MagickWand-Config 1 "2 May 2002" "Wand"
MagickWand-config - get information about the installed version of the Magick Wand
MagickWand-config [--cflags] [--cppflags] [--exec-prefix] [--ldflags] [--libs] [--prefix] [--version] DESCRIPTION
MagickWand-config prints the compiler and linker flags required to compile and link programs
that use the
Wand Application Programmer Interface.
To print the version of the installed distribution of
Wand , use:
MagickWand-config --versionTo compile a program that calls the Wand Application Programmer Interface, use:
cc `MagickWand-config --cflags --cppflags --ldflags --libs` program.c
--cflags Print the compiler flags that were used to compile libWand .
--cppflags Print the preprocessor flags that are needed to find the Wand C include files and defines to ensure that the Wand data structures match between your program and the installed libraries.
--exec-prefix Print the directory under which target specific binaries and executables are installed.
--ldflags Print the linker flags that are needed to link with the Wand library.
--libs Print the linker flags that are needed to link a program with libWand .
--version Print the version of the Wand distribution to standard output.
Cristy, ImageMagick Studio LLC