1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <hardware/keymaster_common.h>
21 #include <hardware/keymaster_defs.h>
25 /**
26  * Keymaster2 device definition
27  */
28 struct keymaster2_device {
29     /**
30      * Common methods of the keymaster device.  This *must* be the first member of
31      * keymaster_device as users of this structure will cast a hw_device_t to
32      * keymaster_device pointer in contexts where it's known the hw_device_t references a
33      * keymaster_device.
34      */
35     struct hw_device_t common;
37     void* context;
39     /**
40      * See flags defined for keymaster0_devices::flags in keymaster_common.h.  Used only for
41      * backward compatibility; keymaster2 hardware devices must set this to zero.
42      */
43     uint32_t flags;
45     /**
46      * Configures keymaster.  This method must be called once after the device is opened and before
47      * it is used.  It's used to provide KM_TAG_OS_VERSION and KM_TAG_OS_PATCHLEVEL to keymaster.
48      * Until this method is called, all other methods will return KM_ERROR_KEYMASTER_NOT_CONFIGURED.
49      * The values provided by this method are only accepted by keymaster once per boot.  Subsequent
50      * calls will return KM_ERROR_OK, but do nothing.
51      *
52      * If the keymaster implementation is in secure hardware and the OS version and patch level
53      * values provided do not match the values provided to the secure hardware by the bootloader (or
54      * if the bootloader did not provide values), then this method will return
55      * KM_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, and all other methods will continue returning
57      */
58     keymaster_error_t (*configure)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
59                                    const keymaster_key_param_set_t* params);
61     /**
62      * Adds entropy to the RNG used by keymaster.  Entropy added through this method is guaranteed
63      * not to be the only source of entropy used, and the mixing function is required to be secure,
64      * in the sense that if the RNG is seeded (from any source) with any data the attacker cannot
65      * predict (or control), then the RNG output is indistinguishable from random.  Thus, if the
66      * entropy from any source is good, the output will be good.
67      *
68      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
69      *
70      * \param[in] data Random data to be mixed in.
71      *
72      * \param[in] data_length Length of \p data.
73      */
74     keymaster_error_t (*add_rng_entropy)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev, const uint8_t* data,
75                                          size_t data_length);
77     /**
78      * Generates a key, or key pair, returning a key blob and/or a description of the key.
79      *
80      * Key generation parameters are defined as keymaster tag/value pairs, provided in \p params.
81      * See keymaster_tag_t for the full list.  Some values that are always required for generation
82      * of useful keys are:
83      *
84      * - KM_TAG_ALGORITHM;
85      * - KM_TAG_PURPOSE; and
87      *
88      * KM_TAG_AUTH_TIMEOUT should generally be specified unless KM_TAG_NO_AUTH_REQUIRED is present,
89      * or the user will have to authenticate for every use.
90      *
91      * KM_TAG_BLOCK_MODE, KM_TAG_PADDING, KM_TAG_MAC_LENGTH and KM_TAG_DIGEST must be specified for
92      * algorithms that require them.
93      *
94      * The following tags may not be specified; their values will be provided by the implementation.
95      *
96      * - KM_TAG_ORIGIN,
99      *
100      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
101      *
102      * \param[in] params Array of key generation param
103      *
104      * \param[out] key_blob returns the generated key. \p key_blob must not be NULL.  The caller
105      * assumes ownership key_blob->key_material and must free() it.
106      *
107      * \param[out] characteristics returns the characteristics of the key that was, generated, if
108      * non-NULL.  If non-NULL, the caller assumes ownership and must deallocate with
109      * keymaster_free_characteristics().  Note that KM_TAG_ROOT_OF_TRUST, KM_TAG_APPLICATION_ID and
110      * KM_TAG_APPLICATION_DATA are never returned.
111      */
112     keymaster_error_t (*generate_key)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
113                                       const keymaster_key_param_set_t* params,
114                                       keymaster_key_blob_t* key_blob,
115                                       keymaster_key_characteristics_t* characteristics);
117     /**
118      * Returns the characteristics of the specified key, or KM_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_BLOB if the
119      * key_blob is invalid (implementations must fully validate the integrity of the key).
120      * client_id and app_data must be the ID and data provided when the key was generated or
121      * imported, or empty if KM_TAG_APPLICATION_ID and/or KM_TAG_APPLICATION_DATA were not provided
122      * during generation.  Those values are not included in the returned characteristics.  The
123      * caller assumes ownership of the allocated characteristics object, which must be deallocated
124      * with keymaster_free_characteristics().
125      *
126      * Note that KM_TAG_APPLICATION_ID and KM_TAG_APPLICATION_DATA are never returned.
127      *
128      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
129      *
130      * \param[in] key_blob The key to retreive characteristics from.
131      *
132      * \param[in] client_id The client ID data, or NULL if none associated.
133      *
134      * \param[in] app_id The app data, or NULL if none associated.
135      *
136      * \param[out] characteristics The key characteristics. Must not be NULL.  The caller assumes
137      * ownership of the contents and must deallocate with keymaster_free_characteristics().
138      */
139     keymaster_error_t (*get_key_characteristics)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
140                                                  const keymaster_key_blob_t* key_blob,
141                                                  const keymaster_blob_t* client_id,
142                                                  const keymaster_blob_t* app_data,
143                                                  keymaster_key_characteristics_t* characteristics);
145     /**
146      * Imports a key, or key pair, returning a key blob and/or a description of the key.
147      *
148      * Most key import parameters are defined as keymaster tag/value pairs, provided in "params".
149      * See keymaster_tag_t for the full list.  Values that are always required for import of useful
150      * keys are:
151      *
152      * - KM_TAG_ALGORITHM;
153      * - KM_TAG_PURPOSE; and
155      *
156      * KM_TAG_AUTH_TIMEOUT should generally be specified. If unspecified, the user will have to
157      * authenticate for every use.
158      *
159      * The following tags will take default values if unspecified:
160      *
161      * - KM_TAG_KEY_SIZE will default to the size of the key provided.
162      * - KM_TAG_RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT will default to the value in the key provided (for RSA keys)
163      *
164      * The following tags may not be specified; their values will be provided by the implementation.
165      *
166      * - KM_TAG_ORIGIN,
169      *
170      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
171      *
172      * \param[in] params Parameters defining the imported key.
173      *
174      * \param[in] params_count The number of entries in \p params.
175      *
176      * \param[in] key_format specifies the format of the key data in key_data.
177      *
178      * \param[out] key_blob Used to return the opaque key blob.  Must be non-NULL.  The caller
179      * assumes ownership of the contained key_material.
180      *
181      * \param[out] characteristics Used to return the characteristics of the imported key.  May be
182      * NULL, in which case no characteristics will be returned.  If non-NULL, the caller assumes
183      * ownership of the contents and must deallocate with keymaster_free_characteristics().  Note
184      * that KM_TAG_APPLICATION_ID and KM_TAG_APPLICATION_DATA are never returned.
185      */
186     keymaster_error_t (*import_key)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
187                                     const keymaster_key_param_set_t* params,
188                                     keymaster_key_format_t key_format,
189                                     const keymaster_blob_t* key_data,
190                                     keymaster_key_blob_t* key_blob,
191                                     keymaster_key_characteristics_t* characteristics);
193     /**
194      * Exports a public or symmetric key, returning a byte array in the specified format.
195      *
196      * Note that symmetric key export is allowed only if the key was created with KM_TAG_EXPORTABLE,
197      * and only if all of the requirements for key usage (e.g. authentication) are met.
198      *
199      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
200      *
201      * \param[in] export_format The format to be used for exporting the key.
202      *
203      * \param[in] key_to_export The key to export.
204      *
205      * \param[in] client_id Client ID blob, which must match the blob provided in
206      * KM_TAG_APPLICATION_ID during key generation (if any).
207      *
208      * \param[in] app_data Appliation data blob, which must match the blob provided in
209      * KM_TAG_APPLICATION_DATA during key generation (if any).
210      *
211      * \param[out] export_data The exported key material.  The caller assumes ownership.
212      */
213     keymaster_error_t (*export_key)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
214                                     keymaster_key_format_t export_format,
215                                     const keymaster_key_blob_t* key_to_export,
216                                     const keymaster_blob_t* client_id,
217                                     const keymaster_blob_t* app_data,
218                                     keymaster_blob_t* export_data);
220     /**
221      * Generates a signed X.509 certificate chain attesting to the presence of \p key_to_attest in
222      * keymaster (TODO(swillden): Describe certificate contents in more detail).  The certificate
223      * will contain an extension with OID and value defined in
224      * <TODO:swillden -- insert link here> which contains the key description.
225      *
226      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
227      *
228      * \param[in] key_to_attest The keymaster key for which the attestation certificate will be
229      * generated.
230      *
231      * \param[in] attest_params Parameters defining how to do the attestation.  At present the only
232      * parameter is KM_TAG_ALGORITHM, which must be either KM_ALGORITHM_EC or KM_ALGORITHM_RSA.
233      * This selects which of the provisioned attestation keys will be used to sign the certificate.
234      *
235      * \param[out] cert_chain An array of DER-encoded X.509 certificates. The first will be the
236      * certificate for \p key_to_attest.  The remaining entries will chain back to the root.  The
237      * caller takes ownership and must deallocate with keymaster_free_cert_chain.
238      */
239     keymaster_error_t (*attest_key)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
240                                     const keymaster_key_blob_t* key_to_attest,
241                                     const keymaster_key_param_set_t* attest_params,
242                                     keymaster_cert_chain_t* cert_chain);
244     /**
245      * Upgrades an old key.  Keys can become "old" in two ways: Keymaster can be upgraded to a new
246      * version, or the system can be updated to invalidate the OS version and/or patch level.  In
247      * either case, attempts to use an old key will result in keymaster returning
248      * KM_ERROR_KEY_REQUIRES_UPGRADE.  This method should then be called to upgrade the key.
249      *
250      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
251      *
252      * \param[in] key_to_upgrade The keymaster key to upgrade.
253      *
254      * \param[in] upgrade_params Parameters needed to complete the upgrade. In particular,
255      * KM_TAG_APPLICATION_ID and KM_TAG_APPLICATION_DATA will be required if they were defined for
256      * the key.
257      *
258      * \param[out] upgraded_key The upgraded key blob.
259      */
260     keymaster_error_t (*upgrade_key)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
261                                      const keymaster_key_blob_t* key_to_upgrade,
262                                      const keymaster_key_param_set_t* upgrade_params,
263                                      keymaster_key_blob_t* upgraded_key);
265     /**
266      * Deletes the key, or key pair, associated with the key blob.  After calling this function it
267      * will be impossible to use the key for any other operations.  May be applied to keys from
268      * foreign roots of trust (keys not usable under the current root of trust).
269      *
270      * This function is optional and should be set to NULL if it is not implemented.
271      *
272      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
273      *
274      * \param[in] key The key to be deleted.
275      */
276     keymaster_error_t (*delete_key)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
277                                     const keymaster_key_blob_t* key);
279     /**
280      * Deletes all keys in the hardware keystore. Used when keystore is reset completely.  After
281      * calling this function it will be impossible to use any previously generated or imported key
282      * blobs for any operations.
283      *
284      * This function is optional and should be set to NULL if it is not implemented.
285      *
286      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
287      */
288     keymaster_error_t (*delete_all_keys)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev);
290     /**
291      * Begins a cryptographic operation using the specified key.  If all is well, begin() will
292      * return KM_ERROR_OK and create an operation handle which must be passed to subsequent calls to
293      * update(), finish() or abort().
294      *
295      * It is critical that each call to begin() be paired with a subsequent call to finish() or
296      * abort(), to allow the keymaster implementation to clean up any internal operation state.
297      * Failure to do this may leak internal state space or other internal resources and may
298      * eventually cause begin() to return KM_ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPERATIONS when it runs out of space for
299      * operations.  Any result other than KM_ERROR_OK from begin(), update() or finish() implicitly
300      * aborts the operation, in which case abort() need not be called (and will return
302      *
303      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
304      *
305      * \param[in] purpose The purpose of the operation, one of KM_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT,
307      * encryption and decryption imply signing and verification, respectively, but should be
308      * specified as KM_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT and KM_PURPOSE_DECRYPT.
309      *
310      * \param[in] key The key to be used for the operation. \p key must have a purpose compatible
311      * with \p purpose and all of its usage requirements must be satisfied, or begin() will return
312      * an appropriate error code.
313      *
314      * \param[in] in_params Additional parameters for the operation.  This is typically used to
315      * provide authentication data, with KM_TAG_AUTH_TOKEN.  If KM_TAG_APPLICATION_ID or
316      * KM_TAG_APPLICATION_DATA were provided during generation, they must be provided here, or the
317      * operation will fail with KM_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_BLOB.  For operations that require a nonce or
318      * IV, on keys that were generated with KM_TAG_CALLER_NONCE, in_params may contain a tag
319      * KM_TAG_NONCE.
320      *
321      * \param[out] out_params Output parameters.  Used to return additional data from the operation
322      * initialization, notably to return the IV or nonce from operations that generate an IV or
323      * nonce.  The caller takes ownership of the output parameters array and must free it with
324      * keymaster_free_param_set().  out_params may be set to NULL if no output parameters are
325      * expected.  If out_params is NULL, and output paramaters are generated, begin() will return
327      *
328      * \param[out] operation_handle The newly-created operation handle which must be passed to
329      * update(), finish() or abort().  If operation_handle is NULL, begin() will return
331      */
332     keymaster_error_t (*begin)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev, keymaster_purpose_t purpose,
333                                const keymaster_key_blob_t* key,
334                                const keymaster_key_param_set_t* in_params,
335                                keymaster_key_param_set_t* out_params,
336                                keymaster_operation_handle_t* operation_handle);
338     /**
339      * Provides data to, and possibly receives output from, an ongoing cryptographic operation begun
340      * with begin().
341      *
342      * If operation_handle is invalid, update() will return KM_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION_HANDLE.
343      *
344      * update() may not consume all of the data provided in the data buffer.  update() will return
345      * the amount consumed in *data_consumed.  The caller should provide the unconsumed data in a
346      * subsequent call.
347      *
348      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
349      *
350      * \param[in] operation_handle The operation handle returned by begin().
351      *
352      * \param[in] in_params Additional parameters for the operation.  For AEAD modes, this is used
353      * to specify KM_TAG_ADDITIONAL_DATA.  Note that additional data may be provided in multiple
354      * calls to update(), but only until input data has been provided.
355      *
356      * \param[in] input Data to be processed, per the parameters established in the call to begin().
357      * Note that update() may or may not consume all of the data provided.  See \p input_consumed.
358      *
359      * \param[out] input_consumed Amount of data that was consumed by update().  If this is less
360      * than the amount provided, the caller should provide the remainder in a subsequent call to
361      * update().
362      *
363      * \param[out] out_params Output parameters.  Used to return additional data from the operation
364      * The caller takes ownership of the output parameters array and must free it with
365      * keymaster_free_param_set().  out_params may be set to NULL if no output parameters are
366      * expected.  If out_params is NULL, and output paramaters are generated, begin() will return
368      *
369      * \param[out] output The output data, if any.  The caller assumes ownership of the allocated
370      * buffer.  output must not be NULL.
371      *
372      * Note that update() may not provide any output, in which case output->data_length will be
373      * zero, and output->data may be either NULL or zero-length (so the caller should always free()
374      * it).
375      */
376     keymaster_error_t (*update)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
377                                 keymaster_operation_handle_t operation_handle,
378                                 const keymaster_key_param_set_t* in_params,
379                                 const keymaster_blob_t* input, size_t* input_consumed,
380                                 keymaster_key_param_set_t* out_params, keymaster_blob_t* output);
382     /**
383      * Finalizes a cryptographic operation begun with begin() and invalidates \p operation_handle.
384      *
385      * \param[in] dev The keymaster device structure.
386      *
387      * \param[in] operation_handle The operation handle returned by begin().  This handle will be
388      * invalidated.
389      *
390      * \param[in] in_params Additional parameters for the operation.  For AEAD modes, this is used
391      * to specify KM_TAG_ADDITIONAL_DATA, but only if no input data was provided to update().
392      *
393      * \param[in] input Data to be processed, per the parameters established in the call to
394      * begin(). finish() must consume all provided data or return KM_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH.
395      *
396      * \param[in] signature The signature to be verified if the purpose specified in the begin()
397      * call was KM_PURPOSE_VERIFY.
398      *
399      * \param[out] output The output data, if any.  The caller assumes ownership of the allocated
400      * buffer.
401      *
402      * If the operation being finished is a signature verification or an AEAD-mode decryption and
403      * verification fails then finish() will return KM_ERROR_VERIFICATION_FAILED.
404      */
405     keymaster_error_t (*finish)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
406                                 keymaster_operation_handle_t operation_handle,
407                                 const keymaster_key_param_set_t* in_params,
408                                 const keymaster_blob_t* input, const keymaster_blob_t* signature,
409                                 keymaster_key_param_set_t* out_params, keymaster_blob_t* output);
411     /**
412      * Aborts a cryptographic operation begun with begin(), freeing all internal resources and
413      * invalidating \p operation_handle.
414      */
415     keymaster_error_t (*abort)(const struct keymaster2_device* dev,
416                                keymaster_operation_handle_t operation_handle);
417 };
418 typedef struct keymaster2_device keymaster2_device_t;
420 /* Convenience API for opening and closing keymaster devices */
keymaster2_open(const struct hw_module_t * module,keymaster2_device_t ** device)422 static inline int keymaster2_open(const struct hw_module_t* module, keymaster2_device_t** device) {
423     return module->methods->open(module, KEYSTORE_KEYMASTER, TO_HW_DEVICE_T_OPEN(device));
424 }
keymaster2_close(keymaster2_device_t * device)426 static inline int keymaster2_close(keymaster2_device_t* device) {
427     return device->common.close(&device->common);
428 }