1 /*++
3   Copyright (c) 2004  - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
6   This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
8   the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
10   The full text of the license may be found at
12   http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
23 --*/
25 UINT32 mAzaliaVerbTableData12[] = {
26   //
27   // Audio Verb Table - 0x80862805
28   //
29   // Pin Widget 5 - PORT B
30   0x20471C10,
31   0x20471D00,
32   0x20471E56,
33   0x20471F18,
35   // Pin Widget 6 - PORT C
36   0x20571C20,
37   0x20571D00,
38   0x20571E56,
39   0x20571F18,
41   // Pin Widget 7 - PORT D
42   0x20671C30,
43   0x20671D00,
44   0x20671E56,
45   0x20671F58
46 };
49 PCH_AZALIA_VERB_TABLE mAzaliaVerbTable[] = {
50   {
51     //
52     // VerbTable:
53     //  Revision ID = 0xFF, support all steps
54     //  Codec Verb Table For AZALIA
55     //  Codec Address: CAd value (0/1/2)
56     //  Codec Vendor:  0x10EC0880
57     //
58     {
59       0x10EC0880,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
60       0x0000,         // SubSystem ID
61       0xFF,           // Revision ID
62       0x01,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
63       0x000A,         // Number of Rear Jacks = 10
64       0x0002          // Number of Front Jacks = 2
65     },
66     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
67   },
68   {
69     //
70     // Revision ID >= 0x03
71     // Codec Verb Table For AZALIA
72     // Codec Address: CAd value (0/1/2)
73     // Codec Vendor: 0x434D4980
74     //
75     {
76       0x434D4980,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
77       0x0000,         // SubSystem ID
78       0x00,           // Revision ID
79       0x01,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
80       0x0009,         // Number of Rear Jacks = 9
81       0x0002          // Number of Front Jacks = 2
82     },
83     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
84   },
85   {
86     //
87     // Lawndale Azalia Audio Codec Verb Table
88     // Revision ID = 0x00
89     // Codec Address: CAd value (0/1/2)
90     // Codec Vendor: 0x11D41984
91     //
92     {
93       0x11D41984,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
94       0x0000,         // SubSystem ID
95       0x04,           // Revision ID
96       0x01,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
97       0x0009,         // Number of Rear Jacks = 9
98       0x0002          // Number of Front Jacks = 2
99     },
100     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
101   },
102   {
103     //
104     // VerbTable:
105     //  Revision ID = 0xFF, support all steps
106     //  Codec Verb Table For AZALIA
107     //  Codec Address: CAd value (0/1/2)
108     //  Codec Vendor: 0x11D41986
109     //
110     {
111       0x11D41986,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
112       0x0001,         // SubSystem ID
113       0xFF,           // Revision ID
114       0x01,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
115       0x000A,         // Number of Rear Jacks = 8
116       0x0002          // Number of Front Jacks = 2
117     },
118     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
119   },
120   {
121     //
122     // VerbTable: (for Slim River, FFDS3)
123     //  Revision ID = 0x00
124     //  Codec Verb Table For AZALIA
125     //  Codec Address: CAd value (0/1/2)
126     //  Codec Vendor: 0x10EC0272
127     //
128     {
129       0x10EC0272,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
130       0x0000,         // SubSystem ID
131       0x00,           // Revision ID
132       0x01,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
133       0x000E,         // Number of Rear Jacks
134       0x0002          // Number of Front Jacks
135     },
136     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
137   },
138   {
139     //
140     //  VerbTable: (for Buffalo Trail)
141     //  Revision ID = 0x00
142     //  Codec Verb Table For AZALIA
143     //  Codec Address: CAd value (0/1/2)
144     //  Codec Vendor: 0x10EC0269
145     //
146     {
147       0x10EC0269,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
148       0x0000,         // SubSystem ID
149       0x00,           // Revision ID
150       0x01,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
151       0x000A,         // Number of Rear Jacks
152       0x0002          // Number of Front Jacks
153     },
154     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
155   },
156   {
157     //
158     //  VerbTable: (RealTek ALC888)
159     //  Revision ID = 0xFF
160     //  Codec Verb Table For Redfort
161     //  Codec Address: CAd value (0/1/2)
162     //  Codec Vendor: 0x10EC0888
163     //
164     {
165       0x10EC0888,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
166       0x0000,         // SubSystem ID
167       0xFF,           // Revision ID
168       0x01,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
169       0x000B,         // Number of Rear Jacks
170       0x0002          // Number of Front Jacks
171     },
172     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
173   },
174   {
175     //
176     //  VerbTable: (RealTek ALC885)
177     //  Revision ID = 0xFF
178     //  Codec Verb Table For Redfort
179     //  Codec Address: CAd value (0/1/2)
180     //  Codec Vendor: 0x10EC0885
181     //
182     {
183       0x10EC0885,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
184       0x0000,         // SubSystem ID
185       0xFF,           // Revision ID
186       0x01,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
187       0x000B,         // Number of Rear Jacks
188       0x0002          // Number of Front Jacks
189     },
190     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
191   },
192   {
193     //
194     //  VerbTable: (IDT 92HD81)
195     //  Revision ID = 0xFF
196     //  Codec Vendor: 0x111D7605
197     //
198     {
199       0x111D76d5,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
200       0x0000,         // SubSystem ID
201       0xFF,           // Revision ID
202       0x01,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
203       0x0008,         // Number of Rear Jacks
204       0x0002          // Number of Front Jacks
205     },
206     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
207   },
208   {
209     //
210     //  VerbTable: (Intel VLV HDMI)
211     //  Revision ID = 0xFF
212     //  Codec Verb Table For EmeraldLake/LosLunas
213     //  Codec Vendor: 0x80862804
214     //
215     {
216       0x80862882,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
217       0x0000,         // SubSystem ID
218       0xFF,           // Revision ID
219       0x02,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
220       0x0003,         // Number of Rear Jacks
221       0x0000          // Number of Front Jacks
222     },
223     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
224   },
225   {
226     //
227     // VerbTable: (RealTek ALC262)
228     //  Revision ID = 0xFF, support all steps
229     //  Codec Verb Table For AZALIA
230     //  Codec Address: CAd value (0/1/2)
231     //  Codec Vendor:  0x10EC0262
232     //
233     {
234       0x10EC0262,     // Vendor ID/Device ID
235       0x0000,         // SubSystem ID
236       0xFF,           // Revision ID
237       0x01,           // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
238       0x000B,         // Number of Rear Jacks = 11
239       0x0002          // Number of Front Jacks = 2
240     },
241     0                 // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
242   },
243   {
244     //
245     //  VerbTable: (RealTek ALC282)
246     //  Revision ID = 0xff
247     //  Codec Verb Table For Azalia on SharkBay-WhiteBluff refresh and Haswell ULT FFRD Harris Beach, WTM1, WTM2iCRB
248     //  Codec Address: CAd value (0/1/2)
249     //  Codec Vendor: 0x10EC0282
250     //
251     {
252       0x10EC0282, // Vendor ID/Device ID
253       0x0000,     // SubSystem ID
254       0xff,       // Revision ID
255       0x01,       // Front panel support (1=yes, 2=no)
256       0x000C,     // Number of Rear Jacks, 0x0010 for Harris Beach, 0x000B for WTM1 & WTM2iCRB
257       0x0002      // Number of Front Jacks
258     },
259     0             // Pointer to verb table data, need to be inited in the code.
260   }
261 };