1 /*++
3 Copyright (c) 2012  - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved
5   This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
6   the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
7   The full text of the license may be found at
8   http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
15 Module Name:
17   PchRegsPcu.h
19 Abstract:
21   Register names for VLV PCU device.
23   Conventions:
25   - Prefixes:
26     Definitions beginning with "R_" are registers
27     Definitions beginning with "B_" are bits within registers
28     Definitions beginning with "V_" are meaningful values of bits within the registers
29     Definitions beginning with "S_" are register sizes
30     Definitions beginning with "N_" are the bit position
31   - In general, PCH registers are denoted by "_PCH_" in register names
32   - Registers / bits that are different between PCH generations are denoted by
33     "_PCH_<generation_name>_" in register/bit names. e.g., "_PCH_VLV_"
34   - Registers / bits that are different between SKUs are denoted by "_<SKU_name>"
35     at the end of the register/bit names
36   - Registers / bits of new devices introduced in a PCH generation will be just named
37     as "_PCH_" without <generation_name> inserted.
39 --*/
40 #ifndef _PCH_REGS_LPC_H_
41 #define _PCH_REGS_LPC_H_
43 //
44 // VLV PCU Registers (D31:F0)
45 //
46 #define PCI_DEVICE_NUMBER_PCH_LPC                 31
47 #define PCI_FUNCTION_NUMBER_PCH_LPC               0
49 // Silicon Steppings
50 typedef enum {
51   PchA0         = 0,
52   PchA1         = 1,
53   PchB0         = 2,
54   PchB1         = 3,
55   PchB2         = 4,
56   PchB3         = 5,
57   PchC0         = 6,
58   PchD0         = 7,
59   PchSteppingMax
62 #define R_PCH_LPC_REG_ID                          0x00  // Identifiers Register
63 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEVICE_ID                       0xFFFF0000 // Device Identification
64 #define B_PCH_LPC_VENDOR_ID                       0x0000FFFF // Vendor Identification
65 #define V_PCH_LPC_VENDOR_ID                       V_PCH_INTEL_VENDOR_ID // Vendor ID for Intel
66 //
67 // General VLV PCU Device ID
68 //
69 #define V_PCH_LPC_DEVICE_ID_0                     0x0F1C
70 #define V_PCH_LPC_DEVICE_ID_1                     0x0F1D
71 #define V_PCH_LPC_DEVICE_ID_2                     0x0F1E
72 #define V_PCH_LPC_DEVICE_ID_3                     0x0F1F
74 #define R_PCH_LPC_COMMAND                         0x04  // Command
75 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_ID                      BIT10 // Interrupt Disable
76 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_FBE                     BIT9  // Fast Back to Back Enable
77 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_SERR_EN                 BIT8  // SERR# Enable
78 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_WCC                     BIT7  // Wait Cycle Control
79 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_PER                     BIT6  // Parity Error Response Enable
80 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_VPS                     BIT5  // VGA Palette Snoop
81 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_MWIE                    BIT4  // Memory Write and Invalidate Enable
82 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_SCE                     BIT3  // Special Cycle Enable
83 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_BME                     BIT2  // Bus Master Enable
84 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_MSE                     BIT1  // Memory Space Enable
85 #define B_PCH_LPC_COMMAND_IOSE                    BIT0  // I/O Space Enable
87 #define R_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS                         0x06  // Status
88 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_DPE                     BIT15 // Detected Parity Error
89 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_SSE                     BIT14 // Signaled System Error
90 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_RMA                     BIT13 // Received Master Abort
91 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_RTA                     BIT12 // Received Target Abort
92 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_STA                     BIT11 // Signaled Target Abort
93 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_DEVT_STS                (BIT10 | BIT9) // DEVSEL# Timing Status
94 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_MDPED                   BIT8  // Data Parity Error
95 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_FB2B                    BIT7  // Fast Back to Back Capable
96 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_66MHZ_CAP               BIT5  // 66 MHz capable
97 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_CAP_LIST                BIT4  // Capabilities List
98 #define B_PCH_LPC_DEV_STS_INT_STS                 BIT3  // Interrupt Status
100 #define R_PCH_LPC_RID_CC                          0x08  // Revision ID & Class Code
101 #define B_PCH_LPC_RID_CC_BCC                      0xFF000000 // Base Class Code
102 #define B_PCH_LPC_RID_CC_SCC                      0x00FF0000 // Sub-Class Code
103 #define B_PCH_LPC_RID_CC_PI                       0x0000FF00 // Programming Interface
104 #define B_PCH_LPC_RID_CC_RID                      0x000000FF // Revision ID
106 // Silicon Steppings
108 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_0                           0x01  // A0 Stepping (17 x 17)
109 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_1                           0x02  // A0 Stepping (25 x 27)
110 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_2                           0x03  // A1 Stepping (17 x 17)
111 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_3                           0x04  // A1 Stepping (25 x 27)
112 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_4                           0x05  // B0 Stepping (17 x 17)
113 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_5                           0x06  // B0 Stepping (25 x 27)
114 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_6                           0x07  // B1 Stepping (17 x 17)
115 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_7                           0x08  // B1 Stepping (25 x 27)
116 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_8                           0x09  // B2 Stepping (17 x 17)
117 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_9                           0x0A  // B2 Stepping (25 x 27)
118 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_A                           0x0B  // B3 Stepping (17 x 17)
119 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_B                           0x0C  // B3 Stepping (25 x 27)
120 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_C                           0x0D  // C0 Stepping (17 x 17)
121 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_D                           0x0E  // C0 Stepping (25 x 27)
122 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_E                           0x10  // D0 Stepping (17 x 17)
123 #define V_PCH_LPC_RID_F                           0x11  // D0 Stepping (25 x 27)
125 #define R_PCH_LPC_MLT                             0x0D  // Master Latency Timer
126 #define B_PCH_LPC_MLT_MLC                         0xF8  // Master Latency Count
128 #define R_PCH_LPC_HEADTYP                         0x0E  // Header Type
129 #define B_PCH_LPC_HEADTYP_MFD                     BIT7  // Multi-function Device
130 #define B_PCH_LPC_HEADTYP_HT                      0x7F  // Header Type
132 #define R_PCH_LPC_SS                              0x2C  // Subsystem ID & Vendor ID
133 #define B_PCH_LPC_SS_SSID                         0xFFFF0000 // Subsystem ID
134 #define B_PCH_LPC_SS_SSVID                        0x0000FFFF // Subsystem Vendor ID
136 #define R_PCH_LPC_CAP_LIST                        0x34  // Capability List
137 #define B_PCH_LPC_CAP_LIST_CP                     0xFF  // Capability Pointer
139 #define R_PCH_LPC_ACPI_BASE                       0x40 // ABASE, 16bit
140 #define B_PCH_LPC_ACPI_BASE_BAR                   0x0000FF80 // Base Address, 128 Bytes
141 #define B_PCH_LPC_ACPI_BASE_EN                    BIT1 // Enable Bit
142 #define B_PCH_LPC_ACPI_BASE_MEMI                  BIT0 // Memory Space Indication
144 #define R_PCH_LPC_PMC_BASE                        0x44  // PBASE, 32bit, 512 Bytes
145 #define B_PCH_LPC_PMC_BASE_BAR                    0xFFFFFE00 // Base Address
146 #define B_PCH_LPC_PMC_BASE_PREF                   BIT3  // Prefetchable
147 #define B_PCH_LPC_PMC_BASE_ADDRNG                 BIT2  // Address Range
148 #define B_PCH_LPC_PMC_BASE_EN                     BIT1  // Enable Bit
149 #define B_PCH_LPC_PMC_BASE_MEMI                   BIT0  // Memory Space Indication
151 #define R_PCH_LPC_GPIO_BASE                       0x48  // GBASE, 16bit
152 #define B_PCH_LPC_GPIO_BASE_BAR                   0xFF00 // Base Address, 256 Bytes
153 #define B_PCH_LPC_GPIO_BASE_EN                    BIT1  // Enable Bit
154 #define B_PCH_LPC_GPIO_BASE_MEMI                  BIT0  // Memory Space Indication
156 #define R_PCH_LPC_IO_BASE                         0x4C  // IOBASE, 32bit
157 #define B_PCH_LPC_IO_BASE_BAR                     0xFFFFC000 // Base Address, 16 KiloBytes
158 #define B_PCH_LPC_IO_BASE_PREF                    BIT3  // Prefetchable
159 #define B_PCH_LPC_IO_BASE_ADDRNG                  BIT2  // Address Range
160 #define B_PCH_LPC_IO_BASE_EN                      BIT1  // Enable Bit
161 #define B_PCH_LPC_IO_BASE_MEMI                    BIT0  // Memory Space Indication
163 #define R_PCH_LPC_ILB_BASE                        0x50  // IBASE, 32bit
164 #define B_PCH_LPC_ILB_BASE_BAR                    0xFFFFFE00 // Base Address, 512 bytes
165 #define B_PCH_LPC_ILB_BASE_PREF                   BIT3  // Prefetchable
166 #define B_PCH_LPC_ILB_BASE_ADDRNG                 BIT2  // Address Range
167 #define B_PCH_LPC_ILB_BASE_EN                     BIT1  // Enable Bit
168 #define B_PCH_LPC_ILB_BASE_MEMI                   BIT0  // Memory Space Indication
170 #define R_PCH_LPC_SPI_BASE                        0x54  // SBASE, 32bit
171 #define B_PCH_LPC_SPI_BASE_BAR                    0xFFFFFE00 // Base Address, 512 bytes
172 #define B_PCH_LPC_SPI_BASE_PREF                   BIT3  // Prefetchable
173 #define B_PCH_LPC_SPI_BASE_ADDRNG                 BIT2  // Address Range
174 #define B_PCH_LPC_SPI_BASE_EN                     BIT1  // Enable Bit
175 #define B_PCH_LPC_SPI_BASE_MEMI                   BIT0  // Memory Space Indicator
177 #define R_PCH_LPC_MPHY_BASE                       0x58 // MPBASE, 32bit
178 #define B_PCH_LPC_MPHY_BASE_BAR                   0xFFF00000 // Base Address, 1 MegaByte
179 #define B_PCH_LPC_MPHY_BASE_PREF                  BIT3  // Prefetchable
180 #define B_PCH_LPC_MPHY_BASE_ADDRNG                BIT2  // Address Range
181 #define B_PCH_LPC_MPHY_BASE_EN                    BIT1  // Enable Bit
182 #define B_PCH_LPC_MPHY_BASE_MEMI                  BIT0  // Memory Space Indicator
184 #define R_PCH_LPC_PUNIT_BASE                      0x5C  // PUBASE, 32bit
185 #define B_PCH_LPC_PUNIT_BASE_BAR                  0xFFFFF800 // Base Address, 2K bytes
186 #define B_PCH_LPC_PUNIT_BASE_PREF                 BIT3  // Prefetchable
187 #define B_PCH_LPC_PUNIT_BASE_ADDRNG               BIT2  // Address Range
188 #define B_PCH_LPC_PUNIT_BASE_EN                   BIT1  // Enable Bit
189 #define B_PCH_LPC_PUNIT_BASE_MEMI                 BIT0  // Memory Space Indicator
191 #define R_PCH_LPC_UART_CTRL                       0x80  // UART Control
192 #define B_PCH_LPC_UART_CTRL_COM1_EN               BIT0  // COM1 Enable
194 #define R_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC                    0xD8  // BIOS Decode Enable
195 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_EF8                BIT15 // F8-FF Enable
196 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_EF0                BIT14 // F0-F8 Enable
197 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_EE8                BIT13 // E8-EF Enable
198 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_EE0                BIT12 // E0-E8 Enable
199 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_ED8                BIT11 // D8-DF Enable
200 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_ED0                BIT10 // D0-D8 Enable
201 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_EC8                BIT9  // C8-CF Enable
202 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_EC0                BIT8  // C0-C8 Enable
203 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_LFE                BIT7  // Legacy F Segment Enable
204 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_LEE                BIT6  // Legacy E Segment Enable
205 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_E70                BIT3  // 70-7F Enable
206 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_E60                BIT2  // 60-6F Enable
207 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_E50                BIT1  // 50-5F Enable
208 #define B_PCH_LPC_FWH_BIOS_DEC_E40                BIT0  // 40-4F Enable
210 #define R_PCH_LPC_FDCAP                           0xE0  // Feature Detection Capability ID
211 #define B_PCH_LPC_FDCAP_NEXT                      0xFF00 // Next Capability
212 #define B_PCH_LPC_FDCAP_CAPID                     0x00FF // Capability ID
214 #define R_PCH_LPC_FDLEN                           0xE2  // Feature Detection Capability Length
215 #define B_PCH_LPC_FDLEN_CAPLEN                    0xFF  // Capability Length
217 #define R_PCH_LPC_FDVER                           0xE3  // Feature Detection Capability Version
218 #define B_PCH_LPC_FDVER_VSCID                     0xF0  // Vendor Specific Capability ID
219 #define B_PCH_LPC_FDVER_CAPVER                    0x0F  // Capability Version
221 #define R_PCH_LPC_FVECTIDX                        0xE4  // Feature Vector Index
223 #define R_PCH_LPC_FVECTD                          0xE8  // Feature Vector Data
225 #define R_PCH_LPC_RCBA                            0xF0  // RCBA, 32bit
226 #define B_PCH_LPC_RCBA_BAR                        0xFFFFFC00 // Base Address, 1 KiloByte
227 #define B_PCH_LPC_RCBA_EN                         BIT0  // Enable Bit
229 #define R_PCH_LPC_ULT_OBS                         0xF4  // ULT Observability
230 #define B_PCH_LPC_ULT_OBS_WNUM                    0x3FF000 // Reserved Wafer Number
231 #define B_PCH_LPC_ULT_OBS_XLOC                    0xFC0 // Reserved X Loc
232 #define B_PCH_LPC_ULT_OBS_YLOC                    0x3F  // Reserved Y Loc
234 #define R_PCH_LPC_MAN_ID                          0xF8  // Manufacturer ID
235 #define B_PCH_LPC_MAN_ID_DPID                     0xF000000 // Dot Portion of Process ID
236 #define B_PCH_LPC_MAN_ID_MSID                     0xFF0000 // Manufacturing Stepping Identifier
237 #define B_PCH_LPC_MAN_ID_MID                      0xFF00 // Manufacturing Identifier
238 #define B_PCH_LPC_MAN_ID_PPID                     0xFF  // Process Portion of Process ID
240 #define R_PCH_LPC_CGC                             0xFC  // Clock Gating Control
241 #define B_PCH_LPC_CGC_SBLCG                       BIT9  // IOSF-SB Local Clock Gating Disable
242 #define B_PCH_LPC_CGC_SBTCG                       BIT8  // IOSF-SB Trunk Clock Gating (Request) Disable
243 #define B_PCH_LPC_CGC_PRILCG                      BIT1  // IOSF-PRI Local Clock Gating Disable
244 #define B_PCH_LPC_CGC_PRITCG                      BIT0  // IOSF-PRI Trunk Clock Gating (Request) Disable
246 //
247 // iLB Memory Space Registers (IBASE)
248 //
249 #define R_PCH_ILB_ACPI_CNT                        0x00  // ACPI Control
250 #define B_PCH_ILB_ACPI_CNT_SCI_IRQ_SEL            (BIT2 | BIT1 | BIT0) // SCI IRQ Select
251 #define V_PCH_ILB_ACPI_CNT_SCI_IRQ_9              0     // IRQ9
252 #define V_PCH_ILB_ACPI_CNT_SCI_IRQ_10             BIT0  // IRQ10
253 #define V_PCH_ILB_ACPI_CNT_SCI_IRQ_11             BIT1  // IRQ11
254 #define V_PCH_ILB_ACPI_CNT_SCI_IRQ_20             BIT2  // IRQ20 (Only if APIC enabled)
255 #define V_PCH_ILB_ACPI_CNT_SCI_IRQ_21             (BIT2 | BIT0) // IRQ21 (Only if APIC enabled)
256 #define V_PCH_ILB_ACPI_CNT_SCI_IRQ_22             (BIT2 | BIT1) // IRQ22 (Only if APIC enabled)
257 #define V_PCH_ILB_ACPI_CNT_SCI_IRQ_23             (BIT2 | BIT1 | BIT0) // IRQ23 (Only if APIC enabled)
259 #define R_PCH_ILB_MC                              0x04  // Miscellaneous Control
260 #define B_PCH_ILB_MC_DRTC                         BIT3  // Disable RTC
261 #define B_PCH_ILB_MC_D8259                        BIT2  // Disable 8259
262 #define B_PCH_ILB_MC_D8254                        BIT1  // Disable 8254
263 #define B_PCH_ILB_MC_AME                          BIT0  // Alternate Access Mode Enable
265 #define R_PCH_ILB_PIRQA_ROUT                      0x08  // PIRQA Routing Control
266 #define R_PCH_ILB_PIRQB_ROUT                      0x09  // PIRQB Routing Control
267 #define R_PCH_ILB_PIRQC_ROUT                      0x0A  // PIRQC Routing Control
268 #define R_PCH_ILB_PIRQD_ROUT                      0x0B  // PIRQD Routing Control
269 #define R_PCH_ILB_PIRQE_ROUT                      0x0C  // PIRQE Routing Control
270 #define R_PCH_ILB_PIRQF_ROUT                      0x0D  // PIRQF Routing Control
271 #define R_PCH_ILB_PIRQG_ROUT                      0x0E  // PIRQG Routing Control
272 #define R_PCH_ILB_PIRQH_ROUT                      0x0F  // PIRQH Routing Control
273 //
274 // Bit values are the same for R_PCH_ILB_PIRQA_ROUT to R_PCH_ILB_PIRQH_ROUT
275 //
276 #define B_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQEN                BIT7  // Interrupt Routing Enable
277 #define B_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT                      0x0F  // IRQ Routing
278 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_3                0x03  // Route to IRQ3
279 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_4                0x04  // Route to IRQ4
280 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_5                0x05  // Route to IRQ5
281 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_6                0x06  // Route to IRQ6
282 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_7                0x07  // Route to IRQ7
283 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_9                0x09  // Route to IRQ9
284 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_10               0x0A  // Route to IRQ10
285 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_11               0x0B  // Route to IRQ11
286 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_12               0x0C  // Route to IRQ12
287 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_14               0x0E  // Route to IRQ14
288 #define V_PCH_ILB_PIRQX_ROUT_IRQ_15               0x0F  // Route to IRQ15
290 #define R_PCH_ILB_SERIRQ_CNT                      0x10  // Serial IRQ Control
291 #define B_PCH_ILB_SERIRQ_CNT_SIRQMD               BIT7  // Mode
293 #define R_PCH_ILB_ULKMC                           0x14  // USB Legacy Keyboard / Mouse Control
294 #define B_PCH_ILB_ULKMC_TRAPBY64W                 BIT11 // SMI Caused by Port 64 Write
295 #define B_PCH_ILB_ULKMC_TRAPBY64R                 BIT10 // SMI Caused by Port 64 Read
296 #define B_PCH_ILB_ULKMC_TRAPBY60W                 BIT9  // SMI Caused by Port 60 Write
297 #define B_PCH_ILB_ULKMC_TRAPBY60R                 BIT8  // SMI Caused by Port 60 Read
298 #define B_PCH_ILB_ULKMC_64WEN                     BIT3  // SMI on Port 64 Writes Enable
299 #define B_PCH_ILB_ULKMC_64REN                     BIT2  // SMI on Port 64 Reads Enable
300 #define B_PCH_ILB_ULKMC_60WEN                     BIT1  // SMI on Port 60 Writes Enable
301 #define B_PCH_ILB_ULKMC_60REN                     BIT0  // SMI on Port 60 Reads Enable
303 #define R_PCH_ILB_FWH_BIOS_SEL                    0x18  // FWH ID Select
304 #define B_PCH_ILB_FWH_BIOS_SEL_F8                 0xF0000000 // F8-FF ID Select
305 #define B_PCH_ILB_FWH_BIOS_SEL_F0                 0x0F000000 // F0-F7 ID Select
306 #define B_PCH_ILB_FWH_BIOS_SEL_E8                 0x00F00000 // E8-EF ID Select
307 #define B_PCH_ILB_FWH_BIOS_SEL_E0                 0x000F0000 // E0-E7 ID Select
308 #define B_PCH_ILB_FWH_BIOS_SEL_D8                 0x0000F000 // D8-DF ID Select
309 #define B_PCH_ILB_FWH_BIOS_SEL_D0                 0x00000F00 // D0-D7 ID Select
310 #define B_PCH_ILB_FWH_BIOS_SEL_C8                 0x000000F0 // C8-CF ID Select
311 #define B_PCH_ILB_FWH_BIOS_SEL_C0                 0x0000000F // C0-C7 ID Select
313 #define R_PCH_ILB_BIOS_CNTL                       0x1C  // BIOS Control
314 #define S_PCH_ILB_BIOS_CNTL                       4
315 #define B_PCH_ILB_BIOS_CNTL_PFE                   BIT8  // Prefetch Enable
316 #define B_PCH_ILB_BIOS_CNTL_LE                    BIT1  // Lock Enable
317 #define N_PCH_ILB_BIOS_CNTL_LE                    1
318 #define B_PCH_ILB_BIOS_CNTL_WP                    BIT0  // Write Protect
320 #define R_PCH_ILB_D0IR                            0x20  // Device 0 Interrupt Route
321 #define R_PCH_ILB_D1IR                            0x22  // Device 1 Interrupt Route
322 #define R_PCH_ILB_D2IR                            0x24  // Device 2 Interrupt Route
323 #define R_PCH_ILB_D3IR                            0x26  // Device 3 Interrupt Route
324 #define R_PCH_ILB_D4IR                            0x28  // Device 4 Interrupt Route
325 #define R_PCH_ILB_D5IR                            0x2A  // Device 5 Interrupt Route
326 #define R_PCH_ILB_D6IR                            0x2C  // Device 6 Interrupt Route
327 #define R_PCH_ILB_D7IR                            0x2E  // Device 7 Interrupt Route
328 #define R_PCH_ILB_D8IR                            0x30  // Device 8 Interrupt Route
329 #define R_PCH_ILB_D9IR                            0x32  // Device 9 Interrupt Route
330 #define R_PCH_ILB_D10IR                           0x34  // Device 10 Interrupt Route
331 #define R_PCH_ILB_D11IR                           0x36  // Device 11 Interrupt Route
332 #define R_PCH_ILB_D12IR                           0x38  // Device 12 Interrupt Route
333 #define R_PCH_ILB_D13IR                           0x3A  // Device 13 Interrupt Route
334 #define R_PCH_ILB_D14IR                           0x3C  // Device 14 Interrupt Route
335 #define R_PCH_ILB_D15IR                           0x3E  // Device 15 Interrupt Route
336 #define R_PCH_ILB_D16IR                           0x40  // Device 16 Interrupt Route
337 #define R_PCH_ILB_D17IR                           0x42  // Device 17 Interrupt Route
338 #define R_PCH_ILB_D18IR                           0x44  // Device 18 Interrupt Route
339 #define R_PCH_ILB_D19IR                           0x46  // Device 19 Interrupt Route
340 #define R_PCH_ILB_D20IR                           0x48  // Device 20 Interrupt Route
341 #define R_PCH_ILB_D21IR                           0x4A  // Device 21 Interrupt Route
342 #define R_PCH_ILB_D22IR                           0x4C  // Device 22 Interrupt Route
343 #define R_PCH_ILB_D23IR                           0x4E  // Device 23 Interrupt Route
344 #define R_PCH_ILB_D24IR                           0x50  // Device 24 Interrupt Route
345 #define R_PCH_ILB_D25IR                           0x52  // Device 25 Interrupt Route
346 #define R_PCH_ILB_D26IR                           0x54  // Device 26 Interrupt Route
347 #define R_PCH_ILB_D27IR                           0x56  // Device 27 Interrupt Route
348 #define R_PCH_ILB_D28IR                           0x58  // Device 28 Interrupt Route
349 #define R_PCH_ILB_D29IR                           0x5A  // Device 29 Interrupt Route
350 #define R_PCH_ILB_D30IR                           0x5C  // Device 30 Interrupt Route
351 #define R_PCH_ILB_D31IR                           0x5E  // Device 31 Interrupt Route
353 #define B_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IDR_MASK                  (BIT14 | BIT13 | BIT12) // INTD Mask
354 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IDR_PIRQA                 0                       // INTD Mapping to IRQ A
355 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IDR_PIRQB                 BIT12                   // INTD Mapping to IRQ B
356 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IDR_PIRQC                 BIT13                   // INTD Mapping to IRQ C
357 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IDR_PIRQD                 (BIT13 | BIT12)         // INTD Mapping to IRQ D
358 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IDR_PIRQE                 BIT14                   // INTD Mapping to IRQ E
359 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IDR_PIRQF                 (BIT14 | BIT12)         // INTD Mapping to IRQ F
360 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IDR_PIRQG                 (BIT14 | BIT13)         // INTD Mapping to IRQ G
361 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IDR_PIRQH                 (BIT14 | BIT13 | BIT12) // INTD Mapping to IRQ H
363 #define B_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_ICR_MASK                  (BIT10 | BIT9 | BIT8) // INTC Mask
364 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_ICR_PIRQA                 0                     // INTC Mapping to IRQ A
365 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_ICR_PIRQB                 BIT8                  // INTC Mapping to IRQ B
366 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_ICR_PIRQC                 BIT9                  // INTC Mapping to IRQ C
367 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_ICR_PIRQD                 (BIT9 | BIT8)         // INTC Mapping to IRQ D
368 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_ICR_PIRQE                 BIT10                 // INTC Mapping to IRQ E
369 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_ICR_PIRQF                 (BIT10 | BIT8)        // INTC Mapping to IRQ F
370 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_ICR_PIRQG                 (BIT10 | BIT9)        // INTC Mapping to IRQ G
371 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_ICR_PIRQH                 (BIT10 | BIT9 | BIT8) // INTC Mapping to IRQ H
373 #define B_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IBR_MASK                  (BIT6 | BIT5 | BIT4) // INTB Mask
374 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IBR_PIRQA                 0                    // INTB Mapping to IRQ A
375 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IBR_PIRQB                 BIT4                 // INTB Mapping to IRQ B
376 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IBR_PIRQC                 BIT5                 // INTB Mapping to IRQ C
377 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IBR_PIRQD                 (BIT5 | BIT4)        // INTB Mapping to IRQ D
378 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IBR_PIRQE                 BIT6                 // INTB Mapping to IRQ E
379 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IBR_PIRQF                 (BIT6 | BIT4)        // INTB Mapping to IRQ F
380 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IBR_PIRQG                 (BIT6 | BIT5)        // INTB Mapping to IRQ G
381 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IBR_PIRQH                 (BIT6 | BIT5 | BIT4) // INTB Mapping to IRQ H
383 #define B_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IAR_MASK                  (BIT2 | BIT1 | BIT0) // INTA Mask
384 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IAR_PIRQA                 0                    // INTA Mapping to IRQ A
385 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IAR_PIRQB                 BIT0                 // INTA Mapping to IRQ B
386 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IAR_PIRQC                 BIT1                 // INTA Mapping to IRQ C
387 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IAR_PIRQD                 (BIT1 | BIT0)        // INTA Mapping to IRQ D
388 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IAR_PIRQE                 BIT2                 // INTA Mapping to IRQ E
389 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IAR_PIRQF                 (BIT2 | BIT0)        // INTA Mapping to IRQ F
390 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IAR_PIRQG                 (BIT2 | BIT1)        // INTA Mapping to IRQ G
391 #define V_PCH_ILB_DXXIR_IAR_PIRQH                 (BIT2 | BIT1 | BIT0) // INTA Mapping to IRQ H
393 #define R_PCH_ILB_OIC                             0x60  // Other Interrupt Controller
394 #define B_PCH_ILB_OIC_SIRQEN                      BIT12 // Serial IRQ Enable
395 #define B_PCH_ILB_OIC_AEN                         BIT8  // APIC Enable
397 #define R_PCH_ILB_RTC_CONF                        0x64  // RTC Control
398 #define B_PCH_ILB_RTC_CONF_UCMOS_LOCK             BIT1  // Upper 128 Byte Lock
399 #define B_PCH_ILB_RTC_CONF_LCMOS_LOCK             BIT0  // Lower 128 Byte Lock
401 #define R_PCH_ILB_RTM                             0x68  // RTC Test Mode
402 #define B_PCH_ILB_RTM_RTM1                        (BIT2 | BIT1 | BIT0)
404 #define R_PCH_ILB_BCS                             0x6C  // BIOS Control Status
405 #define B_PCH_ILB_BCS_SMIWPEN                     BIT1  // SMI WPD Enable
406 #define B_PCH_ILB_BCS_SMIWPST                     BIT0  // SMI WPD Status
408 #define R_PCH_ILB_LE                              0x70  // LE
409 #define B_PCH_ILB_LE_IRQ12C                       BIT1  // IRQ12 Cause
410 #define B_PCH_ILB_LE_IRQ1C                        BIT0  // IRQ1 Cause
412 #define R_PCH_ILB_RTCC                            0x74  // RTC HIP Configuration
413 #define B_PCH_ILB_RTCC_RTCB4                      BIT6  // RTC Bias Resistor 4, Adds 480 Kohm
414 #define B_PCH_ILB_RTCC_RTCB3                      BIT5  // RTC Bias Resistor 3, Adds 240 Kohm
415 #define B_PCH_ILB_RTCC_RTCB2                      BIT4  // RTC Bias Resistor 2, Adds 120 Kohm
416 #define B_PCH_ILB_RTCC_RTCB1                      BIT3  // RTC Bias Resistor 1, Adds 60 Kohm
417 #define B_PCH_ILB_RTCC_RTCB0                      BIT2  // RTC Bias Resistor 0, Adds 30 Kohm
418 #define B_PCH_ILB_RTCC_DSWEN                      BIT1  // Deep Sleep Well Enable
419 #define B_PCH_ILB_RTCC_FEN                        BIT0  // Enable the Fast Oscillator Bypass Mode
421 #define R_PCH_ILB_DEF0                            0x78  // Defeature Register 0
422 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF0_SHRTSYNC                   BIT22 // Short Sync Abort Defeature
423 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF0_SDD                        BIT21 // Sub Decode Disable
425 #define R_PCH_ILB_DEF1                            0x7C  // Defeature Register 1
426 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF1_TPMPF                      BIT10 // usb2leg_chknbit_TPM_PF
427 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF1_HPETDEF                    BIT8  // usb2leg_chknbit_hpet
428 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF1_ECWS                       BIT6  // 8254 Early CW Select
429 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF1_FOF                        BIT5  // 8254 Freeze on first on 1st rd wr11
430 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF1_FOAR                       BIT4  // 8254 Freeze_On_AnyRead
431 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF1_LMOO                       BIT3  // 8259 L2L0_Match_On_OCW2
432 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF1_DFP                        BIT2  // 8259 Disable_Freeze_Priority
433 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF1_EETI                       BIT1  // 8259 Extend_EdgeTrig_IRQ
434 #define B_PCH_ILB_DEF1_DSAEOI                     BIT0  // 8259 Disable_Slave_AEOI
436 #define R_PCH_ILB_GNMI                            0x80  // NMI Register
437 #define S_PCH_ILB_GNMI                            4
438 #define B_PCH_ILB_GNMI_NMI2SMIEN                  BIT6  // NMI to SMI Enable
439 #define N_PCH_ILB_GNMI_NMI2SMIEN                  6
440 #define B_PCH_ILB_GNMI_NMI2SMIST                  BIT5  // NMI to SMI Status
441 #define N_PCH_ILB_GNMI_NMI2SMIST                  5
442 #define B_PCH_ILB_GNMI_NMIN                       BIT4  // NMI NOW
443 #define B_PCH_ILB_GNMI_NMINS                      BIT3  // NMI NOW Status
444 #define B_PCH_ILB_GNMI_GNMIED                     BIT2  // GPIO NMI Edge Detection
445 #define B_PCH_ILB_GNMI_GNMIE                      BIT1  // GPIO NMI Enable
446 #define B_PCH_ILB_GNMI_GNMIS                      BIT0  // GPIO NMI Status
448 #define R_PCH_ILB_LPCC                            0x84  // LPC Control
449 #define B_PCH_ILB_LPCC_LPCCLK_SLC                 BIT8  // iLPCCLK Mux Select
450 #define B_PCH_ILB_LPCC_LPCCLK_FORCE_OFF           BIT3
451 #define B_PCH_ILB_LPCC_CLKRUN_EN                  BIT2  // LPC CLKRUN Protocol Enable
452 #define B_PCH_ILB_LPCC_LPCCLK1EN                  BIT1  // Clock 1 Enable
453 #define B_PCH_ILB_LPCC_LPCCLK0EN                  BIT0  // Clock 0 Enable
455 #define R_PCH_ILB_IRQE                            0x88  // IRQ Enable Control
456 #define B_PCH_ILB_IRQE_IRQ4TO7EN                  (BIT7 | BIT6 | BIT5 | BIT4) // IRQ4 - IRQ7 Enable
457 #define B_PCH_ILB_IRQE_UARTIRQEN_IRQ3             BIT3  // UART IRQ3 Enable
459 //
460 // ACPI and Legacy I/O Registers (ABASE)
461 //
462 #define R_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS                        0x00  // Power Management 1 Status
463 #define S_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS                        2
464 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_WAK                    BIT15 // Wake Status
465 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_WAK_PCIE0              BIT14 // PCI Express 0 Wake Status
466 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_USB_CLKLESS            BIT13 // USB Clockless Status
467 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_PRBTNOR                BIT11 // Power Button Override Status
468 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_RTC                    BIT10 // RTC Status
469 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_PWRBTN                 BIT8  // Power Button Status
470 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_GBL                    BIT5  // Global Status
471 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_WAK_PCIE3              BIT4  // PCI Express 3 Wake Status
472 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_WAK_PCIE2              BIT3  // PCI Express 2 Wake Status
473 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_WAK_PCIE1              BIT2  // PCI Express 1 Wake Status
474 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_TMROF                  BIT0  // Timer Overflow Status
475 #define N_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_WAK                    15
476 #define N_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_PRBTNOR                11
477 #define N_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_RTC                    10
478 #define N_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_PWRBTN                 8
479 #define N_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_GBL                    5
480 #define N_PCH_ACPI_PM1_STS_TMROF                  0
482 #define R_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN                         0x02  // Power Management 1 Enables
483 #define S_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN                         2
484 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_WAK_DIS_PCIE0              BIT14 // PCI Express 0 Disable
485 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN_USB_CLKLESS             BIT13 // USB Clockless Enable Bit
486 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN_RTC                     BIT10 // RTC Alarm Enable Bit
487 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN_PWRBTN                  BIT8  // Power Button Enable Bit
488 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN_GBL                     BIT5  // Global Enable Bit
489 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_WAK_DIS_PCIE3              BIT4  // PCI Express 3 Disable
490 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_WAK_DIS_PCIE2              BIT3  // PCI Express 2 Disable
491 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_WAK_DIS_PCIE1              BIT2  // PCI Express 1 Disable
492 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN_TMROF                   BIT0  // Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable Bit
493 #define N_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN_RTC                     10
494 #define N_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN_PWRBTN                  8
495 #define N_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN_GBL                     5
496 #define N_PCH_ACPI_PM1_EN_TMROF                   0
498 #define R_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT                        0x04  // Power Management 1 Control
499 #define S_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT                        4
500 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT_SLP_EN                 BIT13 // Sleep enable
501 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT_SLP_TYP                (BIT12 | BIT11 | BIT10) // Sleep Type
502 #define V_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT_S0                     0x00000000 // ON (S0)
503 #define V_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT_S1                     0x00000400 // Puts CPU in S1 state (S1)
504 #define V_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT_S3                     0x00001400 // Suspend-to-RAM (S3)
505 #define V_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT_S4                     0x00001800 // Suspend-to-Disk (S4)
506 #define V_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT_S5                     0x00001C00 // Soft Off (S5)
507 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT_GBL_RLS                BIT2
508 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT_BM_RLD                 BIT1  // Treated as Scratchpad Bit
509 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_CNT_SCI_EN                 BIT0  // SCI Enable
511 #define R_PCH_ACPI_PM1_TMR                        0x08  // Power Management 1 Timer
512 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM1_TMR_VAL                    0xFFFFFF // The timer value mask
513 #define V_PCH_ACPI_PM1_TMR_MAX_VAL                0x1000000 // The timer is 24 bit overflow
514 #define V_PCH_ACPI_PM1_TMR_FREQUENCY              3579545 // Timer Frequency
515 #define V_PCH_ACPI_PM1_TMR_NUM_BITS               24    // Programmed to 24 not 32
516 #define V_PCH_ACPI_PM1_TMR_MAX_BITS               32
518 #define R_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS                      0x20  // General Purpose Event 0a Status
519 #define S_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS                      4
520 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_CORE_GPIO            0xFF000000 // CORE GPIO Status
521 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_SUS_GPIO             0x00FF0000 // SUS GPIO Status
522 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_PME_B0               BIT13 // Power Management Event Bus 0 Status
523 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_BATLOW               BIT10 // Battery Low Status
524 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_PCI_EXP              BIT9  // PCI Express Status
525 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_GUNIT_SCI            BIT5  // GUNIT SCI Status
526 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_PUNIT_SCI            BIT4  // PUNIT SCI Status
527 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_SWGPE                BIT2  // Software GPE Status
528 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_HOT_PLUG             BIT1  // Hot Plug Status
529 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_PME_B0               13
530 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_BATLOW               10
531 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_PCI_EXP              9
532 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_GUNIT_SCI            5
533 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_PUNIT_SCI            4
534 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_SWGPE                2
535 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_STS_HOT_PLUG             1
537 #define R_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN                       0x28  // General Purpose Event 0a Enables
538 #define S_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN                       4
539 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_CORE_GPIO             0xFF000000 // CORE GPIO Enable
540 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_SUS_GPIO              0x00FF0000 // SUS GPIO Enable
541 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_PME_B0                BIT13 // Power Management Event Bus 0 Enable
542 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_BATLOW                BIT10 // Battery Low Enable
543 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_PCI_EXP               BIT9  // PCI Express Enable
544 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_SWGPE                 BIT2  // Software GPE Enable
545 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_HOT_PLUG              BIT1  // Hot Plug Enable
546 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_PME_B0                13
547 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_BATLOW                10
548 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_PCI_EXP               9
549 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_SWGPE                 2
550 #define N_PCH_ACPI_GPE0a_EN_HOT_PLUG              1
552 #define R_PCH_SMI_EN                              0x30  // SMI Control and Enable
553 #define S_PCH_SMI_EN                              4
554 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_LEGACY_USB3                  BIT31 // Legacy USB 3 Enable
555 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_INTEL_USB2                   BIT18 // Intel USB 2 Enable
556 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_LEGACY_USB2                  BIT17 // Legacy USB 2 Enable
557 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_PERIODIC                     BIT14 // Periodic Enable
558 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_TCO                          BIT13 // TCO Enable
559 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_BIOS_RLS                     BIT7  // BIOS RLS
560 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_SWSMI_TMR                    BIT6  // Software SMI Timer Enable
561 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_APMC                         BIT5  // APMC Enable
562 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_ON_SLP_EN                    BIT4  // SMI On Sleep Enable
563 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_BIOS                         BIT2  // BIOS Enable
564 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_EOS                          BIT1  // End of SMI
565 #define B_PCH_SMI_EN_GBL_SMI                      BIT0  // Global SMI Enable
566 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_LEGACY_USB3                  31
567 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_GPIO_UNLOCK                  27
568 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_INTEL_USB2                   18
569 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_LEGACY_USB2                  17
570 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_PERIODIC                     14
571 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_TCO                          13
572 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_BIOS_RLS                     7
573 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_SWSMI_TMR                    6
574 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_APMC                         5
575 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_ON_SLP_EN                    4
576 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_BIOS                         2
577 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_EOS                          1
578 #define N_PCH_SMI_EN_GBL_SMI                      0
580 #define R_PCH_SMI_STS                             0x34  // SMI Status Register
581 #define S_PCH_SMI_STS                             4
582 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_LEGACY_USB3                 BIT31 // Legacy USB 3 Status
583 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_GUNIT_SMI                   BIT29 // GUNIT SMI Status
584 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_PUNIT_SMI                   BIT28 // PUNIT SMI Status
585 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_SPI                         BIT26 // SPI SMI Status
586 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_PCI_EXP                     BIT20 // PCI Express SMI Status
587 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_INTEL_USB2                  BIT18 // Intel USB 2 Status
588 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_LEGACY_USB2                 BIT17 // Legacy USB 2 Status
589 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_TCO                         13
590 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_SMBUS                       BIT16 // SMBUS SMI Status
591 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_ILB                         BIT15 // ILB SMI Status
592 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_PERIODIC                    BIT14 // Periodic Status
593 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_TCO                         BIT13 // TCO Status
594 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_GPE0                        BIT9  // GPE0 Status
595 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_PM1_STS_REG                 BIT8  // PM1 Status Register
596 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_SWSMI_TMR                   BIT6  // Software SMI Timer Status
597 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_APM                         BIT5  // APM Status
598 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_ON_SLP_EN                   BIT4  // SMI On Sleep Enable Status
599 #define B_PCH_SMI_STS_BIOS                        BIT2  // BIOS Status
600 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_LEGACY_USB3                 31
601 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_SPI                         26
602 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_PCI_EXP                     20
603 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_INTEL_USB2                  18
604 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_LEGACY_USB2                 17
605 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_SMBUS                       16
606 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_ILB                         15
607 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_PERIODIC                    14
608 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_TCO                         13
609 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_GPE0                        9
610 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_PM1_STS_REG                 8
611 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_SWSMI_TMR                   6
612 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_APM                         5
613 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_ON_SLP_EN                   4
614 #define N_PCH_SMI_STS_BIOS                        2
616 #define R_PCH_ALT_GP_SMI_EN                       0x38  // Alternate GPI SMI Enable
617 #define S_PCH_ALT_GP_SMI_EN                       2
618 #define B_PCH_ALT_GP_SMI_EN_CORE_GPIO             0xFF00 // SUS GPIO SMI Enable
619 #define B_PCH_ALT_GP_SMI_EN_SUS_GPIO              0x00FF // CORE GPIO SMI Enable
621 #define R_PCH_ALT_GP_SMI_STS                      0x3A  // Alternate GPI SMI Status
622 #define S_PCH_ALT_GP_SMI_STS                      2
623 #define B_PCH_ALT_GP_SMI_STS_CORE_GPIO            0xFF00 // SUS GPIO SMI Status
624 #define B_PCH_ALT_GP_SMI_STS_SUS_GPIO             0x00FF // CORE GPIO SMI Status
626 #define R_PCH_UPRWC                               0x3C  // USB Per-Port Registers Write Control
627 #define S_PCH_UPRWC                               2
628 #define B_PCH_UPRWC_WR_EN_SMI_STS                 BIT8 // Write Enable Status
629 #define B_PCH_UPRWC_WR_EN                         BIT1 // USB Per-Port Registers Write Enable
630 #define B_PCH_UPRWC_WR_EN_SMI_EN                  BIT0 // Write Enable SMI Enable
632 #define R_PCH_ACPI_GPE_CNTL                       0x40  // General Purpose Event Control
633 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE_CNTL_SWGPE_CTRL            BIT17 // Software GPE Control
634 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE_CNTL_PCIE3_SCI_EN          BIT3
635 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE_CNTL_PCIE2_SCI_EN          BIT2
636 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE_CNTL_PCIE1_SCI_EN          BIT1
637 #define B_PCH_ACPI_GPE_CNTL_PCIE0_SCI_EN          BIT0
639 #define R_PCH_ACPI_PM2_CNT                        0x50  // PM2a Control Block
640 #define B_PCH_ACPI_PM2_CNT_ARB_DIS                BIT0  // Scratchpad Bit
642 #define R_PCH_TCO_RLD                             0x60  // TCO Reload
643 #define B_PCH_TCO_RLD_VAL                         0x3FF // TCO Timer Count Value
645 #define R_PCH_TCO_STS                             0x64  // TCO Timer Status
646 #define S_PCH_TCO_STS                             4
647 #define B_PCH_TCO_STS_SECOND_TO                   BIT17 // Second Timeout Status
648 #define B_PCH_TCO_STS_TIMEOUT                     BIT3  // Timeout
649 #define N_PCH_TCO_STS_TIMEOUT                     3
651 #define R_PCH_TCO_CNT                             0x68  // TCO Control
652 #define S_PCH_TCO_CNT                             2
653 #define B_PCH_TCO_CNT_OS_POLICY                   (BIT21 | BIT20) // OS Policy
654 #define B_PCH_TCO_CNT_LOCK                        BIT12 // TCO Enable Lock
655 #define B_PCH_TCO_CNT_TMR_HLT                     BIT11 // TCO Timer Halt
657 #define R_PCH_TCO_TMR                             0x70  // TCO Timer
658 #define B_PCH_TCO_TMR_TCO_TRLD                    0x3FF0000
660 //
661 // PMC Memory Space Registers (PBASE)
662 //
663 #define R_PCH_PMC_PRSTS                           0x00  // Power and Reset Status
664 #define B_PCH_PMC_PRSTS_PRODID                    0xFF000000 // Power Management Controller Product ID
665 #define B_PCH_PMC_PRSTS_REVID                     0x00FF0000 // Power Management Controller Revision ID
666 #define B_PCH_PMC_PRSTS_PM_WD_TMR                 BIT15 // PMC Watchdog Timer Status
667 #define B_PCH_PMC_PRSTS_CODE_COPIED_STS           BIT11 // Patch Copied Over Status
668 #define B_PCH_PMC_PRSTS_CODE_LOAD_TO              BIT9  // Patch Load Timeout Status
669 #define B_PCH_PMC_PRSTS_OP_STS                    BIT8  // PMC Operational Status
670 #define B_PCH_PMC_PRSTS_SEC_GBLRST_STS            BIT7  // SEC Global Reset Status
671 #define B_PCH_PMC_PRSTS_SEC_WD_TMR_STS            BIT6  // SEC Watchdog Timer Status
672 #define B_PCH_PMC_PRSTS_WOL_OVR_WK_STS            BIT5  // Wake On LAN Override Wake Status
673 #define B_PCH_PMC_PRSTS_HOST_WAKE_STS             BIT4  // PMC Host Wake Status
675 #define R_PCH_PMC_PM_CFG                          0x08  // Power Management Configuration
676 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_CFG_SPS                      BIT5  // Shutdown Policy Select
677 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_CFG_NO_REBOOT                BIT4  // No Reboot Strap
678 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_CFG_SX_ENT_TO_EN             BIT3  // S1 / 3 / 4 / 5 Entry Timeout Enable
679 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_CFG_TIMING_T581              (BIT1 | BIT0) // Timing t581
681 #define R_PCH_PMC_PM_STS                          0x0C  // Power Management Status
682 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_STS_PMC_MSG_FULL             BIT24 // PMC Message Full Status
683 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_STS_PMC_MSG_4_FULL           BIT23 // PMC 4 Message Full Status
684 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_STS_PMC_MSG_3_FULL           BIT22 // PMC 3 Message Full Status
685 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_STS_PMC_MSG_2_FULL           BIT21 // PMC 2 Message Full Status
686 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_STS_PMC_MSG_1_FULL           BIT20 // PMC 1 Message Full Status
687 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_STS_CODE_REQ                 BIT8  // Patch Request Status
688 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_STS_HPR_ENT_TO               BIT2  // Host partition Reset Entry Timeout Status
689 #define B_PCH_PMC_PM_STS_SX_ENT_TO                BIT1  // S3 / 4 / 5 Entry Timeout Status
691 #define R_PCH_PMC_MTPMC                           0x10  // Message to PMC
693 #define R_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_1                     0x20  // General PM Configuration 1
694 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_UART_EN               BIT24 // UART Debug Port Enable
695 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_DRAM_INIT             BIT23 // DRAM Initialization Scratchpad Bit
696 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_MEM_SR                BIT21 // Memory Placed in Self-Refresh
697 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SRS                   BIT20 // System Reset Status
698 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_CTS                   BIT19 // CPU Thermal Trip Status
699 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_MIN_SLP_S4            BIT18 // Minimum SLP_S4# Assertion Width Violation Status
700 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_PWROK_FLR             BIT16 // PWROK Failure
701 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_PME_B0_S5_DIS         BIT15 // PME B0 S5 Disable
702 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SUS_PWR_FLR           BIT14 // SUS Well Power Failure
703 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_WOL_ENABLE_OVERRIDE   BIT13 // WOL Enable Override
704 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_DISABLE_SX_STRETCH    BIT12 // Disable SLP_X Scretching After SUS Well Power Up
705 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S3_MAW            (BIT11 | BIT10) // SLP_S3# Minimum Assertion Width
706 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S3_MAW_60US       0x000 // 60 micro seconds
707 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S3_MAW_1MS        0x400 // 1 milli second
708 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S3_MAW_50MS       0x800 // 50 milli seconds
709 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S3_MAW_2S         0xC00 // 2 seconds
710 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_GEN_RST_STS           BIT9  // General Reset Status
711 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_RTC_RESERVED          BIT8  // RTC Reserved
712 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SWSMI_RTSL            (BIT7 | BIT6)  // SWSMI Rate Select
713 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SWSMI_RTSL_64MS       0xC0  // 64ms +/- 4ms
714 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SWSMI_RTSL_32MS       0x80  // 32ms +/- 4ms
715 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SWSMI_RTSL_16MS       0x40  // 16ms +/- 4ms
716 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SWSMI_RTSL_1_5MS      0x00  // 1.5ms +/- 0.6ms
717 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S4_MAW            (BIT5 | BIT4) // SLP_S4# Minimum Assertion Width
718 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S4_MAW_1S         0x30  // 1 second
719 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S4_MAW_2S         0x20  // 2 seconds
720 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S4_MAW_3S         0x10  // 3 seconds
721 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S4_MAW_4S         0x00  // 4 seconds
722 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SLP_S4_ASE            BIT3  // SLP_S4# Assertion Scretch Enable
723 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_RTC_PWR_STS           BIT2  // RTC Power Status
724 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_AFTERG3_EN            BIT0  // After G3 State Enable
726 #define R_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_2                     0x24  // General PM Configuration 2
727 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_LOCK_S4_STRET_LD      BIT18 // SLP_S3 / SLP_S4 Stretching Policy Lock-Down
728 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_BIOS_PCI_EXP_EN       BIT10 // BIOS PCI Express Enable
729 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_PWRBTN_LVL            BIT9  // Power Button Level
730 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_SMI_LOCK              BIT4  // SMI Lock
731 #define B_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_PER_SMI_SEL           (BIT1 | BIT0) // Period SMI Select
732 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_PER_SMI_64S           0x0000 // 64 seconds
733 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_PER_SMI_32S           0x0001 // 32 seconds
734 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_PER_SMI_16S           0x0002 // 16 seconds
735 #define V_PCH_PMC_GEN_PMCON_PER_SMI_8S            0x0003 //  8 seconds
737 #define R_PCH_PMC_MFPMC                           0x28  // Message from PMC
739 #define R_PCH_PMC_SEC_STS                         0x2C  // SEC Status
740 #define B_PCH_PMC_SEC_STS_SEC                     (BIT3 | BIT2 | BIT1 | BIT0) // SEC Exclusion Cause
742 #define R_PCH_PMC_CRID                            0x30  // Configured Revision ID
743 #define B_PCH_PMC_CRID_RID_SEL                    (BIT1 | BIT0) // Revision ID Select
745 #define R_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS                        0x34  // Function Disable Register
746 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS2_FUNC7            BIT31 // LPSS2 I2C #7
747 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS2_FUNC6            BIT30 // LPSS2 I2C #6
748 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS2_FUNC5            BIT29 // LPSS2 I2C #5
749 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS2_FUNC4            BIT28 // LPSS2 I2C #4
750 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS2_FUNC3            BIT27 // LPSS2 I2C #3
751 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS2_FUNC2            BIT26 // LPSS2 I2C #2
752 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS2_FUNC1            BIT25 // LPSS2 I2C #1
753 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS2_FUNC0            BIT24 // LPSS2 DMA Disable
754 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_PCI_EX_FUNC3           BIT23 // PCI Express Function 3 Disable
755 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_PCI_EX_FUNC2           BIT22 // PCI Express Function 2 Disable
756 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_PCI_EX_FUNC1           BIT21 // PCI Express Function 1 Disable
757 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_PCI_EX_FUNC0           BIT20 // PCI Express Function 0 Disable
758 #define N_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_PCI_EX_FUNC0           20
759 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_SEC                    BIT19 // SEC Disable
760 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_USB                    BIT18 // USB Disable
761 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_SATA                   BIT17 // SATA Disable
762 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_USH                    BIT15 // USH (USB3) Disable
763 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_OTG                    BIT14 // USB OTG Disable
764 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPE                    BIT13 // LPE Disable
765 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_AZALIA                 BIT12 // Azalia Disable
766 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_MIPI                   BIT11 // MIPI-HSI Disable
767 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_SDIO4                  BIT11 // SCC SDIO #4 (Device 23, eMMC4.5) Disable
768 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_SDIO3                  BIT10 // SCC SDIO #3 (Device 18, SD Card) Disable
769 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_SDIO2                  BIT9  // SCC SDIO #2 (Device 17, SDIO) Disable
770 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_SDIO1                  BIT8  // SCC SDIO #1 (Device 16, eMMC) Disable
771 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS1_FUNC7            BIT7  // LPSS1 Spare #2 Disable
772 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS1_FUNC6            BIT6  // LPSS1 Spare #1 Disable
773 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS1_FUNC5            BIT5  // LPSS1 SPI Disable
774 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS1_FUNC4            BIT4  // LPSS1 HS-UART #2 Disable
775 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS1_FUNC3            BIT3  // LPSS1 HS-UART #1 Disable
776 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS1_FUNC2            BIT2  // LPSS1 PWM #2 Disable
777 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS1_FUNC1            BIT1  // LPSS1 PWM #1 Disable
778 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS_LPSS1_FUNC0            BIT0  // LPSS1 DMA Disable
780 #define R_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS2                       0x38  // Function Disable 2 Register
781 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS2_USH_SS_PHY            BIT2  // USH Super Speed PHY Disable
782 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS2_OTG_SS_PHY            BIT1  // OTG Super Speed PHY Disable
783 #define B_PCH_PMC_FUNC_DIS2_SMBUS                 BIT0  // SMBus Disable
785 #define R_PCH_PMC_PMIR                            0x48  // Extended Test Mode Register (ETR)
786 #define B_PCH_PMC_PMIR_CF9LOCK                    BIT31 // CF9h Lockdown
787 #define B_PCH_PMC_PMIR_LTR_DEF                    BIT22 // LTR Default
788 #define B_PCH_PMC_PMIR_IGNORE_HPET                BIT21 // Ignore HPET Disable Check Before Going to S0i2
789 #define B_PCH_PMC_PMIR_CF9GR                      BIT20 // CF9h Global Reset
791 #define R_PCH_PMC_VLT                             0x50  // Voltage Detect Register
792 #define B_PCH_PMC_VLT_FUSES                       0xFF  // Voltage Detect Fuses
794 #define R_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT                        0x58  // GPI Rout
795 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_0                      (BIT1 | BIT0)
796 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_1                      (BIT3 | BIT2)
797 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_2                      (BIT5 | BIT4)
798 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_3                      (BIT7 | BIT6)
799 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_4                      (BIT9 | BIT8)
800 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_5                      (BIT11 | BIT10)
801 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_6                      (BIT13 | BIT12)
802 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_7                      (BIT15 | BIT14)
803 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_8                      (BIT17 | BIT16)
804 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_9                      (BIT19 | BIT18)
805 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_10                     (BIT21 | BIT20)
806 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_11                     (BIT23 | BIT22)
807 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_12                     (BIT25 | BIT24)
808 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_13                     (BIT27 | BIT26)
809 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_14                     (BIT29 | BIT28)
810 #define B_PCH_PMC_GPI_ROUT_15                     (BIT31 | BIT30)
812 #define R_PCH_PMC_PCC0                            0x60  // Platform Clock Control 0
813 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC0_CLK_FREQ                   BIT2  // Clock Frequency
814 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC0_CLK_CTL                    (BIT1 | BIT0) // Clock Gating
816 #define R_PCH_PMC_PCC1                            0x64  // Platform Clock Control 1
817 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC1_CLK_FREQ                   BIT2  // Clock Frequency
818 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC1_CLK_CTL                    (BIT1 | BIT0) // Clock Gating
820 #define R_PCH_PMC_PCC2                            0x68  // Platform Clock Control 2
821 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC2_CLK_FREQ                   BIT2  // Clock Frequency
822 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC2_CLK_CTL                    (BIT1 | BIT0) // Clock Gating
824 #define R_PCH_PMC_PCC3                            0x6C  // Platform Clock Control 3
825 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC3_CLK_FREQ                   BIT2  // Clock Frequency
826 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC3_CLK_CTL                    (BIT1 | BIT0) // Clock Gating
828 #define R_PCH_PMC_PCC4                            0x70  // Platform Clock Control 4
829 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC4_CLK_FREQ                   BIT2  // Clock Frequency
830 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC4_CLK_CTL                    (BIT1 | BIT0) // Clock Gating
832 #define R_PCH_PMC_PCC5                            0x74  // Platform Clock Control 5
833 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC5_CLK_FREQ                   BIT2  // Clock Frequency
834 #define B_PCH_PMC_PCC5_CLK_CTL                    (BIT1 | BIT0) // Clock Gating
836 #define R_PCH_PMC_S0IR_TMR                        0x80  // S0I Ready Residency Timer
837 #define B_PCH_PMC_S0IR_TMR_RTIME                  0xFFFFFFFF // Time Spent in S0I Ready State
839 #define R_PCH_PMC_S0I1_TMR                        0x84  // S0I1 Ready Residency Timer
840 #define B_PCH_PMC_S0I1_TMR_RTIME                  0xFFFFFFFF // Time Spent in S0I1 Ready State
842 #define R_PCH_PMC_S0I2_TMR                        0x88  // S0I2 Ready Residency Timer
843 #define B_PCH_PMC_S0I2_TMR_RTIME                  0xFFFFFFFF // Time Spent in S0I2 Ready State
845 #define R_PCH_PMC_S0I3_TMR                        0x8C  // S0I3 Ready Residency Timer
846 #define B_PCH_PMC_S0I3_TMR_RTIME                  0xFFFFFFFF // Time Spent in S0I3 Ready State
848 #define R_PCH_PMC_S0_TMR                          0x90  // S0 Residency Timer
849 #define B_PCH_PMC_S0_TMR_RTIME                    0xFFFFFFFF // Time Spent in S0 State
851 #define R_PCH_PMC_PSS                             0x98  // Power Island Power Status
852 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS                      0x3FFFF // Power Gate Status of All Power Islands
853 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_USB_SUS              BIT17 // USB SUS
854 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_USB                  BIT16 // USB
856 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_OTG VCCA             BIT14 // OTG VCCA
857 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_OTG_VCCS             BIT13 // OTG VCCS
858 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_OTG_CTL              BIT12 // OTG Control
859 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_USH_VCCA             BIT11 // USH VCCA
860 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_USH_VCCS             BIT10 // USH VCCS
861 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_USH_SUS              BIT9  // USH SUS
862 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_USH_CTL              BIT8  // USH Control
863 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_DFX                  BIT7  // DFX
864 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_LPE                  BIT6  // LPE Audio
865 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_LPSS                 BIT5  // LPSS
866 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_PCIE                 BIT4  // PCIe
867 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_HDA                  BIT2  // HDA
868 #define B_PCH_PMC_PSS_PG_STS_SATA                 BIT1  // SATA
870 #define R_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0                        0xA0  // D3 Status 0
871 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS1F7                BIT31 // LPSS 1 Function 7
872 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS1F6                BIT30 // LPSS 1 Function 6
873 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS1F5                BIT29 // LPSS 1 Function 5
874 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS1F4                BIT28 // LPSS 1 Function 4
875 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS1F3                BIT27 // LPSS 1 Function 3
876 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS1F2                BIT26 // LPSS 1 Function 2
877 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS1F1                BIT25 // LPSS 1 Function 1
878 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS1F0                BIT24 // LPSS 1 Function 0
879 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_PCIEF3                 BIT23 // PCIe Function 3
880 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_PCIEF2                 BIT22 // PCIe Function 2
881 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_PCIEF1                 BIT21 // PCIe Function 1
882 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_PCIEF0                 BIT20 // PCIe Function 0
883 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_USB                    BIT18 // USB
884 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_SATA                   BIT17 // SATA
885 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_USH                    BIT15 // USH
886 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_OTG                    BIT14 // OTG
887 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPE                    BIT13 // LPE
888 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_HDA                    BIT12 // HDA
889 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_MIPI                   BIT11 // MIPI-HSI
890 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_SCCF2                  BIT10 // SCC Function 2
891 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_SCCF1                  BIT9  // SCC Function 1
892 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_SCCF0                  BIT8  // SCC Function 0
893 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS0F7                BIT7  // LPSS 0 Function 7
894 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS0F6                BIT6  // LPSS 0 Function 6
895 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS0F5                BIT5  // LPSS 0 Function 5
896 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS0F4                BIT4  // LPSS 0 Function 4
897 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS0F3                BIT3  // LPSS 0 Function 3
898 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS0F2                BIT2  // LPSS 0 Function 2
899 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS0F1                BIT1  // LPSS 0 Function 1
900 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_0_LPSS0F0                BIT0  // LPSS 0 Function 0
902 #define R_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_1                        0xA4  // D3 Status 1
903 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_1_DFX                    BIT3  // DFX
904 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_1_OTG_SS                 BIT2  // OTG SS
905 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_1_USH_SS                 BIT1  // USH SS
906 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STS_1_SMB                    BIT0  // SMBus
907 #define R_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0                  0xA8  // D3 Standby Status 0
908 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS1F7          BIT31 // LPSS 1 Function 7
909 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS1F6          BIT30 // LPSS 1 Function 6
910 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS1F5          BIT29 // LPSS 1 Function 5
911 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS1F4          BIT28 // LPSS 1 Function 4
912 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS1F3          BIT27 // LPSS 1 Function 3
913 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS1F2          BIT26 // LPSS 1 Function 2
914 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS1F1          BIT25 // LPSS 1 Function 1
915 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS1F0          BIT24 // LPSS 1 Function 0
916 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_PCIEF3           BIT23 // PCIe Function 3
917 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_PCIEF2           BIT22 // PCIe Function 2
918 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_PCIEF1           BIT21 // PCIe Function 1
919 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_PCIEF0           BIT20 // PCIe Function 0
920 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_USB              BIT18 // USB
921 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_SATA             BIT17 // SATA
922 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_USH              BIT15 // USH
923 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_OTG              BIT14 // OTG
924 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPE              BIT13 // LPE
925 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_HDA              BIT12 // HDA
926 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_MIPI             BIT11 // MIPI-HSI
927 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_SCCF2            BIT10 // SCC Function 2
928 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_SCCF1            BIT9  // SCC Function 1
929 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_SCCF0            BIT8  // SCC Function 0
930 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS0F7          BIT7  // LPSS 0 Function 7
931 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS0F6          BIT6  // LPSS 0 Function 6
932 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS0F5          BIT5  // LPSS 0 Function 5
933 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS0F4          BIT4  // LPSS 0 Function 4
934 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS0F3          BIT3  // LPSS 0 Function 3
935 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS0F2          BIT2  // LPSS 0 Function 2
936 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS0F1          BIT1  // LPSS 0 Function 1
937 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_0_LPSS0F0          BIT0  // LPSS 0 Function 0
939 #define R_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_1                  0xAC  // D3 Standby Status 1
940 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_1_DFX              BIT3  // DFX
941 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_1_OTG_SS           BIT2  // OTG SS
942 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_1_USH_SS           BIT1  // USH SS
943 #define B_PCH_PMC_D3_STDBY_STS_1_SMB              BIT0  // SMBus
945 #define R_PCH_PMC_MTPMC1                          0xB0  // Message to PMC 1
947 #define R_PCH_PMC_MTPMC2                          0xB4  // Message to PMC 2
949 #define R_PCH_PMC_MTPMC3                          0xB8  // Message to PMC 3
951 #define R_PCH_PMC_MTPMC4                          0xBC  // Message to PMC 4
953 //
954 // IO Memory Space Registers (IOBASE)
955 //
956 #define R_PCH_CFIO_PAD_CONF0                      0x00  // CFIO PAD_CONF0
957 #define R_PCH_CFIO_PAD_CONF1                      0x04  // CFIO PAD_CONF1
958 #define R_PCH_CFIO_PAD_VAL                        0x08  // CFIO PAD_VAL
959 #define R_PCH_CFIO_PAD_DFT                        0x0C  // CFIO PAD_CFT
961 //
962 // GPIO Register Offsets from GBASE
963 //
964 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_USE_SEL                     0x00  // GPIO South Usage Select [31:0]
965 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_IO_SEL                      0x04  // GPIO South Input / Output Select [31:0]
966 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_LVL                         0x08  // GPIO South Level for Input or Output [31:0]
968 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TPE                         0x0C  // GPIO South Trigger Positive Edge Enable [31:0]
969 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TNE                         0x10  // GPIO South Trigger Negative Edge Enable [31:0]
970 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TS                          0x14  // GPIO South Trigger Status [31:0]
972 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_USE_SEL2                    0x20  // GPIO South Usage Select 2 [63:32]
973 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_IO_SEL2                     0x24  // GPIO South Input / Output Select 2 [63:32]
974 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_LVL2                        0x28  // GPIO South Level for Input or Output 2 [63:32]
976 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TPE2                        0x2C  // GPIO South Trigger Positive Edge Enable 2 [63:32]
977 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TNE2                        0x30  // GPIO South Trigger Negative Edge Enable 2 [63:32]
978 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TS2                         0x34  // GPIO South Trigger Status 2 [63:32]
980 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_USE_SEL3                    0x40  // GPIO South Usage Select 3 [95:64]
981 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_IO_SEL3                     0x44  // GPIO South Input / Output Select 3 [95:64]
982 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_LVL3                        0x48  // GPIO South Level for Input or Output 3 [95:64]
984 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TPE3                        0x4C  // GPIO South Trigger Positive Edge Enable 3 [95:64]
985 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TNE3                        0x50  // GPIO South Trigger Negative Edge Enable 3 [95:64]
986 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TS3                         0x54  // GPIO South Trigger Status 3 [95:64]
988 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_USE_SEL4                    0x60  // GPIO South Usage Select 4 [127:96]
989 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_IO_SEL4                     0x64  // GPIO South Input / Output Select 4 [127:96]
990 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_LVL4                        0x68  // GPIO South Level for Input or Output 4 [127:96]
992 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TPE4                        0x6C  // GPIO South Trigger Positive Edge Enable 4 [127:96]
993 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TNE4                        0x70  // GPIO South Trigger Negative Edge Enable 4 [127:96]
994 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SC_TS4                         0x74  // GPIO South Trigger Status 4 [127:96]
996 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_USE_SEL                    0x80  // GPIO Suspend Use Select [31:0]
997 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_IO_SEL                     0x84  // GPIO Suspend Input / Output Select [31:0]
998 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_LVL                        0x88  // GPIO Suspend Level for Input or Output [31:0]
1000 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_TPE                        0x8C  // GPIO Suspend Trigger Positive Edge Enable [31:0]
1001 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_TNE                        0x90  // GPIO Suspend Trigger Negative Edge Enable [31:0]
1002 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_TS                         0x94  // GPIO Suspend Trigger Status [31:0]
1004 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_WAKE_EN                    0x98  // GPIO Suspend Wake Enable [31:0]
1006 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_USE_SEL2                   0x100 // GPIO Suspend Use Select 2 [42:32]
1007 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_IO_SEL2                    0x104 // GPIO Suspend Input / Output Select 2 [42:32]
1008 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_LVL2                       0x108 // GPIO Suspend Level for Input or Output 2 [42:32]
1010 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_TPE2                       0x10C // GPIO Suspend Trigger Positive Edge Enable [42:32]
1011 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_TNE2                       0x110 // GPIO Suspend Trigger Negative Edge Enable [42:32]
1012 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_TS2                        0x114 // GPIO Suspend Trigger Status [42:32]
1014 #define R_PCH_GPIO_SUS_WAKE_EN2                   0x118 // GPIO Suspend Wake Enable 2 [42:32]
1016 //
1017 // Fixed IO Space
1018 //
1020 //
1021 // Processor Interface Registers
1022 //
1023 #define R_PCH_NMI_SC                              0x61  // NMI Status and Control
1024 #define B_PCH_NMI_SC_SERR_NMI_STS                 BIT7  // SERR# NMI Status
1025 #define B_PCH_NMI_SC_IOCHK_NMI_STS                BIT6  // IOCHK NMI Status
1026 #define B_PCH_NMI_SC_TMR2_OUT_STS                 BIT5  // Timer Counter 2 Status
1027 #define B_PCH_NMI_SC_REF_TOGGLE                   BIT4  // Refresh Cycle toggle Status
1028 #define B_PCH_NMI_SC_IOCHK_NMI_EN                 BIT3  // IOCHK NMI Enable
1029 #define B_PCH_NMI_SC_PCI_SERR_EN                  BIT2  // SERR# NMI Enable
1030 #define B_PCH_NMI_SC_SPKR_DAT_EN                  BIT1  // Speaker Data Enable
1031 #define B_PCH_NMI_SC_TIM_CNT2_EN                  BIT0  // Timer Counter 2 Enable
1033 #define R_PCH_NMI_EN                              0x70  // NMI Enable and Real Time Clock Index, Co-function with R_PCH_RTC_INDEX
1034 #define B_PCH_NMI_EN_NMI_EN                       BIT7  // NMI Enable, must preserve this bit first before writing to IO port 0x70
1036 //
1037 // RTC Registers
1038 //
1039 #define R_PCH_RTC_INDEX                           0x70  // NMI Enable and Real Time Clock Index, Co-function with R_PCH_NMI_EN
1040 #define R_PCH_RTC_TARGET                          0x71  // Real-Time Clock Target Register
1041 #define R_PCH_RTC_EXT_INDEX                       0x72  // Extended RAM Index Register
1042 #define R_PCH_RTC_EXT_TARGET                      0x73  // Extended RAM Target Register
1043 #define R_PCH_RTC_INDEX2                          0x74  // Real-Time Clock Index Register
1044 #define R_PCH_RTC_TARGET2                         0x75  // Real-Time Clock Target Register
1045 #define R_PCH_RTC_EXT_INDEX2                      0x76  // Extended RAM Index Register
1046 #define R_PCH_RTC_EXT_TARGET2                     0x77  // Extended RAM Target Register
1048 #define R_PCH_RTC_SECONDS                         0x00  // Seconds, Range 0..59
1049 #define R_PCH_RTC_SECONDSALARM                    0x01  // Seconds Alarm, Range 0..59
1050 #define R_PCH_RTC_MINUTES                         0x02  // Minutes, Range 0..59
1051 #define R_PCH_RTC_MINUTESALARM                    0x03  // Minutes Alarm, Range 0..59
1052 #define R_PCH_RTC_HOURS                           0x04  // Hours, Range 1..12 or 0..23 Bit 7 is AM/PM
1053 #define R_PCH_RTC_HOURSALARM                      0x05  // Hours Alarm, Range 1..12 or 0..23 Bit 7 is AM/PM
1054 #define R_PCH_RTC_DAYOFWEEK                       0x06  // Day of Week, Range 1..7
1055 #define R_PCH_RTC_DAYOFMONTH                      0x07  // Day of Month, Range 1..31
1056 #define R_PCH_RTC_MONTH                           0x08  // Month, Range 1..12
1057 #define R_PCH_RTC_YEAR                            0x09  // Year, Range 0..99
1059 #define R_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA                       0x0A  // RTC Register A
1060 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_UIP                   BIT7  // Update In Progress
1061 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_DV                    (BIT6 | BIT5 | BIT4) // Division Chain Select
1062 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_DV_NORM_OP            0x20  // Normal Operation
1063 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_DV_BYP_5              0x30  // Bypass 5 Stages (Test mode only)
1064 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_DV_BYP_10             0x40  // Bypass 10 Stages (Test mode only)
1065 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_DV_BYP_15             0x50  // Bypass 15 Stages (Test mode only)
1066 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_DV_DIV_RST1           0x60  // Divider Reset
1067 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_DV_DIV_RST2           0x70  // Divider Reset
1068 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS                    (BIT3 | BIT2 | BIT1 | BIT0) // Rate Select
1069 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_INT_NV_TGL         0x00  // Interrupt Never Toggles
1070 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_3P906MS1           0x01  // 3.90625 ms
1071 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_7P812MS1           0x02  // 7.8125 ms
1072 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_122P0US            0x03  // 122.070 us
1073 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_244P1US            0x04  // 244.141 us
1074 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_488P2US            0x05  // 488.281 us
1075 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_976P5US            0x06  // 976.5625 us
1076 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_1P953MS            0x07  // 1.953125 ms
1077 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_3P906MS            0x08  // 3.90625 ms
1078 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_7P812MS            0x09  // 7.8125 ms
1079 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_15P62MS            0x0A  // 15.625 ms
1080 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_31P25MS            0x0B  // 31.25 ms
1081 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_62P5MS             0x0C  // 62.5 ms
1082 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_125MS              0x0D  // 125 ms
1083 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_250MS              0x0E  // 250 ms
1084 #define V_PCH_RTC_REGISTERA_RS_500MS              0x0F  // 500 ms
1086 #define R_PCH_RTC_REGISTERB                       0x0B  // RTC Register B
1087 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERB_SET                   BIT7  // Update Cycle Inhibit 1: Stop auto update, begin set value; 0: Update cycle occurs
1088 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERB_PIE                   BIT6  // Periodic Interrupt Enable
1089 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERB_AIE                   BIT5  // Alarm Interrupt Enable
1090 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERB_UIE                   BIT4  // Update-ended Interrupt Enable
1091 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERB_SQWE                  BIT3  // Square Wave Enable (Not implemented)
1092 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERB_DM                    BIT2  // Data Mode 1: Binary; 0:BCD
1093 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERB_HF                    BIT1  // Hour Format 1: 24 mode; 0: 12 mode.
1094 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERB_DSE                   BIT0  // Daylight Savings Enable (Not Implemented)
1096 #define R_PCH_RTC_REGISTERC                       0x0C  // RTC Register C
1097 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERC_IRQF                  BIT7  // Interrupt Request Flag
1098 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERC_PF                    BIT6  // Periodic Interrupt Flag
1099 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERC_AF                    BIT5  // Alarm Flag
1100 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERC_UF                    BIT4  // Update-ended Flag
1101 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERC_RESERVED              (BIT3 | BIT2 | BIT1 | BIT0)
1103 #define R_PCH_RTC_REGISTERD                       0x0D  // RTC Register D
1104 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERD_VRT                   BIT7  // Valid RAM and Time Bit
1105 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERD_RESERVED              BIT6
1106 #define B_PCH_RTC_REGISTERD_DA                    0x3F  // Date Alarm
1108 #define B_PCH_RTC_CENTURY                         0x32  // Century Data
1110 //
1111 // APM Registers
1112 //
1113 #define R_PCH_APM_CNT                             0xB2  // Advanced Power Management Control Port
1114 #define R_PCH_APM_STS                             0xB3  // Advanced Power Management Status Port
1116 //
1117 // INIT Register
1118 //
1119 #define R_PCH_PORT92                              0x92
1120 #define B_PCH_PORT92_ALT_A20_GATE                 BIT1  // Alternate A20 Gate
1121 #define B_PCH_PORT92_INIT_NOW                     BIT0  // Init Now
1123 //
1124 // PCU UART
1125 //
1126 #define R_PCH_COM1_BASE                           0x3F8 // COM1 IO BASE
1128 //
1129 // Reset Control Register
1130 //
1131 #define R_PCH_RST_CNT                             0xCF9 // Reset Control
1132 #define B_PCH_RST_CNT_FULL_RST                    BIT3
1133 #define B_PCH_RST_CNT_RST_CPU                     BIT2
1134 #define B_PCH_RST_CNT_SYS_RST                     BIT1
1135 #define V_PCH_RST_CNT_FULLRESET                   0x0E
1136 #define V_PCH_RST_CNT_HARDRESET                   0x06
1137 #define V_PCH_RST_CNT_SOFTRESET                   0x04  // Not supported by VLV
1138 #define V_PCH_RST_CNT_HARDSTARTSTATE              0x02
1139 #define V_PCH_RST_CNT_SOFTSTARTSTATE              0x00
1141 //
1142 // Fixed Memory Region
1143 //
1145 //
1146 // IO APIC Registers
1147 //
1148 #define R_PCH_IO_APIC_INDEX                       0xFEC00000 // IOAPIC Index Register, 8bit
1149 #define R_PCH_IO_APIC_WINDOW                      0xFEC00010 // IOAPIC Window Register, 32bit
1150 #define R_PCH_IO_APIC_EOI                         0xFEC00040 // IOAPIC EOI Register, 8bit
1152 #define R_PCH_IO_APIC_ID                          0x00  // Identification
1153 #define B_PCH_IO_APIC_ID_AID                      (BIT27 | BIT26 | BIT25 | BIT24) // APIC Identification
1155 #define R_PCH_IO_APIC_VS                          0x01  // Version
1156 #define B_PCH_IO_APIC_VS_MRE                      0xFF0000 // Maximum Redirection Entries
1157 #define B_PCH_IO_APIC_VS_PRQ                      BIT15 // Pin Assertion Register Supported
1158 #define B_PCH_IO_APIC_VS_VS                       0xFF  // Version
1160 //
1161 // HPET Registers
1162 //
1163 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET                            0xFED00000 // HPET Base Address
1165 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_GCID                       0x00  // HPET General Capabilities and ID, 64bit
1166 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GCID_CTP                   0xFFFFFFFF00000000 // Counter Tick Period
1167 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GCID_VID                   0xFFFF0000 // Vendor ID
1168 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GCID_LRC                   BIT15 // Legacy Rout Capable
1169 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GCID_CS                    BIT13 // Counter Size
1170 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GCID_NT                    0x1F00 // Number of Timers
1171 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GCID_RID                   0xFF  // Revision ID
1172 #define N_PCH_HPET_ADDR_ASEL                      12
1174 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_GCFG                       0x10  // HPET General Configuration
1175 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GCFG_LRE                   BIT1  // Legacy Rout Enable
1176 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GCFG_EN                    BIT0  // Overall Enable
1178 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_GIS                        0x20  // HPET General Interrupt Status
1179 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GIS_T2                     BIT2  // Timer 2 Status
1180 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GIS_T1                     BIT1  // Timer 1 Status
1181 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_GIS_T0                     BIT0  // Timer 0 Status
1183 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_MCV                        0xF0  // HPET Main Counter Value, 64bit
1185 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_T0C                        0x100 // HPET Timer 0 Config and Capabilities
1186 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_T0CV_L                     0x108 // HPET Timer 0 Lower Comparator Value
1187 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_T0CV_H                     0x10C // HPET Timer 0 Upper Comparator Value
1189 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_T1C                        0x120 // HPET Timer 1 Config and Capabilities
1190 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_T1CV                       0x128 // HPET Timer 1 Comparator Value
1192 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_T2C                        0x140 // HPET Timer 2 Config and Capabilities
1193 #define R_PCH_PCH_HPET_T2CV                       0x148 // HPET Timer 2 Comparator Value
1195 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_IRC                    0xFFFFFFFF00000000 // Interrupt Rout Capability
1196 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_FID                    BIT15 // FSB Interrupt Delivery
1197 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_FE                     BIT14 // FSB Enable
1198 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_IR                     0x3E00 // Interrupt Rout
1199 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_T32M                   BIT8  // Timer 32-bit Mode
1200 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_TVS                    BIT6  // Timer Value Set
1201 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_TS                     BIT5  // Timer Size
1202 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_PIC                    BIT4  // Periodic Interrupt Capable
1203 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_TYP                    BIT3  // Timer Type
1204 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_IE                     BIT2  // Interrupt Enable
1205 #define B_PCH_PCH_HPET_TXC_IT                     BIT1  // Timer Interrupt Type
1207 #endif