3# Copyright 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5# found in the LICENSE file.
6"""Script to checkout the ChromeOS source.
8This script sets up the ChromeOS source in the given directory, matching a
9particular release of ChromeOS.
12from __future__ import print_function
14__author__ = 'raymes@google.com (Raymes Khoury)'
16from datetime import datetime
18import argparse
19import os
20import pickle
21import sys
22import tempfile
23import time
24from cros_utils import command_executer
25from cros_utils import logger
26from cros_utils import manifest_versions
28GCLIENT_FILE = """solutions = [
29  { "name"        : "CHROME_DEPS",
30    "url"         :
31    "svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome-internal/trunk/tools/buildspec/releases/%s",
32    "custom_deps" : {
33      "src/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests": None,
34      "src-pdf": None,
35      "src/pdf": None,
36    },
37    "safesync_url": "",
38   },
42# List of stable versions used for common team image
43# Sheriff must update this list when a new common version becomes available
44COMMON_VERSIONS = '/home/mobiletc-prebuild/common_images/common_list.txt'
47def Usage(parser):
48  parser.print_help()
49  sys.exit(0)
52# Get version spec file, either from "paladin" or "buildspec" directory.
53def GetVersionSpecFile(version, versions_git):
54  temp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
55  commands = ['cd {0}'.format(temp), \
56              'git clone {0} versions'.format(versions_git)]
57  cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
58  ret = cmd_executer.RunCommands(commands)
59  err_msg = None
60  if ret:
61    err_msg = 'Failed to checkout versions_git - {0}'.format(versions_git)
62    ret = None
63  else:
64    v, m = version.split('.', 1)
65    paladin_spec = 'paladin/buildspecs/{0}/{1}.xml'.format(v, m)
66    generic_spec = 'buildspecs/{0}/{1}.xml'.format(v, m)
67    paladin_path = '{0}/versions/{1}'.format(temp, paladin_spec)
68    generic_path = '{0}/versions/{1}'.format(temp, generic_spec)
69    if os.path.exists(paladin_path):
70      ret = paladin_spec
71    elif os.path.exists(generic_path):
72      ret = generic_spec
73    else:
74      err_msg = 'No spec found for version {0}'.format(version)
75      ret = None
76    # Fall through to clean up.
78  commands = ['rm -rf {0}'.format(temp)]
79  cmd_executer.RunCommands(commands)
80  if err_msg:
81    logger.GetLogger().LogFatal(err_msg)
82  return ret
85def TimeToCommonVersion(timestamp):
86  """Convert timestamp to common image version."""
87  tdt = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timestamp))
88  with open(COMMON_VERSIONS, 'r') as f:
89    common_list = pickle.load(f)
90    for sv in common_list:
91      sdt = datetime.strptime(sv['date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
92      if tdt >= sdt:
93        return '%s.%s' % (sv['chrome_major_version'], sv['chromeos_version'])
94    # should never reach here
95    logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('No common version for timestamp')
96  return None
99def Main(argv):
100  """Checkout the ChromeOS source."""
101  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
102  parser.add_argument('--dir',
103                      dest='directory',
104                      help='Target directory for ChromeOS installation.')
105  parser.add_argument('--version',
106                      dest='version',
107                      default='latest_lkgm',
108                      help="""ChromeOS version. Can be:
109(1) A release version in the format: 'X.X.X.X'
110(2) 'top' for top of trunk
111(3) 'latest_lkgm' for the latest lkgm version
112(4) 'lkgm' for the lkgm release before timestamp
113(5) 'latest_common' for the latest team common stable version
114(6) 'common' for the team common stable version before timestamp
115Default is 'latest_lkgm'.""")
116  parser.add_argument('--timestamp',
117                      dest='timestamp',
118                      default=None,
119                      help='Timestamps in epoch format. It will check out the'
120                      'latest LKGM or the latest COMMON version of ChromeOS'
121                      ' before the timestamp. Use in combination with'
122                      ' --version=latest or --version=common. Use '
123                      '"date -d <date string> +%s" to find epoch time')
124  parser.add_argument('--minilayout',
125                      dest='minilayout',
126                      default=False,
127                      action='store_true',
128                      help='Whether to checkout the minilayout (smaller '
129                      'checkout).')
130  parser.add_argument('--jobs',
131                      '-j',
132                      dest='jobs',
133                      help='Number of repo sync threads to use.')
134  parser.add_argument('--public',
135                      '-p',
136                      dest='public',
137                      default=False,
138                      action='store_true',
139                      help='Use the public checkout instead of the private '
140                      'one.')
142  options = parser.parse_args(argv)
144  if not options.version:
145    parser.print_help()
146    logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('No version specified.')
147  else:
148    version = options.version.strip()
150  if not options.timestamp:
151    timestamp = ''
152  else:
153    timestamp = options.timestamp.strip()
154    if version not in ('lkgm', 'common'):
155      parser.print_help()
156      logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('timestamp option only applies for '
157                                  "versions \"lkgm\" or \"common\"")
159  if not options.directory:
160    parser.print_help()
161    logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('No directory specified.')
163  directory = options.directory.strip()
165  if options.public:
166    manifest_repo = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/manifest.git'
167    versions_repo = ('https://chromium.googlesource.com/'
168                     'chromiumos/manifest-versions.git')
169  else:
170    manifest_repo = (
171        'https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/chromeos/'
172        'manifest-internal.git'
173    )
174    versions_repo = (
175        'https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/chromeos/'
176        'manifest-versions.git'
177    )
179  if version == 'top':
180    init = 'repo init -u %s' % manifest_repo
181  elif version == 'latest_lkgm':
182    manifests = manifest_versions.ManifestVersions()
183    version = manifests.TimeToVersion(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))
184    version, manifest = version.split('.', 1)
185    logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('found version %s.%s for latest LKGM' %
186                                 (version, manifest))
187    init = ('repo init -u %s -m paladin/buildspecs/%s/%s.xml' %
188            (versions_repo, version, manifest))
189    del manifests
190  elif version == 'lkgm':
191    if not timestamp:
192      parser.print_help()
193      logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('No timestamp specified for version=lkgm')
194    manifests = manifest_versions.ManifestVersions()
195    version = manifests.TimeToVersion(timestamp)
196    version, manifest = version.split('.', 1)
197    logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('found version %s.%s for LKGM at timestamp %s'
198                                 % (version, manifest, timestamp))
199    init = ('repo init -u %s -m paladin/buildspecs/%s/%s.xml' %
200            (versions_repo, version, manifest))
201    del manifests
202  elif version == 'latest_common':
203    version = TimeToCommonVersion(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))
204    version, manifest = version.split('.', 1)
205    logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('found version %s.%s for latest Common image' %
206                                 (version, manifest))
207    init = ('repo init -u %s -m buildspecs/%s/%s.xml' % (versions_repo, version,
208                                                         manifest))
209  elif version == 'common':
210    if not timestamp:
211      parser.print_help()
212      logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('No timestamp specified for version=lkgm')
213    version = TimeToCommonVersion(timestamp)
214    version, manifest = version.split('.', 1)
215    logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('found version %s.%s for latest common image '
216                                 'at timestamp %s' % (version, manifest,
217                                                      timestamp))
218    init = ('repo init -u %s -m buildspecs/%s/%s.xml' % (versions_repo, version,
219                                                         manifest))
220  else:
221    # user specified a specific version number
222    version_spec_file = GetVersionSpecFile(version, versions_repo)
223    if not version_spec_file:
224      return 1
225    init = 'repo init -u %s -m %s' % (versions_repo, version_spec_file)
227  if options.minilayout:
228    init += ' -g minilayout'
230  init += ' --repo-url=https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/repo.git'
232  # crosbug#31837 - "Sources need to be world-readable to properly
233  # function inside the chroot"
234  sync = 'umask 022 && repo sync'
235  if options.jobs:
236    sync += ' -j %s' % options.jobs
238  commands = ['mkdir -p %s' % directory, 'cd %s' % directory, init, sync]
239  cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
240  ret = cmd_executer.RunCommands(commands)
241  if ret:
242    return ret
244  return cmd_executer.RunCommand(
245      'git ls-remote '
246      'https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/chrome/src-internal.git '
247      '> /dev/null')
250if __name__ == '__main__':
251  retval = Main(sys.argv[1:])
252  sys.exit(retval)