1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 /*
19  * This function implements a diversity checker and stores diverse vectors into
20  * a memory. We assume that the data is located on a sphere, and we use the
21  * norm of the difference of two vectors to decide if the vectors are diverse
22  * enough:
23  *
24  * k = norm( v1 - v2 )^2 < Threshold
25  *
26  * Hence when k < Threshold the data is not stored, because the vectors are too
27  * similar. We store diverse vectors in memory and all new incoming vectors
28  * are checked against the already stored data points.
29  *
30  * Furthermore we also check if k > max_distance, since that data is most likely
31  * not located on a sphere anymore and indicates a disturbance. Finally we give
32  * a "data is full" flag to indicate once the memory is full.
33  * The diverse data can be used to improve sphere fit calibrations, ensuring
34  * that the sphere is populated enough resulting in better fits.
35  *
36  * Memory is stored in an array initialized to length of
37  * [THREE_AXIS_DATA_DIM * NUM_DIVERSE_VECTORS], this has been done to be
38  * compatible with the full sphere fit algorithm.
39  *
40  * Notice, this function stops to check if data is diverse, once the memory is
41  * full. This has been done in order to save processing power.
42  */
47 #include <stdbool.h>
48 #include <stddef.h>
49 #include <stdint.h>
51 #ifdef __cplusplus
52 extern "C" {
53 #endif
55 #define THREE_AXIS_DATA_DIM (3)   // data is three-dimensional.
56 #define NUM_DIVERSE_VECTORS (20)  // Storing 20 data points.
58 // Main data struct.
59 struct DiversityChecker {
60   // Data memory.
61   float diverse_data[THREE_AXIS_DATA_DIM * NUM_DIVERSE_VECTORS];
63   // Number of data points in the memory.
64   size_t num_points;
66   // Number of data points that violated the max_distance condition.
67   size_t num_max_dist_violations;
69   // Threshold value that is used to check k against.
70   float threshold;
72   // Threshold tuning paramter used to calculate threshold (k_algo):
73   // threshold = threshold_tuning_param_sq * (local_field)^2.
74   float threshold_tuning_param_sq;
76   // Maximum distance value.
77   float max_distance;
79   // Max Distance tuning parameter:
80   // max_distance = max_distance_tuning_param_sq * (local_field)^2.
81   float max_distance_tuning_param_sq;
83   // Data full bit.
84   bool data_full;
86   // Setup variables for NormQuality check.
88   size_t min_num_diverse_vectors;
89   size_t max_num_max_distance;
90   float var_threshold;
91   float max_min_threshold;
92 };
94 // Initialization of the function/struct, input:
95 // min_num_diverse_vectors -> sets the gate for a minimum number of data points
96 //                           in the memory
97 // max_num_max_distance -> sets the value for a max distance violation number
98 //                         gate.
99 // var_threshold -> is a threshold value for a Norm variance gate.
100 // max_min_threshold -> is a value for a gate that rejects Norm variations
101 //                      that are larger than this number.
102 // local_field -> is the assumed local_field (radius of the sphere).
103 // threshold_tuning_param ->  threshold tuning parameter used to calculate
104 //                            threshold (k_algo).
105 // max_distance_tuning_param -> Max distance tuning parameter used to calculate
106 //                             max_distance.
107 void diversityCheckerInit(struct DiversityChecker* diverse_data,
108                           size_t min_num_diverse_vectors,
109                           size_t max_num_max_distance, float var_threshold,
110                           float max_min_threshold, float local_field,
111                           float threshold_tuning_param,
112                           float max_distance_tuning_param);
114 // Resetting the memory and the counters, leaves threshold and max_distance
115 // as well as the setup variables for NormQuality check untouched.
116 void diversityCheckerReset(struct DiversityChecker* diverse_data);
118 // Main function. Tests the data (x,y,z) against the memory if diverse and
119 // stores it, if so.
120 void diversityCheckerUpdate(struct DiversityChecker* diverse_data, float x,
121                             float y, float z);
123 // Removing a constant bias from the diverse_data and check if the norm is
124 // within a defined bound:
125 // implemented 4 gates
126 // -> needs a minimum number of data points in the memory
127 //    (controlled by min_num_divers_vectors).
128 // -> will return false if maximum number of max_distance is reached
129 //    (controlled by max_num_max_distance).
130 // -> norm must be within a var window.
131 // -> norm must be within a MAX/MIN window.
132 // Returned value will only be true if all 4 gates are passed.
133 bool diversityCheckerNormQuality(struct DiversityChecker* diverse_data,
134                                  float x_bias,
135                                  float y_bias,
136                                  float z_bias);
138 // This function updates the threshold value and max distance value based on the
139 // local field. This ensures a local field independent operation of the
140 // diversity checker.
141 //
142 // threshold = (threshold_tuning_param * local_field)^2
143 // max_distance = (max_distance_tuning_param * local_field)^2
144 void diversityCheckerLocalFieldUpdate(struct DiversityChecker* diverse_data,
145                                       float local_field);
146 #ifdef __cplusplus
147 }
148 #endif