq_ix++) { \
182          if (VG_STREQ(val, (qq_strings)[qq_ix])) \
183             break; \
184       } \
185       if ((qq_strings)[qq_ix] == NULL) \
186          VG_(fmsg_bad_option)(qq_arg, \
187                               "Invalid string '%s' in '%s'\n", val, qq_arg); \
188       True; \
189      }) \
190     )
192 /* Verbosity level: 0 = silent, 1 (default), > 1 = more verbose. */
193 extern Int  VG_(clo_verbosity);
195 /* Show tool and core statistics */
196 extern Bool VG_(clo_stats);
198 /* wait for vgdb/gdb after reporting that amount of error.
199    Note that this is the initial value provided from the command line.
200    The real value is maintained in VG_(dyn_vgdb_error) and
201    can be changed dynamically.*/
202 extern Int VG_(clo_vgdb_error);
204 /* If user has provided the --vgdb-prefix command line option,
205    VG_(arg_vgdb_prefix) points at the provided argument (including the
206    '--vgdb-prefix=' string).
207    Otherwise, it is NULL.
208    Typically, this is used by tools to produce user message with the
209    expected vgdb prefix argument, if the user has changed the default. */
210 extern const HChar *VG_(arg_vgdb_prefix);
212 /* Emit all messages as XML? default: NO */
213 /* If clo_xml is set, various other options are set in a non-default
214    way.  See vg_main.c and mc_main.c. */
215 extern Bool VG_(clo_xml);
217 /* An arbitrary user-supplied string which is copied into the
218    XML output, in between <usercomment> tags. */
219 extern const HChar* VG_(clo_xml_user_comment);
221 /* Vex iropt control.  Tool-visible so tools can make Vex optimise
222    less aggressively if that is needed (callgrind needs this). */
223 extern VexControl VG_(clo_vex_control);
224 extern VexRegisterUpdates VG_(clo_px_file_backed);
226 /* Number of parents of a backtrace.  Default: 12  */
227 extern Int   VG_(clo_backtrace_size);
229 /* Continue stack traces below main()?  Default: NO */
230 extern Bool VG_(clo_show_below_main);
233 /* Used to expand file names.  "option_name" is the option name, eg.
234    "--log-file".  'format' is what follows, eg. "cachegrind.out.%p".  In
235    'format':
236    - "%p" is replaced with PID.
237    - "%q{QUAL}" is replaced with the environment variable $QUAL.  If $QUAL
238      isn't set, we abort.  If the "{QUAL}" part is malformed, we abort.
239    - "%%" is replaced with "%".
240    Anything else after '%' causes an abort.
241    If the format specifies a relative file name, it's put in the program's
242    initial working directory.  If it specifies an absolute file name (ie.
243    starts with '/') then it is put there.
245    Note that "option_name" has no effect on the returned string: the
246    returned string depends only on "format" and the PIDs and
247    environment variables that it references (if any). "option_name" is
248    merely used in printing error messages, if an error message needs
249    to be printed due to malformedness of the "format" argument.
250 */
251 extern HChar* VG_(expand_file_name)(const HChar* option_name,
252                                     const HChar* format);
254 #endif   // __PUB_TOOL_OPTIONS_H
256 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
257 /*--- end                                                          ---*/
258 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/