1 // Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <memory>
6 #include <string>
8 #include "core/fpdfapi/font/cpdf_font.h"
9 #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_page.h"
10 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h"
11 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h"
12 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream.h"
13 #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
14 #include "fpdfsdk/fsdk_define.h"
15 #include "public/fpdf_edit.h"
16 #include "public/fpdfview.h"
17 #include "testing/embedder_test.h"
18 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
19 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
20 #include "testing/test_support.h"
22 class FPDFEditEmbeddertest : public EmbedderTest, public TestSaver {};
24 namespace {
26 const char kExpectedPDF[] =
27 "%PDF-1.7\r\n"
28 "%\xA1\xB3\xC5\xD7\r\n"
29 "1 0 obj\r\n"
30 "<</Pages 2 0 R /Type/Catalog>>\r\n"
31 "endobj\r\n"
32 "2 0 obj\r\n"
33 "<</Count 1/Kids\\[ 4 0 R \\]/Type/Pages>>\r\n"
34 "endobj\r\n"
35 "3 0 obj\r\n"
36 "<</CreationDate\\(D:.*\\)/Creator\\(PDFium\\)>>\r\n"
37 "endobj\r\n"
38 "4 0 obj\r\n"
39 "<</Contents 5 0 R /MediaBox\\[ 0 0 640 480\\]"
40 "/Parent 2 0 R /Resources<<>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page"
41 ">>\r\n"
42 "endobj\r\n"
43 "5 0 obj\r\n"
44 "<</Filter/FlateDecode/Length 8>>stream\r\n"
45 // Character '_' is matching '\0' (see comment below).
46 "x\x9C\x3____\x1\r\n"
47 "endstream\r\n"
48 "endobj\r\n"
49 "xref\r\n"
50 "0 6\r\n"
51 "0000000000 65535 f\r\n"
52 "0000000017 00000 n\r\n"
53 "0000000066 00000 n\r\n"
54 "0000000122 00000 n\r\n"
55 "0000000192 00000 n\r\n"
56 "0000000301 00000 n\r\n"
57 "trailer\r\n"
58 "<<\r\n"
59 "/Root 1 0 R\r\n"
60 "/Info 3 0 R\r\n"
61 "/Size 6/ID\\[<.*><.*>\\]>>\r\n"
62 "startxref\r\n"
63 "379\r\n"
64 "%%EOF\r\n";
GetBlockFromString(void * param,unsigned long pos,unsigned char * buf,unsigned long size)66 int GetBlockFromString(void* param,
67 unsigned long pos,
68 unsigned char* buf,
69 unsigned long size) {
70 std::string* new_file = static_cast<std::string*>(param);
71 if (!new_file || pos + size < pos)
72 return 0;
74 unsigned long file_size = new_file->size();
75 if (pos + size > file_size)
76 return 0;
78 memcpy(buf, new_file->data() + pos, size);
79 return 1;
80 }
82 } // namespace
TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest,EmptyCreation)84 TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, EmptyCreation) {
85 EXPECT_TRUE(CreateEmptyDocument());
86 FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(document(), 0, 640.0, 480.0);
87 EXPECT_NE(nullptr, page);
88 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
89 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(document(), this, 0));
91 // The MatchesRegexp doesn't support embedded NUL ('\0') characters. They are
92 // replaced by '_' for the purpose of the test.
93 std::string result = GetString();
94 std::replace(result.begin(), result.end(), '\0', '_');
95 EXPECT_THAT(result, testing::MatchesRegex(
96 std::string(kExpectedPDF, sizeof(kExpectedPDF))));
97 FPDF_ClosePage(page);
98 }
100 // Regression test for https://crbug.com/667012
TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest,RasterizePDF)101 TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, RasterizePDF) {
102 const char kAllBlackMd5sum[] = "5708fc5c4a8bd0abde99c8e8f0390615";
104 // Get the bitmap for the original document/
105 FPDF_BITMAP orig_bitmap;
106 {
107 EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("black.pdf"));
108 FPDF_PAGE orig_page = LoadPage(0);
109 EXPECT_NE(nullptr, orig_page);
110 orig_bitmap = RenderPage(orig_page);
111 CompareBitmap(orig_bitmap, 612, 792, kAllBlackMd5sum);
112 UnloadPage(orig_page);
113 }
115 // Create a new document from |orig_bitmap| and save it.
116 {
117 FPDF_DOCUMENT temp_doc = FPDF_CreateNewDocument();
118 FPDF_PAGE temp_page = FPDFPage_New(temp_doc, 0, 612, 792);
120 // Add the bitmap to an image object and add the image object to the output
121 // page.
122 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT temp_img = FPDFPageObj_NewImgeObj(temp_doc);
123 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFImageObj_SetBitmap(&temp_page, 1, temp_img, orig_bitmap));
124 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFImageObj_SetMatrix(temp_img, 612, 0, 0, 792, 0, 0));
125 FPDFPage_InsertObject(temp_page, temp_img);
126 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(temp_page));
127 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(temp_doc, this, 0));
128 FPDF_ClosePage(temp_page);
129 FPDF_CloseDocument(temp_doc);
130 }
131 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(orig_bitmap);
133 // Get the generated content. Make sure it is at least as big as the original
134 // PDF.
135 std::string new_file = GetString();
136 EXPECT_GT(new_file.size(), 923U);
138 // Read |new_file| in, and verify its rendered bitmap.
139 {
140 FPDF_FILEACCESS file_access;
141 memset(&file_access, 0, sizeof(file_access));
142 file_access.m_FileLen = new_file.size();
143 file_access.m_GetBlock = GetBlockFromString;
144 file_access.m_Param = &new_file;
146 FPDF_DOCUMENT new_doc = FPDF_LoadCustomDocument(&file_access, nullptr);
147 EXPECT_EQ(1, FPDF_GetPageCount(document_));
148 FPDF_PAGE new_page = FPDF_LoadPage(new_doc, 0);
149 EXPECT_NE(nullptr, new_page);
150 FPDF_BITMAP new_bitmap = RenderPage(new_page);
151 CompareBitmap(new_bitmap, 612, 792, kAllBlackMd5sum);
152 FPDF_ClosePage(new_page);
153 FPDF_CloseDocument(new_doc);
154 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(new_bitmap);
155 }
156 }
TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest,AddPaths)158 TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, AddPaths) {
159 // Start with a blank page
160 FPDF_DOCUMENT doc = FPDF_CreateNewDocument();
161 FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(doc, 0, 612, 792);
163 // We will first add a red rectangle
164 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT red_rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(10, 10, 20, 20);
165 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, red_rect);
166 // Expect false when trying to set colors out of range
167 EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeColor(red_rect, 100, 100, 100, 300));
168 EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(red_rect, 200, 256, 200, 0));
170 // Fill rectangle with red and insert to the page
171 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(red_rect, 255, 0, 0, 255));
173 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, red_rect);
174 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
175 FPDF_BITMAP page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
176 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, "66d02eaa6181e2c069ce2ea99beda497");
177 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
179 // Now add to that a green rectangle with some medium alpha
180 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT green_rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(100, 100, 40, 40);
181 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(green_rect, 0, 255, 0, 128));
182 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetDrawMode(green_rect, FPDF_FILLMODE_WINDING, 0));
183 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, green_rect);
184 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
185 page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
186 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, "7b0b87604594e773add528fae567a558");
187 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
189 // Add a black triangle.
190 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT black_path = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(400, 100);
191 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(black_path, 0, 0, 0, 200));
192 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetDrawMode(black_path, FPDF_FILLMODE_ALTERNATE, 0));
193 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(black_path, 400, 200));
194 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(black_path, 300, 100));
195 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_Close(black_path));
196 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, black_path);
197 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
198 page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
199 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, "eadc8020a14dfcf091da2688733d8806");
200 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
202 // Now add a more complex blue path.
203 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT blue_path = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(200, 200);
204 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(blue_path, 0, 0, 255, 255));
205 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetDrawMode(blue_path, FPDF_FILLMODE_WINDING, 0));
206 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(blue_path, 230, 230));
207 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_BezierTo(blue_path, 250, 250, 280, 280, 300, 300));
208 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(blue_path, 325, 325));
209 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(blue_path, 350, 325));
210 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_BezierTo(blue_path, 375, 330, 390, 360, 400, 400));
211 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_Close(blue_path));
212 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, blue_path);
213 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
214 page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
215 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, "9823e1a21bd9b72b6a442ba4f12af946");
216 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
218 // Now save the result, closing the page and document
219 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(doc, this, 0));
220 FPDF_ClosePage(page);
221 FPDF_CloseDocument(doc);
222 std::string new_file = GetString();
224 // Render the saved result
225 FPDF_FILEACCESS file_access;
226 memset(&file_access, 0, sizeof(file_access));
227 file_access.m_FileLen = new_file.size();
228 file_access.m_GetBlock = GetBlockFromString;
229 file_access.m_Param = &new_file;
230 FPDF_DOCUMENT new_doc = FPDF_LoadCustomDocument(&file_access, nullptr);
231 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, new_doc);
232 EXPECT_EQ(1, FPDF_GetPageCount(new_doc));
233 FPDF_PAGE new_page = FPDF_LoadPage(new_doc, 0);
234 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, new_page);
235 FPDF_BITMAP new_bitmap = RenderPage(new_page);
236 CompareBitmap(new_bitmap, 612, 792, "9823e1a21bd9b72b6a442ba4f12af946");
237 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(new_bitmap);
238 FPDF_ClosePage(new_page);
239 FPDF_CloseDocument(new_doc);
240 }
TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest,PathOnTopOfText)242 TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, PathOnTopOfText) {
243 // Load document with some text
244 EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("hello_world.pdf"));
245 FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
246 EXPECT_NE(nullptr, page);
248 // Add an opaque rectangle on top of some of the text.
249 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT red_rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(20, 100, 50, 50);
250 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(red_rect, 255, 0, 0, 255));
252 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, red_rect);
253 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
255 // Add a transparent triangle on top of other part of the text.
256 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT black_path = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(20, 50);
257 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(black_path, 0, 0, 0, 100));
258 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetDrawMode(black_path, FPDF_FILLMODE_ALTERNATE, 0));
259 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(black_path, 30, 80));
260 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(black_path, 40, 10));
261 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_Close(black_path));
262 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, black_path);
263 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
265 // Render and check the result. Text is slightly different on Mac.
266 FPDF_BITMAP bitmap = RenderPage(page);
268 const char md5[] = "2f7c0deee10a9490538e195af64beb67";
269 #else
270 const char md5[] = "17c942c76ff229200f2c98073bb60d85";
271 #endif
272 CompareBitmap(bitmap, 200, 200, md5);
273 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap);
274 UnloadPage(page);
275 }
TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest,AddStrokedPaths)277 TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, AddStrokedPaths) {
278 // Start with a blank page
279 FPDF_DOCUMENT doc = FPDF_CreateNewDocument();
280 FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(doc, 0, 612, 792);
282 // Add a large stroked rectangle (fill color should not affect it).
283 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(20, 20, 200, 400);
284 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(rect, 255, 0, 0, 255));
285 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeColor(rect, 0, 255, 0, 255));
286 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeWidth(rect, 15.0f));
287 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetDrawMode(rect, 0, 1));
288 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, rect);
289 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
290 FPDF_BITMAP page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
291 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, "64bd31f862a89e0a9e505a5af6efd506");
292 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
294 // Add crossed-checkmark
295 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT check = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(300, 500);
296 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(check, 400, 400));
297 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(check, 600, 600));
298 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_MoveTo(check, 400, 600));
299 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(check, 600, 400));
300 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeColor(check, 128, 128, 128, 180));
301 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeWidth(check, 8.35f));
302 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetDrawMode(check, 0, 1));
303 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, check);
304 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
305 page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
306 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, "4b6f3b9d25c4e194821217d5016c3724");
307 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
309 // Add stroked and filled oval-ish path.
310 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT path = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(250, 100);
311 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_BezierTo(path, 180, 166, 180, 233, 250, 300));
312 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(path, 255, 305));
313 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_BezierTo(path, 325, 233, 325, 166, 255, 105));
314 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_Close(path));
315 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(path, 200, 128, 128, 100));
316 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeColor(path, 128, 200, 128, 150));
317 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeWidth(path, 10.5f));
319 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, path);
320 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
321 page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
322 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, "ff3e6a22326754944cc6e56609acd73b");
323 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
324 FPDF_ClosePage(page);
325 FPDF_CloseDocument(doc);
326 }
TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest,AddStandardFontText)328 TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, AddStandardFontText) {
329 // Start with a blank page
330 FPDF_DOCUMENT doc = FPDF_CreateNewDocument();
331 FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(doc, 0, 612, 792);
333 // Add some text to the page
334 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text1 = FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj(doc, "Arial", 12.0f);
335 EXPECT_TRUE(text1);
336 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text1, "I'm at the bottom of the page"));
337 FPDFPageObj_Transform(text1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 20, 20);
338 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text1);
339 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
340 FPDF_BITMAP page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
342 const char md5[] = "e19c90395d73cb9f37a6c3b0e8b18a9e";
343 #else
344 const char md5[] = "7c3a36ba7cec01688a16a14bfed9ecfc";
345 #endif
346 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, md5);
347 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
349 // Try another font
351 FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj(doc, "TimesNewRomanBold", 15.0f);
352 EXPECT_TRUE(text2);
353 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text2, "Hi, I'm Bold. Times New Roman Bold."));
354 FPDFPageObj_Transform(text2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 600);
355 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text2);
356 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
357 page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
359 const char md5_2[] = "8e1c43dca6be68d364dbc283f5521041";
360 #else
361 const char md5_2[] = "e0e0873e3a2634a6394a431a51ce90ff";
362 #endif
363 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, md5_2);
364 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
366 // And some randomly transformed text
367 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text3 = FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj(doc, "Courier-Bold", 20.0f);
368 EXPECT_TRUE(text3);
369 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text3, "Can you read me? <:)>"));
370 FPDFPageObj_Transform(text3, 1, 1.5, 2, 0.5, 200, 200);
371 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text3);
372 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
373 page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
375 const char md5_3[] = "c6e5df448428793c7e4b0c820bd8c85e";
376 #else
377 const char md5_3[] = "903ee10b6a9f0be51ecad0a1a0eeb171";
378 #endif
379 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, md5_3);
380 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
382 // TODO(npm): Why are there issues with text rotated by 90 degrees?
383 // TODO(npm): FPDF_SaveAsCopy not giving the desired result after this.
384 FPDF_ClosePage(page);
385 FPDF_CloseDocument(doc);
386 }
TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest,DoubleGenerating)388 TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, DoubleGenerating) {
389 // Start with a blank page
390 FPDF_DOCUMENT doc = FPDF_CreateNewDocument();
391 FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(doc, 0, 612, 792);
393 // Add a red rectangle with some non-default alpha
394 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
395 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(rect, 255, 0, 0, 128));
397 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, rect);
398 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
400 // Check the ExtGState
401 CPDF_Page* the_page = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page);
402 CPDF_Dictionary* graphics_dict =
403 the_page->m_pResources->GetDictFor("ExtGState");
404 ASSERT_TRUE(graphics_dict);
405 EXPECT_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
407 // Check the bitmap
408 FPDF_BITMAP page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
409 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, "5384da3406d62360ffb5cac4476fff1c");
410 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
412 // Never mind, my new favorite color is blue, increase alpha
413 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(rect, 0, 0, 255, 180));
414 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
415 EXPECT_EQ(2, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
417 // Check that bitmap displays changed content
418 page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
419 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, "2e51656f5073b0bee611d9cd086aa09c");
420 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
422 // And now generate, without changes
423 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
424 EXPECT_EQ(2, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
425 page_bitmap = RenderPage(page);
426 CompareBitmap(page_bitmap, 612, 792, "2e51656f5073b0bee611d9cd086aa09c");
427 FPDFBitmap_Destroy(page_bitmap);
429 // Add some text to the page
430 FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text = FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj(doc, "Arial", 12.0f);
431 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text, "Something something #text# something"));
432 FPDFPageObj_Transform(text, 1, 0, 0, 1, 300, 300);
433 FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text);
434 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
435 CPDF_Dictionary* font_dict = the_page->m_pResources->GetDictFor("Font");
436 ASSERT_TRUE(font_dict);
437 EXPECT_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(font_dict->GetCount()));
439 // Generate yet again, check dicts are reasonably sized
440 EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
441 EXPECT_EQ(2, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
442 EXPECT_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(font_dict->GetCount()));
443 FPDF_ClosePage(page);
444 FPDF_CloseDocument(doc);
445 }
TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest,Type1Font)447 TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, Type1Font) {
448 // Create a new document
449 FPDF_DOCUMENT doc = FPDF_CreateNewDocument();
450 CPDF_Document* document = reinterpret_cast<CPDF_Document*>(doc);
452 // Get Times New Roman Bold as a Type 1 font
453 CPDF_Font* times_bold = CPDF_Font::GetStockFont(document, "Times-Bold");
454 uint8_t* data = times_bold->m_Font.GetFontData();
455 uint32_t size = times_bold->m_Font.GetSize();
456 FPDF_FONT font = FPDFText_LoadType1Font(doc, data, size);
457 ASSERT_TRUE(font);
458 CPDF_Font* type1_font = reinterpret_cast<CPDF_Font*>(font);
459 EXPECT_TRUE(type1_font->IsType1Font());
461 // Check that the font dictionary has the required keys according to the spec
462 CPDF_Dictionary* font_dict = type1_font->GetFontDict();
463 EXPECT_EQ("Font", font_dict->GetStringFor("Type"));
464 EXPECT_EQ("Type1", font_dict->GetStringFor("Subtype"));
465 EXPECT_EQ("Times New Roman Bold", font_dict->GetStringFor("BaseFont"));
466 ASSERT_TRUE(font_dict->KeyExist("FirstChar"));
467 ASSERT_TRUE(font_dict->KeyExist("LastChar"));
468 EXPECT_EQ(32, font_dict->GetIntegerFor("FirstChar"));
469 EXPECT_EQ(65532, font_dict->GetIntegerFor("LastChar"));
470 ASSERT_TRUE(font_dict->KeyExist("Widths"));
471 CPDF_Array* widths_array = font_dict->GetArrayFor("Widths");
472 EXPECT_EQ(65501U, widths_array->GetCount());
473 EXPECT_EQ(250, widths_array->GetNumberAt(0));
474 EXPECT_EQ(0, widths_array->GetNumberAt(8172));
475 EXPECT_EQ(1000, widths_array->GetNumberAt(65500));
476 ASSERT_TRUE(font_dict->KeyExist("FontDescriptor"));
477 CPDF_Dictionary* font_desc = font_dict->GetDictFor("FontDescriptor");
478 EXPECT_EQ("FontDescriptor", font_desc->GetStringFor("Type"));
479 EXPECT_EQ(font_dict->GetStringFor("BaseFont"),
480 font_desc->GetStringFor("FontName"));
482 // Check that the font descriptor has the required keys according to the spec
483 ASSERT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("Flags"));
484 int font_flags = font_desc->GetIntegerFor("Flags");
485 EXPECT_TRUE(font_flags & FXFONT_BOLD);
487 ASSERT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("FontBBox"));
488 EXPECT_EQ(4U, font_desc->GetArrayFor("FontBBox")->GetCount());
489 EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("ItalicAngle"));
490 EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("Ascent"));
491 EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("Descent"));
492 EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("CapHeight"));
493 EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("StemV"));
494 ASSERT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("FontFile"));
496 // Check that the font stream is the one that was provided
497 CPDF_Stream* font_stream = font_desc->GetStreamFor("FontFile");
498 ASSERT_EQ(size, font_stream->GetRawSize());
499 uint8_t* stream_data = font_stream->GetRawData();
500 for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
501 EXPECT_EQ(data[i], stream_data[i]);
503 // Close document
504 FPDF_CloseDocument(doc);
505 }