1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 /*
18  * Contains implementation of a class CallbackNotifier that manages callbacks set
19  * via set_callbacks, enable_msg_type, and disable_msg_type camera HAL API.
20  */
22 #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
23 #define LOG_TAG "EmulatedCamera_CallbackNotifier"
24 #include <cutils/log.h>
25 #include <MetadataBufferType.h>
26 #include "EmulatedCameraDevice.h"
27 #undef min
28 #undef max
29 #include "CallbackNotifier.h"
30 #include "Exif.h"
31 #include "JpegCompressor.h"
32 #include "Thumbnail.h"
34 namespace android {
36 /* String representation of camera messages. */
37 static const char* lCameraMessages[] =
38 {
50 };
51 static const int lCameraMessagesNum = sizeof(lCameraMessages) / sizeof(char*);
53 /* Builds an array of strings for the given set of messages.
54  * Param:
55  *  msg - Messages to get strings for,
56  *  strings - Array where to save strings
57  *  max - Maximum number of entries in the array.
58  * Return:
59  *  Number of strings saved into the 'strings' array.
60  */
GetMessageStrings(uint32_t msg,const char ** strings,int max)61 static int GetMessageStrings(uint32_t msg, const char** strings, int max)
62 {
63     int index = 0;
64     int out = 0;
65     while (msg != 0 && out < max && index < lCameraMessagesNum) {
66         while ((msg & 0x1) == 0 && index < lCameraMessagesNum) {
67             msg >>= 1;
68             index++;
69         }
70         if ((msg & 0x1) != 0 && index < lCameraMessagesNum) {
71             strings[out] = lCameraMessages[index];
72             out++;
73             msg >>= 1;
74             index++;
75         }
76     }
78     return out;
79 }
81 /* Logs messages, enabled by the mask. */
PrintMessages(uint32_t msg)82 static void PrintMessages(uint32_t msg)
83 {
84     const char* strs[lCameraMessagesNum];
85     const int translated = GetMessageStrings(msg, strs, lCameraMessagesNum);
86     for (int n = 0; n < translated; n++) {
87         ALOGV("    %s", strs[n]);
88     }
89 }
CallbackNotifier()91 CallbackNotifier::CallbackNotifier()
92     : mNotifyCB(NULL),
93       mDataCB(NULL),
94       mDataCBTimestamp(NULL),
95       mGetMemoryCB(NULL),
96       mCBOpaque(NULL),
97       mLastFrameTimestamp(0),
98       mFrameRefreshFreq(0),
99       mMessageEnabler(0),
100       mJpegQuality(90),
101       mVideoRecEnabled(false),
102       mTakingPicture(false)
103 {
104 }
~CallbackNotifier()106 CallbackNotifier::~CallbackNotifier()
107 {
108 }
110 /****************************************************************************
111  * Camera API
112  ***************************************************************************/
setCallbacks(camera_notify_callback notify_cb,camera_data_callback data_cb,camera_data_timestamp_callback data_cb_timestamp,camera_request_memory get_memory,void * user)114 void CallbackNotifier::setCallbacks(camera_notify_callback notify_cb,
115                                     camera_data_callback data_cb,
116                                     camera_data_timestamp_callback data_cb_timestamp,
117                                     camera_request_memory get_memory,
118                                     void* user)
119 {
120     ALOGV("%s: %p, %p, %p, %p (%p)",
121          __FUNCTION__, notify_cb, data_cb, data_cb_timestamp, get_memory, user);
123     Mutex::Autolock locker(&mObjectLock);
124     mNotifyCB = notify_cb;
125     mDataCB = data_cb;
126     mDataCBTimestamp = data_cb_timestamp;
127     mGetMemoryCB = get_memory;
128     mCBOpaque = user;
129 }
enableMessage(uint msg_type)131 void CallbackNotifier::enableMessage(uint msg_type)
132 {
133     ALOGV("%s: msg_type = 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, msg_type);
134     PrintMessages(msg_type);
136     Mutex::Autolock locker(&mObjectLock);
137     mMessageEnabler |= msg_type;
138     ALOGV("**** Currently enabled messages:");
139     PrintMessages(mMessageEnabler);
140 }
disableMessage(uint msg_type)142 void CallbackNotifier::disableMessage(uint msg_type)
143 {
144     ALOGV("%s: msg_type = 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, msg_type);
145     PrintMessages(msg_type);
147     Mutex::Autolock locker(&mObjectLock);
148     mMessageEnabler &= ~msg_type;
149     ALOGV("**** Currently enabled messages:");
150     PrintMessages(mMessageEnabler);
151 }
enableVideoRecording(int fps)153 status_t CallbackNotifier::enableVideoRecording(int fps)
154 {
155     ALOGV("%s: FPS = %d", __FUNCTION__, fps);
157     Mutex::Autolock locker(&mObjectLock);
158     mVideoRecEnabled = true;
159     mLastFrameTimestamp = 0;
160     mFrameRefreshFreq = 1000000000LL / fps;
162     return NO_ERROR;
163 }
disableVideoRecording()165 void CallbackNotifier::disableVideoRecording()
166 {
167     ALOGV("%s:", __FUNCTION__);
169     Mutex::Autolock locker(&mObjectLock);
170     mVideoRecEnabled = false;
171     mLastFrameTimestamp = 0;
172     mFrameRefreshFreq = 0;
173 }
releaseRecordingFrame(const void * opaque)175 void CallbackNotifier::releaseRecordingFrame(const void* opaque)
176 {
177     List<camera_memory_t*>::iterator it = mCameraMemoryTs.begin();
178     for( ; it != mCameraMemoryTs.end(); ++it ) {
179         if ( (*it)->data == opaque ) {
180             (*it)->release( *it );
181             mCameraMemoryTs.erase(it);
182             break;
183         }
184     }
185 }
autoFocusComplete()187 void CallbackNotifier::autoFocusComplete() {
188     // Even though we don't support auto-focus we are expected to send a fake
189     // success message according to the documentation.
190     // https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.AutoFocusCallback.html
191     mNotifyCB(CAMERA_MSG_FOCUS, true, 0, mCBOpaque);
192 }
storeMetaDataInBuffers(bool enable)194 status_t CallbackNotifier::storeMetaDataInBuffers(bool enable)
195 {
196     // Return error if metadata is request, otherwise silently agree.
197     return enable ? INVALID_OPERATION : NO_ERROR;
198 }
200 /****************************************************************************
201  * Public API
202  ***************************************************************************/
cleanupCBNotifier()204 void CallbackNotifier::cleanupCBNotifier()
205 {
206     Mutex::Autolock locker(&mObjectLock);
207     mMessageEnabler = 0;
208     mNotifyCB = NULL;
209     mDataCB = NULL;
210     mDataCBTimestamp = NULL;
211     mGetMemoryCB = NULL;
212     mCBOpaque = NULL;
213     mLastFrameTimestamp = 0;
214     mFrameRefreshFreq = 0;
215     mJpegQuality = 90;
216     mVideoRecEnabled = false;
217     mTakingPicture = false;
218 }
onNextFrameAvailable(nsecs_t timestamp,EmulatedCameraDevice * camera_dev)220 void CallbackNotifier::onNextFrameAvailable(nsecs_t timestamp,
221                                             EmulatedCameraDevice* camera_dev)
222 {
223     if (isMessageEnabled(CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME) && isVideoRecordingEnabled() &&
224             isNewVideoFrameTime(timestamp)) {
225         // This is the path for video frames, the format used here is not
226         // exposed to external users so it can be whatever the camera and the
227         // encoder can agree upon. The emulator system images use software
228         // encoders that expect a YUV420 format but the camera parameter
229         // constants cannot represent this. The closest we have is YV12 which is
230         // YVU420. So we produce YV12 frames so that we can serve those through
231         // the preview callback below and then we convert from YV12 to YUV420
232         // here. This is a pretty cheap conversion in most cases since we have
233         // to copy the frame here anyway. In the best (and most common) cases
234         // the conversion is just copying the U and V parts of the frame in
235         // different order. A slightly more expensive case is when the YV12
236         // frame has padding to ensure that rows are aligned to 16-byte
237         // boundaries. The YUV420 format expected by the encoders do not have
238         // this alignment so it has to be removed. This way the encoder gets the
239         // format it expects and the preview callback (or data callback) below
240         // gets the format that is configured in camera parameters.
241         const size_t frameSize = camera_dev->getVideoFrameBufferSize();
242         camera_memory_t* cam_buff = mGetMemoryCB(-1, frameSize, 1, NULL);
243         if (NULL != cam_buff && NULL != cam_buff->data) {
244             camera_dev->getCurrentFrame(cam_buff->data, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420);
245             mDataCBTimestamp(timestamp, CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME,
246                                cam_buff, 0, mCBOpaque);
247             mCameraMemoryTs.push_back( cam_buff );
248         } else {
249             ALOGE("%s: Memory failure in CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME", __FUNCTION__);
250         }
251     }
253     if (isMessageEnabled(CAMERA_MSG_PREVIEW_FRAME)) {
254         camera_memory_t* cam_buff =
255             mGetMemoryCB(-1, camera_dev->getFrameBufferSize(), 1, NULL);
256         if (NULL != cam_buff && NULL != cam_buff->data) {
257             camera_dev->getCurrentFrame(cam_buff->data,
258                                         camera_dev->getOriginalPixelFormat());
259             mDataCB(CAMERA_MSG_PREVIEW_FRAME, cam_buff, 0, NULL, mCBOpaque);
260             cam_buff->release(cam_buff);
261         } else {
262             ALOGE("%s: Memory failure in CAMERA_MSG_PREVIEW_FRAME", __FUNCTION__);
263         }
264     }
266     if (mTakingPicture) {
267         /* This happens just once. */
268         mTakingPicture = false;
269         /* The sequence of callbacks during picture taking is:
270          *  - CAMERA_MSG_SHUTTER
273          */
274         if (isMessageEnabled(CAMERA_MSG_SHUTTER)) {
275             mNotifyCB(CAMERA_MSG_SHUTTER, 0, 0, mCBOpaque);
276         }
277         if (isMessageEnabled(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY)) {
278             mNotifyCB(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY, 0, 0, mCBOpaque);
279         }
280         if (isMessageEnabled(CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE)) {
281             // Create EXIF data from the camera parameters, this includes things
282             // like EXIF default fields, a timestamp and GPS information.
283             ExifData* exifData = createExifData(mCameraParameters);
285             // Hold the frame lock while accessing the current frame to prevent
286             // concurrent modifications. Then create our JPEG from that frame.
287             EmulatedCameraDevice::FrameLock lock(*camera_dev);
288             const void* frame = camera_dev->getCurrentFrame();
290             // Create a thumbnail and place the pointer and size in the EXIF
291             // data structure. This transfers ownership to the EXIF data and
292             // the memory will be deallocated in the freeExifData call below.
293             int width = camera_dev->getFrameWidth();
294             int height = camera_dev->getFrameHeight();
295             int thumbWidth = mCameraParameters.getInt(
296                     CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH);
297             int thumbHeight = mCameraParameters.getInt(
298                     CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT);
299             if (thumbWidth > 0 && thumbHeight > 0) {
300                 if (!createThumbnail(static_cast<const unsigned char*>(frame),
301                                      width, height, thumbWidth, thumbHeight,
302                                      mJpegQuality, exifData)) {
303                     // Not really a fatal error, we'll just keep going
304                     ALOGE("%s: Failed to create thumbnail for image",
305                           __FUNCTION__);
306                 }
307             }
309             /* Compress the frame to JPEG. Note that when taking pictures, we
310              * have requested camera device to provide us with NV21 frames. */
311             NV21JpegCompressor compressor;
312             status_t res = compressor.compressRawImage(frame, width, height,
313                                                        mJpegQuality, exifData);
314             if (res == NO_ERROR) {
315                 camera_memory_t* jpeg_buff =
316                     mGetMemoryCB(-1, compressor.getCompressedSize(), 1, NULL);
317                 if (NULL != jpeg_buff && NULL != jpeg_buff->data) {
318                     compressor.getCompressedImage(jpeg_buff->data);
319                     mDataCB(CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE, jpeg_buff, 0, NULL, mCBOpaque);
320                     jpeg_buff->release(jpeg_buff);
321                 } else {
322                     ALOGE("%s: Memory failure in CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME", __FUNCTION__);
323                 }
324             } else {
325                 ALOGE("%s: Compression failure in CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME", __FUNCTION__);
326             }
327             // The EXIF data has been consumed, free it
328             freeExifData(exifData);
329         }
330     }
331 }
onCameraDeviceError(int err)333 void CallbackNotifier::onCameraDeviceError(int err)
334 {
335     if (isMessageEnabled(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR) && mNotifyCB != NULL) {
336         mNotifyCB(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR, err, 0, mCBOpaque);
337     }
338 }
340 /****************************************************************************
341  * Private API
342  ***************************************************************************/
isNewVideoFrameTime(nsecs_t timestamp)344 bool CallbackNotifier::isNewVideoFrameTime(nsecs_t timestamp)
345 {
346     Mutex::Autolock locker(&mObjectLock);
347     if ((timestamp - mLastFrameTimestamp) >= mFrameRefreshFreq) {
348         mLastFrameTimestamp = timestamp;
349         return true;
350     }
351     return false;
352 }
354 }; /* namespace android */