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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License
15  */
17 package com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack;
19 import android.animation.Animator;
20 import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
21 import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
22 import android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder;
23 import android.animation.TimeAnimator;
24 import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
25 import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener;
26 import android.annotation.FloatRange;
27 import android.annotation.Nullable;
28 import android.content.Context;
29 import android.content.res.Configuration;
30 import android.content.res.Resources;
31 import android.graphics.Canvas;
32 import android.graphics.Color;
33 import android.graphics.Paint;
34 import android.graphics.PointF;
35 import android.graphics.PorterDuff;
36 import android.graphics.PorterDuffXfermode;
37 import android.graphics.Rect;
38 import android.os.Bundle;
39 import android.os.Handler;
40 import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
41 import android.util.AttributeSet;
42 import android.util.FloatProperty;
43 import android.util.Log;
44 import android.util.Pair;
45 import android.util.Property;
46 import android.view.InputDevice;
47 import android.view.MotionEvent;
48 import android.view.VelocityTracker;
49 import android.view.View;
50 import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
51 import android.view.ViewGroup;
52 import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
53 import android.view.WindowInsets;
54 import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
55 import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
56 import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
57 import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
58 import android.widget.OverScroller;
59 import android.widget.ScrollView;
60 import com.android.internal.logging.MetricsLogger;
61 import com.android.internal.logging.nano.MetricsProto.MetricsEvent;
62 import com.android.systemui.ExpandHelper;
63 import com.android.systemui.Interpolators;
64 import com.android.systemui.R;
65 import com.android.systemui.SwipeHelper;
66 import com.android.systemui.classifier.FalsingManager;
67 import com.android.systemui.plugins.statusbar.NotificationMenuRowPlugin;
68 import com.android.systemui.plugins.statusbar.NotificationMenuRowPlugin.MenuItem;
69 import com.android.systemui.plugins.statusbar.NotificationSwipeActionHelper;
70 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.ActivatableNotificationView;
71 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.DismissView;
72 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.EmptyShadeView;
73 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.ExpandableNotificationRow;
74 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.ExpandableView;
75 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationData;
76 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationGuts;
77 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationShelf;
78 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationSnooze;
79 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.StackScrollerDecorView;
80 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.StatusBarState;
81 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.FakeShadowView;
82 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.NotificationUtils;
83 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.VisibilityLocationProvider;
84 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.NotificationGroupManager;
85 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBar;
86 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.ScrimController;
87 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HeadsUpManager;
88 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.ScrollAdapter;
90 import java.util.ArrayList;
91 import java.util.Collection;
92 import java.util.Collections;
93 import java.util.Comparator;
94 import java.util.HashSet;
95 import java.util.List;
97 /**
98  * A layout which handles a dynamic amount of notifications and presents them in a scrollable stack.
99  */
100 public class NotificationStackScrollLayout extends ViewGroup
101         implements SwipeHelper.Callback, ExpandHelper.Callback, ScrollAdapter,
102         ExpandableView.OnHeightChangedListener, NotificationGroupManager.OnGroupChangeListener,
103         NotificationMenuRowPlugin.OnMenuEventListener, ScrollContainer,
104         VisibilityLocationProvider {
106     public static final float BACKGROUND_ALPHA_DIMMED = 0.7f;
107     private static final String TAG = "StackScroller";
108     private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
109     private static final float RUBBER_BAND_FACTOR_NORMAL = 0.35f;
110     private static final float RUBBER_BAND_FACTOR_AFTER_EXPAND = 0.15f;
111     private static final float RUBBER_BAND_FACTOR_ON_PANEL_EXPAND = 0.21f;
112     /**
113      * Sentinel value for no current active pointer. Used by {@link #mActivePointerId}.
114      */
115     private static final int INVALID_POINTER = -1;
117     private ExpandHelper mExpandHelper;
118     private NotificationSwipeHelper mSwipeHelper;
119     private boolean mSwipingInProgress;
120     private int mCurrentStackHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
121     private final Paint mBackgroundPaint = new Paint();
122     private final boolean mShouldDrawNotificationBackground;
124     private float mExpandedHeight;
125     private int mOwnScrollY;
126     private int mMaxLayoutHeight;
128     private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker;
129     private OverScroller mScroller;
130     private Runnable mFinishScrollingCallback;
131     private int mTouchSlop;
132     private int mMinimumVelocity;
133     private int mMaximumVelocity;
134     private int mOverflingDistance;
135     private float mMaxOverScroll;
136     private boolean mIsBeingDragged;
137     private int mLastMotionY;
138     private int mDownX;
139     private int mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
140     private boolean mTouchIsClick;
141     private float mInitialTouchX;
142     private float mInitialTouchY;
144     private Paint mDebugPaint;
145     private int mContentHeight;
146     private int mCollapsedSize;
147     private int mPaddingBetweenElements;
148     private int mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements;
149     private int mTopPadding;
150     private int mBottomInset = 0;
152     /**
153      * The algorithm which calculates the properties for our children
154      */
155     protected final StackScrollAlgorithm mStackScrollAlgorithm;
157     /**
158      * The current State this Layout is in
159      */
160     private StackScrollState mCurrentStackScrollState = new StackScrollState(this);
161     private final AmbientState mAmbientState;
162     private NotificationGroupManager mGroupManager;
163     private HashSet<View> mChildrenToAddAnimated = new HashSet<>();
164     private ArrayList<View> mAddedHeadsUpChildren = new ArrayList<>();
165     private ArrayList<View> mChildrenToRemoveAnimated = new ArrayList<>();
166     private ArrayList<View> mSnappedBackChildren = new ArrayList<>();
167     private ArrayList<View> mDragAnimPendingChildren = new ArrayList<>();
168     private ArrayList<View> mChildrenChangingPositions = new ArrayList<>();
169     private HashSet<View> mFromMoreCardAdditions = new HashSet<>();
170     private ArrayList<AnimationEvent> mAnimationEvents = new ArrayList<>();
171     private ArrayList<View> mSwipedOutViews = new ArrayList<>();
172     private final StackStateAnimator mStateAnimator = new StackStateAnimator(this);
173     private boolean mAnimationsEnabled;
174     private boolean mChangePositionInProgress;
175     private boolean mChildTransferInProgress;
177     /**
178      * The raw amount of the overScroll on the top, which is not rubber-banded.
179      */
180     private float mOverScrolledTopPixels;
182     /**
183      * The raw amount of the overScroll on the bottom, which is not rubber-banded.
184      */
185     private float mOverScrolledBottomPixels;
186     private OnChildLocationsChangedListener mListener;
187     private OnOverscrollTopChangedListener mOverscrollTopChangedListener;
188     private ExpandableView.OnHeightChangedListener mOnHeightChangedListener;
189     private OnEmptySpaceClickListener mOnEmptySpaceClickListener;
190     private boolean mNeedsAnimation;
191     private boolean mTopPaddingNeedsAnimation;
192     private boolean mDimmedNeedsAnimation;
193     private boolean mHideSensitiveNeedsAnimation;
194     private boolean mDarkNeedsAnimation;
195     private int mDarkAnimationOriginIndex;
196     private boolean mActivateNeedsAnimation;
197     private boolean mGoToFullShadeNeedsAnimation;
198     private boolean mIsExpanded = true;
199     private boolean mChildrenUpdateRequested;
200     private boolean mIsExpansionChanging;
201     private boolean mPanelTracking;
202     private boolean mExpandingNotification;
203     private boolean mExpandedInThisMotion;
204     protected boolean mScrollingEnabled;
205     protected DismissView mDismissView;
206     protected EmptyShadeView mEmptyShadeView;
207     private boolean mDismissAllInProgress;
209     /**
210      * Was the scroller scrolled to the top when the down motion was observed?
211      */
212     private boolean mScrolledToTopOnFirstDown;
213     /**
214      * The minimal amount of over scroll which is needed in order to switch to the quick settings
215      * when over scrolling on a expanded card.
216      */
217     private float mMinTopOverScrollToEscape;
218     private int mIntrinsicPadding;
219     private float mStackTranslation;
220     private float mTopPaddingOverflow;
221     private boolean mDontReportNextOverScroll;
222     private boolean mDontClampNextScroll;
223     private boolean mNeedViewResizeAnimation;
224     private View mExpandedGroupView;
225     private boolean mEverythingNeedsAnimation;
227     /**
228      * The maximum scrollPosition which we are allowed to reach when a notification was expanded.
229      * This is needed to avoid scrolling too far after the notification was collapsed in the same
230      * motion.
231      */
232     private int mMaxScrollAfterExpand;
233     private SwipeHelper.LongPressListener mLongPressListener;
235     private NotificationMenuRowPlugin mCurrMenuRow;
236     private View mTranslatingParentView;
237     private View mMenuExposedView;
238     boolean mCheckForLeavebehind;
240     /**
241      * Should in this touch motion only be scrolling allowed? It's true when the scroller was
242      * animating.
243      */
244     private boolean mOnlyScrollingInThisMotion;
245     private boolean mDisallowDismissInThisMotion;
246     private boolean mInterceptDelegateEnabled;
247     private boolean mDelegateToScrollView;
248     private boolean mDisallowScrollingInThisMotion;
249     private long mGoToFullShadeDelay;
250     private ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener mChildrenUpdater
251             = new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
252         @Override
253         public boolean onPreDraw() {
254             updateForcedScroll();
255             updateChildren();
256             mChildrenUpdateRequested = false;
257             getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this);
258             return true;
259         }
260     };
261     private StatusBar mStatusBar;
262     private int[] mTempInt2 = new int[2];
263     private boolean mGenerateChildOrderChangedEvent;
264     private HashSet<Runnable> mAnimationFinishedRunnables = new HashSet<>();
265     private HashSet<View> mClearOverlayViewsWhenFinished = new HashSet<>();
266     private HashSet<Pair<ExpandableNotificationRow, Boolean>> mHeadsUpChangeAnimations
267             = new HashSet<>();
268     private HeadsUpManager mHeadsUpManager;
269     private boolean mTrackingHeadsUp;
270     private ScrimController mScrimController;
271     private boolean mForceNoOverlappingRendering;
272     private final ArrayList<Pair<ExpandableNotificationRow, Boolean>> mTmpList = new ArrayList<>();
273     private FalsingManager mFalsingManager;
274     private boolean mAnimationRunning;
275     private ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener mRunningAnimationUpdater
276             = new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
277         @Override
278         public boolean onPreDraw() {
279             onPreDrawDuringAnimation();
280             return true;
281         }
282     };
283     private Rect mBackgroundBounds = new Rect();
284     private Rect mStartAnimationRect = new Rect();
285     private Rect mEndAnimationRect = new Rect();
286     private Rect mCurrentBounds = new Rect(-1, -1, -1, -1);
287     private boolean mAnimateNextBackgroundBottom;
288     private boolean mAnimateNextBackgroundTop;
289     private ObjectAnimator mBottomAnimator = null;
290     private ObjectAnimator mTopAnimator = null;
291     private ActivatableNotificationView mFirstVisibleBackgroundChild = null;
292     private ActivatableNotificationView mLastVisibleBackgroundChild = null;
293     private int mBgColor;
294     private float mDimAmount;
295     private ValueAnimator mDimAnimator;
296     private ArrayList<ExpandableView> mTmpSortedChildren = new ArrayList<>();
297     private Animator.AnimatorListener mDimEndListener = new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
298         @Override
299         public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
300             mDimAnimator = null;
301         }
302     };
303     private ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener mDimUpdateListener
304             = new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
306         @Override
307         public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
308             setDimAmount((Float) animation.getAnimatedValue());
309         }
310     };
311     protected ViewGroup mQsContainer;
312     private boolean mContinuousShadowUpdate;
313     private ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener mShadowUpdater
314             = new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
316         @Override
317         public boolean onPreDraw() {
318             updateViewShadows();
319             return true;
320         }
321     };
322     private Comparator<ExpandableView> mViewPositionComparator = new Comparator<ExpandableView>() {
323         @Override
324         public int compare(ExpandableView view, ExpandableView otherView) {
325             float endY = view.getTranslationY() + view.getActualHeight();
326             float otherEndY = otherView.getTranslationY() + otherView.getActualHeight();
327             if (endY < otherEndY) {
328                 return -1;
329             } else if (endY > otherEndY) {
330                 return 1;
331             } else {
332                 // The two notifications end at the same location
333                 return 0;
334             }
335         }
336     };
337     private PorterDuffXfermode mSrcMode = new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC);
338     private Collection<HeadsUpManager.HeadsUpEntry> mPulsing;
339     private boolean mDrawBackgroundAsSrc;
340     private boolean mFadingOut;
341     private boolean mParentNotFullyVisible;
342     private boolean mGroupExpandedForMeasure;
343     private boolean mScrollable;
344     private View mForcedScroll;
345     private float mBackgroundFadeAmount = 1.0f;
346     private static final Property<NotificationStackScrollLayout, Float> BACKGROUND_FADE =
347             new FloatProperty<NotificationStackScrollLayout>("backgroundFade") {
348                 @Override
349                 public void setValue(NotificationStackScrollLayout object, float value) {
350                     object.setBackgroundFadeAmount(value);
351                 }
353                 @Override
354                 public Float get(NotificationStackScrollLayout object) {
355                     return object.getBackgroundFadeAmount();
356                 }
357             };
358     private boolean mQsExpanded;
359     private boolean mForwardScrollable;
360     private boolean mBackwardScrollable;
361     private NotificationShelf mShelf;
362     private int mMaxDisplayedNotifications = -1;
363     private int mStatusBarHeight;
364     private boolean mNoAmbient;
365     private final Rect mClipRect = new Rect();
366     private boolean mIsClipped;
367     private Rect mRequestedClipBounds;
368     private boolean mInHeadsUpPinnedMode;
369     private boolean mHeadsUpAnimatingAway;
370     private int mStatusBarState;
371     private int mCachedBackgroundColor;
372     private Runnable mAnimateScroll = this::animateScroll;
NotificationStackScrollLayout(Context context)374     public NotificationStackScrollLayout(Context context) {
375         this(context, null);
376     }
NotificationStackScrollLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)378     public NotificationStackScrollLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
379         this(context, attrs, 0);
380     }
NotificationStackScrollLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)382     public NotificationStackScrollLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
383         this(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, 0);
384     }
NotificationStackScrollLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)386     public NotificationStackScrollLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr,
387             int defStyleRes) {
388         super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
389         Resources res = getResources();
391         mAmbientState = new AmbientState(context);
392         mBgColor = context.getColor(R.color.notification_shade_background_color);
393         int minHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_min_height);
394         int maxHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_max_height);
395         mExpandHelper = new ExpandHelper(getContext(), this,
396                 minHeight, maxHeight);
397         mExpandHelper.setEventSource(this);
398         mExpandHelper.setScrollAdapter(this);
399         mSwipeHelper = new NotificationSwipeHelper(SwipeHelper.X, this, getContext());
400         mSwipeHelper.setLongPressListener(mLongPressListener);
401         mStackScrollAlgorithm = createStackScrollAlgorithm(context);
402         initView(context);
403         mFalsingManager = FalsingManager.getInstance(context);
404         mShouldDrawNotificationBackground =
405                 res.getBoolean(R.bool.config_drawNotificationBackground);
407         updateWillNotDraw();
408         if (DEBUG) {
409             mDebugPaint = new Paint();
410             mDebugPaint.setColor(0xffff0000);
411             mDebugPaint.setStrokeWidth(2);
412             mDebugPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
413         }
414     }
getSwipeActionHelper()416     public NotificationSwipeActionHelper getSwipeActionHelper() {
417         return mSwipeHelper;
418     }
420     @Override
onMenuClicked(View view, int x, int y, MenuItem item)421     public void onMenuClicked(View view, int x, int y, MenuItem item) {
422         if (mLongPressListener == null) {
423             return;
424         }
425         if (view instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
426             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) view;
427             MetricsLogger.action(mContext, MetricsEvent.ACTION_TOUCH_GEAR,
428                     row.getStatusBarNotification().getPackageName());
429         }
430         mLongPressListener.onLongPress(view, x, y, item);
431     }
433     @Override
onMenuReset(View row)434     public void onMenuReset(View row) {
435         if (mTranslatingParentView != null && row == mTranslatingParentView) {
436             mMenuExposedView = null;
437             mTranslatingParentView = null;
438         }
439     }
441     @Override
onMenuShown(View row)442     public void onMenuShown(View row) {
443         mMenuExposedView = mTranslatingParentView;
444         if (row instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
445             MetricsLogger.action(mContext, MetricsEvent.ACTION_REVEAL_GEAR,
446                     ((ExpandableNotificationRow) row).getStatusBarNotification()
447                             .getPackageName());
448         }
449         mSwipeHelper.onMenuShown(row);
450     }
onDraw(Canvas canvas)452     protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
453         if (mShouldDrawNotificationBackground && !mAmbientState.isDark()
454                 && mCurrentBounds.top < mCurrentBounds.bottom) {
455             canvas.drawRect(0, mCurrentBounds.top, getWidth(), mCurrentBounds.bottom,
456                     mBackgroundPaint);
457         }
459         if (DEBUG) {
460             int y = mTopPadding;
461             canvas.drawLine(0, y, getWidth(), y, mDebugPaint);
462             y = getLayoutHeight();
463             canvas.drawLine(0, y, getWidth(), y, mDebugPaint);
464             y = getHeight() - getEmptyBottomMargin();
465             canvas.drawLine(0, y, getWidth(), y, mDebugPaint);
466         }
467     }
updateBackgroundDimming()469     private void updateBackgroundDimming() {
470         // No need to update the background color if it's not being drawn.
471         if (!mShouldDrawNotificationBackground) {
472             return;
473         }
475         float alpha = BACKGROUND_ALPHA_DIMMED + (1 - BACKGROUND_ALPHA_DIMMED) * (1.0f - mDimAmount);
476         alpha *= mBackgroundFadeAmount;
477         // We need to manually blend in the background color
478         int scrimColor = mScrimController.getScrimBehindColor();
479         // SRC_OVER blending Sa + (1 - Sa)*Da, Rc = Sc + (1 - Sa)*Dc
480         float alphaInv = 1 - alpha;
481         int color = Color.argb((int) (alpha * 255 + alphaInv * Color.alpha(scrimColor)),
482                 (int) (mBackgroundFadeAmount * Color.red(mBgColor)
483                         + alphaInv * Color.red(scrimColor)),
484                 (int) (mBackgroundFadeAmount * Color.green(mBgColor)
485                         + alphaInv * Color.green(scrimColor)),
486                 (int) (mBackgroundFadeAmount * Color.blue(mBgColor)
487                         + alphaInv * Color.blue(scrimColor)));
488         if (mCachedBackgroundColor != color) {
489             mCachedBackgroundColor = color;
490             mBackgroundPaint.setColor(color);
491             invalidate();
492         }
493     }
initView(Context context)495     private void initView(Context context) {
496         mScroller = new OverScroller(getContext());
497         setDescendantFocusability(FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS);
498         setClipChildren(false);
499         final ViewConfiguration configuration = ViewConfiguration.get(context);
500         mTouchSlop = configuration.getScaledTouchSlop();
501         mMinimumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity();
502         mMaximumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity();
503         mOverflingDistance = configuration.getScaledOverflingDistance();
504         mCollapsedSize = context.getResources()
505                 .getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_min_height);
506         mStackScrollAlgorithm.initView(context);
507         mAmbientState.reload(context);
508         mPaddingBetweenElements = Math.max(1, context.getResources()
509                 .getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_divider_height));
510         mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements = context.getResources()
511                 .getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_divider_height_increased);
512         mMinTopOverScrollToEscape = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(
513                 R.dimen.min_top_overscroll_to_qs);
514         mStatusBarHeight = getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.status_bar_height);
515     }
setDrawBackgroundAsSrc(boolean asSrc)517     public void setDrawBackgroundAsSrc(boolean asSrc) {
518         mDrawBackgroundAsSrc = asSrc;
519         updateSrcDrawing();
520     }
updateSrcDrawing()522     private void updateSrcDrawing() {
523         if (!mShouldDrawNotificationBackground) {
524             return;
525         }
527         mBackgroundPaint.setXfermode(mDrawBackgroundAsSrc && !mFadingOut && !mParentNotFullyVisible
528                 ? mSrcMode : null);
529         invalidate();
530     }
notifyHeightChangeListener(ExpandableView view)532     private void notifyHeightChangeListener(ExpandableView view) {
533         if (mOnHeightChangedListener != null) {
534             mOnHeightChangedListener.onHeightChanged(view, false /* needsAnimation */);
535         }
536     }
538     @Override
onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)539     protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
540         super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
541         // We need to measure all children even the GONE ones, such that the heights are calculated
542         // correctly as they are used to calculate how many we can fit on the screen.
543         final int size = getChildCount();
544         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
545             measureChild(getChildAt(i), widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
546         }
547     }
549     @Override
onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)550     protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
551         // we layout all our children centered on the top
552         float centerX = getWidth() / 2.0f;
553         for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
554             View child = getChildAt(i);
555             // We need to layout all children even the GONE ones, such that the heights are
556             // calculated correctly as they are used to calculate how many we can fit on the screen
557             float width = child.getMeasuredWidth();
558             float height = child.getMeasuredHeight();
559             child.layout((int) (centerX - width / 2.0f),
560                     0,
561                     (int) (centerX + width / 2.0f),
562                     (int) height);
563         }
564         setMaxLayoutHeight(getHeight());
565         updateContentHeight();
566         clampScrollPosition();
567         requestChildrenUpdate();
568         updateFirstAndLastBackgroundViews();
569         updateAlgorithmLayoutMinHeight();
570     }
requestAnimationOnViewResize(ExpandableNotificationRow row)572     private void requestAnimationOnViewResize(ExpandableNotificationRow row) {
573         if (mAnimationsEnabled && (mIsExpanded || row != null && row.isPinned())) {
574             mNeedViewResizeAnimation = true;
575             mNeedsAnimation = true;
576         }
577     }
updateSpeedBumpIndex(int newIndex, boolean noAmbient)579     public void updateSpeedBumpIndex(int newIndex, boolean noAmbient) {
580         mAmbientState.setSpeedBumpIndex(newIndex);
581         mNoAmbient = noAmbient;
582     }
setChildLocationsChangedListener(OnChildLocationsChangedListener listener)584     public void setChildLocationsChangedListener(OnChildLocationsChangedListener listener) {
585         mListener = listener;
586     }
588     @Override
isInVisibleLocation(ExpandableNotificationRow row)589     public boolean isInVisibleLocation(ExpandableNotificationRow row) {
590         ExpandableViewState childViewState = mCurrentStackScrollState.getViewStateForView(row);
591         if (childViewState == null) {
592             return false;
593         }
594         if ((childViewState.location &= ExpandableViewState.VISIBLE_LOCATIONS) == 0) {
595             return false;
596         }
597         if (row.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) {
598             return false;
599         }
600         return true;
601     }
setMaxLayoutHeight(int maxLayoutHeight)603     private void setMaxLayoutHeight(int maxLayoutHeight) {
604         mMaxLayoutHeight = maxLayoutHeight;
605         mShelf.setMaxLayoutHeight(maxLayoutHeight);
606         updateAlgorithmHeightAndPadding();
607     }
updateAlgorithmHeightAndPadding()609     private void updateAlgorithmHeightAndPadding() {
610         mAmbientState.setLayoutHeight(getLayoutHeight());
611         updateAlgorithmLayoutMinHeight();
612         mAmbientState.setTopPadding(mTopPadding);
613     }
updateAlgorithmLayoutMinHeight()615     private void updateAlgorithmLayoutMinHeight() {
616         mAmbientState.setLayoutMinHeight(mQsExpanded && !onKeyguard() ? getLayoutMinHeight() : 0);
617     }
619     /**
620      * Updates the children views according to the stack scroll algorithm. Call this whenever
621      * modifications to {@link #mOwnScrollY} are performed to reflect it in the view layout.
622      */
updateChildren()623     private void updateChildren() {
624         updateScrollStateForAddedChildren();
625         mAmbientState.setCurrentScrollVelocity(mScroller.isFinished()
626                 ? 0
627                 : mScroller.getCurrVelocity());
628         mAmbientState.setScrollY(mOwnScrollY);
629         mStackScrollAlgorithm.getStackScrollState(mAmbientState, mCurrentStackScrollState);
630         if (!isCurrentlyAnimating() && !mNeedsAnimation) {
631             applyCurrentState();
632         } else {
633             startAnimationToState();
634         }
635     }
onPreDrawDuringAnimation()637     private void onPreDrawDuringAnimation() {
638         mShelf.updateAppearance();
639         if (!mNeedsAnimation && !mChildrenUpdateRequested) {
640             updateBackground();
641         }
642     }
updateScrollStateForAddedChildren()644     private void updateScrollStateForAddedChildren() {
645         if (mChildrenToAddAnimated.isEmpty()) {
646             return;
647         }
648         for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
649             ExpandableView child = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(i);
650             if (mChildrenToAddAnimated.contains(child)) {
651                 int startingPosition = getPositionInLinearLayout(child);
652                 float increasedPaddingAmount = child.getIncreasedPaddingAmount();
653                 int padding = increasedPaddingAmount == 1.0f ? mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements
654                         : increasedPaddingAmount == -1.0f ? 0 : mPaddingBetweenElements;
655                 int childHeight = getIntrinsicHeight(child) + padding;
656                 if (startingPosition < mOwnScrollY) {
657                     // This child starts off screen, so let's keep it offscreen to keep the others visible
659                     setOwnScrollY(mOwnScrollY + childHeight);
660                 }
661             }
662         }
663         clampScrollPosition();
664     }
updateForcedScroll()666     private void updateForcedScroll() {
667         if (mForcedScroll != null && (!mForcedScroll.hasFocus()
668                 || !mForcedScroll.isAttachedToWindow())) {
669             mForcedScroll = null;
670         }
671         if (mForcedScroll != null) {
672             ExpandableView expandableView = (ExpandableView) mForcedScroll;
673             int positionInLinearLayout = getPositionInLinearLayout(expandableView);
674             int targetScroll = targetScrollForView(expandableView, positionInLinearLayout);
675             int outOfViewScroll = positionInLinearLayout + expandableView.getIntrinsicHeight();
677             targetScroll = Math.max(0, Math.min(targetScroll, getScrollRange()));
679             // Only apply the scroll if we're scrolling the view upwards, or the view is so far up
680             // that it is not visible anymore.
681             if (mOwnScrollY < targetScroll || outOfViewScroll < mOwnScrollY) {
682                 setOwnScrollY(targetScroll);
683             }
684         }
685     }
requestChildrenUpdate()687     private void requestChildrenUpdate() {
688         if (!mChildrenUpdateRequested) {
689             getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(mChildrenUpdater);
690             mChildrenUpdateRequested = true;
691             invalidate();
692         }
693     }
isCurrentlyAnimating()695     private boolean isCurrentlyAnimating() {
696         return mStateAnimator.isRunning();
697     }
clampScrollPosition()699     private void clampScrollPosition() {
700         int scrollRange = getScrollRange();
701         if (scrollRange < mOwnScrollY) {
702             setOwnScrollY(scrollRange);
703         }
704     }
getTopPadding()706     public int getTopPadding() {
707         return mTopPadding;
708     }
setTopPadding(int topPadding, boolean animate)710     private void setTopPadding(int topPadding, boolean animate) {
711         if (mTopPadding != topPadding) {
712             mTopPadding = topPadding;
713             updateAlgorithmHeightAndPadding();
714             updateContentHeight();
715             if (animate && mAnimationsEnabled && mIsExpanded) {
716                 mTopPaddingNeedsAnimation = true;
717                 mNeedsAnimation =  true;
718             }
719             requestChildrenUpdate();
720             notifyHeightChangeListener(null);
721         }
722     }
724     /**
725      * Update the height of the panel.
726      *
727      * @param height the expanded height of the panel
728      */
setExpandedHeight(float height)729     public void setExpandedHeight(float height) {
730         mExpandedHeight = height;
731         setIsExpanded(height > 0);
732         int minExpansionHeight = getMinExpansionHeight();
733         if (height < minExpansionHeight) {
734             mClipRect.left = 0;
735             mClipRect.right = getWidth();
736             mClipRect.top = 0;
737             mClipRect.bottom = (int) height;
738             height = minExpansionHeight;
739             setRequestedClipBounds(mClipRect);
740         } else {
741             setRequestedClipBounds(null);
742         }
743         int stackHeight;
744         float translationY;
745         float appearEndPosition = getAppearEndPosition();
746         float appearStartPosition = getAppearStartPosition();
747         if (height >= appearEndPosition) {
748             translationY = 0;
749             stackHeight = (int) height;
750         } else {
751             float appearFraction = getAppearFraction(height);
752             if (appearFraction >= 0) {
753                 translationY = NotificationUtils.interpolate(getExpandTranslationStart(), 0,
754                         appearFraction);
755             } else {
756                 // This may happen when pushing up a heads up. We linearly push it up from the
757                 // start
758                 translationY = height - appearStartPosition + getExpandTranslationStart();
759             }
760             stackHeight = (int) (height - translationY);
761         }
762         if (stackHeight != mCurrentStackHeight) {
763             mCurrentStackHeight = stackHeight;
764             updateAlgorithmHeightAndPadding();
765             requestChildrenUpdate();
766         }
767         setStackTranslation(translationY);
768     }
setRequestedClipBounds(Rect clipRect)770     private void setRequestedClipBounds(Rect clipRect) {
771         mRequestedClipBounds = clipRect;
772         updateClipping();
773     }
updateClipping()775     public void updateClipping() {
776         boolean clipped = mRequestedClipBounds != null && !mInHeadsUpPinnedMode
777                 && !mHeadsUpAnimatingAway;
778         if (mIsClipped != clipped) {
779             mIsClipped = clipped;
780             updateFadingState();
781         }
782         if (clipped) {
783             setClipBounds(mRequestedClipBounds);
784         } else {
785             setClipBounds(null);
786         }
787     }
789     /**
790      * @return The translation at the beginning when expanding.
791      *         Measured relative to the resting position.
792      */
getExpandTranslationStart()793     private float getExpandTranslationStart() {
794         return - mTopPadding;
795     }
797     /**
798      * @return the position from where the appear transition starts when expanding.
799      *         Measured in absolute height.
800      */
getAppearStartPosition()801     private float getAppearStartPosition() {
802         if (mTrackingHeadsUp && mFirstVisibleBackgroundChild != null) {
803             if (mFirstVisibleBackgroundChild.isAboveShelf()) {
804                 // If we ever expanded beyond the first notification, it's allowed to merge into
805                 // the shelf
806                 return mFirstVisibleBackgroundChild.getPinnedHeadsUpHeight();
807             }
808         }
809         return getMinExpansionHeight();
810     }
812     /**
813      * @return the position from where the appear transition ends when expanding.
814      *         Measured in absolute height.
815      */
getAppearEndPosition()816     private float getAppearEndPosition() {
817         int appearPosition;
818         int notGoneChildCount = getNotGoneChildCount();
819         if (mEmptyShadeView.getVisibility() == GONE && notGoneChildCount != 0) {
820             int minNotificationsForShelf = 1;
821             if (mTrackingHeadsUp || mHeadsUpManager.hasPinnedHeadsUp()) {
822                 appearPosition = mHeadsUpManager.getTopHeadsUpPinnedHeight();
823                 minNotificationsForShelf = 2;
824             } else {
825                 appearPosition = 0;
826             }
827             if (notGoneChildCount >= minNotificationsForShelf) {
828                 appearPosition += mShelf.getIntrinsicHeight();
829             }
830         } else {
831             appearPosition = mEmptyShadeView.getHeight();
832         }
833         return appearPosition + (onKeyguard() ? mTopPadding : mIntrinsicPadding);
834     }
836     /**
837      * @param height the height of the panel
838      * @return the fraction of the appear animation that has been performed
839      */
getAppearFraction(float height)840     public float getAppearFraction(float height) {
841         float appearEndPosition = getAppearEndPosition();
842         float appearStartPosition = getAppearStartPosition();
843         return (height - appearStartPosition)
844                 / (appearEndPosition - appearStartPosition);
845     }
getStackTranslation()847     public float getStackTranslation() {
848         return mStackTranslation;
849     }
setStackTranslation(float stackTranslation)851     private void setStackTranslation(float stackTranslation) {
852         if (stackTranslation != mStackTranslation) {
853             mStackTranslation = stackTranslation;
854             mAmbientState.setStackTranslation(stackTranslation);
855             requestChildrenUpdate();
856         }
857     }
859     /**
860      * Get the current height of the view. This is at most the msize of the view given by a the
861      * layout but it can also be made smaller by setting {@link #mCurrentStackHeight}
862      *
863      * @return either the layout height or the externally defined height, whichever is smaller
864      */
getLayoutHeight()865     private int getLayoutHeight() {
866         return Math.min(mMaxLayoutHeight, mCurrentStackHeight);
867     }
getFirstItemMinHeight()869     public int getFirstItemMinHeight() {
870         final ExpandableView firstChild = getFirstChildNotGone();
871         return firstChild != null ? firstChild.getMinHeight() : mCollapsedSize;
872     }
setLongPressListener(SwipeHelper.LongPressListener listener)874     public void setLongPressListener(SwipeHelper.LongPressListener listener) {
875         mSwipeHelper.setLongPressListener(listener);
876         mLongPressListener = listener;
877     }
setQsContainer(ViewGroup qsContainer)879     public void setQsContainer(ViewGroup qsContainer) {
880         mQsContainer = qsContainer;
881     }
883     @Override
onChildDismissed(View v)884     public void onChildDismissed(View v) {
885         ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) v;
886         if (!row.isDismissed()) {
887             handleChildDismissed(v);
888         }
889         ViewGroup transientContainer = row.getTransientContainer();
890         if (transientContainer != null) {
891             transientContainer.removeTransientView(v);
892         }
893     }
handleChildDismissed(View v)895     private void handleChildDismissed(View v) {
896         if (mDismissAllInProgress) {
897             return;
898         }
899         setSwipingInProgress(false);
900         if (mDragAnimPendingChildren.contains(v)) {
901             // We start the swipe and finish it in the same frame, we don't want any animation
902             // for the drag
903             mDragAnimPendingChildren.remove(v);
904         }
905         mSwipedOutViews.add(v);
906         mAmbientState.onDragFinished(v);
907         updateContinuousShadowDrawing();
908         if (v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
909             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) v;
910             if (row.isHeadsUp()) {
911                 mHeadsUpManager.addSwipedOutNotification(row.getStatusBarNotification().getKey());
912             }
913         }
914         performDismiss(v, mGroupManager, false /* fromAccessibility */);
916         mFalsingManager.onNotificationDismissed();
917         if (mFalsingManager.shouldEnforceBouncer()) {
918             mStatusBar.executeRunnableDismissingKeyguard(null, null /* cancelAction */,
919                     false /* dismissShade */, true /* afterKeyguardGone */, false /* deferred */);
920         }
921     }
performDismiss(View v, NotificationGroupManager groupManager, boolean fromAccessibility)923     public static void performDismiss(View v, NotificationGroupManager groupManager,
924             boolean fromAccessibility) {
925         if (!(v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow)) {
926             return;
927         }
928         ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) v;
929         if (groupManager.isOnlyChildInGroup(row.getStatusBarNotification())) {
930             ExpandableNotificationRow groupSummary =
931                     groupManager.getLogicalGroupSummary(row.getStatusBarNotification());
932             if (groupSummary.isClearable()) {
933                 performDismiss(groupSummary, groupManager, fromAccessibility);
934             }
935         }
936         row.setDismissed(true, fromAccessibility);
937         if (row.isClearable()) {
938             row.performDismiss();
939         }
940         if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "onChildDismissed: " + v);
941     }
943     @Override
onChildSnappedBack(View animView, float targetLeft)944     public void onChildSnappedBack(View animView, float targetLeft) {
945         mAmbientState.onDragFinished(animView);
946         updateContinuousShadowDrawing();
947         if (!mDragAnimPendingChildren.contains(animView)) {
948             if (mAnimationsEnabled) {
949                 mSnappedBackChildren.add(animView);
950                 mNeedsAnimation = true;
951             }
952             requestChildrenUpdate();
953         } else {
954             // We start the swipe and snap back in the same frame, we don't want any animation
955             mDragAnimPendingChildren.remove(animView);
956         }
957         if (mCurrMenuRow != null && targetLeft == 0) {
958             mCurrMenuRow.resetMenu();
959             mCurrMenuRow = null;
960         }
961     }
963     @Override
updateSwipeProgress(View animView, boolean dismissable, float swipeProgress)964     public boolean updateSwipeProgress(View animView, boolean dismissable, float swipeProgress) {
965         if (!mIsExpanded && isPinnedHeadsUp(animView) && canChildBeDismissed(animView)) {
966             mScrimController.setTopHeadsUpDragAmount(animView,
967                     Math.min(Math.abs(swipeProgress / 2f - 1.0f), 1.0f));
968         }
969         return true; // Don't fade out the notification
970     }
972     @Override
onBeginDrag(View v)973     public void onBeginDrag(View v) {
974         mFalsingManager.onNotificatonStartDismissing();
975         setSwipingInProgress(true);
976         mAmbientState.onBeginDrag(v);
977         updateContinuousShadowDrawing();
978         if (mAnimationsEnabled && (mIsExpanded || !isPinnedHeadsUp(v))) {
979             mDragAnimPendingChildren.add(v);
980             mNeedsAnimation = true;
981         }
982         requestChildrenUpdate();
983     }
isPinnedHeadsUp(View v)985     public static boolean isPinnedHeadsUp(View v) {
986         if (v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
987             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) v;
988             return row.isHeadsUp() && row.isPinned();
989         }
990         return false;
991     }
isHeadsUp(View v)993     private boolean isHeadsUp(View v) {
994         if (v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
995             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) v;
996             return row.isHeadsUp();
997         }
998         return false;
999     }
1001     @Override
onDragCancelled(View v)1002     public void onDragCancelled(View v) {
1003         mFalsingManager.onNotificatonStopDismissing();
1004         setSwipingInProgress(false);
1005     }
1007     @Override
getFalsingThresholdFactor()1008     public float getFalsingThresholdFactor() {
1009         return mStatusBar.isWakeUpComingFromTouch() ? 1.5f : 1.0f;
1010     }
1012     @Override
getChildAtPosition(MotionEvent ev)1013     public View getChildAtPosition(MotionEvent ev) {
1014         View child = getChildAtPosition(ev.getX(), ev.getY());
1015         if (child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
1016             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
1017             ExpandableNotificationRow parent = row.getNotificationParent();
1018             if (parent != null && parent.areChildrenExpanded()
1019                     && (parent.areGutsExposed()
1020                             || mMenuExposedView == parent
1021                         || (parent.getNotificationChildren().size() == 1
1022                                 && parent.isClearable()))) {
1023                 // In this case the group is expanded and showing the menu for the
1024                 // group, further interaction should apply to the group, not any
1025                 // child notifications so we use the parent of the child. We also do the same
1026                 // if we only have a single child.
1027                 child = parent;
1028             }
1029         }
1030         return child;
1031     }
getClosestChildAtRawPosition(float touchX, float touchY)1033     public ExpandableView getClosestChildAtRawPosition(float touchX, float touchY) {
1034         getLocationOnScreen(mTempInt2);
1035         float localTouchY = touchY - mTempInt2[1];
1037         ExpandableView closestChild = null;
1038         float minDist = Float.MAX_VALUE;
1040         // find the view closest to the location, accounting for GONE views
1041         final int count = getChildCount();
1042         for (int childIdx = 0; childIdx < count; childIdx++) {
1043             ExpandableView slidingChild = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(childIdx);
1044             if (slidingChild.getVisibility() == GONE
1045                     || slidingChild instanceof StackScrollerDecorView) {
1046                 continue;
1047             }
1048             float childTop = slidingChild.getTranslationY();
1049             float top = childTop + slidingChild.getClipTopAmount();
1050             float bottom = childTop + slidingChild.getActualHeight()
1051                     - slidingChild.getClipBottomAmount();
1053             float dist = Math.min(Math.abs(top - localTouchY), Math.abs(bottom - localTouchY));
1054             if (dist < minDist) {
1055                 closestChild = slidingChild;
1056                 minDist = dist;
1057             }
1058         }
1059         return closestChild;
1060     }
1062     @Override
getChildAtRawPosition(float touchX, float touchY)1063     public ExpandableView getChildAtRawPosition(float touchX, float touchY) {
1064         getLocationOnScreen(mTempInt2);
1065         return getChildAtPosition(touchX - mTempInt2[0], touchY - mTempInt2[1]);
1066     }
1068     @Override
getChildAtPosition(float touchX, float touchY)1069     public ExpandableView getChildAtPosition(float touchX, float touchY) {
1070         // find the view under the pointer, accounting for GONE views
1071         final int count = getChildCount();
1072         for (int childIdx = 0; childIdx < count; childIdx++) {
1073             ExpandableView slidingChild = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(childIdx);
1074             if (slidingChild.getVisibility() == GONE
1075                     || slidingChild instanceof StackScrollerDecorView) {
1076                 continue;
1077             }
1078             float childTop = slidingChild.getTranslationY();
1079             float top = childTop + slidingChild.getClipTopAmount();
1080             float bottom = childTop + slidingChild.getActualHeight()
1081                     - slidingChild.getClipBottomAmount();
1083             // Allow the full width of this view to prevent gesture conflict on Keyguard (phone and
1084             // camera affordance).
1085             int left = 0;
1086             int right = getWidth();
1088             if (touchY >= top && touchY <= bottom && touchX >= left && touchX <= right) {
1089                 if (slidingChild instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
1090                     ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) slidingChild;
1091                     if (!mIsExpanded && row.isHeadsUp() && row.isPinned()
1092                             && mHeadsUpManager.getTopEntry().entry.row != row
1093                             && mGroupManager.getGroupSummary(
1094                                 mHeadsUpManager.getTopEntry().entry.row.getStatusBarNotification())
1095                                 != row) {
1096                         continue;
1097                     }
1098                     return row.getViewAtPosition(touchY - childTop);
1099                 }
1100                 return slidingChild;
1101             }
1102         }
1103         return null;
1104     }
1106     @Override
canChildBeExpanded(View v)1107     public boolean canChildBeExpanded(View v) {
1108         return v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow
1109                 && ((ExpandableNotificationRow) v).isExpandable()
1110                 && !((ExpandableNotificationRow) v).areGutsExposed()
1111                 && (mIsExpanded || !((ExpandableNotificationRow) v).isPinned());
1112     }
1114     /* Only ever called as a consequence of an expansion gesture in the shade. */
1115     @Override
setUserExpandedChild(View v, boolean userExpanded)1116     public void setUserExpandedChild(View v, boolean userExpanded) {
1117         if (v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
1118             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) v;
1119             if (userExpanded && onKeyguard()) {
1120                 // Due to a race when locking the screen while touching, a notification may be
1121                 // expanded even after we went back to keyguard. An example of this happens if
1122                 // you click in the empty space while expanding a group.
1124                 // We also need to un-user lock it here, since otherwise the content height
1125                 // calculated might be wrong. We also can't invert the two calls since
1126                 // un-userlocking it will trigger a layout switch in the content view.
1127                 row.setUserLocked(false);
1128                 updateContentHeight();
1129                 notifyHeightChangeListener(row);
1130                 return;
1131             }
1132             row.setUserExpanded(userExpanded, true /* allowChildrenExpansion */);
1133             row.onExpandedByGesture(userExpanded);
1134         }
1135     }
1137     @Override
setExpansionCancelled(View v)1138     public void setExpansionCancelled(View v) {
1139         if (v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
1140             ((ExpandableNotificationRow) v).setGroupExpansionChanging(false);
1141         }
1142     }
1144     @Override
setUserLockedChild(View v, boolean userLocked)1145     public void setUserLockedChild(View v, boolean userLocked) {
1146         if (v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
1147             ((ExpandableNotificationRow) v).setUserLocked(userLocked);
1148         }
1149         removeLongPressCallback();
1150         requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);
1151     }
1153     @Override
expansionStateChanged(boolean isExpanding)1154     public void expansionStateChanged(boolean isExpanding) {
1155         mExpandingNotification = isExpanding;
1156         if (!mExpandedInThisMotion) {
1157             mMaxScrollAfterExpand = mOwnScrollY;
1158             mExpandedInThisMotion = true;
1159         }
1160     }
1162     @Override
getMaxExpandHeight(ExpandableView view)1163     public int getMaxExpandHeight(ExpandableView view) {
1164         return view.getMaxContentHeight();
1165     }
setScrollingEnabled(boolean enable)1167     public void setScrollingEnabled(boolean enable) {
1168         mScrollingEnabled = enable;
1169     }
1171     @Override
lockScrollTo(View v)1172     public void lockScrollTo(View v) {
1173         if (mForcedScroll == v) {
1174             return;
1175         }
1176         mForcedScroll = v;
1177         scrollTo(v);
1178     }
1180     @Override
scrollTo(View v)1181     public boolean scrollTo(View v) {
1182         ExpandableView expandableView = (ExpandableView) v;
1183         int positionInLinearLayout = getPositionInLinearLayout(v);
1184         int targetScroll = targetScrollForView(expandableView, positionInLinearLayout);
1185         int outOfViewScroll = positionInLinearLayout + expandableView.getIntrinsicHeight();
1187         // Only apply the scroll if we're scrolling the view upwards, or the view is so far up
1188         // that it is not visible anymore.
1189         if (mOwnScrollY < targetScroll || outOfViewScroll < mOwnScrollY) {
1190             mScroller.startScroll(mScrollX, mOwnScrollY, 0, targetScroll - mOwnScrollY);
1191             mDontReportNextOverScroll = true;
1192             animateScroll();
1193             return true;
1194         }
1195         return false;
1196     }
1198     /**
1199      * @return the scroll necessary to make the bottom edge of {@param v} align with the top of
1200      *         the IME.
1201      */
targetScrollForView(ExpandableView v, int positionInLinearLayout)1202     private int targetScrollForView(ExpandableView v, int positionInLinearLayout) {
1203         return positionInLinearLayout + v.getIntrinsicHeight() +
1204                 getImeInset() - getHeight() + getTopPadding();
1205     }
1207     @Override
onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets)1208     public WindowInsets onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets) {
1209         mBottomInset = insets.getSystemWindowInsetBottom();
1211         int range = getScrollRange();
1212         if (mOwnScrollY > range) {
1213             // HACK: We're repeatedly getting staggered insets here while the IME is
1214             // animating away. To work around that we'll wait until things have settled.
1215             removeCallbacks(mReclamp);
1216             postDelayed(mReclamp, 50);
1217         } else if (mForcedScroll != null) {
1218             // The scroll was requested before we got the actual inset - in case we need
1219             // to scroll up some more do so now.
1220             scrollTo(mForcedScroll);
1221         }
1222         return insets;
1223     }
1225     private Runnable mReclamp = new Runnable() {
1226         @Override
1227         public void run() {
1228             int range = getScrollRange();
1229             mScroller.startScroll(mScrollX, mOwnScrollY, 0, range - mOwnScrollY);
1230             mDontReportNextOverScroll = true;
1231             mDontClampNextScroll = true;
1232             animateScroll();
1233         }
1234     };
setExpandingEnabled(boolean enable)1236     public void setExpandingEnabled(boolean enable) {
1237         mExpandHelper.setEnabled(enable);
1238     }
isScrollingEnabled()1240     private boolean isScrollingEnabled() {
1241         return mScrollingEnabled;
1242     }
1244     @Override
canChildBeDismissed(View v)1245     public boolean canChildBeDismissed(View v) {
1246         return StackScrollAlgorithm.canChildBeDismissed(v);
1247     }
1249     @Override
isAntiFalsingNeeded()1250     public boolean isAntiFalsingNeeded() {
1251         return onKeyguard();
1252     }
onKeyguard()1254     private boolean onKeyguard() {
1255         return mStatusBarState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD;
1256     }
setSwipingInProgress(boolean isSwiped)1258     private void setSwipingInProgress(boolean isSwiped) {
1259         mSwipingInProgress = isSwiped;
1260         if(isSwiped) {
1261             requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);
1262         }
1263     }
1265     @Override
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig)1266     protected void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
1267         super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
1268         float densityScale = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
1269         mSwipeHelper.setDensityScale(densityScale);
1270         float pagingTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()).getScaledPagingTouchSlop();
1271         mSwipeHelper.setPagingTouchSlop(pagingTouchSlop);
1272         initView(getContext());
1273     }
dismissViewAnimated(View child, Runnable endRunnable, int delay, long duration)1275     public void dismissViewAnimated(View child, Runnable endRunnable, int delay, long duration) {
1276         mSwipeHelper.dismissChild(child, 0, endRunnable, delay, true, duration,
1277                 true /* isDismissAll */);
1278     }
snapViewIfNeeded(ExpandableNotificationRow child)1280     public void snapViewIfNeeded(ExpandableNotificationRow child) {
1281         boolean animate = mIsExpanded || isPinnedHeadsUp(child);
1282         // If the child is showing the notification menu snap to that
1283         float targetLeft = child.getProvider().isMenuVisible() ? child.getTranslation() : 0;
1284         mSwipeHelper.snapChildIfNeeded(child, animate, targetLeft);
1285     }
1287     @Override
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)1288     public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
1289         boolean isCancelOrUp = ev.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL
1290                 || ev.getActionMasked()== MotionEvent.ACTION_UP;
1291         handleEmptySpaceClick(ev);
1292         boolean expandWantsIt = false;
1293         if (mIsExpanded && !mSwipingInProgress && !mOnlyScrollingInThisMotion) {
1294             if (isCancelOrUp) {
1295                 mExpandHelper.onlyObserveMovements(false);
1296             }
1297             boolean wasExpandingBefore = mExpandingNotification;
1298             expandWantsIt = mExpandHelper.onTouchEvent(ev);
1299             if (mExpandedInThisMotion && !mExpandingNotification && wasExpandingBefore
1300                     && !mDisallowScrollingInThisMotion) {
1301                 dispatchDownEventToScroller(ev);
1302             }
1303         }
1304         boolean scrollerWantsIt = false;
1305         if (mIsExpanded && !mSwipingInProgress && !mExpandingNotification
1306                 && !mDisallowScrollingInThisMotion) {
1307             scrollerWantsIt = onScrollTouch(ev);
1308         }
1309         boolean horizontalSwipeWantsIt = false;
1310         if (!mIsBeingDragged
1311                 && !mExpandingNotification
1312                 && !mExpandedInThisMotion
1313                 && !mOnlyScrollingInThisMotion
1314                 && !mDisallowDismissInThisMotion) {
1315             horizontalSwipeWantsIt = mSwipeHelper.onTouchEvent(ev);
1316         }
1318         // Check if we need to clear any snooze leavebehinds
1319         NotificationGuts guts = mStatusBar.getExposedGuts();
1320         if (guts != null && !isTouchInView(ev, guts)
1321                 && guts.getGutsContent() instanceof NotificationSnooze) {
1322             NotificationSnooze ns = (NotificationSnooze) guts.getGutsContent();
1323             if ((ns.isExpanded() && isCancelOrUp)
1324                     || (!horizontalSwipeWantsIt && scrollerWantsIt)) {
1325                 // If the leavebehind is expanded we clear it on the next up event, otherwise we
1326                 // clear it on the next non-horizontal swipe or expand event.
1327                 checkSnoozeLeavebehind();
1328             }
1329         }
1330         if (ev.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
1331             mCheckForLeavebehind = true;
1332         }
1333         return horizontalSwipeWantsIt || scrollerWantsIt || expandWantsIt || super.onTouchEvent(ev);
1334     }
dispatchDownEventToScroller(MotionEvent ev)1336     private void dispatchDownEventToScroller(MotionEvent ev) {
1337         MotionEvent downEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(ev);
1338         downEvent.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN);
1339         onScrollTouch(downEvent);
1340         downEvent.recycle();
1341     }
1343     @Override
onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event)1344     public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {
1345         if (!isScrollingEnabled() || !mIsExpanded || mSwipingInProgress || mExpandingNotification
1346                 || mDisallowScrollingInThisMotion) {
1347             return false;
1348         }
1349         if ((event.getSource() & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER) != 0) {
1350             switch (event.getAction()) {
1351                 case MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL: {
1352                     if (!mIsBeingDragged) {
1353                         final float vscroll = event.getAxisValue(MotionEvent.AXIS_VSCROLL);
1354                         if (vscroll != 0) {
1355                             final int delta = (int) (vscroll * getVerticalScrollFactor());
1356                             final int range = getScrollRange();
1357                             int oldScrollY = mOwnScrollY;
1358                             int newScrollY = oldScrollY - delta;
1359                             if (newScrollY < 0) {
1360                                 newScrollY = 0;
1361                             } else if (newScrollY > range) {
1362                                 newScrollY = range;
1363                             }
1364                             if (newScrollY != oldScrollY) {
1365                                 setOwnScrollY(newScrollY);
1366                                 return true;
1367                             }
1368                         }
1369                     }
1370                 }
1371             }
1372         }
1373         return super.onGenericMotionEvent(event);
1374     }
onScrollTouch(MotionEvent ev)1376     private boolean onScrollTouch(MotionEvent ev) {
1377         if (!isScrollingEnabled()) {
1378             return false;
1379         }
1380         if (isInsideQsContainer(ev) && !mIsBeingDragged) {
1381             return false;
1382         }
1383         mForcedScroll = null;
1384         initVelocityTrackerIfNotExists();
1385         mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev);
1387         final int action = ev.getAction();
1389         switch (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {
1390             case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
1391                 if (getChildCount() == 0 || !isInContentBounds(ev)) {
1392                     return false;
1393                 }
1394                 boolean isBeingDragged = !mScroller.isFinished();
1395                 setIsBeingDragged(isBeingDragged);
1396                 /*
1397                  * If being flinged and user touches, stop the fling. isFinished
1398                  * will be false if being flinged.
1399                  */
1400                 if (!mScroller.isFinished()) {
1401                     mScroller.forceFinished(true);
1402                 }
1404                 // Remember where the motion event started
1405                 mLastMotionY = (int) ev.getY();
1406                 mDownX = (int) ev.getX();
1407                 mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(0);
1408                 break;
1409             }
1410             case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
1411                 final int activePointerIndex = ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId);
1412                 if (activePointerIndex == -1) {
1413                     Log.e(TAG, "Invalid pointerId=" + mActivePointerId + " in onTouchEvent");
1414                     break;
1415                 }
1417                 final int y = (int) ev.getY(activePointerIndex);
1418                 final int x = (int) ev.getX(activePointerIndex);
1419                 int deltaY = mLastMotionY - y;
1420                 final int xDiff = Math.abs(x - mDownX);
1421                 final int yDiff = Math.abs(deltaY);
1422                 if (!mIsBeingDragged && yDiff > mTouchSlop && yDiff > xDiff) {
1423                     setIsBeingDragged(true);
1424                     if (deltaY > 0) {
1425                         deltaY -= mTouchSlop;
1426                     } else {
1427                         deltaY += mTouchSlop;
1428                     }
1429                 }
1430                 if (mIsBeingDragged) {
1431                     // Scroll to follow the motion event
1432                     mLastMotionY = y;
1433                     int range = getScrollRange();
1434                     if (mExpandedInThisMotion) {
1435                         range = Math.min(range, mMaxScrollAfterExpand);
1436                     }
1438                     float scrollAmount;
1439                     if (deltaY < 0) {
1440                         scrollAmount = overScrollDown(deltaY);
1441                     } else {
1442                         scrollAmount = overScrollUp(deltaY, range);
1443                     }
1445                     // Calling customOverScrollBy will call onCustomOverScrolled, which
1446                     // sets the scrolling if applicable.
1447                     if (scrollAmount != 0.0f) {
1448                         // The scrolling motion could not be compensated with the
1449                         // existing overScroll, we have to scroll the view
1450                         customOverScrollBy((int) scrollAmount, mOwnScrollY,
1451                                 range, getHeight() / 2);
1452                         // If we're scrolling, leavebehinds should be dismissed
1453                         checkSnoozeLeavebehind();
1454                     }
1455                 }
1456                 break;
1457             case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
1458                 if (mIsBeingDragged) {
1459                     final VelocityTracker velocityTracker = mVelocityTracker;
1460                     velocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000, mMaximumVelocity);
1461                     int initialVelocity = (int) velocityTracker.getYVelocity(mActivePointerId);
1463                     if (shouldOverScrollFling(initialVelocity)) {
1464                         onOverScrollFling(true, initialVelocity);
1465                     } else {
1466                         if (getChildCount() > 0) {
1467                             if ((Math.abs(initialVelocity) > mMinimumVelocity)) {
1468                                 float currentOverScrollTop = getCurrentOverScrollAmount(true);
1469                                 if (currentOverScrollTop == 0.0f || initialVelocity > 0) {
1470                                     fling(-initialVelocity);
1471                                 } else {
1472                                     onOverScrollFling(false, initialVelocity);
1473                                 }
1474                             } else {
1475                                 if (mScroller.springBack(mScrollX, mOwnScrollY, 0, 0, 0,
1476                                         getScrollRange())) {
1477                                     animateScroll();
1478                                 }
1479                             }
1480                         }
1481                     }
1482                     mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
1483                     endDrag();
1484                 }
1486                 break;
1487             case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
1488                 if (mIsBeingDragged && getChildCount() > 0) {
1489                     if (mScroller.springBack(mScrollX, mOwnScrollY, 0, 0, 0, getScrollRange())) {
1490                         animateScroll();
1491                     }
1492                     mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
1493                     endDrag();
1494                 }
1495                 break;
1496             case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: {
1497                 final int index = ev.getActionIndex();
1498                 mLastMotionY = (int) ev.getY(index);
1499                 mDownX = (int) ev.getX(index);
1500                 mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(index);
1501                 break;
1502             }
1503             case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
1504                 onSecondaryPointerUp(ev);
1505                 mLastMotionY = (int) ev.getY(ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId));
1506                 mDownX = (int) ev.getX(ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId));
1507                 break;
1508         }
1509         return true;
1510     }
isInsideQsContainer(MotionEvent ev)1512     protected boolean isInsideQsContainer(MotionEvent ev) {
1513         return ev.getY() < mQsContainer.getBottom();
1514     }
onOverScrollFling(boolean open, int initialVelocity)1516     private void onOverScrollFling(boolean open, int initialVelocity) {
1517         if (mOverscrollTopChangedListener != null) {
1518             mOverscrollTopChangedListener.flingTopOverscroll(initialVelocity, open);
1519         }
1520         mDontReportNextOverScroll = true;
1521         setOverScrollAmount(0.0f, true, false);
1522     }
1524     /**
1525      * Perform a scroll upwards and adapt the overscroll amounts accordingly
1526      *
1527      * @param deltaY The amount to scroll upwards, has to be positive.
1528      * @return The amount of scrolling to be performed by the scroller,
1529      *         not handled by the overScroll amount.
1530      */
overScrollUp(int deltaY, int range)1531     private float overScrollUp(int deltaY, int range) {
1532         deltaY = Math.max(deltaY, 0);
1533         float currentTopAmount = getCurrentOverScrollAmount(true);
1534         float newTopAmount = currentTopAmount - deltaY;
1535         if (currentTopAmount > 0) {
1536             setOverScrollAmount(newTopAmount, true /* onTop */,
1537                     false /* animate */);
1538         }
1539         // Top overScroll might not grab all scrolling motion,
1540         // we have to scroll as well.
1541         float scrollAmount = newTopAmount < 0 ? -newTopAmount : 0.0f;
1542         float newScrollY = mOwnScrollY + scrollAmount;
1543         if (newScrollY > range) {
1544             if (!mExpandedInThisMotion) {
1545                 float currentBottomPixels = getCurrentOverScrolledPixels(false);
1546                 // We overScroll on the top
1547                 setOverScrolledPixels(currentBottomPixels + newScrollY - range,
1548                         false /* onTop */,
1549                         false /* animate */);
1550             }
1551             setOwnScrollY(range);
1552             scrollAmount = 0.0f;
1553         }
1554         return scrollAmount;
1555     }
1557     /**
1558      * Perform a scroll downward and adapt the overscroll amounts accordingly
1559      *
1560      * @param deltaY The amount to scroll downwards, has to be negative.
1561      * @return The amount of scrolling to be performed by the scroller,
1562      *         not handled by the overScroll amount.
1563      */
overScrollDown(int deltaY)1564     private float overScrollDown(int deltaY) {
1565         deltaY = Math.min(deltaY, 0);
1566         float currentBottomAmount = getCurrentOverScrollAmount(false);
1567         float newBottomAmount = currentBottomAmount + deltaY;
1568         if (currentBottomAmount > 0) {
1569             setOverScrollAmount(newBottomAmount, false /* onTop */,
1570                     false /* animate */);
1571         }
1572         // Bottom overScroll might not grab all scrolling motion,
1573         // we have to scroll as well.
1574         float scrollAmount = newBottomAmount < 0 ? newBottomAmount : 0.0f;
1575         float newScrollY = mOwnScrollY + scrollAmount;
1576         if (newScrollY < 0) {
1577             float currentTopPixels = getCurrentOverScrolledPixels(true);
1578             // We overScroll on the top
1579             setOverScrolledPixels(currentTopPixels - newScrollY,
1580                     true /* onTop */,
1581                     false /* animate */);
1582             setOwnScrollY(0);
1583             scrollAmount = 0.0f;
1584         }
1585         return scrollAmount;
1586     }
1588     private void onSecondaryPointerUp(MotionEvent ev) {
1589         final int pointerIndex = (ev.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK) >>
1590                 MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT;
1591         final int pointerId = ev.getPointerId(pointerIndex);
1592         if (pointerId == mActivePointerId) {
1593             // This was our active pointer going up. Choose a new
1594             // active pointer and adjust accordingly.
1595             // TODO: Make this decision more intelligent.
1596             final int newPointerIndex = pointerIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0;
1597             mLastMotionY = (int) ev.getY(newPointerIndex);
1598             mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(newPointerIndex);
1599             if (mVelocityTracker != null) {
1600                 mVelocityTracker.clear();
1601             }
1602         }
1603     }
initVelocityTrackerIfNotExists()1605     private void initVelocityTrackerIfNotExists() {
1606         if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
1607             mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();
1608         }
1609     }
recycleVelocityTracker()1611     private void recycleVelocityTracker() {
1612         if (mVelocityTracker != null) {
1613             mVelocityTracker.recycle();
1614             mVelocityTracker = null;
1615         }
1616     }
initOrResetVelocityTracker()1618     private void initOrResetVelocityTracker() {
1619         if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
1620             mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();
1621         } else {
1622             mVelocityTracker.clear();
1623         }
1624     }
setFinishScrollingCallback(Runnable runnable)1626     public void setFinishScrollingCallback(Runnable runnable) {
1627         mFinishScrollingCallback = runnable;
1628     }
animateScroll()1630     private void animateScroll() {
1631         if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) {
1632             int oldY = mOwnScrollY;
1633             int y = mScroller.getCurrY();
1635             if (oldY != y) {
1636                 int range = getScrollRange();
1637                 if (y < 0 && oldY >= 0 || y > range && oldY <= range) {
1638                     float currVelocity = mScroller.getCurrVelocity();
1639                     if (currVelocity >= mMinimumVelocity) {
1640                         mMaxOverScroll = Math.abs(currVelocity) / 1000 * mOverflingDistance;
1641                     }
1642                 }
1644                 if (mDontClampNextScroll) {
1645                     range = Math.max(range, oldY);
1646                 }
1647                 customOverScrollBy(y - oldY, oldY, range,
1648                         (int) (mMaxOverScroll));
1649             }
1651             postOnAnimation(mAnimateScroll);
1652         } else {
1653             mDontClampNextScroll = false;
1654             if (mFinishScrollingCallback != null) {
1655                 mFinishScrollingCallback.run();
1656             }
1657         }
1658     }
customOverScrollBy(int deltaY, int scrollY, int scrollRangeY, int maxOverScrollY)1660     private boolean customOverScrollBy(int deltaY, int scrollY, int scrollRangeY,
1661             int maxOverScrollY) {
1663         int newScrollY = scrollY + deltaY;
1664         final int top = -maxOverScrollY;
1665         final int bottom = maxOverScrollY + scrollRangeY;
1667         boolean clampedY = false;
1668         if (newScrollY > bottom) {
1669             newScrollY = bottom;
1670             clampedY = true;
1671         } else if (newScrollY < top) {
1672             newScrollY = top;
1673             clampedY = true;
1674         }
1676         onCustomOverScrolled(newScrollY, clampedY);
1678         return clampedY;
1679     }
1681     /**
1682      * Set the amount of overScrolled pixels which will force the view to apply a rubber-banded
1683      * overscroll effect based on numPixels. By default this will also cancel animations on the
1684      * same overScroll edge.
1685      *
1686      * @param numPixels The amount of pixels to overScroll by. These will be scaled according to
1687      *                  the rubber-banding logic.
1688      * @param onTop Should the effect be applied on top of the scroller.
1689      * @param animate Should an animation be performed.
1690      */
setOverScrolledPixels(float numPixels, boolean onTop, boolean animate)1691     public void setOverScrolledPixels(float numPixels, boolean onTop, boolean animate) {
1692         setOverScrollAmount(numPixels * getRubberBandFactor(onTop), onTop, animate, true);
1693     }
1695     /**
1696      * Set the effective overScroll amount which will be directly reflected in the layout.
1697      * By default this will also cancel animations on the same overScroll edge.
1698      *
1699      * @param amount The amount to overScroll by.
1700      * @param onTop Should the effect be applied on top of the scroller.
1701      * @param animate Should an animation be performed.
1702      */
setOverScrollAmount(float amount, boolean onTop, boolean animate)1703     public void setOverScrollAmount(float amount, boolean onTop, boolean animate) {
1704         setOverScrollAmount(amount, onTop, animate, true);
1705     }
1707     /**
1708      * Set the effective overScroll amount which will be directly reflected in the layout.
1709      *
1710      * @param amount The amount to overScroll by.
1711      * @param onTop Should the effect be applied on top of the scroller.
1712      * @param animate Should an animation be performed.
1713      * @param cancelAnimators Should running animations be cancelled.
1714      */
setOverScrollAmount(float amount, boolean onTop, boolean animate, boolean cancelAnimators)1715     public void setOverScrollAmount(float amount, boolean onTop, boolean animate,
1716             boolean cancelAnimators) {
1717         setOverScrollAmount(amount, onTop, animate, cancelAnimators, isRubberbanded(onTop));
1718     }
1720     /**
1721      * Set the effective overScroll amount which will be directly reflected in the layout.
1722      *
1723      * @param amount The amount to overScroll by.
1724      * @param onTop Should the effect be applied on top of the scroller.
1725      * @param animate Should an animation be performed.
1726      * @param cancelAnimators Should running animations be cancelled.
1727      * @param isRubberbanded The value which will be passed to
1728      *                     {@link OnOverscrollTopChangedListener#onOverscrollTopChanged}
1729      */
setOverScrollAmount(float amount, boolean onTop, boolean animate, boolean cancelAnimators, boolean isRubberbanded)1730     public void setOverScrollAmount(float amount, boolean onTop, boolean animate,
1731             boolean cancelAnimators, boolean isRubberbanded) {
1732         if (cancelAnimators) {
1733             mStateAnimator.cancelOverScrollAnimators(onTop);
1734         }
1735         setOverScrollAmountInternal(amount, onTop, animate, isRubberbanded);
1736     }
setOverScrollAmountInternal(float amount, boolean onTop, boolean animate, boolean isRubberbanded)1738     private void setOverScrollAmountInternal(float amount, boolean onTop, boolean animate,
1739             boolean isRubberbanded) {
1740         amount = Math.max(0, amount);
1741         if (animate) {
1742             mStateAnimator.animateOverScrollToAmount(amount, onTop, isRubberbanded);
1743         } else {
1744             setOverScrolledPixels(amount / getRubberBandFactor(onTop), onTop);
1745             mAmbientState.setOverScrollAmount(amount, onTop);
1746             if (onTop) {
1747                 notifyOverscrollTopListener(amount, isRubberbanded);
1748             }
1749             requestChildrenUpdate();
1750         }
1751     }
notifyOverscrollTopListener(float amount, boolean isRubberbanded)1753     private void notifyOverscrollTopListener(float amount, boolean isRubberbanded) {
1754         mExpandHelper.onlyObserveMovements(amount > 1.0f);
1755         if (mDontReportNextOverScroll) {
1756             mDontReportNextOverScroll = false;
1757             return;
1758         }
1759         if (mOverscrollTopChangedListener != null) {
1760             mOverscrollTopChangedListener.onOverscrollTopChanged(amount, isRubberbanded);
1761         }
1762     }
setOverscrollTopChangedListener( OnOverscrollTopChangedListener overscrollTopChangedListener)1764     public void setOverscrollTopChangedListener(
1765             OnOverscrollTopChangedListener overscrollTopChangedListener) {
1766         mOverscrollTopChangedListener = overscrollTopChangedListener;
1767     }
getCurrentOverScrollAmount(boolean top)1769     public float getCurrentOverScrollAmount(boolean top) {
1770         return mAmbientState.getOverScrollAmount(top);
1771     }
getCurrentOverScrolledPixels(boolean top)1773     public float getCurrentOverScrolledPixels(boolean top) {
1774         return top? mOverScrolledTopPixels : mOverScrolledBottomPixels;
1775     }
setOverScrolledPixels(float amount, boolean onTop)1777     private void setOverScrolledPixels(float amount, boolean onTop) {
1778         if (onTop) {
1779             mOverScrolledTopPixels = amount;
1780         } else {
1781             mOverScrolledBottomPixels = amount;
1782         }
1783     }
onCustomOverScrolled(int scrollY, boolean clampedY)1785     private void onCustomOverScrolled(int scrollY, boolean clampedY) {
1786         // Treat animating scrolls differently; see #computeScroll() for why.
1787         if (!mScroller.isFinished()) {
1788             setOwnScrollY(scrollY);
1789             if (clampedY) {
1790                 springBack();
1791             } else {
1792                 float overScrollTop = getCurrentOverScrollAmount(true);
1793                 if (mOwnScrollY < 0) {
1794                     notifyOverscrollTopListener(-mOwnScrollY, isRubberbanded(true));
1795                 } else {
1796                     notifyOverscrollTopListener(overScrollTop, isRubberbanded(true));
1797                 }
1798             }
1799         } else {
1800             setOwnScrollY(scrollY);
1801         }
1802     }
springBack()1804     private void springBack() {
1805         int scrollRange = getScrollRange();
1806         boolean overScrolledTop = mOwnScrollY <= 0;
1807         boolean overScrolledBottom = mOwnScrollY >= scrollRange;
1808         if (overScrolledTop || overScrolledBottom) {
1809             boolean onTop;
1810             float newAmount;
1811             if (overScrolledTop) {
1812                 onTop = true;
1813                 newAmount = -mOwnScrollY;
1814                 setOwnScrollY(0);
1815                 mDontReportNextOverScroll = true;
1816             } else {
1817                 onTop = false;
1818                 newAmount = mOwnScrollY - scrollRange;
1819                 setOwnScrollY(scrollRange);
1820             }
1821             setOverScrollAmount(newAmount, onTop, false);
1822             setOverScrollAmount(0.0f, onTop, true);
1823             mScroller.forceFinished(true);
1824         }
1825     }
getScrollRange()1827     private int getScrollRange() {
1828         int contentHeight = getContentHeight();
1829         int scrollRange = Math.max(0, contentHeight - mMaxLayoutHeight);
1830         int imeInset = getImeInset();
1831         scrollRange += Math.min(imeInset, Math.max(0,
1832                 getContentHeight() - (getHeight() - imeInset)));
1833         return scrollRange;
1834     }
getImeInset()1836     private int getImeInset() {
1837         return Math.max(0, mBottomInset - (getRootView().getHeight() - getHeight()));
1838     }
1840     /**
1841      * @return the first child which has visibility unequal to GONE
1842      */
getFirstChildNotGone()1843     public ExpandableView getFirstChildNotGone() {
1844         int childCount = getChildCount();
1845         for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
1846             View child = getChildAt(i);
1847             if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE && child != mShelf) {
1848                 return (ExpandableView) child;
1849             }
1850         }
1851         return null;
1852     }
1854     /**
1855      * @return the child before the given view which has visibility unequal to GONE
1856      */
getViewBeforeView(ExpandableView view)1857     public ExpandableView getViewBeforeView(ExpandableView view) {
1858         ExpandableView previousView = null;
1859         int childCount = getChildCount();
1860         for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
1861             View child = getChildAt(i);
1862             if (child == view) {
1863                 return previousView;
1864             }
1865             if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
1866                 previousView = (ExpandableView) child;
1867             }
1868         }
1869         return null;
1870     }
1872     /**
1873      * @return The first child which has visibility unequal to GONE which is currently below the
1874      *         given translationY or equal to it.
1875      */
getFirstChildBelowTranlsationY(float translationY, boolean ignoreChildren)1876     private View getFirstChildBelowTranlsationY(float translationY, boolean ignoreChildren) {
1877         int childCount = getChildCount();
1878         for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
1879             View child = getChildAt(i);
1880             if (child.getVisibility() == View.GONE) {
1881                 continue;
1882             }
1883             float rowTranslation = child.getTranslationY();
1884             if (rowTranslation >= translationY) {
1885                 return child;
1886             } else if (!ignoreChildren && child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
1887                 ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
1888                 if (row.isSummaryWithChildren() && row.areChildrenExpanded()) {
1889                     List<ExpandableNotificationRow> notificationChildren =
1890                             row.getNotificationChildren();
1891                     for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < notificationChildren.size();
1892                             childIndex++) {
1893                         ExpandableNotificationRow rowChild = notificationChildren.get(childIndex);
1894                         if (rowChild.getTranslationY() + rowTranslation >= translationY) {
1895                             return rowChild;
1896                         }
1897                     }
1898                 }
1899             }
1900         }
1901         return null;
1902     }
1904     /**
1905      * @return the last child which has visibility unequal to GONE
1906      */
getLastChildNotGone()1907     public View getLastChildNotGone() {
1908         int childCount = getChildCount();
1909         for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1910             View child = getChildAt(i);
1911             if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE && child != mShelf) {
1912                 return child;
1913             }
1914         }
1915         return null;
1916     }
1918     /**
1919      * @return the number of children which have visibility unequal to GONE
1920      */
getNotGoneChildCount()1921     public int getNotGoneChildCount() {
1922         int childCount = getChildCount();
1923         int count = 0;
1924         for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
1925             ExpandableView child = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(i);
1926             if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE && !child.willBeGone() && child != mShelf) {
1927                 count++;
1928             }
1929         }
1930         return count;
1931     }
getContentHeight()1933     public int getContentHeight() {
1934         return mContentHeight;
1935     }
updateContentHeight()1937     private void updateContentHeight() {
1938         int height = 0;
1939         float previousPaddingRequest = mPaddingBetweenElements;
1940         float previousPaddingAmount = 0.0f;
1941         int numShownItems = 0;
1942         boolean finish = false;
1943         int maxDisplayedNotifications = mAmbientState.isDark()
1944                 ? (hasPulsingNotifications() ? 1 : 0)
1945                 : mMaxDisplayedNotifications;
1947         for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
1948             ExpandableView expandableView = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(i);
1949             if (expandableView.getVisibility() != View.GONE
1950                     && !expandableView.hasNoContentHeight()) {
1951                 boolean limitReached = maxDisplayedNotifications != -1
1952                         && numShownItems >= maxDisplayedNotifications;
1953                 boolean notificationOnAmbientThatIsNotPulsing = mAmbientState.isDark()
1954                         && hasPulsingNotifications()
1955                         && expandableView instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow
1956                         && !isPulsing(((ExpandableNotificationRow) expandableView).getEntry());
1957                 if (limitReached || notificationOnAmbientThatIsNotPulsing) {
1958                     expandableView = mShelf;
1959                     finish = true;
1960                 }
1961                 float increasedPaddingAmount = expandableView.getIncreasedPaddingAmount();
1962                 float padding;
1963                 if (increasedPaddingAmount >= 0.0f) {
1964                     padding = (int) NotificationUtils.interpolate(
1965                             previousPaddingRequest,
1966                             mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements,
1967                             increasedPaddingAmount);
1968                     previousPaddingRequest = (int) NotificationUtils.interpolate(
1969                             mPaddingBetweenElements,
1970                             mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements,
1971                             increasedPaddingAmount);
1972                 } else {
1973                     int ownPadding = (int) NotificationUtils.interpolate(
1974                             0,
1975                             mPaddingBetweenElements,
1976                             1.0f + increasedPaddingAmount);
1977                     if (previousPaddingAmount > 0.0f) {
1978                         padding = (int) NotificationUtils.interpolate(
1979                                 ownPadding,
1980                                 mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements,
1981                                 previousPaddingAmount);
1982                     } else {
1983                         padding = ownPadding;
1984                     }
1985                     previousPaddingRequest = ownPadding;
1986                 }
1987                 if (height != 0) {
1988                     height += padding;
1989                 }
1990                 previousPaddingAmount = increasedPaddingAmount;
1991                 height += expandableView.getIntrinsicHeight();
1992                 numShownItems++;
1993                 if (finish) {
1994                     break;
1995                 }
1996             }
1997         }
1998         mContentHeight = height + mTopPadding;
1999         updateScrollability();
2000         mAmbientState.setLayoutMaxHeight(mContentHeight);
2001     }
isPulsing(NotificationData.Entry entry)2003     private boolean isPulsing(NotificationData.Entry entry) {
2004         for (HeadsUpManager.HeadsUpEntry e : mPulsing) {
2005             if (e.entry == entry) {
2006                 return true;
2007             }
2008         }
2009         return false;
2010     }
hasPulsingNotifications()2012     public boolean hasPulsingNotifications() {
2013         return mPulsing != null;
2014     }
updateScrollability()2016     private void updateScrollability() {
2017         boolean scrollable = getScrollRange() > 0;
2018         if (scrollable != mScrollable) {
2019             mScrollable = scrollable;
2020             setFocusable(scrollable);
2021             updateForwardAndBackwardScrollability();
2022         }
2023     }
updateForwardAndBackwardScrollability()2025     private void updateForwardAndBackwardScrollability() {
2026         boolean forwardScrollable = mScrollable && mOwnScrollY < getScrollRange();
2027         boolean backwardsScrollable = mScrollable && mOwnScrollY > 0;
2028         boolean changed = forwardScrollable != mForwardScrollable
2029                 || backwardsScrollable != mBackwardScrollable;
2030         mForwardScrollable = forwardScrollable;
2031         mBackwardScrollable = backwardsScrollable;
2032         if (changed) {
2033             sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED);
2034         }
2035     }
updateBackground()2037     private void updateBackground() {
2038         // No need to update the background color if it's not being drawn.
2039         if (!mShouldDrawNotificationBackground || mAmbientState.isDark()) {
2040             return;
2041         }
2043         updateBackgroundBounds();
2044         if (!mCurrentBounds.equals(mBackgroundBounds)) {
2045             boolean animate = mAnimateNextBackgroundTop || mAnimateNextBackgroundBottom
2046                     || areBoundsAnimating();
2047             if (!isExpanded()) {
2048                 abortBackgroundAnimators();
2049                 animate = false;
2050             }
2051             if (animate) {
2052                 startBackgroundAnimation();
2053             } else {
2054                 mCurrentBounds.set(mBackgroundBounds);
2055                 applyCurrentBackgroundBounds();
2056             }
2057         } else {
2058             abortBackgroundAnimators();
2059         }
2060         mAnimateNextBackgroundBottom = false;
2061         mAnimateNextBackgroundTop = false;
2062     }
abortBackgroundAnimators()2064     private void abortBackgroundAnimators() {
2065         if (mBottomAnimator != null) {
2066             mBottomAnimator.cancel();
2067         }
2068         if (mTopAnimator != null) {
2069             mTopAnimator.cancel();
2070         }
2071     }
areBoundsAnimating()2073     private boolean areBoundsAnimating() {
2074         return mBottomAnimator != null || mTopAnimator != null;
2075     }
startBackgroundAnimation()2077     private void startBackgroundAnimation() {
2078         // left and right are always instantly applied
2079         mCurrentBounds.left = mBackgroundBounds.left;
2080         mCurrentBounds.right = mBackgroundBounds.right;
2081         startBottomAnimation();
2082         startTopAnimation();
2083     }
startTopAnimation()2085     private void startTopAnimation() {
2086         int previousEndValue = mEndAnimationRect.top;
2087         int newEndValue = mBackgroundBounds.top;
2088         ObjectAnimator previousAnimator = mTopAnimator;
2089         if (previousAnimator != null && previousEndValue == newEndValue) {
2090             return;
2091         }
2092         if (!mAnimateNextBackgroundTop) {
2093             // just a local update was performed
2094             if (previousAnimator != null) {
2095                 // we need to increase all animation keyframes of the previous animator by the
2096                 // relative change to the end value
2097                 int previousStartValue = mStartAnimationRect.top;
2098                 PropertyValuesHolder[] values = previousAnimator.getValues();
2099                 values[0].setIntValues(previousStartValue, newEndValue);
2100                 mStartAnimationRect.top = previousStartValue;
2101                 mEndAnimationRect.top = newEndValue;
2102                 previousAnimator.setCurrentPlayTime(previousAnimator.getCurrentPlayTime());
2103                 return;
2104             } else {
2105                 // no new animation needed, let's just apply the value
2106                 setBackgroundTop(newEndValue);
2107                 return;
2108             }
2109         }
2110         if (previousAnimator != null) {
2111             previousAnimator.cancel();
2112         }
2113         ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(this, "backgroundTop",
2114                 mCurrentBounds.top, newEndValue);
2115         Interpolator interpolator = Interpolators.FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN;
2116         animator.setInterpolator(interpolator);
2117         animator.setDuration(StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD);
2118         // remove the tag when the animation is finished
2119         animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
2120             @Override
2121             public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
2122                 mStartAnimationRect.top = -1;
2123                 mEndAnimationRect.top = -1;
2124                 mTopAnimator = null;
2125             }
2126         });
2127         animator.start();
2128         mStartAnimationRect.top = mCurrentBounds.top;
2129         mEndAnimationRect.top = newEndValue;
2130         mTopAnimator = animator;
2131     }
startBottomAnimation()2133     private void startBottomAnimation() {
2134         int previousStartValue = mStartAnimationRect.bottom;
2135         int previousEndValue = mEndAnimationRect.bottom;
2136         int newEndValue = mBackgroundBounds.bottom;
2137         ObjectAnimator previousAnimator = mBottomAnimator;
2138         if (previousAnimator != null && previousEndValue == newEndValue) {
2139             return;
2140         }
2141         if (!mAnimateNextBackgroundBottom) {
2142             // just a local update was performed
2143             if (previousAnimator != null) {
2144                 // we need to increase all animation keyframes of the previous animator by the
2145                 // relative change to the end value
2146                 PropertyValuesHolder[] values = previousAnimator.getValues();
2147                 values[0].setIntValues(previousStartValue, newEndValue);
2148                 mStartAnimationRect.bottom = previousStartValue;
2149                 mEndAnimationRect.bottom = newEndValue;
2150                 previousAnimator.setCurrentPlayTime(previousAnimator.getCurrentPlayTime());
2151                 return;
2152             } else {
2153                 // no new animation needed, let's just apply the value
2154                 setBackgroundBottom(newEndValue);
2155                 return;
2156             }
2157         }
2158         if (previousAnimator != null) {
2159             previousAnimator.cancel();
2160         }
2161         ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(this, "backgroundBottom",
2162                 mCurrentBounds.bottom, newEndValue);
2163         Interpolator interpolator = Interpolators.FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN;
2164         animator.setInterpolator(interpolator);
2165         animator.setDuration(StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD);
2166         // remove the tag when the animation is finished
2167         animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
2168             @Override
2169             public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
2170                 mStartAnimationRect.bottom = -1;
2171                 mEndAnimationRect.bottom = -1;
2172                 mBottomAnimator = null;
2173             }
2174         });
2175         animator.start();
2176         mStartAnimationRect.bottom = mCurrentBounds.bottom;
2177         mEndAnimationRect.bottom = newEndValue;
2178         mBottomAnimator = animator;
2179     }
setBackgroundTop(int top)2181     private void setBackgroundTop(int top) {
2182         mCurrentBounds.top = top;
2183         applyCurrentBackgroundBounds();
2184     }
setBackgroundBottom(int bottom)2186     public void setBackgroundBottom(int bottom) {
2187         mCurrentBounds.bottom = bottom;
2188         applyCurrentBackgroundBounds();
2189     }
applyCurrentBackgroundBounds()2191     private void applyCurrentBackgroundBounds() {
2192         // If the background of the notification is not being drawn, then there is no need to
2193         // exclude an area in the scrim. Rather, the scrim's color should serve as the background.
2194         if (!mShouldDrawNotificationBackground) {
2195             return;
2196         }
2198         mScrimController.setExcludedBackgroundArea(
2199                 mFadingOut || mParentNotFullyVisible || mAmbientState.isDark() || mIsClipped ? null
2200                         : mCurrentBounds);
2201         invalidate();
2202     }
2204     /**
2205      * Update the background bounds to the new desired bounds
2206      */
updateBackgroundBounds()2207     private void updateBackgroundBounds() {
2208         if (mAmbientState.isPanelFullWidth()) {
2209             mBackgroundBounds.left = 0;
2210             mBackgroundBounds.right = getWidth();
2211         } else {
2212             getLocationInWindow(mTempInt2);
2213             mBackgroundBounds.left = mTempInt2[0];
2214             mBackgroundBounds.right = mTempInt2[0] + getWidth();
2215         }
2216         if (!mIsExpanded) {
2217             mBackgroundBounds.top = 0;
2218             mBackgroundBounds.bottom = 0;
2219             return;
2220         }
2221         ActivatableNotificationView firstView = mFirstVisibleBackgroundChild;
2222         int top = 0;
2223         if (firstView != null) {
2224             // Round Y up to avoid seeing the background during animation
2225             int finalTranslationY = (int) Math.ceil(ViewState.getFinalTranslationY(firstView));
2226             if (mAnimateNextBackgroundTop
2227                     || mTopAnimator == null && mCurrentBounds.top == finalTranslationY
2228                     || mTopAnimator != null && mEndAnimationRect.top == finalTranslationY) {
2229                 // we're ending up at the same location as we are now, lets just skip the animation
2230                 top = finalTranslationY;
2231             } else {
2232                 top = (int) Math.ceil(firstView.getTranslationY());
2233             }
2234         }
2235         ActivatableNotificationView lastView = mShelf.hasItemsInStableShelf()
2236                 ? mShelf
2237                 : mLastVisibleBackgroundChild;
2238         int bottom = 0;
2239         if (lastView != null) {
2240             int finalTranslationY;
2241             if (lastView == mShelf) {
2242                 finalTranslationY = (int) mShelf.getTranslationY();
2243             } else {
2244                 finalTranslationY = (int) ViewState.getFinalTranslationY(lastView);
2245             }
2246             int finalHeight = ExpandableViewState.getFinalActualHeight(lastView);
2247             int finalBottom = finalTranslationY + finalHeight - lastView.getClipBottomAmount();
2248             finalBottom = Math.min(finalBottom, getHeight());
2249             if (mAnimateNextBackgroundBottom
2250                     || mBottomAnimator == null && mCurrentBounds.bottom == finalBottom
2251                     || mBottomAnimator != null && mEndAnimationRect.bottom == finalBottom) {
2252                 // we're ending up at the same location as we are now, lets just skip the animation
2253                 bottom = finalBottom;
2254             } else {
2255                 bottom = (int) (lastView.getTranslationY() + lastView.getActualHeight()
2256                         - lastView.getClipBottomAmount());
2257                 bottom = Math.min(bottom, getHeight());
2258             }
2259         } else {
2260             top = mTopPadding;
2261             bottom = top;
2262         }
2263         if (mStatusBarState != StatusBarState.KEYGUARD) {
2264             top = (int) Math.max(mTopPadding + mStackTranslation, top);
2265         } else {
2266             // otherwise the animation from the shade to the keyguard will jump as it's maxed
2267             top = Math.max(0, top);
2268         }
2269         mBackgroundBounds.top = top;
2270         mBackgroundBounds.bottom = Math.min(getHeight(), Math.max(bottom, top));
2271     }
getFirstPinnedHeadsUp()2273     private ActivatableNotificationView getFirstPinnedHeadsUp() {
2274         int childCount = getChildCount();
2275         for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
2276             View child = getChildAt(i);
2277             if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE
2278                     && child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
2279                 ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
2280                 if (row.isPinned()) {
2281                     return row;
2282                 }
2283             }
2284         }
2285         return null;
2286     }
getLastChildWithBackground()2288     private ActivatableNotificationView getLastChildWithBackground() {
2289         int childCount = getChildCount();
2290         for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
2291             View child = getChildAt(i);
2292             if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE && child instanceof ActivatableNotificationView
2293                     && child != mShelf) {
2294                 return (ActivatableNotificationView) child;
2295             }
2296         }
2297         return null;
2298     }
getFirstChildWithBackground()2300     private ActivatableNotificationView getFirstChildWithBackground() {
2301         int childCount = getChildCount();
2302         for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
2303             View child = getChildAt(i);
2304             if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE && child instanceof ActivatableNotificationView
2305                     && child != mShelf) {
2306                 return (ActivatableNotificationView) child;
2307             }
2308         }
2309         return null;
2310     }
2312     /**
2313      * Fling the scroll view
2314      *
2315      * @param velocityY The initial velocity in the Y direction. Positive
2316      *                  numbers mean that the finger/cursor is moving down the screen,
2317      *                  which means we want to scroll towards the top.
2318      */
fling(int velocityY)2319     protected void fling(int velocityY) {
2320         if (getChildCount() > 0) {
2321             int scrollRange = getScrollRange();
2323             float topAmount = getCurrentOverScrollAmount(true);
2324             float bottomAmount = getCurrentOverScrollAmount(false);
2325             if (velocityY < 0 && topAmount > 0) {
2326                 setOwnScrollY(mOwnScrollY - (int) topAmount);
2327                 mDontReportNextOverScroll = true;
2328                 setOverScrollAmount(0, true, false);
2329                 mMaxOverScroll = Math.abs(velocityY) / 1000f * getRubberBandFactor(true /* onTop */)
2330                         * mOverflingDistance + topAmount;
2331             } else if (velocityY > 0 && bottomAmount > 0) {
2332                 setOwnScrollY((int) (mOwnScrollY + bottomAmount));
2333                 setOverScrollAmount(0, false, false);
2334                 mMaxOverScroll = Math.abs(velocityY) / 1000f
2335                         * getRubberBandFactor(false /* onTop */) * mOverflingDistance
2336                         +  bottomAmount;
2337             } else {
2338                 // it will be set once we reach the boundary
2339                 mMaxOverScroll = 0.0f;
2340             }
2341             int minScrollY = Math.max(0, scrollRange);
2342             if (mExpandedInThisMotion) {
2343                 minScrollY = Math.min(minScrollY, mMaxScrollAfterExpand);
2344             }
2345             mScroller.fling(mScrollX, mOwnScrollY, 1, velocityY, 0, 0, 0, minScrollY, 0,
2346                     mExpandedInThisMotion && mOwnScrollY >= 0 ? 0 : Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2);
2348             animateScroll();
2349         }
2350     }
2352     /**
2353      * @return Whether a fling performed on the top overscroll edge lead to the expanded
2354      * overScroll view (i.e QS).
2355      */
shouldOverScrollFling(int initialVelocity)2356     private boolean shouldOverScrollFling(int initialVelocity) {
2357         float topOverScroll = getCurrentOverScrollAmount(true);
2358         return mScrolledToTopOnFirstDown
2359                 && !mExpandedInThisMotion
2360                 && topOverScroll > mMinTopOverScrollToEscape
2361                 && initialVelocity > 0;
2362     }
2364     /**
2365      * Updates the top padding of the notifications, taking {@link #getIntrinsicPadding()} into
2366      * account.
2367      *
2368      * @param qsHeight the top padding imposed by the quick settings panel
2369      * @param animate whether to animate the change
2370      * @param ignoreIntrinsicPadding if true, {@link #getIntrinsicPadding()} is ignored and
2371      *                               {@code qsHeight} is the final top padding
2372      */
updateTopPadding(float qsHeight, boolean animate, boolean ignoreIntrinsicPadding)2373     public void updateTopPadding(float qsHeight, boolean animate,
2374             boolean ignoreIntrinsicPadding) {
2375         int topPadding = (int) qsHeight;
2376         int minStackHeight = getLayoutMinHeight();
2377         if (topPadding + minStackHeight > getHeight()) {
2378             mTopPaddingOverflow = topPadding + minStackHeight - getHeight();
2379         } else {
2380             mTopPaddingOverflow = 0;
2381         }
2382         setTopPadding(ignoreIntrinsicPadding ? topPadding : clampPadding(topPadding),
2383                 animate);
2384         setExpandedHeight(mExpandedHeight);
2385     }
getLayoutMinHeight()2387     public int getLayoutMinHeight() {
2388         return mShelf.getIntrinsicHeight();
2389     }
getFirstChildIntrinsicHeight()2391     public int getFirstChildIntrinsicHeight() {
2392         final ExpandableView firstChild = getFirstChildNotGone();
2393         int firstChildMinHeight = firstChild != null
2394                 ? firstChild.getIntrinsicHeight()
2395                 : mEmptyShadeView != null
2396                         ? mEmptyShadeView.getIntrinsicHeight()
2397                         : mCollapsedSize;
2398         if (mOwnScrollY > 0) {
2399             firstChildMinHeight = Math.max(firstChildMinHeight - mOwnScrollY, mCollapsedSize);
2400         }
2401         return firstChildMinHeight;
2402     }
getTopPaddingOverflow()2404     public float getTopPaddingOverflow() {
2405         return mTopPaddingOverflow;
2406     }
getPeekHeight()2408     public int getPeekHeight() {
2409         final ExpandableView firstChild = getFirstChildNotGone();
2410         final int firstChildMinHeight = firstChild != null ? firstChild.getCollapsedHeight()
2411                 : mCollapsedSize;
2412         int shelfHeight = 0;
2413         if (mLastVisibleBackgroundChild != null) {
2414             shelfHeight = mShelf.getIntrinsicHeight();
2415         }
2416         return mIntrinsicPadding + firstChildMinHeight + shelfHeight;
2417     }
clampPadding(int desiredPadding)2419     private int clampPadding(int desiredPadding) {
2420         return Math.max(desiredPadding, mIntrinsicPadding);
2421     }
getRubberBandFactor(boolean onTop)2423     private float getRubberBandFactor(boolean onTop) {
2424         if (!onTop) {
2425             return RUBBER_BAND_FACTOR_NORMAL;
2426         }
2427         if (mExpandedInThisMotion) {
2428             return RUBBER_BAND_FACTOR_AFTER_EXPAND;
2429         } else if (mIsExpansionChanging || mPanelTracking) {
2430             return RUBBER_BAND_FACTOR_ON_PANEL_EXPAND;
2431         } else if (mScrolledToTopOnFirstDown) {
2432             return 1.0f;
2433         }
2434         return RUBBER_BAND_FACTOR_NORMAL;
2435     }
2437     /**
2438      * Accompanying function for {@link #getRubberBandFactor}: Returns true if the overscroll is
2439      * rubberbanded, false if it is technically an overscroll but rather a motion to expand the
2440      * overscroll view (e.g. expand QS).
2441      */
isRubberbanded(boolean onTop)2442     private boolean isRubberbanded(boolean onTop) {
2443         return !onTop || mExpandedInThisMotion || mIsExpansionChanging || mPanelTracking
2444                 || !mScrolledToTopOnFirstDown;
2445     }
endDrag()2447     private void endDrag() {
2448         setIsBeingDragged(false);
2450         recycleVelocityTracker();
2452         if (getCurrentOverScrollAmount(true /* onTop */) > 0) {
2453             setOverScrollAmount(0, true /* onTop */, true /* animate */);
2454         }
2455         if (getCurrentOverScrollAmount(false /* onTop */) > 0) {
2456             setOverScrollAmount(0, false /* onTop */, true /* animate */);
2457         }
2458     }
transformTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev, View sourceView, View targetView)2460     private void transformTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev, View sourceView, View targetView) {
2461         ev.offsetLocation(sourceView.getX(), sourceView.getY());
2462         ev.offsetLocation(-targetView.getX(), -targetView.getY());
2463     }
2465     @Override
onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)2466     public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
2467         initDownStates(ev);
2468         handleEmptySpaceClick(ev);
2469         boolean expandWantsIt = false;
2470         if (!mSwipingInProgress && !mOnlyScrollingInThisMotion) {
2471             expandWantsIt = mExpandHelper.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);
2472         }
2473         boolean scrollWantsIt = false;
2474         if (!mSwipingInProgress && !mExpandingNotification) {
2475             scrollWantsIt = onInterceptTouchEventScroll(ev);
2476         }
2477         boolean swipeWantsIt = false;
2478         if (!mIsBeingDragged
2479                 && !mExpandingNotification
2480                 && !mExpandedInThisMotion
2481                 && !mOnlyScrollingInThisMotion
2482                 && !mDisallowDismissInThisMotion) {
2483             swipeWantsIt = mSwipeHelper.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);
2484         }
2485         // Check if we need to clear any snooze leavebehinds
2486         boolean isUp = ev.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP;
2487         NotificationGuts guts = mStatusBar.getExposedGuts();
2488         if (!isTouchInView(ev, guts) && isUp && !swipeWantsIt && !expandWantsIt
2489                 && !scrollWantsIt) {
2490             mCheckForLeavebehind = false;
2491             mStatusBar.closeAndSaveGuts(true /* removeLeavebehind */, false /* force */,
2492                     false /* removeControls */, -1 /* x */, -1 /* y */, false /* resetMenu */);
2493         }
2494         if (ev.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
2495             mCheckForLeavebehind = true;
2496         }
2497         return swipeWantsIt || scrollWantsIt || expandWantsIt || super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);
2498     }
handleEmptySpaceClick(MotionEvent ev)2500     private void handleEmptySpaceClick(MotionEvent ev) {
2501         switch (ev.getActionMasked()) {
2502             case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
2503                 if (mTouchIsClick && (Math.abs(ev.getY() - mInitialTouchY) > mTouchSlop
2504                         || Math.abs(ev.getX() - mInitialTouchX) > mTouchSlop )) {
2505                     mTouchIsClick = false;
2506                 }
2507                 break;
2508             case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
2509                 if (mStatusBarState != StatusBarState.KEYGUARD && mTouchIsClick &&
2510                         isBelowLastNotification(mInitialTouchX, mInitialTouchY)) {
2511                     mOnEmptySpaceClickListener.onEmptySpaceClicked(mInitialTouchX, mInitialTouchY);
2512                 }
2513                 break;
2514         }
2515     }
initDownStates(MotionEvent ev)2517     private void initDownStates(MotionEvent ev) {
2518         if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
2519             mExpandedInThisMotion = false;
2520             mOnlyScrollingInThisMotion = !mScroller.isFinished();
2521             mDisallowScrollingInThisMotion = false;
2522             mDisallowDismissInThisMotion = false;
2523             mTouchIsClick = true;
2524             mInitialTouchX = ev.getX();
2525             mInitialTouchY = ev.getY();
2526         }
2527     }
setChildTransferInProgress(boolean childTransferInProgress)2529     public void setChildTransferInProgress(boolean childTransferInProgress) {
2530         mChildTransferInProgress = childTransferInProgress;
2531     }
2533     @Override
onViewRemoved(View child)2534     public void onViewRemoved(View child) {
2535         super.onViewRemoved(child);
2536         // we only call our internal methods if this is actually a removal and not just a
2537         // notification which becomes a child notification
2538         if (!mChildTransferInProgress) {
2539             onViewRemovedInternal(child, this);
2540         }
2541     }
2543     /**
2544      * Called when a notification is removed from the shade. This cleans up the state for a given
2545      * view.
2546      */
cleanUpViewState(View child)2547     public void cleanUpViewState(View child) {
2548         if (child == mTranslatingParentView) {
2549             mTranslatingParentView = null;
2550         }
2551         mCurrentStackScrollState.removeViewStateForView(child);
2552     }
2554     @Override
requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean disallowIntercept)2555     public void requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean disallowIntercept) {
2556         super.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(disallowIntercept);
2557         if (disallowIntercept) {
2558             mSwipeHelper.removeLongPressCallback();
2559         }
2560     }
onViewRemovedInternal(View child, ViewGroup container)2562     private void onViewRemovedInternal(View child, ViewGroup container) {
2563         if (mChangePositionInProgress) {
2564             // This is only a position change, don't do anything special
2565             return;
2566         }
2567         ExpandableView expandableView = (ExpandableView) child;
2568         expandableView.setOnHeightChangedListener(null);
2569         mCurrentStackScrollState.removeViewStateForView(child);
2570         updateScrollStateForRemovedChild(expandableView);
2571         boolean animationGenerated = generateRemoveAnimation(child);
2572         if (animationGenerated) {
2573             if (!mSwipedOutViews.contains(child)) {
2574                 container.getOverlay().add(child);
2575             } else if (Math.abs(expandableView.getTranslation()) != expandableView.getWidth()) {
2576                 container.addTransientView(child, 0);
2577                 expandableView.setTransientContainer(container);
2578             }
2579         } else {
2580             mSwipedOutViews.remove(child);
2581         }
2582         updateAnimationState(false, child);
2584         // Make sure the clipRect we might have set is removed
2585         expandableView.setClipTopAmount(0);
2587         focusNextViewIfFocused(child);
2588     }
focusNextViewIfFocused(View view)2590     private void focusNextViewIfFocused(View view) {
2591         if (view instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
2592             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) view;
2593             if (row.shouldRefocusOnDismiss()) {
2594                 View nextView = row.getChildAfterViewWhenDismissed();
2595                 if (nextView == null) {
2596                     View groupParentWhenDismissed = row.getGroupParentWhenDismissed();
2597                     nextView = getFirstChildBelowTranlsationY(groupParentWhenDismissed != null
2598                             ? groupParentWhenDismissed.getTranslationY()
2599                             : view.getTranslationY(), true /* ignoreChildren */);
2600                 }
2601                 if (nextView != null) {
2602                     nextView.requestAccessibilityFocus();
2603                 }
2604             }
2605         }
2607     }
isChildInGroup(View child)2609     private boolean isChildInGroup(View child) {
2610         return child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow
2611                 && mGroupManager.isChildInGroupWithSummary(
2612                         ((ExpandableNotificationRow) child).getStatusBarNotification());
2613     }
2615     /**
2616      * Generate a remove animation for a child view.
2617      *
2618      * @param child The view to generate the remove animation for.
2619      * @return Whether an animation was generated.
2620      */
generateRemoveAnimation(View child)2621     private boolean generateRemoveAnimation(View child) {
2622         if (removeRemovedChildFromHeadsUpChangeAnimations(child)) {
2623             mAddedHeadsUpChildren.remove(child);
2624             return false;
2625         }
2626         if (isClickedHeadsUp(child)) {
2627             // An animation is already running, add it to the Overlay
2628             mClearOverlayViewsWhenFinished.add(child);
2629             return true;
2630         }
2631         if (mIsExpanded && mAnimationsEnabled && !isChildInInvisibleGroup(child)) {
2632             if (!mChildrenToAddAnimated.contains(child)) {
2633                 // Generate Animations
2634                 mChildrenToRemoveAnimated.add(child);
2635                 mNeedsAnimation = true;
2636                 return true;
2637             } else {
2638                 mChildrenToAddAnimated.remove(child);
2639                 mFromMoreCardAdditions.remove(child);
2640                 return false;
2641             }
2642         }
2643         return false;
2644     }
isClickedHeadsUp(View child)2646     private boolean isClickedHeadsUp(View child) {
2647         return HeadsUpManager.isClickedHeadsUpNotification(child);
2648     }
2650     /**
2651      * Remove a removed child view from the heads up animations if it was just added there
2652      *
2653      * @return whether any child was removed from the list to animate
2654      */
removeRemovedChildFromHeadsUpChangeAnimations(View child)2655     private boolean removeRemovedChildFromHeadsUpChangeAnimations(View child) {
2656         boolean hasAddEvent = false;
2657         for (Pair<ExpandableNotificationRow, Boolean> eventPair : mHeadsUpChangeAnimations) {
2658             ExpandableNotificationRow row = eventPair.first;
2659             boolean isHeadsUp = eventPair.second;
2660             if (child == row) {
2661                 mTmpList.add(eventPair);
2662                 hasAddEvent |= isHeadsUp;
2663             }
2664         }
2665         if (hasAddEvent) {
2666             // This child was just added lets remove all events.
2667             mHeadsUpChangeAnimations.removeAll(mTmpList);
2668             ((ExpandableNotificationRow ) child).setHeadsUpAnimatingAway(false);
2669         }
2670         mTmpList.clear();
2671         return hasAddEvent;
2672     }
2674     /**
2675      * @param child the child to query
2676      * @return whether a view is not a top level child but a child notification and that group is
2677      *         not expanded
2678      */
isChildInInvisibleGroup(View child)2679     private boolean isChildInInvisibleGroup(View child) {
2680         if (child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
2681             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
2682             ExpandableNotificationRow groupSummary =
2683                     mGroupManager.getGroupSummary(row.getStatusBarNotification());
2684             if (groupSummary != null && groupSummary != row) {
2685                 return row.getVisibility() == View.INVISIBLE;
2686             }
2687         }
2688         return false;
2689     }
2691     /**
2692      * Updates the scroll position when a child was removed
2693      *
2694      * @param removedChild the removed child
2695      */
updateScrollStateForRemovedChild(ExpandableView removedChild)2696     private void updateScrollStateForRemovedChild(ExpandableView removedChild) {
2697         int startingPosition = getPositionInLinearLayout(removedChild);
2698         float increasedPaddingAmount = removedChild.getIncreasedPaddingAmount();
2699         int padding;
2700         if (increasedPaddingAmount >= 0) {
2701             padding = (int) NotificationUtils.interpolate(
2702                     mPaddingBetweenElements,
2703                     mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements,
2704                     increasedPaddingAmount);
2705         } else {
2706             padding = (int) NotificationUtils.interpolate(
2707                     0,
2708                     mPaddingBetweenElements,
2709                     1.0f + increasedPaddingAmount);
2710         }
2711         int childHeight = getIntrinsicHeight(removedChild) + padding;
2712         int endPosition = startingPosition + childHeight;
2713         if (endPosition <= mOwnScrollY) {
2714             // This child is fully scrolled of the top, so we have to deduct its height from the
2715             // scrollPosition
2716             setOwnScrollY(mOwnScrollY - childHeight);
2717         } else if (startingPosition < mOwnScrollY) {
2718             // This child is currently being scrolled into, set the scroll position to the start of
2719             // this child
2720             setOwnScrollY(startingPosition);
2721         }
2722     }
getIntrinsicHeight(View view)2724     private int getIntrinsicHeight(View view) {
2725         if (view instanceof ExpandableView) {
2726             ExpandableView expandableView = (ExpandableView) view;
2727             return expandableView.getIntrinsicHeight();
2728         }
2729         return view.getHeight();
2730     }
getPositionInLinearLayout(View requestedView)2732     private int getPositionInLinearLayout(View requestedView) {
2733         ExpandableNotificationRow childInGroup = null;
2734         ExpandableNotificationRow requestedRow = null;
2735         if (isChildInGroup(requestedView)) {
2736             // We're asking for a child in a group. Calculate the position of the parent first,
2737             // then within the parent.
2738             childInGroup = (ExpandableNotificationRow) requestedView;
2739             requestedView = requestedRow = childInGroup.getNotificationParent();
2740         }
2741         int position = 0;
2742         float previousPaddingRequest = mPaddingBetweenElements;
2743         float previousPaddingAmount = 0.0f;
2744         for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
2745             ExpandableView child = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(i);
2746             boolean notGone = child.getVisibility() != View.GONE;
2747             if (notGone && !child.hasNoContentHeight()) {
2748                 float increasedPaddingAmount = child.getIncreasedPaddingAmount();
2749                 float padding;
2750                 if (increasedPaddingAmount >= 0.0f) {
2751                     padding = (int) NotificationUtils.interpolate(
2752                             previousPaddingRequest,
2753                             mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements,
2754                             increasedPaddingAmount);
2755                     previousPaddingRequest = (int) NotificationUtils.interpolate(
2756                             mPaddingBetweenElements,
2757                             mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements,
2758                             increasedPaddingAmount);
2759                 } else {
2760                     int ownPadding = (int) NotificationUtils.interpolate(
2761                             0,
2762                             mPaddingBetweenElements,
2763                             1.0f + increasedPaddingAmount);
2764                     if (previousPaddingAmount > 0.0f) {
2765                         padding = (int) NotificationUtils.interpolate(
2766                                 ownPadding,
2767                                 mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements,
2768                                 previousPaddingAmount);
2769                     } else {
2770                         padding = ownPadding;
2771                     }
2772                     previousPaddingRequest = ownPadding;
2773                 }
2774                 if (position != 0) {
2775                     position += padding;
2776                 }
2777                 previousPaddingAmount = increasedPaddingAmount;
2778             }
2779             if (child == requestedView) {
2780                 if (requestedRow != null) {
2781                     position += requestedRow.getPositionOfChild(childInGroup);
2782                 }
2783                 return position;
2784             }
2785             if (notGone) {
2786                 position += getIntrinsicHeight(child);
2787             }
2788         }
2789         return 0;
2790     }
2792     @Override
onViewAdded(View child)2793     public void onViewAdded(View child) {
2794         super.onViewAdded(child);
2795         onViewAddedInternal(child);
2796     }
updateFirstAndLastBackgroundViews()2798     private void updateFirstAndLastBackgroundViews() {
2799         ActivatableNotificationView firstChild = getFirstChildWithBackground();
2800         ActivatableNotificationView lastChild = getLastChildWithBackground();
2801         if (mAnimationsEnabled && mIsExpanded) {
2802             mAnimateNextBackgroundTop = firstChild != mFirstVisibleBackgroundChild;
2803             mAnimateNextBackgroundBottom = lastChild != mLastVisibleBackgroundChild;
2804         } else {
2805             mAnimateNextBackgroundTop = false;
2806             mAnimateNextBackgroundBottom = false;
2807         }
2808         mFirstVisibleBackgroundChild = firstChild;
2809         mLastVisibleBackgroundChild = lastChild;
2810         mAmbientState.setLastVisibleBackgroundChild(lastChild);
2811     }
onViewAddedInternal(View child)2813     private void onViewAddedInternal(View child) {
2814         updateHideSensitiveForChild(child);
2815         ((ExpandableView) child).setOnHeightChangedListener(this);
2816         generateAddAnimation(child, false /* fromMoreCard */);
2817         updateAnimationState(child);
2818         updateChronometerForChild(child);
2819     }
updateHideSensitiveForChild(View child)2821     private void updateHideSensitiveForChild(View child) {
2822         if (child instanceof ExpandableView) {
2823             ExpandableView expandableView = (ExpandableView) child;
2824             expandableView.setHideSensitiveForIntrinsicHeight(mAmbientState.isHideSensitive());
2825         }
2826     }
notifyGroupChildRemoved(View row, ViewGroup childrenContainer)2828     public void notifyGroupChildRemoved(View row, ViewGroup childrenContainer) {
2829         onViewRemovedInternal(row, childrenContainer);
2830     }
notifyGroupChildAdded(View row)2832     public void notifyGroupChildAdded(View row) {
2833         onViewAddedInternal(row);
2834     }
setAnimationsEnabled(boolean animationsEnabled)2836     public void setAnimationsEnabled(boolean animationsEnabled) {
2837         mAnimationsEnabled = animationsEnabled;
2838         updateNotificationAnimationStates();
2839     }
updateNotificationAnimationStates()2841     private void updateNotificationAnimationStates() {
2842         boolean running = mAnimationsEnabled || hasPulsingNotifications();
2843         mShelf.setAnimationsEnabled(running);
2844         int childCount = getChildCount();
2845         for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
2846             View child = getChildAt(i);
2847             running &= mIsExpanded || isPinnedHeadsUp(child);
2848             updateAnimationState(running, child);
2849         }
2850     }
updateAnimationState(View child)2852     private void updateAnimationState(View child) {
2853         updateAnimationState((mAnimationsEnabled || hasPulsingNotifications())
2854                 && (mIsExpanded || isPinnedHeadsUp(child)), child);
2855     }
updateAnimationState(boolean running, View child)2858     private void updateAnimationState(boolean running, View child) {
2859         if (child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
2860             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
2861             row.setIconAnimationRunning(running);
2862         }
2863     }
isAddOrRemoveAnimationPending()2865     public boolean isAddOrRemoveAnimationPending() {
2866         return mNeedsAnimation
2867                 && (!mChildrenToAddAnimated.isEmpty() || !mChildrenToRemoveAnimated.isEmpty());
2868     }
2869     /**
2870      * Generate an animation for an added child view.
2871      *
2872      * @param child The view to be added.
2873      * @param fromMoreCard Whether this add is coming from the "more" card on lockscreen.
2874      */
generateAddAnimation(View child, boolean fromMoreCard)2875     public void generateAddAnimation(View child, boolean fromMoreCard) {
2876         if (mIsExpanded && mAnimationsEnabled && !mChangePositionInProgress) {
2877             // Generate Animations
2878             mChildrenToAddAnimated.add(child);
2879             if (fromMoreCard) {
2880                 mFromMoreCardAdditions.add(child);
2881             }
2882             mNeedsAnimation = true;
2883         }
2884         if (isHeadsUp(child) && mAnimationsEnabled && !mChangePositionInProgress) {
2885             mAddedHeadsUpChildren.add(child);
2886             mChildrenToAddAnimated.remove(child);
2887         }
2888     }
2890     /**
2891      * Change the position of child to a new location
2892      *
2893      * @param child the view to change the position for
2894      * @param newIndex the new index
2895      */
changeViewPosition(View child, int newIndex)2896     public void changeViewPosition(View child, int newIndex) {
2897         int currentIndex = indexOfChild(child);
2898         if (child != null && child.getParent() == this && currentIndex != newIndex) {
2899             mChangePositionInProgress = true;
2900             ((ExpandableView)child).setChangingPosition(true);
2901             removeView(child);
2902             addView(child, newIndex);
2903             ((ExpandableView)child).setChangingPosition(false);
2904             mChangePositionInProgress = false;
2905             if (mIsExpanded && mAnimationsEnabled && child.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
2906                 mChildrenChangingPositions.add(child);
2907                 mNeedsAnimation = true;
2908             }
2909         }
2910     }
startAnimationToState()2912     private void startAnimationToState() {
2913         if (mNeedsAnimation) {
2914             generateChildHierarchyEvents();
2915             mNeedsAnimation = false;
2916         }
2917         if (!mAnimationEvents.isEmpty() || isCurrentlyAnimating()) {
2918             setAnimationRunning(true);
2919             mStateAnimator.startAnimationForEvents(mAnimationEvents, mCurrentStackScrollState,
2920                     mGoToFullShadeDelay);
2921             mAnimationEvents.clear();
2922             updateBackground();
2923             updateViewShadows();
2924         } else {
2925             applyCurrentState();
2926         }
2927         mGoToFullShadeDelay = 0;
2928     }
generateChildHierarchyEvents()2930     private void generateChildHierarchyEvents() {
2931         generateHeadsUpAnimationEvents();
2932         generateChildRemovalEvents();
2933         generateChildAdditionEvents();
2934         generatePositionChangeEvents();
2935         generateSnapBackEvents();
2936         generateDragEvents();
2937         generateTopPaddingEvent();
2938         generateActivateEvent();
2939         generateDimmedEvent();
2940         generateHideSensitiveEvent();
2941         generateDarkEvent();
2942         generateGoToFullShadeEvent();
2943         generateViewResizeEvent();
2944         generateGroupExpansionEvent();
2945         generateAnimateEverythingEvent();
2946         mNeedsAnimation = false;
2947     }
generateHeadsUpAnimationEvents()2949     private void generateHeadsUpAnimationEvents() {
2950         for (Pair<ExpandableNotificationRow, Boolean> eventPair : mHeadsUpChangeAnimations) {
2951             ExpandableNotificationRow row = eventPair.first;
2952             boolean isHeadsUp = eventPair.second;
2953             int type = AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_OTHER;
2954             boolean onBottom = false;
2955             boolean pinnedAndClosed = row.isPinned() && !mIsExpanded;
2956             if (!mIsExpanded && !isHeadsUp) {
2957                 type = row.wasJustClicked()
2958                         ? AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_DISAPPEAR_CLICK
2959                         : AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_DISAPPEAR;
2960                 if (row.isChildInGroup()) {
2961                     // We can otherwise get stuck in there if it was just isolated
2962                     row.setHeadsUpAnimatingAway(false);
2963                 }
2964             } else {
2965                 ExpandableViewState viewState = mCurrentStackScrollState.getViewStateForView(row);
2966                 if (viewState == null) {
2967                     // A view state was never generated for this view, so we don't need to animate
2968                     // this. This may happen with notification children.
2969                     continue;
2970                 }
2971                 if (isHeadsUp && (mAddedHeadsUpChildren.contains(row) || pinnedAndClosed)) {
2972                     if (pinnedAndClosed || shouldHunAppearFromBottom(viewState)) {
2973                         // Our custom add animation
2974                         type = AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_APPEAR;
2975                     } else {
2976                         // Normal add animation
2977                         type = AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD;
2978                     }
2979                     onBottom = !pinnedAndClosed;
2980                 }
2981             }
2982             AnimationEvent event = new AnimationEvent(row, type);
2983             event.headsUpFromBottom = onBottom;
2984             mAnimationEvents.add(event);
2985         }
2986         mHeadsUpChangeAnimations.clear();
2987         mAddedHeadsUpChildren.clear();
2988     }
shouldHunAppearFromBottom(ExpandableViewState viewState)2990     private boolean shouldHunAppearFromBottom(ExpandableViewState viewState) {
2991         if (viewState.yTranslation + viewState.height < mAmbientState.getMaxHeadsUpTranslation()) {
2992             return false;
2993         }
2994         return true;
2995     }
generateGroupExpansionEvent()2997     private void generateGroupExpansionEvent() {
2998         // Generate a group expansion/collapsing event if there is such a group at all
2999         if (mExpandedGroupView != null) {
3000             mAnimationEvents.add(new AnimationEvent(mExpandedGroupView,
3001                     AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_GROUP_EXPANSION_CHANGED));
3002             mExpandedGroupView = null;
3003         }
3004     }
generateViewResizeEvent()3006     private void generateViewResizeEvent() {
3007         if (mNeedViewResizeAnimation) {
3008             mAnimationEvents.add(
3009                     new AnimationEvent(null, AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_VIEW_RESIZE));
3010         }
3011         mNeedViewResizeAnimation = false;
3012     }
generateSnapBackEvents()3014     private void generateSnapBackEvents() {
3015         for (View child : mSnappedBackChildren) {
3016             mAnimationEvents.add(new AnimationEvent(child,
3017                     AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_SNAP_BACK));
3018         }
3019         mSnappedBackChildren.clear();
3020     }
generateDragEvents()3022     private void generateDragEvents() {
3023         for (View child : mDragAnimPendingChildren) {
3024             mAnimationEvents.add(new AnimationEvent(child,
3025                     AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_START_DRAG));
3026         }
3027         mDragAnimPendingChildren.clear();
3028     }
generateChildRemovalEvents()3030     private void generateChildRemovalEvents() {
3031         for (View child : mChildrenToRemoveAnimated) {
3032             boolean childWasSwipedOut = mSwipedOutViews.contains(child);
3033             int animationType = childWasSwipedOut
3034                     ? AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_REMOVE_SWIPED_OUT
3035                     : AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_REMOVE;
3036             AnimationEvent event = new AnimationEvent(child, animationType);
3038             // we need to know the view after this one
3039             float removedTranslation = child.getTranslationY();
3040             boolean ignoreChildren = true;
3041             if (child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
3042                 ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
3043                 if (row.isRemoved() && row.wasChildInGroupWhenRemoved()) {
3044                     removedTranslation = row.getTranslationWhenRemoved();
3045                     ignoreChildren = false;
3046                 }
3047             }
3048             event.viewAfterChangingView = getFirstChildBelowTranlsationY(removedTranslation,
3049                     ignoreChildren);
3050             mAnimationEvents.add(event);
3051             mSwipedOutViews.remove(child);
3052         }
3053         mChildrenToRemoveAnimated.clear();
3054     }
generatePositionChangeEvents()3056     private void generatePositionChangeEvents() {
3057         for (View child : mChildrenChangingPositions) {
3058             mAnimationEvents.add(new AnimationEvent(child,
3059                     AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_CHANGE_POSITION));
3060         }
3061         mChildrenChangingPositions.clear();
3062         if (mGenerateChildOrderChangedEvent) {
3063             mAnimationEvents.add(new AnimationEvent(null,
3064                     AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_CHANGE_POSITION));
3065             mGenerateChildOrderChangedEvent = false;
3066         }
3067     }
generateChildAdditionEvents()3069     private void generateChildAdditionEvents() {
3070         for (View child : mChildrenToAddAnimated) {
3071             if (mFromMoreCardAdditions.contains(child)) {
3072                 mAnimationEvents.add(new AnimationEvent(child,
3073                         AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD,
3074                         StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD));
3075             } else {
3076                 mAnimationEvents.add(new AnimationEvent(child,
3077                         AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD));
3078             }
3079         }
3080         mChildrenToAddAnimated.clear();
3081         mFromMoreCardAdditions.clear();
3082     }
generateTopPaddingEvent()3084     private void generateTopPaddingEvent() {
3085         if (mTopPaddingNeedsAnimation) {
3086             mAnimationEvents.add(
3087                     new AnimationEvent(null, AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_TOP_PADDING_CHANGED));
3088         }
3089         mTopPaddingNeedsAnimation = false;
3090     }
generateActivateEvent()3092     private void generateActivateEvent() {
3093         if (mActivateNeedsAnimation) {
3094             mAnimationEvents.add(
3095                     new AnimationEvent(null, AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_ACTIVATED_CHILD));
3096         }
3097         mActivateNeedsAnimation = false;
3098     }
generateAnimateEverythingEvent()3100     private void generateAnimateEverythingEvent() {
3101         if (mEverythingNeedsAnimation) {
3102             mAnimationEvents.add(
3103                     new AnimationEvent(null, AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_EVERYTHING));
3104         }
3105         mEverythingNeedsAnimation = false;
3106     }
generateDimmedEvent()3108     private void generateDimmedEvent() {
3109         if (mDimmedNeedsAnimation) {
3110             mAnimationEvents.add(
3111                     new AnimationEvent(null, AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_DIMMED));
3112         }
3113         mDimmedNeedsAnimation = false;
3114     }
generateHideSensitiveEvent()3116     private void generateHideSensitiveEvent() {
3117         if (mHideSensitiveNeedsAnimation) {
3118             mAnimationEvents.add(
3119                     new AnimationEvent(null, AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_HIDE_SENSITIVE));
3120         }
3121         mHideSensitiveNeedsAnimation = false;
3122     }
generateDarkEvent()3124     private void generateDarkEvent() {
3125         if (mDarkNeedsAnimation) {
3126             AnimationEvent ev = new AnimationEvent(null,
3127                     AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_DARK,
3128                     new AnimationFilter()
3129                             .animateDark()
3130                             .animateY(mShelf));
3131             ev.darkAnimationOriginIndex = mDarkAnimationOriginIndex;
3132             mAnimationEvents.add(ev);
3133             startBackgroundFadeIn();
3134         }
3135         mDarkNeedsAnimation = false;
3136     }
generateGoToFullShadeEvent()3138     private void generateGoToFullShadeEvent() {
3139         if (mGoToFullShadeNeedsAnimation) {
3140             mAnimationEvents.add(
3141                     new AnimationEvent(null, AnimationEvent.ANIMATION_TYPE_GO_TO_FULL_SHADE));
3142         }
3143         mGoToFullShadeNeedsAnimation = false;
3144     }
onInterceptTouchEventScroll(MotionEvent ev)3146     private boolean onInterceptTouchEventScroll(MotionEvent ev) {
3147         if (!isScrollingEnabled()) {
3148             return false;
3149         }
3150         /*
3151          * This method JUST determines whether we want to intercept the motion.
3152          * If we return true, onMotionEvent will be called and we do the actual
3153          * scrolling there.
3154          */
3156         /*
3157         * Shortcut the most recurring case: the user is in the dragging
3158         * state and is moving their finger.  We want to intercept this
3159         * motion.
3160         */
3161         final int action = ev.getAction();
3162         if ((action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) && (mIsBeingDragged)) {
3163             return true;
3164         }
3166         switch (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {
3167             case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {
3168                 /*
3169                  * mIsBeingDragged == false, otherwise the shortcut would have caught it. Check
3170                  * whether the user has moved far enough from the original down touch.
3171                  */
3173                 /*
3174                 * Locally do absolute value. mLastMotionY is set to the y value
3175                 * of the down event.
3176                 */
3177                 final int activePointerId = mActivePointerId;
3178                 if (activePointerId == INVALID_POINTER) {
3179                     // If we don't have a valid id, the touch down wasn't on content.
3180                     break;
3181                 }
3183                 final int pointerIndex = ev.findPointerIndex(activePointerId);
3184                 if (pointerIndex == -1) {
3185                     Log.e(TAG, "Invalid pointerId=" + activePointerId
3186                             + " in onInterceptTouchEvent");
3187                     break;
3188                 }
3190                 final int y = (int) ev.getY(pointerIndex);
3191                 final int x = (int) ev.getX(pointerIndex);
3192                 final int yDiff = Math.abs(y - mLastMotionY);
3193                 final int xDiff = Math.abs(x - mDownX);
3194                 if (yDiff > mTouchSlop && yDiff > xDiff) {
3195                     setIsBeingDragged(true);
3196                     mLastMotionY = y;
3197                     mDownX = x;
3198                     initVelocityTrackerIfNotExists();
3199                     mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev);
3200                 }
3201                 break;
3202             }
3204             case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
3205                 final int y = (int) ev.getY();
3206                 mScrolledToTopOnFirstDown = isScrolledToTop();
3207                 if (getChildAtPosition(ev.getX(), y) == null) {
3208                     setIsBeingDragged(false);
3209                     recycleVelocityTracker();
3210                     break;
3211                 }
3213                 /*
3214                  * Remember location of down touch.
3215                  * ACTION_DOWN always refers to pointer index 0.
3216                  */
3217                 mLastMotionY = y;
3218                 mDownX = (int) ev.getX();
3219                 mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(0);
3221                 initOrResetVelocityTracker();
3222                 mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev);
3223                 /*
3224                 * If being flinged and user touches the screen, initiate drag;
3225                 * otherwise don't.  mScroller.isFinished should be false when
3226                 * being flinged.
3227                 */
3228                 boolean isBeingDragged = !mScroller.isFinished();
3229                 setIsBeingDragged(isBeingDragged);
3230                 break;
3231             }
3233             case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
3234             case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
3235                 /* Release the drag */
3236                 setIsBeingDragged(false);
3237                 mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
3238                 recycleVelocityTracker();
3239                 if (mScroller.springBack(mScrollX, mOwnScrollY, 0, 0, 0, getScrollRange())) {
3240                     animateScroll();
3241                 }
3242                 break;
3243             case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
3244                 onSecondaryPointerUp(ev);
3245                 break;
3246         }
3248         /*
3249         * The only time we want to intercept motion events is if we are in the
3250         * drag mode.
3251         */
3252         return mIsBeingDragged;
3253     }
createStackScrollAlgorithm(Context context)3255     protected StackScrollAlgorithm createStackScrollAlgorithm(Context context) {
3256         return new StackScrollAlgorithm(context);
3257     }
3259     /**
3260      * @return Whether the specified motion event is actually happening over the content.
3261      */
isInContentBounds(MotionEvent event)3262     private boolean isInContentBounds(MotionEvent event) {
3263         return isInContentBounds(event.getY());
3264     }
3266     /**
3267      * @return Whether a y coordinate is inside the content.
3268      */
isInContentBounds(float y)3269     public boolean isInContentBounds(float y) {
3270         return y < getHeight() - getEmptyBottomMargin();
3271     }
setIsBeingDragged(boolean isDragged)3273     private void setIsBeingDragged(boolean isDragged) {
3274         mIsBeingDragged = isDragged;
3275         if (isDragged) {
3276             requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);
3277             removeLongPressCallback();
3278         }
3279     }
3281     @Override
onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus)3282     public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {
3283         super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus);
3284         if (!hasWindowFocus) {
3285             removeLongPressCallback();
3286         }
3287     }
3289     @Override
clearChildFocus(View child)3290     public void clearChildFocus(View child) {
3291         super.clearChildFocus(child);
3292         if (mForcedScroll == child) {
3293             mForcedScroll = null;
3294         }
3295     }
3297     @Override
requestDisallowLongPress()3298     public void requestDisallowLongPress() {
3299         removeLongPressCallback();
3300     }
3302     @Override
requestDisallowDismiss()3303     public void requestDisallowDismiss() {
3304         mDisallowDismissInThisMotion = true;
3305     }
removeLongPressCallback()3307     public void removeLongPressCallback() {
3308         mSwipeHelper.removeLongPressCallback();
3309     }
3311     @Override
isScrolledToTop()3312     public boolean isScrolledToTop() {
3313         return mOwnScrollY == 0;
3314     }
3316     @Override
isScrolledToBottom()3317     public boolean isScrolledToBottom() {
3318         return mOwnScrollY >= getScrollRange();
3319     }
3321     @Override
getHostView()3322     public View getHostView() {
3323         return this;
3324     }
getEmptyBottomMargin()3326     public int getEmptyBottomMargin() {
3327         return Math.max(mMaxLayoutHeight - mContentHeight, 0);
3328     }
checkSnoozeLeavebehind()3330     public void checkSnoozeLeavebehind() {
3331         if (mCheckForLeavebehind) {
3332             mStatusBar.closeAndSaveGuts(true /* removeLeavebehind */, false /* force */,
3333                     false /* removeControls */, -1 /* x */, -1 /* y */, false /* resetMenu */);
3334             mCheckForLeavebehind = false;
3335         }
3336     }
resetCheckSnoozeLeavebehind()3338     public void resetCheckSnoozeLeavebehind() {
3339         mCheckForLeavebehind = true;
3340     }
onExpansionStarted()3342     public void onExpansionStarted() {
3343         mIsExpansionChanging = true;
3344         mAmbientState.setExpansionChanging(true);
3345         checkSnoozeLeavebehind();
3346     }
onExpansionStopped()3348     public void onExpansionStopped() {
3349         mIsExpansionChanging = false;
3350         resetCheckSnoozeLeavebehind();
3351         mAmbientState.setExpansionChanging(false);
3352         if (!mIsExpanded) {
3353             setOwnScrollY(0);
3354             mStatusBar.resetUserExpandedStates();
3356             // lets make sure nothing is in the overlay / transient anymore
3357             clearTemporaryViews(this);
3358             for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
3359                 ExpandableView child = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(i);
3360                 if (child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
3361                     ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
3362                     clearTemporaryViews(row.getChildrenContainer());
3363                 }
3364             }
3365         }
3366     }
clearTemporaryViews(ViewGroup viewGroup)3368     private void clearTemporaryViews(ViewGroup viewGroup) {
3369         while (viewGroup != null && viewGroup.getTransientViewCount() != 0) {
3370             viewGroup.removeTransientView(viewGroup.getTransientView(0));
3371         }
3372         if (viewGroup != null) {
3373             viewGroup.getOverlay().clear();
3374         }
3375     }
onPanelTrackingStarted()3377     public void onPanelTrackingStarted() {
3378         mPanelTracking = true;
3379         mAmbientState.setPanelTracking(true);
3380     }
onPanelTrackingStopped()3381     public void onPanelTrackingStopped() {
3382         mPanelTracking = false;
3383         mAmbientState.setPanelTracking(false);
3384     }
resetScrollPosition()3386     public void resetScrollPosition() {
3387         mScroller.abortAnimation();
3388         setOwnScrollY(0);
3389     }
setIsExpanded(boolean isExpanded)3391     private void setIsExpanded(boolean isExpanded) {
3392         boolean changed = isExpanded != mIsExpanded;
3393         mIsExpanded = isExpanded;
3394         mStackScrollAlgorithm.setIsExpanded(isExpanded);
3395         if (changed) {
3396             if (!mIsExpanded) {
3397                 mGroupManager.collapseAllGroups();
3398             }
3399             updateNotificationAnimationStates();
3400             updateChronometers();
3401             requestChildrenUpdate();
3402         }
3403     }
updateChronometers()3405     private void updateChronometers() {
3406         int childCount = getChildCount();
3407         for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
3408             updateChronometerForChild(getChildAt(i));
3409         }
3410     }
updateChronometerForChild(View child)3412     private void updateChronometerForChild(View child) {
3413         if (child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
3414             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
3415             row.setChronometerRunning(mIsExpanded);
3416         }
3417     }
3419     @Override
onHeightChanged(ExpandableView view, boolean needsAnimation)3420     public void onHeightChanged(ExpandableView view, boolean needsAnimation) {
3421         updateContentHeight();
3422         updateScrollPositionOnExpandInBottom(view);
3423         clampScrollPosition();
3424         notifyHeightChangeListener(view);
3425         ExpandableNotificationRow row = view instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow
3426                 ? (ExpandableNotificationRow) view
3427                 : null;
3428         if (row != null && (row == mFirstVisibleBackgroundChild
3429                 || row.getNotificationParent() == mFirstVisibleBackgroundChild)) {
3430             updateAlgorithmLayoutMinHeight();
3431         }
3432         if (needsAnimation) {
3433             requestAnimationOnViewResize(row);
3434         }
3435         requestChildrenUpdate();
3436     }
3438     @Override
onReset(ExpandableView view)3439     public void onReset(ExpandableView view) {
3440         updateAnimationState(view);
3441         updateChronometerForChild(view);
3442     }
updateScrollPositionOnExpandInBottom(ExpandableView view)3444     private void updateScrollPositionOnExpandInBottom(ExpandableView view) {
3445         if (view instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
3446             ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) view;
3447             if (row.isUserLocked() && row != getFirstChildNotGone()) {
3448                 if (row.isSummaryWithChildren()) {
3449                     return;
3450                 }
3451                 // We are actually expanding this view
3452                 float endPosition = row.getTranslationY() + row.getActualHeight();
3453                 if (row.isChildInGroup()) {
3454                     endPosition += row.getNotificationParent().getTranslationY();
3455                 }
3456                 int layoutEnd = mMaxLayoutHeight + (int) mStackTranslation;
3457                 if (row != mLastVisibleBackgroundChild) {
3458                     layoutEnd -= mShelf.getIntrinsicHeight() + mPaddingBetweenElements;
3459                 }
3460                 if (endPosition > layoutEnd) {
3461                     setOwnScrollY((int) (mOwnScrollY + endPosition - layoutEnd));
3462                     mDisallowScrollingInThisMotion = true;
3463                 }
3464             }
3465         }
3466     }
setOnHeightChangedListener( ExpandableView.OnHeightChangedListener mOnHeightChangedListener)3468     public void setOnHeightChangedListener(
3469             ExpandableView.OnHeightChangedListener mOnHeightChangedListener) {
3470         this.mOnHeightChangedListener = mOnHeightChangedListener;
3471     }
setOnEmptySpaceClickListener(OnEmptySpaceClickListener listener)3473     public void setOnEmptySpaceClickListener(OnEmptySpaceClickListener listener) {
3474         mOnEmptySpaceClickListener = listener;
3475     }
onChildAnimationFinished()3477     public void onChildAnimationFinished() {
3478         setAnimationRunning(false);
3479         requestChildrenUpdate();
3480         runAnimationFinishedRunnables();
3481         clearViewOverlays();
3482         clearHeadsUpDisappearRunning();
3483     }
clearHeadsUpDisappearRunning()3485     private void clearHeadsUpDisappearRunning() {
3486         for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
3487             View view = getChildAt(i);
3488             if (view instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
3489                 ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) view;
3490                 row.setHeadsUpAnimatingAway(false);
3491                 if (row.isSummaryWithChildren()) {
3492                     for (ExpandableNotificationRow child : row.getNotificationChildren()) {
3493                         child.setHeadsUpAnimatingAway(false);
3494                     }
3495                 }
3496             }
3497         }
3498     }
clearViewOverlays()3500     private void clearViewOverlays() {
3501         for (View view : mClearOverlayViewsWhenFinished) {
3502             StackStateAnimator.removeFromOverlay(view);
3503         }
3504         mClearOverlayViewsWhenFinished.clear();
3505     }
runAnimationFinishedRunnables()3507     private void runAnimationFinishedRunnables() {
3508         for (Runnable runnable : mAnimationFinishedRunnables) {
3509             runnable.run();
3510         }
3511         mAnimationFinishedRunnables.clear();
3512     }
3514     /**
3515      * See {@link AmbientState#setDimmed}.
3516      */
setDimmed(boolean dimmed, boolean animate)3517     public void setDimmed(boolean dimmed, boolean animate) {
3518         mAmbientState.setDimmed(dimmed);
3519         if (animate && mAnimationsEnabled) {
3520             mDimmedNeedsAnimation = true;
3521             mNeedsAnimation =  true;
3522             animateDimmed(dimmed);
3523         } else {
3524             setDimAmount(dimmed ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
3525         }
3526         requestChildrenUpdate();
3527     }
setDimAmount(float dimAmount)3529     private void setDimAmount(float dimAmount) {
3530         mDimAmount = dimAmount;
3531         updateBackgroundDimming();
3532     }
animateDimmed(boolean dimmed)3534     private void animateDimmed(boolean dimmed) {
3535         if (mDimAnimator != null) {
3536             mDimAnimator.cancel();
3537         }
3538         float target = dimmed ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
3539         if (target == mDimAmount) {
3540             return;
3541         }
3542         mDimAnimator = TimeAnimator.ofFloat(mDimAmount, target);
3543         mDimAnimator.setDuration(StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_DIMMED_ACTIVATED);
3544         mDimAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolators.FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN);
3545         mDimAnimator.addListener(mDimEndListener);
3546         mDimAnimator.addUpdateListener(mDimUpdateListener);
3547         mDimAnimator.start();
3548     }
setHideSensitive(boolean hideSensitive, boolean animate)3550     public void setHideSensitive(boolean hideSensitive, boolean animate) {
3551         if (hideSensitive != mAmbientState.isHideSensitive()) {
3552             int childCount = getChildCount();
3553             for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
3554                 ExpandableView v = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(i);
3555                 v.setHideSensitiveForIntrinsicHeight(hideSensitive);
3556             }
3557             mAmbientState.setHideSensitive(hideSensitive);
3558             if (animate && mAnimationsEnabled) {
3559                 mHideSensitiveNeedsAnimation = true;
3560                 mNeedsAnimation =  true;
3561             }
3562             requestChildrenUpdate();
3563         }
3564     }
3566     /**
3567      * See {@link AmbientState#setActivatedChild}.
3568      */
setActivatedChild(ActivatableNotificationView activatedChild)3569     public void setActivatedChild(ActivatableNotificationView activatedChild) {
3570         mAmbientState.setActivatedChild(activatedChild);
3571         if (mAnimationsEnabled) {
3572             mActivateNeedsAnimation = true;
3573             mNeedsAnimation =  true;
3574         }
3575         requestChildrenUpdate();
3576     }
getActivatedChild()3578     public ActivatableNotificationView getActivatedChild() {
3579         return mAmbientState.getActivatedChild();
3580     }
applyCurrentState()3582     private void applyCurrentState() {
3583         mCurrentStackScrollState.apply();
3584         if (mListener != null) {
3585             mListener.onChildLocationsChanged(this);
3586         }
3587         runAnimationFinishedRunnables();
3588         setAnimationRunning(false);
3589         updateBackground();
3590         updateViewShadows();
3591     }
updateViewShadows()3593     private void updateViewShadows() {
3594         // we need to work around an issue where the shadow would not cast between siblings when
3595         // their z difference is between 0 and 0.1
3597         // Lefts first sort by Z difference
3598         for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
3599             ExpandableView child = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(i);
3600             if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
3601                 mTmpSortedChildren.add(child);
3602             }
3603         }
3604         Collections.sort(mTmpSortedChildren, mViewPositionComparator);
3606         // Now lets update the shadow for the views
3607         ExpandableView previous = null;
3608         for (int i = 0; i < mTmpSortedChildren.size(); i++) {
3609             ExpandableView expandableView = mTmpSortedChildren.get(i);
3610             float translationZ = expandableView.getTranslationZ();
3611             float otherZ = previous == null ? translationZ : previous.getTranslationZ();
3612             float diff = otherZ - translationZ;
3613             if (diff <= 0.0f || diff >= FakeShadowView.SHADOW_SIBLING_TRESHOLD) {
3614                 // There is no fake shadow to be drawn
3615                 expandableView.setFakeShadowIntensity(0.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0);
3616             } else {
3617                 float yLocation = previous.getTranslationY() + previous.getActualHeight() -
3618                         expandableView.getTranslationY() - previous.getExtraBottomPadding();
3619                 expandableView.setFakeShadowIntensity(
3620                         diff / FakeShadowView.SHADOW_SIBLING_TRESHOLD,
3621                         previous.getOutlineAlpha(), (int) yLocation,
3622                         previous.getOutlineTranslation());
3623             }
3624             previous = expandableView;
3625         }
3627         mTmpSortedChildren.clear();
3628     }
goToFullShade(long delay)3630     public void goToFullShade(long delay) {
3631         mDismissView.setInvisible();
3632         mEmptyShadeView.setInvisible();
3633         mGoToFullShadeNeedsAnimation = true;
3634         mGoToFullShadeDelay = delay;
3635         mNeedsAnimation = true;
3636         requestChildrenUpdate();
3637     }
cancelExpandHelper()3639     public void cancelExpandHelper() {
3640         mExpandHelper.cancel();
3641     }
setIntrinsicPadding(int intrinsicPadding)3643     public void setIntrinsicPadding(int intrinsicPadding) {
3644         mIntrinsicPadding = intrinsicPadding;
3645     }
getIntrinsicPadding()3647     public int getIntrinsicPadding() {
3648         return mIntrinsicPadding;
3649     }
3651     /**
3652      * @return the y position of the first notification
3653      */
getNotificationsTopY()3654     public float getNotificationsTopY() {
3655         return mTopPadding + getStackTranslation();
3656     }
3658     @Override
shouldDelayChildPressedState()3659     public boolean shouldDelayChildPressedState() {
3660         return true;
3661     }
3663     /**
3664      * See {@link AmbientState#setDark}.
3665      */
setDark(boolean dark, boolean animate, @Nullable PointF touchWakeUpScreenLocation)3666     public void setDark(boolean dark, boolean animate, @Nullable PointF touchWakeUpScreenLocation) {
3667         mAmbientState.setDark(dark);
3668         if (animate && mAnimationsEnabled) {
3669             mDarkNeedsAnimation = true;
3670             mDarkAnimationOriginIndex = findDarkAnimationOriginIndex(touchWakeUpScreenLocation);
3671             mNeedsAnimation =  true;
3672             setBackgroundFadeAmount(0.0f);
3673         } else if (!dark) {
3674             setBackgroundFadeAmount(1.0f);
3675         }
3676         requestChildrenUpdate();
3677         if (dark) {
3678             mScrimController.setExcludedBackgroundArea(null);
3679         } else {
3680             updateBackground();
3681         }
3683         updateWillNotDraw();
3684         updateContentHeight();
3685         notifyHeightChangeListener(mShelf);
3686     }
3688     /**
3689      * Updates whether or not this Layout will perform its own custom drawing (i.e. whether or
3690      * not {@link #onDraw(Canvas)} is called). This method should be called whenever the
3691      * {@link #mAmbientState}'s dark mode is toggled.
3692      */
updateWillNotDraw()3693     private void updateWillNotDraw() {
3694         boolean willDraw = !mAmbientState.isDark() && mShouldDrawNotificationBackground || DEBUG;
3695         setWillNotDraw(!willDraw);
3696     }
setBackgroundFadeAmount(float fadeAmount)3698     private void setBackgroundFadeAmount(float fadeAmount) {
3699         mBackgroundFadeAmount = fadeAmount;
3700         updateBackgroundDimming();
3701     }
getBackgroundFadeAmount()3703     public float getBackgroundFadeAmount() {
3704         return mBackgroundFadeAmount;
3705     }
startBackgroundFadeIn()3707     private void startBackgroundFadeIn() {
3708         ObjectAnimator fadeAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, BACKGROUND_FADE, 0f, 1f);
3709         fadeAnimator.setDuration(StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_WAKEUP);
3710         fadeAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolators.ALPHA_IN);
3711         fadeAnimator.start();
3712     }
findDarkAnimationOriginIndex(@ullable PointF screenLocation)3714     private int findDarkAnimationOriginIndex(@Nullable PointF screenLocation) {
3715         if (screenLocation == null || screenLocation.y < mTopPadding) {
3716             return AnimationEvent.DARK_ANIMATION_ORIGIN_INDEX_ABOVE;
3717         }
3718         if (screenLocation.y > getBottomMostNotificationBottom()) {
3719             return AnimationEvent.DARK_ANIMATION_ORIGIN_INDEX_BELOW;
3720         }
3721         View child = getClosestChildAtRawPosition(screenLocation.x, screenLocation.y);
3722         if (child != null) {
3723             return getNotGoneIndex(child);
3724         } else {
3725             return AnimationEvent.DARK_ANIMATION_ORIGIN_INDEX_ABOVE;
3726         }
3727     }
getNotGoneIndex(View child)3729     private int getNotGoneIndex(View child) {
3730         int count = getChildCount();
3731         int notGoneIndex = 0;
3732         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3733             View v = getChildAt(i);
3734             if (child == v) {
3735                 return notGoneIndex;
3736             }
3737             if (v.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
3738                 notGoneIndex++;
3739             }
3740         }
3741         return -1;
3742     }
setDismissView(DismissView dismissView)3744     public void setDismissView(DismissView dismissView) {
3745         int index = -1;
3746         if (mDismissView != null) {
3747             index = indexOfChild(mDismissView);
3748             removeView(mDismissView);
3749         }
3750         mDismissView = dismissView;
3751         addView(mDismissView, index);
3752     }
setEmptyShadeView(EmptyShadeView emptyShadeView)3754     public void setEmptyShadeView(EmptyShadeView emptyShadeView) {
3755         int index = -1;
3756         if (mEmptyShadeView != null) {
3757             index = indexOfChild(mEmptyShadeView);
3758             removeView(mEmptyShadeView);
3759         }
3760         mEmptyShadeView = emptyShadeView;
3761         addView(mEmptyShadeView, index);
3762     }
updateEmptyShadeView(boolean visible)3764     public void updateEmptyShadeView(boolean visible) {
3765         int oldVisibility = mEmptyShadeView.willBeGone() ? GONE : mEmptyShadeView.getVisibility();
3766         int newVisibility = visible ? VISIBLE : GONE;
3767         if (oldVisibility != newVisibility) {
3768             if (newVisibility != GONE) {
3769                 if (mEmptyShadeView.willBeGone()) {
3770                     mEmptyShadeView.cancelAnimation();
3771                 } else {
3772                     mEmptyShadeView.setInvisible();
3773                 }
3774                 mEmptyShadeView.setVisibility(newVisibility);
3775                 mEmptyShadeView.setWillBeGone(false);
3776                 updateContentHeight();
3777                 notifyHeightChangeListener(mEmptyShadeView);
3778             } else {
3779                 Runnable onFinishedRunnable = new Runnable() {
3780                     @Override
3781                     public void run() {
3782                         mEmptyShadeView.setVisibility(GONE);
3783                         mEmptyShadeView.setWillBeGone(false);
3784                         updateContentHeight();
3785                         notifyHeightChangeListener(mEmptyShadeView);
3786                     }
3787                 };
3788                 if (mAnimationsEnabled && mIsExpanded) {
3789                     mEmptyShadeView.setWillBeGone(true);
3790                     mEmptyShadeView.performVisibilityAnimation(false, onFinishedRunnable);
3791                 } else {
3792                     mEmptyShadeView.setInvisible();
3793                     onFinishedRunnable.run();
3794                 }
3795             }
3796         }
3797     }
updateDismissView(boolean visible)3799     public void updateDismissView(boolean visible) {
3800         int oldVisibility = mDismissView.willBeGone() ? GONE : mDismissView.getVisibility();
3801         int newVisibility = visible ? VISIBLE : GONE;
3802         if (oldVisibility != newVisibility) {
3803             if (newVisibility != GONE) {
3804                 if (mDismissView.willBeGone()) {
3805                     mDismissView.cancelAnimation();
3806                 } else {
3807                     mDismissView.setInvisible();
3808                 }
3809                 mDismissView.setVisibility(newVisibility);
3810                 mDismissView.setWillBeGone(false);
3811                 updateContentHeight();
3812                 notifyHeightChangeListener(mDismissView);
3813             } else {
3814                 Runnable dimissHideFinishRunnable = new Runnable() {
3815                     @Override
3816                     public void run() {
3817                         mDismissView.setVisibility(GONE);
3818                         mDismissView.setWillBeGone(false);
3819                         updateContentHeight();
3820                         notifyHeightChangeListener(mDismissView);
3821                     }
3822                 };
3823                 if (mDismissView.isButtonVisible() && mIsExpanded && mAnimationsEnabled) {
3824                     mDismissView.setWillBeGone(true);
3825                     mDismissView.performVisibilityAnimation(false, dimissHideFinishRunnable);
3826                 } else {
3827                     dimissHideFinishRunnable.run();
3828                 }
3829             }
3830         }
3831     }
setDismissAllInProgress(boolean dismissAllInProgress)3833     public void setDismissAllInProgress(boolean dismissAllInProgress) {
3834         mDismissAllInProgress = dismissAllInProgress;
3835         mAmbientState.setDismissAllInProgress(dismissAllInProgress);
3836         handleDismissAllClipping();
3837     }
handleDismissAllClipping()3839     private void handleDismissAllClipping() {
3840         final int count = getChildCount();
3841         boolean previousChildWillBeDismissed = false;
3842         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3843             ExpandableView child = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(i);
3844             if (child.getVisibility() == GONE) {
3845                 continue;
3846             }
3847             if (mDismissAllInProgress && previousChildWillBeDismissed) {
3848                 child.setMinClipTopAmount(child.getClipTopAmount());
3849             } else {
3850                 child.setMinClipTopAmount(0);
3851             }
3852             previousChildWillBeDismissed = canChildBeDismissed(child);
3853         }
3854     }
isDismissViewNotGone()3856     public boolean isDismissViewNotGone() {
3857         return mDismissView.getVisibility() != View.GONE && !mDismissView.willBeGone();
3858     }
isDismissViewVisible()3860     public boolean isDismissViewVisible() {
3861         return mDismissView.isVisible();
3862     }
getDismissViewHeight()3864     public int getDismissViewHeight() {
3865         return mDismissView.getHeight() + mPaddingBetweenElements;
3866     }
getEmptyShadeViewHeight()3868     public int getEmptyShadeViewHeight() {
3869         return mEmptyShadeView.getHeight();
3870     }
getBottomMostNotificationBottom()3872     public float getBottomMostNotificationBottom() {
3873         final int count = getChildCount();
3874         float max = 0;
3875         for (int childIdx = 0; childIdx < count; childIdx++) {
3876             ExpandableView child = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(childIdx);
3877             if (child.getVisibility() == GONE) {
3878                 continue;
3879             }
3880             float bottom = child.getTranslationY() + child.getActualHeight()
3881                     - child.getClipBottomAmount();
3882             if (bottom > max) {
3883                 max = bottom;
3884             }
3885         }
3886         return max + getStackTranslation();
3887     }
setStatusBar(StatusBar statusBar)3889     public void setStatusBar(StatusBar statusBar) {
3890         this.mStatusBar = statusBar;
3891     }
setGroupManager(NotificationGroupManager groupManager)3893     public void setGroupManager(NotificationGroupManager groupManager) {
3894         this.mGroupManager = groupManager;
3895     }
onGoToKeyguard()3897     public void onGoToKeyguard() {
3898         requestAnimateEverything();
3899     }
requestAnimateEverything()3901     private void requestAnimateEverything() {
3902         if (mIsExpanded && mAnimationsEnabled) {
3903             mEverythingNeedsAnimation = true;
3904             mNeedsAnimation = true;
3905             requestChildrenUpdate();
3906         }
3907     }
isBelowLastNotification(float touchX, float touchY)3909     public boolean isBelowLastNotification(float touchX, float touchY) {
3910         int childCount = getChildCount();
3911         for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
3912             ExpandableView child = (ExpandableView) getChildAt(i);
3913             if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
3914                 float childTop = child.getY();
3915                 if (childTop > touchY) {
3916                     // we are above a notification entirely let's abort
3917                     return false;
3918                 }
3919                 boolean belowChild = touchY > childTop + child.getActualHeight()
3920                         - child.getClipBottomAmount();
3921                 if (child == mDismissView) {
3922                     if(!belowChild && !mDismissView.isOnEmptySpace(touchX - mDismissView.getX(),
3923                                     touchY - childTop)) {
3924                         // We clicked on the dismiss button
3925                         return false;
3926                     }
3927                 } else if (child == mEmptyShadeView) {
3928                     // We arrived at the empty shade view, for which we accept all clicks
3929                     return true;
3930                 } else if (!belowChild){
3931                     // We are on a child
3932                     return false;
3933                 }
3934             }
3935         }
3936         return touchY > mTopPadding + mStackTranslation;
3937     }
3939     @Override
onGroupExpansionChanged(ExpandableNotificationRow changedRow, boolean expanded)3940     public void onGroupExpansionChanged(ExpandableNotificationRow changedRow, boolean expanded) {
3941         boolean animated = !mGroupExpandedForMeasure && mAnimationsEnabled
3942                 && (mIsExpanded || changedRow.isPinned());
3943         if (animated) {
3944             mExpandedGroupView = changedRow;
3945             mNeedsAnimation = true;
3946         }
3947         changedRow.setChildrenExpanded(expanded, animated);
3948         if (!mGroupExpandedForMeasure) {
3949             onHeightChanged(changedRow, false /* needsAnimation */);
3950         }
3951         runAfterAnimationFinished(new Runnable() {
3952             @Override
3953             public void run() {
3954                 changedRow.onFinishedExpansionChange();
3955             }
3956         });
3957     }
3959     @Override
onGroupCreatedFromChildren(NotificationGroupManager.NotificationGroup group)3960     public void onGroupCreatedFromChildren(NotificationGroupManager.NotificationGroup group) {
3961         mStatusBar.requestNotificationUpdate();
3962     }
3964     /** @hide */
3965     @Override
onInitializeAccessibilityEventInternal(AccessibilityEvent event)3966     public void onInitializeAccessibilityEventInternal(AccessibilityEvent event) {
3967         super.onInitializeAccessibilityEventInternal(event);
3968         event.setScrollable(mScrollable);
3969         event.setScrollX(mScrollX);
3970         event.setScrollY(mOwnScrollY);
3971         event.setMaxScrollX(mScrollX);
3972         event.setMaxScrollY(getScrollRange());
3973     }
3975     @Override
onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(AccessibilityNodeInfo info)3976     public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) {
3977         super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(info);
3978         if (mScrollable) {
3979             info.setScrollable(true);
3980             if (mBackwardScrollable) {
3981                 info.addAction(
3982                         AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD);
3983                 info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_SCROLL_UP);
3984             }
3985             if (mForwardScrollable) {
3986                 info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD);
3987                 info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_SCROLL_DOWN);
3988             }
3989         }
3990         // Talkback only listenes to scroll events of certain classes, let's make us a scrollview
3991         info.setClassName(ScrollView.class.getName());
3992     }
3994     /** @hide */
3995     @Override
performAccessibilityActionInternal(int action, Bundle arguments)3996     public boolean performAccessibilityActionInternal(int action, Bundle arguments) {
3997         if (super.performAccessibilityActionInternal(action, arguments)) {
3998             return true;
3999         }
4000         if (!isEnabled()) {
4001             return false;
4002         }
4003         int direction = -1;
4004         switch (action) {
4005             case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD:
4006                 // fall through
4007             case android.R.id.accessibilityActionScrollDown:
4008                 direction = 1;
4009                 // fall through
4010             case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD:
4011                 // fall through
4012             case android.R.id.accessibilityActionScrollUp:
4013                 final int viewportHeight = getHeight() - mPaddingBottom - mTopPadding - mPaddingTop
4014                         - mShelf.getIntrinsicHeight();
4015                 final int targetScrollY = Math.max(0,
4016                         Math.min(mOwnScrollY + direction * viewportHeight, getScrollRange()));
4017                 if (targetScrollY != mOwnScrollY) {
4018                     mScroller.startScroll(mScrollX, mOwnScrollY, 0, targetScrollY - mOwnScrollY);
4019                     animateScroll();
4020                     return true;
4021                 }
4022                 break;
4023         }
4024         return false;
4025     }
4027     @Override
onGroupsChanged()4028     public void onGroupsChanged() {
4029         mStatusBar.requestNotificationUpdate();
4030     }
generateChildOrderChangedEvent()4032     public void generateChildOrderChangedEvent() {
4033         if (mIsExpanded && mAnimationsEnabled) {
4034             mGenerateChildOrderChangedEvent = true;
4035             mNeedsAnimation = true;
4036             requestChildrenUpdate();
4037         }
4038     }
runAfterAnimationFinished(Runnable runnable)4040     public void runAfterAnimationFinished(Runnable runnable) {
4041         mAnimationFinishedRunnables.add(runnable);
4042     }
setHeadsUpManager(HeadsUpManager headsUpManager)4044     public void setHeadsUpManager(HeadsUpManager headsUpManager) {
4045         mHeadsUpManager = headsUpManager;
4046         mAmbientState.setHeadsUpManager(headsUpManager);
4047     }
generateHeadsUpAnimation(ExpandableNotificationRow row, boolean isHeadsUp)4049     public void generateHeadsUpAnimation(ExpandableNotificationRow row, boolean isHeadsUp) {
4050         if (mAnimationsEnabled) {
4051             mHeadsUpChangeAnimations.add(new Pair<>(row, isHeadsUp));
4052             mNeedsAnimation = true;
4053             if (!mIsExpanded && !isHeadsUp) {
4054                 row.setHeadsUpAnimatingAway(true);
4055             }
4056             requestChildrenUpdate();
4057         }
4058     }
setShadeExpanded(boolean shadeExpanded)4060     public void setShadeExpanded(boolean shadeExpanded) {
4061         mAmbientState.setShadeExpanded(shadeExpanded);
4062         mStateAnimator.setShadeExpanded(shadeExpanded);
4063     }
4065     /**
4066      * Set the boundary for the bottom heads up position. The heads up will always be above this
4067      * position.
4068      *
4069      * @param height the height of the screen
4070      * @param bottomBarHeight the height of the bar on the bottom
4071      */
setHeadsUpBoundaries(int height, int bottomBarHeight)4072     public void setHeadsUpBoundaries(int height, int bottomBarHeight) {
4073         mAmbientState.setMaxHeadsUpTranslation(height - bottomBarHeight);
4074         mStateAnimator.setHeadsUpAppearHeightBottom(height);
4075         requestChildrenUpdate();
4076     }
setTrackingHeadsUp(boolean trackingHeadsUp)4078     public void setTrackingHeadsUp(boolean trackingHeadsUp) {
4079         mTrackingHeadsUp = trackingHeadsUp;
4080     }
setScrimController(ScrimController scrimController)4082     public void setScrimController(ScrimController scrimController) {
4083         mScrimController = scrimController;
4084         mScrimController.setScrimBehindChangeRunnable(new Runnable() {
4085             @Override
4086             public void run() {
4087                 updateBackgroundDimming();
4088             }
4089         });
4090     }
forceNoOverlappingRendering(boolean force)4092     public void forceNoOverlappingRendering(boolean force) {
4093         mForceNoOverlappingRendering = force;
4094     }
4096     @Override
hasOverlappingRendering()4097     public boolean hasOverlappingRendering() {
4098         return !mForceNoOverlappingRendering && super.hasOverlappingRendering();
4099     }
setAnimationRunning(boolean animationRunning)4101     public void setAnimationRunning(boolean animationRunning) {
4102         if (animationRunning != mAnimationRunning) {
4103             if (animationRunning) {
4104                 getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(mRunningAnimationUpdater);
4105             } else {
4106                 getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(mRunningAnimationUpdater);
4107             }
4108             mAnimationRunning = animationRunning;
4109             updateContinuousShadowDrawing();
4110         }
4111     }
isExpanded()4113     public boolean isExpanded() {
4114         return mIsExpanded;
4115     }
setPulsing(Collection<HeadsUpManager.HeadsUpEntry> pulsing)4117     public void setPulsing(Collection<HeadsUpManager.HeadsUpEntry> pulsing) {
4118         if (mPulsing == null && pulsing == null) {
4119             return;
4120         }
4121         mPulsing = pulsing;
4122         mAmbientState.setHasPulsingNotifications(hasPulsingNotifications());
4123         updateNotificationAnimationStates();
4124         updateContentHeight();
4125         notifyHeightChangeListener(mShelf);
4126         requestChildrenUpdate();
4127     }
setFadingOut(boolean fadingOut)4129     public void setFadingOut(boolean fadingOut) {
4130         if (fadingOut != mFadingOut) {
4131             mFadingOut = fadingOut;
4132             updateFadingState();
4133         }
4134     }
setParentNotFullyVisible(boolean parentNotFullyVisible)4136     public void setParentNotFullyVisible(boolean parentNotFullyVisible) {
4137         if (mScrimController == null) {
4138             // we're not set up yet.
4139             return;
4140         }
4141         if (parentNotFullyVisible != mParentNotFullyVisible) {
4142             mParentNotFullyVisible = parentNotFullyVisible;
4143             updateFadingState();
4144         }
4145     }
updateFadingState()4147     private void updateFadingState() {
4148         applyCurrentBackgroundBounds();
4149         updateSrcDrawing();
4150     }
4152     @Override
setAlpha(@loatRangefrom = 0.0, to = 1.0) float alpha)4153     public void setAlpha(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float alpha) {
4154         super.setAlpha(alpha);
4155         setFadingOut(alpha != 1.0f);
4156     }
setQsExpanded(boolean qsExpanded)4158     public void setQsExpanded(boolean qsExpanded) {
4159         mQsExpanded = qsExpanded;
4160         updateAlgorithmLayoutMinHeight();
4161     }
setOwnScrollY(int ownScrollY)4163     public void setOwnScrollY(int ownScrollY) {
4164         if (ownScrollY != mOwnScrollY) {
4165             // We still want to call the normal scrolled changed for accessibility reasons
4166             onScrollChanged(mScrollX, ownScrollY, mScrollX, mOwnScrollY);
4167             mOwnScrollY = ownScrollY;
4168             updateForwardAndBackwardScrollability();
4169             requestChildrenUpdate();
4170         }
4171     }
setShelf(NotificationShelf shelf)4173     public void setShelf(NotificationShelf shelf) {
4174         int index = -1;
4175         if (mShelf != null) {
4176             index = indexOfChild(mShelf);
4177             removeView(mShelf);
4178         }
4179         mShelf = shelf;
4180         addView(mShelf, index);
4181         mAmbientState.setShelf(shelf);
4182         mStateAnimator.setShelf(shelf);
4183         shelf.bind(mAmbientState, this);
4184     }
getNotificationShelf()4186     public NotificationShelf getNotificationShelf() {
4187         return mShelf;
4188     }
setMaxDisplayedNotifications(int maxDisplayedNotifications)4190     public void setMaxDisplayedNotifications(int maxDisplayedNotifications) {
4191         if (mMaxDisplayedNotifications != maxDisplayedNotifications) {
4192             mMaxDisplayedNotifications = maxDisplayedNotifications;
4193             updateContentHeight();
4194             notifyHeightChangeListener(mShelf);
4195         }
4196     }
getMinExpansionHeight()4198     public int getMinExpansionHeight() {
4199         return mShelf.getIntrinsicHeight() - (mShelf.getIntrinsicHeight() - mStatusBarHeight) / 2;
4200     }
setInHeadsUpPinnedMode(boolean inHeadsUpPinnedMode)4202     public void setInHeadsUpPinnedMode(boolean inHeadsUpPinnedMode) {
4203         mInHeadsUpPinnedMode = inHeadsUpPinnedMode;
4204         updateClipping();
4205     }
setHeadsUpAnimatingAway(boolean headsUpAnimatingAway)4207     public void setHeadsUpAnimatingAway(boolean headsUpAnimatingAway) {
4208         mHeadsUpAnimatingAway = headsUpAnimatingAway;
4209         updateClipping();
4210     }
setStatusBarState(int statusBarState)4212     public void setStatusBarState(int statusBarState) {
4213         mStatusBarState = statusBarState;
4214         mAmbientState.setStatusBarState(statusBarState);
4215     }
setExpandingVelocity(float expandingVelocity)4217     public void setExpandingVelocity(float expandingVelocity) {
4218         mAmbientState.setExpandingVelocity(expandingVelocity);
4219     }
getOpeningHeight()4221     public float getOpeningHeight() {
4222         if (mEmptyShadeView.getVisibility() == GONE) {
4223             return getMinExpansionHeight();
4224         } else {
4225             return getAppearEndPosition();
4226         }
4227     }
setIsFullWidth(boolean isFullWidth)4229     public void setIsFullWidth(boolean isFullWidth) {
4230         mAmbientState.setPanelFullWidth(isFullWidth);
4231     }
setUnlockHintRunning(boolean running)4233     public void setUnlockHintRunning(boolean running) {
4234         mAmbientState.setUnlockHintRunning(running);
4235     }
4237     /**
4238      * A listener that is notified when some child locations might have changed.
4239      */
4240     public interface OnChildLocationsChangedListener {
onChildLocationsChanged(NotificationStackScrollLayout stackScrollLayout)4241         void onChildLocationsChanged(NotificationStackScrollLayout stackScrollLayout);
4242     }
4244     /**
4245      * A listener that is notified when the empty space below the notifications is clicked on
4246      */
4247     public interface OnEmptySpaceClickListener {
onEmptySpaceClicked(float x, float y)4248         void onEmptySpaceClicked(float x, float y);
4249     }
4251     /**
4252      * A listener that gets notified when the overscroll at the top has changed.
4253      */
4254     public interface OnOverscrollTopChangedListener {
4256         /**
4257          * Notifies a listener that the overscroll has changed.
4258          *
4259          * @param amount the amount of overscroll, in pixels
4260          * @param isRubberbanded if true, this is a rubberbanded overscroll; if false, this is an
4261          *                     unrubberbanded motion to directly expand overscroll view (e.g expand
4262          *                     QS)
4263          */
onOverscrollTopChanged(float amount, boolean isRubberbanded)4264         void onOverscrollTopChanged(float amount, boolean isRubberbanded);
4266         /**
4267          * Notify a listener that the scroller wants to escape from the scrolling motion and
4268          * start a fling animation to the expanded or collapsed overscroll view (e.g expand the QS)
4269          *
4270          * @param velocity The velocity that the Scroller had when over flinging
4271          * @param open Should the fling open or close the overscroll view.
4272          */
flingTopOverscroll(float velocity, boolean open)4273         void flingTopOverscroll(float velocity, boolean open);
4274     }
4276     private class NotificationSwipeHelper extends SwipeHelper
4277             implements NotificationSwipeActionHelper {
4278         private static final long COVER_MENU_DELAY = 4000;
4279         private Runnable mFalsingCheck;
4280         private Handler mHandler;
NotificationSwipeHelper(int swipeDirection, Callback callback, Context context)4282         public NotificationSwipeHelper(int swipeDirection, Callback callback, Context context) {
4283             super(swipeDirection, callback, context);
4284             mHandler = new Handler();
4285             mFalsingCheck = new Runnable() {
4286                 @Override
4287                 public void run() {
4288                     resetExposedMenuView(true /* animate */, true /* force */);
4289                 }
4290             };
4291         }
4293         @Override
onDownUpdate(View currView, MotionEvent ev)4294         public void onDownUpdate(View currView, MotionEvent ev) {
4295             mTranslatingParentView = currView;
4296             mCurrMenuRow = null;
4297             if (mCurrMenuRow != null) {
4298                 mCurrMenuRow.onTouchEvent(currView, ev, 0 /* velocity */);
4299             }
4300             mHandler.removeCallbacks(mFalsingCheck);
4302             // Slide back any notifications that might be showing a menu
4303             resetExposedMenuView(true /* animate */, false /* force */);
4305             if (currView instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
4306                 ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) currView;
4307                 mCurrMenuRow = row.createMenu();
4308                 mCurrMenuRow.setSwipeActionHelper(NotificationSwipeHelper.this);
4309                 mCurrMenuRow.setMenuClickListener(NotificationStackScrollLayout.this);
4310             }
4311         }
4313         @Override
onMoveUpdate(View view, MotionEvent ev, float translation, float delta)4314         public void onMoveUpdate(View view, MotionEvent ev, float translation, float delta) {
4315             mHandler.removeCallbacks(mFalsingCheck);
4316             if (mCurrMenuRow != null) {
4317                 mCurrMenuRow.onTouchEvent(view, ev, 0 /* velocity */);
4318             }
4319         }
4321         @Override
handleUpEvent(MotionEvent ev, View animView, float velocity, float translation)4322         public boolean handleUpEvent(MotionEvent ev, View animView, float velocity,
4323                 float translation) {
4324             if (mCurrMenuRow != null) {
4325                 return mCurrMenuRow.onTouchEvent(animView, ev, velocity);
4326             }
4327             return false;
4328         }
4330         @Override
dismissChild(final View view, float velocity, boolean useAccelerateInterpolator)4331         public void dismissChild(final View view, float velocity,
4332                 boolean useAccelerateInterpolator) {
4333             super.dismissChild(view, velocity, useAccelerateInterpolator);
4334             if (mIsExpanded) {
4335                 // We don't want to quick-dismiss when it's a heads up as this might lead to closing
4336                 // of the panel early.
4337                 handleChildDismissed(view);
4338             }
4339             mStatusBar.closeAndSaveGuts(true /* removeLeavebehind */, false /* force */,
4340                     false /* removeControls */, -1 /* x */, -1 /* y */, false /* resetMenu */);
4341             handleMenuCoveredOrDismissed();
4342         }
4344         @Override
snapChild(final View animView, final float targetLeft, float velocity)4345         public void snapChild(final View animView, final float targetLeft, float velocity) {
4346             super.snapChild(animView, targetLeft, velocity);
4347             onDragCancelled(animView);
4348             if (targetLeft == 0) {
4349                 handleMenuCoveredOrDismissed();
4350             }
4351         }
4353         @Override
snooze(StatusBarNotification sbn, SnoozeOption snoozeOption)4354         public void snooze(StatusBarNotification sbn, SnoozeOption snoozeOption) {
4355             mStatusBar.setNotificationSnoozed(sbn, snoozeOption);
4356         }
isFalseGesture(MotionEvent ev)4358         public boolean isFalseGesture(MotionEvent ev) {
4359             return super.isFalseGesture(ev);
4360         }
handleMenuCoveredOrDismissed()4362         private void handleMenuCoveredOrDismissed() {
4363             if (mMenuExposedView != null && mMenuExposedView == mTranslatingParentView) {
4364                 mMenuExposedView = null;
4365             }
4366         }
4368         @Override
getViewTranslationAnimator(View v, float target, AnimatorUpdateListener listener)4369         public Animator getViewTranslationAnimator(View v, float target,
4370                 AnimatorUpdateListener listener) {
4371             if (v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
4372                 return ((ExpandableNotificationRow) v).getTranslateViewAnimator(target, listener);
4373             } else {
4374                 return super.getViewTranslationAnimator(v, target, listener);
4375             }
4376         }
4378         @Override
setTranslation(View v, float translate)4379         public void setTranslation(View v, float translate) {
4380             ((ExpandableView) v).setTranslation(translate);
4381         }
4383         @Override
getTranslation(View v)4384         public float getTranslation(View v) {
4385             return ((ExpandableView) v).getTranslation();
4386         }
4388         @Override
dismiss(View animView, float velocity)4389         public void dismiss(View animView, float velocity) {
4390             dismissChild(animView, velocity,
4391                     !swipedFastEnough(0, 0) /* useAccelerateInterpolator */);
4392         }
4394         @Override
snap(View animView, float targetLeft, float velocity)4395         public void snap(View animView, float targetLeft, float velocity) {
4396             snapChild(animView, targetLeft, velocity);
4397         }
4399         @Override
swipedFarEnough(float translation, float viewSize)4400         public boolean swipedFarEnough(float translation, float viewSize) {
4401             return swipedFarEnough();
4402         }
4404         @Override
swipedFastEnough(float translation, float velocity)4405         public boolean swipedFastEnough(float translation, float velocity) {
4406             return swipedFastEnough();
4407         }
4409         @Override
getMinDismissVelocity()4410         public float getMinDismissVelocity() {
4411             return getEscapeVelocity();
4412         }
onMenuShown(View animView)4414         public void onMenuShown(View animView) {
4415             onDragCancelled(animView);
4417             // If we're on the lockscreen we want to false this.
4418             if (isAntiFalsingNeeded()) {
4419                 mHandler.removeCallbacks(mFalsingCheck);
4420                 mHandler.postDelayed(mFalsingCheck, COVER_MENU_DELAY);
4421             }
4422         }
closeControlsIfOutsideTouch(MotionEvent ev)4424         public void closeControlsIfOutsideTouch(MotionEvent ev) {
4425             NotificationGuts guts = mStatusBar.getExposedGuts();
4426             View view = null;
4427             if (guts != null && !guts.getGutsContent().isLeavebehind()) {
4428                 // Only close visible guts if they're not a leavebehind.
4429                 view = guts;
4430             } else if (mCurrMenuRow != null && mCurrMenuRow.isMenuVisible()
4431                     && mTranslatingParentView != null) {
4432                 // Checking menu
4433                 view = mTranslatingParentView;
4434             }
4435             if (view != null && !isTouchInView(ev, view)) {
4436                 // Touch was outside visible guts / menu notification, close what's visible
4437                 mStatusBar.closeAndSaveGuts(false /* removeLeavebehind */, false /* force */,
4438                         true /* removeControls */, -1 /* x */, -1 /* y */, false /* resetMenu */);
4439                 resetExposedMenuView(true /* animate */, true /* force */);
4440             }
4441         }
resetExposedMenuView(boolean animate, boolean force)4443         public void resetExposedMenuView(boolean animate, boolean force) {
4444             if (mMenuExposedView == null
4445                     || (!force && mMenuExposedView == mTranslatingParentView)) {
4446                 // If no menu is showing or it's showing for this view we do nothing.
4447                 return;
4448             }
4449             final View prevMenuExposedView = mMenuExposedView;
4450             if (animate) {
4451                 Animator anim = getViewTranslationAnimator(prevMenuExposedView,
4452                         0 /* leftTarget */, null /* updateListener */);
4453                 if (anim != null) {
4454                     anim.start();
4455                 }
4456             } else if (mMenuExposedView instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
4457                 ((ExpandableNotificationRow) mMenuExposedView).resetTranslation();
4458             }
4459             mMenuExposedView = null;
4460         }
4461     }
isTouchInView(MotionEvent ev, View view)4463     private boolean isTouchInView(MotionEvent ev, View view) {
4464         if (view == null) {
4465             return false;
4466         }
4467         final int height = (view instanceof ExpandableView)
4468                 ? ((ExpandableView) view).getActualHeight()
4469                 : view.getHeight();
4470         final int rx = (int) ev.getRawX();
4471         final int ry = (int) ev.getRawY();
4472         view.getLocationOnScreen(mTempInt2);
4473         final int x = mTempInt2[0];
4474         final int y = mTempInt2[1];
4475         Rect rect = new Rect(x, y, x + view.getWidth(), y + height);
4476         boolean ret = rect.contains(rx, ry);
4477         return ret;
4478     }
updateContinuousShadowDrawing()4480     private void updateContinuousShadowDrawing() {
4481         boolean continuousShadowUpdate = mAnimationRunning
4482                 || !mAmbientState.getDraggedViews().isEmpty();
4483         if (continuousShadowUpdate != mContinuousShadowUpdate) {
4484             if (continuousShadowUpdate) {
4485                 getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(mShadowUpdater);
4486             } else {
4487                 getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(mShadowUpdater);
4488             }
4489             mContinuousShadowUpdate = continuousShadowUpdate;
4490         }
4491     }
resetExposedMenuView(boolean animate, boolean force)4493     public void resetExposedMenuView(boolean animate, boolean force) {
4494         mSwipeHelper.resetExposedMenuView(animate, force);
4495     }
closeControlsIfOutsideTouch(MotionEvent ev)4497     public void closeControlsIfOutsideTouch(MotionEvent ev) {
4498         mSwipeHelper.closeControlsIfOutsideTouch(ev);
4499     }
4501     static class AnimationEvent {
4503         static AnimationFilter[] FILTERS = new AnimationFilter[] {
4505                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD
4506                 new AnimationFilter()
4507                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4508                         .animateHeight()
4509                         .animateTopInset()
4510                         .animateY()
4511                         .animateZ()
4512                         .hasDelays(),
4514                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_REMOVE
4515                 new AnimationFilter()
4516                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4517                         .animateHeight()
4518                         .animateTopInset()
4519                         .animateY()
4520                         .animateZ()
4521                         .hasDelays(),
4523                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_REMOVE_SWIPED_OUT
4524                 new AnimationFilter()
4525                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4526                         .animateHeight()
4527                         .animateTopInset()
4528                         .animateY()
4529                         .animateZ()
4530                         .hasDelays(),
4533                 new AnimationFilter()
4534                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4535                         .animateHeight()
4536                         .animateTopInset()
4537                         .animateY()
4538                         .animateDimmed()
4539                         .animateZ(),
4541                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_START_DRAG
4542                 new AnimationFilter()
4543                         .animateShadowAlpha(),
4545                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_SNAP_BACK
4546                 new AnimationFilter()
4547                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4548                         .animateHeight(),
4550                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_ACTIVATED_CHILD
4551                 new AnimationFilter()
4552                         .animateZ(),
4554                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_DIMMED
4555                 new AnimationFilter()
4556                         .animateDimmed(),
4558                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_CHANGE_POSITION
4559                 new AnimationFilter()
4560                         .animateAlpha() // maybe the children change positions
4561                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4562                         .animateHeight()
4563                         .animateTopInset()
4564                         .animateY()
4565                         .animateZ(),
4567                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_DARK
4568                 null, // Unused
4570                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_GO_TO_FULL_SHADE
4571                 new AnimationFilter()
4572                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4573                         .animateHeight()
4574                         .animateTopInset()
4575                         .animateY()
4576                         .animateDimmed()
4577                         .animateZ()
4578                         .hasDelays(),
4580                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_HIDE_SENSITIVE
4581                 new AnimationFilter()
4582                         .animateHideSensitive(),
4584                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_VIEW_RESIZE
4585                 new AnimationFilter()
4586                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4587                         .animateHeight()
4588                         .animateTopInset()
4589                         .animateY()
4590                         .animateZ(),
4593                 new AnimationFilter()
4594                         .animateAlpha()
4595                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4596                         .animateHeight()
4597                         .animateTopInset()
4598                         .animateY()
4599                         .animateZ(),
4601                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_APPEAR
4602                 new AnimationFilter()
4603                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4604                         .animateHeight()
4605                         .animateTopInset()
4606                         .animateY()
4607                         .animateZ(),
4610                 new AnimationFilter()
4611                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4612                         .animateHeight()
4613                         .animateTopInset()
4614                         .animateY()
4615                         .animateZ(),
4618                 new AnimationFilter()
4619                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4620                         .animateHeight()
4621                         .animateTopInset()
4622                         .animateY()
4623                         .animateZ()
4624                         .hasDelays(),
4626                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_OTHER
4627                 new AnimationFilter()
4628                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4629                         .animateHeight()
4630                         .animateTopInset()
4631                         .animateY()
4632                         .animateZ(),
4634                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_EVERYTHING
4635                 new AnimationFilter()
4636                         .animateAlpha()
4637                         .animateShadowAlpha()
4638                         .animateDark()
4639                         .animateDimmed()
4640                         .animateHideSensitive()
4641                         .animateHeight()
4642                         .animateTopInset()
4643                         .animateY()
4644                         .animateZ(),
4645         };
4647         static int[] LENGTHS = new int[] {
4649                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD
4650                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_APPEAR_DISAPPEAR,
4652                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_REMOVE
4653                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_APPEAR_DISAPPEAR,
4655                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_REMOVE_SWIPED_OUT
4656                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD,
4659                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD,
4661                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_START_DRAG
4662                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD,
4664                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_SNAP_BACK
4665                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD,
4667                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_ACTIVATED_CHILD
4668                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_DIMMED_ACTIVATED,
4670                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_DIMMED
4671                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_DIMMED_ACTIVATED,
4673                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_CHANGE_POSITION
4674                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD,
4676                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_DARK
4677                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_WAKEUP,
4679                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_GO_TO_FULL_SHADE
4680                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_GO_TO_FULL_SHADE,
4682                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_HIDE_SENSITIVE
4683                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD,
4685                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_VIEW_RESIZE
4686                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD,
4689                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD,
4691                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_APPEAR
4692                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_HEADS_UP_APPEAR,
4695                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_HEADS_UP_DISAPPEAR,
4698                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_HEADS_UP_DISAPPEAR,
4700                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_OTHER
4701                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD,
4703                 // ANIMATION_TYPE_EVERYTHING
4704                 StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD,
4705         };
4707         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_ADD = 0;
4708         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_REMOVE = 1;
4709         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_REMOVE_SWIPED_OUT = 2;
4710         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_TOP_PADDING_CHANGED = 3;
4711         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_START_DRAG = 4;
4712         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_SNAP_BACK = 5;
4713         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_ACTIVATED_CHILD = 6;
4714         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_DIMMED = 7;
4715         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_CHANGE_POSITION = 8;
4716         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_DARK = 9;
4717         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_GO_TO_FULL_SHADE = 10;
4718         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_HIDE_SENSITIVE = 11;
4719         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_VIEW_RESIZE = 12;
4720         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_GROUP_EXPANSION_CHANGED = 13;
4721         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_APPEAR = 14;
4722         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_DISAPPEAR = 15;
4723         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_DISAPPEAR_CLICK = 16;
4724         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_HEADS_UP_OTHER = 17;
4725         static final int ANIMATION_TYPE_EVERYTHING = 18;
4727         static final int DARK_ANIMATION_ORIGIN_INDEX_ABOVE = -1;
4728         static final int DARK_ANIMATION_ORIGIN_INDEX_BELOW = -2;
4730         final long eventStartTime;
4731         final View changingView;
4732         final int animationType;
4733         final AnimationFilter filter;
4734         final long length;
4735         View viewAfterChangingView;
4736         int darkAnimationOriginIndex;
4737         boolean headsUpFromBottom;
AnimationEvent(View view, int type)4739         AnimationEvent(View view, int type) {
4740             this(view, type, LENGTHS[type]);
4741         }
AnimationEvent(View view, int type, AnimationFilter filter)4743         AnimationEvent(View view, int type, AnimationFilter filter) {
4744             this(view, type, LENGTHS[type], filter);
4745         }
AnimationEvent(View view, int type, long length)4747         AnimationEvent(View view, int type, long length) {
4748             this(view, type, length, FILTERS[type]);
4749         }
AnimationEvent(View view, int type, long length, AnimationFilter filter)4751         AnimationEvent(View view, int type, long length, AnimationFilter filter) {
4752             eventStartTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
4753             changingView = view;
4754             animationType = type;
4755             this.length = length;
4756             this.filter = filter;
4757         }
4759         /**
4760          * Combines the length of several animation events into a single value.
4761          *
4762          * @param events The events of the lengths to combine.
4763          * @return The combined length. Depending on the event types, this might be the maximum of
4764          *         all events or the length of a specific event.
4765          */
combineLength(ArrayList<AnimationEvent> events)4766         static long combineLength(ArrayList<AnimationEvent> events) {
4767             long length = 0;
4768             int size = events.size();
4769             for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
4770                 AnimationEvent event = events.get(i);
4771                 length = Math.max(length, event.length);
4772                 if (event.animationType == ANIMATION_TYPE_GO_TO_FULL_SHADE) {
4773                     return event.length;
4774                 }
4775             }
4776             return length;
4777         }
4778     }
4779 }