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2# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6"""Bootstrap mysql.
8The purpose of this module is to grant access to a new-user/host/password
9combination on a remote db server. For example, if we were bootstrapping
10a new autotest master A1 with a remote database server A2, the scheduler
11running on A1 needs to access the database on A2 with the credentials
12specified in the shadow_config of A1 (A1_user, A1_pass). To achieve this
13we ssh into A2 and execute the grant privileges command for (A1_user,
14A1_pass, A1_host). If OTOH the db server is running locally we only need
15to grant permissions for (A1_user, A1_pass, localhost).
17The operation to achieve this will look like:
18    ssh/become into A2
19    Execute mysql -u <default_user> -p<default_pass> -e
20        "GRANT privileges on <db> to 'A1_user'@A1 identified by 'A1_pass';"
22However this will only grant the right access permissions to A1, so we need
23to repeat for all subsequent db clients we add. This will happen through puppet.
25In the case of a vagrant cluster, a remote vm cannot ssh into the db server
26vm with plain old ssh. However, the entire vm cluster is provisioned at the
27same time, so we can grant access to all remote vm clients directly on the
28database server without knowing their ips by using the ip of the gateway.
29This works because the db server vm redirects its database port (3306) to
30a predefined port (defined in the vagrant file, defaults to 8002), and all
31other vms in the cluster can only access it through the vm host identified
32by the gateway.
34The operation to achieve this will look like:
35    Provision the vagrant db server
36    Execute mysql -u <default_user> -p<default_pass> -e
37        "GRANT privileges on <db> to 'A1_user'@(gateway address)
38         identified by 'A1_pass';"
39This will grant the right access permissions to all vms running on the
40host machine as long as they use the right port to access the database.
43import argparse
44import logging
45import socket
46import subprocess
47import sys
49import common
51from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
52from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
53from autotest_lib.site_utils.lib import infra
56class MySQLCommandError(Exception):
57    """Generic mysql command execution exception."""
60class MySQLCommandExecutor(object):
61    """Class to shell out to mysql.
63    USE THIS CLASS WITH CARE. It doesn't protect against SQL injection on
64    assumption that anyone with access to our servers can run the same
65    commands directly instead of through this module. Do not expose it
66    through a webserver, it is meant solely as a utility module to allow
67    easy database bootstrapping via puppet.
68    """
70    DEFAULT_USER = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
71            'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'default_db_user', default='root')
73    DEFAULT_PASS = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
74            'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'default_db_pass', default='autotest')
77    @classmethod
78    def mysql_cmd(cls, cmd, user=DEFAULT_USER, password=DEFAULT_PASS,
79                  host='localhost', port=3306):
80        """Wrap the given mysql command.
82        @param cmd: The mysql command to wrap with the --execute option.
83        @param host: The host against which to run the command.
84        @param user: The user to use in the given command.
85        @param password: The password for the user.
86        @param port: The port mysql server is listening on.
87        """
88        return ('mysql -u %s -p%s --host %s --port %s -e "%s"' %
89                (user, password, host, port, cmd))
92    @staticmethod
93    def execute(dest_server, full_cmd):
94        """Execute a mysql statement on a remote server by sshing into it.
96        @param dest_server: The hostname of the remote mysql server.
97        @param full_cmd: The full mysql command to execute.
99        @raises MySQLCommandError: If the full_cmd failed on dest_server.
100        """
101        try:
102            return infra.execute_command(dest_server, full_cmd)
103        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
104            raise MySQLCommandError('Failed to execute %s against %s' %
105                                    (full_cmd, dest_server))
108    @classmethod
109    def ping(cls, db_server, user=DEFAULT_USER, password=DEFAULT_PASS,
110             use_ssh=False):
111        """Ping the given db server as 'user' using 'password'.
113        @param db_server: The host running the mysql server.
114        @param user: The user to use in the ping.
115        @param password: The password of the user.
116        @param use_ssh: If False, the command is executed on localhost
117            by supplying --host=db_server in the mysql command. Otherwise we
118            ssh/become into the db_server and execute the command with
119            --host=localhost.
121        @raises MySQLCommandError: If the ping command fails.
122        """
123        if use_ssh:
124            ssh_dest_server = db_server
125            mysql_cmd_host = 'localhost'
126        else:
127            ssh_dest_server = 'localhost'
128            mysql_cmd_host = db_server
129        ping = cls.mysql_cmd(
130                'SELECT version();', host=mysql_cmd_host, user=user,
131                password=password)
132        cls.execute(ssh_dest_server, ping)
135def bootstrap(user, password, source_host, dest_host):
136    """Bootstrap the given user against dest_host.
138    Allow a user from source_host to access the db server running on
139    dest_host.
141    @param user: The user to bootstrap.
142    @param password: The password for the user.
143    @param source_host: The host from which the new user will access the db.
144    @param dest_host: The hostname of the remote db server.
146    @raises MySQLCommandError: If we can't ping the db server using the default
147        user/password specified in the shadow_config under default_db_*, or
148        we can't ping it with the new credentials after bootstrapping.
149    """
150    # Confirm ssh/become access.
151    try:
152        infra.execute_command(dest_host, 'echo "hello"')
153    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
154        logging.error("Cannot become/ssh into dest host. You need to bootstrap "
155                      "it using fab -H <hostname> bootstrap from the "
156                      "chromeos-admin repo.")
157        return
158    # Confirm the default user has at least database read privileges. Note if
159    # the default user has *only* read privileges everything else will still
160    # fail. This is a remote enough case given our current setup that we can
161    # avoid more complicated checking at this level.
162    MySQLCommandExecutor.ping(dest_host, use_ssh=True)
164    # Prepare and execute the grant statement for the new user.
165    creds = {
166        'new_user': user,
167        'new_pass': password,
168        'new_host': source_host,
169    }
170    # TODO(beeps): Restrict these permissions. For now we have a couple of
171    # databases which may/may-not exist on various roles that need refactoring.
172    grant_privileges = (
173        "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to '%(new_user)s'@'%(new_host)s' "
174        "IDENTIFIED BY '%(new_pass)s'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;")
175    MySQLCommandExecutor.execute(
176            dest_host, MySQLCommandExecutor.mysql_cmd(grant_privileges % creds))
178    # Confirm the new user can ping the remote database server from localhost.
179    MySQLCommandExecutor.ping(
180            dest_host, user=user, password=password, use_ssh=False)
183def get_gateway():
184    """Return the address of the default gateway.
186    @raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the address of the gateway
187        cannot be determined via netstat.
188    """
189    cmd = 'netstat -rn | grep "^ " | cut -d " " -f10 | head -1'
190    try:
191        return infra.execute_command('localhost', cmd).rstrip('\n')
192    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
193        logging.error('Unable to get gateway: %s', e)
194        raise
197def _parse_args(args):
198    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A script to bootstrap mysql '
199                                     'with credentials from the shadow_config.')
200    parser.add_argument(
201            '--enable_gateway', action='store_true', dest='enable_gateway',
202            default=False, help='Enable gateway access for vagrant testing.')
203    return parser.parse_args(args)
206def main(argv):
207    """Main bootstrapper method.
209    Grants permissions to the appropriate user on localhost, then enables the
210    access through the gateway if --enable_gateway is specified.
211    """
212    args = _parse_args(argv)
213    dest_host = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
214            'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'host')
215    user = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
216            'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'user')
217    password = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
218            'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'password')
220    # For access via localhost, one needs to specify localhost as the hostname.
221    # Neither the ip or the actual hostname of localhost will suffice in
222    # mysql version 5.5, without complications.
223    local_hostname = ('localhost' if utils.is_localhost(dest_host)
224                      else socket.gethostname())
225    logging.info('Bootstrapping user %s on host %s against db server %s',
226                 user, local_hostname, dest_host)
227    bootstrap(user, password, local_hostname, dest_host)
229    if args.enable_gateway:
230        gateway = get_gateway()
231        logging.info('Enabling access through gateway %s', gateway)
232        bootstrap(user, password, gateway, dest_host)
235if __name__ == '__main__':
236    sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))