1 #ifndef CURSES_H
2 #define CURSES_H
4 #include <stdint.h>
5 #include <stdarg.h>
7 /** @file
8  *
9  * MuCurses header file
10  *
11  */
15 #undef  ERR
16 #define ERR	(-1)
18 #undef  FALSE
19 #define FALSE	(0)
21 #undef  OK
22 #define OK	(0)
24 #undef  TRUE
25 #define TRUE	(1)
27 typedef int bool;
28 typedef uint32_t chtype;
29 typedef uint32_t attr_t;
31 /** Curses SCREEN object */
32 typedef struct _curses_screen {
33 	/** Current cursor position */
34 	unsigned int curs_x, curs_y;
35 	/** Current attribute */
36 	attr_t attrs;
38 	void ( *init ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr );
39 	void ( *exit ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr );
40 	/**
41 	 * Move cursor to position specified by x,y coords
42 	 *
43 	 * @v scr	screen on which to operate
44 	 * @v y		Y position
45 	 * @v x		X position
46 	 */
47 	void ( * movetoyx ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr,
48 			      unsigned int y, unsigned int x );
49 	/**
50 	 * Write character to current cursor position
51 	 *
52 	 * @v scr	screen on which to operate
53 	 * @v c		character to be written
54 	 */
55 	void ( * putc ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr, chtype c );
56 	/**
57 	 * Pop a character from the keyboard input stream
58 	 *
59 	 * @v scr	screen on which to operate
60 	 * @ret c	popped character
61 	 */
62 	int ( * getc ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr );
63 	/**
64 	 * Checks to see whether a character is waiting in the input stream
65 	 *
66 	 * @v scr	screen on which to operate
67 	 * @ret TRUE	character waiting in stream
68 	 * @ret FALSE	no character waiting in stream
69 	 */
70 	bool ( *peek ) ( struct _curses_screen *scr );
71 } SCREEN;
73 /** Curses Window struct */
74 typedef struct _curses_window {
75 	/** screen with which window associates */
76 	SCREEN *scr;
77 	/** window attributes */
78 	attr_t attrs;
79 	/** window origin coordinates */
80 	unsigned int ori_x, ori_y;
81 	/** window cursor position */
82 	unsigned int curs_x, curs_y;
83 	/** window dimensions */
84 	unsigned int width, height;
85 	/** parent window */
86 	struct _curses_window *parent;
87 	/** windows that share the same parent as this one */
88 	//struct list_head siblings;
89 	/** windows der'd or sub'd from this one */
90 	//struct list_head children;
91 } WINDOW;
93 extern WINDOW _stdscr;
94 extern unsigned short _COLS;
95 extern unsigned short _LINES;
97 #define stdscr ( &_stdscr )
98 #define COLS _COLS
99 #define LINES _LINES
101 #define MUCURSES_BITS( mask, shift ) (( mask ) << (shift))
102 #define CPAIR_SHIFT	8
103 #define ATTRS_SHIFT	16
105 #define WA_DEFAULT	( 0x0000 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
106 #define WA_ALTCHARSET	( 0x0001 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
107 #define WA_BLINK	( 0x0002 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
108 #define WA_BOLD		( 0x0004 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
109 #define WA_DIM		( 0x0008 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
110 #define WA_INVIS	( 0x0010 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
111 #define WA_PROTECT	( 0x0020 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
112 #define WA_REVERSE	( 0x0040 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
113 #define WA_STANDOUT	( 0x0080 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
114 #define WA_UNDERLINE	( 0x0100 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
115 #define WA_HORIZONTAL	( 0x0200 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
116 #define WA_VERTICAL	( 0x0400 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
117 #define WA_LEFT		( 0x0800 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
118 #define WA_RIGHT	( 0x1000 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
119 #define WA_LOW		( 0x2000 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
120 #define WA_TOP		( 0x4000 << ATTRS_SHIFT )
124 #define A_BLINK		WA_BLINK
125 #define A_BOLD		WA_BOLD
126 #define A_DIM		WA_DIM
127 #define A_INVIS		WA_INVIS
133 #define A_ATTRIBUTES	( 0xffff << ATTRS_SHIFT )
134 #define A_CHARTEXT	( 0xff )
135 #define A_COLOUR	( 0xff << CPAIR_SHIFT )
136 #define A_COLOR		A_COLOUR
138 #define COLOUR_PAIR(n)	( (n) << CPAIR_SHIFT )
139 #define COLOR_PAIR(n)	COLOUR_PAIR(n)
140 #define PAIR_NUMBER(attrs) ( ( (attrs) & A_COLOUR ) >> CPAIR_SHIFT )
142 #define COLOUR_PAIRS	8 /* Arbitrary limit */
145 #define ACS_ULCORNER	'+'
146 #define ACS_LLCORNER	'+'
147 #define ACS_URCORNER	'+'
148 #define ACS_LRCORNER	'+'
149 #define ACS_RTEE	'+'
150 #define ACS_LTEE	'+'
151 #define ACS_BTEE	'+'
152 #define ACS_TTEE	'+'
153 #define ACS_HLINE	'-'
154 #define ACS_VLINE	'|'
155 #define ACS_PLUS	'+'
156 #define ACS_S1		'-'
157 #define ACS_S9		'_'
158 #define ACS_DIAMOND	'+'
159 #define ACS_CKBOARD	':'
160 #define ACS_DEGREE	'\''
161 #define ACS_PLMINUS	'#'
162 #define ACS_BULLET	'o'
163 #define ACS_LARROW	'<'
164 #define ACS_RARROW	'>'
165 #define ACS_DARROW	'v'
166 #define ACS_UARROW	'^'
167 #define ACS_BOARD	'#'
168 #define ACS_LANTERN	'#'
169 #define ACS_BLOCK	'#'
171 #define COLOUR_BLACK	0
172 #define COLOUR_RED	1
173 #define COLOUR_GREEN	2
174 #define COLOUR_YELLOW	3
175 #define COLOUR_BLUE	4
176 #define COLOUR_MAGENTA	5
177 #define COLOUR_CYAN	6
178 #define COLOUR_WHITE	7
179 #define COLOURS		7
181 #define COLOUR_FG	30
182 #define COLOUR_BG	40
183 #define COLOR_FG	COLOUR_FG
184 #define COLOR_BG	COLOUR_BG
194 #define COLORS		COLOURS
196 /*
197  * KEY code constants are define in gpxe/keys.h
198  */
199 #include <gpxe/keys.h>
201 //extern int addch ( const chtype * );
202 //extern int addchnstr ( const chtype *, int );
203 //extern int addchstr ( const chtype * );
204 //extern int addnstr ( const char *, int );
205 //extern int addstr ( const char * );
206 //extern int attroff ( int );
207 //extern int attron ( int );
208 //extern int attrset ( int );
209 //extern int attr_get ( attr_t *, short *, void * );
210 //extern int attr_off ( attr_t, void * );
211 //extern int attr_on ( attr_t, void * );
212 //extern int attr_set ( attr_t, short, void * );
213 extern int baudrate ( void );
214 extern int beep ( void );
215 //extern void bkgdset ( chtype );
216 /*extern int border ( chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
217   chtype );*/
218 extern int box ( WINDOW *, chtype, chtype ) __nonnull;
219 //extern bool can_change_colour ( void );
220 #define can_change_color() can_change_colour()
221 extern int cbreak ( void );
222 //extern int clrtobot ( void );
223 //extern int clrtoeol ( void );
224 extern int colour_content ( short, short *, short *, short * ) __nonnull;
225 #define color_content( c, r, g, b ) colour_content( (c), (r), (g), (b) )
226 //extern int colour_set ( short, void * );
227 #define color_set( cpno, opts ) colour_set( (cpno), (opts) )
228 extern int copywin ( const WINDOW *, WINDOW *, int, int, int,
229 		     int, int, int, int );
230 extern int curs_set ( int );
231 extern int def_prog_mode ( void );
232 extern int def_shell_mode ( void );
233 extern int delay_output ( int );
234 //extern int delch ( void );
235 //extern int deleteln ( void );
236 extern void delscreen ( SCREEN * );
237 extern int delwin ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
238 extern WINDOW *derwin ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int ) __nonnull;
239 //extern int doupdate ( void );
240 extern WINDOW *dupwin ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
241 extern int echo ( void );
242 extern int echochar ( const chtype );
243 extern int endwin ( void );
244 extern char erasechar ( void );
245 //extern int erase ( void );
246 extern void filter ( void );
247 extern int flash ( void );
248 extern int flushinp ( void );
249 extern __pure chtype getbkgd ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
250 //extern int getch ( void );
251 //extern int getnstr ( char *, int );
252 //extern int getstr ( char * );
253 extern int halfdelay ( int );
254 //extern bool has_colors ( void );
255 extern bool has_ic ( void );
256 extern bool has_il ( void );
257 //extern int hline ( chtype, int );
258 extern void idcok ( WINDOW *, bool );
259 extern int idlok ( WINDOW *, bool );
260 //extern void immedok ( WINDOW *, bool );
261 //extern chtype inch ( void );
262 //extern int inchnstr ( chtype *, int );
263 //extern int inchstr ( chtype * );
264 extern WINDOW *initscr ( void );
265 extern int init_colour ( short, short, short, short );
266 #define init_color ( c, r, g, b ) init_colour ( (c), (r), (g), (b) )
267 extern int init_pair ( short, short, short );
268 //extern int innstr ( char *, int );
269 //extern int insch ( chtype );
270 //extern int insnstr ( const char *, int );
271 //extern int insstr ( const char * );
272 //extern int instr ( char * );
273 extern int intrflush ( WINDOW *, bool );
274 extern bool isendwin ( void );
275 //extern bool is_linetouched ( WINDOW *, int );
276 //extern bool is_wintouched ( WINDOW * );
277 extern char *keyname ( int );
278 extern int keypad ( WINDOW *, bool );
279 extern char killchar ( void );
280 extern int leaveok ( WINDOW *, bool );
281 extern char *longname ( void );
282 extern int meta ( WINDOW *, bool );
283 //extern int move ( int, int );
284 //extern int mvaddch ( int, int, const chtype );
285 //extern int mvaddchnstr ( int, int, const chtype *, int );
286 //extern int mvaddchstr ( int, int, const chtype * );
287 //extern int mvaddnstr ( int, int, const char *, int );
288 //extern int mvaddstr ( int, int, const char * );
289 extern int mvcur ( int, int, int, int );
290 //extern int mvdelch ( int, int );
291 extern int mvderwin ( WINDOW *, int, int );
292 //extern int mvgetch ( int, int );
293 //extern int mvgetnstr ( int, int, char *, int );
294 //extern int mvgetstr ( int, int, char * );
295 //extern int mvhline ( int, int, chtype, int );
296 //extern chtype mvinch ( int, int );
297 //extern int mvinchnstr ( int, int, chtype *, int );
298 //extern int mvinchstr ( int, int, chtype * );
299 //extern int mvinnstr ( int, int, char *, int );
300 //extern int mvinsch ( int, int, chtype );
301 //extern int mvinsnstr ( int, int, const char *, int );
302 //extern int mvinsstr ( int, int, const char * );
303 //extern int mvinstr ( int, int, char * );
304 //extern int mvprintw ( int, int, char *,  ... );
305 //extern int mvscanw ( int, int, char *, ... );
306 //extern int mvvline ( int, int, chtype, int );
307 //extern int mvwaddch ( WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype );
308 //extern int mvwaddchnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype *, int );
309 //extern int mvwaddchstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype * );
310 //extern int mvwaddnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char *, int );
311 //extern int mvwaddstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char * );
312 //extern int mvwdelch ( WINDOW *, int, int );
313 //extern int mvwgetch ( WINDOW *, int, int );
314 //extern int mvwgetnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int );
315 //extern int mvwgetstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char * );
316 //extern int mvwhline ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype, int );
317 extern int mvwin ( WINDOW *, int, int ) __nonnull;
318 //extern chtype mvwinch ( WINDOW *, int, int );
319 //extern int mvwinchnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *, int );
320 //extern int mvwinchstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype * );
321 //extern int mvwinnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int );
322 //extern int mvwinsch ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype );
323 //extern int mvwinsnstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char *, int );
324 //extern int mvwinsstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, const char * );
325 //extern int mvwinstr ( WINDOW *, int, int, char * );
326 //extern int mvwprintw ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, ... );
327 //extern int mvwscanw ( WINDOW *, int, int, char *, ... );
328 //extern int mvwvline ( WINDOW *, int, int, chtype, int );
329 extern int napms ( int );
330 //extern WINDOW *newpad ( int, int );
331 extern WINDOW *newwin ( int, int, int, int );
332 extern int nl ( void );
333 extern int nocbreak ( void );
334 extern int nodelay ( WINDOW *, bool );
335 extern int noecho ( void );
336 extern int nonl ( void );
337 extern void noqiflush ( void );
338 extern int noraw ( void );
339 extern int notimeout ( WINDOW *, bool );
340 extern int overlay ( const WINDOW *, WINDOW * );
341 extern int overwrite ( const WINDOW *, WINDOW * );
342 extern int pair_content ( short, short *, short * ) __nonnull;
343 //extern int pechochar ( WINDOW *, chtype );
344 //extern int pnoutrefresh ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int );
345 //extern int prefresh ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int );
346 extern int printw ( char *, ... );
347 extern int putp ( const char * );
348 extern void qiflush ( void );
349 extern int raw ( void );
350 //extern int redrawwin ( WINDOW * );
351 //extern int refresh ( void );
352 extern int reset_prog_mode ( void );
353 extern int reset_shell_mode ( void );
354 extern int resetty ( void );
355 extern int ripoffline ( int, int  (*) ( WINDOW *, int) );
356 extern int savetty ( void );
357 //extern int scanw ( char *, ... );
358 //extern int scrl ( int );
359 //extern int scroll ( WINDOW * );
360 //extern int scrollok ( WINDOW *, bool );
361 //extern int setscrreg ( int, int );
362 extern SCREEN *set_term ( SCREEN * );
363 extern int setupterm ( char *, int, int * );
364 extern int slk_attr_off ( const attr_t, void * );
365 extern int slk_attroff ( const chtype );
366 extern int slk_attr_on ( const attr_t, void * );
367 extern int slk_attron ( const chtype );
368 extern int slk_attr_set ( const attr_t, short, void * );
369 extern int slk_attrset ( const chtype );
370 extern int slk_clear ( void );
371 extern int slk_colour ( short );
372 #define slk_color( c ) slk_colour( (c) )
373 extern int slk_init ( int );
374 extern char *slk_label ( int );
375 extern int slk_noutrefresh ( void );
376 //extern int slk_refresh ( void );
377 extern int slk_restore ( void );
378 extern int slk_set ( int, const char *, int ) __nonnull;
379 extern int slk_touch ( void );
380 extern int standend ( void );
381 extern int standout ( void );
382 //extern int start_colour ( void );
383 #define start_color() start_colour()
384 //extern WINDOW *subpad ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int );
385 extern WINDOW *subwin ( WINDOW *, int, int, int, int ) __nonnull;
386 extern int syncok ( WINDOW *, bool );
387 extern chtype termattrs ( void );
388 extern attr_t term_attrs ( void );
389 extern char *termname ( void );
390 extern int tigetflag ( char * );
391 extern int tigetnum ( char * );
392 extern char *tigetstr ( char * );
393 extern void timeout ( int );
394 //extern int touchline ( WINDOW *, int, int );
395 //extern int touchwin ( WINDOW * );
396 extern char *tparm ( char *, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long,
397 		   long );
398 extern int typeahead ( int );
399 //extern int ungetch ( int );
400 //extern int untouchwin ( WINDOW * );
401 extern void use_env ( bool );
402 extern int vid_attr ( attr_t, short, void * );
403 extern int vidattr ( chtype );
404 extern int vid_puts ( attr_t, short, void *, int  ( *) ( int) );
405 extern int vidputs ( chtype, int  ( *) ( int) );
406 //extern int vline ( chtype, int );
407 //extern int vwprintw ( WINDOW *, const char *, va_list );
408 extern int vw_printw ( WINDOW *, const char *, va_list ) __nonnull;
409 //extern int vwscanw ( WINDOW *, char *, va_list );
410 //extern int vw_scanw ( WINDOW *, char *, va_list );
411 extern int waddch ( WINDOW *, const chtype ) __nonnull;
412 extern int waddchnstr ( WINDOW *, const chtype *, int ) __nonnull;
413 //extern int waddchstr ( WINDOW *, const chtype * );
414 extern int waddnstr ( WINDOW *, const char *, int ) __nonnull;
415 //extern int waddstr ( WINDOW *, const char * );
416 extern int wattroff ( WINDOW *, int ) __nonnull;
417 extern int wattron ( WINDOW *, int ) __nonnull;
418 extern int wattrset ( WINDOW *, int ) __nonnull;
419 extern int wattr_get ( WINDOW *, attr_t *, short *, void * )
420 	__attribute__ (( nonnull (1, 2, 3)));
421 extern int wattr_off ( WINDOW *, attr_t, void * )
422 	__attribute__ (( nonnull (1)));
423 extern int wattr_on ( WINDOW *, attr_t, void * )
424 	__attribute__ (( nonnull (1)));
425 extern int wattr_set ( WINDOW *, attr_t, short, void * )
426 	__attribute__ (( nonnull (1)));
427 //extern void wbkgdset ( WINDOW *, chtype );
428 extern int wborder ( WINDOW *, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
429 		   chtype, chtype ) __nonnull;
430 extern int wclrtobot ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
431 extern int wclrtoeol ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
432 extern void wcursyncup ( WINDOW * );
433 extern int wcolour_set ( WINDOW *, short, void * ) __nonnull;
434 #define wcolor_set(w,s,v) wcolour_set((w),(s),(v))
435 extern int wdelch ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
436 extern int wdeleteln ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
437 extern int wechochar ( WINDOW *, const chtype );
438 extern int werase ( WINDOW * ) __nonnull;
439 extern int wgetch ( WINDOW * );
440 extern int wgetnstr ( WINDOW *, char *, int );
441 //extern int wgetstr ( WINDOW *, char * );
442 extern int whline ( WINDOW *, chtype, int ) __nonnull;
443 //extern chtype winch ( WINDOW * );
444 //extern int winchnstr ( WINDOW *, chtype *, int );
445 //extern int winchstr ( WINDOW *, chtype * );
446 //extern int winnstr ( WINDOW *, char *, int );
447 //extern int winsch ( WINDOW *, chtype );
448 //extern int winsnstr ( WINDOW *, const char *, int );
449 //extern int winsstr ( WINDOW *, const char * );
450 //extern int winstr ( WINDOW *, char * );
451 extern int wmove ( WINDOW *, int, int );
452 //extern int wnoutrefresh ( WINDOW * );
453 extern int wprintw ( WINDOW *, const char *, ... ) __nonnull;
454 //extern int wredrawln ( WINDOW *, int, int );
455 //extern int wrefresh ( WINDOW * );
456 //extern int wscanw ( WINDOW *, char *, ... );
457 //extern int wscrl ( WINDOW *, int );
458 //extern int wsetscrreg ( WINDOW *, int, int );
459 //extern int wstandend ( WINDOW * );
460 //extern int wstandout ( WINDOW * );
461 extern void wsyncup ( WINDOW * );
462 extern void wsyncdown ( WINDOW * );
463 extern void wtimeout ( WINDOW *, int );
464 //extern int wtouchln ( WINDOW *, int, int, int );
465 extern int wvline ( WINDOW *, chtype, int ) __nonnull;
467 /*
468  * There is frankly a ridiculous amount of redundancy within the
469  * curses API - ncurses decided to get around this by using #define
470  * macros, but I've decided to be type-safe and implement them all as
471  * static inlines instead...
472  */
addch(const chtype ch)474 static inline int addch ( const chtype ch ) {
475 	return waddch( stdscr, ch );
476 }
addchnstr(const chtype * chstr,int n)478 static inline int addchnstr ( const chtype *chstr, int n ) {
479 	return waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, n );
480 }
addchstr(const chtype * chstr)482 static inline int addchstr ( const chtype *chstr ) {
483 	return waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, -1 );
484 }
addnstr(const char * str,int n)486 static inline int addnstr ( const char *str, int n ) {
487 	return waddnstr ( stdscr, str, n );
488 }
addstr(const char * str)490 static inline int addstr ( const char *str ) {
491 	return waddnstr ( stdscr, str, -1 );
492 }
attroff(int attrs)494 static inline int attroff ( int attrs ) {
495 	return wattroff ( stdscr, attrs );
496 }
attron(int attrs)498 static inline int attron ( int attrs ) {
499 	return wattron ( stdscr, attrs );
500 }
attrset(int attrs)502 static inline int attrset ( int attrs ) {
503 	return wattrset ( stdscr, attrs );
504 }
attr_get(attr_t * attrs,short * pair,void * opts)506 static inline int attr_get ( attr_t *attrs, short *pair, void *opts ) {
507 	return wattr_get ( stdscr, attrs, pair, opts );
508 }
attr_off(attr_t attrs,void * opts)510 static inline int attr_off ( attr_t attrs, void *opts ) {
511 	return wattr_off ( stdscr, attrs, opts );
512 }
attr_on(attr_t attrs,void * opts)514 static inline int attr_on ( attr_t attrs, void *opts ) {
515 	return wattr_on ( stdscr, attrs, opts );
516 }
attr_set(attr_t attrs,short cpair,void * opts)518 static inline int attr_set ( attr_t attrs, short cpair, void *opts ) {
519 	return wattr_set ( stdscr, attrs, cpair, opts );
520 }
bkgdset(chtype ch)522 static inline void bkgdset ( chtype ch ) {
523 	wattrset ( stdscr, ch );
524 }
border(chtype ls,chtype rs,chtype ts,chtype bs,chtype tl,chtype tr,chtype bl,chtype br)526 static inline int border ( chtype ls, chtype rs, chtype ts, chtype bs,
527 			   chtype tl, chtype tr, chtype bl, chtype br ) {
528 	return wborder ( stdscr, ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br );
529 }
can_change_colour(void)531 static inline bool can_change_colour ( void ) {
532 	return FALSE;
533 }
clrtobot(void)535 static inline int clrtobot ( void ) {
536 	return wclrtobot( stdscr );
537 }
clrtoeol(void)539 static inline int clrtoeol ( void ) {
540 	return wclrtoeol( stdscr );
541 }
colour_set(short colour_pair_number,void * opts)543 static inline int colour_set ( short colour_pair_number, void *opts ) {
544 	return wcolour_set ( stdscr, colour_pair_number, opts );
545 }
delch(void)547 static inline int delch ( void ) {
548 	return wdelch ( stdscr );
549 }
deleteln(void)551 static inline int deleteln ( void ) {
552 	return wdeleteln( stdscr );
553 }
erase(void)555 static inline int erase ( void ) {
556 	return werase ( stdscr );
557 }
getch(void)559 static inline int getch ( void ) {
560 	return wgetch ( stdscr );
561 }
getnstr(char * str,int n)563 static inline int getnstr ( char *str, int n ) {
564 	return wgetnstr ( stdscr, str, n );
565 }
getstr(char * str)567 static inline int getstr ( char *str ) {
568 	return wgetnstr ( stdscr, str, -1 );
569 }
has_colors(void)571 static inline bool has_colors ( void ) {
572 	return TRUE;
573 }
has_key(int kc __unused)575 static inline int has_key ( int kc __unused ) {
576 	return TRUE;
577 }
hline(chtype ch,int n)579 static inline int hline ( chtype ch, int n ) {
580 	return whline ( stdscr, ch, n );
581 }
move(int y,int x)583 static inline int move ( int y, int x ) {
584 	return wmove ( stdscr, y, x );
585 }
mvaddch(int y,int x,const chtype ch)587 static inline int mvaddch ( int y, int x, const chtype ch ) {
588 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
589 		 ? waddch( stdscr, ch ) : ERR );
590 }
mvaddchnstr(int y,int x,const chtype * chstr,int n)592 static inline int mvaddchnstr ( int y, int x, const chtype *chstr, int n ) {
593 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
594 		 ? waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, n ) : ERR );
595 }
mvaddchstr(int y,int x,const chtype * chstr)597 static inline int mvaddchstr ( int y, int x, const chtype *chstr ) {
598 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
599 		 ? waddchnstr ( stdscr, chstr, -1 ) : ERR );
600 }
mvaddnstr(int y,int x,const char * str,int n)602 static inline int mvaddnstr ( int y, int x, const char *str, int n ) {
603 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
604 		 ? waddnstr ( stdscr, str, n ) : ERR );
605 }
mvaddstr(int y,int x,const char * str)607 static inline int mvaddstr ( int y, int x, const char *str ) {
608 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
609 		 ? waddnstr ( stdscr, str, -1 ) : ERR );
610 }
mvdelch(int y,int x)612 static inline int mvdelch ( int y, int x ) {
613 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
614 		 ? wdelch ( stdscr ) : ERR );
615 }
mvgetch(int y,int x)617 static inline int mvgetch ( int y, int x ) {
618 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
619 		 ? wgetch ( stdscr ) : ERR );
620 }
mvgetnstr(int y,int x,char * str,int n)622 static inline int mvgetnstr ( int y, int x, char *str, int n ) {
623 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
624 		 ? wgetnstr ( stdscr, str, n ) : ERR );
625 }
mvgetstr(int y,int x,char * str)627 static inline int mvgetstr ( int y, int x, char *str ) {
628 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
629 		 ? wgetnstr ( stdscr, str, -1 ) : ERR );
630 }
mvhline(int y,int x,chtype ch,int n)632 static inline int mvhline ( int y, int x, chtype ch, int n ) {
633 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
634 		 ? whline ( stdscr, ch, n ) : ERR );
635 }
637 // OK, so maybe a few I did with macros...
638 #define mvprintw( y, x, fmt, ... ) \
639 	( wmove(stdscr,(y),(x)) == OK \
640 	  ? wprintw( stdscr,(fmt), ## __VA_ARGS__ ) : ERR )
mvvline(int y,int x,chtype ch,int n)642 static inline int mvvline ( int y, int x, chtype ch, int n ) {
643 	return ( wmove ( stdscr, y, x ) == OK
644 		 ? wvline ( stdscr, ch, n ) : ERR );
645 }
mvwaddch(WINDOW * win,int y,int x,const chtype ch)647 static inline int mvwaddch ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const chtype ch ) {
648 	return ( wmove( win, y, x ) == OK
649 		 ? waddch ( win, ch ) : ERR );
650 }
mvwaddchnstr(WINDOW * win,int y,int x,const chtype * chstr,int n)652 static inline int mvwaddchnstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const chtype *chstr, int n ) {
653 	return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
654 		 ? waddchnstr ( win, chstr, n ) : ERR );
655 }
mvwaddchstr(WINDOW * win,int y,int x,const chtype * chstr)657 static inline int mvwaddchstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const chtype *chstr ) {
658 	return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
659 		 ? waddchnstr ( win, chstr, -1 ) : ERR );
660 }
mvwaddnstr(WINDOW * win,int y,int x,const char * str,int n)662 static inline int mvwaddnstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *str, int n ) {
663 	return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
664 		 ? waddnstr ( win, str, n ) : ERR );
665 }
mvwaddstr(WINDOW * win,int y,int x,const char * str)667 static inline int mvwaddstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *str ) {
668 	return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
669 		 ? waddnstr ( win, str, -1 ) : ERR );
670 }
mvwdelch(WINDOW * win,int y,int x)672 static inline int mvwdelch ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x ) {
673 	return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
674 		 ? wdelch ( win ) : ERR );
675 }
mvwgetch(WINDOW * win,int y,int x)677 static inline int mvwgetch ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x ) {
678 	return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
679 		 ? wgetch ( win ) : ERR );
680 }
mvwgetnstr(WINDOW * win,int y,int x,char * str,int n)682 static inline int mvwgetnstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *str, int n ) {
683 	return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
684 		 ? wgetnstr ( win, str, n ) : ERR );
685 }
mvwgetstr(WINDOW * win,int y,int x,char * str)687 static inline int mvwgetstr ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *str ) {
688 	return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
689 		 ? wgetnstr ( win, str, -1 ) : ERR );
690 }
mvwhline(WINDOW * win,int y,int x,chtype ch,int n)692 static inline int mvwhline ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch, int n ) {
693 	return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
694 		 ? whline ( win, ch, n ) : ERR );
695 }
697 #define mvwprintw( win, y, x, fmt, ... ) \
698 	( wmove((win),(y),(x)) == OK \
699 	  ? wprintw((win),(fmt), ## __VA_ARGS__) : ERR )
mvwvline(WINDOW * win,int y,int x,chtype ch,int n)701 static inline int mvwvline ( WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch, int n ) {
702 	return ( wmove ( win, y, x ) == OK
703 		 ? wvline ( win, ch, n ) : ERR );
704 }
706 #define printw( fmt, ... ) wprintw(stdscr,(fmt), ## __VA_ARGS__ )
slk_refresh(void)708 static inline int slk_refresh ( void ) {
709 	if ( slk_clear() == OK )
710 		return slk_restore();
711 	else
712 		return ERR;
713 }
715 #define standend() wstandend( stdscr )
716 #define standout() wstandout( stdscr )
start_colour(void)718 static inline int start_colour ( void ) {
719 	return OK;
720 }
vline(chtype ch,int n)722 static inline int vline ( chtype ch, int n ) {
723 	return wvline ( stdscr, ch, n );
724 }
726 // marked for removal
vwprintw(WINDOW * win,const char * fmt,va_list varglist)727 static inline int vwprintw ( WINDOW *win, const char *fmt, va_list varglist ) {
728 	return vw_printw ( win, fmt, varglist );
729 }
waddchstr(WINDOW * win,const chtype * chstr)731 static inline int waddchstr ( WINDOW *win, const chtype *chstr ) {
732 	return waddchnstr ( win, chstr, -1 );
733 }
waddstr(WINDOW * win,const char * str)735 static inline int waddstr ( WINDOW *win, const char *str ) {
736 	return waddnstr ( win, str, -1 );
737 }
wbkgdset(WINDOW * win,chtype ch)739 static inline int wbkgdset ( WINDOW *win, chtype ch ) {
740 	return wattrset( win, ch );
741 }
wgetstr(WINDOW * win,char * str)743 static inline int wgetstr ( WINDOW *win, char *str ) {
744 	return wgetnstr ( win, str, -1 );
745 }
wstandend(WINDOW * win)747 static inline int wstandend ( WINDOW *win ) {
748 	return wattrset ( win, A_DEFAULT );
749 }
wstandout(WINDOW * win)751 static inline int wstandout ( WINDOW *win ) {
752 	return wattrset ( win, A_STANDOUT );
753 }
755 #endif /* CURSES_H */