1import os, time, socket, shutil, glob, logging, traceback, tempfile, re
2import shlex
3import subprocess
5from multiprocessing import Lock
6from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import autotemp, error
7from autotest_lib.server import utils, autotest
8from autotest_lib.server.hosts import host_info
9from autotest_lib.server.hosts import remote
10from autotest_lib.server.hosts import rpc_server_tracker
11from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.global_config import global_config
13# pylint: disable=C0111
15get_value = global_config.get_config_value
16enable_master_ssh = get_value('AUTOSERV', 'enable_master_ssh', type=bool,
17                              default=False)
20class AbstractSSHHost(remote.RemoteHost):
21    """
22    This class represents a generic implementation of most of the
23    framework necessary for controlling a host via ssh. It implements
24    almost all of the abstract Host methods, except for the core
25    Host.run method.
26    """
29    def _initialize(self, hostname, user="root", port=22, password="",
30                    is_client_install_supported=True, afe_host=None,
31                    host_info_store=None, *args, **dargs):
32        super(AbstractSSHHost, self)._initialize(hostname=hostname,
33                                                 *args, **dargs)
34        """
35        @param hostname: The hostname of the host.
36        @param user: The username to use when ssh'ing into the host.
37        @param password: The password to use when ssh'ing into the host.
38        @param port: The port to use for ssh.
39        @param is_client_install_supported: Boolean to indicate if we can
40                install autotest on the host.
41        @param afe_host: The host object attained from the AFE (get_hosts).
42        @param host_info_store: Optional host_info.CachingHostInfoStore object
43                to obtain / update host information.
44        """
45        # IP address is retrieved only on demand. Otherwise the host
46        # initialization will fail for host is not online.
47        self._ip = None
48        self.user = user
49        self.port = port
50        self.password = password
51        self._is_client_install_supported = is_client_install_supported
52        self._use_rsync = None
53        self.known_hosts_file = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
54        self._rpc_server_tracker = rpc_server_tracker.RpcServerTracker(self);
56        """
57        Master SSH connection background job, socket temp directory and socket
58        control path option. If master-SSH is enabled, these fields will be
59        initialized by start_master_ssh when a new SSH connection is initiated.
60        """
61        self.master_ssh_job = None
62        self.master_ssh_tempdir = None
63        self.master_ssh_option = ''
65        # Create a Lock to protect against race conditions.
66        self._lock = Lock()
68        self._afe_host = afe_host or utils.EmptyAFEHost()
69        self.host_info_store = (host_info_store or
70                                host_info.InMemoryHostInfoStore())
72    @property
73    def ip(self):
74        """@return IP address of the host.
75        """
76        if not self._ip:
77            self._ip = socket.getaddrinfo(self.hostname, None)[0][4][0]
78        return self._ip
81    @property
82    def is_client_install_supported(self):
83        """"
84        Returns True if the host supports autotest client installs, False
85        otherwise.
86        """
87        return self._is_client_install_supported
90    @property
91    def rpc_server_tracker(self):
92        """"
93        @return The RPC server tracker associated with this host.
94        """
95        return self._rpc_server_tracker
98    def make_ssh_command(self, user="root", port=22, opts='',
99                         hosts_file='/dev/null',
100                         connect_timeout=30, alive_interval=300):
101        base_command = ("/usr/bin/ssh -a -x %s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "
102                        "-o UserKnownHostsFile=%s -o BatchMode=yes "
103                        "-o ConnectTimeout=%d -o ServerAliveInterval=%d "
104                        "-l %s -p %d")
105        assert isinstance(connect_timeout, (int, long))
106        assert connect_timeout > 0 # can't disable the timeout
107        return base_command % (opts, hosts_file, connect_timeout,
108                               alive_interval, user, port)
111    def use_rsync(self):
112        if self._use_rsync is not None:
113            return self._use_rsync
115        # Check if rsync is available on the remote host. If it's not,
116        # don't try to use it for any future file transfers.
117        self._use_rsync = self._check_rsync()
118        if not self._use_rsync:
119            logging.warning("rsync not available on remote host %s -- disabled",
120                         self.hostname)
121        return self._use_rsync
124    def _check_rsync(self):
125        """
126        Check if rsync is available on the remote host.
127        """
128        try:
129            self.run("rsync --version", stdout_tee=None, stderr_tee=None)
130        except error.AutoservRunError:
131            return False
132        return True
135    def _encode_remote_paths(self, paths, escape=True, use_scp=False):
136        """
137        Given a list of file paths, encodes it as a single remote path, in
138        the style used by rsync and scp.
139        escape: add \\ to protect special characters.
140        use_scp: encode for scp if true, rsync if false.
141        """
142        if escape:
143            paths = [utils.scp_remote_escape(path) for path in paths]
145        remote = self.hostname
147        # rsync and scp require IPv6 brackets, even when there isn't any
148        # trailing port number (ssh doesn't support IPv6 brackets).
149        # In the Python >= 3.3 future, 'import ipaddress' will parse addresses.
150        if re.search(r':.*:', remote):
151            remote = '[%s]' % remote
153        if use_scp:
154            return '%s@%s:"%s"' % (self.user, remote, " ".join(paths))
155        else:
156            return '%s@%s:%s' % (
157                    self.user, remote,
158                    " :".join('"%s"' % p for p in paths))
160    def _encode_local_paths(self, paths, escape=True):
161        """
162        Given a list of file paths, encodes it as a single local path.
163        escape: add \\ to protect special characters.
164        """
165        if escape:
166            paths = [utils.sh_escape(path) for path in paths]
168        return " ".join('"%s"' % p for p in paths)
170    def _make_rsync_cmd(self, sources, dest, delete_dest,
171                        preserve_symlinks, safe_symlinks):
172        """
173        Given a string of source paths and a destination path, produces the
174        appropriate rsync command for copying them. Remote paths must be
175        pre-encoded.
176        """
177        ssh_cmd = self.make_ssh_command(user=self.user, port=self.port,
178                                        opts=self.master_ssh_option,
179                                        hosts_file=self.known_hosts_file)
180        if delete_dest:
181            delete_flag = "--delete"
182        else:
183            delete_flag = ""
184        if safe_symlinks:
185            symlink_flag = "-l --safe-links"
186        elif preserve_symlinks:
187            symlink_flag = "-l"
188        else:
189            symlink_flag = "-L"
190        command = ("rsync %s %s --timeout=1800 --rsh='%s' -az --no-o --no-g "
191                   "%s \"%s\"")
192        return command % (symlink_flag, delete_flag, ssh_cmd, sources, dest)
195    def _make_ssh_cmd(self, cmd):
196        """
197        Create a base ssh command string for the host which can be used
198        to run commands directly on the machine
199        """
200        base_cmd = self.make_ssh_command(user=self.user, port=self.port,
201                                         opts=self.master_ssh_option,
202                                         hosts_file=self.known_hosts_file)
204        return '%s %s "%s"' % (base_cmd, self.hostname, utils.sh_escape(cmd))
206    def _make_scp_cmd(self, sources, dest):
207        """
208        Given a string of source paths and a destination path, produces the
209        appropriate scp command for encoding it. Remote paths must be
210        pre-encoded.
211        """
212        command = ("scp -rq %s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "
213                   "-o UserKnownHostsFile=%s -P %d %s '%s'")
214        return command % (self.master_ssh_option, self.known_hosts_file,
215                          self.port, sources, dest)
218    def _make_rsync_compatible_globs(self, path, is_local):
219        """
220        Given an rsync-style path, returns a list of globbed paths
221        that will hopefully provide equivalent behaviour for scp. Does not
222        support the full range of rsync pattern matching behaviour, only that
223        exposed in the get/send_file interface (trailing slashes).
225        The is_local param is flag indicating if the paths should be
226        interpreted as local or remote paths.
227        """
229        # non-trailing slash paths should just work
230        if len(path) == 0 or path[-1] != "/":
231            return [path]
233        # make a function to test if a pattern matches any files
234        if is_local:
235            def glob_matches_files(path, pattern):
236                return len(glob.glob(path + pattern)) > 0
237        else:
238            def glob_matches_files(path, pattern):
239                result = self.run("ls \"%s\"%s" % (utils.sh_escape(path),
240                                                   pattern),
241                                  stdout_tee=None, ignore_status=True)
242                return result.exit_status == 0
244        # take a set of globs that cover all files, and see which are needed
245        patterns = ["*", ".[!.]*"]
246        patterns = [p for p in patterns if glob_matches_files(path, p)]
248        # convert them into a set of paths suitable for the commandline
249        if is_local:
250            return ["\"%s\"%s" % (utils.sh_escape(path), pattern)
251                    for pattern in patterns]
252        else:
253            return [utils.scp_remote_escape(path) + pattern
254                    for pattern in patterns]
257    def _make_rsync_compatible_source(self, source, is_local):
258        """
259        Applies the same logic as _make_rsync_compatible_globs, but
260        applies it to an entire list of sources, producing a new list of
261        sources, properly quoted.
262        """
263        return sum((self._make_rsync_compatible_globs(path, is_local)
264                    for path in source), [])
267    def _set_umask_perms(self, dest):
268        """
269        Given a destination file/dir (recursively) set the permissions on
270        all the files and directories to the max allowed by running umask.
271        """
273        # now this looks strange but I haven't found a way in Python to _just_
274        # get the umask, apparently the only option is to try to set it
275        umask = os.umask(0)
276        os.umask(umask)
278        max_privs = 0777 & ~umask
280        def set_file_privs(filename):
281            """Sets mode of |filename|.  Assumes |filename| exists."""
282            file_stat = os.stat(filename)
284            file_privs = max_privs
285            # if the original file permissions do not have at least one
286            # executable bit then do not set it anywhere
287            if not file_stat.st_mode & 0111:
288                file_privs &= ~0111
290            os.chmod(filename, file_privs)
292        # try a bottom-up walk so changes on directory permissions won't cut
293        # our access to the files/directories inside it
294        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dest, topdown=False):
295            # when setting the privileges we emulate the chmod "X" behaviour
296            # that sets to execute only if it is a directory or any of the
297            # owner/group/other already has execute right
298            for dirname in dirs:
299                os.chmod(os.path.join(root, dirname), max_privs)
301            # Filter out broken symlinks as we go.
302            for filename in filter(os.path.exists, files):
303                set_file_privs(os.path.join(root, filename))
306        # now set privs for the dest itself
307        if os.path.isdir(dest):
308            os.chmod(dest, max_privs)
309        else:
310            set_file_privs(dest)
313    def get_file(self, source, dest, delete_dest=False, preserve_perm=True,
314                 preserve_symlinks=False, retry=True, safe_symlinks=False):
315        """
316        Copy files from the remote host to a local path.
318        Directories will be copied recursively.
319        If a source component is a directory with a trailing slash,
320        the content of the directory will be copied, otherwise, the
321        directory itself and its content will be copied. This
322        behavior is similar to that of the program 'rsync'.
324        Args:
325                source: either
326                        1) a single file or directory, as a string
327                        2) a list of one or more (possibly mixed)
328                                files or directories
329                dest: a file or a directory (if source contains a
330                        directory or more than one element, you must
331                        supply a directory dest)
332                delete_dest: if this is true, the command will also clear
333                             out any old files at dest that are not in the
334                             source
335                preserve_perm: tells get_file() to try to preserve the sources
336                               permissions on files and dirs
337                preserve_symlinks: try to preserve symlinks instead of
338                                   transforming them into files/dirs on copy
339                safe_symlinks: same as preserve_symlinks, but discard links
340                               that may point outside the copied tree
341        Raises:
342                AutoservRunError: the scp command failed
343        """
344        logging.debug('get_file. source: %s, dest: %s, delete_dest: %s,'
345                      'preserve_perm: %s, preserve_symlinks:%s', source, dest,
346                      delete_dest, preserve_perm, preserve_symlinks)
347        # Start a master SSH connection if necessary.
348        self.start_master_ssh()
350        if isinstance(source, basestring):
351            source = [source]
352        dest = os.path.abspath(dest)
354        # If rsync is disabled or fails, try scp.
355        try_scp = True
356        if self.use_rsync():
357            logging.debug('Using Rsync.')
358            try:
359                remote_source = self._encode_remote_paths(source)
360                local_dest = utils.sh_escape(dest)
361                rsync = self._make_rsync_cmd(remote_source, local_dest,
362                                             delete_dest, preserve_symlinks,
363                                             safe_symlinks)
364                utils.run(rsync)
365                try_scp = False
366            except error.CmdError, e:
367                # retry on rsync exit values which may be caused by transient
368                # network problems:
369                #
370                # rc 10: Error in socket I/O
371                # rc 12: Error in rsync protocol data stream
372                # rc 23: Partial transfer due to error
373                # rc 255: Ssh error
374                #
375                # Note that rc 23 includes dangling symlinks.  In this case
376                # retrying is useless, but not very damaging since rsync checks
377                # for those before starting the transfer (scp does not).
378                status = e.result_obj.exit_status
379                if status in [10, 12, 23, 255] and retry:
380                    logging.warning('rsync status %d, retrying', status)
381                    self.get_file(source, dest, delete_dest, preserve_perm,
382                                  preserve_symlinks, retry=False)
383                    # The nested get_file() does all that's needed.
384                    return
385                else:
386                    logging.warning("trying scp, rsync failed: %s (%d)",
387                                     e, status)
389        if try_scp:
390            logging.debug('Trying scp.')
391            # scp has no equivalent to --delete, just drop the entire dest dir
392            if delete_dest and os.path.isdir(dest):
393                shutil.rmtree(dest)
394                os.mkdir(dest)
396            remote_source = self._make_rsync_compatible_source(source, False)
397            if remote_source:
398                # _make_rsync_compatible_source() already did the escaping
399                remote_source = self._encode_remote_paths(
400                        remote_source, escape=False, use_scp=True)
401                local_dest = utils.sh_escape(dest)
402                scp = self._make_scp_cmd(remote_source, local_dest)
403                try:
404                    utils.run(scp)
405                except error.CmdError, e:
406                    logging.debug('scp failed: %s', e)
407                    raise error.AutoservRunError(e.args[0], e.args[1])
409        if not preserve_perm:
410            # we have no way to tell scp to not try to preserve the
411            # permissions so set them after copy instead.
412            # for rsync we could use "--no-p --chmod=ugo=rwX" but those
413            # options are only in very recent rsync versions
414            self._set_umask_perms(dest)
417    def send_file(self, source, dest, delete_dest=False,
418                  preserve_symlinks=False):
419        """
420        Copy files from a local path to the remote host.
422        Directories will be copied recursively.
423        If a source component is a directory with a trailing slash,
424        the content of the directory will be copied, otherwise, the
425        directory itself and its content will be copied. This
426        behavior is similar to that of the program 'rsync'.
428        Args:
429                source: either
430                        1) a single file or directory, as a string
431                        2) a list of one or more (possibly mixed)
432                                files or directories
433                dest: a file or a directory (if source contains a
434                        directory or more than one element, you must
435                        supply a directory dest)
436                delete_dest: if this is true, the command will also clear
437                             out any old files at dest that are not in the
438                             source
439                preserve_symlinks: controls if symlinks on the source will be
440                    copied as such on the destination or transformed into the
441                    referenced file/directory
443        Raises:
444                AutoservRunError: the scp command failed
445        """
446        logging.debug('send_file. source: %s, dest: %s, delete_dest: %s,'
447                      'preserve_symlinks:%s', source, dest,
448                      delete_dest, preserve_symlinks)
449        # Start a master SSH connection if necessary.
450        self.start_master_ssh()
452        if isinstance(source, basestring):
453            source = [source]
455        local_sources = self._encode_local_paths(source)
456        if not local_sources:
457            raise error.TestError('source |%s| yielded an empty string' % (
458                source))
459        if local_sources.find('\x00') != -1:
460            raise error.TestError('one or more sources include NUL char')
462        # If rsync is disabled or fails, try scp.
463        try_scp = True
464        if self.use_rsync():
465            logging.debug('Using Rsync.')
466            remote_dest = self._encode_remote_paths([dest])
467            try:
468                rsync = self._make_rsync_cmd(local_sources, remote_dest,
469                                             delete_dest, preserve_symlinks,
470                                             False)
471                utils.run(rsync)
472                try_scp = False
473            except error.CmdError, e:
474                logging.warning("trying scp, rsync failed: %s", e)
476        if try_scp:
477            logging.debug('Trying scp.')
478            # scp has no equivalent to --delete, just drop the entire dest dir
479            if delete_dest:
480                is_dir = self.run("ls -d %s/" % dest,
481                                  ignore_status=True).exit_status == 0
482                if is_dir:
483                    cmd = "rm -rf %s && mkdir %s"
484                    cmd %= (dest, dest)
485                    self.run(cmd)
487            remote_dest = self._encode_remote_paths([dest], use_scp=True)
488            local_sources = self._make_rsync_compatible_source(source, True)
489            if local_sources:
490                sources = self._encode_local_paths(local_sources, escape=False)
491                scp = self._make_scp_cmd(sources, remote_dest)
492                try:
493                    utils.run(scp)
494                except error.CmdError, e:
495                    logging.debug('scp failed: %s', e)
496                    raise error.AutoservRunError(e.args[0], e.args[1])
497            else:
498                logging.debug('skipping scp for empty source list')
501    def verify_ssh_user_access(self):
502        """Verify ssh access to this host.
504        @returns False if ssh_ping fails due to Permissions error, True
505                 otherwise.
506        """
507        try:
508            self.ssh_ping()
509        except (error.AutoservSshPermissionDeniedError,
510                error.AutoservSshPingHostError):
511            return False
512        return True
515    def ssh_ping(self, timeout=60, connect_timeout=None, base_cmd='true'):
516        """
517        Pings remote host via ssh.
519        @param timeout: Time in seconds before giving up.
520                        Defaults to 60 seconds.
521        @param base_cmd: The base command to run with the ssh ping.
522                         Defaults to true.
523        @raise AutoservSSHTimeout: If the ssh ping times out.
524        @raise AutoservSshPermissionDeniedError: If ssh ping fails due to
525                                                 permissions.
526        @raise AutoservSshPingHostError: For other AutoservRunErrors.
527        """
528        ctimeout = min(timeout, connect_timeout or timeout)
529        try:
530            self.run(base_cmd, timeout=timeout, connect_timeout=ctimeout,
531                     ssh_failure_retry_ok=True)
532        except error.AutoservSSHTimeout:
533            msg = "Host (ssh) verify timed out (timeout = %d)" % timeout
534            raise error.AutoservSSHTimeout(msg)
535        except error.AutoservSshPermissionDeniedError:
536            #let AutoservSshPermissionDeniedError be visible to the callers
537            raise
538        except error.AutoservRunError, e:
539            # convert the generic AutoservRunError into something more
540            # specific for this context
541            raise error.AutoservSshPingHostError(e.description + '\n' +
542                                                 repr(e.result_obj))
545    def is_up(self, timeout=60, connect_timeout=None, base_cmd='true'):
546        """
547        Check if the remote host is up by ssh-ing and running a base command.
549        @param timeout: timeout in seconds.
550        @param base_cmd: a base command to run with ssh. The default is 'true'.
551        @returns True if the remote host is up before the timeout expires,
552                 False otherwise.
553        """
554        try:
555            self.ssh_ping(timeout=timeout,
556                          connect_timeout=connect_timeout,
557                          base_cmd=base_cmd)
558        except error.AutoservError:
559            return False
560        else:
561            return True
564    def wait_up(self, timeout=None):
565        """
566        Wait until the remote host is up or the timeout expires.
568        In fact, it will wait until an ssh connection to the remote
569        host can be established, and getty is running.
571        @param timeout time limit in seconds before returning even
572            if the host is not up.
574        @returns True if the host was found to be up before the timeout expires,
575                 False otherwise
576        """
577        if timeout:
578            current_time = int(time.time())
579            end_time = current_time + timeout
581        autoserv_error_logged = False
582        while not timeout or current_time < end_time:
583            if self.is_up(timeout=end_time - current_time,
584                          connect_timeout=20):
585                try:
586                    if self.are_wait_up_processes_up():
587                        logging.debug('Host %s is now up', self.hostname)
588                        return True
589                except error.AutoservError as e:
590                    if not autoserv_error_logged:
591                        logging.debug('Ignoring failure to reach %s: %s %s',
592                                      self.hostname, e,
593                                      '(and further similar failures)')
594                        autoserv_error_logged = True
595            time.sleep(1)
596            current_time = int(time.time())
598        logging.debug('Host %s is still down after waiting %d seconds',
599                      self.hostname, int(timeout + time.time() - end_time))
600        return False
603    def wait_down(self, timeout=None, warning_timer=None, old_boot_id=None):
604        """
605        Wait until the remote host is down or the timeout expires.
607        If old_boot_id is provided, this will wait until either the machine
608        is unpingable or self.get_boot_id() returns a value different from
609        old_boot_id. If the boot_id value has changed then the function
610        returns true under the assumption that the machine has shut down
611        and has now already come back up.
613        If old_boot_id is None then until the machine becomes unreachable the
614        method assumes the machine has not yet shut down.
616        Based on this definition, the 4 possible permutations of timeout
617        and old_boot_id are:
618        1. timeout and old_boot_id: wait timeout seconds for either the
619                                    host to become unpingable, or the boot id
620                                    to change. In the latter case we've rebooted
621                                    and in the former case we've only shutdown,
622                                    but both cases return True.
623        2. only timeout: wait timeout seconds for the host to become unpingable.
624                         If the host remains pingable throughout timeout seconds
625                         we return False.
626        3. only old_boot_id: wait forever until either the host becomes
627                             unpingable or the boot_id changes. Return true
628                             when either of those conditions are met.
629        4. not timeout, not old_boot_id: wait forever till the host becomes
630                                         unpingable.
632        @param timeout Time limit in seconds before returning even
633            if the host is still up.
634        @param warning_timer Time limit in seconds that will generate
635            a warning if the host is not down yet.
636        @param old_boot_id A string containing the result of self.get_boot_id()
637            prior to the host being told to shut down. Can be None if this is
638            not available.
640        @returns True if the host was found to be down, False otherwise
641        """
642        #TODO: there is currently no way to distinguish between knowing
643        #TODO: boot_id was unsupported and not knowing the boot_id.
644        current_time = int(time.time())
645        if timeout:
646            end_time = current_time + timeout
648        if warning_timer:
649            warn_time = current_time + warning_timer
651        if old_boot_id is not None:
652            logging.debug('Host %s pre-shutdown boot_id is %s',
653                          self.hostname, old_boot_id)
655        # Impose semi real-time deadline constraints, since some clients
656        # (eg: watchdog timer tests) expect strict checking of time elapsed.
657        # Each iteration of this loop is treated as though it atomically
658        # completes within current_time, this is needed because if we used
659        # inline time.time() calls instead then the following could happen:
660        #
661        # while not timeout or time.time() < end_time:      [23 < 30]
662        #    some code.                                     [takes 10 secs]
663        #    try:
664        #        new_boot_id = self.get_boot_id(timeout=end_time - time.time())
665        #                                                   [30 - 33]
666        # The last step will lead to a return True, when in fact the machine
667        # went down at 32 seconds (>30). Hence we need to pass get_boot_id
668        # the same time that allowed us into that iteration of the loop.
669        while not timeout or current_time < end_time:
670            try:
671                new_boot_id = self.get_boot_id(timeout=end_time-current_time)
672            except error.AutoservError:
673                logging.debug('Host %s is now unreachable over ssh, is down',
674                              self.hostname)
675                return True
676            else:
677                # if the machine is up but the boot_id value has changed from
678                # old boot id, then we can assume the machine has gone down
679                # and then already come back up
680                if old_boot_id is not None and old_boot_id != new_boot_id:
681                    logging.debug('Host %s now has boot_id %s and so must '
682                                  'have rebooted', self.hostname, new_boot_id)
683                    return True
685            if warning_timer and current_time > warn_time:
686                self.record("INFO", None, "shutdown",
687                            "Shutdown took longer than %ds" % warning_timer)
688                # Print the warning only once.
689                warning_timer = None
690                # If a machine is stuck switching runlevels
691                # This may cause the machine to reboot.
692                self.run('kill -HUP 1', ignore_status=True)
694            time.sleep(1)
695            current_time = int(time.time())
697        return False
700    # tunable constants for the verify & repair code
702                                               "gb_diskspace_required",
703                                               type=float,
704                                               default=20.0)
707    def verify_connectivity(self):
708        super(AbstractSSHHost, self).verify_connectivity()
710        logging.info('Pinging host ' + self.hostname)
711        self.ssh_ping()
712        logging.info("Host (ssh) %s is alive", self.hostname)
714        if self.is_shutting_down():
715            raise error.AutoservHostIsShuttingDownError("Host is shutting down")
718    def verify_software(self):
719        super(AbstractSSHHost, self).verify_software()
720        try:
721            self.check_diskspace(autotest.Autotest.get_install_dir(self),
722                                 self.AUTOTEST_GB_DISKSPACE_REQUIRED)
723        except error.AutoservHostError:
724            raise           # only want to raise if it's a space issue
725        except autotest.AutodirNotFoundError:
726            # autotest dir may not exist, etc. ignore
727            logging.debug('autodir space check exception, this is probably '
728                          'safe to ignore\n' + traceback.format_exc())
731    def close(self):
732        super(AbstractSSHHost, self).close()
733        self.rpc_server_tracker.disconnect_all()
734        self._cleanup_master_ssh()
735        if os.path.exists(self.known_hosts_file):
736            os.remove(self.known_hosts_file)
739    def restart_master_ssh(self):
740        """
741        Stop and restart the ssh master connection.  This is meant as a last
742        resort when ssh commands fail and we don't understand why.
743        """
744        logging.debug('Restarting master ssh connection')
745        self._cleanup_master_ssh()
746        self.start_master_ssh(timeout=30)
749    def _cleanup_master_ssh(self):
750        """
751        Release all resources (process, temporary directory) used by an active
752        master SSH connection.
753        """
754        # If a master SSH connection is running, kill it.
755        if self.master_ssh_job is not None:
756            logging.debug('Nuking master_ssh_job.')
757            utils.nuke_subprocess(self.master_ssh_job.sp)
758            self.master_ssh_job = None
760        # Remove the temporary directory for the master SSH socket.
761        if self.master_ssh_tempdir is not None:
762            logging.debug('Cleaning master_ssh_tempdir.')
763            self.master_ssh_tempdir.clean()
764            self.master_ssh_tempdir = None
765            self.master_ssh_option = ''
768    def start_master_ssh(self, timeout=5):
769        """
770        Called whenever a slave SSH connection needs to be initiated (e.g., by
771        run, rsync, scp). If master SSH support is enabled and a master SSH
772        connection is not active already, start a new one in the background.
773        Also, cleanup any zombie master SSH connections (e.g., dead due to
774        reboot).
776        timeout: timeout in seconds (default 5) to wait for master ssh
777                 connection to be established. If timeout is reached, a
778                 warning message is logged, but no other action is taken.
779        """
780        if not enable_master_ssh:
781            return
783        # Multiple processes might try in parallel to clean up the old master
784        # ssh connection and create a new one, therefore use a lock to protect
785        # against race conditions.
786        with self._lock:
787            # If a previously started master SSH connection is not running
788            # anymore, it needs to be cleaned up and then restarted.
789            if self.master_ssh_job is not None:
790                socket_path = os.path.join(self.master_ssh_tempdir.name,
791                                           'socket')
792                if (not os.path.exists(socket_path) or
793                        self.master_ssh_job.sp.poll() is not None):
794                    logging.info("Master ssh connection to %s is down.",
795                                 self.hostname)
796                    self._cleanup_master_ssh()
798            # Start a new master SSH connection.
799            if self.master_ssh_job is None:
800                # Create a shared socket in a temp location.
801                self.master_ssh_tempdir = autotemp.tempdir(
802                        unique_id='ssh-master')
803                self.master_ssh_option = ("-o ControlPath=%s/socket" %
804                                          self.master_ssh_tempdir.name)
806                # Start the master SSH connection in the background.
807                master_cmd = self.ssh_command(
808                        options="-N -o ControlMaster=yes")
809                logging.info("Starting master ssh connection '%s'", master_cmd)
810                self.master_ssh_job = utils.BgJob(master_cmd,
811                                                  nickname='master-ssh',
812                                                  no_pipes=True)
813                # To prevent a race between the the master ssh connection
814                # startup and its first attempted use, wait for socket file to
815                # exist before returning.
816                end_time = time.time() + timeout
817                socket_file_path = os.path.join(self.master_ssh_tempdir.name,
818                                                'socket')
819                while time.time() < end_time:
820                    if os.path.exists(socket_file_path):
821                        break
822                    time.sleep(.2)
823                else:
824                    logging.info('Timed out waiting for master-ssh connection '
825                                 'to be established.')
828    def clear_known_hosts(self):
829        """Clears out the temporary ssh known_hosts file.
831        This is useful if the test SSHes to the machine, then reinstalls it,
832        then SSHes to it again.  It can be called after the reinstall to
833        reduce the spam in the logs.
834        """
835        logging.info("Clearing known hosts for host '%s', file '%s'.",
836                     self.hostname, self.known_hosts_file)
837        # Clear out the file by opening it for writing and then closing.
838        fh = open(self.known_hosts_file, "w")
839        fh.close()
842    def collect_logs(self, remote_src_dir, local_dest_dir, ignore_errors=True):
843        """Copy log directories from a host to a local directory.
845        @param remote_src_dir: A destination directory on the host.
846        @param local_dest_dir: A path to a local destination directory.
847            If it doesn't exist it will be created.
848        @param ignore_errors: If True, ignore exceptions.
850        @raises OSError: If there were problems creating the local_dest_dir and
851            ignore_errors is False.
852        @raises AutoservRunError, AutotestRunError: If something goes wrong
853            while copying the directories and ignore_errors is False.
854        """
855        locally_created_dest = False
856        if (not os.path.exists(local_dest_dir)
857                or not os.path.isdir(local_dest_dir)):
858            try:
859                os.makedirs(local_dest_dir)
860                locally_created_dest = True
861            except OSError as e:
862                logging.warning('Unable to collect logs from host '
863                                '%s: %s', self.hostname, e)
864                if not ignore_errors:
865                    raise
866                return
867        try:
868            self.get_file(remote_src_dir, local_dest_dir, safe_symlinks=True)
869        except (error.AutotestRunError, error.AutoservRunError,
870                error.AutoservSSHTimeout) as e:
871            logging.warning('Collection of %s to local dir %s from host %s '
872                            'failed: %s', remote_src_dir, local_dest_dir,
873                            self.hostname, e)
874            if locally_created_dest:
875                shutil.rmtree(local_dest_dir, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
876            if not ignore_errors:
877                raise
880    def create_ssh_tunnel(self, port, local_port):
881        """Create an ssh tunnel from local_port to port.
883        This is used to forward a port securely through a tunnel process from
884        the server to the DUT for RPC server connection.
886        @param port: remote port on the host.
887        @param local_port: local forwarding port.
889        @return: the tunnel process.
890        """
891        tunnel_options = '-n -N -q -L %d:localhost:%d' % (local_port, port)
892        ssh_cmd = self.make_ssh_command(opts=tunnel_options)
893        tunnel_cmd = '%s %s' % (ssh_cmd, self.hostname)
894        logging.debug('Full tunnel command: %s', tunnel_cmd)
895        # Exec the ssh process directly here rather than using a shell.
896        # Using a shell leaves a dangling ssh process, because we deliver
897        # signals to the shell wrapping ssh, not the ssh process itself.
898        args = shlex.split(tunnel_cmd)
899        tunnel_proc = subprocess.Popen(args, close_fds=True)
900        logging.debug('Started ssh tunnel, local = %d'
901                      ' remote = %d, pid = %d',
902                      local_port, port, tunnel_proc.pid)
903        return tunnel_proc
906    def disconnect_ssh_tunnel(self, tunnel_proc, port):
907        """
908        Disconnects a previously forwarded port from the server to the DUT for
909        RPC server connection.
911        @param tunnel_proc: a tunnel process returned from |create_ssh_tunnel|.
912        @param port: remote port on the DUT, used in ADBHost.
914        """
915        if tunnel_proc.poll() is None:
916            tunnel_proc.terminate()
917            logging.debug('Terminated tunnel, pid %d', tunnel_proc.pid)
918        else:
919            logging.debug('Tunnel pid %d terminated early, status %d',
920                          tunnel_proc.pid, tunnel_proc.returncode)
923    def get_os_type(self):
924        """Returns the host OS descriptor (to be implemented in subclasses).
926        @return A string describing the OS type.
927        """
928        raise NotImplementedError