1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <utils/Thread.h>
22 namespace android {
24 class EmulatedCamera;
25 class EmulatedCameraDevice;
27 class WorkerThread : public Thread {
28 public:
29     WorkerThread(const char* threadName,
30                  EmulatedCameraDevice* camera_dev,
31                  EmulatedCamera* cameraHAL);
~WorkerThread()32     virtual ~WorkerThread() {}
34     /* Starts the thread
35      * Param:
36      *  oneBurst - Controls how many times thread loop should run. If
37      *      this parameter is 'true', thread routine will run only once
38      *      If this parameter is 'false', thread routine will run until
39      *      stopThread method is called. See startWorkerThread for more
40      *      info.
41      * Return:
42      *  NO_ERROR on success, or an appropriate error status.
43      */
44     status_t startThread(bool oneBurst);
46     /* Stops the thread, this only requests that the thread exits. The method
47      * will return right after the request has been made. Use joinThread to
48      * wait for the thread to exit. */
49     status_t stopThread();
51     /* Wake a thread that's currently waiting to timeout or to be awoken */
52     status_t wakeThread();
54     /* Join the thread, waits until the thread exits before returning. */
55     status_t joinThread();
57 protected:
58     /* Perform whatever work should be done in the worker thread. A subclass
59      * needs to implement this.
60      * Return:
61      *  true To continue thread loop, or false to exit the thread loop and
62      *  terminate the thread.
63      */
64     virtual bool inWorkerThread() = 0;
66     /* This provides an opportunity for a subclass to perform some operation
67      * when the thread starts. This is run on the newly started thread. If this
68      * returns an error the thread will exit and inWorkerThread will never be
69      * called.
70      */
onThreadStart()71     virtual status_t onThreadStart() { return NO_ERROR; }
73     /* This provides an opportunity for a subclass to perform some operation
74      * when the thread exits. This is run on the worker thread. By default this
75      * does nothing.
76      */
onThreadExit()77     virtual void onThreadExit() { }
79     /* Containing camera device object. */
80     EmulatedCameraDevice* mCameraDevice;
81     /* The camera HAL from the camera device object */
82     EmulatedCamera* mCameraHAL;
84     /* Controls number of times the thread loop runs.
85      * See startThread for more information. */
86     bool mOneBurst;
88     /* Running Condition and mutex, use these to sleep the thread, the
89      * supporting functions will use these to signal wakes and exits. */
90     Condition mRunningCondition;
91     Mutex mRunningMutex;
92     bool mRunning;
93 private:
94     /* Overriden base class method.
95      * It is overriden in order to provide one-time initialization just
96      * prior to starting the thread routine.
97      */
98     status_t readyToRun() final;
100     /* Implements abstract method of the base Thread class. */
101     bool threadLoop() final;
103     const char* mThreadName;
104 };
106 }  // namespace android