1 /*
2  * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "jit_compiler.h"
19 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
21 #include "arch/instruction_set.h"
22 #include "arch/instruction_set_features.h"
23 #include "art_method-inl.h"
24 #include "base/stringpiece.h"
25 #include "base/time_utils.h"
26 #include "base/timing_logger.h"
27 #include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
28 #include "debug/elf_debug_writer.h"
29 #include "driver/compiler_driver.h"
30 #include "driver/compiler_options.h"
31 #include "jit/debugger_interface.h"
32 #include "jit/jit.h"
33 #include "jit/jit_code_cache.h"
34 #include "oat_file-inl.h"
35 #include "oat_quick_method_header.h"
36 #include "object_lock.h"
37 #include "optimizing/register_allocator.h"
38 #include "thread_list.h"
40 namespace art {
41 namespace jit {
Create()43 JitCompiler* JitCompiler::Create() {
44   return new JitCompiler();
45 }
jit_load(bool * generate_debug_info)47 extern "C" void* jit_load(bool* generate_debug_info) {
48   VLOG(jit) << "loading jit compiler";
49   auto* const jit_compiler = JitCompiler::Create();
50   CHECK(jit_compiler != nullptr);
51   *generate_debug_info = jit_compiler->GetCompilerOptions()->GetGenerateDebugInfo();
52   VLOG(jit) << "Done loading jit compiler";
53   return jit_compiler;
54 }
jit_unload(void * handle)56 extern "C" void jit_unload(void* handle) {
57   DCHECK(handle != nullptr);
58   delete reinterpret_cast<JitCompiler*>(handle);
59 }
jit_compile_method(void * handle,ArtMethod * method,Thread * self,bool osr)61 extern "C" bool jit_compile_method(
62     void* handle, ArtMethod* method, Thread* self, bool osr)
63     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
64   auto* jit_compiler = reinterpret_cast<JitCompiler*>(handle);
65   DCHECK(jit_compiler != nullptr);
66   return jit_compiler->CompileMethod(self, method, osr);
67 }
jit_types_loaded(void * handle,mirror::Class ** types,size_t count)69 extern "C" void jit_types_loaded(void* handle, mirror::Class** types, size_t count)
70     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
71   auto* jit_compiler = reinterpret_cast<JitCompiler*>(handle);
72   DCHECK(jit_compiler != nullptr);
73   if (jit_compiler->GetCompilerOptions()->GetGenerateDebugInfo()) {
74     const ArrayRef<mirror::Class*> types_array(types, count);
75     std::vector<uint8_t> elf_file = debug::WriteDebugElfFileForClasses(
76         kRuntimeISA, jit_compiler->GetCompilerDriver()->GetInstructionSetFeatures(), types_array);
77     CreateJITCodeEntry(std::move(elf_file));
78   }
79 }
81 // Callers of this method assume it has NO_RETURN.
Usage(const char * fmt,...)82 NO_RETURN static void Usage(const char* fmt, ...) {
83   va_list ap;
84   va_start(ap, fmt);
85   std::string error;
86   android::base::StringAppendV(&error, fmt, ap);
87   LOG(FATAL) << error;
88   va_end(ap);
89   exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
90 }
JitCompiler()92 JitCompiler::JitCompiler() {
93   compiler_options_.reset(new CompilerOptions(
94       CompilerFilter::kDefaultCompilerFilter,
95       CompilerOptions::kDefaultHugeMethodThreshold,
96       CompilerOptions::kDefaultLargeMethodThreshold,
97       CompilerOptions::kDefaultSmallMethodThreshold,
98       CompilerOptions::kDefaultTinyMethodThreshold,
99       CompilerOptions::kDefaultNumDexMethodsThreshold,
100       CompilerOptions::kDefaultInlineMaxCodeUnits,
101       /* no_inline_from */ nullptr,
102       CompilerOptions::kDefaultTopKProfileThreshold,
103       Runtime::Current()->IsJavaDebuggable(),
104       CompilerOptions::kDefaultGenerateDebugInfo,
105       /* implicit_null_checks */ true,
106       /* implicit_so_checks */ true,
107       /* implicit_suspend_checks */ false,
108       /* pic */ true,  // TODO: Support non-PIC in optimizing.
109       /* verbose_methods */ nullptr,
110       /* init_failure_output */ nullptr,
111       /* abort_on_hard_verifier_failure */ false,
112       /* dump_cfg_file_name */ "",
113       /* dump_cfg_append */ false,
114       /* force_determinism */ false,
115       RegisterAllocator::kRegisterAllocatorDefault,
116       /* passes_to_run */ nullptr));
117   for (const std::string& argument : Runtime::Current()->GetCompilerOptions()) {
118     compiler_options_->ParseCompilerOption(argument, Usage);
119   }
120   const InstructionSet instruction_set = kRuntimeISA;
121   for (const StringPiece option : Runtime::Current()->GetCompilerOptions()) {
122     VLOG(compiler) << "JIT compiler option " << option;
123     std::string error_msg;
124     if (option.starts_with("--instruction-set-variant=")) {
125       StringPiece str = option.substr(strlen("--instruction-set-variant=")).data();
126       VLOG(compiler) << "JIT instruction set variant " << str;
127       instruction_set_features_ = InstructionSetFeatures::FromVariant(
128           instruction_set, str.as_string(), &error_msg);
129       if (instruction_set_features_ == nullptr) {
130         LOG(WARNING) << "Error parsing " << option << " message=" << error_msg;
131       }
132     } else if (option.starts_with("--instruction-set-features=")) {
133       StringPiece str = option.substr(strlen("--instruction-set-features=")).data();
134       VLOG(compiler) << "JIT instruction set features " << str;
135       if (instruction_set_features_ == nullptr) {
136         instruction_set_features_ = InstructionSetFeatures::FromVariant(
137             instruction_set, "default", &error_msg);
138         if (instruction_set_features_ == nullptr) {
139           LOG(WARNING) << "Error parsing " << option << " message=" << error_msg;
140         }
141       }
142       instruction_set_features_ =
143           instruction_set_features_->AddFeaturesFromString(str.as_string(), &error_msg);
144       if (instruction_set_features_ == nullptr) {
145         LOG(WARNING) << "Error parsing " << option << " message=" << error_msg;
146       }
147     }
148   }
149   if (instruction_set_features_ == nullptr) {
150     instruction_set_features_ = InstructionSetFeatures::FromCppDefines();
151   }
152   cumulative_logger_.reset(new CumulativeLogger("jit times"));
153   compiler_driver_.reset(new CompilerDriver(
154       compiler_options_.get(),
155       /* verification_results */ nullptr,
156       Compiler::kOptimizing,
157       instruction_set,
158       instruction_set_features_.get(),
159       /* image_classes */ nullptr,
160       /* compiled_classes */ nullptr,
161       /* compiled_methods */ nullptr,
162       /* thread_count */ 1,
163       /* dump_stats */ false,
164       /* dump_passes */ false,
165       cumulative_logger_.get(),
166       /* swap_fd */ -1,
167       /* profile_compilation_info */ nullptr));
168   // Disable dedupe so we can remove compiled methods.
169   compiler_driver_->SetDedupeEnabled(false);
170   compiler_driver_->SetSupportBootImageFixup(false);
172   size_t thread_count = compiler_driver_->GetThreadCount();
173   if (compiler_options_->GetGenerateDebugInfo()) {
174     DCHECK_EQ(thread_count, 1u)
175         << "Generating debug info only works with one compiler thread";
176     jit_logger_.reset(new JitLogger());
177     jit_logger_->OpenLog();
178   }
179 }
~JitCompiler()181 JitCompiler::~JitCompiler() {
182   if (compiler_options_->GetGenerateDebugInfo()) {
183     jit_logger_->CloseLog();
184   }
185 }
CompileMethod(Thread * self,ArtMethod * method,bool osr)187 bool JitCompiler::CompileMethod(Thread* self, ArtMethod* method, bool osr) {
188   DCHECK(!method->IsProxyMethod());
189   DCHECK(method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsResolved());
191   TimingLogger logger("JIT compiler timing logger", true, VLOG_IS_ON(jit));
192   self->AssertNoPendingException();
193   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
195   // Do the compilation.
196   bool success = false;
197   {
198     TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t2("Compiling", &logger);
199     JitCodeCache* const code_cache = runtime->GetJit()->GetCodeCache();
200     success = compiler_driver_->GetCompiler()->JitCompile(self, code_cache, method, osr);
201     if (success && (jit_logger_ != nullptr)) {
202       jit_logger_->WriteLog(code_cache, method, osr);
203     }
204   }
206   // Trim maps to reduce memory usage.
207   // TODO: move this to an idle phase.
208   {
209     TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t2("TrimMaps", &logger);
210     runtime->GetJitArenaPool()->TrimMaps();
211   }
213   runtime->GetJit()->AddTimingLogger(logger);
214   return success;
215 }
217 }  // namespace jit
218 }  // namespace art