1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #include "ListCommand.h"
19 #include <getopt.h>
21 #include <fstream>
22 #include <iomanip>
23 #include <iostream>
24 #include <map>
25 #include <sstream>
26 #include <regex>
28 #include <android-base/parseint.h>
29 #include <android/hidl/manager/1.0/IServiceManager.h>
30 #include <hidl-util/FQName.h>
31 #include <private/android_filesystem_config.h>
32 #include <sys/stat.h>
33 #include <vintf/HalManifest.h>
34 #include <vintf/parse_xml.h>
36 #include "Lshal.h"
37 #include "PipeRelay.h"
38 #include "Timeout.h"
39 #include "utils.h"
41 using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
42 using ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager;
44 namespace android {
45 namespace lshal {
ListCommand(Lshal & lshal)47 ListCommand::ListCommand(Lshal &lshal) : mLshal(lshal), mErr(lshal.err()), mOut(lshal.out()) {
48 }
getCmdline(pid_t pid)50 std::string getCmdline(pid_t pid) {
51 std::ifstream ifs("/proc/" + std::to_string(pid) + "/cmdline");
52 std::string cmdline;
53 if (!ifs.is_open()) {
54 return "";
55 }
56 ifs >> cmdline;
57 return cmdline;
58 }
getCmdline(pid_t pid)60 const std::string &ListCommand::getCmdline(pid_t pid) {
61 auto pair = mCmdlines.find(pid);
62 if (pair != mCmdlines.end()) {
63 return pair->second;
64 }
65 mCmdlines[pid] = ::android::lshal::getCmdline(pid);
66 return mCmdlines[pid];
67 }
removeDeadProcesses(Pids * pids)69 void ListCommand::removeDeadProcesses(Pids *pids) {
70 static const pid_t myPid = getpid();
71 pids->erase(std::remove_if(pids->begin(), pids->end(), [this](auto pid) {
72 return pid == myPid || this->getCmdline(pid).empty();
73 }), pids->end());
74 }
getReferencedPids(pid_t serverPid,std::map<uint64_t,Pids> * objects) const76 bool ListCommand::getReferencedPids(
77 pid_t serverPid, std::map<uint64_t, Pids> *objects) const {
79 std::ifstream ifs("/d/binder/proc/" + std::to_string(serverPid));
80 if (!ifs.is_open()) {
81 return false;
82 }
84 static const std::regex prefix("^\\s*node \\d+:\\s+u([0-9a-f]+)\\s+c([0-9a-f]+)\\s+");
86 std::string line;
87 std::smatch match;
88 while(getline(ifs, line)) {
89 if (!std::regex_search(line, match, prefix)) {
90 // the line doesn't start with the correct prefix
91 continue;
92 }
93 std::string ptrString = "0x" + match.str(2); // use number after c
94 uint64_t ptr;
95 if (!::android::base::ParseUint(ptrString.c_str(), &ptr)) {
96 // Should not reach here, but just be tolerant.
97 mErr << "Could not parse number " << ptrString << std::endl;
98 continue;
99 }
100 const std::string proc = " proc ";
101 auto pos = line.rfind(proc);
102 if (pos != std::string::npos) {
103 for (const std::string &pidStr : split(line.substr(pos + proc.size()), ' ')) {
104 int32_t pid;
105 if (!::android::base::ParseInt(pidStr, &pid)) {
106 mErr << "Could not parse number " << pidStr << std::endl;
107 continue;
108 }
109 (*objects)[ptr].push_back(pid);
110 }
111 }
112 }
113 return true;
114 }
116 // Must process hwbinder services first, then passthrough services.
forEachTable(const std::function<void (Table &)> & f)117 void ListCommand::forEachTable(const std::function<void(Table &)> &f) {
118 f(mServicesTable);
119 f(mPassthroughRefTable);
120 f(mImplementationsTable);
121 }
forEachTable(const std::function<void (const Table &)> & f) const122 void ListCommand::forEachTable(const std::function<void(const Table &)> &f) const {
123 f(mServicesTable);
124 f(mPassthroughRefTable);
125 f(mImplementationsTable);
126 }
postprocess()128 void ListCommand::postprocess() {
129 forEachTable([this](Table &table) {
130 if (mSortColumn) {
131 std::sort(table.begin(), table.end(), mSortColumn);
132 }
133 for (TableEntry &entry : table) {
134 entry.serverCmdline = getCmdline(entry.serverPid);
135 removeDeadProcesses(&entry.clientPids);
136 for (auto pid : entry.clientPids) {
137 entry.clientCmdlines.push_back(this->getCmdline(pid));
138 }
139 }
140 });
141 // use a double for loop here because lshal doesn't care about efficiency.
142 for (TableEntry &packageEntry : mImplementationsTable) {
143 std::string packageName = packageEntry.interfaceName;
144 FQName fqPackageName{packageName.substr(0, packageName.find("::"))};
145 if (!fqPackageName.isValid()) {
146 continue;
147 }
148 for (TableEntry &interfaceEntry : mPassthroughRefTable) {
149 if (interfaceEntry.arch != ARCH_UNKNOWN) {
150 continue;
151 }
152 FQName interfaceName{splitFirst(interfaceEntry.interfaceName, '/').first};
153 if (!interfaceName.isValid()) {
154 continue;
155 }
156 if (interfaceName.getPackageAndVersion() == fqPackageName) {
157 interfaceEntry.arch = packageEntry.arch;
158 }
159 }
160 }
161 }
printLine(const std::string & interfaceName,const std::string & transport,const std::string & arch,const std::string & server,const std::string & serverCmdline,const std::string & address,const std::string & clients,const std::string & clientCmdlines) const163 void ListCommand::printLine(
164 const std::string &interfaceName,
165 const std::string &transport,
166 const std::string &arch,
167 const std::string &server,
168 const std::string &serverCmdline,
169 const std::string &address, const std::string &clients,
170 const std::string &clientCmdlines) const {
171 if (mSelectedColumns & ENABLE_INTERFACE_NAME)
172 mOut << std::setw(80) << interfaceName << "\t";
173 if (mSelectedColumns & ENABLE_TRANSPORT)
174 mOut << std::setw(10) << transport << "\t";
175 if (mSelectedColumns & ENABLE_ARCH)
176 mOut << std::setw(5) << arch << "\t";
177 if (mSelectedColumns & ENABLE_SERVER_PID) {
178 if (mEnableCmdlines) {
179 mOut << std::setw(15) << serverCmdline << "\t";
180 } else {
181 mOut << std::setw(5) << server << "\t";
182 }
183 }
184 if (mSelectedColumns & ENABLE_SERVER_ADDR)
185 mOut << std::setw(16) << address << "\t";
186 if (mSelectedColumns & ENABLE_CLIENT_PIDS) {
187 if (mEnableCmdlines) {
188 mOut << std::setw(0) << clientCmdlines;
189 } else {
190 mOut << std::setw(0) << clients;
191 }
192 }
193 mOut << std::endl;
194 }
dumpVintf() const196 void ListCommand::dumpVintf() const {
197 mOut << "<!-- " << std::endl
198 << " This is a skeleton device manifest. Notes: " << std::endl
199 << " 1. android.hidl.*, android.frameworks.*, android.system.* are not included." << std::endl
200 << " 2. If a HAL is supported in both hwbinder and passthrough transport, " << std::endl
201 << " only hwbinder is shown." << std::endl
202 << " 3. It is likely that HALs in passthrough transport does not have" << std::endl
203 << " <interface> declared; users will have to write them by hand." << std::endl
204 << " 4. sepolicy version is set to 0.0. It is recommended that the entry" << std::endl
205 << " is removed from the manifest file and written by assemble_vintf" << std::endl
206 << " at build time." << std::endl
207 << "-->" << std::endl;
209 vintf::HalManifest manifest;
210 forEachTable([this, &manifest] (const Table &table) {
211 for (const TableEntry &entry : table) {
213 std::string fqInstanceName = entry.interfaceName;
215 if (&table == &mImplementationsTable) {
216 // Quick hack to work around *'s
217 replaceAll(&fqInstanceName, '*', 'D');
218 }
219 auto splittedFqInstanceName = splitFirst(fqInstanceName, '/');
220 FQName fqName(splittedFqInstanceName.first);
221 if (!fqName.isValid()) {
222 mErr << "Warning: '" << splittedFqInstanceName.first
223 << "' is not a valid FQName." << std::endl;
224 continue;
225 }
226 // Strip out system libs.
227 if (fqName.inPackage("android.hidl") ||
228 fqName.inPackage("android.frameworks") ||
229 fqName.inPackage("android.system")) {
230 continue;
231 }
232 std::string interfaceName =
233 &table == &mImplementationsTable ? "" : fqName.name();
234 std::string instanceName =
235 &table == &mImplementationsTable ? "" : splittedFqInstanceName.second;
237 vintf::Version version{fqName.getPackageMajorVersion(),
238 fqName.getPackageMinorVersion()};
239 vintf::Transport transport;
240 vintf::Arch arch;
241 if (entry.transport == "hwbinder") {
242 transport = vintf::Transport::HWBINDER;
243 arch = vintf::Arch::ARCH_EMPTY;
244 } else if (entry.transport == "passthrough") {
245 transport = vintf::Transport::PASSTHROUGH;
246 switch (entry.arch) {
247 case lshal::ARCH32:
248 arch = vintf::Arch::ARCH_32; break;
249 case lshal::ARCH64:
250 arch = vintf::Arch::ARCH_64; break;
251 case lshal::ARCH_BOTH:
252 arch = vintf::Arch::ARCH_32_64; break;
253 case lshal::ARCH_UNKNOWN: // fallthrough
254 default:
255 mErr << "Warning: '" << fqName.package()
256 << "' doesn't have bitness info, assuming 32+64." << std::endl;
257 arch = vintf::Arch::ARCH_32_64;
258 }
259 } else {
260 mErr << "Warning: '" << entry.transport << "' is not a valid transport." << std::endl;
261 continue;
262 }
264 bool done = false;
265 for (vintf::ManifestHal *hal : manifest.getHals(fqName.package())) {
266 if (hal->transport() != transport) {
267 if (transport != vintf::Transport::PASSTHROUGH) {
268 mErr << "Fatal: should not reach here. Generated result may be wrong."
269 << std::endl;
270 }
271 done = true;
272 break;
273 }
274 if (hal->hasVersion(version)) {
275 if (&table != &mImplementationsTable) {
276 hal->interfaces[interfaceName].name = interfaceName;
277 hal->interfaces[interfaceName].instances.insert(instanceName);
278 }
279 done = true;
280 break;
281 }
282 }
283 if (done) {
284 continue; // to next TableEntry
285 }
286 decltype(vintf::ManifestHal::interfaces) interfaces;
287 if (&table != &mImplementationsTable) {
288 interfaces[interfaceName].name = interfaceName;
289 interfaces[interfaceName].instances.insert(instanceName);
290 }
291 if (!manifest.add(vintf::ManifestHal{
292 .format = vintf::HalFormat::HIDL,
293 .name = fqName.package(),
294 .versions = {version},
295 .transportArch = {transport, arch},
296 .interfaces = interfaces})) {
297 mErr << "Warning: cannot add hal '" << fqInstanceName << "'" << std::endl;
298 }
299 }
300 });
301 mOut << vintf::gHalManifestConverter(manifest);
302 }
getArchString(Architecture arch)304 static const std::string &getArchString(Architecture arch) {
305 static const std::string sStr64 = "64";
306 static const std::string sStr32 = "32";
307 static const std::string sStrBoth = "32+64";
308 static const std::string sStrUnknown = "";
309 switch (arch) {
310 case ARCH64:
311 return sStr64;
312 case ARCH32:
313 return sStr32;
314 case ARCH_BOTH:
315 return sStrBoth;
316 case ARCH_UNKNOWN: // fall through
317 default:
318 return sStrUnknown;
319 }
320 }
fromBaseArchitecture(::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo::Architecture a)322 static Architecture fromBaseArchitecture(::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo::Architecture a) {
323 switch (a) {
324 case ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo::Architecture::IS_64BIT:
325 return ARCH64;
326 case ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo::Architecture::IS_32BIT:
327 return ARCH32;
328 case ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo::Architecture::UNKNOWN: // fallthrough
329 default:
330 return ARCH_UNKNOWN;
331 }
332 }
dumpTable()334 void ListCommand::dumpTable() {
335 mServicesTable.description =
336 "All binderized services (registered services through hwservicemanager)";
337 mPassthroughRefTable.description =
338 "All interfaces that getService() has ever return as a passthrough interface;\n"
339 "PIDs / processes shown below might be inaccurate because the process\n"
340 "might have relinquished the interface or might have died.\n"
341 "The Server / Server CMD column can be ignored.\n"
342 "The Clients / Clients CMD column shows all process that have ever dlopen'ed \n"
343 "the library and successfully fetched the passthrough implementation.";
344 mImplementationsTable.description =
345 "All available passthrough implementations (all -impl.so files)";
346 forEachTable([this] (const Table &table) {
347 mOut << table.description << std::endl;
348 mOut << std::left;
349 printLine("Interface", "Transport", "Arch", "Server", "Server CMD",
350 "PTR", "Clients", "Clients CMD");
352 for (const auto &entry : table) {
353 printLine(entry.interfaceName,
354 entry.transport,
355 getArchString(entry.arch),
356 entry.serverPid == NO_PID ? "N/A" : std::to_string(entry.serverPid),
357 entry.serverCmdline,
358 entry.serverObjectAddress == NO_PTR ? "N/A" : toHexString(entry.serverObjectAddress),
359 join(entry.clientPids, " "),
360 join(entry.clientCmdlines, ";"));
362 // We're only interested in dumping debug info for already
363 // instantiated services. There's little value in dumping the
364 // debug info for a service we create on the fly, so we only operate
365 // on the "mServicesTable".
366 if (mEmitDebugInfo && &table == &mServicesTable) {
367 auto pair = splitFirst(entry.interfaceName, '/');
368 mLshal.emitDebugInfo(pair.first, pair.second, {}, mOut.buf(),
369 NullableOStream<std::ostream>(nullptr));
370 }
371 }
372 mOut << std::endl;
373 });
375 }
dump()377 void ListCommand::dump() {
378 if (mVintf) {
379 dumpVintf();
380 if (!!mFileOutput) {
381 mFileOutput.buf().close();
382 delete &mFileOutput.buf();
383 mFileOutput = nullptr;
384 }
385 mOut = std::cout;
386 } else {
387 dumpTable();
388 }
389 }
putEntry(TableEntrySource source,TableEntry && entry)391 void ListCommand::putEntry(TableEntrySource source, TableEntry &&entry) {
392 Table *table = nullptr;
393 switch (source) {
395 table = &mServicesTable; break;
397 table = &mPassthroughRefTable; break;
398 case LIST_DLLIB :
399 table = &mImplementationsTable; break;
400 default:
401 mErr << "Error: Unknown source of entry " << source << std::endl;
402 }
403 if (table) {
404 table->entries.push_back(std::forward<TableEntry>(entry));
405 }
406 }
fetchAllLibraries(const sp<IServiceManager> & manager)408 Status ListCommand::fetchAllLibraries(const sp<IServiceManager> &manager) {
409 using namespace ::android::hardware;
410 using namespace ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0;
411 using namespace ::android::hidl::base::V1_0;
412 auto ret = timeoutIPC(manager, &IServiceManager::debugDump, [&] (const auto &infos) {
413 std::map<std::string, TableEntry> entries;
414 for (const auto &info : infos) {
415 std::string interfaceName = std::string{info.interfaceName.c_str()} + "/" +
416 std::string{info.instanceName.c_str()};
417 entries.emplace(interfaceName, TableEntry{
418 .interfaceName = interfaceName,
419 .transport = "passthrough",
420 .serverPid = NO_PID,
421 .serverObjectAddress = NO_PTR,
422 .clientPids = {},
423 .arch = ARCH_UNKNOWN
424 }).first->second.arch |= fromBaseArchitecture(info.arch);
425 }
426 for (auto &&pair : entries) {
427 putEntry(LIST_DLLIB, std::move(pair.second));
428 }
429 });
430 if (!ret.isOk()) {
431 mErr << "Error: Failed to call list on getPassthroughServiceManager(): "
432 << ret.description() << std::endl;
434 }
435 return OK;
436 }
fetchPassthrough(const sp<IServiceManager> & manager)438 Status ListCommand::fetchPassthrough(const sp<IServiceManager> &manager) {
439 using namespace ::android::hardware;
440 using namespace ::android::hardware::details;
441 using namespace ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0;
442 using namespace ::android::hidl::base::V1_0;
443 auto ret = timeoutIPC(manager, &IServiceManager::debugDump, [&] (const auto &infos) {
444 for (const auto &info : infos) {
445 if (info.clientPids.size() <= 0) {
446 continue;
447 }
449 .interfaceName =
450 std::string{info.interfaceName.c_str()} + "/" +
451 std::string{info.instanceName.c_str()},
452 .transport = "passthrough",
453 .serverPid = info.clientPids.size() == 1 ? info.clientPids[0] : NO_PID,
454 .serverObjectAddress = NO_PTR,
455 .clientPids = info.clientPids,
456 .arch = fromBaseArchitecture(info.arch)
457 });
458 }
459 });
460 if (!ret.isOk()) {
461 mErr << "Error: Failed to call debugDump on defaultServiceManager(): "
462 << ret.description() << std::endl;
464 }
465 return OK;
466 }
fetchBinderized(const sp<IServiceManager> & manager)468 Status ListCommand::fetchBinderized(const sp<IServiceManager> &manager) {
469 using namespace ::std;
470 using namespace ::android::hardware;
471 using namespace ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0;
472 using namespace ::android::hidl::base::V1_0;
473 const std::string mode = "hwbinder";
475 hidl_vec<hidl_string> fqInstanceNames;
476 // copying out for timeoutIPC
477 auto listRet = timeoutIPC(manager, &IServiceManager::list, [&] (const auto &names) {
478 fqInstanceNames = names;
479 });
480 if (!listRet.isOk()) {
481 mErr << "Error: Failed to list services for " << mode << ": "
482 << listRet.description() << std::endl;
484 }
486 Status status = OK;
487 // server pid, .ptr value of binder object, child pids
488 std::map<std::string, DebugInfo> allDebugInfos;
489 std::map<pid_t, std::map<uint64_t, Pids>> allPids;
490 for (const auto &fqInstanceName : fqInstanceNames) {
491 const auto pair = splitFirst(fqInstanceName, '/');
492 const auto &serviceName = pair.first;
493 const auto &instanceName = pair.second;
494 auto getRet = timeoutIPC(manager, &IServiceManager::get, serviceName, instanceName);
495 if (!getRet.isOk()) {
496 mErr << "Warning: Skipping \"" << fqInstanceName << "\": "
497 << "cannot be fetched from service manager:"
498 << getRet.description() << std::endl;
500 continue;
501 }
502 sp<IBase> service = getRet;
503 if (service == nullptr) {
504 mErr << "Warning: Skipping \"" << fqInstanceName << "\": "
505 << "cannot be fetched from service manager (null)"
506 << std::endl;
508 continue;
509 }
510 auto debugRet = timeoutIPC(service, &IBase::getDebugInfo, [&] (const auto &debugInfo) {
511 allDebugInfos[fqInstanceName] = debugInfo;
512 if (debugInfo.pid >= 0) {
513 allPids[static_cast<pid_t>(debugInfo.pid)].clear();
514 }
515 });
516 if (!debugRet.isOk()) {
517 mErr << "Warning: Skipping \"" << fqInstanceName << "\": "
518 << "debugging information cannot be retrieved:"
519 << debugRet.description() << std::endl;
521 }
522 }
523 for (auto &pair : allPids) {
524 pid_t serverPid = pair.first;
525 if (!getReferencedPids(serverPid, &allPids[serverPid])) {
526 mErr << "Warning: no information for PID " << serverPid
527 << ", are you root?" << std::endl;
529 }
530 }
531 for (const auto &fqInstanceName : fqInstanceNames) {
532 auto it = allDebugInfos.find(fqInstanceName);
533 if (it == allDebugInfos.end()) {
535 .interfaceName = fqInstanceName,
536 .transport = mode,
537 .serverPid = NO_PID,
538 .serverObjectAddress = NO_PTR,
539 .clientPids = {},
540 .arch = ARCH_UNKNOWN
541 });
542 continue;
543 }
544 const DebugInfo &info = it->second;
546 .interfaceName = fqInstanceName,
547 .transport = mode,
548 .serverPid = info.pid,
549 .serverObjectAddress = info.ptr,
550 .clientPids = info.pid == NO_PID || info.ptr == NO_PTR
551 ? Pids{} : allPids[info.pid][info.ptr],
552 .arch = fromBaseArchitecture(info.arch),
553 });
554 }
555 return status;
556 }
fetch()558 Status ListCommand::fetch() {
559 Status status = OK;
560 auto bManager = mLshal.serviceManager();
561 if (bManager == nullptr) {
562 mErr << "Failed to get defaultServiceManager()!" << std::endl;
564 } else {
565 status |= fetchBinderized(bManager);
566 // Passthrough PIDs are registered to the binderized manager as well.
567 status |= fetchPassthrough(bManager);
568 }
570 auto pManager = mLshal.passthroughManager();
571 if (pManager == nullptr) {
572 mErr << "Failed to get getPassthroughServiceManager()!" << std::endl;
574 } else {
575 status |= fetchAllLibraries(pManager);
576 }
577 return status;
578 }
parseArgs(const std::string & command,const Arg & arg)580 Status ListCommand::parseArgs(const std::string &command, const Arg &arg) {
581 static struct option longOptions[] = {
582 // long options with short alternatives
583 {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
584 {"interface", no_argument, 0, 'i' },
585 {"transport", no_argument, 0, 't' },
586 {"arch", no_argument, 0, 'r' },
587 {"pid", no_argument, 0, 'p' },
588 {"address", no_argument, 0, 'a' },
589 {"clients", no_argument, 0, 'c' },
590 {"cmdline", no_argument, 0, 'm' },
591 {"debug", optional_argument, 0, 'd' },
593 // long options without short alternatives
594 {"sort", required_argument, 0, 's' },
595 {"init-vintf",optional_argument, 0, 'v' },
596 { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
597 };
599 int optionIndex;
600 int c;
601 // Lshal::parseArgs has set optind to the next option to parse
602 for (;;) {
603 // using getopt_long in case we want to add other options in the future
604 c = getopt_long(arg.argc, arg.argv,
605 "hitrpacmd", longOptions, &optionIndex);
606 if (c == -1) {
607 break;
608 }
609 switch (c) {
610 case 's': {
611 if (strcmp(optarg, "interface") == 0 || strcmp(optarg, "i") == 0) {
612 mSortColumn = TableEntry::sortByInterfaceName;
613 } else if (strcmp(optarg, "pid") == 0 || strcmp(optarg, "p") == 0) {
614 mSortColumn = TableEntry::sortByServerPid;
615 } else {
616 mErr << "Unrecognized sorting column: " << optarg << std::endl;
617 mLshal.usage(command);
618 return USAGE;
619 }
620 break;
621 }
622 case 'v': {
623 if (optarg) {
624 mFileOutput = new std::ofstream{optarg};
625 mOut = mFileOutput;
626 if (!mFileOutput.buf().is_open()) {
627 mErr << "Could not open file '" << optarg << "'." << std::endl;
628 return IO_ERROR;
629 }
630 }
631 mVintf = true;
632 }
633 case 'i': {
634 mSelectedColumns |= ENABLE_INTERFACE_NAME;
635 break;
636 }
637 case 't': {
638 mSelectedColumns |= ENABLE_TRANSPORT;
639 break;
640 }
641 case 'r': {
642 mSelectedColumns |= ENABLE_ARCH;
643 break;
644 }
645 case 'p': {
646 mSelectedColumns |= ENABLE_SERVER_PID;
647 break;
648 }
649 case 'a': {
650 mSelectedColumns |= ENABLE_SERVER_ADDR;
651 break;
652 }
653 case 'c': {
654 mSelectedColumns |= ENABLE_CLIENT_PIDS;
655 break;
656 }
657 case 'm': {
658 mEnableCmdlines = true;
659 break;
660 }
661 case 'd': {
662 mEmitDebugInfo = true;
664 if (optarg) {
665 mFileOutput = new std::ofstream{optarg};
666 mOut = mFileOutput;
667 if (!mFileOutput.buf().is_open()) {
668 mErr << "Could not open file '" << optarg << "'." << std::endl;
669 return IO_ERROR;
670 }
671 chown(optarg, AID_SHELL, AID_SHELL);
672 }
673 break;
674 }
675 case 'h': // falls through
676 default: // see unrecognized options
677 mLshal.usage(command);
678 return USAGE;
679 }
680 }
681 if (optind < arg.argc) {
682 // see non option
683 mErr << "Unrecognized option `" << arg.argv[optind] << "`" << std::endl;
684 }
686 if (mSelectedColumns == 0) {
688 }
689 return OK;
690 }
main(const std::string & command,const Arg & arg)692 Status ListCommand::main(const std::string &command, const Arg &arg) {
693 Status status = parseArgs(command, arg);
694 if (status != OK) {
695 return status;
696 }
697 status = fetch();
698 postprocess();
699 dump();
700 return status;
701 }
703 } // namespace lshal
704 } // namespace android