1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10  *
11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15  * accompanied this code).
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  *
21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23  * questions.
24  */
26 package sun.security.provider.certpath;
28 import java.io.IOException;
29 import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
30 import java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException;
31 import java.security.PublicKey;
32 import java.security.cert.*;
33 import java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException.BasicReason;
34 import java.security.cert.PKIXReason;
35 import java.util.ArrayList;
36 import java.util.Collection;
37 import java.util.Collections;
38 import java.util.List;
39 import java.util.LinkedList;
40 import java.util.Set;
41 import javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal;
43 import sun.security.provider.certpath.PKIX.BuilderParams;
44 import static sun.security.x509.PKIXExtensions.*;
45 import sun.security.util.Debug;
47 /**
48  * This class builds certification paths in the forward direction.
49  *
50  * <p> If successful, it returns a certification path which has successfully
51  * satisfied all the constraints and requirements specified in the
52  * PKIXBuilderParameters object and has been validated according to the PKIX
53  * path validation algorithm defined in RFC 3280.
54  *
55  * <p> This implementation uses a depth-first search approach to finding
56  * certification paths. If it comes to a point in which it cannot find
57  * any more certificates leading to the target OR the path length is too long
58  * it backtracks to previous paths until the target has been found or
59  * all possible paths have been exhausted.
60  *
61  * <p> This implementation is not thread-safe.
62  *
63  * @since       1.4
64  * @author      Sean Mullan
65  * @author      Yassir Elley
66  */
67 public final class SunCertPathBuilder extends CertPathBuilderSpi {
69     private static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("certpath");
71     /*
72      * private objects shared by methods
73      */
74     private BuilderParams buildParams;
75     private CertificateFactory cf;
76     private boolean pathCompleted = false;
77     private PolicyNode policyTreeResult;
78     private TrustAnchor trustAnchor;
79     private PublicKey finalPublicKey;
81     /**
82      * Create an instance of <code>SunCertPathBuilder</code>.
83      *
84      * @throws CertPathBuilderException if an error occurs
85      */
SunCertPathBuilder()86     public SunCertPathBuilder() throws CertPathBuilderException {
87         try {
88             cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
89         } catch (CertificateException e) {
90             throw new CertPathBuilderException(e);
91         }
92     }
94     @Override
engineGetRevocationChecker()95     public CertPathChecker engineGetRevocationChecker() {
96         return new RevocationChecker();
97     }
99     /**
100      * Attempts to build a certification path using the Sun build
101      * algorithm from a trusted anchor(s) to a target subject, which must both
102      * be specified in the input parameter set. This method will
103      * attempt to build in the forward direction: from the target to the CA.
104      *
105      * <p>The certification path that is constructed is validated
106      * according to the PKIX specification.
107      *
108      * @param params the parameter set for building a path. Must be an instance
109      *  of <code>PKIXBuilderParameters</code>.
110      * @return a certification path builder result.
111      * @exception CertPathBuilderException Exception thrown if builder is
112      *  unable to build a complete certification path from the trusted anchor(s)
113      *  to the target subject.
114      * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the given parameters are
115      *  inappropriate for this certification path builder.
116      */
117     @Override
engineBuild(CertPathParameters params)118     public CertPathBuilderResult engineBuild(CertPathParameters params)
119         throws CertPathBuilderException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
121         if (debug != null) {
122             debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild(" + params + ")");
123         }
125         buildParams = PKIX.checkBuilderParams(params);
126         return build();
127     }
build()129     private PKIXCertPathBuilderResult build() throws CertPathBuilderException {
130         List<List<Vertex>> adjList = new ArrayList<>();
131         PKIXCertPathBuilderResult result = buildCertPath(false, adjList);
132         if (result == null) {
133             if (debug != null) {
134                 debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild: 2nd pass; " +
135                               "try building again searching all certstores");
136             }
137             // try again
138             adjList.clear();
139             result = buildCertPath(true, adjList);
140             if (result == null) {
141                 throw new SunCertPathBuilderException("unable to find valid "
142                     + "certification path to requested target",
143                     new AdjacencyList(adjList));
144             }
145         }
146         return result;
147     }
buildCertPath(boolean searchAllCertStores, List<List<Vertex>> adjList)149     private PKIXCertPathBuilderResult buildCertPath(boolean searchAllCertStores,
150                                                     List<List<Vertex>> adjList)
151         throws CertPathBuilderException
152     {
153         // Init shared variables and build certification path
154         pathCompleted = false;
155         trustAnchor = null;
156         finalPublicKey = null;
157         policyTreeResult = null;
158         LinkedList<X509Certificate> certPathList = new LinkedList<>();
159         try {
160             buildForward(adjList, certPathList, searchAllCertStores);
161         } catch (GeneralSecurityException | IOException e) {
162             if (debug != null) {
163                 debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild() exception in "
164                     + "build");
165                 e.printStackTrace();
166             }
167             throw new SunCertPathBuilderException("unable to find valid "
168                 + "certification path to requested target", e,
169                 new AdjacencyList(adjList));
170         }
172         // construct SunCertPathBuilderResult
173         try {
174             if (pathCompleted) {
175                 if (debug != null)
176                     debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild() "
177                                   + "pathCompleted");
179                 // we must return a certpath which has the target
180                 // as the first cert in the certpath - i.e. reverse
181                 // the certPathList
182                 Collections.reverse(certPathList);
184                 return new SunCertPathBuilderResult(
185                     cf.generateCertPath(certPathList), trustAnchor,
186                     policyTreeResult, finalPublicKey,
187                     new AdjacencyList(adjList));
188             }
189         } catch (CertificateException e) {
190             if (debug != null) {
191                 debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild() exception "
192                               + "in wrap-up");
193                 e.printStackTrace();
194             }
195             throw new SunCertPathBuilderException("unable to find valid "
196                 + "certification path to requested target", e,
197                 new AdjacencyList(adjList));
198         }
200         return null;
201     }
203     /*
204      * Private build forward method.
205      */
buildForward(List<List<Vertex>> adjacencyList, LinkedList<X509Certificate> certPathList, boolean searchAllCertStores)206     private void buildForward(List<List<Vertex>> adjacencyList,
207                               LinkedList<X509Certificate> certPathList,
208                               boolean searchAllCertStores)
209         throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException
210     {
211         if (debug != null) {
212             debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.buildForward()...");
213         }
215         /* Initialize current state */
216         ForwardState currentState = new ForwardState();
217         currentState.initState(buildParams.certPathCheckers());
219         /* Initialize adjacency list */
220         adjacencyList.clear();
221         adjacencyList.add(new LinkedList<Vertex>());
223         // Android-removed: Android doesn't use this mechanism for checking untrusted certificates
224         // currentState.untrustedChecker = new UntrustedChecker();
226         depthFirstSearchForward(buildParams.targetSubject(), currentState,
227                                 new ForwardBuilder(buildParams,
228                                                    searchAllCertStores),
229                                 adjacencyList, certPathList);
230     }
232     /*
233      * This method performs a depth first search for a certification
234      * path while building forward which meets the requirements set in
235      * the parameters object.
236      * It uses an adjacency list to store all certificates which were
237      * tried (i.e. at one time added to the path - they may not end up in
238      * the final path if backtracking occurs). This information can
239      * be used later to debug or demo the build.
240      *
241      * See "Data Structure and Algorithms, by Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman"
242      * for an explanation of the DFS algorithm.
243      *
244      * @param dN the distinguished name being currently searched for certs
245      * @param currentState the current PKIX validation state
246      */
depthFirstSearchForward(X500Principal dN, ForwardState currentState, ForwardBuilder builder, List<List<Vertex>> adjList, LinkedList<X509Certificate> cpList)247     private void depthFirstSearchForward(X500Principal dN,
248                                          ForwardState currentState,
249                                          ForwardBuilder builder,
250                                          List<List<Vertex>> adjList,
251                                          LinkedList<X509Certificate> cpList)
252         throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException
253     {
254         if (debug != null) {
255             debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward(" + dN
256                           + ", " + currentState.toString() + ")");
257         }
259         /*
260          * Find all the certificates issued to dN which
261          * satisfy the PKIX certification path constraints.
262          */
263         Collection<X509Certificate> certs =
264             builder.getMatchingCerts(currentState, buildParams.certStores());
265         List<Vertex> vertices = addVertices(certs, adjList);
266         if (debug != null) {
267             debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward(): "
268                           + "certs.size=" + vertices.size());
269         }
271         /*
272          * For each cert in the collection, verify anything
273          * that hasn't been checked yet (signature, revocation, etc)
274          * and check for loops. Call depthFirstSearchForward()
275          * recursively for each good cert.
276          */
278                vertices:
279         for (Vertex vertex : vertices) {
280             /**
281              * Restore state to currentState each time through the loop.
282              * This is important because some of the user-defined
283              * checkers modify the state, which MUST be restored if
284              * the cert eventually fails to lead to the target and
285              * the next matching cert is tried.
286              */
287             ForwardState nextState = (ForwardState) currentState.clone();
288             X509Certificate cert = vertex.getCertificate();
290             try {
291                 builder.verifyCert(cert, nextState, cpList);
292             } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) {
293                 if (debug != null) {
294                     debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward()"
295                                   + ": validation failed: " + gse);
296                     gse.printStackTrace();
297                 }
298                 vertex.setThrowable(gse);
299                 continue;
300             }
302             /*
303              * Certificate is good.
304              * If cert completes the path,
305              *    process userCheckers that don't support forward checking
306              *    and process policies over whole path
307              *    and backtrack appropriately if there is a failure
308              * else if cert does not complete the path,
309              *    add it to the path
310              */
311             if (builder.isPathCompleted(cert)) {
313                 if (debug != null)
314                     debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward()"
315                                   + ": commencing final verification");
317                 List<X509Certificate> appendedCerts = new ArrayList<>(cpList);
319                 /*
320                  * if the trust anchor selected is specified as a trusted
321                  * public key rather than a trusted cert, then verify this
322                  * cert (which is signed by the trusted public key), but
323                  * don't add it yet to the cpList
324                  */
325                 if (builder.trustAnchor.getTrustedCert() == null) {
326                     appendedCerts.add(0, cert);
327                 }
329                 Set<String> initExpPolSet =
330                     Collections.singleton(PolicyChecker.ANY_POLICY);
332                 PolicyNodeImpl rootNode = new PolicyNodeImpl(null,
333                     PolicyChecker.ANY_POLICY, null, false, initExpPolSet, false);
335                 List<PKIXCertPathChecker> checkers = new ArrayList<>();
336                 PolicyChecker policyChecker
337                     = new PolicyChecker(buildParams.initialPolicies(),
338                                         appendedCerts.size(),
339                                         buildParams.explicitPolicyRequired(),
340                                         buildParams.policyMappingInhibited(),
341                                         buildParams.anyPolicyInhibited(),
342                                         buildParams.policyQualifiersRejected(),
343                                         rootNode);
344                 checkers.add(policyChecker);
346                 // add the algorithm checker
347                 checkers.add(new AlgorithmChecker(builder.trustAnchor));
349                 BasicChecker basicChecker = null;
350                 if (nextState.keyParamsNeeded()) {
351                     PublicKey rootKey = cert.getPublicKey();
352                     if (builder.trustAnchor.getTrustedCert() == null) {
353                         rootKey = builder.trustAnchor.getCAPublicKey();
354                         if (debug != null)
355                             debug.println(
356                                 "SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward " +
357                                 "using buildParams public key: " +
358                                 rootKey.toString());
359                     }
360                     TrustAnchor anchor = new TrustAnchor
361                         (cert.getSubjectX500Principal(), rootKey, null);
363                     // add the basic checker
364                     basicChecker = new BasicChecker(anchor, buildParams.date(),
365                                                     buildParams.sigProvider(),
366                                                     true);
367                     checkers.add(basicChecker);
368                 }
370                 buildParams.setCertPath(cf.generateCertPath(appendedCerts));
372                 boolean revCheckerAdded = false;
373                 List<PKIXCertPathChecker> ckrs = buildParams.certPathCheckers();
374                 for (PKIXCertPathChecker ckr : ckrs) {
375                     if (ckr instanceof PKIXRevocationChecker) {
376                         if (revCheckerAdded) {
377                             throw new CertPathValidatorException(
378                                 "Only one PKIXRevocationChecker can be specified");
379                         }
380                         revCheckerAdded = true;
381                         // if it's our own, initialize it
382                         if (ckr instanceof RevocationChecker) {
383                             ((RevocationChecker)ckr).init(builder.trustAnchor,
384                                                           buildParams);
385                         }
386                     }
387                 }
388                 // only add a RevocationChecker if revocation is enabled and
389                 // a PKIXRevocationChecker has not already been added
390                 if (buildParams.revocationEnabled() && !revCheckerAdded) {
391                     checkers.add(new RevocationChecker(builder.trustAnchor,
392                                                        buildParams));
393                 }
395                 checkers.addAll(ckrs);
397                 // Why we don't need BasicChecker and RevocationChecker
398                 // if nextState.keyParamsNeeded() is false?
400                 for (int i = 0; i < appendedCerts.size(); i++) {
401                     X509Certificate currCert = appendedCerts.get(i);
402                     if (debug != null)
403                         debug.println("current subject = "
404                                       + currCert.getSubjectX500Principal());
405                     Set<String> unresCritExts =
406                         currCert.getCriticalExtensionOIDs();
407                     if (unresCritExts == null) {
408                         unresCritExts = Collections.<String>emptySet();
409                     }
411                     for (PKIXCertPathChecker currChecker : checkers) {
412                         if (!currChecker.isForwardCheckingSupported()) {
413                             if (i == 0) {
414                                 currChecker.init(false);
416                                 // The user specified
417                                 // AlgorithmChecker may not be
418                                 // able to set the trust anchor until now.
419                                 if (currChecker instanceof AlgorithmChecker) {
420                                     ((AlgorithmChecker)currChecker).
421                                         trySetTrustAnchor(builder.trustAnchor);
422                                 }
423                             }
425                             try {
426                                 currChecker.check(currCert, unresCritExts);
427                             } catch (CertPathValidatorException cpve) {
428                                 if (debug != null)
429                                     debug.println
430                                     ("SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward(): " +
431                                     "final verification failed: " + cpve);
432                                 // If the target cert itself is revoked, we
433                                 // cannot trust it. We can bail out here.
434                                 if (buildParams.targetCertConstraints().match(currCert)
435                                         && cpve.getReason() == BasicReason.REVOKED) {
436                                     throw cpve;
437                                 }
438                                 vertex.setThrowable(cpve);
439                                 continue vertices;
440                             }
441                         }
442                     }
444                     /*
445                      * Remove extensions from user checkers that support
446                      * forward checking. After this step, we will have
447                      * removed all extensions that all user checkers
448                      * are capable of processing.
449                      */
450                     for (PKIXCertPathChecker checker :
451                          buildParams.certPathCheckers())
452                     {
453                         if (checker.isForwardCheckingSupported()) {
454                             Set<String> suppExts =
455                                 checker.getSupportedExtensions();
456                             if (suppExts != null) {
457                                 unresCritExts.removeAll(suppExts);
458                             }
459                         }
460                     }
462                     if (!unresCritExts.isEmpty()) {
463                         unresCritExts.remove(BasicConstraints_Id.toString());
464                         unresCritExts.remove(NameConstraints_Id.toString());
465                         unresCritExts.remove(CertificatePolicies_Id.toString());
466                         unresCritExts.remove(PolicyMappings_Id.toString());
467                         unresCritExts.remove(PolicyConstraints_Id.toString());
468                         unresCritExts.remove(InhibitAnyPolicy_Id.toString());
469                         unresCritExts.remove(
470                             SubjectAlternativeName_Id.toString());
471                         unresCritExts.remove(KeyUsage_Id.toString());
472                         unresCritExts.remove(ExtendedKeyUsage_Id.toString());
474                         if (!unresCritExts.isEmpty()) {
475                             throw new CertPathValidatorException
476                                 ("unrecognized critical extension(s)", null,
477                                  null, -1, PKIXReason.UNRECOGNIZED_CRIT_EXT);
478                         }
479                     }
480                 }
481                 if (debug != null)
482                     debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward()"
483                         + ": final verification succeeded - path completed!");
484                 pathCompleted = true;
486                 /*
487                  * if the user specified a trusted public key rather than
488                  * trusted certs, then add this cert (which is signed by
489                  * the trusted public key) to the cpList
490                  */
491                 if (builder.trustAnchor.getTrustedCert() == null)
492                     builder.addCertToPath(cert, cpList);
493                 // Save the trust anchor
494                 this.trustAnchor = builder.trustAnchor;
496                 /*
497                  * Extract and save the final target public key
498                  */
499                 if (basicChecker != null) {
500                     finalPublicKey = basicChecker.getPublicKey();
501                 } else {
502                     Certificate finalCert;
503                     if (cpList.isEmpty()) {
504                         finalCert = builder.trustAnchor.getTrustedCert();
505                     } else {
506                         finalCert = cpList.getLast();
507                     }
508                     finalPublicKey = finalCert.getPublicKey();
509                 }
511                 policyTreeResult = policyChecker.getPolicyTree();
512                 return;
513             } else {
514                 builder.addCertToPath(cert, cpList);
515             }
517             /* Update the PKIX state */
518             nextState.updateState(cert);
520             /*
521              * Append an entry for cert in adjacency list and
522              * set index for current vertex.
523              */
524             adjList.add(new LinkedList<Vertex>());
525             vertex.setIndex(adjList.size() - 1);
527             /* recursively search for matching certs at next dN */
528             depthFirstSearchForward(cert.getIssuerX500Principal(), nextState,
529                                     builder, adjList, cpList);
531             /*
532              * If path has been completed, return ASAP!
533              */
534             if (pathCompleted) {
535                 return;
536             } else {
537                 /*
538                  * If we get here, it means we have searched all possible
539                  * certs issued by the dN w/o finding any matching certs.
540                  * This means we have to backtrack to the previous cert in
541                  * the path and try some other paths.
542                  */
543                 if (debug != null)
544                     debug.println("SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward()"
545                                   + ": backtracking");
546                 builder.removeFinalCertFromPath(cpList);
547             }
548         }
549     }
551     /*
552      * Adds a collection of matching certificates to the
553      * adjacency list.
554      */
addVertices(Collection<X509Certificate> certs, List<List<Vertex>> adjList)555     private static List<Vertex> addVertices(Collection<X509Certificate> certs,
556                                             List<List<Vertex>> adjList)
557     {
558         List<Vertex> l = adjList.get(adjList.size() - 1);
560         for (X509Certificate cert : certs) {
561             Vertex v = new Vertex(cert);
562             l.add(v);
563         }
565         return l;
566     }
568     /**
569      * Returns true if trust anchor certificate matches specified
570      * certificate constraints.
571      */
anchorIsTarget(TrustAnchor anchor, CertSelector sel)572     private static boolean anchorIsTarget(TrustAnchor anchor,
573                                           CertSelector sel)
574     {
575         X509Certificate anchorCert = anchor.getTrustedCert();
576         if (anchorCert != null) {
577             return sel.match(anchorCert);
578         }
579         return false;
580     }
581 }