/system/libvintf/ |
D | main.cpp | 26 std::cout << "======== Device HAL Manifest =========" << std::endl; in main() 32 std::cout << "======== Framework HAL Manifest =========" << std::endl; in main() 38 std::cout << "======== Device Compatibility Matrix =========" << std::endl; in main() 44 std::cout << "======== Framework Compatibility Matrix =========" << std::endl; in main() 50 std::cout << "======== Runtime Info =========" << std::endl; in main() 54 std::cout << std::endl; in main() 56 std::cout << "======== Compatibility check =========" << std::endl; in main() 57 std::cout << "Device HAL Manifest? " << (vm != nullptr) << std::endl in main() 58 << "Device Compatibility Matrix? " << (vcm != nullptr) << std::endl in main() 59 << "Framework HAL Manifest? " << (fm != nullptr) << std::endl in main() [all …]
D | assemble_vintf.cpp | 42 std::cerr << "Required " << key << " flag." << std::endl; in getFlag() 47 std::cerr << "Cannot parse " << envValue << "." << std::endl; in getFlag() 76 << std::endl; in assembleHalManifest() 95 << gCompatibilityMatrixConverter.lastError() << std::endl; in assembleHalManifest() 99 std::cerr << "Not compatible: " << error << std::endl; in assembleHalManifest() 129 << gHalManifestConverter.lastError() << std::endl; in assembleCompatibilityMatrix() 133 std::cerr << "Not compatible: " << error << std::endl; in assembleCompatibilityMatrix() 143 std::cerr << "Missing input file." << std::endl; in assemble() 163 std::cerr << "Input file has unknown format." << std::endl in assemble() 165 << gHalManifestConverter.lastError() << std::endl in assemble() [all …]
/system/tools/aidl/tests/ |
D | aidl_test_client_nullables.cpp | 42 using std::endl; 96 cout << "... Confirming nullables for " << type_name << " ..." << endl; in ConfirmNullableType() 103 cerr << "Could not repeat nullable " << type_name << "." << endl; in ConfirmNullableType() 108 cerr << "Got back null when repeating " << type_name << "." << endl; in ConfirmNullableType() 114 << "." << endl; in ConfirmNullableType() 122 cerr << "Could not repeat null as " << type_name << "." << endl; in ConfirmNullableType() 128 << endl; in ConfirmNullableType() 149 << __LINE__ << endl; in CheckAppropriateIBinderHandling() 155 << __LINE__ << endl; in CheckAppropriateIBinderHandling() 162 << __LINE__ << endl; in CheckAppropriateIBinderHandling() [all …]
D | aidl_test_client_parcelables.cpp | 34 using std::endl; 44 << endl; in ConfirmSimpleParcelables() 50 cout << "Binder call failed." << endl; in ConfirmSimpleParcelables() 54 cout << "Failed to repeat SimpleParcelable objects." << endl; in ConfirmSimpleParcelables() 58 cout << "Attempting to reverse an array of SimpleParcelable objects." << endl; in ConfirmSimpleParcelables() 66 cout << "Binder call failed." << endl; in ConfirmSimpleParcelables() 71 cout << "Failed to reverse an array of SimpleParcelable objects." << endl; in ConfirmSimpleParcelables() 80 << endl; in ConfirmPersistableBundles() 85 cout << "Binder call failed for empty PersistableBundle." << endl; in ConfirmPersistableBundles() 89 cout << "Failed to repeat empty PersistableBundle." << endl; in ConfirmPersistableBundles() [all …]
D | aidl_test_sentinel_searcher.cpp | 28 using std::endl; 39 cerr << "Unable to open input file: " << input_file_path << endl; in ReadLines() 64 cerr << "Invalid usage." << endl; in main() 69 << " <failure sentinel>" << endl; in main() 79 cerr << "Invalid timeout value (in seconds): " << timeout_as_str << endl; in main() 89 cerr << "Timed out waiting for success/failure sentinel." << endl; in main() 106 cout << "Found output:" << endl; in main() 108 cout << " " << line << endl; in main()
D | aidl_test_client_file_descriptors.cpp | 42 using std::endl; 64 << strerror(errno) << endl; in DoWrite() 66 cerr << "File descriptor '" << name << "'accepted short data." << endl; in DoWrite() 81 cerr << "Error reading from '" << name << "': " << strerror(errno) << endl; in DoRead() 86 cerr << "Expected '" << expected << "' got '" << buf << "'" << endl; in DoRead() 98 cout << "Error creating pipes: " << strerror(errno) << endl; in DoPipe() 109 cout << "Confirming passing and returning file descriptors works." << endl; in ConfirmFileDescriptors() 122 cerr << "Could not repeat file descriptors." << endl; in ConfirmFileDescriptors() 140 cout << "Confirming passing and returning file descriptor arrays works." << endl; in ConfirmFileDescriptorArrays() 155 cerr << "Could not reverse file descriptor array." << endl; in ConfirmFileDescriptorArrays()
D | aidl_test_client_primitives.cpp | 47 using std::endl; 56 cout << "Confirming passing and returning primitives works." << endl; in ConfirmPrimitiveRepeat() 116 << "\". Got status=" << status.toString8() << endl; in ConfirmPrimitiveRepeat() 124 cout << "Confirming passing and returning arrays works." << endl; in ConfirmReverseArrays() 149 cout << "Confirming passing and returning List<T> works." << endl; in ConfirmReverseLists() 161 cout << "Confirming passing and returning List<T> works with binders." << endl; in ConfirmReverseBinderLists() 176 cerr << "Could not retrieve service for test." << endl; in ConfirmReverseBinderLists() 188 cerr << "Failed to reverse named callback list." << endl; in ConfirmReverseBinderLists() 192 cerr << "ReverseNamedCallbackList gave repetition with wrong length." << endl; in ConfirmReverseBinderLists() 197 cerr << "ReverseNamedCallbackList gave reversal with wrong length." << endl; in ConfirmReverseBinderLists() [all …]
D | aidl_test_client.cpp | 47 using std::endl; 57 cout << "Retrieving test service binder" << endl; in GetService() 61 << "' status=" << status << endl; in GetService()
D | aidl_test_client_service_exceptions.cpp | 25 using std::endl; 33 cout << "Confirming application exceptions work" << endl; in ConfirmServiceSpecificExceptions()
/system/tools/aidl/ |
D | options.cpp | 27 using std::endl; 146 << options->input_file_name_ << endl; in Parse() 188 cerr << "usage: aidl-cpp INPUT_FILE HEADER_DIR OUTPUT_FILE" << endl in cpp_usage() 189 << endl in cpp_usage() 190 << "OPTIONS:" << endl in cpp_usage() 191 << " -I<DIR> search path for import statements" << endl in cpp_usage() 192 << " -d<FILE> generate dependency file" << endl in cpp_usage() 194 "understands" << endl in cpp_usage() 195 << endl in cpp_usage() 196 << "INPUT_FILE:" << endl in cpp_usage() [all …]
/system/extras/tests/binder/benchmarks/ |
D | binderAddInts.cpp | 97 << " errno: " << errno << endl; in server() 119 cout << serviceName << " not published, waiting..." << endl; in BM_addInts() 124 cout << serviceName << " failed to publish, aborting" << endl; in BM_addInts() 148 << " errno: " << errno << endl; in BM_addInts() 155 cerr << "Unexpected result for iteration " << iter << endl; in BM_addInts() 156 cerr << " result: " << result << endl; in BM_addInts() 157 cerr << "expected: " << expected << endl; in BM_addInts() 184 << cpu_ << endl; in onTransact() 198 cerr << "server onTransact unknown code, code: " << code << endl; in onTransact() 215 cerr << "bindCPU failed, rv: " << rv << " errno: " << errno << endl; in bindCPU() [all …]
/system/extras/multinetwork/ |
D | httpurl.cpp | 50 std::cerr << "Only " << HTTP_PREFIX << " URLs supported." << std::endl; in parseUrl() 62 std::cerr << "Host portion cannot be empty." << std::endl; in parseUrl() 69 std::cerr << "Missing closing bracket." << std::endl; in parseUrl() 77 std::cerr << "Malformed port portion." << std::endl; in parseUrl() 96 << std::endl; in parseUrl() 119 std::cerr << "Unknown api mode." << std::endl; in parseUrl() 126 << std::endl; in parseUrl() 133 << std::endl; in parseUrl() 143 std::cerr << "failed to create TCP socket" << std::endl; in makeTcpSocket() 158 << std::endl; in makeTcpSocket() [all …]
D | dnschk.cpp | 46 << std::endl; in main() 58 << std::endl; in main() 66 std::cerr << "Unknown api mode." << std::endl; in main() 73 << std::endl; in main() 78 std::cout << inetSockaddrToString(rp->ai_addr) << std::endl; in main()
D | common.cpp | 62 << std::endl; in printUsage() 63 std::cerr << std::endl; in printUsage() 66 << std::endl; in printUsage() 80 << std::endl; in parseArguments()
/system/libhwbinder/vts/performance/ |
D | Latency.cpp | 42 << endl; \ 78 file << '0' << endl; in traceStop() 96 cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl; in threadDump() 98 << " tid: " << gettid() << " cpu: " << sched_getcpu() << endl; in threadDump() 105 cout << setw(12) << left << s << param.sched_priority << endl; in threadDump() 194 cout << endl; in add_time() 195 cout << "deadline triggered: halt & stop trace" << endl; in add_time() 196 cout << "log:" + trace_path + "/trace" << endl; in add_time() 197 cout << endl; in add_time() 269 cout << "Failed to register service " << serviceName.c_str() << endl; in serviceFx() [all …]
D | Benchmark_throughput.cpp | 42 cerr << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " condition:" << #cond << " failed\n" << endl; \ 145 << endl; in dump() 168 cout << endl; in dump() 238 << ret.description() << endl; in worker_fx() 351 cout << "creating service: " << serviceName << endl; in main() 368 cout << "waiting for workers to complete" << endl; in main() 378 cout << "iterations per sec: " << iterations_per_sec << endl; in main() 381 cout << "collecting results" << endl; in main() 393 cout << "killing services" << endl; in main() 399 cout << "nonzero child status" << status << endl; in main() [all …]
/system/sepolicy/tests/ |
D | sepol_wrap.cpp | 35 std::cerr << "Failed to allocate type type iterator" << std::endl; in init_type_iter() 41 std::cerr << "\"" << type << "\" MUST be an attribute in the policy" << std::endl; in init_type_iter() 45 std::cerr << "\"" << type << "\" MUST be a type in the policy" << std::endl; in init_type_iter() 86 std::cerr << "type name exceeds buffer size." << std::endl; in get_type() 103 std::cerr << "Invalid or non-existing policy file: " << policy_path << std::endl; in load_policy() 109 std::cerr << "Failed to allocate memory for policy db." << std::endl; in load_policy() 120 std::cerr << "Failed to stat the policy file" << std::endl; in load_policy() 130 std::cerr << "Failed to map the policy file" << std::endl; in load_policy() 142 std::cerr << "Failed to initialize policydb" << std::endl; in load_policy() 149 std::cerr << "Failed to read binary policy" << std::endl; in load_policy() [all …]
/system/extras/libfec/test/ |
D | test_read.cpp | 29 cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " input output" << endl; in main() 36 cerr << "failed to allocate buffer" << endl; in main() 49 cerr << "failed to open " << argv[2] << endl; in main() 64 cerr << "write" << endl; in main()
/system/extras/zram-perf/ |
D | zram-perf.cpp | 54 cout << "ioctl failed" << endl; in getSize() 70 cout << "write() failed" << endl; in fillWithCompressible() 87 cout << "read() failed" << endl; in benchSequentialRead() 93 …: " << (double)devSize * passes / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / (duration / 1000.0 / 1000.0) << "MB/s" << endl; in benchSequentialRead() 109 cout << "write() failed" << endl; in benchSequentialWrite() 115 …: " << (double)devSize * passes / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / (duration / 1000.0 / 1000.0) << "MB/s" << endl; in benchSequentialWrite() 134 cout << "swapoff failed: " << strerror(errno) << endl; in main() 141 cout << "mkswap failed: " << strerror(errno) << endl; in main() 147 cout << "swapon failed: " << strerror(errno) << endl; in main()
/system/connectivity/wificond/ |
D | client_interface_impl.cpp | 37 using std::endl; 157 << "-------" << endl; in Dump() 159 << static_cast<int>(scan_capabilities_.max_num_scan_ssids) << endl; in Dump() 161 << static_cast<int>(scan_capabilities_.max_num_sched_scan_ssids) << endl; in Dump() 163 << static_cast<int>(scan_capabilities_.max_match_sets) << endl; in Dump() 165 << wiphy_features_.supports_random_mac_oneshot_scan << endl; in Dump() 167 << wiphy_features_.supports_random_mac_sched_scan << endl; in Dump() 168 *ss << "------- Dump End -------" << endl; in Dump()
D | ap_interface_impl.cpp | 29 using std::endl; 77 << "-------" << endl; in Dump() 79 << number_of_associated_stations_ << endl; in Dump() 80 *ss << "------- Dump End -------" << endl; in Dump()
/system/extras/alloc-stress/ |
D | alloc-stress.cpp | 22 …_func__ << "( " << getpid() << "):" << __LINE__ << " condition:" << #cond << " failed\n" << endl; \ 140 cout << "Failed to connect to lmkd, errno " << errno << endl; in write_oomadj_to_lmkd() 149 cout << "Wrote " << written << " bytes to lmkd control socket." << endl; in write_oomadj_to_lmkd() 160 cout << "Failed to create memory cgroup" << endl; in create_memcg() 166 cout << "Unable to add process to memory cgroup" << endl; in create_memcg() 202 cout << "parent:" << argc << endl; in main() 223 cout << "adj: " << i << " sz: " << t / (1 << 20) << endl; in main()
/system/update_engine/payload_generator/ |
D | annotated_operation.cc | 62 os << std::endl << " name: " << aop.name; in operator <<() 65 os << std::endl << " src:"; in operator <<() 69 os << std::endl << " dst:"; in operator <<()
/system/libhwbinder/ |
D | IPCThreadState.cpp | 129 out << " (cookie " << btd->cookie << ")" << endl in printBinderTransactionData() 130 << "code=" << TypeCode(btd->code) << ", flags=" << (void*)(long)btd->flags << endl in printBinderTransactionData() 132 << " bytes)" << endl in printBinderTransactionData() 145 out << "BR_ERROR: " << (void*)(long)(*cmd++) << endl; in printReturnCommand() 148 out << "Unknown reply: " << code << endl; in printReturnCommand() 195 out << endl; in printReturnCommand() 207 out << "Unknown command: " << code << endl; in printCommand() 269 out << endl; in printCommand() 432 << getReturnString(cmd) << endl; in getAndExecuteCommand() 564 << indent << data << dedent << endl; in transact() [all …]
/system/tools/hidl/ |
D | CompoundType.cpp | 525 }).endl().endl(); in emitTypeDefinitions() 535 }).endl(); in emitTypeDefinitions() 538 }).endl().endl(); in emitTypeDefinitions() 544 }).endl().endl(); in emitTypeDefinitions() 585 }).endl(); in emitJavaTypeDeclarations() 588 }).endl(); in emitJavaTypeDeclarations() 592 }).endl(); in emitJavaTypeDeclarations() 601 }).endl(); in emitJavaTypeDeclarations() 604 }).endl().endl(); in emitJavaTypeDeclarations() 615 }).endl().endl(); in emitJavaTypeDeclarations() [all …]