1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 package android.widget; 18 19 import android.R; 20 import android.annotation.IntDef; 21 import android.annotation.NonNull; 22 import android.annotation.Nullable; 23 import android.app.PendingIntent; 24 import android.app.PendingIntent.CanceledException; 25 import android.content.ClipData; 26 import android.content.ClipData.Item; 27 import android.content.Context; 28 import android.content.Intent; 29 import android.content.UndoManager; 30 import android.content.UndoOperation; 31 import android.content.UndoOwner; 32 import android.content.pm.PackageManager; 33 import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo; 34 import android.content.res.TypedArray; 35 import android.graphics.Canvas; 36 import android.graphics.Color; 37 import android.graphics.Matrix; 38 import android.graphics.Paint; 39 import android.graphics.Path; 40 import android.graphics.Rect; 41 import android.graphics.RectF; 42 import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable; 43 import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; 44 import android.metrics.LogMaker; 45 import android.os.Bundle; 46 import android.os.LocaleList; 47 import android.os.Parcel; 48 import android.os.Parcelable; 49 import android.os.ParcelableParcel; 50 import android.os.SystemClock; 51 import android.provider.Settings; 52 import android.text.DynamicLayout; 53 import android.text.Editable; 54 import android.text.InputFilter; 55 import android.text.InputType; 56 import android.text.Layout; 57 import android.text.ParcelableSpan; 58 import android.text.Selection; 59 import android.text.SpanWatcher; 60 import android.text.Spannable; 61 import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; 62 import android.text.Spanned; 63 import android.text.StaticLayout; 64 import android.text.TextUtils; 65 import android.text.method.KeyListener; 66 import android.text.method.MetaKeyKeyListener; 67 import android.text.method.MovementMethod; 68 import android.text.method.WordIterator; 69 import android.text.style.EasyEditSpan; 70 import android.text.style.SuggestionRangeSpan; 71 import android.text.style.SuggestionSpan; 72 import android.text.style.TextAppearanceSpan; 73 import android.text.style.URLSpan; 74 import android.util.ArraySet; 75 import android.util.DisplayMetrics; 76 import android.util.Log; 77 import android.util.SparseArray; 78 import android.view.ActionMode; 79 import android.view.ActionMode.Callback; 80 import android.view.ContextMenu; 81 import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper; 82 import android.view.DisplayListCanvas; 83 import android.view.DragAndDropPermissions; 84 import android.view.DragEvent; 85 import android.view.Gravity; 86 import android.view.InputDevice; 87 import android.view.LayoutInflater; 88 import android.view.Menu; 89 import android.view.MenuItem; 90 import android.view.MotionEvent; 91 import android.view.RenderNode; 92 import android.view.SubMenu; 93 import android.view.View; 94 import android.view.View.DragShadowBuilder; 95 import android.view.View.OnClickListener; 96 import android.view.ViewConfiguration; 97 import android.view.ViewGroup; 98 import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; 99 import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; 100 import android.view.WindowManager; 101 import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo; 102 import android.view.inputmethod.CorrectionInfo; 103 import android.view.inputmethod.CursorAnchorInfo; 104 import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; 105 import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText; 106 import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedTextRequest; 107 import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection; 108 import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; 109 import android.view.textclassifier.TextClassification; 110 import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; 111 import android.widget.TextView.Drawables; 112 import android.widget.TextView.OnEditorActionListener; 113 114 import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; 115 import com.android.internal.logging.MetricsLogger; 116 import com.android.internal.logging.nano.MetricsProto.MetricsEvent; 117 import com.android.internal.util.ArrayUtils; 118 import com.android.internal.util.GrowingArrayUtils; 119 import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions; 120 import com.android.internal.widget.EditableInputConnection; 121 122 import java.lang.annotation.Retention; 123 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; 124 import java.text.BreakIterator; 125 import java.util.ArrayList; 126 import java.util.Arrays; 127 import java.util.Comparator; 128 import java.util.HashMap; 129 import java.util.List; 130 131 132 /** 133 * Helper class used by TextView to handle editable text views. 134 * 135 * @hide 136 */ 137 public class Editor { 138 private static final String TAG = "Editor"; 139 private static final boolean DEBUG_UNDO = false; 140 141 static final int BLINK = 500; 142 private static final int DRAG_SHADOW_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH = 20; 143 private static final float LINE_SLOP_MULTIPLIER_FOR_HANDLEVIEWS = 0.5f; 144 private static final int UNSET_X_VALUE = -1; 145 private static final int UNSET_LINE = -1; 146 // Tag used when the Editor maintains its own separate UndoManager. 147 private static final String UNDO_OWNER_TAG = "Editor"; 148 149 // Ordering constants used to place the Action Mode or context menu items in their menu. 150 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_ASSIST = 0; 151 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_UNDO = 2; 152 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_REDO = 3; 153 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_CUT = 4; 154 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_COPY = 5; 155 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_PASTE = 6; 156 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_SHARE = 7; 157 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_SELECT_ALL = 8; 158 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_REPLACE = 9; 159 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_AUTOFILL = 10; 160 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT = 11; 161 private static final int MENU_ITEM_ORDER_PROCESS_TEXT_INTENT_ACTIONS_START = 100; 162 163 // Each Editor manages its own undo stack. 164 private final UndoManager mUndoManager = new UndoManager(); 165 private UndoOwner mUndoOwner = mUndoManager.getOwner(UNDO_OWNER_TAG, this); 166 final UndoInputFilter mUndoInputFilter = new UndoInputFilter(this); 167 boolean mAllowUndo = true; 168 169 private final MetricsLogger mMetricsLogger = new MetricsLogger(); 170 171 // Cursor Controllers. 172 private InsertionPointCursorController mInsertionPointCursorController; 173 SelectionModifierCursorController mSelectionModifierCursorController; 174 // Action mode used when text is selected or when actions on an insertion cursor are triggered. 175 private ActionMode mTextActionMode; 176 private boolean mInsertionControllerEnabled; 177 private boolean mSelectionControllerEnabled; 178 179 // Used to highlight a word when it is corrected by the IME 180 private CorrectionHighlighter mCorrectionHighlighter; 181 182 InputContentType mInputContentType; 183 InputMethodState mInputMethodState; 184 185 private static class TextRenderNode { 186 // Render node has 3 recording states: 187 // 1. Recorded operations are valid. 188 // #needsRecord() returns false, but needsToBeShifted is false. 189 // 2. Recorded operations are not valid, but just the position needed to be updated. 190 // #needsRecord() returns false, but needsToBeShifted is true. 191 // 3. Recorded operations are not valid. Need to record operations. #needsRecord() returns 192 // true. 193 RenderNode renderNode; 194 boolean isDirty; 195 // Becomes true when recorded operations can be reused, but the position has to be updated. 196 boolean needsToBeShifted; TextRenderNode(String name)197 public TextRenderNode(String name) { 198 renderNode = RenderNode.create(name, null); 199 isDirty = true; 200 needsToBeShifted = true; 201 } needsRecord()202 boolean needsRecord() { 203 return isDirty || !renderNode.isValid(); 204 } 205 } 206 private TextRenderNode[] mTextRenderNodes; 207 208 boolean mFrozenWithFocus; 209 boolean mSelectionMoved; 210 boolean mTouchFocusSelected; 211 212 KeyListener mKeyListener; 213 int mInputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL; 214 215 boolean mDiscardNextActionUp; 216 boolean mIgnoreActionUpEvent; 217 218 long mShowCursor; 219 private Blink mBlink; 220 221 boolean mCursorVisible = true; 222 boolean mSelectAllOnFocus; 223 boolean mTextIsSelectable; 224 225 CharSequence mError; 226 boolean mErrorWasChanged; 227 private ErrorPopup mErrorPopup; 228 229 /** 230 * This flag is set if the TextView tries to display an error before it 231 * is attached to the window (so its position is still unknown). 232 * It causes the error to be shown later, when onAttachedToWindow() 233 * is called. 234 */ 235 private boolean mShowErrorAfterAttach; 236 237 boolean mInBatchEditControllers; 238 boolean mShowSoftInputOnFocus = true; 239 private boolean mPreserveSelection; 240 private boolean mRestartActionModeOnNextRefresh; 241 242 private SelectionActionModeHelper mSelectionActionModeHelper; 243 244 boolean mIsBeingLongClicked; 245 246 private SuggestionsPopupWindow mSuggestionsPopupWindow; 247 SuggestionRangeSpan mSuggestionRangeSpan; 248 private Runnable mShowSuggestionRunnable; 249 250 final Drawable[] mCursorDrawable = new Drawable[2]; 251 int mCursorCount; // Current number of used mCursorDrawable: 0 (resource=0), 1 or 2 (split) 252 253 private Drawable mSelectHandleLeft; 254 private Drawable mSelectHandleRight; 255 private Drawable mSelectHandleCenter; 256 257 // Global listener that detects changes in the global position of the TextView 258 private PositionListener mPositionListener; 259 260 private float mLastDownPositionX, mLastDownPositionY; 261 private float mContextMenuAnchorX, mContextMenuAnchorY; 262 Callback mCustomSelectionActionModeCallback; 263 Callback mCustomInsertionActionModeCallback; 264 265 // Set when this TextView gained focus with some text selected. Will start selection mode. 266 boolean mCreatedWithASelection; 267 268 // Indicates the current tap state (first tap, double tap, or triple click). 269 private int mTapState = TAP_STATE_INITIAL; 270 private long mLastTouchUpTime = 0; 271 private static final int TAP_STATE_INITIAL = 0; 272 private static final int TAP_STATE_FIRST_TAP = 1; 273 private static final int TAP_STATE_DOUBLE_TAP = 2; 274 // Only for mouse input. 275 private static final int TAP_STATE_TRIPLE_CLICK = 3; 276 277 // The button state as of the last time #onTouchEvent is called. 278 private int mLastButtonState; 279 280 private Runnable mInsertionActionModeRunnable; 281 282 // The span controller helps monitoring the changes to which the Editor needs to react: 283 // - EasyEditSpans, for which we have some UI to display on attach and on hide 284 // - SelectionSpans, for which we need to call updateSelection if an IME is attached 285 private SpanController mSpanController; 286 287 private WordIterator mWordIterator; 288 SpellChecker mSpellChecker; 289 290 // This word iterator is set with text and used to determine word boundaries 291 // when a user is selecting text. 292 private WordIterator mWordIteratorWithText; 293 // Indicate that the text in the word iterator needs to be updated. 294 private boolean mUpdateWordIteratorText; 295 296 private Rect mTempRect; 297 298 private final TextView mTextView; 299 300 final ProcessTextIntentActionsHandler mProcessTextIntentActionsHandler; 301 302 private final CursorAnchorInfoNotifier mCursorAnchorInfoNotifier = 303 new CursorAnchorInfoNotifier(); 304 305 private final Runnable mShowFloatingToolbar = new Runnable() { 306 @Override 307 public void run() { 308 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 309 mTextActionMode.hide(0); // hide off. 310 } 311 } 312 }; 313 314 boolean mIsInsertionActionModeStartPending = false; 315 316 private final SuggestionHelper mSuggestionHelper = new SuggestionHelper(); 317 Editor(TextView textView)318 Editor(TextView textView) { 319 mTextView = textView; 320 // Synchronize the filter list, which places the undo input filter at the end. 321 mTextView.setFilters(mTextView.getFilters()); 322 mProcessTextIntentActionsHandler = new ProcessTextIntentActionsHandler(this); 323 } 324 saveInstanceState()325 ParcelableParcel saveInstanceState() { 326 ParcelableParcel state = new ParcelableParcel(getClass().getClassLoader()); 327 Parcel parcel = state.getParcel(); 328 mUndoManager.saveInstanceState(parcel); 329 mUndoInputFilter.saveInstanceState(parcel); 330 return state; 331 } 332 restoreInstanceState(ParcelableParcel state)333 void restoreInstanceState(ParcelableParcel state) { 334 Parcel parcel = state.getParcel(); 335 mUndoManager.restoreInstanceState(parcel, state.getClassLoader()); 336 mUndoInputFilter.restoreInstanceState(parcel); 337 // Re-associate this object as the owner of undo state. 338 mUndoOwner = mUndoManager.getOwner(UNDO_OWNER_TAG, this); 339 } 340 341 /** 342 * Forgets all undo and redo operations for this Editor. 343 */ forgetUndoRedo()344 void forgetUndoRedo() { 345 UndoOwner[] owners = { mUndoOwner }; 346 mUndoManager.forgetUndos(owners, -1 /* all */); 347 mUndoManager.forgetRedos(owners, -1 /* all */); 348 } 349 canUndo()350 boolean canUndo() { 351 UndoOwner[] owners = { mUndoOwner }; 352 return mAllowUndo && mUndoManager.countUndos(owners) > 0; 353 } 354 canRedo()355 boolean canRedo() { 356 UndoOwner[] owners = { mUndoOwner }; 357 return mAllowUndo && mUndoManager.countRedos(owners) > 0; 358 } 359 undo()360 void undo() { 361 if (!mAllowUndo) { 362 return; 363 } 364 UndoOwner[] owners = { mUndoOwner }; 365 mUndoManager.undo(owners, 1); // Undo 1 action. 366 } 367 redo()368 void redo() { 369 if (!mAllowUndo) { 370 return; 371 } 372 UndoOwner[] owners = { mUndoOwner }; 373 mUndoManager.redo(owners, 1); // Redo 1 action. 374 } 375 replace()376 void replace() { 377 if (mSuggestionsPopupWindow == null) { 378 mSuggestionsPopupWindow = new SuggestionsPopupWindow(); 379 } 380 hideCursorAndSpanControllers(); 381 mSuggestionsPopupWindow.show(); 382 383 int middle = (mTextView.getSelectionStart() + mTextView.getSelectionEnd()) / 2; 384 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), middle); 385 } 386 onAttachedToWindow()387 void onAttachedToWindow() { 388 if (mShowErrorAfterAttach) { 389 showError(); 390 mShowErrorAfterAttach = false; 391 } 392 393 final ViewTreeObserver observer = mTextView.getViewTreeObserver(); 394 // No need to create the controller. 395 // The get method will add the listener on controller creation. 396 if (mInsertionPointCursorController != null) { 397 observer.addOnTouchModeChangeListener(mInsertionPointCursorController); 398 } 399 if (mSelectionModifierCursorController != null) { 400 mSelectionModifierCursorController.resetTouchOffsets(); 401 observer.addOnTouchModeChangeListener(mSelectionModifierCursorController); 402 } 403 updateSpellCheckSpans(0, mTextView.getText().length(), 404 true /* create the spell checker if needed */); 405 406 if (mTextView.hasSelection()) { 407 refreshTextActionMode(); 408 } 409 410 getPositionListener().addSubscriber(mCursorAnchorInfoNotifier, true); 411 resumeBlink(); 412 } 413 onDetachedFromWindow()414 void onDetachedFromWindow() { 415 getPositionListener().removeSubscriber(mCursorAnchorInfoNotifier); 416 417 if (mError != null) { 418 hideError(); 419 } 420 421 suspendBlink(); 422 423 if (mInsertionPointCursorController != null) { 424 mInsertionPointCursorController.onDetached(); 425 } 426 427 if (mSelectionModifierCursorController != null) { 428 mSelectionModifierCursorController.onDetached(); 429 } 430 431 if (mShowSuggestionRunnable != null) { 432 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mShowSuggestionRunnable); 433 } 434 435 // Cancel the single tap delayed runnable. 436 if (mInsertionActionModeRunnable != null) { 437 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mInsertionActionModeRunnable); 438 } 439 440 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mShowFloatingToolbar); 441 442 discardTextDisplayLists(); 443 444 if (mSpellChecker != null) { 445 mSpellChecker.closeSession(); 446 // Forces the creation of a new SpellChecker next time this window is created. 447 // Will handle the cases where the settings has been changed in the meantime. 448 mSpellChecker = null; 449 } 450 451 hideCursorAndSpanControllers(); 452 stopTextActionModeWithPreservingSelection(); 453 } 454 discardTextDisplayLists()455 private void discardTextDisplayLists() { 456 if (mTextRenderNodes != null) { 457 for (int i = 0; i < mTextRenderNodes.length; i++) { 458 RenderNode displayList = mTextRenderNodes[i] != null 459 ? mTextRenderNodes[i].renderNode : null; 460 if (displayList != null && displayList.isValid()) { 461 displayList.discardDisplayList(); 462 } 463 } 464 } 465 } 466 showError()467 private void showError() { 468 if (mTextView.getWindowToken() == null) { 469 mShowErrorAfterAttach = true; 470 return; 471 } 472 473 if (mErrorPopup == null) { 474 LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(mTextView.getContext()); 475 final TextView err = (TextView) inflater.inflate( 476 com.android.internal.R.layout.textview_hint, null); 477 478 final float scale = mTextView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; 479 mErrorPopup = 480 new ErrorPopup(err, (int) (200 * scale + 0.5f), (int) (50 * scale + 0.5f)); 481 mErrorPopup.setFocusable(false); 482 // The user is entering text, so the input method is needed. We 483 // don't want the popup to be displayed on top of it. 484 mErrorPopup.setInputMethodMode(PopupWindow.INPUT_METHOD_NEEDED); 485 } 486 487 TextView tv = (TextView) mErrorPopup.getContentView(); 488 chooseSize(mErrorPopup, mError, tv); 489 tv.setText(mError); 490 491 mErrorPopup.showAsDropDown(mTextView, getErrorX(), getErrorY()); 492 mErrorPopup.fixDirection(mErrorPopup.isAboveAnchor()); 493 } 494 setError(CharSequence error, Drawable icon)495 public void setError(CharSequence error, Drawable icon) { 496 mError = TextUtils.stringOrSpannedString(error); 497 mErrorWasChanged = true; 498 499 if (mError == null) { 500 setErrorIcon(null); 501 if (mErrorPopup != null) { 502 if (mErrorPopup.isShowing()) { 503 mErrorPopup.dismiss(); 504 } 505 506 mErrorPopup = null; 507 } 508 mShowErrorAfterAttach = false; 509 } else { 510 setErrorIcon(icon); 511 if (mTextView.isFocused()) { 512 showError(); 513 } 514 } 515 } 516 setErrorIcon(Drawable icon)517 private void setErrorIcon(Drawable icon) { 518 Drawables dr = mTextView.mDrawables; 519 if (dr == null) { 520 mTextView.mDrawables = dr = new Drawables(mTextView.getContext()); 521 } 522 dr.setErrorDrawable(icon, mTextView); 523 524 mTextView.resetResolvedDrawables(); 525 mTextView.invalidate(); 526 mTextView.requestLayout(); 527 } 528 hideError()529 private void hideError() { 530 if (mErrorPopup != null) { 531 if (mErrorPopup.isShowing()) { 532 mErrorPopup.dismiss(); 533 } 534 } 535 536 mShowErrorAfterAttach = false; 537 } 538 539 /** 540 * Returns the X offset to make the pointy top of the error point 541 * at the middle of the error icon. 542 */ getErrorX()543 private int getErrorX() { 544 /* 545 * The "25" is the distance between the point and the right edge 546 * of the background 547 */ 548 final float scale = mTextView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; 549 550 final Drawables dr = mTextView.mDrawables; 551 552 final int layoutDirection = mTextView.getLayoutDirection(); 553 int errorX; 554 int offset; 555 switch (layoutDirection) { 556 default: 557 case View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR: 558 offset = -(dr != null ? dr.mDrawableSizeRight : 0) / 2 + (int) (25 * scale + 0.5f); 559 errorX = mTextView.getWidth() - mErrorPopup.getWidth() 560 - mTextView.getPaddingRight() + offset; 561 break; 562 case View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL: 563 offset = (dr != null ? dr.mDrawableSizeLeft : 0) / 2 - (int) (25 * scale + 0.5f); 564 errorX = mTextView.getPaddingLeft() + offset; 565 break; 566 } 567 return errorX; 568 } 569 570 /** 571 * Returns the Y offset to make the pointy top of the error point 572 * at the bottom of the error icon. 573 */ getErrorY()574 private int getErrorY() { 575 /* 576 * Compound, not extended, because the icon is not clipped 577 * if the text height is smaller. 578 */ 579 final int compoundPaddingTop = mTextView.getCompoundPaddingTop(); 580 int vspace = mTextView.getBottom() - mTextView.getTop() 581 - mTextView.getCompoundPaddingBottom() - compoundPaddingTop; 582 583 final Drawables dr = mTextView.mDrawables; 584 585 final int layoutDirection = mTextView.getLayoutDirection(); 586 int height; 587 switch (layoutDirection) { 588 default: 589 case View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR: 590 height = (dr != null ? dr.mDrawableHeightRight : 0); 591 break; 592 case View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL: 593 height = (dr != null ? dr.mDrawableHeightLeft : 0); 594 break; 595 } 596 597 int icontop = compoundPaddingTop + (vspace - height) / 2; 598 599 /* 600 * The "2" is the distance between the point and the top edge 601 * of the background. 602 */ 603 final float scale = mTextView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; 604 return icontop + height - mTextView.getHeight() - (int) (2 * scale + 0.5f); 605 } 606 createInputContentTypeIfNeeded()607 void createInputContentTypeIfNeeded() { 608 if (mInputContentType == null) { 609 mInputContentType = new InputContentType(); 610 } 611 } 612 createInputMethodStateIfNeeded()613 void createInputMethodStateIfNeeded() { 614 if (mInputMethodState == null) { 615 mInputMethodState = new InputMethodState(); 616 } 617 } 618 isCursorVisible()619 boolean isCursorVisible() { 620 // The default value is true, even when there is no associated Editor 621 return mCursorVisible && mTextView.isTextEditable(); 622 } 623 prepareCursorControllers()624 void prepareCursorControllers() { 625 boolean windowSupportsHandles = false; 626 627 ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = mTextView.getRootView().getLayoutParams(); 628 if (params instanceof WindowManager.LayoutParams) { 629 WindowManager.LayoutParams windowParams = (WindowManager.LayoutParams) params; 630 windowSupportsHandles = windowParams.type < WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_SUB_WINDOW 631 || windowParams.type > WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAST_SUB_WINDOW; 632 } 633 634 boolean enabled = windowSupportsHandles && mTextView.getLayout() != null; 635 mInsertionControllerEnabled = enabled && isCursorVisible(); 636 mSelectionControllerEnabled = enabled && mTextView.textCanBeSelected(); 637 638 if (!mInsertionControllerEnabled) { 639 hideInsertionPointCursorController(); 640 if (mInsertionPointCursorController != null) { 641 mInsertionPointCursorController.onDetached(); 642 mInsertionPointCursorController = null; 643 } 644 } 645 646 if (!mSelectionControllerEnabled) { 647 stopTextActionMode(); 648 if (mSelectionModifierCursorController != null) { 649 mSelectionModifierCursorController.onDetached(); 650 mSelectionModifierCursorController = null; 651 } 652 } 653 } 654 hideInsertionPointCursorController()655 void hideInsertionPointCursorController() { 656 if (mInsertionPointCursorController != null) { 657 mInsertionPointCursorController.hide(); 658 } 659 } 660 661 /** 662 * Hides the insertion and span controllers. 663 */ hideCursorAndSpanControllers()664 void hideCursorAndSpanControllers() { 665 hideCursorControllers(); 666 hideSpanControllers(); 667 } 668 hideSpanControllers()669 private void hideSpanControllers() { 670 if (mSpanController != null) { 671 mSpanController.hide(); 672 } 673 } 674 hideCursorControllers()675 private void hideCursorControllers() { 676 // When mTextView is not ExtractEditText, we need to distinguish two kinds of focus-lost. 677 // One is the true focus lost where suggestions pop-up (if any) should be dismissed, and the 678 // other is an side effect of showing the suggestions pop-up itself. We use isShowingUp() 679 // to distinguish one from the other. 680 if (mSuggestionsPopupWindow != null && ((mTextView.isInExtractedMode()) 681 || !mSuggestionsPopupWindow.isShowingUp())) { 682 // Should be done before hide insertion point controller since it triggers a show of it 683 mSuggestionsPopupWindow.hide(); 684 } 685 hideInsertionPointCursorController(); 686 } 687 688 /** 689 * Create new SpellCheckSpans on the modified region. 690 */ updateSpellCheckSpans(int start, int end, boolean createSpellChecker)691 private void updateSpellCheckSpans(int start, int end, boolean createSpellChecker) { 692 // Remove spans whose adjacent characters are text not punctuation 693 mTextView.removeAdjacentSuggestionSpans(start); 694 mTextView.removeAdjacentSuggestionSpans(end); 695 696 if (mTextView.isTextEditable() && mTextView.isSuggestionsEnabled() 697 && !(mTextView.isInExtractedMode())) { 698 if (mSpellChecker == null && createSpellChecker) { 699 mSpellChecker = new SpellChecker(mTextView); 700 } 701 if (mSpellChecker != null) { 702 mSpellChecker.spellCheck(start, end); 703 } 704 } 705 } 706 onScreenStateChanged(int screenState)707 void onScreenStateChanged(int screenState) { 708 switch (screenState) { 709 case View.SCREEN_STATE_ON: 710 resumeBlink(); 711 break; 712 case View.SCREEN_STATE_OFF: 713 suspendBlink(); 714 break; 715 } 716 } 717 suspendBlink()718 private void suspendBlink() { 719 if (mBlink != null) { 720 mBlink.cancel(); 721 } 722 } 723 resumeBlink()724 private void resumeBlink() { 725 if (mBlink != null) { 726 mBlink.uncancel(); 727 makeBlink(); 728 } 729 } 730 adjustInputType(boolean password, boolean passwordInputType, boolean webPasswordInputType, boolean numberPasswordInputType)731 void adjustInputType(boolean password, boolean passwordInputType, 732 boolean webPasswordInputType, boolean numberPasswordInputType) { 733 // mInputType has been set from inputType, possibly modified by mInputMethod. 734 // Specialize mInputType to [web]password if we have a text class and the original input 735 // type was a password. 736 if ((mInputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) { 737 if (password || passwordInputType) { 738 mInputType = (mInputType & ~(EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION)) 739 | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD; 740 } 741 if (webPasswordInputType) { 742 mInputType = (mInputType & ~(EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION)) 743 | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_PASSWORD; 744 } 745 } else if ((mInputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER) { 746 if (numberPasswordInputType) { 747 mInputType = (mInputType & ~(EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION)) 748 | EditorInfo.TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_PASSWORD; 749 } 750 } 751 } 752 chooseSize(PopupWindow pop, CharSequence text, TextView tv)753 private void chooseSize(PopupWindow pop, CharSequence text, TextView tv) { 754 int wid = tv.getPaddingLeft() + tv.getPaddingRight(); 755 int ht = tv.getPaddingTop() + tv.getPaddingBottom(); 756 757 int defaultWidthInPixels = mTextView.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( 758 com.android.internal.R.dimen.textview_error_popup_default_width); 759 Layout l = new StaticLayout(text, tv.getPaint(), defaultWidthInPixels, 760 Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1, 0, true); 761 float max = 0; 762 for (int i = 0; i < l.getLineCount(); i++) { 763 max = Math.max(max, l.getLineWidth(i)); 764 } 765 766 /* 767 * Now set the popup size to be big enough for the text plus the border capped 768 * to DEFAULT_MAX_POPUP_WIDTH 769 */ 770 pop.setWidth(wid + (int) Math.ceil(max)); 771 pop.setHeight(ht + l.getHeight()); 772 } 773 setFrame()774 void setFrame() { 775 if (mErrorPopup != null) { 776 TextView tv = (TextView) mErrorPopup.getContentView(); 777 chooseSize(mErrorPopup, mError, tv); 778 mErrorPopup.update(mTextView, getErrorX(), getErrorY(), 779 mErrorPopup.getWidth(), mErrorPopup.getHeight()); 780 } 781 } 782 getWordStart(int offset)783 private int getWordStart(int offset) { 784 // FIXME - For this and similar methods we're not doing anything to check if there's 785 // a LocaleSpan in the text, this may be something we should try handling or checking for. 786 int retOffset = getWordIteratorWithText().prevBoundary(offset); 787 if (getWordIteratorWithText().isOnPunctuation(retOffset)) { 788 // On punctuation boundary or within group of punctuation, find punctuation start. 789 retOffset = getWordIteratorWithText().getPunctuationBeginning(offset); 790 } else { 791 // Not on a punctuation boundary, find the word start. 792 retOffset = getWordIteratorWithText().getPrevWordBeginningOnTwoWordsBoundary(offset); 793 } 794 if (retOffset == BreakIterator.DONE) { 795 return offset; 796 } 797 return retOffset; 798 } 799 getWordEnd(int offset)800 private int getWordEnd(int offset) { 801 int retOffset = getWordIteratorWithText().nextBoundary(offset); 802 if (getWordIteratorWithText().isAfterPunctuation(retOffset)) { 803 // On punctuation boundary or within group of punctuation, find punctuation end. 804 retOffset = getWordIteratorWithText().getPunctuationEnd(offset); 805 } else { 806 // Not on a punctuation boundary, find the word end. 807 retOffset = getWordIteratorWithText().getNextWordEndOnTwoWordBoundary(offset); 808 } 809 if (retOffset == BreakIterator.DONE) { 810 return offset; 811 } 812 return retOffset; 813 } 814 needsToSelectAllToSelectWordOrParagraph()815 private boolean needsToSelectAllToSelectWordOrParagraph() { 816 if (mTextView.hasPasswordTransformationMethod()) { 817 // Always select all on a password field. 818 // Cut/copy menu entries are not available for passwords, but being able to select all 819 // is however useful to delete or paste to replace the entire content. 820 return true; 821 } 822 823 int inputType = mTextView.getInputType(); 824 int klass = inputType & InputType.TYPE_MASK_CLASS; 825 int variation = inputType & InputType.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION; 826 827 // Specific text field types: select the entire text for these 828 if (klass == InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER 829 || klass == InputType.TYPE_CLASS_PHONE 830 || klass == InputType.TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME 831 || variation == InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI 832 || variation == InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS 833 || variation == InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EMAIL_ADDRESS 834 || variation == InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_FILTER) { 835 return true; 836 } 837 return false; 838 } 839 840 /** 841 * Adjusts selection to the word under last touch offset. Return true if the operation was 842 * successfully performed. 843 */ selectCurrentWord()844 boolean selectCurrentWord() { 845 if (!mTextView.canSelectText()) { 846 return false; 847 } 848 849 if (needsToSelectAllToSelectWordOrParagraph()) { 850 return mTextView.selectAllText(); 851 } 852 853 long lastTouchOffsets = getLastTouchOffsets(); 854 final int minOffset = TextUtils.unpackRangeStartFromLong(lastTouchOffsets); 855 final int maxOffset = TextUtils.unpackRangeEndFromLong(lastTouchOffsets); 856 857 // Safety check in case standard touch event handling has been bypassed 858 if (minOffset < 0 || minOffset > mTextView.getText().length()) return false; 859 if (maxOffset < 0 || maxOffset > mTextView.getText().length()) return false; 860 861 int selectionStart, selectionEnd; 862 863 // If a URLSpan (web address, email, phone...) is found at that position, select it. 864 URLSpan[] urlSpans = 865 ((Spanned) mTextView.getText()).getSpans(minOffset, maxOffset, URLSpan.class); 866 if (urlSpans.length >= 1) { 867 URLSpan urlSpan = urlSpans[0]; 868 selectionStart = ((Spanned) mTextView.getText()).getSpanStart(urlSpan); 869 selectionEnd = ((Spanned) mTextView.getText()).getSpanEnd(urlSpan); 870 } else { 871 // FIXME - We should check if there's a LocaleSpan in the text, this may be 872 // something we should try handling or checking for. 873 final WordIterator wordIterator = getWordIterator(); 874 wordIterator.setCharSequence(mTextView.getText(), minOffset, maxOffset); 875 876 selectionStart = wordIterator.getBeginning(minOffset); 877 selectionEnd = wordIterator.getEnd(maxOffset); 878 879 if (selectionStart == BreakIterator.DONE || selectionEnd == BreakIterator.DONE 880 || selectionStart == selectionEnd) { 881 // Possible when the word iterator does not properly handle the text's language 882 long range = getCharClusterRange(minOffset); 883 selectionStart = TextUtils.unpackRangeStartFromLong(range); 884 selectionEnd = TextUtils.unpackRangeEndFromLong(range); 885 } 886 } 887 888 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), selectionStart, selectionEnd); 889 return selectionEnd > selectionStart; 890 } 891 892 /** 893 * Adjusts selection to the paragraph under last touch offset. Return true if the operation was 894 * successfully performed. 895 */ selectCurrentParagraph()896 private boolean selectCurrentParagraph() { 897 if (!mTextView.canSelectText()) { 898 return false; 899 } 900 901 if (needsToSelectAllToSelectWordOrParagraph()) { 902 return mTextView.selectAllText(); 903 } 904 905 long lastTouchOffsets = getLastTouchOffsets(); 906 final int minLastTouchOffset = TextUtils.unpackRangeStartFromLong(lastTouchOffsets); 907 final int maxLastTouchOffset = TextUtils.unpackRangeEndFromLong(lastTouchOffsets); 908 909 final long paragraphsRange = getParagraphsRange(minLastTouchOffset, maxLastTouchOffset); 910 final int start = TextUtils.unpackRangeStartFromLong(paragraphsRange); 911 final int end = TextUtils.unpackRangeEndFromLong(paragraphsRange); 912 if (start < end) { 913 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), start, end); 914 return true; 915 } 916 return false; 917 } 918 919 /** 920 * Get the minimum range of paragraphs that contains startOffset and endOffset. 921 */ getParagraphsRange(int startOffset, int endOffset)922 private long getParagraphsRange(int startOffset, int endOffset) { 923 final Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 924 if (layout == null) { 925 return TextUtils.packRangeInLong(-1, -1); 926 } 927 final CharSequence text = mTextView.getText(); 928 int minLine = layout.getLineForOffset(startOffset); 929 // Search paragraph start. 930 while (minLine > 0) { 931 final int prevLineEndOffset = layout.getLineEnd(minLine - 1); 932 if (text.charAt(prevLineEndOffset - 1) == '\n') { 933 break; 934 } 935 minLine--; 936 } 937 int maxLine = layout.getLineForOffset(endOffset); 938 // Search paragraph end. 939 while (maxLine < layout.getLineCount() - 1) { 940 final int lineEndOffset = layout.getLineEnd(maxLine); 941 if (text.charAt(lineEndOffset - 1) == '\n') { 942 break; 943 } 944 maxLine++; 945 } 946 return TextUtils.packRangeInLong(layout.getLineStart(minLine), layout.getLineEnd(maxLine)); 947 } 948 onLocaleChanged()949 void onLocaleChanged() { 950 // Will be re-created on demand in getWordIterator and getWordIteratorWithText with the 951 // proper new locale 952 mWordIterator = null; 953 mWordIteratorWithText = null; 954 } 955 getWordIterator()956 public WordIterator getWordIterator() { 957 if (mWordIterator == null) { 958 mWordIterator = new WordIterator(mTextView.getTextServicesLocale()); 959 } 960 return mWordIterator; 961 } 962 getWordIteratorWithText()963 private WordIterator getWordIteratorWithText() { 964 if (mWordIteratorWithText == null) { 965 mWordIteratorWithText = new WordIterator(mTextView.getTextServicesLocale()); 966 mUpdateWordIteratorText = true; 967 } 968 if (mUpdateWordIteratorText) { 969 // FIXME - Shouldn't copy all of the text as only the area of the text relevant 970 // to the user's selection is needed. A possible solution would be to 971 // copy some number N of characters near the selection and then when the 972 // user approaches N then we'd do another copy of the next N characters. 973 CharSequence text = mTextView.getText(); 974 mWordIteratorWithText.setCharSequence(text, 0, text.length()); 975 mUpdateWordIteratorText = false; 976 } 977 return mWordIteratorWithText; 978 } 979 getNextCursorOffset(int offset, boolean findAfterGivenOffset)980 private int getNextCursorOffset(int offset, boolean findAfterGivenOffset) { 981 final Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 982 if (layout == null) return offset; 983 return findAfterGivenOffset == layout.isRtlCharAt(offset) 984 ? layout.getOffsetToLeftOf(offset) : layout.getOffsetToRightOf(offset); 985 } 986 getCharClusterRange(int offset)987 private long getCharClusterRange(int offset) { 988 final int textLength = mTextView.getText().length(); 989 if (offset < textLength) { 990 final int clusterEndOffset = getNextCursorOffset(offset, true); 991 return TextUtils.packRangeInLong( 992 getNextCursorOffset(clusterEndOffset, false), clusterEndOffset); 993 } 994 if (offset - 1 >= 0) { 995 final int clusterStartOffset = getNextCursorOffset(offset, false); 996 return TextUtils.packRangeInLong(clusterStartOffset, 997 getNextCursorOffset(clusterStartOffset, true)); 998 } 999 return TextUtils.packRangeInLong(offset, offset); 1000 } 1001 touchPositionIsInSelection()1002 private boolean touchPositionIsInSelection() { 1003 int selectionStart = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 1004 int selectionEnd = mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 1005 1006 if (selectionStart == selectionEnd) { 1007 return false; 1008 } 1009 1010 if (selectionStart > selectionEnd) { 1011 int tmp = selectionStart; 1012 selectionStart = selectionEnd; 1013 selectionEnd = tmp; 1014 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), selectionStart, selectionEnd); 1015 } 1016 1017 SelectionModifierCursorController selectionController = getSelectionController(); 1018 int minOffset = selectionController.getMinTouchOffset(); 1019 int maxOffset = selectionController.getMaxTouchOffset(); 1020 1021 return ((minOffset >= selectionStart) && (maxOffset < selectionEnd)); 1022 } 1023 getPositionListener()1024 private PositionListener getPositionListener() { 1025 if (mPositionListener == null) { 1026 mPositionListener = new PositionListener(); 1027 } 1028 return mPositionListener; 1029 } 1030 1031 private interface TextViewPositionListener { updatePosition(int parentPositionX, int parentPositionY, boolean parentPositionChanged, boolean parentScrolled)1032 public void updatePosition(int parentPositionX, int parentPositionY, 1033 boolean parentPositionChanged, boolean parentScrolled); 1034 } 1035 isOffsetVisible(int offset)1036 private boolean isOffsetVisible(int offset) { 1037 Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 1038 if (layout == null) return false; 1039 1040 final int line = layout.getLineForOffset(offset); 1041 final int lineBottom = layout.getLineBottom(line); 1042 final int primaryHorizontal = (int) layout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offset); 1043 return mTextView.isPositionVisible( 1044 primaryHorizontal + mTextView.viewportToContentHorizontalOffset(), 1045 lineBottom + mTextView.viewportToContentVerticalOffset()); 1046 } 1047 1048 /** Returns true if the screen coordinates position (x,y) corresponds to a character displayed 1049 * in the view. Returns false when the position is in the empty space of left/right of text. 1050 */ isPositionOnText(float x, float y)1051 private boolean isPositionOnText(float x, float y) { 1052 Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 1053 if (layout == null) return false; 1054 1055 final int line = mTextView.getLineAtCoordinate(y); 1056 x = mTextView.convertToLocalHorizontalCoordinate(x); 1057 1058 if (x < layout.getLineLeft(line)) return false; 1059 if (x > layout.getLineRight(line)) return false; 1060 return true; 1061 } 1062 startDragAndDrop()1063 private void startDragAndDrop() { 1064 // TODO: Fix drag and drop in full screen extracted mode. 1065 if (mTextView.isInExtractedMode()) { 1066 return; 1067 } 1068 final int start = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 1069 final int end = mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 1070 CharSequence selectedText = mTextView.getTransformedText(start, end); 1071 ClipData data = ClipData.newPlainText(null, selectedText); 1072 DragLocalState localState = new DragLocalState(mTextView, start, end); 1073 mTextView.startDragAndDrop(data, getTextThumbnailBuilder(start, end), localState, 1074 View.DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL); 1075 stopTextActionMode(); 1076 if (hasSelectionController()) { 1077 getSelectionController().resetTouchOffsets(); 1078 } 1079 } 1080 performLongClick(boolean handled)1081 public boolean performLongClick(boolean handled) { 1082 // Long press in empty space moves cursor and starts the insertion action mode. 1083 if (!handled && !isPositionOnText(mLastDownPositionX, mLastDownPositionY) 1084 && mInsertionControllerEnabled) { 1085 final int offset = mTextView.getOffsetForPosition(mLastDownPositionX, 1086 mLastDownPositionY); 1087 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), offset); 1088 getInsertionController().show(); 1089 mIsInsertionActionModeStartPending = true; 1090 handled = true; 1091 MetricsLogger.action( 1092 mTextView.getContext(), 1093 MetricsEvent.TEXT_LONGPRESS, 1094 TextViewMetrics.SUBTYPE_LONG_PRESS_OTHER); 1095 } 1096 1097 if (!handled && mTextActionMode != null) { 1098 if (touchPositionIsInSelection()) { 1099 startDragAndDrop(); 1100 MetricsLogger.action( 1101 mTextView.getContext(), 1102 MetricsEvent.TEXT_LONGPRESS, 1103 TextViewMetrics.SUBTYPE_LONG_PRESS_DRAG_AND_DROP); 1104 } else { 1105 stopTextActionMode(); 1106 selectCurrentWordAndStartDrag(); 1107 MetricsLogger.action( 1108 mTextView.getContext(), 1109 MetricsEvent.TEXT_LONGPRESS, 1110 TextViewMetrics.SUBTYPE_LONG_PRESS_SELECTION); 1111 } 1112 handled = true; 1113 } 1114 1115 // Start a new selection 1116 if (!handled) { 1117 handled = selectCurrentWordAndStartDrag(); 1118 if (handled) { 1119 MetricsLogger.action( 1120 mTextView.getContext(), 1121 MetricsEvent.TEXT_LONGPRESS, 1122 TextViewMetrics.SUBTYPE_LONG_PRESS_SELECTION); 1123 } 1124 } 1125 1126 return handled; 1127 } 1128 getLastTouchOffsets()1129 private long getLastTouchOffsets() { 1130 SelectionModifierCursorController selectionController = getSelectionController(); 1131 final int minOffset = selectionController.getMinTouchOffset(); 1132 final int maxOffset = selectionController.getMaxTouchOffset(); 1133 return TextUtils.packRangeInLong(minOffset, maxOffset); 1134 } 1135 onFocusChanged(boolean focused, int direction)1136 void onFocusChanged(boolean focused, int direction) { 1137 mShowCursor = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 1138 ensureEndedBatchEdit(); 1139 1140 if (focused) { 1141 int selStart = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 1142 int selEnd = mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 1143 1144 // SelectAllOnFocus fields are highlighted and not selected. Do not start text selection 1145 // mode for these, unless there was a specific selection already started. 1146 final boolean isFocusHighlighted = mSelectAllOnFocus && selStart == 0 1147 && selEnd == mTextView.getText().length(); 1148 1149 mCreatedWithASelection = mFrozenWithFocus && mTextView.hasSelection() 1150 && !isFocusHighlighted; 1151 1152 if (!mFrozenWithFocus || (selStart < 0 || selEnd < 0)) { 1153 // If a tap was used to give focus to that view, move cursor at tap position. 1154 // Has to be done before onTakeFocus, which can be overloaded. 1155 final int lastTapPosition = getLastTapPosition(); 1156 if (lastTapPosition >= 0) { 1157 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), lastTapPosition); 1158 } 1159 1160 // Note this may have to be moved out of the Editor class 1161 MovementMethod mMovement = mTextView.getMovementMethod(); 1162 if (mMovement != null) { 1163 mMovement.onTakeFocus(mTextView, (Spannable) mTextView.getText(), direction); 1164 } 1165 1166 // The DecorView does not have focus when the 'Done' ExtractEditText button is 1167 // pressed. Since it is the ViewAncestor's mView, it requests focus before 1168 // ExtractEditText clears focus, which gives focus to the ExtractEditText. 1169 // This special case ensure that we keep current selection in that case. 1170 // It would be better to know why the DecorView does not have focus at that time. 1171 if (((mTextView.isInExtractedMode()) || mSelectionMoved) 1172 && selStart >= 0 && selEnd >= 0) { 1173 /* 1174 * Someone intentionally set the selection, so let them 1175 * do whatever it is that they wanted to do instead of 1176 * the default on-focus behavior. We reset the selection 1177 * here instead of just skipping the onTakeFocus() call 1178 * because some movement methods do something other than 1179 * just setting the selection in theirs and we still 1180 * need to go through that path. 1181 */ 1182 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), selStart, selEnd); 1183 } 1184 1185 if (mSelectAllOnFocus) { 1186 mTextView.selectAllText(); 1187 } 1188 1189 mTouchFocusSelected = true; 1190 } 1191 1192 mFrozenWithFocus = false; 1193 mSelectionMoved = false; 1194 1195 if (mError != null) { 1196 showError(); 1197 } 1198 1199 makeBlink(); 1200 } else { 1201 if (mError != null) { 1202 hideError(); 1203 } 1204 // Don't leave us in the middle of a batch edit. 1205 mTextView.onEndBatchEdit(); 1206 1207 if (mTextView.isInExtractedMode()) { 1208 hideCursorAndSpanControllers(); 1209 stopTextActionModeWithPreservingSelection(); 1210 } else { 1211 hideCursorAndSpanControllers(); 1212 if (mTextView.isTemporarilyDetached()) { 1213 stopTextActionModeWithPreservingSelection(); 1214 } else { 1215 stopTextActionMode(); 1216 } 1217 downgradeEasyCorrectionSpans(); 1218 } 1219 // No need to create the controller 1220 if (mSelectionModifierCursorController != null) { 1221 mSelectionModifierCursorController.resetTouchOffsets(); 1222 } 1223 } 1224 } 1225 1226 /** 1227 * Downgrades to simple suggestions all the easy correction spans that are not a spell check 1228 * span. 1229 */ downgradeEasyCorrectionSpans()1230 private void downgradeEasyCorrectionSpans() { 1231 CharSequence text = mTextView.getText(); 1232 if (text instanceof Spannable) { 1233 Spannable spannable = (Spannable) text; 1234 SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = spannable.getSpans(0, 1235 spannable.length(), SuggestionSpan.class); 1236 for (int i = 0; i < suggestionSpans.length; i++) { 1237 int flags = suggestionSpans[i].getFlags(); 1238 if ((flags & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_EASY_CORRECT) != 0 1239 && (flags & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_MISSPELLED) == 0) { 1240 flags &= ~SuggestionSpan.FLAG_EASY_CORRECT; 1241 suggestionSpans[i].setFlags(flags); 1242 } 1243 } 1244 } 1245 } 1246 sendOnTextChanged(int start, int after)1247 void sendOnTextChanged(int start, int after) { 1248 updateSpellCheckSpans(start, start + after, false); 1249 1250 // Flip flag to indicate the word iterator needs to have the text reset. 1251 mUpdateWordIteratorText = true; 1252 1253 // Hide the controllers as soon as text is modified (typing, procedural...) 1254 // We do not hide the span controllers, since they can be added when a new text is 1255 // inserted into the text view (voice IME). 1256 hideCursorControllers(); 1257 // Reset drag accelerator. 1258 if (mSelectionModifierCursorController != null) { 1259 mSelectionModifierCursorController.resetTouchOffsets(); 1260 } 1261 stopTextActionMode(); 1262 } 1263 getLastTapPosition()1264 private int getLastTapPosition() { 1265 // No need to create the controller at that point, no last tap position saved 1266 if (mSelectionModifierCursorController != null) { 1267 int lastTapPosition = mSelectionModifierCursorController.getMinTouchOffset(); 1268 if (lastTapPosition >= 0) { 1269 // Safety check, should not be possible. 1270 if (lastTapPosition > mTextView.getText().length()) { 1271 lastTapPosition = mTextView.getText().length(); 1272 } 1273 return lastTapPosition; 1274 } 1275 } 1276 1277 return -1; 1278 } 1279 onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus)1280 void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) { 1281 if (hasWindowFocus) { 1282 if (mBlink != null) { 1283 mBlink.uncancel(); 1284 makeBlink(); 1285 } 1286 if (mTextView.hasSelection() && !extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()) { 1287 refreshTextActionMode(); 1288 } 1289 } else { 1290 if (mBlink != null) { 1291 mBlink.cancel(); 1292 } 1293 if (mInputContentType != null) { 1294 mInputContentType.enterDown = false; 1295 } 1296 // Order matters! Must be done before onParentLostFocus to rely on isShowingUp 1297 hideCursorAndSpanControllers(); 1298 stopTextActionModeWithPreservingSelection(); 1299 if (mSuggestionsPopupWindow != null) { 1300 mSuggestionsPopupWindow.onParentLostFocus(); 1301 } 1302 1303 // Don't leave us in the middle of a batch edit. Same as in onFocusChanged 1304 ensureEndedBatchEdit(); 1305 } 1306 } 1307 updateTapState(MotionEvent event)1308 private void updateTapState(MotionEvent event) { 1309 final int action = event.getActionMasked(); 1310 if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { 1311 final boolean isMouse = event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE); 1312 // Detect double tap and triple click. 1313 if (((mTapState == TAP_STATE_FIRST_TAP) 1314 || ((mTapState == TAP_STATE_DOUBLE_TAP) && isMouse)) 1315 && (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mLastTouchUpTime) 1316 <= ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout()) { 1317 if (mTapState == TAP_STATE_FIRST_TAP) { 1318 mTapState = TAP_STATE_DOUBLE_TAP; 1319 } else { 1320 mTapState = TAP_STATE_TRIPLE_CLICK; 1321 } 1322 } else { 1323 mTapState = TAP_STATE_FIRST_TAP; 1324 } 1325 } 1326 if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { 1327 mLastTouchUpTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 1328 } 1329 } 1330 shouldFilterOutTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)1331 private boolean shouldFilterOutTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { 1332 if (!event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE)) { 1333 return false; 1334 } 1335 final boolean primaryButtonStateChanged = 1336 ((mLastButtonState ^ event.getButtonState()) & MotionEvent.BUTTON_PRIMARY) != 0; 1337 final int action = event.getActionMasked(); 1338 if ((action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) 1339 && !primaryButtonStateChanged) { 1340 return true; 1341 } 1342 if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE 1343 && !event.isButtonPressed(MotionEvent.BUTTON_PRIMARY)) { 1344 return true; 1345 } 1346 return false; 1347 } 1348 onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)1349 void onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { 1350 final boolean filterOutEvent = shouldFilterOutTouchEvent(event); 1351 mLastButtonState = event.getButtonState(); 1352 if (filterOutEvent) { 1353 if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { 1354 mDiscardNextActionUp = true; 1355 } 1356 return; 1357 } 1358 updateTapState(event); 1359 updateFloatingToolbarVisibility(event); 1360 1361 if (hasSelectionController()) { 1362 getSelectionController().onTouchEvent(event); 1363 } 1364 1365 if (mShowSuggestionRunnable != null) { 1366 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mShowSuggestionRunnable); 1367 mShowSuggestionRunnable = null; 1368 } 1369 1370 if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { 1371 mLastDownPositionX = event.getX(); 1372 mLastDownPositionY = event.getY(); 1373 1374 // Reset this state; it will be re-set if super.onTouchEvent 1375 // causes focus to move to the view. 1376 mTouchFocusSelected = false; 1377 mIgnoreActionUpEvent = false; 1378 } 1379 } 1380 updateFloatingToolbarVisibility(MotionEvent event)1381 private void updateFloatingToolbarVisibility(MotionEvent event) { 1382 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 1383 switch (event.getActionMasked()) { 1384 case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: 1385 hideFloatingToolbar(); 1386 break; 1387 case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: // fall through 1388 case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: 1389 showFloatingToolbar(); 1390 } 1391 } 1392 } 1393 hideFloatingToolbar()1394 private void hideFloatingToolbar() { 1395 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 1396 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mShowFloatingToolbar); 1397 mTextActionMode.hide(ActionMode.DEFAULT_HIDE_DURATION); 1398 } 1399 } 1400 showFloatingToolbar()1401 private void showFloatingToolbar() { 1402 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 1403 // Delay "show" so it doesn't interfere with click confirmations 1404 // or double-clicks that could "dismiss" the floating toolbar. 1405 int delay = ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout(); 1406 mTextView.postDelayed(mShowFloatingToolbar, delay); 1407 1408 // This classifies the text and most likely returns before the toolbar is actually 1409 // shown. If not, it will update the toolbar with the result when classification 1410 // returns. We would rather not wait for a long running classification process. 1411 invalidateActionModeAsync(); 1412 } 1413 } 1414 beginBatchEdit()1415 public void beginBatchEdit() { 1416 mInBatchEditControllers = true; 1417 final InputMethodState ims = mInputMethodState; 1418 if (ims != null) { 1419 int nesting = ++ims.mBatchEditNesting; 1420 if (nesting == 1) { 1421 ims.mCursorChanged = false; 1422 ims.mChangedDelta = 0; 1423 if (ims.mContentChanged) { 1424 // We already have a pending change from somewhere else, 1425 // so turn this into a full update. 1426 ims.mChangedStart = 0; 1427 ims.mChangedEnd = mTextView.getText().length(); 1428 } else { 1429 ims.mChangedStart = EXTRACT_UNKNOWN; 1430 ims.mChangedEnd = EXTRACT_UNKNOWN; 1431 ims.mContentChanged = false; 1432 } 1433 mUndoInputFilter.beginBatchEdit(); 1434 mTextView.onBeginBatchEdit(); 1435 } 1436 } 1437 } 1438 endBatchEdit()1439 public void endBatchEdit() { 1440 mInBatchEditControllers = false; 1441 final InputMethodState ims = mInputMethodState; 1442 if (ims != null) { 1443 int nesting = --ims.mBatchEditNesting; 1444 if (nesting == 0) { 1445 finishBatchEdit(ims); 1446 } 1447 } 1448 } 1449 ensureEndedBatchEdit()1450 void ensureEndedBatchEdit() { 1451 final InputMethodState ims = mInputMethodState; 1452 if (ims != null && ims.mBatchEditNesting != 0) { 1453 ims.mBatchEditNesting = 0; 1454 finishBatchEdit(ims); 1455 } 1456 } 1457 finishBatchEdit(final InputMethodState ims)1458 void finishBatchEdit(final InputMethodState ims) { 1459 mTextView.onEndBatchEdit(); 1460 mUndoInputFilter.endBatchEdit(); 1461 1462 if (ims.mContentChanged || ims.mSelectionModeChanged) { 1463 mTextView.updateAfterEdit(); 1464 reportExtractedText(); 1465 } else if (ims.mCursorChanged) { 1466 // Cheesy way to get us to report the current cursor location. 1467 mTextView.invalidateCursor(); 1468 } 1469 // sendUpdateSelection knows to avoid sending if the selection did 1470 // not actually change. 1471 sendUpdateSelection(); 1472 1473 // Show drag handles if they were blocked by batch edit mode. 1474 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 1475 final CursorController cursorController = mTextView.hasSelection() 1476 ? getSelectionController() : getInsertionController(); 1477 if (cursorController != null && !cursorController.isActive() 1478 && !cursorController.isCursorBeingModified()) { 1479 cursorController.show(); 1480 } 1481 } 1482 } 1483 1484 static final int EXTRACT_NOTHING = -2; 1485 static final int EXTRACT_UNKNOWN = -1; 1486 extractText(ExtractedTextRequest request, ExtractedText outText)1487 boolean extractText(ExtractedTextRequest request, ExtractedText outText) { 1488 return extractTextInternal(request, EXTRACT_UNKNOWN, EXTRACT_UNKNOWN, 1489 EXTRACT_UNKNOWN, outText); 1490 } 1491 extractTextInternal(@ullable ExtractedTextRequest request, int partialStartOffset, int partialEndOffset, int delta, @Nullable ExtractedText outText)1492 private boolean extractTextInternal(@Nullable ExtractedTextRequest request, 1493 int partialStartOffset, int partialEndOffset, int delta, 1494 @Nullable ExtractedText outText) { 1495 if (request == null || outText == null) { 1496 return false; 1497 } 1498 1499 final CharSequence content = mTextView.getText(); 1500 if (content == null) { 1501 return false; 1502 } 1503 1504 if (partialStartOffset != EXTRACT_NOTHING) { 1505 final int N = content.length(); 1506 if (partialStartOffset < 0) { 1507 outText.partialStartOffset = outText.partialEndOffset = -1; 1508 partialStartOffset = 0; 1509 partialEndOffset = N; 1510 } else { 1511 // Now use the delta to determine the actual amount of text 1512 // we need. 1513 partialEndOffset += delta; 1514 // Adjust offsets to ensure we contain full spans. 1515 if (content instanceof Spanned) { 1516 Spanned spanned = (Spanned) content; 1517 Object[] spans = spanned.getSpans(partialStartOffset, 1518 partialEndOffset, ParcelableSpan.class); 1519 int i = spans.length; 1520 while (i > 0) { 1521 i--; 1522 int j = spanned.getSpanStart(spans[i]); 1523 if (j < partialStartOffset) partialStartOffset = j; 1524 j = spanned.getSpanEnd(spans[i]); 1525 if (j > partialEndOffset) partialEndOffset = j; 1526 } 1527 } 1528 outText.partialStartOffset = partialStartOffset; 1529 outText.partialEndOffset = partialEndOffset - delta; 1530 1531 if (partialStartOffset > N) { 1532 partialStartOffset = N; 1533 } else if (partialStartOffset < 0) { 1534 partialStartOffset = 0; 1535 } 1536 if (partialEndOffset > N) { 1537 partialEndOffset = N; 1538 } else if (partialEndOffset < 0) { 1539 partialEndOffset = 0; 1540 } 1541 } 1542 if ((request.flags & InputConnection.GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES) != 0) { 1543 outText.text = content.subSequence(partialStartOffset, 1544 partialEndOffset); 1545 } else { 1546 outText.text = TextUtils.substring(content, partialStartOffset, 1547 partialEndOffset); 1548 } 1549 } else { 1550 outText.partialStartOffset = 0; 1551 outText.partialEndOffset = 0; 1552 outText.text = ""; 1553 } 1554 outText.flags = 0; 1555 if (MetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(content, MetaKeyKeyListener.META_SELECTING) != 0) { 1556 outText.flags |= ExtractedText.FLAG_SELECTING; 1557 } 1558 if (mTextView.isSingleLine()) { 1559 outText.flags |= ExtractedText.FLAG_SINGLE_LINE; 1560 } 1561 outText.startOffset = 0; 1562 outText.selectionStart = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 1563 outText.selectionEnd = mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 1564 return true; 1565 } 1566 reportExtractedText()1567 boolean reportExtractedText() { 1568 final Editor.InputMethodState ims = mInputMethodState; 1569 if (ims != null) { 1570 final boolean contentChanged = ims.mContentChanged; 1571 if (contentChanged || ims.mSelectionModeChanged) { 1572 ims.mContentChanged = false; 1573 ims.mSelectionModeChanged = false; 1574 final ExtractedTextRequest req = ims.mExtractedTextRequest; 1575 if (req != null) { 1576 InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); 1577 if (imm != null) { 1578 if (TextView.DEBUG_EXTRACT) { 1579 Log.v(TextView.LOG_TAG, "Retrieving extracted start=" 1580 + ims.mChangedStart 1581 + " end=" + ims.mChangedEnd 1582 + " delta=" + ims.mChangedDelta); 1583 } 1584 if (ims.mChangedStart < 0 && !contentChanged) { 1585 ims.mChangedStart = EXTRACT_NOTHING; 1586 } 1587 if (extractTextInternal(req, ims.mChangedStart, ims.mChangedEnd, 1588 ims.mChangedDelta, ims.mExtractedText)) { 1589 if (TextView.DEBUG_EXTRACT) { 1590 Log.v(TextView.LOG_TAG, 1591 "Reporting extracted start=" 1592 + ims.mExtractedText.partialStartOffset 1593 + " end=" + ims.mExtractedText.partialEndOffset 1594 + ": " + ims.mExtractedText.text); 1595 } 1596 1597 imm.updateExtractedText(mTextView, req.token, ims.mExtractedText); 1598 ims.mChangedStart = EXTRACT_UNKNOWN; 1599 ims.mChangedEnd = EXTRACT_UNKNOWN; 1600 ims.mChangedDelta = 0; 1601 ims.mContentChanged = false; 1602 return true; 1603 } 1604 } 1605 } 1606 } 1607 } 1608 return false; 1609 } 1610 sendUpdateSelection()1611 private void sendUpdateSelection() { 1612 if (null != mInputMethodState && mInputMethodState.mBatchEditNesting <= 0) { 1613 final InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); 1614 if (null != imm) { 1615 final int selectionStart = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 1616 final int selectionEnd = mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 1617 int candStart = -1; 1618 int candEnd = -1; 1619 if (mTextView.getText() instanceof Spannable) { 1620 final Spannable sp = (Spannable) mTextView.getText(); 1621 candStart = EditableInputConnection.getComposingSpanStart(sp); 1622 candEnd = EditableInputConnection.getComposingSpanEnd(sp); 1623 } 1624 // InputMethodManager#updateSelection skips sending the message if 1625 // none of the parameters have changed since the last time we called it. 1626 imm.updateSelection(mTextView, 1627 selectionStart, selectionEnd, candStart, candEnd); 1628 } 1629 } 1630 } 1631 onDraw(Canvas canvas, Layout layout, Path highlight, Paint highlightPaint, int cursorOffsetVertical)1632 void onDraw(Canvas canvas, Layout layout, Path highlight, Paint highlightPaint, 1633 int cursorOffsetVertical) { 1634 final int selectionStart = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 1635 final int selectionEnd = mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 1636 1637 final InputMethodState ims = mInputMethodState; 1638 if (ims != null && ims.mBatchEditNesting == 0) { 1639 InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); 1640 if (imm != null) { 1641 if (imm.isActive(mTextView)) { 1642 if (ims.mContentChanged || ims.mSelectionModeChanged) { 1643 // We are in extract mode and the content has changed 1644 // in some way... just report complete new text to the 1645 // input method. 1646 reportExtractedText(); 1647 } 1648 } 1649 } 1650 } 1651 1652 if (mCorrectionHighlighter != null) { 1653 mCorrectionHighlighter.draw(canvas, cursorOffsetVertical); 1654 } 1655 1656 if (highlight != null && selectionStart == selectionEnd && mCursorCount > 0) { 1657 drawCursor(canvas, cursorOffsetVertical); 1658 // Rely on the drawable entirely, do not draw the cursor line. 1659 // Has to be done after the IMM related code above which relies on the highlight. 1660 highlight = null; 1661 } 1662 1663 if (mTextView.canHaveDisplayList() && canvas.isHardwareAccelerated()) { 1664 drawHardwareAccelerated(canvas, layout, highlight, highlightPaint, 1665 cursorOffsetVertical); 1666 } else { 1667 layout.draw(canvas, highlight, highlightPaint, cursorOffsetVertical); 1668 } 1669 } 1670 drawHardwareAccelerated(Canvas canvas, Layout layout, Path highlight, Paint highlightPaint, int cursorOffsetVertical)1671 private void drawHardwareAccelerated(Canvas canvas, Layout layout, Path highlight, 1672 Paint highlightPaint, int cursorOffsetVertical) { 1673 final long lineRange = layout.getLineRangeForDraw(canvas); 1674 int firstLine = TextUtils.unpackRangeStartFromLong(lineRange); 1675 int lastLine = TextUtils.unpackRangeEndFromLong(lineRange); 1676 if (lastLine < 0) return; 1677 1678 layout.drawBackground(canvas, highlight, highlightPaint, cursorOffsetVertical, 1679 firstLine, lastLine); 1680 1681 if (layout instanceof DynamicLayout) { 1682 if (mTextRenderNodes == null) { 1683 mTextRenderNodes = ArrayUtils.emptyArray(TextRenderNode.class); 1684 } 1685 1686 DynamicLayout dynamicLayout = (DynamicLayout) layout; 1687 int[] blockEndLines = dynamicLayout.getBlockEndLines(); 1688 int[] blockIndices = dynamicLayout.getBlockIndices(); 1689 final int numberOfBlocks = dynamicLayout.getNumberOfBlocks(); 1690 final int indexFirstChangedBlock = dynamicLayout.getIndexFirstChangedBlock(); 1691 1692 final ArraySet<Integer> blockSet = dynamicLayout.getBlocksAlwaysNeedToBeRedrawn(); 1693 if (blockSet != null) { 1694 for (int i = 0; i < blockSet.size(); i++) { 1695 final int blockIndex = dynamicLayout.getBlockIndex(blockSet.valueAt(i)); 1696 if (blockIndex != DynamicLayout.INVALID_BLOCK_INDEX 1697 && mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex] != null) { 1698 mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex].needsToBeShifted = true; 1699 } 1700 } 1701 } 1702 1703 int startBlock = Arrays.binarySearch(blockEndLines, 0, numberOfBlocks, firstLine); 1704 if (startBlock < 0) { 1705 startBlock = -(startBlock + 1); 1706 } 1707 startBlock = Math.min(indexFirstChangedBlock, startBlock); 1708 1709 int startIndexToFindAvailableRenderNode = 0; 1710 int lastIndex = numberOfBlocks; 1711 1712 for (int i = startBlock; i < numberOfBlocks; i++) { 1713 final int blockIndex = blockIndices[i]; 1714 if (i >= indexFirstChangedBlock 1715 && blockIndex != DynamicLayout.INVALID_BLOCK_INDEX 1716 && mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex] != null) { 1717 mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex].needsToBeShifted = true; 1718 } 1719 if (blockEndLines[i] < firstLine) { 1720 // Blocks in [indexFirstChangedBlock, firstLine) are not redrawn here. They will 1721 // be redrawn after they get scrolled into drawing range. 1722 continue; 1723 } 1724 startIndexToFindAvailableRenderNode = drawHardwareAcceleratedInner(canvas, layout, 1725 highlight, highlightPaint, cursorOffsetVertical, blockEndLines, 1726 blockIndices, i, numberOfBlocks, startIndexToFindAvailableRenderNode); 1727 if (blockEndLines[i] >= lastLine) { 1728 lastIndex = Math.max(indexFirstChangedBlock, i + 1); 1729 break; 1730 } 1731 } 1732 if (blockSet != null) { 1733 for (int i = 0; i < blockSet.size(); i++) { 1734 final int block = blockSet.valueAt(i); 1735 final int blockIndex = dynamicLayout.getBlockIndex(block); 1736 if (blockIndex == DynamicLayout.INVALID_BLOCK_INDEX 1737 || mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex] == null 1738 || mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex].needsToBeShifted) { 1739 startIndexToFindAvailableRenderNode = drawHardwareAcceleratedInner(canvas, 1740 layout, highlight, highlightPaint, cursorOffsetVertical, 1741 blockEndLines, blockIndices, block, numberOfBlocks, 1742 startIndexToFindAvailableRenderNode); 1743 } 1744 } 1745 } 1746 1747 dynamicLayout.setIndexFirstChangedBlock(lastIndex); 1748 } else { 1749 // Boring layout is used for empty and hint text 1750 layout.drawText(canvas, firstLine, lastLine); 1751 } 1752 } 1753 drawHardwareAcceleratedInner(Canvas canvas, Layout layout, Path highlight, Paint highlightPaint, int cursorOffsetVertical, int[] blockEndLines, int[] blockIndices, int blockInfoIndex, int numberOfBlocks, int startIndexToFindAvailableRenderNode)1754 private int drawHardwareAcceleratedInner(Canvas canvas, Layout layout, Path highlight, 1755 Paint highlightPaint, int cursorOffsetVertical, int[] blockEndLines, 1756 int[] blockIndices, int blockInfoIndex, int numberOfBlocks, 1757 int startIndexToFindAvailableRenderNode) { 1758 final int blockEndLine = blockEndLines[blockInfoIndex]; 1759 int blockIndex = blockIndices[blockInfoIndex]; 1760 1761 final boolean blockIsInvalid = blockIndex == DynamicLayout.INVALID_BLOCK_INDEX; 1762 if (blockIsInvalid) { 1763 blockIndex = getAvailableDisplayListIndex(blockIndices, numberOfBlocks, 1764 startIndexToFindAvailableRenderNode); 1765 // Note how dynamic layout's internal block indices get updated from Editor 1766 blockIndices[blockInfoIndex] = blockIndex; 1767 if (mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex] != null) { 1768 mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex].isDirty = true; 1769 } 1770 startIndexToFindAvailableRenderNode = blockIndex + 1; 1771 } 1772 1773 if (mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex] == null) { 1774 mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex] = new TextRenderNode("Text " + blockIndex); 1775 } 1776 1777 final boolean blockDisplayListIsInvalid = mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex].needsRecord(); 1778 RenderNode blockDisplayList = mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex].renderNode; 1779 if (mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex].needsToBeShifted || blockDisplayListIsInvalid) { 1780 final int blockBeginLine = blockInfoIndex == 0 ? 1781 0 : blockEndLines[blockInfoIndex - 1] + 1; 1782 final int top = layout.getLineTop(blockBeginLine); 1783 final int bottom = layout.getLineBottom(blockEndLine); 1784 int left = 0; 1785 int right = mTextView.getWidth(); 1786 if (mTextView.getHorizontallyScrolling()) { 1787 float min = Float.MAX_VALUE; 1788 float max = Float.MIN_VALUE; 1789 for (int line = blockBeginLine; line <= blockEndLine; line++) { 1790 min = Math.min(min, layout.getLineLeft(line)); 1791 max = Math.max(max, layout.getLineRight(line)); 1792 } 1793 left = (int) min; 1794 right = (int) (max + 0.5f); 1795 } 1796 1797 // Rebuild display list if it is invalid 1798 if (blockDisplayListIsInvalid) { 1799 final DisplayListCanvas displayListCanvas = blockDisplayList.start( 1800 right - left, bottom - top); 1801 try { 1802 // drawText is always relative to TextView's origin, this translation 1803 // brings this range of text back to the top left corner of the viewport 1804 displayListCanvas.translate(-left, -top); 1805 layout.drawText(displayListCanvas, blockBeginLine, blockEndLine); 1806 mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex].isDirty = false; 1807 // No need to untranslate, previous context is popped after 1808 // drawDisplayList 1809 } finally { 1810 blockDisplayList.end(displayListCanvas); 1811 // Same as drawDisplayList below, handled by our TextView's parent 1812 blockDisplayList.setClipToBounds(false); 1813 } 1814 } 1815 1816 // Valid display list only needs to update its drawing location. 1817 blockDisplayList.setLeftTopRightBottom(left, top, right, bottom); 1818 mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex].needsToBeShifted = false; 1819 } 1820 ((DisplayListCanvas) canvas).drawRenderNode(blockDisplayList); 1821 return startIndexToFindAvailableRenderNode; 1822 } 1823 getAvailableDisplayListIndex(int[] blockIndices, int numberOfBlocks, int searchStartIndex)1824 private int getAvailableDisplayListIndex(int[] blockIndices, int numberOfBlocks, 1825 int searchStartIndex) { 1826 int length = mTextRenderNodes.length; 1827 for (int i = searchStartIndex; i < length; i++) { 1828 boolean blockIndexFound = false; 1829 for (int j = 0; j < numberOfBlocks; j++) { 1830 if (blockIndices[j] == i) { 1831 blockIndexFound = true; 1832 break; 1833 } 1834 } 1835 if (blockIndexFound) continue; 1836 return i; 1837 } 1838 1839 // No available index found, the pool has to grow 1840 mTextRenderNodes = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mTextRenderNodes, length, null); 1841 return length; 1842 } 1843 drawCursor(Canvas canvas, int cursorOffsetVertical)1844 private void drawCursor(Canvas canvas, int cursorOffsetVertical) { 1845 final boolean translate = cursorOffsetVertical != 0; 1846 if (translate) canvas.translate(0, cursorOffsetVertical); 1847 for (int i = 0; i < mCursorCount; i++) { 1848 mCursorDrawable[i].draw(canvas); 1849 } 1850 if (translate) canvas.translate(0, -cursorOffsetVertical); 1851 } 1852 invalidateHandlesAndActionMode()1853 void invalidateHandlesAndActionMode() { 1854 if (mSelectionModifierCursorController != null) { 1855 mSelectionModifierCursorController.invalidateHandles(); 1856 } 1857 if (mInsertionPointCursorController != null) { 1858 mInsertionPointCursorController.invalidateHandle(); 1859 } 1860 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 1861 invalidateActionMode(); 1862 } 1863 } 1864 1865 /** 1866 * Invalidates all the sub-display lists that overlap the specified character range 1867 */ invalidateTextDisplayList(Layout layout, int start, int end)1868 void invalidateTextDisplayList(Layout layout, int start, int end) { 1869 if (mTextRenderNodes != null && layout instanceof DynamicLayout) { 1870 final int firstLine = layout.getLineForOffset(start); 1871 final int lastLine = layout.getLineForOffset(end); 1872 1873 DynamicLayout dynamicLayout = (DynamicLayout) layout; 1874 int[] blockEndLines = dynamicLayout.getBlockEndLines(); 1875 int[] blockIndices = dynamicLayout.getBlockIndices(); 1876 final int numberOfBlocks = dynamicLayout.getNumberOfBlocks(); 1877 1878 int i = 0; 1879 // Skip the blocks before firstLine 1880 while (i < numberOfBlocks) { 1881 if (blockEndLines[i] >= firstLine) break; 1882 i++; 1883 } 1884 1885 // Invalidate all subsequent blocks until lastLine is passed 1886 while (i < numberOfBlocks) { 1887 final int blockIndex = blockIndices[i]; 1888 if (blockIndex != DynamicLayout.INVALID_BLOCK_INDEX) { 1889 mTextRenderNodes[blockIndex].isDirty = true; 1890 } 1891 if (blockEndLines[i] >= lastLine) break; 1892 i++; 1893 } 1894 } 1895 } 1896 invalidateTextDisplayList()1897 void invalidateTextDisplayList() { 1898 if (mTextRenderNodes != null) { 1899 for (int i = 0; i < mTextRenderNodes.length; i++) { 1900 if (mTextRenderNodes[i] != null) mTextRenderNodes[i].isDirty = true; 1901 } 1902 } 1903 } 1904 updateCursorsPositions()1905 void updateCursorsPositions() { 1906 if (mTextView.mCursorDrawableRes == 0) { 1907 mCursorCount = 0; 1908 return; 1909 } 1910 1911 Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 1912 final int offset = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 1913 final int line = layout.getLineForOffset(offset); 1914 final int top = layout.getLineTop(line); 1915 final int bottom = layout.getLineTop(line + 1); 1916 1917 mCursorCount = layout.isLevelBoundary(offset) ? 2 : 1; 1918 1919 int middle = bottom; 1920 if (mCursorCount == 2) { 1921 // Similar to what is done in {@link Layout.#getCursorPath(int, Path, CharSequence)} 1922 middle = (top + bottom) >> 1; 1923 } 1924 1925 boolean clamped = layout.shouldClampCursor(line); 1926 updateCursorPosition(0, top, middle, layout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offset, clamped)); 1927 1928 if (mCursorCount == 2) { 1929 updateCursorPosition(1, middle, bottom, layout.getSecondaryHorizontal(offset, clamped)); 1930 } 1931 } 1932 refreshTextActionMode()1933 void refreshTextActionMode() { 1934 if (extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()) { 1935 mRestartActionModeOnNextRefresh = false; 1936 return; 1937 } 1938 final boolean hasSelection = mTextView.hasSelection(); 1939 final SelectionModifierCursorController selectionController = getSelectionController(); 1940 final InsertionPointCursorController insertionController = getInsertionController(); 1941 if ((selectionController != null && selectionController.isCursorBeingModified()) 1942 || (insertionController != null && insertionController.isCursorBeingModified())) { 1943 // ActionMode should be managed by the currently active cursor controller. 1944 mRestartActionModeOnNextRefresh = false; 1945 return; 1946 } 1947 if (hasSelection) { 1948 hideInsertionPointCursorController(); 1949 if (mTextActionMode == null) { 1950 if (mRestartActionModeOnNextRefresh) { 1951 // To avoid distraction, newly start action mode only when selection action 1952 // mode is being restarted. 1953 startSelectionActionModeAsync(false); 1954 } 1955 } else if (selectionController == null || !selectionController.isActive()) { 1956 // Insertion action mode is active. Avoid dismissing the selection. 1957 stopTextActionModeWithPreservingSelection(); 1958 startSelectionActionModeAsync(false); 1959 } else { 1960 mTextActionMode.invalidateContentRect(); 1961 } 1962 } else { 1963 // Insertion action mode is started only when insertion controller is explicitly 1964 // activated. 1965 if (insertionController == null || !insertionController.isActive()) { 1966 stopTextActionMode(); 1967 } else if (mTextActionMode != null) { 1968 mTextActionMode.invalidateContentRect(); 1969 } 1970 } 1971 mRestartActionModeOnNextRefresh = false; 1972 } 1973 1974 /** 1975 * Start an Insertion action mode. 1976 */ startInsertionActionMode()1977 void startInsertionActionMode() { 1978 if (mInsertionActionModeRunnable != null) { 1979 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mInsertionActionModeRunnable); 1980 } 1981 if (extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()) { 1982 return; 1983 } 1984 stopTextActionMode(); 1985 1986 ActionMode.Callback actionModeCallback = 1987 new TextActionModeCallback(false /* hasSelection */); 1988 mTextActionMode = mTextView.startActionMode( 1989 actionModeCallback, ActionMode.TYPE_FLOATING); 1990 if (mTextActionMode != null && getInsertionController() != null) { 1991 getInsertionController().show(); 1992 } 1993 } 1994 1995 @NonNull getTextView()1996 TextView getTextView() { 1997 return mTextView; 1998 } 1999 2000 @Nullable getTextActionMode()2001 ActionMode getTextActionMode() { 2002 return mTextActionMode; 2003 } 2004 setRestartActionModeOnNextRefresh(boolean value)2005 void setRestartActionModeOnNextRefresh(boolean value) { 2006 mRestartActionModeOnNextRefresh = value; 2007 } 2008 2009 /** 2010 * Asynchronously starts a selection action mode using the TextClassifier. 2011 */ startSelectionActionModeAsync(boolean adjustSelection)2012 void startSelectionActionModeAsync(boolean adjustSelection) { 2013 getSelectionActionModeHelper().startActionModeAsync(adjustSelection); 2014 } 2015 2016 /** 2017 * Asynchronously invalidates an action mode using the TextClassifier. 2018 */ invalidateActionModeAsync()2019 void invalidateActionModeAsync() { 2020 getSelectionActionModeHelper().invalidateActionModeAsync(); 2021 } 2022 2023 /** 2024 * Synchronously invalidates an action mode without the TextClassifier. 2025 */ invalidateActionMode()2026 private void invalidateActionMode() { 2027 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 2028 mTextActionMode.invalidate(); 2029 } 2030 } 2031 getSelectionActionModeHelper()2032 private SelectionActionModeHelper getSelectionActionModeHelper() { 2033 if (mSelectionActionModeHelper == null) { 2034 mSelectionActionModeHelper = new SelectionActionModeHelper(this); 2035 } 2036 return mSelectionActionModeHelper; 2037 } 2038 2039 /** 2040 * If the TextView allows text selection, selects the current word when no existing selection 2041 * was available and starts a drag. 2042 * 2043 * @return true if the drag was started. 2044 */ selectCurrentWordAndStartDrag()2045 private boolean selectCurrentWordAndStartDrag() { 2046 if (mInsertionActionModeRunnable != null) { 2047 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mInsertionActionModeRunnable); 2048 } 2049 if (extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()) { 2050 return false; 2051 } 2052 if (!checkField()) { 2053 return false; 2054 } 2055 if (!mTextView.hasSelection() && !selectCurrentWord()) { 2056 // No selection and cannot select a word. 2057 return false; 2058 } 2059 stopTextActionModeWithPreservingSelection(); 2060 getSelectionController().enterDrag( 2061 SelectionModifierCursorController.DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_WORD); 2062 return true; 2063 } 2064 2065 /** 2066 * Checks whether a selection can be performed on the current TextView. 2067 * 2068 * @return true if a selection can be performed 2069 */ checkField()2070 boolean checkField() { 2071 if (!mTextView.canSelectText() || !mTextView.requestFocus()) { 2072 Log.w(TextView.LOG_TAG, 2073 "TextView does not support text selection. Selection cancelled."); 2074 return false; 2075 } 2076 return true; 2077 } 2078 startSelectionActionModeInternal()2079 boolean startSelectionActionModeInternal() { 2080 if (extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()) { 2081 return false; 2082 } 2083 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 2084 // Text action mode is already started 2085 invalidateActionMode(); 2086 return false; 2087 } 2088 2089 if (!checkField() || !mTextView.hasSelection()) { 2090 return false; 2091 } 2092 2093 ActionMode.Callback actionModeCallback = 2094 new TextActionModeCallback(true /* hasSelection */); 2095 mTextActionMode = mTextView.startActionMode(actionModeCallback, ActionMode.TYPE_FLOATING); 2096 2097 final boolean selectionStarted = mTextActionMode != null; 2098 if (selectionStarted && !mTextView.isTextSelectable() && mShowSoftInputOnFocus) { 2099 // Show the IME to be able to replace text, except when selecting non editable text. 2100 final InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); 2101 if (imm != null) { 2102 imm.showSoftInput(mTextView, 0, null); 2103 } 2104 } 2105 return selectionStarted; 2106 } 2107 extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()2108 private boolean extractedTextModeWillBeStarted() { 2109 if (!(mTextView.isInExtractedMode())) { 2110 final InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); 2111 return imm != null && imm.isFullscreenMode(); 2112 } 2113 return false; 2114 } 2115 2116 /** 2117 * @return <code>true</code> if it's reasonable to offer to show suggestions depending on 2118 * the current cursor position or selection range. This method is consistent with the 2119 * method to show suggestions {@link SuggestionsPopupWindow#updateSuggestions}. 2120 */ shouldOfferToShowSuggestions()2121 private boolean shouldOfferToShowSuggestions() { 2122 CharSequence text = mTextView.getText(); 2123 if (!(text instanceof Spannable)) return false; 2124 2125 final Spannable spannable = (Spannable) text; 2126 final int selectionStart = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 2127 final int selectionEnd = mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 2128 final SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = spannable.getSpans(selectionStart, selectionEnd, 2129 SuggestionSpan.class); 2130 if (suggestionSpans.length == 0) { 2131 return false; 2132 } 2133 if (selectionStart == selectionEnd) { 2134 // Spans overlap the cursor. 2135 for (int i = 0; i < suggestionSpans.length; i++) { 2136 if (suggestionSpans[i].getSuggestions().length > 0) { 2137 return true; 2138 } 2139 } 2140 return false; 2141 } 2142 int minSpanStart = mTextView.getText().length(); 2143 int maxSpanEnd = 0; 2144 int unionOfSpansCoveringSelectionStartStart = mTextView.getText().length(); 2145 int unionOfSpansCoveringSelectionStartEnd = 0; 2146 boolean hasValidSuggestions = false; 2147 for (int i = 0; i < suggestionSpans.length; i++) { 2148 final int spanStart = spannable.getSpanStart(suggestionSpans[i]); 2149 final int spanEnd = spannable.getSpanEnd(suggestionSpans[i]); 2150 minSpanStart = Math.min(minSpanStart, spanStart); 2151 maxSpanEnd = Math.max(maxSpanEnd, spanEnd); 2152 if (selectionStart < spanStart || selectionStart > spanEnd) { 2153 // The span doesn't cover the current selection start point. 2154 continue; 2155 } 2156 hasValidSuggestions = 2157 hasValidSuggestions || suggestionSpans[i].getSuggestions().length > 0; 2158 unionOfSpansCoveringSelectionStartStart = 2159 Math.min(unionOfSpansCoveringSelectionStartStart, spanStart); 2160 unionOfSpansCoveringSelectionStartEnd = 2161 Math.max(unionOfSpansCoveringSelectionStartEnd, spanEnd); 2162 } 2163 if (!hasValidSuggestions) { 2164 return false; 2165 } 2166 if (unionOfSpansCoveringSelectionStartStart >= unionOfSpansCoveringSelectionStartEnd) { 2167 // No spans cover the selection start point. 2168 return false; 2169 } 2170 if (minSpanStart < unionOfSpansCoveringSelectionStartStart 2171 || maxSpanEnd > unionOfSpansCoveringSelectionStartEnd) { 2172 // There is a span that is not covered by the union. In this case, we soouldn't offer 2173 // to show suggestions as it's confusing. 2174 return false; 2175 } 2176 return true; 2177 } 2178 2179 /** 2180 * @return <code>true</code> if the cursor is inside an {@link SuggestionSpan} with 2181 * {@link SuggestionSpan#FLAG_EASY_CORRECT} set. 2182 */ isCursorInsideEasyCorrectionSpan()2183 private boolean isCursorInsideEasyCorrectionSpan() { 2184 Spannable spannable = (Spannable) mTextView.getText(); 2185 SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = spannable.getSpans(mTextView.getSelectionStart(), 2186 mTextView.getSelectionEnd(), SuggestionSpan.class); 2187 for (int i = 0; i < suggestionSpans.length; i++) { 2188 if ((suggestionSpans[i].getFlags() & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_EASY_CORRECT) != 0) { 2189 return true; 2190 } 2191 } 2192 return false; 2193 } 2194 onTouchUpEvent(MotionEvent event)2195 void onTouchUpEvent(MotionEvent event) { 2196 if (getSelectionActionModeHelper().resetSelection( 2197 getTextView().getOffsetForPosition(event.getX(), event.getY()))) { 2198 return; 2199 } 2200 2201 boolean selectAllGotFocus = mSelectAllOnFocus && mTextView.didTouchFocusSelect(); 2202 hideCursorAndSpanControllers(); 2203 stopTextActionMode(); 2204 CharSequence text = mTextView.getText(); 2205 if (!selectAllGotFocus && text.length() > 0) { 2206 // Move cursor 2207 final int offset = mTextView.getOffsetForPosition(event.getX(), event.getY()); 2208 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) text, offset); 2209 if (mSpellChecker != null) { 2210 // When the cursor moves, the word that was typed may need spell check 2211 mSpellChecker.onSelectionChanged(); 2212 } 2213 2214 if (!extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()) { 2215 if (isCursorInsideEasyCorrectionSpan()) { 2216 // Cancel the single tap delayed runnable. 2217 if (mInsertionActionModeRunnable != null) { 2218 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mInsertionActionModeRunnable); 2219 } 2220 2221 mShowSuggestionRunnable = new Runnable() { 2222 public void run() { 2223 replace(); 2224 } 2225 }; 2226 // removeCallbacks is performed on every touch 2227 mTextView.postDelayed(mShowSuggestionRunnable, 2228 ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout()); 2229 } else if (hasInsertionController()) { 2230 getInsertionController().show(); 2231 } 2232 } 2233 } 2234 } 2235 stopTextActionMode()2236 protected void stopTextActionMode() { 2237 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 2238 // This will hide the mSelectionModifierCursorController 2239 mTextActionMode.finish(); 2240 } 2241 } 2242 stopTextActionModeWithPreservingSelection()2243 private void stopTextActionModeWithPreservingSelection() { 2244 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 2245 mRestartActionModeOnNextRefresh = true; 2246 } 2247 mPreserveSelection = true; 2248 stopTextActionMode(); 2249 mPreserveSelection = false; 2250 } 2251 2252 /** 2253 * @return True if this view supports insertion handles. 2254 */ hasInsertionController()2255 boolean hasInsertionController() { 2256 return mInsertionControllerEnabled; 2257 } 2258 2259 /** 2260 * @return True if this view supports selection handles. 2261 */ hasSelectionController()2262 boolean hasSelectionController() { 2263 return mSelectionControllerEnabled; 2264 } 2265 getInsertionController()2266 private InsertionPointCursorController getInsertionController() { 2267 if (!mInsertionControllerEnabled) { 2268 return null; 2269 } 2270 2271 if (mInsertionPointCursorController == null) { 2272 mInsertionPointCursorController = new InsertionPointCursorController(); 2273 2274 final ViewTreeObserver observer = mTextView.getViewTreeObserver(); 2275 observer.addOnTouchModeChangeListener(mInsertionPointCursorController); 2276 } 2277 2278 return mInsertionPointCursorController; 2279 } 2280 2281 @Nullable getSelectionController()2282 SelectionModifierCursorController getSelectionController() { 2283 if (!mSelectionControllerEnabled) { 2284 return null; 2285 } 2286 2287 if (mSelectionModifierCursorController == null) { 2288 mSelectionModifierCursorController = new SelectionModifierCursorController(); 2289 2290 final ViewTreeObserver observer = mTextView.getViewTreeObserver(); 2291 observer.addOnTouchModeChangeListener(mSelectionModifierCursorController); 2292 } 2293 2294 return mSelectionModifierCursorController; 2295 } 2296 2297 @VisibleForTesting getCursorDrawable()2298 public Drawable[] getCursorDrawable() { 2299 return mCursorDrawable; 2300 } 2301 updateCursorPosition(int cursorIndex, int top, int bottom, float horizontal)2302 private void updateCursorPosition(int cursorIndex, int top, int bottom, float horizontal) { 2303 if (mCursorDrawable[cursorIndex] == null) { 2304 mCursorDrawable[cursorIndex] = mTextView.getContext().getDrawable( 2305 mTextView.mCursorDrawableRes); 2306 } 2307 final Drawable drawable = mCursorDrawable[cursorIndex]; 2308 final int left = clampHorizontalPosition(drawable, horizontal); 2309 final int width = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); 2310 drawable.setBounds(left, top - mTempRect.top, left + width, 2311 bottom + mTempRect.bottom); 2312 } 2313 2314 /** 2315 * Return clamped position for the drawable. If the drawable is within the boundaries of the 2316 * view, then it is offset with the left padding of the cursor drawable. If the drawable is at 2317 * the beginning or the end of the text then its drawable edge is aligned with left or right of 2318 * the view boundary. If the drawable is null, horizontal parameter is aligned to left or right 2319 * of the view. 2320 * 2321 * @param drawable Drawable. Can be null. 2322 * @param horizontal Horizontal position for the drawable. 2323 * @return The clamped horizontal position for the drawable. 2324 */ clampHorizontalPosition(@ullable final Drawable drawable, float horizontal)2325 private int clampHorizontalPosition(@Nullable final Drawable drawable, float horizontal) { 2326 horizontal = Math.max(0.5f, horizontal - 0.5f); 2327 if (mTempRect == null) mTempRect = new Rect(); 2328 2329 int drawableWidth = 0; 2330 if (drawable != null) { 2331 drawable.getPadding(mTempRect); 2332 drawableWidth = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); 2333 } else { 2334 mTempRect.setEmpty(); 2335 } 2336 2337 int scrollX = mTextView.getScrollX(); 2338 float horizontalDiff = horizontal - scrollX; 2339 int viewClippedWidth = mTextView.getWidth() - mTextView.getCompoundPaddingLeft() 2340 - mTextView.getCompoundPaddingRight(); 2341 2342 final int left; 2343 if (horizontalDiff >= (viewClippedWidth - 1f)) { 2344 // at the rightmost position 2345 left = viewClippedWidth + scrollX - (drawableWidth - mTempRect.right); 2346 } else if (Math.abs(horizontalDiff) <= 1f 2347 || (TextUtils.isEmpty(mTextView.getText()) 2348 && (TextView.VERY_WIDE - scrollX) <= (viewClippedWidth + 1f) 2349 && horizontal <= 1f)) { 2350 // at the leftmost position 2351 left = scrollX - mTempRect.left; 2352 } else { 2353 left = (int) horizontal - mTempRect.left; 2354 } 2355 return left; 2356 } 2357 2358 /** 2359 * Called by the framework in response to a text auto-correction (such as fixing a typo using a 2360 * a dictionary) from the current input method, provided by it calling 2361 * {@link InputConnection#commitCorrection} InputConnection.commitCorrection()}. The default 2362 * implementation flashes the background of the corrected word to provide feedback to the user. 2363 * 2364 * @param info The auto correct info about the text that was corrected. 2365 */ onCommitCorrection(CorrectionInfo info)2366 public void onCommitCorrection(CorrectionInfo info) { 2367 if (mCorrectionHighlighter == null) { 2368 mCorrectionHighlighter = new CorrectionHighlighter(); 2369 } else { 2370 mCorrectionHighlighter.invalidate(false); 2371 } 2372 2373 mCorrectionHighlighter.highlight(info); 2374 mUndoInputFilter.freezeLastEdit(); 2375 } 2376 onScrollChanged()2377 void onScrollChanged() { 2378 if (mPositionListener != null) { 2379 mPositionListener.onScrollChanged(); 2380 } 2381 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 2382 mTextActionMode.invalidateContentRect(); 2383 } 2384 } 2385 2386 /** 2387 * @return True when the TextView isFocused and has a valid zero-length selection (cursor). 2388 */ shouldBlink()2389 private boolean shouldBlink() { 2390 if (!isCursorVisible() || !mTextView.isFocused()) return false; 2391 2392 final int start = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 2393 if (start < 0) return false; 2394 2395 final int end = mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 2396 if (end < 0) return false; 2397 2398 return start == end; 2399 } 2400 makeBlink()2401 void makeBlink() { 2402 if (shouldBlink()) { 2403 mShowCursor = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 2404 if (mBlink == null) mBlink = new Blink(); 2405 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mBlink); 2406 mTextView.postDelayed(mBlink, BLINK); 2407 } else { 2408 if (mBlink != null) mTextView.removeCallbacks(mBlink); 2409 } 2410 } 2411 2412 private class Blink implements Runnable { 2413 private boolean mCancelled; 2414 run()2415 public void run() { 2416 if (mCancelled) { 2417 return; 2418 } 2419 2420 mTextView.removeCallbacks(this); 2421 2422 if (shouldBlink()) { 2423 if (mTextView.getLayout() != null) { 2424 mTextView.invalidateCursorPath(); 2425 } 2426 2427 mTextView.postDelayed(this, BLINK); 2428 } 2429 } 2430 cancel()2431 void cancel() { 2432 if (!mCancelled) { 2433 mTextView.removeCallbacks(this); 2434 mCancelled = true; 2435 } 2436 } 2437 uncancel()2438 void uncancel() { 2439 mCancelled = false; 2440 } 2441 } 2442 getTextThumbnailBuilder(int start, int end)2443 private DragShadowBuilder getTextThumbnailBuilder(int start, int end) { 2444 TextView shadowView = (TextView) View.inflate(mTextView.getContext(), 2445 com.android.internal.R.layout.text_drag_thumbnail, null); 2446 2447 if (shadowView == null) { 2448 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to inflate text drag thumbnail"); 2449 } 2450 2451 if (end - start > DRAG_SHADOW_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) { 2452 final long range = getCharClusterRange(start + DRAG_SHADOW_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH); 2453 end = TextUtils.unpackRangeEndFromLong(range); 2454 } 2455 final CharSequence text = mTextView.getTransformedText(start, end); 2456 shadowView.setText(text); 2457 shadowView.setTextColor(mTextView.getTextColors()); 2458 2459 shadowView.setTextAppearance(R.styleable.Theme_textAppearanceLarge); 2460 shadowView.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); 2461 2462 shadowView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, 2463 ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); 2464 2465 final int size = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); 2466 shadowView.measure(size, size); 2467 2468 shadowView.layout(0, 0, shadowView.getMeasuredWidth(), shadowView.getMeasuredHeight()); 2469 shadowView.invalidate(); 2470 return new DragShadowBuilder(shadowView); 2471 } 2472 2473 private static class DragLocalState { 2474 public TextView sourceTextView; 2475 public int start, end; 2476 DragLocalState(TextView sourceTextView, int start, int end)2477 public DragLocalState(TextView sourceTextView, int start, int end) { 2478 this.sourceTextView = sourceTextView; 2479 this.start = start; 2480 this.end = end; 2481 } 2482 } 2483 onDrop(DragEvent event)2484 void onDrop(DragEvent event) { 2485 SpannableStringBuilder content = new SpannableStringBuilder(); 2486 2487 final DragAndDropPermissions permissions = DragAndDropPermissions.obtain(event); 2488 if (permissions != null) { 2489 permissions.takeTransient(); 2490 } 2491 2492 try { 2493 ClipData clipData = event.getClipData(); 2494 final int itemCount = clipData.getItemCount(); 2495 for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { 2496 Item item = clipData.getItemAt(i); 2497 content.append(item.coerceToStyledText(mTextView.getContext())); 2498 } 2499 } finally { 2500 if (permissions != null) { 2501 permissions.release(); 2502 } 2503 } 2504 2505 mTextView.beginBatchEdit(); 2506 mUndoInputFilter.freezeLastEdit(); 2507 try { 2508 final int offset = mTextView.getOffsetForPosition(event.getX(), event.getY()); 2509 Object localState = event.getLocalState(); 2510 DragLocalState dragLocalState = null; 2511 if (localState instanceof DragLocalState) { 2512 dragLocalState = (DragLocalState) localState; 2513 } 2514 boolean dragDropIntoItself = dragLocalState != null 2515 && dragLocalState.sourceTextView == mTextView; 2516 2517 if (dragDropIntoItself) { 2518 if (offset >= dragLocalState.start && offset < dragLocalState.end) { 2519 // A drop inside the original selection discards the drop. 2520 return; 2521 } 2522 } 2523 2524 final int originalLength = mTextView.getText().length(); 2525 int min = offset; 2526 int max = offset; 2527 2528 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), max); 2529 mTextView.replaceText_internal(min, max, content); 2530 2531 if (dragDropIntoItself) { 2532 int dragSourceStart = dragLocalState.start; 2533 int dragSourceEnd = dragLocalState.end; 2534 if (max <= dragSourceStart) { 2535 // Inserting text before selection has shifted positions 2536 final int shift = mTextView.getText().length() - originalLength; 2537 dragSourceStart += shift; 2538 dragSourceEnd += shift; 2539 } 2540 2541 // Delete original selection 2542 mTextView.deleteText_internal(dragSourceStart, dragSourceEnd); 2543 2544 // Make sure we do not leave two adjacent spaces. 2545 final int prevCharIdx = Math.max(0, dragSourceStart - 1); 2546 final int nextCharIdx = Math.min(mTextView.getText().length(), dragSourceStart + 1); 2547 if (nextCharIdx > prevCharIdx + 1) { 2548 CharSequence t = mTextView.getTransformedText(prevCharIdx, nextCharIdx); 2549 if (Character.isSpaceChar(t.charAt(0)) && Character.isSpaceChar(t.charAt(1))) { 2550 mTextView.deleteText_internal(prevCharIdx, prevCharIdx + 1); 2551 } 2552 } 2553 } 2554 } finally { 2555 mTextView.endBatchEdit(); 2556 mUndoInputFilter.freezeLastEdit(); 2557 } 2558 } 2559 addSpanWatchers(Spannable text)2560 public void addSpanWatchers(Spannable text) { 2561 final int textLength = text.length(); 2562 2563 if (mKeyListener != null) { 2564 text.setSpan(mKeyListener, 0, textLength, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); 2565 } 2566 2567 if (mSpanController == null) { 2568 mSpanController = new SpanController(); 2569 } 2570 text.setSpan(mSpanController, 0, textLength, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); 2571 } 2572 setContextMenuAnchor(float x, float y)2573 void setContextMenuAnchor(float x, float y) { 2574 mContextMenuAnchorX = x; 2575 mContextMenuAnchorY = y; 2576 } 2577 onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu)2578 void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu) { 2579 if (mIsBeingLongClicked || Float.isNaN(mContextMenuAnchorX) 2580 || Float.isNaN(mContextMenuAnchorY)) { 2581 return; 2582 } 2583 final int offset = mTextView.getOffsetForPosition(mContextMenuAnchorX, mContextMenuAnchorY); 2584 if (offset == -1) { 2585 return; 2586 } 2587 2588 stopTextActionModeWithPreservingSelection(); 2589 if (mTextView.canSelectText()) { 2590 final boolean isOnSelection = mTextView.hasSelection() 2591 && offset >= mTextView.getSelectionStart() 2592 && offset <= mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 2593 if (!isOnSelection) { 2594 // Right clicked position is not on the selection. Remove the selection and move the 2595 // cursor to the right clicked position. 2596 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), offset); 2597 stopTextActionMode(); 2598 } 2599 } 2600 2601 if (shouldOfferToShowSuggestions()) { 2602 final SuggestionInfo[] suggestionInfoArray = 2603 new SuggestionInfo[SuggestionSpan.SUGGESTIONS_MAX_SIZE]; 2604 for (int i = 0; i < suggestionInfoArray.length; i++) { 2605 suggestionInfoArray[i] = new SuggestionInfo(); 2606 } 2607 final SubMenu subMenu = menu.addSubMenu(Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_REPLACE, 2608 com.android.internal.R.string.replace); 2609 final int numItems = mSuggestionHelper.getSuggestionInfo(suggestionInfoArray, null); 2610 for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { 2611 final SuggestionInfo info = suggestionInfoArray[i]; 2612 subMenu.add(Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, i, info.mText) 2613 .setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { 2614 @Override 2615 public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { 2616 replaceWithSuggestion(info); 2617 return true; 2618 } 2619 }); 2620 } 2621 } 2622 2623 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_UNDO, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_UNDO, 2624 com.android.internal.R.string.undo) 2625 .setAlphabeticShortcut('z') 2626 .setOnMenuItemClickListener(mOnContextMenuItemClickListener) 2627 .setEnabled(mTextView.canUndo()); 2628 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_REDO, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_REDO, 2629 com.android.internal.R.string.redo) 2630 .setOnMenuItemClickListener(mOnContextMenuItemClickListener) 2631 .setEnabled(mTextView.canRedo()); 2632 2633 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_CUT, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_CUT, 2634 com.android.internal.R.string.cut) 2635 .setAlphabeticShortcut('x') 2636 .setOnMenuItemClickListener(mOnContextMenuItemClickListener) 2637 .setEnabled(mTextView.canCut()); 2638 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_COPY, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_COPY, 2639 com.android.internal.R.string.copy) 2640 .setAlphabeticShortcut('c') 2641 .setOnMenuItemClickListener(mOnContextMenuItemClickListener) 2642 .setEnabled(mTextView.canCopy()); 2643 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_PASTE, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_PASTE, 2644 com.android.internal.R.string.paste) 2645 .setAlphabeticShortcut('v') 2646 .setEnabled(mTextView.canPaste()) 2647 .setOnMenuItemClickListener(mOnContextMenuItemClickListener); 2648 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT, 2649 com.android.internal.R.string.paste_as_plain_text) 2650 .setEnabled(mTextView.canPasteAsPlainText()) 2651 .setOnMenuItemClickListener(mOnContextMenuItemClickListener); 2652 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_SHARE, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_SHARE, 2653 com.android.internal.R.string.share) 2654 .setEnabled(mTextView.canShare()) 2655 .setOnMenuItemClickListener(mOnContextMenuItemClickListener); 2656 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_SELECT_ALL, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_SELECT_ALL, 2657 com.android.internal.R.string.selectAll) 2658 .setAlphabeticShortcut('a') 2659 .setEnabled(mTextView.canSelectAllText()) 2660 .setOnMenuItemClickListener(mOnContextMenuItemClickListener); 2661 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_AUTOFILL, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_AUTOFILL, 2662 com.android.internal.R.string.autofill) 2663 .setEnabled(mTextView.canRequestAutofill()) 2664 .setOnMenuItemClickListener(mOnContextMenuItemClickListener); 2665 2666 mPreserveSelection = true; 2667 } 2668 2669 @Nullable findEquivalentSuggestionSpan( @onNull SuggestionSpanInfo suggestionSpanInfo)2670 private SuggestionSpan findEquivalentSuggestionSpan( 2671 @NonNull SuggestionSpanInfo suggestionSpanInfo) { 2672 final Editable editable = (Editable) mTextView.getText(); 2673 if (editable.getSpanStart(suggestionSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan) >= 0) { 2674 // Exactly same span is found. 2675 return suggestionSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan; 2676 } 2677 // Suggestion span couldn't be found. Try to find a suggestion span that has the same 2678 // contents. 2679 final SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = editable.getSpans(suggestionSpanInfo.mSpanStart, 2680 suggestionSpanInfo.mSpanEnd, SuggestionSpan.class); 2681 for (final SuggestionSpan suggestionSpan : suggestionSpans) { 2682 final int start = editable.getSpanStart(suggestionSpan); 2683 if (start != suggestionSpanInfo.mSpanStart) { 2684 continue; 2685 } 2686 final int end = editable.getSpanEnd(suggestionSpan); 2687 if (end != suggestionSpanInfo.mSpanEnd) { 2688 continue; 2689 } 2690 if (suggestionSpan.equals(suggestionSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan)) { 2691 return suggestionSpan; 2692 } 2693 } 2694 return null; 2695 } 2696 replaceWithSuggestion(@onNull final SuggestionInfo suggestionInfo)2697 private void replaceWithSuggestion(@NonNull final SuggestionInfo suggestionInfo) { 2698 final SuggestionSpan targetSuggestionSpan = findEquivalentSuggestionSpan( 2699 suggestionInfo.mSuggestionSpanInfo); 2700 if (targetSuggestionSpan == null) { 2701 // Span has been removed 2702 return; 2703 } 2704 final Editable editable = (Editable) mTextView.getText(); 2705 final int spanStart = editable.getSpanStart(targetSuggestionSpan); 2706 final int spanEnd = editable.getSpanEnd(targetSuggestionSpan); 2707 if (spanStart < 0 || spanEnd <= spanStart) { 2708 // Span has been removed 2709 return; 2710 } 2711 2712 final String originalText = TextUtils.substring(editable, spanStart, spanEnd); 2713 // SuggestionSpans are removed by replace: save them before 2714 SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = editable.getSpans(spanStart, spanEnd, 2715 SuggestionSpan.class); 2716 final int length = suggestionSpans.length; 2717 int[] suggestionSpansStarts = new int[length]; 2718 int[] suggestionSpansEnds = new int[length]; 2719 int[] suggestionSpansFlags = new int[length]; 2720 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { 2721 final SuggestionSpan suggestionSpan = suggestionSpans[i]; 2722 suggestionSpansStarts[i] = editable.getSpanStart(suggestionSpan); 2723 suggestionSpansEnds[i] = editable.getSpanEnd(suggestionSpan); 2724 suggestionSpansFlags[i] = editable.getSpanFlags(suggestionSpan); 2725 2726 // Remove potential misspelled flags 2727 int suggestionSpanFlags = suggestionSpan.getFlags(); 2728 if ((suggestionSpanFlags & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_MISSPELLED) != 0) { 2729 suggestionSpanFlags &= ~SuggestionSpan.FLAG_MISSPELLED; 2730 suggestionSpanFlags &= ~SuggestionSpan.FLAG_EASY_CORRECT; 2731 suggestionSpan.setFlags(suggestionSpanFlags); 2732 } 2733 } 2734 2735 // Notify source IME of the suggestion pick. Do this before swapping texts. 2736 targetSuggestionSpan.notifySelection( 2737 mTextView.getContext(), originalText, suggestionInfo.mSuggestionIndex); 2738 2739 // Swap text content between actual text and Suggestion span 2740 final int suggestionStart = suggestionInfo.mSuggestionStart; 2741 final int suggestionEnd = suggestionInfo.mSuggestionEnd; 2742 final String suggestion = suggestionInfo.mText.subSequence( 2743 suggestionStart, suggestionEnd).toString(); 2744 mTextView.replaceText_internal(spanStart, spanEnd, suggestion); 2745 2746 String[] suggestions = targetSuggestionSpan.getSuggestions(); 2747 suggestions[suggestionInfo.mSuggestionIndex] = originalText; 2748 2749 // Restore previous SuggestionSpans 2750 final int lengthDelta = suggestion.length() - (spanEnd - spanStart); 2751 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { 2752 // Only spans that include the modified region make sense after replacement 2753 // Spans partially included in the replaced region are removed, there is no 2754 // way to assign them a valid range after replacement 2755 if (suggestionSpansStarts[i] <= spanStart && suggestionSpansEnds[i] >= spanEnd) { 2756 mTextView.setSpan_internal(suggestionSpans[i], suggestionSpansStarts[i], 2757 suggestionSpansEnds[i] + lengthDelta, suggestionSpansFlags[i]); 2758 } 2759 } 2760 // Move cursor at the end of the replaced word 2761 final int newCursorPosition = spanEnd + lengthDelta; 2762 mTextView.setCursorPosition_internal(newCursorPosition, newCursorPosition); 2763 } 2764 2765 private final MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener mOnContextMenuItemClickListener = 2766 new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() { 2767 @Override 2768 public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { 2769 if (mProcessTextIntentActionsHandler.performMenuItemAction(item)) { 2770 return true; 2771 } 2772 return mTextView.onTextContextMenuItem(item.getItemId()); 2773 } 2774 }; 2775 2776 /** 2777 * Controls the {@link EasyEditSpan} monitoring when it is added, and when the related 2778 * pop-up should be displayed. 2779 * Also monitors {@link Selection} to call back to the attached input method. 2780 */ 2781 private class SpanController implements SpanWatcher { 2782 2783 private static final int DISPLAY_TIMEOUT_MS = 3000; // 3 secs 2784 2785 private EasyEditPopupWindow mPopupWindow; 2786 2787 private Runnable mHidePopup; 2788 2789 // This function is pure but inner classes can't have static functions isNonIntermediateSelectionSpan(final Spannable text, final Object span)2790 private boolean isNonIntermediateSelectionSpan(final Spannable text, 2791 final Object span) { 2792 return (Selection.SELECTION_START == span || Selection.SELECTION_END == span) 2793 && (text.getSpanFlags(span) & Spanned.SPAN_INTERMEDIATE) == 0; 2794 } 2795 2796 @Override onSpanAdded(Spannable text, Object span, int start, int end)2797 public void onSpanAdded(Spannable text, Object span, int start, int end) { 2798 if (isNonIntermediateSelectionSpan(text, span)) { 2799 sendUpdateSelection(); 2800 } else if (span instanceof EasyEditSpan) { 2801 if (mPopupWindow == null) { 2802 mPopupWindow = new EasyEditPopupWindow(); 2803 mHidePopup = new Runnable() { 2804 @Override 2805 public void run() { 2806 hide(); 2807 } 2808 }; 2809 } 2810 2811 // Make sure there is only at most one EasyEditSpan in the text 2812 if (mPopupWindow.mEasyEditSpan != null) { 2813 mPopupWindow.mEasyEditSpan.setDeleteEnabled(false); 2814 } 2815 2816 mPopupWindow.setEasyEditSpan((EasyEditSpan) span); 2817 mPopupWindow.setOnDeleteListener(new EasyEditDeleteListener() { 2818 @Override 2819 public void onDeleteClick(EasyEditSpan span) { 2820 Editable editable = (Editable) mTextView.getText(); 2821 int start = editable.getSpanStart(span); 2822 int end = editable.getSpanEnd(span); 2823 if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) { 2824 sendEasySpanNotification(EasyEditSpan.TEXT_DELETED, span); 2825 mTextView.deleteText_internal(start, end); 2826 } 2827 editable.removeSpan(span); 2828 } 2829 }); 2830 2831 if (mTextView.getWindowVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { 2832 // The window is not visible yet, ignore the text change. 2833 return; 2834 } 2835 2836 if (mTextView.getLayout() == null) { 2837 // The view has not been laid out yet, ignore the text change 2838 return; 2839 } 2840 2841 if (extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()) { 2842 // The input is in extract mode. Do not handle the easy edit in 2843 // the original TextView, as the ExtractEditText will do 2844 return; 2845 } 2846 2847 mPopupWindow.show(); 2848 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mHidePopup); 2849 mTextView.postDelayed(mHidePopup, DISPLAY_TIMEOUT_MS); 2850 } 2851 } 2852 2853 @Override onSpanRemoved(Spannable text, Object span, int start, int end)2854 public void onSpanRemoved(Spannable text, Object span, int start, int end) { 2855 if (isNonIntermediateSelectionSpan(text, span)) { 2856 sendUpdateSelection(); 2857 } else if (mPopupWindow != null && span == mPopupWindow.mEasyEditSpan) { 2858 hide(); 2859 } 2860 } 2861 2862 @Override onSpanChanged(Spannable text, Object span, int previousStart, int previousEnd, int newStart, int newEnd)2863 public void onSpanChanged(Spannable text, Object span, int previousStart, int previousEnd, 2864 int newStart, int newEnd) { 2865 if (isNonIntermediateSelectionSpan(text, span)) { 2866 sendUpdateSelection(); 2867 } else if (mPopupWindow != null && span instanceof EasyEditSpan) { 2868 EasyEditSpan easyEditSpan = (EasyEditSpan) span; 2869 sendEasySpanNotification(EasyEditSpan.TEXT_MODIFIED, easyEditSpan); 2870 text.removeSpan(easyEditSpan); 2871 } 2872 } 2873 hide()2874 public void hide() { 2875 if (mPopupWindow != null) { 2876 mPopupWindow.hide(); 2877 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mHidePopup); 2878 } 2879 } 2880 sendEasySpanNotification(int textChangedType, EasyEditSpan span)2881 private void sendEasySpanNotification(int textChangedType, EasyEditSpan span) { 2882 try { 2883 PendingIntent pendingIntent = span.getPendingIntent(); 2884 if (pendingIntent != null) { 2885 Intent intent = new Intent(); 2886 intent.putExtra(EasyEditSpan.EXTRA_TEXT_CHANGED_TYPE, textChangedType); 2887 pendingIntent.send(mTextView.getContext(), 0, intent); 2888 } 2889 } catch (CanceledException e) { 2890 // This should not happen, as we should try to send the intent only once. 2891 Log.w(TAG, "PendingIntent for notification cannot be sent", e); 2892 } 2893 } 2894 } 2895 2896 /** 2897 * Listens for the delete event triggered by {@link EasyEditPopupWindow}. 2898 */ 2899 private interface EasyEditDeleteListener { 2900 2901 /** 2902 * Clicks the delete pop-up. 2903 */ onDeleteClick(EasyEditSpan span)2904 void onDeleteClick(EasyEditSpan span); 2905 } 2906 2907 /** 2908 * Displays the actions associated to an {@link EasyEditSpan}. The pop-up is controlled 2909 * by {@link SpanController}. 2910 */ 2911 private class EasyEditPopupWindow extends PinnedPopupWindow 2912 implements OnClickListener { 2913 private static final int POPUP_TEXT_LAYOUT = 2914 com.android.internal.R.layout.text_edit_action_popup_text; 2915 private TextView mDeleteTextView; 2916 private EasyEditSpan mEasyEditSpan; 2917 private EasyEditDeleteListener mOnDeleteListener; 2918 2919 @Override createPopupWindow()2920 protected void createPopupWindow() { 2921 mPopupWindow = new PopupWindow(mTextView.getContext(), null, 2922 com.android.internal.R.attr.textSelectHandleWindowStyle); 2923 mPopupWindow.setInputMethodMode(PopupWindow.INPUT_METHOD_NOT_NEEDED); 2924 mPopupWindow.setClippingEnabled(true); 2925 } 2926 2927 @Override initContentView()2928 protected void initContentView() { 2929 LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(mTextView.getContext()); 2930 linearLayout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); 2931 mContentView = linearLayout; 2932 mContentView.setBackgroundResource( 2933 com.android.internal.R.drawable.text_edit_side_paste_window); 2934 2935 LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) mTextView.getContext() 2936 .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); 2937 2938 LayoutParams wrapContent = new LayoutParams( 2939 ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); 2940 2941 mDeleteTextView = (TextView) inflater.inflate(POPUP_TEXT_LAYOUT, null); 2942 mDeleteTextView.setLayoutParams(wrapContent); 2943 mDeleteTextView.setText(com.android.internal.R.string.delete); 2944 mDeleteTextView.setOnClickListener(this); 2945 mContentView.addView(mDeleteTextView); 2946 } 2947 setEasyEditSpan(EasyEditSpan easyEditSpan)2948 public void setEasyEditSpan(EasyEditSpan easyEditSpan) { 2949 mEasyEditSpan = easyEditSpan; 2950 } 2951 setOnDeleteListener(EasyEditDeleteListener listener)2952 private void setOnDeleteListener(EasyEditDeleteListener listener) { 2953 mOnDeleteListener = listener; 2954 } 2955 2956 @Override onClick(View view)2957 public void onClick(View view) { 2958 if (view == mDeleteTextView 2959 && mEasyEditSpan != null && mEasyEditSpan.isDeleteEnabled() 2960 && mOnDeleteListener != null) { 2961 mOnDeleteListener.onDeleteClick(mEasyEditSpan); 2962 } 2963 } 2964 2965 @Override hide()2966 public void hide() { 2967 if (mEasyEditSpan != null) { 2968 mEasyEditSpan.setDeleteEnabled(false); 2969 } 2970 mOnDeleteListener = null; 2971 super.hide(); 2972 } 2973 2974 @Override getTextOffset()2975 protected int getTextOffset() { 2976 // Place the pop-up at the end of the span 2977 Editable editable = (Editable) mTextView.getText(); 2978 return editable.getSpanEnd(mEasyEditSpan); 2979 } 2980 2981 @Override getVerticalLocalPosition(int line)2982 protected int getVerticalLocalPosition(int line) { 2983 return mTextView.getLayout().getLineBottom(line); 2984 } 2985 2986 @Override clipVertically(int positionY)2987 protected int clipVertically(int positionY) { 2988 // As we display the pop-up below the span, no vertical clipping is required. 2989 return positionY; 2990 } 2991 } 2992 2993 private class PositionListener implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener { 2994 // 3 handles 2995 // 3 ActionPopup [replace, suggestion, easyedit] (suggestionsPopup first hides the others) 2996 // 1 CursorAnchorInfoNotifier 2997 private static final int MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LISTENERS = 7; 2998 private TextViewPositionListener[] mPositionListeners = 2999 new TextViewPositionListener[MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LISTENERS]; 3000 private boolean[] mCanMove = new boolean[MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LISTENERS]; 3001 private boolean mPositionHasChanged = true; 3002 // Absolute position of the TextView with respect to its parent window 3003 private int mPositionX, mPositionY; 3004 private int mPositionXOnScreen, mPositionYOnScreen; 3005 private int mNumberOfListeners; 3006 private boolean mScrollHasChanged; 3007 final int[] mTempCoords = new int[2]; 3008 addSubscriber(TextViewPositionListener positionListener, boolean canMove)3009 public void addSubscriber(TextViewPositionListener positionListener, boolean canMove) { 3010 if (mNumberOfListeners == 0) { 3011 updatePosition(); 3012 ViewTreeObserver vto = mTextView.getViewTreeObserver(); 3013 vto.addOnPreDrawListener(this); 3014 } 3015 3016 int emptySlotIndex = -1; 3017 for (int i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LISTENERS; i++) { 3018 TextViewPositionListener listener = mPositionListeners[i]; 3019 if (listener == positionListener) { 3020 return; 3021 } else if (emptySlotIndex < 0 && listener == null) { 3022 emptySlotIndex = i; 3023 } 3024 } 3025 3026 mPositionListeners[emptySlotIndex] = positionListener; 3027 mCanMove[emptySlotIndex] = canMove; 3028 mNumberOfListeners++; 3029 } 3030 removeSubscriber(TextViewPositionListener positionListener)3031 public void removeSubscriber(TextViewPositionListener positionListener) { 3032 for (int i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LISTENERS; i++) { 3033 if (mPositionListeners[i] == positionListener) { 3034 mPositionListeners[i] = null; 3035 mNumberOfListeners--; 3036 break; 3037 } 3038 } 3039 3040 if (mNumberOfListeners == 0) { 3041 ViewTreeObserver vto = mTextView.getViewTreeObserver(); 3042 vto.removeOnPreDrawListener(this); 3043 } 3044 } 3045 getPositionX()3046 public int getPositionX() { 3047 return mPositionX; 3048 } 3049 getPositionY()3050 public int getPositionY() { 3051 return mPositionY; 3052 } 3053 getPositionXOnScreen()3054 public int getPositionXOnScreen() { 3055 return mPositionXOnScreen; 3056 } 3057 getPositionYOnScreen()3058 public int getPositionYOnScreen() { 3059 return mPositionYOnScreen; 3060 } 3061 3062 @Override onPreDraw()3063 public boolean onPreDraw() { 3064 updatePosition(); 3065 3066 for (int i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LISTENERS; i++) { 3067 if (mPositionHasChanged || mScrollHasChanged || mCanMove[i]) { 3068 TextViewPositionListener positionListener = mPositionListeners[i]; 3069 if (positionListener != null) { 3070 positionListener.updatePosition(mPositionX, mPositionY, 3071 mPositionHasChanged, mScrollHasChanged); 3072 } 3073 } 3074 } 3075 3076 mScrollHasChanged = false; 3077 return true; 3078 } 3079 updatePosition()3080 private void updatePosition() { 3081 mTextView.getLocationInWindow(mTempCoords); 3082 3083 mPositionHasChanged = mTempCoords[0] != mPositionX || mTempCoords[1] != mPositionY; 3084 3085 mPositionX = mTempCoords[0]; 3086 mPositionY = mTempCoords[1]; 3087 3088 mTextView.getLocationOnScreen(mTempCoords); 3089 3090 mPositionXOnScreen = mTempCoords[0]; 3091 mPositionYOnScreen = mTempCoords[1]; 3092 } 3093 onScrollChanged()3094 public void onScrollChanged() { 3095 mScrollHasChanged = true; 3096 } 3097 } 3098 3099 private abstract class PinnedPopupWindow implements TextViewPositionListener { 3100 protected PopupWindow mPopupWindow; 3101 protected ViewGroup mContentView; 3102 int mPositionX, mPositionY; 3103 int mClippingLimitLeft, mClippingLimitRight; 3104 createPopupWindow()3105 protected abstract void createPopupWindow(); initContentView()3106 protected abstract void initContentView(); getTextOffset()3107 protected abstract int getTextOffset(); getVerticalLocalPosition(int line)3108 protected abstract int getVerticalLocalPosition(int line); clipVertically(int positionY)3109 protected abstract int clipVertically(int positionY); setUp()3110 protected void setUp() { 3111 } 3112 PinnedPopupWindow()3113 public PinnedPopupWindow() { 3114 // Due to calling subclass methods in base constructor, subclass constructor is not 3115 // called before subclass methods, e.g. createPopupWindow or initContentView. To give 3116 // a chance to initialize subclasses, call setUp() method here. 3117 // TODO: It is good to extract non trivial initialization code from constructor. 3118 setUp(); 3119 3120 createPopupWindow(); 3121 3122 mPopupWindow.setWindowLayoutType( 3123 WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_ABOVE_SUB_PANEL); 3124 mPopupWindow.setWidth(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); 3125 mPopupWindow.setHeight(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); 3126 3127 initContentView(); 3128 3129 LayoutParams wrapContent = new LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, 3130 ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); 3131 mContentView.setLayoutParams(wrapContent); 3132 3133 mPopupWindow.setContentView(mContentView); 3134 } 3135 show()3136 public void show() { 3137 getPositionListener().addSubscriber(this, false /* offset is fixed */); 3138 3139 computeLocalPosition(); 3140 3141 final PositionListener positionListener = getPositionListener(); 3142 updatePosition(positionListener.getPositionX(), positionListener.getPositionY()); 3143 } 3144 measureContent()3145 protected void measureContent() { 3146 final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = mTextView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); 3147 mContentView.measure( 3148 View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(displayMetrics.widthPixels, 3149 View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST), 3150 View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(displayMetrics.heightPixels, 3151 View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST)); 3152 } 3153 3154 /* The popup window will be horizontally centered on the getTextOffset() and vertically 3155 * positioned according to viewportToContentHorizontalOffset. 3156 * 3157 * This method assumes that mContentView has properly been measured from its content. */ computeLocalPosition()3158 private void computeLocalPosition() { 3159 measureContent(); 3160 final int width = mContentView.getMeasuredWidth(); 3161 final int offset = getTextOffset(); 3162 mPositionX = (int) (mTextView.getLayout().getPrimaryHorizontal(offset) - width / 2.0f); 3163 mPositionX += mTextView.viewportToContentHorizontalOffset(); 3164 3165 final int line = mTextView.getLayout().getLineForOffset(offset); 3166 mPositionY = getVerticalLocalPosition(line); 3167 mPositionY += mTextView.viewportToContentVerticalOffset(); 3168 } 3169 updatePosition(int parentPositionX, int parentPositionY)3170 private void updatePosition(int parentPositionX, int parentPositionY) { 3171 int positionX = parentPositionX + mPositionX; 3172 int positionY = parentPositionY + mPositionY; 3173 3174 positionY = clipVertically(positionY); 3175 3176 // Horizontal clipping 3177 final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = mTextView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); 3178 final int width = mContentView.getMeasuredWidth(); 3179 positionX = Math.min( 3180 displayMetrics.widthPixels - width + mClippingLimitRight, positionX); 3181 positionX = Math.max(-mClippingLimitLeft, positionX); 3182 3183 if (isShowing()) { 3184 mPopupWindow.update(positionX, positionY, -1, -1); 3185 } else { 3186 mPopupWindow.showAtLocation(mTextView, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, 3187 positionX, positionY); 3188 } 3189 } 3190 hide()3191 public void hide() { 3192 if (!isShowing()) { 3193 return; 3194 } 3195 mPopupWindow.dismiss(); 3196 getPositionListener().removeSubscriber(this); 3197 } 3198 3199 @Override updatePosition(int parentPositionX, int parentPositionY, boolean parentPositionChanged, boolean parentScrolled)3200 public void updatePosition(int parentPositionX, int parentPositionY, 3201 boolean parentPositionChanged, boolean parentScrolled) { 3202 // Either parentPositionChanged or parentScrolled is true, check if still visible 3203 if (isShowing() && isOffsetVisible(getTextOffset())) { 3204 if (parentScrolled) computeLocalPosition(); 3205 updatePosition(parentPositionX, parentPositionY); 3206 } else { 3207 hide(); 3208 } 3209 } 3210 isShowing()3211 public boolean isShowing() { 3212 return mPopupWindow.isShowing(); 3213 } 3214 } 3215 3216 private static final class SuggestionInfo { 3217 // Range of actual suggestion within mText 3218 int mSuggestionStart, mSuggestionEnd; 3219 3220 // The SuggestionSpan that this TextView represents 3221 final SuggestionSpanInfo mSuggestionSpanInfo = new SuggestionSpanInfo(); 3222 3223 // The index of this suggestion inside suggestionSpan 3224 int mSuggestionIndex; 3225 3226 final SpannableStringBuilder mText = new SpannableStringBuilder(); 3227 clear()3228 void clear() { 3229 mSuggestionSpanInfo.clear(); 3230 mText.clear(); 3231 } 3232 3233 // Utility method to set attributes about a SuggestionSpan. setSpanInfo(SuggestionSpan span, int spanStart, int spanEnd)3234 void setSpanInfo(SuggestionSpan span, int spanStart, int spanEnd) { 3235 mSuggestionSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan = span; 3236 mSuggestionSpanInfo.mSpanStart = spanStart; 3237 mSuggestionSpanInfo.mSpanEnd = spanEnd; 3238 } 3239 } 3240 3241 private static final class SuggestionSpanInfo { 3242 // The SuggestionSpan; 3243 @Nullable 3244 SuggestionSpan mSuggestionSpan; 3245 3246 // The SuggestionSpan start position 3247 int mSpanStart; 3248 3249 // The SuggestionSpan end position 3250 int mSpanEnd; 3251 clear()3252 void clear() { 3253 mSuggestionSpan = null; 3254 } 3255 } 3256 3257 private class SuggestionHelper { 3258 private final Comparator<SuggestionSpan> mSuggestionSpanComparator = 3259 new SuggestionSpanComparator(); 3260 private final HashMap<SuggestionSpan, Integer> mSpansLengths = 3261 new HashMap<SuggestionSpan, Integer>(); 3262 3263 private class SuggestionSpanComparator implements Comparator<SuggestionSpan> { compare(SuggestionSpan span1, SuggestionSpan span2)3264 public int compare(SuggestionSpan span1, SuggestionSpan span2) { 3265 final int flag1 = span1.getFlags(); 3266 final int flag2 = span2.getFlags(); 3267 if (flag1 != flag2) { 3268 // The order here should match what is used in updateDrawState 3269 final boolean easy1 = (flag1 & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_EASY_CORRECT) != 0; 3270 final boolean easy2 = (flag2 & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_EASY_CORRECT) != 0; 3271 final boolean misspelled1 = (flag1 & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_MISSPELLED) != 0; 3272 final boolean misspelled2 = (flag2 & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_MISSPELLED) != 0; 3273 if (easy1 && !misspelled1) return -1; 3274 if (easy2 && !misspelled2) return 1; 3275 if (misspelled1) return -1; 3276 if (misspelled2) return 1; 3277 } 3278 3279 return mSpansLengths.get(span1).intValue() - mSpansLengths.get(span2).intValue(); 3280 } 3281 } 3282 3283 /** 3284 * Returns the suggestion spans that cover the current cursor position. The suggestion 3285 * spans are sorted according to the length of text that they are attached to. 3286 */ getSortedSuggestionSpans()3287 private SuggestionSpan[] getSortedSuggestionSpans() { 3288 int pos = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 3289 Spannable spannable = (Spannable) mTextView.getText(); 3290 SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = spannable.getSpans(pos, pos, SuggestionSpan.class); 3291 3292 mSpansLengths.clear(); 3293 for (SuggestionSpan suggestionSpan : suggestionSpans) { 3294 int start = spannable.getSpanStart(suggestionSpan); 3295 int end = spannable.getSpanEnd(suggestionSpan); 3296 mSpansLengths.put(suggestionSpan, Integer.valueOf(end - start)); 3297 } 3298 3299 // The suggestions are sorted according to their types (easy correction first, then 3300 // misspelled) and to the length of the text that they cover (shorter first). 3301 Arrays.sort(suggestionSpans, mSuggestionSpanComparator); 3302 mSpansLengths.clear(); 3303 3304 return suggestionSpans; 3305 } 3306 3307 /** 3308 * Gets the SuggestionInfo list that contains suggestion information at the current cursor 3309 * position. 3310 * 3311 * @param suggestionInfos SuggestionInfo array the results will be set. 3312 * @param misspelledSpanInfo a struct the misspelled SuggestionSpan info will be set. 3313 * @return the number of suggestions actually fetched. 3314 */ getSuggestionInfo(SuggestionInfo[] suggestionInfos, @Nullable SuggestionSpanInfo misspelledSpanInfo)3315 public int getSuggestionInfo(SuggestionInfo[] suggestionInfos, 3316 @Nullable SuggestionSpanInfo misspelledSpanInfo) { 3317 final Spannable spannable = (Spannable) mTextView.getText(); 3318 final SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = getSortedSuggestionSpans(); 3319 final int nbSpans = suggestionSpans.length; 3320 if (nbSpans == 0) return 0; 3321 3322 int numberOfSuggestions = 0; 3323 for (final SuggestionSpan suggestionSpan : suggestionSpans) { 3324 final int spanStart = spannable.getSpanStart(suggestionSpan); 3325 final int spanEnd = spannable.getSpanEnd(suggestionSpan); 3326 3327 if (misspelledSpanInfo != null 3328 && (suggestionSpan.getFlags() & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_MISSPELLED) != 0) { 3329 misspelledSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan = suggestionSpan; 3330 misspelledSpanInfo.mSpanStart = spanStart; 3331 misspelledSpanInfo.mSpanEnd = spanEnd; 3332 } 3333 3334 final String[] suggestions = suggestionSpan.getSuggestions(); 3335 final int nbSuggestions = suggestions.length; 3336 suggestionLoop: 3337 for (int suggestionIndex = 0; suggestionIndex < nbSuggestions; suggestionIndex++) { 3338 final String suggestion = suggestions[suggestionIndex]; 3339 for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSuggestions; i++) { 3340 final SuggestionInfo otherSuggestionInfo = suggestionInfos[i]; 3341 if (otherSuggestionInfo.mText.toString().equals(suggestion)) { 3342 final int otherSpanStart = 3343 otherSuggestionInfo.mSuggestionSpanInfo.mSpanStart; 3344 final int otherSpanEnd = 3345 otherSuggestionInfo.mSuggestionSpanInfo.mSpanEnd; 3346 if (spanStart == otherSpanStart && spanEnd == otherSpanEnd) { 3347 continue suggestionLoop; 3348 } 3349 } 3350 } 3351 3352 SuggestionInfo suggestionInfo = suggestionInfos[numberOfSuggestions]; 3353 suggestionInfo.setSpanInfo(suggestionSpan, spanStart, spanEnd); 3354 suggestionInfo.mSuggestionIndex = suggestionIndex; 3355 suggestionInfo.mSuggestionStart = 0; 3356 suggestionInfo.mSuggestionEnd = suggestion.length(); 3357 suggestionInfo.mText.replace(0, suggestionInfo.mText.length(), suggestion); 3358 numberOfSuggestions++; 3359 if (numberOfSuggestions >= suggestionInfos.length) { 3360 return numberOfSuggestions; 3361 } 3362 } 3363 } 3364 return numberOfSuggestions; 3365 } 3366 } 3367 3368 @VisibleForTesting 3369 public class SuggestionsPopupWindow extends PinnedPopupWindow implements OnItemClickListener { 3370 private static final int MAX_NUMBER_SUGGESTIONS = SuggestionSpan.SUGGESTIONS_MAX_SIZE; 3371 3372 // Key of intent extras for inserting new word into user dictionary. 3373 private static final String USER_DICTIONARY_EXTRA_WORD = "word"; 3374 private static final String USER_DICTIONARY_EXTRA_LOCALE = "locale"; 3375 3376 private SuggestionInfo[] mSuggestionInfos; 3377 private int mNumberOfSuggestions; 3378 private boolean mCursorWasVisibleBeforeSuggestions; 3379 private boolean mIsShowingUp = false; 3380 private SuggestionAdapter mSuggestionsAdapter; 3381 private TextAppearanceSpan mHighlightSpan; // TODO: Make mHighlightSpan final. 3382 private TextView mAddToDictionaryButton; 3383 private TextView mDeleteButton; 3384 private ListView mSuggestionListView; 3385 private final SuggestionSpanInfo mMisspelledSpanInfo = new SuggestionSpanInfo(); 3386 private int mContainerMarginWidth; 3387 private int mContainerMarginTop; 3388 private LinearLayout mContainerView; 3389 private Context mContext; // TODO: Make mContext final. 3390 3391 private class CustomPopupWindow extends PopupWindow { 3392 3393 @Override dismiss()3394 public void dismiss() { 3395 if (!isShowing()) { 3396 return; 3397 } 3398 super.dismiss(); 3399 getPositionListener().removeSubscriber(SuggestionsPopupWindow.this); 3400 3401 // Safe cast since show() checks that mTextView.getText() is an Editable 3402 ((Spannable) mTextView.getText()).removeSpan(mSuggestionRangeSpan); 3403 3404 mTextView.setCursorVisible(mCursorWasVisibleBeforeSuggestions); 3405 if (hasInsertionController() && !extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()) { 3406 getInsertionController().show(); 3407 } 3408 } 3409 } 3410 SuggestionsPopupWindow()3411 public SuggestionsPopupWindow() { 3412 mCursorWasVisibleBeforeSuggestions = mCursorVisible; 3413 } 3414 3415 @Override setUp()3416 protected void setUp() { 3417 mContext = applyDefaultTheme(mTextView.getContext()); 3418 mHighlightSpan = new TextAppearanceSpan(mContext, 3419 mTextView.mTextEditSuggestionHighlightStyle); 3420 } 3421 applyDefaultTheme(Context originalContext)3422 private Context applyDefaultTheme(Context originalContext) { 3423 TypedArray a = originalContext.obtainStyledAttributes( 3424 new int[]{com.android.internal.R.attr.isLightTheme}); 3425 boolean isLightTheme = a.getBoolean(0, true); 3426 int themeId = isLightTheme ? R.style.ThemeOverlay_Material_Light 3427 : R.style.ThemeOverlay_Material_Dark; 3428 a.recycle(); 3429 return new ContextThemeWrapper(originalContext, themeId); 3430 } 3431 3432 @Override createPopupWindow()3433 protected void createPopupWindow() { 3434 mPopupWindow = new CustomPopupWindow(); 3435 mPopupWindow.setInputMethodMode(PopupWindow.INPUT_METHOD_NOT_NEEDED); 3436 mPopupWindow.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT)); 3437 mPopupWindow.setFocusable(true); 3438 mPopupWindow.setClippingEnabled(false); 3439 } 3440 3441 @Override initContentView()3442 protected void initContentView() { 3443 final LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService( 3444 Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); 3445 mContentView = (ViewGroup) inflater.inflate( 3446 mTextView.mTextEditSuggestionContainerLayout, null); 3447 3448 mContainerView = (LinearLayout) mContentView.findViewById( 3449 com.android.internal.R.id.suggestionWindowContainer); 3450 ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams lp = 3451 (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) mContainerView.getLayoutParams(); 3452 mContainerMarginWidth = lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin; 3453 mContainerMarginTop = lp.topMargin; 3454 mClippingLimitLeft = lp.leftMargin; 3455 mClippingLimitRight = lp.rightMargin; 3456 3457 mSuggestionListView = (ListView) mContentView.findViewById( 3458 com.android.internal.R.id.suggestionContainer); 3459 3460 mSuggestionsAdapter = new SuggestionAdapter(); 3461 mSuggestionListView.setAdapter(mSuggestionsAdapter); 3462 mSuggestionListView.setOnItemClickListener(this); 3463 3464 // Inflate the suggestion items once and for all. 3465 mSuggestionInfos = new SuggestionInfo[MAX_NUMBER_SUGGESTIONS]; 3466 for (int i = 0; i < mSuggestionInfos.length; i++) { 3467 mSuggestionInfos[i] = new SuggestionInfo(); 3468 } 3469 3470 mAddToDictionaryButton = (TextView) mContentView.findViewById( 3471 com.android.internal.R.id.addToDictionaryButton); 3472 mAddToDictionaryButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 3473 public void onClick(View v) { 3474 final SuggestionSpan misspelledSpan = 3475 findEquivalentSuggestionSpan(mMisspelledSpanInfo); 3476 if (misspelledSpan == null) { 3477 // Span has been removed. 3478 return; 3479 } 3480 final Editable editable = (Editable) mTextView.getText(); 3481 final int spanStart = editable.getSpanStart(misspelledSpan); 3482 final int spanEnd = editable.getSpanEnd(misspelledSpan); 3483 if (spanStart < 0 || spanEnd <= spanStart) { 3484 return; 3485 } 3486 final String originalText = TextUtils.substring(editable, spanStart, spanEnd); 3487 3488 final Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_USER_DICTIONARY_INSERT); 3489 intent.putExtra(USER_DICTIONARY_EXTRA_WORD, originalText); 3490 intent.putExtra(USER_DICTIONARY_EXTRA_LOCALE, 3491 mTextView.getTextServicesLocale().toString()); 3492 intent.setFlags(intent.getFlags() | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); 3493 mTextView.getContext().startActivity(intent); 3494 // There is no way to know if the word was indeed added. Re-check. 3495 // TODO The ExtractEditText should remove the span in the original text instead 3496 editable.removeSpan(mMisspelledSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan); 3497 Selection.setSelection(editable, spanEnd); 3498 updateSpellCheckSpans(spanStart, spanEnd, false); 3499 hideWithCleanUp(); 3500 } 3501 }); 3502 3503 mDeleteButton = (TextView) mContentView.findViewById( 3504 com.android.internal.R.id.deleteButton); 3505 mDeleteButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 3506 public void onClick(View v) { 3507 final Editable editable = (Editable) mTextView.getText(); 3508 3509 final int spanUnionStart = editable.getSpanStart(mSuggestionRangeSpan); 3510 int spanUnionEnd = editable.getSpanEnd(mSuggestionRangeSpan); 3511 if (spanUnionStart >= 0 && spanUnionEnd > spanUnionStart) { 3512 // Do not leave two adjacent spaces after deletion, or one at beginning of 3513 // text 3514 if (spanUnionEnd < editable.length() 3515 && Character.isSpaceChar(editable.charAt(spanUnionEnd)) 3516 && (spanUnionStart == 0 3517 || Character.isSpaceChar( 3518 editable.charAt(spanUnionStart - 1)))) { 3519 spanUnionEnd = spanUnionEnd + 1; 3520 } 3521 mTextView.deleteText_internal(spanUnionStart, spanUnionEnd); 3522 } 3523 hideWithCleanUp(); 3524 } 3525 }); 3526 3527 } 3528 isShowingUp()3529 public boolean isShowingUp() { 3530 return mIsShowingUp; 3531 } 3532 onParentLostFocus()3533 public void onParentLostFocus() { 3534 mIsShowingUp = false; 3535 } 3536 3537 private class SuggestionAdapter extends BaseAdapter { 3538 private LayoutInflater mInflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService( 3539 Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); 3540 3541 @Override getCount()3542 public int getCount() { 3543 return mNumberOfSuggestions; 3544 } 3545 3546 @Override getItem(int position)3547 public Object getItem(int position) { 3548 return mSuggestionInfos[position]; 3549 } 3550 3551 @Override getItemId(int position)3552 public long getItemId(int position) { 3553 return position; 3554 } 3555 3556 @Override getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)3557 public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { 3558 TextView textView = (TextView) convertView; 3559 3560 if (textView == null) { 3561 textView = (TextView) mInflater.inflate(mTextView.mTextEditSuggestionItemLayout, 3562 parent, false); 3563 } 3564 3565 final SuggestionInfo suggestionInfo = mSuggestionInfos[position]; 3566 textView.setText(suggestionInfo.mText); 3567 return textView; 3568 } 3569 } 3570 3571 @VisibleForTesting getContentViewForTesting()3572 public ViewGroup getContentViewForTesting() { 3573 return mContentView; 3574 } 3575 3576 @Override show()3577 public void show() { 3578 if (!(mTextView.getText() instanceof Editable)) return; 3579 if (extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()) { 3580 return; 3581 } 3582 3583 if (updateSuggestions()) { 3584 mCursorWasVisibleBeforeSuggestions = mCursorVisible; 3585 mTextView.setCursorVisible(false); 3586 mIsShowingUp = true; 3587 super.show(); 3588 } 3589 } 3590 3591 @Override measureContent()3592 protected void measureContent() { 3593 final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = mTextView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); 3594 final int horizontalMeasure = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec( 3595 displayMetrics.widthPixels, View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST); 3596 final int verticalMeasure = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec( 3597 displayMetrics.heightPixels, View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST); 3598 3599 int width = 0; 3600 View view = null; 3601 for (int i = 0; i < mNumberOfSuggestions; i++) { 3602 view = mSuggestionsAdapter.getView(i, view, mContentView); 3603 view.getLayoutParams().width = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; 3604 view.measure(horizontalMeasure, verticalMeasure); 3605 width = Math.max(width, view.getMeasuredWidth()); 3606 } 3607 3608 if (mAddToDictionaryButton.getVisibility() != View.GONE) { 3609 mAddToDictionaryButton.measure(horizontalMeasure, verticalMeasure); 3610 width = Math.max(width, mAddToDictionaryButton.getMeasuredWidth()); 3611 } 3612 3613 mDeleteButton.measure(horizontalMeasure, verticalMeasure); 3614 width = Math.max(width, mDeleteButton.getMeasuredWidth()); 3615 3616 width += mContainerView.getPaddingLeft() + mContainerView.getPaddingRight() 3617 + mContainerMarginWidth; 3618 3619 // Enforce the width based on actual text widths 3620 mContentView.measure( 3621 View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(width, View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), 3622 verticalMeasure); 3623 3624 Drawable popupBackground = mPopupWindow.getBackground(); 3625 if (popupBackground != null) { 3626 if (mTempRect == null) mTempRect = new Rect(); 3627 popupBackground.getPadding(mTempRect); 3628 width += mTempRect.left + mTempRect.right; 3629 } 3630 mPopupWindow.setWidth(width); 3631 } 3632 3633 @Override getTextOffset()3634 protected int getTextOffset() { 3635 return (mTextView.getSelectionStart() + mTextView.getSelectionStart()) / 2; 3636 } 3637 3638 @Override getVerticalLocalPosition(int line)3639 protected int getVerticalLocalPosition(int line) { 3640 return mTextView.getLayout().getLineBottom(line) - mContainerMarginTop; 3641 } 3642 3643 @Override clipVertically(int positionY)3644 protected int clipVertically(int positionY) { 3645 final int height = mContentView.getMeasuredHeight(); 3646 final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = mTextView.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); 3647 return Math.min(positionY, displayMetrics.heightPixels - height); 3648 } 3649 hideWithCleanUp()3650 private void hideWithCleanUp() { 3651 for (final SuggestionInfo info : mSuggestionInfos) { 3652 info.clear(); 3653 } 3654 mMisspelledSpanInfo.clear(); 3655 hide(); 3656 } 3657 updateSuggestions()3658 private boolean updateSuggestions() { 3659 Spannable spannable = (Spannable) mTextView.getText(); 3660 mNumberOfSuggestions = 3661 mSuggestionHelper.getSuggestionInfo(mSuggestionInfos, mMisspelledSpanInfo); 3662 if (mNumberOfSuggestions == 0 && mMisspelledSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan == null) { 3663 return false; 3664 } 3665 3666 int spanUnionStart = mTextView.getText().length(); 3667 int spanUnionEnd = 0; 3668 3669 for (int i = 0; i < mNumberOfSuggestions; i++) { 3670 final SuggestionSpanInfo spanInfo = mSuggestionInfos[i].mSuggestionSpanInfo; 3671 spanUnionStart = Math.min(spanUnionStart, spanInfo.mSpanStart); 3672 spanUnionEnd = Math.max(spanUnionEnd, spanInfo.mSpanEnd); 3673 } 3674 if (mMisspelledSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan != null) { 3675 spanUnionStart = Math.min(spanUnionStart, mMisspelledSpanInfo.mSpanStart); 3676 spanUnionEnd = Math.max(spanUnionEnd, mMisspelledSpanInfo.mSpanEnd); 3677 } 3678 3679 for (int i = 0; i < mNumberOfSuggestions; i++) { 3680 highlightTextDifferences(mSuggestionInfos[i], spanUnionStart, spanUnionEnd); 3681 } 3682 3683 // Make "Add to dictionary" item visible if there is a span with the misspelled flag 3684 int addToDictionaryButtonVisibility = View.GONE; 3685 if (mMisspelledSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan != null) { 3686 if (mMisspelledSpanInfo.mSpanStart >= 0 3687 && mMisspelledSpanInfo.mSpanEnd > mMisspelledSpanInfo.mSpanStart) { 3688 addToDictionaryButtonVisibility = View.VISIBLE; 3689 } 3690 } 3691 mAddToDictionaryButton.setVisibility(addToDictionaryButtonVisibility); 3692 3693 if (mSuggestionRangeSpan == null) mSuggestionRangeSpan = new SuggestionRangeSpan(); 3694 final int underlineColor; 3695 if (mNumberOfSuggestions != 0) { 3696 underlineColor = 3697 mSuggestionInfos[0].mSuggestionSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan.getUnderlineColor(); 3698 } else { 3699 underlineColor = mMisspelledSpanInfo.mSuggestionSpan.getUnderlineColor(); 3700 } 3701 3702 if (underlineColor == 0) { 3703 // Fallback on the default highlight color when the first span does not provide one 3704 mSuggestionRangeSpan.setBackgroundColor(mTextView.mHighlightColor); 3705 } else { 3706 final float BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENCY = 0.4f; 3707 final int newAlpha = (int) (Color.alpha(underlineColor) * BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENCY); 3708 mSuggestionRangeSpan.setBackgroundColor( 3709 (underlineColor & 0x00FFFFFF) + (newAlpha << 24)); 3710 } 3711 spannable.setSpan(mSuggestionRangeSpan, spanUnionStart, spanUnionEnd, 3712 Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); 3713 3714 mSuggestionsAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); 3715 return true; 3716 } 3717 highlightTextDifferences(SuggestionInfo suggestionInfo, int unionStart, int unionEnd)3718 private void highlightTextDifferences(SuggestionInfo suggestionInfo, int unionStart, 3719 int unionEnd) { 3720 final Spannable text = (Spannable) mTextView.getText(); 3721 final int spanStart = suggestionInfo.mSuggestionSpanInfo.mSpanStart; 3722 final int spanEnd = suggestionInfo.mSuggestionSpanInfo.mSpanEnd; 3723 3724 // Adjust the start/end of the suggestion span 3725 suggestionInfo.mSuggestionStart = spanStart - unionStart; 3726 suggestionInfo.mSuggestionEnd = suggestionInfo.mSuggestionStart 3727 + suggestionInfo.mText.length(); 3728 3729 suggestionInfo.mText.setSpan(mHighlightSpan, 0, suggestionInfo.mText.length(), 3730 Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); 3731 3732 // Add the text before and after the span. 3733 final String textAsString = text.toString(); 3734 suggestionInfo.mText.insert(0, textAsString.substring(unionStart, spanStart)); 3735 suggestionInfo.mText.append(textAsString.substring(spanEnd, unionEnd)); 3736 } 3737 3738 @Override onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id)3739 public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { 3740 SuggestionInfo suggestionInfo = mSuggestionInfos[position]; 3741 replaceWithSuggestion(suggestionInfo); 3742 hideWithCleanUp(); 3743 } 3744 } 3745 3746 /** 3747 * An ActionMode Callback class that is used to provide actions while in text insertion or 3748 * selection mode. 3749 * 3750 * The default callback provides a subset of Select All, Cut, Copy, Paste, Share and Replace 3751 * actions, depending on which of these this TextView supports and the current selection. 3752 */ 3753 private class TextActionModeCallback extends ActionMode.Callback2 { 3754 private final Path mSelectionPath = new Path(); 3755 private final RectF mSelectionBounds = new RectF(); 3756 private final boolean mHasSelection; 3757 private final int mHandleHeight; 3758 TextActionModeCallback(boolean hasSelection)3759 public TextActionModeCallback(boolean hasSelection) { 3760 mHasSelection = hasSelection; 3761 if (mHasSelection) { 3762 SelectionModifierCursorController selectionController = getSelectionController(); 3763 if (selectionController.mStartHandle == null) { 3764 // As these are for initializing selectionController, hide() must be called. 3765 selectionController.initDrawables(); 3766 selectionController.initHandles(); 3767 selectionController.hide(); 3768 } 3769 mHandleHeight = Math.max( 3770 mSelectHandleLeft.getMinimumHeight(), 3771 mSelectHandleRight.getMinimumHeight()); 3772 } else { 3773 InsertionPointCursorController insertionController = getInsertionController(); 3774 if (insertionController != null) { 3775 insertionController.getHandle(); 3776 mHandleHeight = mSelectHandleCenter.getMinimumHeight(); 3777 } else { 3778 mHandleHeight = 0; 3779 } 3780 } 3781 } 3782 3783 @Override onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu)3784 public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { 3785 mode.setTitle(null); 3786 mode.setSubtitle(null); 3787 mode.setTitleOptionalHint(true); 3788 populateMenuWithItems(menu); 3789 3790 Callback customCallback = getCustomCallback(); 3791 if (customCallback != null) { 3792 if (!customCallback.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu)) { 3793 // The custom mode can choose to cancel the action mode, dismiss selection. 3794 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), 3795 mTextView.getSelectionEnd()); 3796 return false; 3797 } 3798 } 3799 3800 if (mTextView.canProcessText()) { 3801 mProcessTextIntentActionsHandler.onInitializeMenu(menu); 3802 } 3803 3804 if (menu.hasVisibleItems() || mode.getCustomView() != null) { 3805 if (mHasSelection && !mTextView.hasTransientState()) { 3806 mTextView.setHasTransientState(true); 3807 } 3808 return true; 3809 } else { 3810 return false; 3811 } 3812 } 3813 getCustomCallback()3814 private Callback getCustomCallback() { 3815 return mHasSelection 3816 ? mCustomSelectionActionModeCallback 3817 : mCustomInsertionActionModeCallback; 3818 } 3819 populateMenuWithItems(Menu menu)3820 private void populateMenuWithItems(Menu menu) { 3821 if (mTextView.canCut()) { 3822 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_CUT, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_CUT, 3823 com.android.internal.R.string.cut) 3824 .setAlphabeticShortcut('x') 3825 .setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); 3826 } 3827 3828 if (mTextView.canCopy()) { 3829 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_COPY, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_COPY, 3830 com.android.internal.R.string.copy) 3831 .setAlphabeticShortcut('c') 3832 .setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); 3833 } 3834 3835 if (mTextView.canPaste()) { 3836 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_PASTE, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_PASTE, 3837 com.android.internal.R.string.paste) 3838 .setAlphabeticShortcut('v') 3839 .setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); 3840 } 3841 3842 if (mTextView.canShare()) { 3843 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_SHARE, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_SHARE, 3844 com.android.internal.R.string.share) 3845 .setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM); 3846 } 3847 3848 if (mTextView.canRequestAutofill()) { 3849 final String selected = mTextView.getSelectedText(); 3850 if (selected == null || selected.isEmpty()) { 3851 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_AUTOFILL, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_AUTOFILL, 3852 com.android.internal.R.string.autofill) 3853 .setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_OVERFLOW_ALWAYS); 3854 } 3855 } 3856 3857 if (mTextView.canPasteAsPlainText()) { 3858 menu.add( 3859 Menu.NONE, 3860 TextView.ID_PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT, 3861 MENU_ITEM_ORDER_PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT, 3862 com.android.internal.R.string.paste_as_plain_text) 3863 .setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM); 3864 } 3865 3866 updateSelectAllItem(menu); 3867 updateReplaceItem(menu); 3868 updateAssistMenuItem(menu); 3869 } 3870 3871 @Override onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu)3872 public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { 3873 updateSelectAllItem(menu); 3874 updateReplaceItem(menu); 3875 updateAssistMenuItem(menu); 3876 3877 Callback customCallback = getCustomCallback(); 3878 if (customCallback != null) { 3879 return customCallback.onPrepareActionMode(mode, menu); 3880 } 3881 return true; 3882 } 3883 updateSelectAllItem(Menu menu)3884 private void updateSelectAllItem(Menu menu) { 3885 boolean canSelectAll = mTextView.canSelectAllText(); 3886 boolean selectAllItemExists = menu.findItem(TextView.ID_SELECT_ALL) != null; 3887 if (canSelectAll && !selectAllItemExists) { 3888 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_SELECT_ALL, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_SELECT_ALL, 3889 com.android.internal.R.string.selectAll) 3890 .setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM); 3891 } else if (!canSelectAll && selectAllItemExists) { 3892 menu.removeItem(TextView.ID_SELECT_ALL); 3893 } 3894 } 3895 updateReplaceItem(Menu menu)3896 private void updateReplaceItem(Menu menu) { 3897 boolean canReplace = mTextView.isSuggestionsEnabled() && shouldOfferToShowSuggestions(); 3898 boolean replaceItemExists = menu.findItem(TextView.ID_REPLACE) != null; 3899 if (canReplace && !replaceItemExists) { 3900 menu.add(Menu.NONE, TextView.ID_REPLACE, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_REPLACE, 3901 com.android.internal.R.string.replace) 3902 .setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM); 3903 } else if (!canReplace && replaceItemExists) { 3904 menu.removeItem(TextView.ID_REPLACE); 3905 } 3906 } 3907 updateAssistMenuItem(Menu menu)3908 private void updateAssistMenuItem(Menu menu) { 3909 menu.removeItem(TextView.ID_ASSIST); 3910 final TextClassification textClassification = 3911 getSelectionActionModeHelper().getTextClassification(); 3912 if (textClassification != null) { 3913 final Drawable icon = textClassification.getIcon(); 3914 final CharSequence label = textClassification.getLabel(); 3915 final OnClickListener onClickListener = 3916 textClassification.getOnClickListener(); 3917 final Intent intent = textClassification.getIntent(); 3918 if ((icon != null || !TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) 3919 && (onClickListener != null || intent != null)) { 3920 menu.add(TextView.ID_ASSIST, TextView.ID_ASSIST, MENU_ITEM_ORDER_ASSIST, label) 3921 .setIcon(icon) 3922 .setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); 3923 mMetricsLogger.write( 3924 new LogMaker(MetricsEvent.TEXT_SELECTION_MENU_ITEM_ASSIST) 3925 .setType(MetricsEvent.TYPE_OPEN) 3926 .setSubtype(textClassification.getLogType())); 3927 } 3928 } 3929 } 3930 3931 @Override onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item)3932 public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { 3933 getSelectionActionModeHelper().onSelectionAction(); 3934 3935 if (mProcessTextIntentActionsHandler.performMenuItemAction(item)) { 3936 return true; 3937 } 3938 Callback customCallback = getCustomCallback(); 3939 if (customCallback != null && customCallback.onActionItemClicked(mode, item)) { 3940 return true; 3941 } 3942 final TextClassification textClassification = 3943 getSelectionActionModeHelper().getTextClassification(); 3944 if (TextView.ID_ASSIST == item.getItemId() && textClassification != null) { 3945 final OnClickListener onClickListener = 3946 textClassification.getOnClickListener(); 3947 if (onClickListener != null) { 3948 onClickListener.onClick(mTextView); 3949 } else { 3950 final Intent intent = textClassification.getIntent(); 3951 if (intent != null) { 3952 TextClassification.createStartActivityOnClickListener( 3953 mTextView.getContext(), intent) 3954 .onClick(mTextView); 3955 } 3956 } 3957 mMetricsLogger.action( 3958 MetricsEvent.ACTION_TEXT_SELECTION_MENU_ITEM_ASSIST, 3959 textClassification.getLogType()); 3960 stopTextActionMode(); 3961 return true; 3962 } 3963 return mTextView.onTextContextMenuItem(item.getItemId()); 3964 } 3965 3966 @Override onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode)3967 public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { 3968 // Clear mTextActionMode not to recursively destroy action mode by clearing selection. 3969 getSelectionActionModeHelper().onDestroyActionMode(); 3970 mTextActionMode = null; 3971 Callback customCallback = getCustomCallback(); 3972 if (customCallback != null) { 3973 customCallback.onDestroyActionMode(mode); 3974 } 3975 3976 if (!mPreserveSelection) { 3977 /* 3978 * Leave current selection when we tentatively destroy action mode for the 3979 * selection. If we're detaching from a window, we'll bring back the selection 3980 * mode when (if) we get reattached. 3981 */ 3982 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), 3983 mTextView.getSelectionEnd()); 3984 } 3985 3986 if (mSelectionModifierCursorController != null) { 3987 mSelectionModifierCursorController.hide(); 3988 } 3989 } 3990 3991 @Override onGetContentRect(ActionMode mode, View view, Rect outRect)3992 public void onGetContentRect(ActionMode mode, View view, Rect outRect) { 3993 if (!view.equals(mTextView) || mTextView.getLayout() == null) { 3994 super.onGetContentRect(mode, view, outRect); 3995 return; 3996 } 3997 if (mTextView.getSelectionStart() != mTextView.getSelectionEnd()) { 3998 // We have a selection. 3999 mSelectionPath.reset(); 4000 mTextView.getLayout().getSelectionPath( 4001 mTextView.getSelectionStart(), mTextView.getSelectionEnd(), mSelectionPath); 4002 mSelectionPath.computeBounds(mSelectionBounds, true); 4003 mSelectionBounds.bottom += mHandleHeight; 4004 } else if (mCursorCount == 2) { 4005 // We have a split cursor. In this case, we take the rectangle that includes both 4006 // parts of the cursor to ensure we don't obscure either of them. 4007 Rect firstCursorBounds = mCursorDrawable[0].getBounds(); 4008 Rect secondCursorBounds = mCursorDrawable[1].getBounds(); 4009 mSelectionBounds.set( 4010 Math.min(firstCursorBounds.left, secondCursorBounds.left), 4011 Math.min(firstCursorBounds.top, secondCursorBounds.top), 4012 Math.max(firstCursorBounds.right, secondCursorBounds.right), 4013 Math.max(firstCursorBounds.bottom, secondCursorBounds.bottom) 4014 + mHandleHeight); 4015 } else { 4016 // We have a single cursor. 4017 Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 4018 int line = layout.getLineForOffset(mTextView.getSelectionStart()); 4019 float primaryHorizontal = clampHorizontalPosition(null, 4020 layout.getPrimaryHorizontal(mTextView.getSelectionStart())); 4021 mSelectionBounds.set( 4022 primaryHorizontal, 4023 layout.getLineTop(line), 4024 primaryHorizontal, 4025 layout.getLineTop(line + 1) + mHandleHeight); 4026 } 4027 // Take TextView's padding and scroll into account. 4028 int textHorizontalOffset = mTextView.viewportToContentHorizontalOffset(); 4029 int textVerticalOffset = mTextView.viewportToContentVerticalOffset(); 4030 outRect.set( 4031 (int) Math.floor(mSelectionBounds.left + textHorizontalOffset), 4032 (int) Math.floor(mSelectionBounds.top + textVerticalOffset), 4033 (int) Math.ceil(mSelectionBounds.right + textHorizontalOffset), 4034 (int) Math.ceil(mSelectionBounds.bottom + textVerticalOffset)); 4035 } 4036 } 4037 4038 /** 4039 * A listener to call {@link InputMethodManager#updateCursorAnchorInfo(View, CursorAnchorInfo)} 4040 * while the input method is requesting the cursor/anchor position. Does nothing as long as 4041 * {@link InputMethodManager#isWatchingCursor(View)} returns false. 4042 */ 4043 private final class CursorAnchorInfoNotifier implements TextViewPositionListener { 4044 final CursorAnchorInfo.Builder mSelectionInfoBuilder = new CursorAnchorInfo.Builder(); 4045 final int[] mTmpIntOffset = new int[2]; 4046 final Matrix mViewToScreenMatrix = new Matrix(); 4047 4048 @Override updatePosition(int parentPositionX, int parentPositionY, boolean parentPositionChanged, boolean parentScrolled)4049 public void updatePosition(int parentPositionX, int parentPositionY, 4050 boolean parentPositionChanged, boolean parentScrolled) { 4051 final InputMethodState ims = mInputMethodState; 4052 if (ims == null || ims.mBatchEditNesting > 0) { 4053 return; 4054 } 4055 final InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); 4056 if (null == imm) { 4057 return; 4058 } 4059 if (!imm.isActive(mTextView)) { 4060 return; 4061 } 4062 // Skip if the IME has not requested the cursor/anchor position. 4063 if (!imm.isCursorAnchorInfoEnabled()) { 4064 return; 4065 } 4066 Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 4067 if (layout == null) { 4068 return; 4069 } 4070 4071 final CursorAnchorInfo.Builder builder = mSelectionInfoBuilder; 4072 builder.reset(); 4073 4074 final int selectionStart = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 4075 builder.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, mTextView.getSelectionEnd()); 4076 4077 // Construct transformation matrix from view local coordinates to screen coordinates. 4078 mViewToScreenMatrix.set(mTextView.getMatrix()); 4079 mTextView.getLocationOnScreen(mTmpIntOffset); 4080 mViewToScreenMatrix.postTranslate(mTmpIntOffset[0], mTmpIntOffset[1]); 4081 builder.setMatrix(mViewToScreenMatrix); 4082 4083 final float viewportToContentHorizontalOffset = 4084 mTextView.viewportToContentHorizontalOffset(); 4085 final float viewportToContentVerticalOffset = 4086 mTextView.viewportToContentVerticalOffset(); 4087 4088 final CharSequence text = mTextView.getText(); 4089 if (text instanceof Spannable) { 4090 final Spannable sp = (Spannable) text; 4091 int composingTextStart = EditableInputConnection.getComposingSpanStart(sp); 4092 int composingTextEnd = EditableInputConnection.getComposingSpanEnd(sp); 4093 if (composingTextEnd < composingTextStart) { 4094 final int temp = composingTextEnd; 4095 composingTextEnd = composingTextStart; 4096 composingTextStart = temp; 4097 } 4098 final boolean hasComposingText = 4099 (0 <= composingTextStart) && (composingTextStart < composingTextEnd); 4100 if (hasComposingText) { 4101 final CharSequence composingText = text.subSequence(composingTextStart, 4102 composingTextEnd); 4103 builder.setComposingText(composingTextStart, composingText); 4104 mTextView.populateCharacterBounds(builder, composingTextStart, 4105 composingTextEnd, viewportToContentHorizontalOffset, 4106 viewportToContentVerticalOffset); 4107 } 4108 } 4109 4110 // Treat selectionStart as the insertion point. 4111 if (0 <= selectionStart) { 4112 final int offset = selectionStart; 4113 final int line = layout.getLineForOffset(offset); 4114 final float insertionMarkerX = layout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offset) 4115 + viewportToContentHorizontalOffset; 4116 final float insertionMarkerTop = layout.getLineTop(line) 4117 + viewportToContentVerticalOffset; 4118 final float insertionMarkerBaseline = layout.getLineBaseline(line) 4119 + viewportToContentVerticalOffset; 4120 final float insertionMarkerBottom = layout.getLineBottom(line) 4121 + viewportToContentVerticalOffset; 4122 final boolean isTopVisible = mTextView 4123 .isPositionVisible(insertionMarkerX, insertionMarkerTop); 4124 final boolean isBottomVisible = mTextView 4125 .isPositionVisible(insertionMarkerX, insertionMarkerBottom); 4126 int insertionMarkerFlags = 0; 4127 if (isTopVisible || isBottomVisible) { 4128 insertionMarkerFlags |= CursorAnchorInfo.FLAG_HAS_VISIBLE_REGION; 4129 } 4130 if (!isTopVisible || !isBottomVisible) { 4131 insertionMarkerFlags |= CursorAnchorInfo.FLAG_HAS_INVISIBLE_REGION; 4132 } 4133 if (layout.isRtlCharAt(offset)) { 4134 insertionMarkerFlags |= CursorAnchorInfo.FLAG_IS_RTL; 4135 } 4136 builder.setInsertionMarkerLocation(insertionMarkerX, insertionMarkerTop, 4137 insertionMarkerBaseline, insertionMarkerBottom, insertionMarkerFlags); 4138 } 4139 4140 imm.updateCursorAnchorInfo(mTextView, builder.build()); 4141 } 4142 } 4143 4144 @VisibleForTesting 4145 public abstract class HandleView extends View implements TextViewPositionListener { 4146 protected Drawable mDrawable; 4147 protected Drawable mDrawableLtr; 4148 protected Drawable mDrawableRtl; 4149 private final PopupWindow mContainer; 4150 // Position with respect to the parent TextView 4151 private int mPositionX, mPositionY; 4152 private boolean mIsDragging; 4153 // Offset from touch position to mPosition 4154 private float mTouchToWindowOffsetX, mTouchToWindowOffsetY; 4155 protected int mHotspotX; 4156 protected int mHorizontalGravity; 4157 // Offsets the hotspot point up, so that cursor is not hidden by the finger when moving up 4158 private float mTouchOffsetY; 4159 // Where the touch position should be on the handle to ensure a maximum cursor visibility 4160 private float mIdealVerticalOffset; 4161 // Parent's (TextView) previous position in window 4162 private int mLastParentX, mLastParentY; 4163 // Parent's (TextView) previous position on screen 4164 private int mLastParentXOnScreen, mLastParentYOnScreen; 4165 // Previous text character offset 4166 protected int mPreviousOffset = -1; 4167 // Previous text character offset 4168 private boolean mPositionHasChanged = true; 4169 // Minimum touch target size for handles 4170 private int mMinSize; 4171 // Indicates the line of text that the handle is on. 4172 protected int mPrevLine = UNSET_LINE; 4173 // Indicates the line of text that the user was touching. This can differ from mPrevLine 4174 // when selecting text when the handles jump to the end / start of words which may be on 4175 // a different line. 4176 protected int mPreviousLineTouched = UNSET_LINE; 4177 HandleView(Drawable drawableLtr, Drawable drawableRtl, final int id)4178 private HandleView(Drawable drawableLtr, Drawable drawableRtl, final int id) { 4179 super(mTextView.getContext()); 4180 setId(id); 4181 mContainer = new PopupWindow(mTextView.getContext(), null, 4182 com.android.internal.R.attr.textSelectHandleWindowStyle); 4183 mContainer.setSplitTouchEnabled(true); 4184 mContainer.setClippingEnabled(false); 4185 mContainer.setWindowLayoutType(WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_SUB_PANEL); 4186 mContainer.setWidth(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); 4187 mContainer.setHeight(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); 4188 mContainer.setContentView(this); 4189 4190 mDrawableLtr = drawableLtr; 4191 mDrawableRtl = drawableRtl; 4192 mMinSize = mTextView.getContext().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( 4193 com.android.internal.R.dimen.text_handle_min_size); 4194 4195 updateDrawable(); 4196 4197 final int handleHeight = getPreferredHeight(); 4198 mTouchOffsetY = -0.3f * handleHeight; 4199 mIdealVerticalOffset = 0.7f * handleHeight; 4200 } 4201 getIdealVerticalOffset()4202 public float getIdealVerticalOffset() { 4203 return mIdealVerticalOffset; 4204 } 4205 updateDrawable()4206 protected void updateDrawable() { 4207 if (mIsDragging) { 4208 // Don't update drawable during dragging. 4209 return; 4210 } 4211 final Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 4212 if (layout == null) { 4213 return; 4214 } 4215 final int offset = getCurrentCursorOffset(); 4216 final boolean isRtlCharAtOffset = isAtRtlRun(layout, offset); 4217 final Drawable oldDrawable = mDrawable; 4218 mDrawable = isRtlCharAtOffset ? mDrawableRtl : mDrawableLtr; 4219 mHotspotX = getHotspotX(mDrawable, isRtlCharAtOffset); 4220 mHorizontalGravity = getHorizontalGravity(isRtlCharAtOffset); 4221 if (oldDrawable != mDrawable && isShowing()) { 4222 // Update popup window position. 4223 mPositionX = getCursorHorizontalPosition(layout, offset) - mHotspotX 4224 - getHorizontalOffset() + getCursorOffset(); 4225 mPositionX += mTextView.viewportToContentHorizontalOffset(); 4226 mPositionHasChanged = true; 4227 updatePosition(mLastParentX, mLastParentY, false, false); 4228 postInvalidate(); 4229 } 4230 } 4231 getHotspotX(Drawable drawable, boolean isRtlRun)4232 protected abstract int getHotspotX(Drawable drawable, boolean isRtlRun); getHorizontalGravity(boolean isRtlRun)4233 protected abstract int getHorizontalGravity(boolean isRtlRun); 4234 4235 // Touch-up filter: number of previous positions remembered 4236 private static final int HISTORY_SIZE = 5; 4237 private static final int TOUCH_UP_FILTER_DELAY_AFTER = 150; 4238 private static final int TOUCH_UP_FILTER_DELAY_BEFORE = 350; 4239 private final long[] mPreviousOffsetsTimes = new long[HISTORY_SIZE]; 4240 private final int[] mPreviousOffsets = new int[HISTORY_SIZE]; 4241 private int mPreviousOffsetIndex = 0; 4242 private int mNumberPreviousOffsets = 0; 4243 startTouchUpFilter(int offset)4244 private void startTouchUpFilter(int offset) { 4245 mNumberPreviousOffsets = 0; 4246 addPositionToTouchUpFilter(offset); 4247 } 4248 addPositionToTouchUpFilter(int offset)4249 private void addPositionToTouchUpFilter(int offset) { 4250 mPreviousOffsetIndex = (mPreviousOffsetIndex + 1) % HISTORY_SIZE; 4251 mPreviousOffsets[mPreviousOffsetIndex] = offset; 4252 mPreviousOffsetsTimes[mPreviousOffsetIndex] = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 4253 mNumberPreviousOffsets++; 4254 } 4255 filterOnTouchUp()4256 private void filterOnTouchUp() { 4257 final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 4258 int i = 0; 4259 int index = mPreviousOffsetIndex; 4260 final int iMax = Math.min(mNumberPreviousOffsets, HISTORY_SIZE); 4261 while (i < iMax && (now - mPreviousOffsetsTimes[index]) < TOUCH_UP_FILTER_DELAY_AFTER) { 4262 i++; 4263 index = (mPreviousOffsetIndex - i + HISTORY_SIZE) % HISTORY_SIZE; 4264 } 4265 4266 if (i > 0 && i < iMax 4267 && (now - mPreviousOffsetsTimes[index]) > TOUCH_UP_FILTER_DELAY_BEFORE) { 4268 positionAtCursorOffset(mPreviousOffsets[index], false); 4269 } 4270 } 4271 offsetHasBeenChanged()4272 public boolean offsetHasBeenChanged() { 4273 return mNumberPreviousOffsets > 1; 4274 } 4275 4276 @Override onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)4277 protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { 4278 setMeasuredDimension(getPreferredWidth(), getPreferredHeight()); 4279 } 4280 4281 @Override invalidate()4282 public void invalidate() { 4283 super.invalidate(); 4284 if (isShowing()) { 4285 positionAtCursorOffset(getCurrentCursorOffset(), true); 4286 } 4287 }; 4288 getPreferredWidth()4289 private int getPreferredWidth() { 4290 return Math.max(mDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), mMinSize); 4291 } 4292 getPreferredHeight()4293 private int getPreferredHeight() { 4294 return Math.max(mDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), mMinSize); 4295 } 4296 show()4297 public void show() { 4298 if (isShowing()) return; 4299 4300 getPositionListener().addSubscriber(this, true /* local position may change */); 4301 4302 // Make sure the offset is always considered new, even when focusing at same position 4303 mPreviousOffset = -1; 4304 positionAtCursorOffset(getCurrentCursorOffset(), false); 4305 } 4306 dismiss()4307 protected void dismiss() { 4308 mIsDragging = false; 4309 mContainer.dismiss(); 4310 onDetached(); 4311 } 4312 hide()4313 public void hide() { 4314 dismiss(); 4315 4316 getPositionListener().removeSubscriber(this); 4317 } 4318 isShowing()4319 public boolean isShowing() { 4320 return mContainer.isShowing(); 4321 } 4322 isVisible()4323 private boolean isVisible() { 4324 // Always show a dragging handle. 4325 if (mIsDragging) { 4326 return true; 4327 } 4328 4329 if (mTextView.isInBatchEditMode()) { 4330 return false; 4331 } 4332 4333 return mTextView.isPositionVisible( 4334 mPositionX + mHotspotX + getHorizontalOffset(), mPositionY); 4335 } 4336 getCurrentCursorOffset()4337 public abstract int getCurrentCursorOffset(); 4338 updateSelection(int offset)4339 protected abstract void updateSelection(int offset); 4340 updatePosition(float x, float y)4341 public abstract void updatePosition(float x, float y); 4342 isAtRtlRun(@onNull Layout layout, int offset)4343 protected boolean isAtRtlRun(@NonNull Layout layout, int offset) { 4344 return layout.isRtlCharAt(offset); 4345 } 4346 4347 @VisibleForTesting getHorizontal(@onNull Layout layout, int offset)4348 public float getHorizontal(@NonNull Layout layout, int offset) { 4349 return layout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offset); 4350 } 4351 getOffsetAtCoordinate(@onNull Layout layout, int line, float x)4352 protected int getOffsetAtCoordinate(@NonNull Layout layout, int line, float x) { 4353 return mTextView.getOffsetAtCoordinate(line, x); 4354 } 4355 4356 /** 4357 * @param offset Cursor offset. Must be in [-1, length]. 4358 * @param forceUpdatePosition whether to force update the position. This should be true 4359 * when If the parent has been scrolled, for example. 4360 */ positionAtCursorOffset(int offset, boolean forceUpdatePosition)4361 protected void positionAtCursorOffset(int offset, boolean forceUpdatePosition) { 4362 // A HandleView relies on the layout, which may be nulled by external methods 4363 Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 4364 if (layout == null) { 4365 // Will update controllers' state, hiding them and stopping selection mode if needed 4366 prepareCursorControllers(); 4367 return; 4368 } 4369 layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 4370 4371 boolean offsetChanged = offset != mPreviousOffset; 4372 if (offsetChanged || forceUpdatePosition) { 4373 if (offsetChanged) { 4374 updateSelection(offset); 4375 addPositionToTouchUpFilter(offset); 4376 } 4377 final int line = layout.getLineForOffset(offset); 4378 mPrevLine = line; 4379 4380 mPositionX = getCursorHorizontalPosition(layout, offset) - mHotspotX 4381 - getHorizontalOffset() + getCursorOffset(); 4382 mPositionY = layout.getLineBottom(line); 4383 4384 // Take TextView's padding and scroll into account. 4385 mPositionX += mTextView.viewportToContentHorizontalOffset(); 4386 mPositionY += mTextView.viewportToContentVerticalOffset(); 4387 4388 mPreviousOffset = offset; 4389 mPositionHasChanged = true; 4390 } 4391 } 4392 4393 /** 4394 * Return the clamped horizontal position for the first cursor. 4395 * 4396 * @param layout Text layout. 4397 * @param offset Character offset for the cursor. 4398 * @return The clamped horizontal position for the cursor. 4399 */ getCursorHorizontalPosition(Layout layout, int offset)4400 int getCursorHorizontalPosition(Layout layout, int offset) { 4401 return (int) (getHorizontal(layout, offset) - 0.5f); 4402 } 4403 4404 @Override updatePosition(int parentPositionX, int parentPositionY, boolean parentPositionChanged, boolean parentScrolled)4405 public void updatePosition(int parentPositionX, int parentPositionY, 4406 boolean parentPositionChanged, boolean parentScrolled) { 4407 positionAtCursorOffset(getCurrentCursorOffset(), parentScrolled); 4408 if (parentPositionChanged || mPositionHasChanged) { 4409 if (mIsDragging) { 4410 // Update touchToWindow offset in case of parent scrolling while dragging 4411 if (parentPositionX != mLastParentX || parentPositionY != mLastParentY) { 4412 mTouchToWindowOffsetX += parentPositionX - mLastParentX; 4413 mTouchToWindowOffsetY += parentPositionY - mLastParentY; 4414 mLastParentX = parentPositionX; 4415 mLastParentY = parentPositionY; 4416 } 4417 4418 onHandleMoved(); 4419 } 4420 4421 if (isVisible()) { 4422 // Transform to the window coordinates to follow the view tranformation. 4423 final int[] pts = { mPositionX + mHotspotX + getHorizontalOffset(), mPositionY}; 4424 mTextView.transformFromViewToWindowSpace(pts); 4425 pts[0] -= mHotspotX + getHorizontalOffset(); 4426 4427 if (isShowing()) { 4428 mContainer.update(pts[0], pts[1], -1, -1); 4429 } else { 4430 mContainer.showAtLocation(mTextView, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, pts[0], pts[1]); 4431 } 4432 } else { 4433 if (isShowing()) { 4434 dismiss(); 4435 } 4436 } 4437 4438 mPositionHasChanged = false; 4439 } 4440 } 4441 4442 @Override onDraw(Canvas c)4443 protected void onDraw(Canvas c) { 4444 final int drawWidth = mDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); 4445 final int left = getHorizontalOffset(); 4446 4447 mDrawable.setBounds(left, 0, left + drawWidth, mDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight()); 4448 mDrawable.draw(c); 4449 } 4450 getHorizontalOffset()4451 private int getHorizontalOffset() { 4452 final int width = getPreferredWidth(); 4453 final int drawWidth = mDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); 4454 final int left; 4455 switch (mHorizontalGravity) { 4456 case Gravity.LEFT: 4457 left = 0; 4458 break; 4459 default: 4460 case Gravity.CENTER: 4461 left = (width - drawWidth) / 2; 4462 break; 4463 case Gravity.RIGHT: 4464 left = width - drawWidth; 4465 break; 4466 } 4467 return left; 4468 } 4469 getCursorOffset()4470 protected int getCursorOffset() { 4471 return 0; 4472 } 4473 4474 @Override onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)4475 public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { 4476 updateFloatingToolbarVisibility(ev); 4477 4478 switch (ev.getActionMasked()) { 4479 case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: { 4480 startTouchUpFilter(getCurrentCursorOffset()); 4481 4482 final PositionListener positionListener = getPositionListener(); 4483 mLastParentX = positionListener.getPositionX(); 4484 mLastParentY = positionListener.getPositionY(); 4485 mLastParentXOnScreen = positionListener.getPositionXOnScreen(); 4486 mLastParentYOnScreen = positionListener.getPositionYOnScreen(); 4487 4488 final float xInWindow = ev.getRawX() - mLastParentXOnScreen + mLastParentX; 4489 final float yInWindow = ev.getRawY() - mLastParentYOnScreen + mLastParentY; 4490 mTouchToWindowOffsetX = xInWindow - mPositionX; 4491 mTouchToWindowOffsetY = yInWindow - mPositionY; 4492 4493 mIsDragging = true; 4494 mPreviousLineTouched = UNSET_LINE; 4495 break; 4496 } 4497 4498 case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: { 4499 final float xInWindow = ev.getRawX() - mLastParentXOnScreen + mLastParentX; 4500 final float yInWindow = ev.getRawY() - mLastParentYOnScreen + mLastParentY; 4501 4502 // Vertical hysteresis: vertical down movement tends to snap to ideal offset 4503 final float previousVerticalOffset = mTouchToWindowOffsetY - mLastParentY; 4504 final float currentVerticalOffset = yInWindow - mPositionY - mLastParentY; 4505 float newVerticalOffset; 4506 if (previousVerticalOffset < mIdealVerticalOffset) { 4507 newVerticalOffset = Math.min(currentVerticalOffset, mIdealVerticalOffset); 4508 newVerticalOffset = Math.max(newVerticalOffset, previousVerticalOffset); 4509 } else { 4510 newVerticalOffset = Math.max(currentVerticalOffset, mIdealVerticalOffset); 4511 newVerticalOffset = Math.min(newVerticalOffset, previousVerticalOffset); 4512 } 4513 mTouchToWindowOffsetY = newVerticalOffset + mLastParentY; 4514 4515 final float newPosX = 4516 xInWindow - mTouchToWindowOffsetX + mHotspotX + getHorizontalOffset(); 4517 final float newPosY = yInWindow - mTouchToWindowOffsetY + mTouchOffsetY; 4518 4519 updatePosition(newPosX, newPosY); 4520 break; 4521 } 4522 4523 case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: 4524 filterOnTouchUp(); 4525 mIsDragging = false; 4526 updateDrawable(); 4527 break; 4528 4529 case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: 4530 mIsDragging = false; 4531 updateDrawable(); 4532 break; 4533 } 4534 return true; 4535 } 4536 isDragging()4537 public boolean isDragging() { 4538 return mIsDragging; 4539 } 4540 onHandleMoved()4541 void onHandleMoved() {} 4542 onDetached()4543 public void onDetached() {} 4544 } 4545 4546 private class InsertionHandleView extends HandleView { 4547 private static final int DELAY_BEFORE_HANDLE_FADES_OUT = 4000; 4548 private static final int RECENT_CUT_COPY_DURATION = 15 * 1000; // seconds 4549 4550 // Used to detect taps on the insertion handle, which will affect the insertion action mode 4551 private float mDownPositionX, mDownPositionY; 4552 private Runnable mHider; 4553 InsertionHandleView(Drawable drawable)4554 public InsertionHandleView(Drawable drawable) { 4555 super(drawable, drawable, com.android.internal.R.id.insertion_handle); 4556 } 4557 4558 @Override show()4559 public void show() { 4560 super.show(); 4561 4562 final long durationSinceCutOrCopy = 4563 SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - TextView.sLastCutCopyOrTextChangedTime; 4564 4565 // Cancel the single tap delayed runnable. 4566 if (mInsertionActionModeRunnable != null 4567 && ((mTapState == TAP_STATE_DOUBLE_TAP) 4568 || (mTapState == TAP_STATE_TRIPLE_CLICK) 4569 || isCursorInsideEasyCorrectionSpan())) { 4570 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mInsertionActionModeRunnable); 4571 } 4572 4573 // Prepare and schedule the single tap runnable to run exactly after the double tap 4574 // timeout has passed. 4575 if ((mTapState != TAP_STATE_DOUBLE_TAP) && (mTapState != TAP_STATE_TRIPLE_CLICK) 4576 && !isCursorInsideEasyCorrectionSpan() 4577 && (durationSinceCutOrCopy < RECENT_CUT_COPY_DURATION)) { 4578 if (mTextActionMode == null) { 4579 if (mInsertionActionModeRunnable == null) { 4580 mInsertionActionModeRunnable = new Runnable() { 4581 @Override 4582 public void run() { 4583 startInsertionActionMode(); 4584 } 4585 }; 4586 } 4587 mTextView.postDelayed( 4588 mInsertionActionModeRunnable, 4589 ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout() + 1); 4590 } 4591 4592 } 4593 4594 hideAfterDelay(); 4595 } 4596 hideAfterDelay()4597 private void hideAfterDelay() { 4598 if (mHider == null) { 4599 mHider = new Runnable() { 4600 public void run() { 4601 hide(); 4602 } 4603 }; 4604 } else { 4605 removeHiderCallback(); 4606 } 4607 mTextView.postDelayed(mHider, DELAY_BEFORE_HANDLE_FADES_OUT); 4608 } 4609 removeHiderCallback()4610 private void removeHiderCallback() { 4611 if (mHider != null) { 4612 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mHider); 4613 } 4614 } 4615 4616 @Override getHotspotX(Drawable drawable, boolean isRtlRun)4617 protected int getHotspotX(Drawable drawable, boolean isRtlRun) { 4618 return drawable.getIntrinsicWidth() / 2; 4619 } 4620 4621 @Override getHorizontalGravity(boolean isRtlRun)4622 protected int getHorizontalGravity(boolean isRtlRun) { 4623 return Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL; 4624 } 4625 4626 @Override getCursorOffset()4627 protected int getCursorOffset() { 4628 int offset = super.getCursorOffset(); 4629 final Drawable cursor = mCursorCount > 0 ? mCursorDrawable[0] : null; 4630 if (cursor != null) { 4631 cursor.getPadding(mTempRect); 4632 offset += (cursor.getIntrinsicWidth() - mTempRect.left - mTempRect.right) / 2; 4633 } 4634 return offset; 4635 } 4636 4637 @Override getCursorHorizontalPosition(Layout layout, int offset)4638 int getCursorHorizontalPosition(Layout layout, int offset) { 4639 final Drawable drawable = mCursorCount > 0 ? mCursorDrawable[0] : null; 4640 if (drawable != null) { 4641 final float horizontal = getHorizontal(layout, offset); 4642 return clampHorizontalPosition(drawable, horizontal) + mTempRect.left; 4643 } 4644 return super.getCursorHorizontalPosition(layout, offset); 4645 } 4646 4647 @Override onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)4648 public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { 4649 final boolean result = super.onTouchEvent(ev); 4650 4651 switch (ev.getActionMasked()) { 4652 case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: 4653 mDownPositionX = ev.getRawX(); 4654 mDownPositionY = ev.getRawY(); 4655 break; 4656 4657 case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: 4658 if (!offsetHasBeenChanged()) { 4659 final float deltaX = mDownPositionX - ev.getRawX(); 4660 final float deltaY = mDownPositionY - ev.getRawY(); 4661 final float distanceSquared = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY; 4662 4663 final ViewConfiguration viewConfiguration = ViewConfiguration.get( 4664 mTextView.getContext()); 4665 final int touchSlop = viewConfiguration.getScaledTouchSlop(); 4666 4667 if (distanceSquared < touchSlop * touchSlop) { 4668 // Tapping on the handle toggles the insertion action mode. 4669 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 4670 stopTextActionMode(); 4671 } else { 4672 startInsertionActionMode(); 4673 } 4674 } 4675 } else { 4676 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 4677 mTextActionMode.invalidateContentRect(); 4678 } 4679 } 4680 hideAfterDelay(); 4681 break; 4682 4683 case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: 4684 hideAfterDelay(); 4685 break; 4686 4687 default: 4688 break; 4689 } 4690 4691 return result; 4692 } 4693 4694 @Override getCurrentCursorOffset()4695 public int getCurrentCursorOffset() { 4696 return mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 4697 } 4698 4699 @Override updateSelection(int offset)4700 public void updateSelection(int offset) { 4701 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), offset); 4702 } 4703 4704 @Override updatePosition(float x, float y)4705 public void updatePosition(float x, float y) { 4706 Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 4707 int offset; 4708 if (layout != null) { 4709 if (mPreviousLineTouched == UNSET_LINE) { 4710 mPreviousLineTouched = mTextView.getLineAtCoordinate(y); 4711 } 4712 int currLine = getCurrentLineAdjustedForSlop(layout, mPreviousLineTouched, y); 4713 offset = getOffsetAtCoordinate(layout, currLine, x); 4714 mPreviousLineTouched = currLine; 4715 } else { 4716 offset = -1; 4717 } 4718 positionAtCursorOffset(offset, false); 4719 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 4720 invalidateActionMode(); 4721 } 4722 } 4723 4724 @Override onHandleMoved()4725 void onHandleMoved() { 4726 super.onHandleMoved(); 4727 removeHiderCallback(); 4728 } 4729 4730 @Override onDetached()4731 public void onDetached() { 4732 super.onDetached(); 4733 removeHiderCallback(); 4734 } 4735 } 4736 4737 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) 4738 @IntDef({HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION_START, HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION_END}) 4739 public @interface HandleType {} 4740 public static final int HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION_START = 0; 4741 public static final int HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION_END = 1; 4742 4743 private class SelectionHandleView extends HandleView { 4744 // Indicates the handle type, selection start (HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION_START) or selection 4745 // end (HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION_END). 4746 @HandleType 4747 private final int mHandleType; 4748 // Indicates whether the cursor is making adjustments within a word. 4749 private boolean mInWord = false; 4750 // Difference between touch position and word boundary position. 4751 private float mTouchWordDelta; 4752 // X value of the previous updatePosition call. 4753 private float mPrevX; 4754 // Indicates if the handle has moved a boundary between LTR and RTL text. 4755 private boolean mLanguageDirectionChanged = false; 4756 // Distance from edge of horizontally scrolling text view 4757 // to use to switch to character mode. 4758 private final float mTextViewEdgeSlop; 4759 // Used to save text view location. 4760 private final int[] mTextViewLocation = new int[2]; 4761 SelectionHandleView(Drawable drawableLtr, Drawable drawableRtl, int id, @HandleType int handleType)4762 public SelectionHandleView(Drawable drawableLtr, Drawable drawableRtl, int id, 4763 @HandleType int handleType) { 4764 super(drawableLtr, drawableRtl, id); 4765 mHandleType = handleType; 4766 ViewConfiguration viewConfiguration = ViewConfiguration.get(mTextView.getContext()); 4767 mTextViewEdgeSlop = viewConfiguration.getScaledTouchSlop() * 4; 4768 } 4769 isStartHandle()4770 private boolean isStartHandle() { 4771 return mHandleType == HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION_START; 4772 } 4773 4774 @Override getHotspotX(Drawable drawable, boolean isRtlRun)4775 protected int getHotspotX(Drawable drawable, boolean isRtlRun) { 4776 if (isRtlRun == isStartHandle()) { 4777 return drawable.getIntrinsicWidth() / 4; 4778 } else { 4779 return (drawable.getIntrinsicWidth() * 3) / 4; 4780 } 4781 } 4782 4783 @Override getHorizontalGravity(boolean isRtlRun)4784 protected int getHorizontalGravity(boolean isRtlRun) { 4785 return (isRtlRun == isStartHandle()) ? Gravity.LEFT : Gravity.RIGHT; 4786 } 4787 4788 @Override getCurrentCursorOffset()4789 public int getCurrentCursorOffset() { 4790 return isStartHandle() ? mTextView.getSelectionStart() : mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 4791 } 4792 4793 @Override updateSelection(int offset)4794 protected void updateSelection(int offset) { 4795 if (isStartHandle()) { 4796 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), offset, 4797 mTextView.getSelectionEnd()); 4798 } else { 4799 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), 4800 mTextView.getSelectionStart(), offset); 4801 } 4802 updateDrawable(); 4803 if (mTextActionMode != null) { 4804 invalidateActionMode(); 4805 } 4806 } 4807 4808 @Override updatePosition(float x, float y)4809 public void updatePosition(float x, float y) { 4810 final Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 4811 if (layout == null) { 4812 // HandleView will deal appropriately in positionAtCursorOffset when 4813 // layout is null. 4814 positionAndAdjustForCrossingHandles(mTextView.getOffsetForPosition(x, y)); 4815 return; 4816 } 4817 4818 if (mPreviousLineTouched == UNSET_LINE) { 4819 mPreviousLineTouched = mTextView.getLineAtCoordinate(y); 4820 } 4821 4822 boolean positionCursor = false; 4823 final int anotherHandleOffset = 4824 isStartHandle() ? mTextView.getSelectionEnd() : mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 4825 int currLine = getCurrentLineAdjustedForSlop(layout, mPreviousLineTouched, y); 4826 int initialOffset = getOffsetAtCoordinate(layout, currLine, x); 4827 4828 if (isStartHandle() && initialOffset >= anotherHandleOffset 4829 || !isStartHandle() && initialOffset <= anotherHandleOffset) { 4830 // Handles have crossed, bound it to the first selected line and 4831 // adjust by word / char as normal. 4832 currLine = layout.getLineForOffset(anotherHandleOffset); 4833 initialOffset = getOffsetAtCoordinate(layout, currLine, x); 4834 } 4835 4836 int offset = initialOffset; 4837 final int wordEnd = getWordEnd(offset); 4838 final int wordStart = getWordStart(offset); 4839 4840 if (mPrevX == UNSET_X_VALUE) { 4841 mPrevX = x; 4842 } 4843 4844 final int currentOffset = getCurrentCursorOffset(); 4845 final boolean rtlAtCurrentOffset = isAtRtlRun(layout, currentOffset); 4846 final boolean atRtl = isAtRtlRun(layout, offset); 4847 final boolean isLvlBoundary = layout.isLevelBoundary(offset); 4848 4849 // We can't determine if the user is expanding or shrinking the selection if they're 4850 // on a bi-di boundary, so until they've moved past the boundary we'll just place 4851 // the cursor at the current position. 4852 if (isLvlBoundary || (rtlAtCurrentOffset && !atRtl) || (!rtlAtCurrentOffset && atRtl)) { 4853 // We're on a boundary or this is the first direction change -- just update 4854 // to the current position. 4855 mLanguageDirectionChanged = true; 4856 mTouchWordDelta = 0.0f; 4857 positionAndAdjustForCrossingHandles(offset); 4858 return; 4859 } else if (mLanguageDirectionChanged && !isLvlBoundary) { 4860 // We've just moved past the boundary so update the position. After this we can 4861 // figure out if the user is expanding or shrinking to go by word or character. 4862 positionAndAdjustForCrossingHandles(offset); 4863 mTouchWordDelta = 0.0f; 4864 mLanguageDirectionChanged = false; 4865 return; 4866 } 4867 4868 boolean isExpanding; 4869 final float xDiff = x - mPrevX; 4870 if (isStartHandle()) { 4871 isExpanding = currLine < mPreviousLineTouched; 4872 } else { 4873 isExpanding = currLine > mPreviousLineTouched; 4874 } 4875 if (atRtl == isStartHandle()) { 4876 isExpanding |= xDiff > 0; 4877 } else { 4878 isExpanding |= xDiff < 0; 4879 } 4880 4881 if (mTextView.getHorizontallyScrolling()) { 4882 if (positionNearEdgeOfScrollingView(x, atRtl) 4883 && ((isStartHandle() && mTextView.getScrollX() != 0) 4884 || (!isStartHandle() 4885 && mTextView.canScrollHorizontally(atRtl ? -1 : 1))) 4886 && ((isExpanding && ((isStartHandle() && offset < currentOffset) 4887 || (!isStartHandle() && offset > currentOffset))) 4888 || !isExpanding)) { 4889 // If we're expanding ensure that the offset is actually expanding compared to 4890 // the current offset, if the handle snapped to the word, the finger position 4891 // may be out of sync and we don't want the selection to jump back. 4892 mTouchWordDelta = 0.0f; 4893 final int nextOffset = (atRtl == isStartHandle()) 4894 ? layout.getOffsetToRightOf(mPreviousOffset) 4895 : layout.getOffsetToLeftOf(mPreviousOffset); 4896 positionAndAdjustForCrossingHandles(nextOffset); 4897 return; 4898 } 4899 } 4900 4901 if (isExpanding) { 4902 // User is increasing the selection. 4903 int wordBoundary = isStartHandle() ? wordStart : wordEnd; 4904 final boolean snapToWord = (!mInWord 4905 || (isStartHandle() ? currLine < mPrevLine : currLine > mPrevLine)) 4906 && atRtl == isAtRtlRun(layout, wordBoundary); 4907 if (snapToWord) { 4908 // Sometimes words can be broken across lines (Chinese, hyphenation). 4909 // We still snap to the word boundary but we only use the letters on the 4910 // current line to determine if the user is far enough into the word to snap. 4911 if (layout.getLineForOffset(wordBoundary) != currLine) { 4912 wordBoundary = isStartHandle() 4913 ? layout.getLineStart(currLine) : layout.getLineEnd(currLine); 4914 } 4915 final int offsetThresholdToSnap = isStartHandle() 4916 ? wordEnd - ((wordEnd - wordBoundary) / 2) 4917 : wordStart + ((wordBoundary - wordStart) / 2); 4918 if (isStartHandle() 4919 && (offset <= offsetThresholdToSnap || currLine < mPrevLine)) { 4920 // User is far enough into the word or on a different line so we expand by 4921 // word. 4922 offset = wordStart; 4923 } else if (!isStartHandle() 4924 && (offset >= offsetThresholdToSnap || currLine > mPrevLine)) { 4925 // User is far enough into the word or on a different line so we expand by 4926 // word. 4927 offset = wordEnd; 4928 } else { 4929 offset = mPreviousOffset; 4930 } 4931 } 4932 if ((isStartHandle() && offset < initialOffset) 4933 || (!isStartHandle() && offset > initialOffset)) { 4934 final float adjustedX = getHorizontal(layout, offset); 4935 mTouchWordDelta = 4936 mTextView.convertToLocalHorizontalCoordinate(x) - adjustedX; 4937 } else { 4938 mTouchWordDelta = 0.0f; 4939 } 4940 positionCursor = true; 4941 } else { 4942 final int adjustedOffset = 4943 getOffsetAtCoordinate(layout, currLine, x - mTouchWordDelta); 4944 final boolean shrinking = isStartHandle() 4945 ? adjustedOffset > mPreviousOffset || currLine > mPrevLine 4946 : adjustedOffset < mPreviousOffset || currLine < mPrevLine; 4947 if (shrinking) { 4948 // User is shrinking the selection. 4949 if (currLine != mPrevLine) { 4950 // We're on a different line, so we'll snap to word boundaries. 4951 offset = isStartHandle() ? wordStart : wordEnd; 4952 if ((isStartHandle() && offset < initialOffset) 4953 || (!isStartHandle() && offset > initialOffset)) { 4954 final float adjustedX = getHorizontal(layout, offset); 4955 mTouchWordDelta = 4956 mTextView.convertToLocalHorizontalCoordinate(x) - adjustedX; 4957 } else { 4958 mTouchWordDelta = 0.0f; 4959 } 4960 } else { 4961 offset = adjustedOffset; 4962 } 4963 positionCursor = true; 4964 } else if ((isStartHandle() && adjustedOffset < mPreviousOffset) 4965 || (!isStartHandle() && adjustedOffset > mPreviousOffset)) { 4966 // Handle has jumped to the word boundary, and the user is moving 4967 // their finger towards the handle, the delta should be updated. 4968 mTouchWordDelta = mTextView.convertToLocalHorizontalCoordinate(x) 4969 - getHorizontal(layout, mPreviousOffset); 4970 } 4971 } 4972 4973 if (positionCursor) { 4974 mPreviousLineTouched = currLine; 4975 positionAndAdjustForCrossingHandles(offset); 4976 } 4977 mPrevX = x; 4978 } 4979 4980 @Override 4981 protected void positionAtCursorOffset(int offset, boolean forceUpdatePosition) { 4982 super.positionAtCursorOffset(offset, forceUpdatePosition); 4983 mInWord = (offset != -1) && !getWordIteratorWithText().isBoundary(offset); 4984 } 4985 4986 @Override 4987 public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { 4988 boolean superResult = super.onTouchEvent(event); 4989 if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { 4990 // Reset the touch word offset and x value when the user 4991 // re-engages the handle. 4992 mTouchWordDelta = 0.0f; 4993 mPrevX = UNSET_X_VALUE; 4994 } 4995 return superResult; 4996 } 4997 4998 private void positionAndAdjustForCrossingHandles(int offset) { 4999 final int anotherHandleOffset = 5000 isStartHandle() ? mTextView.getSelectionEnd() : mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 5001 if ((isStartHandle() && offset >= anotherHandleOffset) 5002 || (!isStartHandle() && offset <= anotherHandleOffset)) { 5003 mTouchWordDelta = 0.0f; 5004 final Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 5005 if (layout != null && offset != anotherHandleOffset) { 5006 final float horiz = getHorizontal(layout, offset); 5007 final float anotherHandleHoriz = getHorizontal(layout, anotherHandleOffset, 5008 !isStartHandle()); 5009 final float currentHoriz = getHorizontal(layout, mPreviousOffset); 5010 if (currentHoriz < anotherHandleHoriz && horiz < anotherHandleHoriz 5011 || currentHoriz > anotherHandleHoriz && horiz > anotherHandleHoriz) { 5012 // This handle passes another one as it crossed a direction boundary. 5013 // Don't minimize the selection, but keep the handle at the run boundary. 5014 final int currentOffset = getCurrentCursorOffset(); 5015 final int offsetToGetRunRange = isStartHandle() 5016 ? currentOffset : Math.max(currentOffset - 1, 0); 5017 final long range = layout.getRunRange(offsetToGetRunRange); 5018 if (isStartHandle()) { 5019 offset = TextUtils.unpackRangeStartFromLong(range); 5020 } else { 5021 offset = TextUtils.unpackRangeEndFromLong(range); 5022 } 5023 positionAtCursorOffset(offset, false); 5024 return; 5025 } 5026 } 5027 // Handles can not cross and selection is at least one character. 5028 offset = getNextCursorOffset(anotherHandleOffset, !isStartHandle()); 5029 } 5030 positionAtCursorOffset(offset, false); 5031 } 5032 5033 private boolean positionNearEdgeOfScrollingView(float x, boolean atRtl) { 5034 mTextView.getLocationOnScreen(mTextViewLocation); 5035 boolean nearEdge; 5036 if (atRtl == isStartHandle()) { 5037 int rightEdge = mTextViewLocation[0] + mTextView.getWidth() 5038 - mTextView.getPaddingRight(); 5039 nearEdge = x > rightEdge - mTextViewEdgeSlop; 5040 } else { 5041 int leftEdge = mTextViewLocation[0] + mTextView.getPaddingLeft(); 5042 nearEdge = x < leftEdge + mTextViewEdgeSlop; 5043 } 5044 return nearEdge; 5045 } 5046 5047 @Override 5048 protected boolean isAtRtlRun(@NonNull Layout layout, int offset) { 5049 final int offsetToCheck = isStartHandle() ? offset : Math.max(offset - 1, 0); 5050 return layout.isRtlCharAt(offsetToCheck); 5051 } 5052 5053 @Override 5054 public float getHorizontal(@NonNull Layout layout, int offset) { 5055 return getHorizontal(layout, offset, isStartHandle()); 5056 } 5057 5058 private float getHorizontal(@NonNull Layout layout, int offset, boolean startHandle) { 5059 final int line = layout.getLineForOffset(offset); 5060 final int offsetToCheck = startHandle ? offset : Math.max(offset - 1, 0); 5061 final boolean isRtlChar = layout.isRtlCharAt(offsetToCheck); 5062 final boolean isRtlParagraph = layout.getParagraphDirection(line) == -1; 5063 return (isRtlChar == isRtlParagraph) 5064 ? layout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offset) : layout.getSecondaryHorizontal(offset); 5065 } 5066 5067 @Override 5068 protected int getOffsetAtCoordinate(@NonNull Layout layout, int line, float x) { 5069 final float localX = mTextView.convertToLocalHorizontalCoordinate(x); 5070 final int primaryOffset = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, localX, true); 5071 if (!layout.isLevelBoundary(primaryOffset)) { 5072 return primaryOffset; 5073 } 5074 final int secondaryOffset = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, localX, false); 5075 final int currentOffset = getCurrentCursorOffset(); 5076 final int primaryDiff = Math.abs(primaryOffset - currentOffset); 5077 final int secondaryDiff = Math.abs(secondaryOffset - currentOffset); 5078 if (primaryDiff < secondaryDiff) { 5079 return primaryOffset; 5080 } else if (primaryDiff > secondaryDiff) { 5081 return secondaryOffset; 5082 } else { 5083 final int offsetToCheck = isStartHandle() 5084 ? currentOffset : Math.max(currentOffset - 1, 0); 5085 final boolean isRtlChar = layout.isRtlCharAt(offsetToCheck); 5086 final boolean isRtlParagraph = layout.getParagraphDirection(line) == -1; 5087 return isRtlChar == isRtlParagraph ? primaryOffset : secondaryOffset; 5088 } 5089 } 5090 } 5091 5092 private int getCurrentLineAdjustedForSlop(Layout layout, int prevLine, float y) { 5093 final int trueLine = mTextView.getLineAtCoordinate(y); 5094 if (layout == null || prevLine > layout.getLineCount() 5095 || layout.getLineCount() <= 0 || prevLine < 0) { 5096 // Invalid parameters, just return whatever line is at y. 5097 return trueLine; 5098 } 5099 5100 if (Math.abs(trueLine - prevLine) >= 2) { 5101 // Only stick to lines if we're within a line of the previous selection. 5102 return trueLine; 5103 } 5104 5105 final float verticalOffset = mTextView.viewportToContentVerticalOffset(); 5106 final int lineCount = layout.getLineCount(); 5107 final float slop = mTextView.getLineHeight() * LINE_SLOP_MULTIPLIER_FOR_HANDLEVIEWS; 5108 5109 final float firstLineTop = layout.getLineTop(0) + verticalOffset; 5110 final float prevLineTop = layout.getLineTop(prevLine) + verticalOffset; 5111 final float yTopBound = Math.max(prevLineTop - slop, firstLineTop + slop); 5112 5113 final float lastLineBottom = layout.getLineBottom(lineCount - 1) + verticalOffset; 5114 final float prevLineBottom = layout.getLineBottom(prevLine) + verticalOffset; 5115 final float yBottomBound = Math.min(prevLineBottom + slop, lastLineBottom - slop); 5116 5117 // Determine if we've moved lines based on y position and previous line. 5118 int currLine; 5119 if (y <= yTopBound) { 5120 currLine = Math.max(prevLine - 1, 0); 5121 } else if (y >= yBottomBound) { 5122 currLine = Math.min(prevLine + 1, lineCount - 1); 5123 } else { 5124 currLine = prevLine; 5125 } 5126 return currLine; 5127 } 5128 5129 /** 5130 * A CursorController instance can be used to control a cursor in the text. 5131 */ 5132 private interface CursorController extends ViewTreeObserver.OnTouchModeChangeListener { 5133 /** 5134 * Makes the cursor controller visible on screen. 5135 * See also {@link #hide()}. 5136 */ 5137 public void show(); 5138 5139 /** 5140 * Hide the cursor controller from screen. 5141 * See also {@link #show()}. 5142 */ 5143 public void hide(); 5144 5145 /** 5146 * Called when the view is detached from window. Perform house keeping task, such as 5147 * stopping Runnable thread that would otherwise keep a reference on the context, thus 5148 * preventing the activity from being recycled. 5149 */ 5150 public void onDetached(); 5151 5152 public boolean isCursorBeingModified(); 5153 5154 public boolean isActive(); 5155 } 5156 5157 private class InsertionPointCursorController implements CursorController { 5158 private InsertionHandleView mHandle; 5159 5160 public void show() { 5161 getHandle().show(); 5162 5163 if (mSelectionModifierCursorController != null) { 5164 mSelectionModifierCursorController.hide(); 5165 } 5166 } 5167 5168 public void hide() { 5169 if (mHandle != null) { 5170 mHandle.hide(); 5171 } 5172 } 5173 5174 public void onTouchModeChanged(boolean isInTouchMode) { 5175 if (!isInTouchMode) { 5176 hide(); 5177 } 5178 } 5179 5180 private InsertionHandleView getHandle() { 5181 if (mSelectHandleCenter == null) { 5182 mSelectHandleCenter = mTextView.getContext().getDrawable( 5183 mTextView.mTextSelectHandleRes); 5184 } 5185 if (mHandle == null) { 5186 mHandle = new InsertionHandleView(mSelectHandleCenter); 5187 } 5188 return mHandle; 5189 } 5190 5191 @Override 5192 public void onDetached() { 5193 final ViewTreeObserver observer = mTextView.getViewTreeObserver(); 5194 observer.removeOnTouchModeChangeListener(this); 5195 5196 if (mHandle != null) mHandle.onDetached(); 5197 } 5198 5199 @Override 5200 public boolean isCursorBeingModified() { 5201 return mHandle != null && mHandle.isDragging(); 5202 } 5203 5204 @Override 5205 public boolean isActive() { 5206 return mHandle != null && mHandle.isShowing(); 5207 } 5208 5209 public void invalidateHandle() { 5210 if (mHandle != null) { 5211 mHandle.invalidate(); 5212 } 5213 } 5214 } 5215 5216 class SelectionModifierCursorController implements CursorController { 5217 // The cursor controller handles, lazily created when shown. 5218 private SelectionHandleView mStartHandle; 5219 private SelectionHandleView mEndHandle; 5220 // The offsets of that last touch down event. Remembered to start selection there. 5221 private int mMinTouchOffset, mMaxTouchOffset; 5222 5223 private float mDownPositionX, mDownPositionY; 5224 private boolean mGestureStayedInTapRegion; 5225 5226 // Where the user first starts the drag motion. 5227 private int mStartOffset = -1; 5228 5229 private boolean mHaventMovedEnoughToStartDrag; 5230 // The line that a selection happened most recently with the drag accelerator. 5231 private int mLineSelectionIsOn = -1; 5232 // Whether the drag accelerator has selected past the initial line. 5233 private boolean mSwitchedLines = false; 5234 5235 // Indicates the drag accelerator mode that the user is currently using. 5236 private int mDragAcceleratorMode = DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_INACTIVE; 5237 // Drag accelerator is inactive. 5238 private static final int DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_INACTIVE = 0; 5239 // Character based selection by dragging. Only for mouse. 5240 private static final int DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_CHARACTER = 1; 5241 // Word based selection by dragging. Enabled after long pressing or double tapping. 5242 private static final int DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_WORD = 2; 5243 // Paragraph based selection by dragging. Enabled after mouse triple click. 5244 private static final int DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_PARAGRAPH = 3; 5245 5246 SelectionModifierCursorController() { 5247 resetTouchOffsets(); 5248 } 5249 5250 public void show() { 5251 if (mTextView.isInBatchEditMode()) { 5252 return; 5253 } 5254 initDrawables(); 5255 initHandles(); 5256 } 5257 5258 private void initDrawables() { 5259 if (mSelectHandleLeft == null) { 5260 mSelectHandleLeft = mTextView.getContext().getDrawable( 5261 mTextView.mTextSelectHandleLeftRes); 5262 } 5263 if (mSelectHandleRight == null) { 5264 mSelectHandleRight = mTextView.getContext().getDrawable( 5265 mTextView.mTextSelectHandleRightRes); 5266 } 5267 } 5268 5269 private void initHandles() { 5270 // Lazy object creation has to be done before updatePosition() is called. 5271 if (mStartHandle == null) { 5272 mStartHandle = new SelectionHandleView(mSelectHandleLeft, mSelectHandleRight, 5273 com.android.internal.R.id.selection_start_handle, 5274 HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION_START); 5275 } 5276 if (mEndHandle == null) { 5277 mEndHandle = new SelectionHandleView(mSelectHandleRight, mSelectHandleLeft, 5278 com.android.internal.R.id.selection_end_handle, 5279 HANDLE_TYPE_SELECTION_END); 5280 } 5281 5282 mStartHandle.show(); 5283 mEndHandle.show(); 5284 5285 hideInsertionPointCursorController(); 5286 } 5287 5288 public void hide() { 5289 if (mStartHandle != null) mStartHandle.hide(); 5290 if (mEndHandle != null) mEndHandle.hide(); 5291 } 5292 5293 public void enterDrag(int dragAcceleratorMode) { 5294 // Just need to init the handles / hide insertion cursor. 5295 show(); 5296 mDragAcceleratorMode = dragAcceleratorMode; 5297 // Start location of selection. 5298 mStartOffset = mTextView.getOffsetForPosition(mLastDownPositionX, 5299 mLastDownPositionY); 5300 mLineSelectionIsOn = mTextView.getLineAtCoordinate(mLastDownPositionY); 5301 // Don't show the handles until user has lifted finger. 5302 hide(); 5303 5304 // This stops scrolling parents from intercepting the touch event, allowing 5305 // the user to continue dragging across the screen to select text; TextView will 5306 // scroll as necessary. 5307 mTextView.getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); 5308 mTextView.cancelLongPress(); 5309 } 5310 5311 public void onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { 5312 // This is done even when the View does not have focus, so that long presses can start 5313 // selection and tap can move cursor from this tap position. 5314 final float eventX = event.getX(); 5315 final float eventY = event.getY(); 5316 final boolean isMouse = event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE); 5317 switch (event.getActionMasked()) { 5318 case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: 5319 if (extractedTextModeWillBeStarted()) { 5320 // Prevent duplicating the selection handles until the mode starts. 5321 hide(); 5322 } else { 5323 // Remember finger down position, to be able to start selection from there. 5324 mMinTouchOffset = mMaxTouchOffset = mTextView.getOffsetForPosition( 5325 eventX, eventY); 5326 5327 // Double tap detection 5328 if (mGestureStayedInTapRegion) { 5329 if (mTapState == TAP_STATE_DOUBLE_TAP 5330 || mTapState == TAP_STATE_TRIPLE_CLICK) { 5331 final float deltaX = eventX - mDownPositionX; 5332 final float deltaY = eventY - mDownPositionY; 5333 final float distanceSquared = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY; 5334 5335 ViewConfiguration viewConfiguration = ViewConfiguration.get( 5336 mTextView.getContext()); 5337 int doubleTapSlop = viewConfiguration.getScaledDoubleTapSlop(); 5338 boolean stayedInArea = 5339 distanceSquared < doubleTapSlop * doubleTapSlop; 5340 5341 if (stayedInArea && (isMouse || isPositionOnText(eventX, eventY))) { 5342 if (mTapState == TAP_STATE_DOUBLE_TAP) { 5343 selectCurrentWordAndStartDrag(); 5344 } else if (mTapState == TAP_STATE_TRIPLE_CLICK) { 5345 selectCurrentParagraphAndStartDrag(); 5346 } 5347 mDiscardNextActionUp = true; 5348 } 5349 } 5350 } 5351 5352 mDownPositionX = eventX; 5353 mDownPositionY = eventY; 5354 mGestureStayedInTapRegion = true; 5355 mHaventMovedEnoughToStartDrag = true; 5356 } 5357 break; 5358 5359 case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: 5360 case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: 5361 // Handle multi-point gestures. Keep min and max offset positions. 5362 // Only activated for devices that correctly handle multi-touch. 5363 if (mTextView.getContext().getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature( 5364 PackageManager.FEATURE_TOUCHSCREEN_MULTITOUCH_DISTINCT)) { 5365 updateMinAndMaxOffsets(event); 5366 } 5367 break; 5368 5369 case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: 5370 final ViewConfiguration viewConfig = ViewConfiguration.get( 5371 mTextView.getContext()); 5372 final int touchSlop = viewConfig.getScaledTouchSlop(); 5373 5374 if (mGestureStayedInTapRegion || mHaventMovedEnoughToStartDrag) { 5375 final float deltaX = eventX - mDownPositionX; 5376 final float deltaY = eventY - mDownPositionY; 5377 final float distanceSquared = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY; 5378 5379 if (mGestureStayedInTapRegion) { 5380 int doubleTapTouchSlop = viewConfig.getScaledDoubleTapTouchSlop(); 5381 mGestureStayedInTapRegion = 5382 distanceSquared <= doubleTapTouchSlop * doubleTapTouchSlop; 5383 } 5384 if (mHaventMovedEnoughToStartDrag) { 5385 // We don't start dragging until the user has moved enough. 5386 mHaventMovedEnoughToStartDrag = 5387 distanceSquared <= touchSlop * touchSlop; 5388 } 5389 } 5390 5391 if (isMouse && !isDragAcceleratorActive()) { 5392 final int offset = mTextView.getOffsetForPosition(eventX, eventY); 5393 if (mTextView.hasSelection() 5394 && (!mHaventMovedEnoughToStartDrag || mStartOffset != offset) 5395 && offset >= mTextView.getSelectionStart() 5396 && offset <= mTextView.getSelectionEnd()) { 5397 startDragAndDrop(); 5398 break; 5399 } 5400 5401 if (mStartOffset != offset) { 5402 // Start character based drag accelerator. 5403 stopTextActionMode(); 5404 enterDrag(DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_CHARACTER); 5405 mDiscardNextActionUp = true; 5406 mHaventMovedEnoughToStartDrag = false; 5407 } 5408 } 5409 5410 if (mStartHandle != null && mStartHandle.isShowing()) { 5411 // Don't do the drag if the handles are showing already. 5412 break; 5413 } 5414 5415 updateSelection(event); 5416 break; 5417 5418 case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: 5419 if (!isDragAcceleratorActive()) { 5420 break; 5421 } 5422 updateSelection(event); 5423 5424 // No longer dragging to select text, let the parent intercept events. 5425 mTextView.getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false); 5426 5427 // No longer the first dragging motion, reset. 5428 resetDragAcceleratorState(); 5429 5430 if (mTextView.hasSelection()) { 5431 // Drag selection should not be adjusted by the text classifier. 5432 startSelectionActionModeAsync(mHaventMovedEnoughToStartDrag); 5433 } 5434 break; 5435 } 5436 } 5437 5438 private void updateSelection(MotionEvent event) { 5439 if (mTextView.getLayout() != null) { 5440 switch (mDragAcceleratorMode) { 5441 case DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_CHARACTER: 5442 updateCharacterBasedSelection(event); 5443 break; 5444 case DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_WORD: 5445 updateWordBasedSelection(event); 5446 break; 5447 case DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_PARAGRAPH: 5448 updateParagraphBasedSelection(event); 5449 break; 5450 } 5451 } 5452 } 5453 5454 /** 5455 * If the TextView allows text selection, selects the current paragraph and starts a drag. 5456 * 5457 * @return true if the drag was started. 5458 */ 5459 private boolean selectCurrentParagraphAndStartDrag() { 5460 if (mInsertionActionModeRunnable != null) { 5461 mTextView.removeCallbacks(mInsertionActionModeRunnable); 5462 } 5463 stopTextActionMode(); 5464 if (!selectCurrentParagraph()) { 5465 return false; 5466 } 5467 enterDrag(SelectionModifierCursorController.DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_PARAGRAPH); 5468 return true; 5469 } 5470 5471 private void updateCharacterBasedSelection(MotionEvent event) { 5472 final int offset = mTextView.getOffsetForPosition(event.getX(), event.getY()); 5473 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), mStartOffset, offset); 5474 } 5475 5476 private void updateWordBasedSelection(MotionEvent event) { 5477 if (mHaventMovedEnoughToStartDrag) { 5478 return; 5479 } 5480 final boolean isMouse = event.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE); 5481 final ViewConfiguration viewConfig = ViewConfiguration.get( 5482 mTextView.getContext()); 5483 final float eventX = event.getX(); 5484 final float eventY = event.getY(); 5485 final int currLine; 5486 if (isMouse) { 5487 // No need to offset the y coordinate for mouse input. 5488 currLine = mTextView.getLineAtCoordinate(eventY); 5489 } else { 5490 float y = eventY; 5491 if (mSwitchedLines) { 5492 // Offset the finger by the same vertical offset as the handles. 5493 // This improves visibility of the content being selected by 5494 // shifting the finger below the content, this is applied once 5495 // the user has switched lines. 5496 final int touchSlop = viewConfig.getScaledTouchSlop(); 5497 final float fingerOffset = (mStartHandle != null) 5498 ? mStartHandle.getIdealVerticalOffset() 5499 : touchSlop; 5500 y = eventY - fingerOffset; 5501 } 5502 5503 currLine = getCurrentLineAdjustedForSlop(mTextView.getLayout(), mLineSelectionIsOn, 5504 y); 5505 if (!mSwitchedLines && currLine != mLineSelectionIsOn) { 5506 // Break early here, we want to offset the finger position from 5507 // the selection highlight, once the user moved their finger 5508 // to a different line we should apply the offset and *not* switch 5509 // lines until recomputing the position with the finger offset. 5510 mSwitchedLines = true; 5511 return; 5512 } 5513 } 5514 5515 int startOffset; 5516 int offset = mTextView.getOffsetAtCoordinate(currLine, eventX); 5517 // Snap to word boundaries. 5518 if (mStartOffset < offset) { 5519 // Expanding with end handle. 5520 offset = getWordEnd(offset); 5521 startOffset = getWordStart(mStartOffset); 5522 } else { 5523 // Expanding with start handle. 5524 offset = getWordStart(offset); 5525 startOffset = getWordEnd(mStartOffset); 5526 if (startOffset == offset) { 5527 offset = getNextCursorOffset(offset, false); 5528 } 5529 } 5530 mLineSelectionIsOn = currLine; 5531 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), startOffset, offset); 5532 } 5533 5534 private void updateParagraphBasedSelection(MotionEvent event) { 5535 final int offset = mTextView.getOffsetForPosition(event.getX(), event.getY()); 5536 5537 final int start = Math.min(offset, mStartOffset); 5538 final int end = Math.max(offset, mStartOffset); 5539 final long paragraphsRange = getParagraphsRange(start, end); 5540 final int selectionStart = TextUtils.unpackRangeStartFromLong(paragraphsRange); 5541 final int selectionEnd = TextUtils.unpackRangeEndFromLong(paragraphsRange); 5542 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), selectionStart, selectionEnd); 5543 } 5544 5545 /** 5546 * @param event 5547 */ 5548 private void updateMinAndMaxOffsets(MotionEvent event) { 5549 int pointerCount = event.getPointerCount(); 5550 for (int index = 0; index < pointerCount; index++) { 5551 int offset = mTextView.getOffsetForPosition(event.getX(index), event.getY(index)); 5552 if (offset < mMinTouchOffset) mMinTouchOffset = offset; 5553 if (offset > mMaxTouchOffset) mMaxTouchOffset = offset; 5554 } 5555 } 5556 5557 public int getMinTouchOffset() { 5558 return mMinTouchOffset; 5559 } 5560 5561 public int getMaxTouchOffset() { 5562 return mMaxTouchOffset; 5563 } 5564 5565 public void resetTouchOffsets() { 5566 mMinTouchOffset = mMaxTouchOffset = -1; 5567 resetDragAcceleratorState(); 5568 } 5569 5570 private void resetDragAcceleratorState() { 5571 mStartOffset = -1; 5572 mDragAcceleratorMode = DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_INACTIVE; 5573 mSwitchedLines = false; 5574 final int selectionStart = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 5575 final int selectionEnd = mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); 5576 if (selectionStart > selectionEnd) { 5577 Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mTextView.getText(), 5578 selectionEnd, selectionStart); 5579 } 5580 } 5581 5582 /** 5583 * @return true iff this controller is currently used to move the selection start. 5584 */ 5585 public boolean isSelectionStartDragged() { 5586 return mStartHandle != null && mStartHandle.isDragging(); 5587 } 5588 5589 @Override 5590 public boolean isCursorBeingModified() { 5591 return isDragAcceleratorActive() || isSelectionStartDragged() 5592 || (mEndHandle != null && mEndHandle.isDragging()); 5593 } 5594 5595 /** 5596 * @return true if the user is selecting text using the drag accelerator. 5597 */ 5598 public boolean isDragAcceleratorActive() { 5599 return mDragAcceleratorMode != DRAG_ACCELERATOR_MODE_INACTIVE; 5600 } 5601 5602 public void onTouchModeChanged(boolean isInTouchMode) { 5603 if (!isInTouchMode) { 5604 hide(); 5605 } 5606 } 5607 5608 @Override 5609 public void onDetached() { 5610 final ViewTreeObserver observer = mTextView.getViewTreeObserver(); 5611 observer.removeOnTouchModeChangeListener(this); 5612 5613 if (mStartHandle != null) mStartHandle.onDetached(); 5614 if (mEndHandle != null) mEndHandle.onDetached(); 5615 } 5616 5617 @Override 5618 public boolean isActive() { 5619 return mStartHandle != null && mStartHandle.isShowing(); 5620 } 5621 5622 public void invalidateHandles() { 5623 if (mStartHandle != null) { 5624 mStartHandle.invalidate(); 5625 } 5626 if (mEndHandle != null) { 5627 mEndHandle.invalidate(); 5628 } 5629 } 5630 } 5631 5632 private class CorrectionHighlighter { 5633 private final Path mPath = new Path(); 5634 private final Paint mPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); 5635 private int mStart, mEnd; 5636 private long mFadingStartTime; 5637 private RectF mTempRectF; 5638 private static final int FADE_OUT_DURATION = 400; 5639 5640 public CorrectionHighlighter() { 5641 mPaint.setCompatibilityScaling( 5642 mTextView.getResources().getCompatibilityInfo().applicationScale); 5643 mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); 5644 } 5645 5646 public void highlight(CorrectionInfo info) { 5647 mStart = info.getOffset(); 5648 mEnd = mStart + info.getNewText().length(); 5649 mFadingStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 5650 5651 if (mStart < 0 || mEnd < 0) { 5652 stopAnimation(); 5653 } 5654 } 5655 5656 public void draw(Canvas canvas, int cursorOffsetVertical) { 5657 if (updatePath() && updatePaint()) { 5658 if (cursorOffsetVertical != 0) { 5659 canvas.translate(0, cursorOffsetVertical); 5660 } 5661 5662 canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint); 5663 5664 if (cursorOffsetVertical != 0) { 5665 canvas.translate(0, -cursorOffsetVertical); 5666 } 5667 invalidate(true); // TODO invalidate cursor region only 5668 } else { 5669 stopAnimation(); 5670 invalidate(false); // TODO invalidate cursor region only 5671 } 5672 } 5673 5674 private boolean updatePaint() { 5675 final long duration = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mFadingStartTime; 5676 if (duration > FADE_OUT_DURATION) return false; 5677 5678 final float coef = 1.0f - (float) duration / FADE_OUT_DURATION; 5679 final int highlightColorAlpha = Color.alpha(mTextView.mHighlightColor); 5680 final int color = (mTextView.mHighlightColor & 0x00FFFFFF) 5681 + ((int) (highlightColorAlpha * coef) << 24); 5682 mPaint.setColor(color); 5683 return true; 5684 } 5685 5686 private boolean updatePath() { 5687 final Layout layout = mTextView.getLayout(); 5688 if (layout == null) return false; 5689 5690 // Update in case text is edited while the animation is run 5691 final int length = mTextView.getText().length(); 5692 int start = Math.min(length, mStart); 5693 int end = Math.min(length, mEnd); 5694 5695 mPath.reset(); 5696 layout.getSelectionPath(start, end, mPath); 5697 return true; 5698 } 5699 5700 private void invalidate(boolean delayed) { 5701 if (mTextView.getLayout() == null) return; 5702 5703 if (mTempRectF == null) mTempRectF = new RectF(); 5704 mPath.computeBounds(mTempRectF, false); 5705 5706 int left = mTextView.getCompoundPaddingLeft(); 5707 int top = mTextView.getExtendedPaddingTop() + mTextView.getVerticalOffset(true); 5708 5709 if (delayed) { 5710 mTextView.postInvalidateOnAnimation( 5711 left + (int) mTempRectF.left, top + (int) mTempRectF.top, 5712 left + (int) mTempRectF.right, top + (int) mTempRectF.bottom); 5713 } else { 5714 mTextView.postInvalidate((int) mTempRectF.left, (int) mTempRectF.top, 5715 (int) mTempRectF.right, (int) mTempRectF.bottom); 5716 } 5717 } 5718 5719 private void stopAnimation() { 5720 Editor.this.mCorrectionHighlighter = null; 5721 } 5722 } 5723 5724 private static class ErrorPopup extends PopupWindow { 5725 private boolean mAbove = false; 5726 private final TextView mView; 5727 private int mPopupInlineErrorBackgroundId = 0; 5728 private int mPopupInlineErrorAboveBackgroundId = 0; 5729 5730 ErrorPopup(TextView v, int width, int height) { 5731 super(v, width, height); 5732 mView = v; 5733 // Make sure the TextView has a background set as it will be used the first time it is 5734 // shown and positioned. Initialized with below background, which should have 5735 // dimensions identical to the above version for this to work (and is more likely). 5736 mPopupInlineErrorBackgroundId = getResourceId(mPopupInlineErrorBackgroundId, 5737 com.android.internal.R.styleable.Theme_errorMessageBackground); 5738 mView.setBackgroundResource(mPopupInlineErrorBackgroundId); 5739 } 5740 5741 void fixDirection(boolean above) { 5742 mAbove = above; 5743 5744 if (above) { 5745 mPopupInlineErrorAboveBackgroundId = 5746 getResourceId(mPopupInlineErrorAboveBackgroundId, 5747 com.android.internal.R.styleable.Theme_errorMessageAboveBackground); 5748 } else { 5749 mPopupInlineErrorBackgroundId = getResourceId(mPopupInlineErrorBackgroundId, 5750 com.android.internal.R.styleable.Theme_errorMessageBackground); 5751 } 5752 5753 mView.setBackgroundResource( 5754 above ? mPopupInlineErrorAboveBackgroundId : mPopupInlineErrorBackgroundId); 5755 } 5756 5757 private int getResourceId(int currentId, int index) { 5758 if (currentId == 0) { 5759 TypedArray styledAttributes = mView.getContext().obtainStyledAttributes( 5760 R.styleable.Theme); 5761 currentId = styledAttributes.getResourceId(index, 0); 5762 styledAttributes.recycle(); 5763 } 5764 return currentId; 5765 } 5766 5767 @Override 5768 public void update(int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean force) { 5769 super.update(x, y, w, h, force); 5770 5771 boolean above = isAboveAnchor(); 5772 if (above != mAbove) { 5773 fixDirection(above); 5774 } 5775 } 5776 } 5777 5778 static class InputContentType { 5779 int imeOptions = EditorInfo.IME_NULL; 5780 String privateImeOptions; 5781 CharSequence imeActionLabel; 5782 int imeActionId; 5783 Bundle extras; 5784 OnEditorActionListener onEditorActionListener; 5785 boolean enterDown; 5786 LocaleList imeHintLocales; 5787 } 5788 5789 static class InputMethodState { 5790 ExtractedTextRequest mExtractedTextRequest; 5791 final ExtractedText mExtractedText = new ExtractedText(); 5792 int mBatchEditNesting; 5793 boolean mCursorChanged; 5794 boolean mSelectionModeChanged; 5795 boolean mContentChanged; 5796 int mChangedStart, mChangedEnd, mChangedDelta; 5797 } 5798 5799 /** 5800 * @return True iff (start, end) is a valid range within the text. 5801 */ 5802 private static boolean isValidRange(CharSequence text, int start, int end) { 5803 return 0 <= start && start <= end && end <= text.length(); 5804 } 5805 5806 @VisibleForTesting 5807 public SuggestionsPopupWindow getSuggestionsPopupWindowForTesting() { 5808 return mSuggestionsPopupWindow; 5809 } 5810 5811 /** 5812 * An InputFilter that monitors text input to maintain undo history. It does not modify the 5813 * text being typed (and hence always returns null from the filter() method). 5814 * 5815 * TODO: Make this span aware. 5816 */ 5817 public static class UndoInputFilter implements InputFilter { 5818 private final Editor mEditor; 5819 5820 // Whether the current filter pass is directly caused by an end-user text edit. 5821 private boolean mIsUserEdit; 5822 5823 // Whether the text field is handling an IME composition. Must be parceled in case the user 5824 // rotates the screen during composition. 5825 private boolean mHasComposition; 5826 5827 // Whether the user is expanding or shortening the text 5828 private boolean mExpanding; 5829 5830 // Whether the previous edit operation was in the current batch edit. 5831 private boolean mPreviousOperationWasInSameBatchEdit; 5832 5833 public UndoInputFilter(Editor editor) { 5834 mEditor = editor; 5835 } 5836 5837 public void saveInstanceState(Parcel parcel) { 5838 parcel.writeInt(mIsUserEdit ? 1 : 0); 5839 parcel.writeInt(mHasComposition ? 1 : 0); 5840 parcel.writeInt(mExpanding ? 1 : 0); 5841 parcel.writeInt(mPreviousOperationWasInSameBatchEdit ? 1 : 0); 5842 } 5843 5844 public void restoreInstanceState(Parcel parcel) { 5845 mIsUserEdit = parcel.readInt() != 0; 5846 mHasComposition = parcel.readInt() != 0; 5847 mExpanding = parcel.readInt() != 0; 5848 mPreviousOperationWasInSameBatchEdit = parcel.readInt() != 0; 5849 } 5850 5851 /** 5852 * Signals that a user-triggered edit is starting. 5853 */ 5854 public void beginBatchEdit() { 5855 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "beginBatchEdit"); 5856 mIsUserEdit = true; 5857 } 5858 5859 public void endBatchEdit() { 5860 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "endBatchEdit"); 5861 mIsUserEdit = false; 5862 mPreviousOperationWasInSameBatchEdit = false; 5863 } 5864 5865 @Override 5866 public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end, 5867 Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) { 5868 if (DEBUG_UNDO) { 5869 Log.d(TAG, "filter: source=" + source + " (" + start + "-" + end + ") " 5870 + "dest=" + dest + " (" + dstart + "-" + dend + ")"); 5871 } 5872 5873 // Check to see if this edit should be tracked for undo. 5874 if (!canUndoEdit(source, start, end, dest, dstart, dend)) { 5875 return null; 5876 } 5877 5878 final boolean hadComposition = mHasComposition; 5879 mHasComposition = isComposition(source); 5880 final boolean wasExpanding = mExpanding; 5881 boolean shouldCreateSeparateState = false; 5882 if ((end - start) != (dend - dstart)) { 5883 mExpanding = (end - start) > (dend - dstart); 5884 if (hadComposition && mExpanding != wasExpanding) { 5885 shouldCreateSeparateState = true; 5886 } 5887 } 5888 5889 // Handle edit. 5890 handleEdit(source, start, end, dest, dstart, dend, shouldCreateSeparateState); 5891 return null; 5892 } 5893 5894 void freezeLastEdit() { 5895 mEditor.mUndoManager.beginUpdate("Edit text"); 5896 EditOperation lastEdit = getLastEdit(); 5897 if (lastEdit != null) { 5898 lastEdit.mFrozen = true; 5899 } 5900 mEditor.mUndoManager.endUpdate(); 5901 } 5902 5903 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) 5904 @IntDef({MERGE_EDIT_MODE_FORCE_MERGE, MERGE_EDIT_MODE_NEVER_MERGE, MERGE_EDIT_MODE_NORMAL}) 5905 private @interface MergeMode {} 5906 private static final int MERGE_EDIT_MODE_FORCE_MERGE = 0; 5907 private static final int MERGE_EDIT_MODE_NEVER_MERGE = 1; 5908 /** Use {@link EditOperation#mergeWith} to merge */ 5909 private static final int MERGE_EDIT_MODE_NORMAL = 2; 5910 5911 private void handleEdit(CharSequence source, int start, int end, 5912 Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend, boolean shouldCreateSeparateState) { 5913 // An application may install a TextWatcher to provide additional modifications after 5914 // the initial input filters run (e.g. a credit card formatter that adds spaces to a 5915 // string). This results in multiple filter() calls for what the user considers to be 5916 // a single operation. Always undo the whole set of changes in one step. 5917 @MergeMode 5918 final int mergeMode; 5919 if (isInTextWatcher() || mPreviousOperationWasInSameBatchEdit) { 5920 mergeMode = MERGE_EDIT_MODE_FORCE_MERGE; 5921 } else if (shouldCreateSeparateState) { 5922 mergeMode = MERGE_EDIT_MODE_NEVER_MERGE; 5923 } else { 5924 mergeMode = MERGE_EDIT_MODE_NORMAL; 5925 } 5926 // Build a new operation with all the information from this edit. 5927 String newText = TextUtils.substring(source, start, end); 5928 String oldText = TextUtils.substring(dest, dstart, dend); 5929 EditOperation edit = new EditOperation(mEditor, oldText, dstart, newText, 5930 mHasComposition); 5931 if (mHasComposition && TextUtils.equals(edit.mNewText, edit.mOldText)) { 5932 return; 5933 } 5934 recordEdit(edit, mergeMode); 5935 } 5936 5937 private EditOperation getLastEdit() { 5938 final UndoManager um = mEditor.mUndoManager; 5939 return um.getLastOperation( 5940 EditOperation.class, mEditor.mUndoOwner, UndoManager.MERGE_MODE_UNIQUE); 5941 } 5942 /** 5943 * Fetches the last undo operation and checks to see if a new edit should be merged into it. 5944 * If forceMerge is true then the new edit is always merged. 5945 */ 5946 private void recordEdit(EditOperation edit, @MergeMode int mergeMode) { 5947 // Fetch the last edit operation and attempt to merge in the new edit. 5948 final UndoManager um = mEditor.mUndoManager; 5949 um.beginUpdate("Edit text"); 5950 EditOperation lastEdit = getLastEdit(); 5951 if (lastEdit == null) { 5952 // Add this as the first edit. 5953 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: adding first op " + edit); 5954 um.addOperation(edit, UndoManager.MERGE_MODE_NONE); 5955 } else if (mergeMode == MERGE_EDIT_MODE_FORCE_MERGE) { 5956 // Forced merges take priority because they could be the result of a non-user-edit 5957 // change and this case should not create a new undo operation. 5958 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: force merge " + edit); 5959 lastEdit.forceMergeWith(edit); 5960 } else if (!mIsUserEdit) { 5961 // An application directly modified the Editable outside of a text edit. Treat this 5962 // as a new change and don't attempt to merge. 5963 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "non-user edit, new op " + edit); 5964 um.commitState(mEditor.mUndoOwner); 5965 um.addOperation(edit, UndoManager.MERGE_MODE_NONE); 5966 } else if (mergeMode == MERGE_EDIT_MODE_NORMAL && lastEdit.mergeWith(edit)) { 5967 // Merge succeeded, nothing else to do. 5968 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: merge succeeded, created " + lastEdit); 5969 } else { 5970 // Could not merge with the last edit, so commit the last edit and add this edit. 5971 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: merge failed, adding " + edit); 5972 um.commitState(mEditor.mUndoOwner); 5973 um.addOperation(edit, UndoManager.MERGE_MODE_NONE); 5974 } 5975 mPreviousOperationWasInSameBatchEdit = mIsUserEdit; 5976 um.endUpdate(); 5977 } 5978 5979 private boolean canUndoEdit(CharSequence source, int start, int end, 5980 Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) { 5981 if (!mEditor.mAllowUndo) { 5982 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: undo is disabled"); 5983 return false; 5984 } 5985 5986 if (mEditor.mUndoManager.isInUndo()) { 5987 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: skipping, currently performing undo/redo"); 5988 return false; 5989 } 5990 5991 // Text filters run before input operations are applied. However, some input operations 5992 // are invalid and will throw exceptions when applied. This is common in tests. Don't 5993 // attempt to undo invalid operations. 5994 if (!isValidRange(source, start, end) || !isValidRange(dest, dstart, dend)) { 5995 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: invalid op"); 5996 return false; 5997 } 5998 5999 // Earlier filters can rewrite input to be a no-op, for example due to a length limit 6000 // on an input field. Skip no-op changes. 6001 if (start == end && dstart == dend) { 6002 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: skipping no-op"); 6003 return false; 6004 } 6005 6006 return true; 6007 } 6008 6009 private static boolean isComposition(CharSequence source) { 6010 if (!(source instanceof Spannable)) { 6011 return false; 6012 } 6013 // This is a composition edit if the source has a non-zero-length composing span. 6014 Spannable text = (Spannable) source; 6015 int composeBegin = EditableInputConnection.getComposingSpanStart(text); 6016 int composeEnd = EditableInputConnection.getComposingSpanEnd(text); 6017 return composeBegin < composeEnd; 6018 } 6019 6020 private boolean isInTextWatcher() { 6021 CharSequence text = mEditor.mTextView.getText(); 6022 return (text instanceof SpannableStringBuilder) 6023 && ((SpannableStringBuilder) text).getTextWatcherDepth() > 0; 6024 } 6025 } 6026 6027 /** 6028 * An operation to undo a single "edit" to a text view. 6029 */ 6030 public static class EditOperation extends UndoOperation<Editor> { 6031 private static final int TYPE_INSERT = 0; 6032 private static final int TYPE_DELETE = 1; 6033 private static final int TYPE_REPLACE = 2; 6034 6035 private int mType; 6036 private String mOldText; 6037 private String mNewText; 6038 private int mStart; 6039 6040 private int mOldCursorPos; 6041 private int mNewCursorPos; 6042 private boolean mFrozen; 6043 private boolean mIsComposition; 6044 6045 /** 6046 * Constructs an edit operation from a text input operation on editor that replaces the 6047 * oldText starting at dstart with newText. 6048 */ 6049 public EditOperation(Editor editor, String oldText, int dstart, String newText, 6050 boolean isComposition) { 6051 super(editor.mUndoOwner); 6052 mOldText = oldText; 6053 mNewText = newText; 6054 6055 // Determine the type of the edit. 6056 if (mNewText.length() > 0 && mOldText.length() == 0) { 6057 mType = TYPE_INSERT; 6058 } else if (mNewText.length() == 0 && mOldText.length() > 0) { 6059 mType = TYPE_DELETE; 6060 } else { 6061 mType = TYPE_REPLACE; 6062 } 6063 6064 mStart = dstart; 6065 // Store cursor data. 6066 mOldCursorPos = editor.mTextView.getSelectionStart(); 6067 mNewCursorPos = dstart + mNewText.length(); 6068 mIsComposition = isComposition; 6069 } 6070 6071 public EditOperation(Parcel src, ClassLoader loader) { 6072 super(src, loader); 6073 mType = src.readInt(); 6074 mOldText = src.readString(); 6075 mNewText = src.readString(); 6076 mStart = src.readInt(); 6077 mOldCursorPos = src.readInt(); 6078 mNewCursorPos = src.readInt(); 6079 mFrozen = src.readInt() == 1; 6080 mIsComposition = src.readInt() == 1; 6081 } 6082 6083 @Override 6084 public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { 6085 dest.writeInt(mType); 6086 dest.writeString(mOldText); 6087 dest.writeString(mNewText); 6088 dest.writeInt(mStart); 6089 dest.writeInt(mOldCursorPos); 6090 dest.writeInt(mNewCursorPos); 6091 dest.writeInt(mFrozen ? 1 : 0); 6092 dest.writeInt(mIsComposition ? 1 : 0); 6093 } 6094 6095 private int getNewTextEnd() { 6096 return mStart + mNewText.length(); 6097 } 6098 6099 private int getOldTextEnd() { 6100 return mStart + mOldText.length(); 6101 } 6102 6103 @Override 6104 public void commit() { 6105 } 6106 6107 @Override 6108 public void undo() { 6109 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "undo"); 6110 // Remove the new text and insert the old. 6111 Editor editor = getOwnerData(); 6112 Editable text = (Editable) editor.mTextView.getText(); 6113 modifyText(text, mStart, getNewTextEnd(), mOldText, mStart, mOldCursorPos); 6114 } 6115 6116 @Override 6117 public void redo() { 6118 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "redo"); 6119 // Remove the old text and insert the new. 6120 Editor editor = getOwnerData(); 6121 Editable text = (Editable) editor.mTextView.getText(); 6122 modifyText(text, mStart, getOldTextEnd(), mNewText, mStart, mNewCursorPos); 6123 } 6124 6125 /** 6126 * Attempts to merge this existing operation with a new edit. 6127 * @param edit The new edit operation. 6128 * @return If the merge succeeded, returns true. Otherwise returns false and leaves this 6129 * object unchanged. 6130 */ 6131 private boolean mergeWith(EditOperation edit) { 6132 if (DEBUG_UNDO) { 6133 Log.d(TAG, "mergeWith old " + this); 6134 Log.d(TAG, "mergeWith new " + edit); 6135 } 6136 6137 if (mFrozen) { 6138 return false; 6139 } 6140 6141 switch (mType) { 6142 case TYPE_INSERT: 6143 return mergeInsertWith(edit); 6144 case TYPE_DELETE: 6145 return mergeDeleteWith(edit); 6146 case TYPE_REPLACE: 6147 return mergeReplaceWith(edit); 6148 default: 6149 return false; 6150 } 6151 } 6152 6153 private boolean mergeInsertWith(EditOperation edit) { 6154 if (edit.mType == TYPE_INSERT) { 6155 // Merge insertions that are contiguous even when it's frozen. 6156 if (getNewTextEnd() != edit.mStart) { 6157 return false; 6158 } 6159 mNewText += edit.mNewText; 6160 mNewCursorPos = edit.mNewCursorPos; 6161 mFrozen = edit.mFrozen; 6162 mIsComposition = edit.mIsComposition; 6163 return true; 6164 } 6165 if (mIsComposition && edit.mType == TYPE_REPLACE 6166 && mStart <= edit.mStart && getNewTextEnd() >= edit.getOldTextEnd()) { 6167 // Merge insertion with replace as they can be single insertion. 6168 mNewText = mNewText.substring(0, edit.mStart - mStart) + edit.mNewText 6169 + mNewText.substring(edit.getOldTextEnd() - mStart, mNewText.length()); 6170 mNewCursorPos = edit.mNewCursorPos; 6171 mIsComposition = edit.mIsComposition; 6172 return true; 6173 } 6174 return false; 6175 } 6176 6177 // TODO: Support forward delete. 6178 private boolean mergeDeleteWith(EditOperation edit) { 6179 // Only merge continuous deletes. 6180 if (edit.mType != TYPE_DELETE) { 6181 return false; 6182 } 6183 // Only merge deletions that are contiguous. 6184 if (mStart != edit.getOldTextEnd()) { 6185 return false; 6186 } 6187 mStart = edit.mStart; 6188 mOldText = edit.mOldText + mOldText; 6189 mNewCursorPos = edit.mNewCursorPos; 6190 mIsComposition = edit.mIsComposition; 6191 return true; 6192 } 6193 6194 private boolean mergeReplaceWith(EditOperation edit) { 6195 if (edit.mType == TYPE_INSERT && getNewTextEnd() == edit.mStart) { 6196 // Merge with adjacent insert. 6197 mNewText += edit.mNewText; 6198 mNewCursorPos = edit.mNewCursorPos; 6199 return true; 6200 } 6201 if (!mIsComposition) { 6202 return false; 6203 } 6204 if (edit.mType == TYPE_DELETE && mStart <= edit.mStart 6205 && getNewTextEnd() >= edit.getOldTextEnd()) { 6206 // Merge with delete as they can be single operation. 6207 mNewText = mNewText.substring(0, edit.mStart - mStart) 6208 + mNewText.substring(edit.getOldTextEnd() - mStart, mNewText.length()); 6209 if (mNewText.isEmpty()) { 6210 mType = TYPE_DELETE; 6211 } 6212 mNewCursorPos = edit.mNewCursorPos; 6213 mIsComposition = edit.mIsComposition; 6214 return true; 6215 } 6216 if (edit.mType == TYPE_REPLACE && mStart == edit.mStart 6217 && TextUtils.equals(mNewText, edit.mOldText)) { 6218 // Merge with the replace that replaces the same region. 6219 mNewText = edit.mNewText; 6220 mNewCursorPos = edit.mNewCursorPos; 6221 mIsComposition = edit.mIsComposition; 6222 return true; 6223 } 6224 return false; 6225 } 6226 6227 /** 6228 * Forcibly creates a single merged edit operation by simulating the entire text 6229 * contents being replaced. 6230 */ 6231 public void forceMergeWith(EditOperation edit) { 6232 if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "forceMerge"); 6233 if (mergeWith(edit)) { 6234 return; 6235 } 6236 Editor editor = getOwnerData(); 6237 6238 // Copy the text of the current field. 6239 // NOTE: Using StringBuilder instead of SpannableStringBuilder would be somewhat faster, 6240 // but would require two parallel implementations of modifyText() because Editable and 6241 // StringBuilder do not share an interface for replace/delete/insert. 6242 Editable editable = (Editable) editor.mTextView.getText(); 6243 Editable originalText = new SpannableStringBuilder(editable.toString()); 6244 6245 // Roll back the last operation. 6246 modifyText(originalText, mStart, getNewTextEnd(), mOldText, mStart, mOldCursorPos); 6247 6248 // Clone the text again and apply the new operation. 6249 Editable finalText = new SpannableStringBuilder(editable.toString()); 6250 modifyText(finalText, edit.mStart, edit.getOldTextEnd(), 6251 edit.mNewText, edit.mStart, edit.mNewCursorPos); 6252 6253 // Convert this operation into a replace operation. 6254 mType = TYPE_REPLACE; 6255 mNewText = finalText.toString(); 6256 mOldText = originalText.toString(); 6257 mStart = 0; 6258 mNewCursorPos = edit.mNewCursorPos; 6259 mIsComposition = edit.mIsComposition; 6260 // mOldCursorPos is unchanged. 6261 } 6262 6263 private static void modifyText(Editable text, int deleteFrom, int deleteTo, 6264 CharSequence newText, int newTextInsertAt, int newCursorPos) { 6265 // Apply the edit if it is still valid. 6266 if (isValidRange(text, deleteFrom, deleteTo) 6267 && newTextInsertAt <= text.length() - (deleteTo - deleteFrom)) { 6268 if (deleteFrom != deleteTo) { 6269 text.delete(deleteFrom, deleteTo); 6270 } 6271 if (newText.length() != 0) { 6272 text.insert(newTextInsertAt, newText); 6273 } 6274 } 6275 // Restore the cursor position. If there wasn't an old cursor (newCursorPos == -1) then 6276 // don't explicitly set it and rely on SpannableStringBuilder to position it. 6277 // TODO: Select all the text that was undone. 6278 if (0 <= newCursorPos && newCursorPos <= text.length()) { 6279 Selection.setSelection(text, newCursorPos); 6280 } 6281 } 6282 6283 private String getTypeString() { 6284 switch (mType) { 6285 case TYPE_INSERT: 6286 return "insert"; 6287 case TYPE_DELETE: 6288 return "delete"; 6289 case TYPE_REPLACE: 6290 return "replace"; 6291 default: 6292 return ""; 6293 } 6294 } 6295 6296 @Override 6297 public String toString() { 6298 return "[mType=" + getTypeString() + ", " 6299 + "mOldText=" + mOldText + ", " 6300 + "mNewText=" + mNewText + ", " 6301 + "mStart=" + mStart + ", " 6302 + "mOldCursorPos=" + mOldCursorPos + ", " 6303 + "mNewCursorPos=" + mNewCursorPos + ", " 6304 + "mFrozen=" + mFrozen + ", " 6305 + "mIsComposition=" + mIsComposition + "]"; 6306 } 6307 6308 public static final Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<EditOperation> CREATOR = 6309 new Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<EditOperation>() { 6310 @Override 6311 public EditOperation createFromParcel(Parcel in) { 6312 return new EditOperation(in, null); 6313 } 6314 6315 @Override 6316 public EditOperation createFromParcel(Parcel in, ClassLoader loader) { 6317 return new EditOperation(in, loader); 6318 } 6319 6320 @Override 6321 public EditOperation[] newArray(int size) { 6322 return new EditOperation[size]; 6323 } 6324 }; 6325 } 6326 6327 /** 6328 * A helper for enabling and handling "PROCESS_TEXT" menu actions. 6329 * These allow external applications to plug into currently selected text. 6330 */ 6331 static final class ProcessTextIntentActionsHandler { 6332 6333 private final Editor mEditor; 6334 private final TextView mTextView; 6335 private final Context mContext; 6336 private final PackageManager mPackageManager; 6337 private final String mPackageName; 6338 private final SparseArray<Intent> mAccessibilityIntents = new SparseArray<>(); 6339 private final SparseArray<AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction> mAccessibilityActions = 6340 new SparseArray<>(); 6341 private final List<ResolveInfo> mSupportedActivities = new ArrayList<>(); 6342 6343 private ProcessTextIntentActionsHandler(Editor editor) { 6344 mEditor = Preconditions.checkNotNull(editor); 6345 mTextView = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mEditor.mTextView); 6346 mContext = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mTextView.getContext()); 6347 mPackageManager = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mContext.getPackageManager()); 6348 mPackageName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mContext.getPackageName()); 6349 } 6350 6351 /** 6352 * Adds "PROCESS_TEXT" menu items to the specified menu. 6353 */ 6354 public void onInitializeMenu(Menu menu) { 6355 final int size = mSupportedActivities.size(); 6356 loadSupportedActivities(); 6357 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { 6358 final ResolveInfo resolveInfo = mSupportedActivities.get(i); 6359 menu.add(Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, 6360 Editor.MENU_ITEM_ORDER_PROCESS_TEXT_INTENT_ACTIONS_START + i++, 6361 getLabel(resolveInfo)) 6362 .setIntent(createProcessTextIntentForResolveInfo(resolveInfo)) 6363 .setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM); 6364 } 6365 } 6366 6367 /** 6368 * Performs a "PROCESS_TEXT" action if there is one associated with the specified 6369 * menu item. 6370 * 6371 * @return True if the action was performed, false otherwise. 6372 */ 6373 public boolean performMenuItemAction(MenuItem item) { 6374 return fireIntent(item.getIntent()); 6375 } 6376 6377 /** 6378 * Initializes and caches "PROCESS_TEXT" accessibility actions. 6379 */ 6380 public void initializeAccessibilityActions() { 6381 mAccessibilityIntents.clear(); 6382 mAccessibilityActions.clear(); 6383 int i = 0; 6384 loadSupportedActivities(); 6385 for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : mSupportedActivities) { 6386 int actionId = TextView.ACCESSIBILITY_ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT_START_ID + i++; 6387 mAccessibilityActions.put( 6388 actionId, 6389 new AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction( 6390 actionId, getLabel(resolveInfo))); 6391 mAccessibilityIntents.put( 6392 actionId, createProcessTextIntentForResolveInfo(resolveInfo)); 6393 } 6394 } 6395 6396 /** 6397 * Adds "PROCESS_TEXT" accessibility actions to the specified accessibility node info. 6398 * NOTE: This needs a prior call to {@link #initializeAccessibilityActions()} to make the 6399 * latest accessibility actions available for this call. 6400 */ 6401 public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo nodeInfo) { 6402 for (int i = 0; i < mAccessibilityActions.size(); i++) { 6403 nodeInfo.addAction(mAccessibilityActions.valueAt(i)); 6404 } 6405 } 6406 6407 /** 6408 * Performs a "PROCESS_TEXT" action if there is one associated with the specified 6409 * accessibility action id. 6410 * 6411 * @return True if the action was performed, false otherwise. 6412 */ 6413 public boolean performAccessibilityAction(int actionId) { 6414 return fireIntent(mAccessibilityIntents.get(actionId)); 6415 } 6416 6417 private boolean fireIntent(Intent intent) { 6418 if (intent != null && Intent.ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT.equals(intent.getAction())) { 6419 intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PROCESS_TEXT, mTextView.getSelectedText()); 6420 mEditor.mPreserveSelection = true; 6421 mTextView.startActivityForResult(intent, TextView.PROCESS_TEXT_REQUEST_CODE); 6422 return true; 6423 } 6424 return false; 6425 } 6426 6427 private void loadSupportedActivities() { 6428 mSupportedActivities.clear(); 6429 PackageManager packageManager = mTextView.getContext().getPackageManager(); 6430 List<ResolveInfo> unfiltered = 6431 packageManager.queryIntentActivities(createProcessTextIntent(), 0); 6432 for (ResolveInfo info : unfiltered) { 6433 if (isSupportedActivity(info)) { 6434 mSupportedActivities.add(info); 6435 } 6436 } 6437 } 6438 6439 private boolean isSupportedActivity(ResolveInfo info) { 6440 return mPackageName.equals(info.activityInfo.packageName) 6441 || info.activityInfo.exported 6442 && (info.activityInfo.permission == null 6443 || mContext.checkSelfPermission(info.activityInfo.permission) 6444 == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED); 6445 } 6446 6447 private Intent createProcessTextIntentForResolveInfo(ResolveInfo info) { 6448 return createProcessTextIntent() 6449 .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PROCESS_TEXT_READONLY, !mTextView.isTextEditable()) 6450 .setClassName(info.activityInfo.packageName, info.activityInfo.name); 6451 } 6452 6453 private Intent createProcessTextIntent() { 6454 return new Intent() 6455 .setAction(Intent.ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT) 6456 .setType("text/plain"); 6457 } 6458 6459 private CharSequence getLabel(ResolveInfo resolveInfo) { 6460 return resolveInfo.loadLabel(mPackageManager); 6461 } 6462 } 6463 } 6464