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1# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""This module provides utility functions to help managing servers in server
6database (defined in global config section AUTOTEST_SERVER_DB).
8After a role is added or removed from a server, certain services may need to
9be restarted. For example, scheduler needs to be restarted after a drone is
10added to a primary server. This module includes functions to check if actions
11are required to be executed and what actions to executed on which servers.
14import subprocess
15import sys
17import common
19from autotest_lib.frontend.server import models as server_models
20from autotest_lib.site_utils import server_manager_utils
21from autotest_lib.site_utils.lib import infra
24# Actions that must be executed for server management action to be effective.
25# Each action is a tuple:
26# (the role of which the command should be executed, the command)
27RESTART_SCHEDULER = (server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.SCHEDULER,
28                     'sudo service scheduler restart')
30                          'sudo service host-scheduler restart')
32                           'sudo service suite_scheduler restart')
33RELOAD_APACHE = (server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.SCHEDULER,
34                 'sudo service apache reload')
36STOP_SCHEDULER = (server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.SCHEDULER,
37                  'sudo service scheduler stop')
39                       'sudo service host-scheduler stop')
41                        'sudo service suite_scheduler stop')
43# Dictionary of actions needed for a role to be enabled. Key is the role, and
44# value is a list of action. All these actions should be applied after the role
45# is added to the server, or the server's status is changed to primary.
47        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.SCHEDULER: [RESTART_SCHEDULER],
48        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.HOST_SCHEDULER: [RESTART_HOST_SCHEDULER],
49        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.SUITE_SCHEDULER:
50                [RESTART_SUITE_SCHEDULER],
51        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.DRONE: [RESTART_SCHEDULER],
52        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.DATABASE:
54        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.DEVSERVER: [RESTART_SCHEDULER],
55        }
57# Dictionary of actions needed for a role to be disabled. Key is the role, and
58# value is a list of action.
59# Action should be taken before role is deleted from a server, or the server's
60# status is changed to primary.
62        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.SCHEDULER: [STOP_SCHEDULER],
63        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.HOST_SCHEDULER: [STOP_HOST_SCHEDULER],
64        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.SUITE_SCHEDULER: [STOP_SUITE_SCHEDULER],
65        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.DATABASE:
67        }
68# Action should be taken after role is deleted from a server, or the server's
69# status is changed to primary.
71        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.DRONE: [RESTART_SCHEDULER],
72        server_models.ServerRole.ROLE.DEVSERVER: [RESTART_SCHEDULER],
73        }
76def apply(action):
77    """Apply an given action.
79    It usually involves ssh to the server with specific role and run the
80    command, e.g., ssh to scheduler server and restart scheduler.
82    @param action: A tuple of (the role of which the command should be executed,
83                   the command)
84    @raise ServerActionError: If the action can't be applied due to database
85                              issue.
86    @param subprocess.CalledProcessError: If command is failed to be
87                                          executed.
88    """
89    role = action[0]
90    command = action[1]
91    # Find the servers with role
92    servers = server_manager_utils.get_servers(
93            role=role, status=server_models.Server.STATUS.PRIMARY)
94    if not servers:
95        print >> sys.stderr, ('WARNING! Action %s failed to be applied. No '
96                              'server with given role %s was found.' %
97                              (action, role))
98        return
100    for server in servers:
101        print 'Run command `%s` on server %s' % (command, server.hostname)
102        try:
103            infra.execute_command(server.hostname, command)
104        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
105            print >> sys.stderr, ('Failed to check server %s, error: %s' %
106                                  (server.hostname, e))
109def try_execute(server, roles, enable, post_change,
110                prev_status=server_models.Server.STATUS.BACKUP,
111                do_action=False):
112    """Try to execute actions for given role changes of the server.
114    @param server: Server that has the role changes.
115    @param roles: A list of roles changed.
116    @param enable: Set to True if the roles are enabled, i.e., added to server.
117                   If it's False, the roles are removed from the server.
118    @param post_change: Set to True if to apply actions should be applied after
119                        the role changes, otherwise, set to False.
120    @param prev_status: The previous status after the status change if any. This
121                        is to help to decide if actions should be executed,
122                        since actions should be applied if the server's status
123                        is changed from primary to other status. Default to
124                        backup.
125    @param do_action: Set to True to execute actions, otherwise, post a warning.
126    """
127    if not server_manager_utils.use_server_db():
128        return
129    # This check is to prevent actions to be applied to server not in primary
130    # role or server database is not enabled. Note that no action is needed
131    # before a server is changed to primary status. If that assumption is
132    # no longer valid, this method needs to be updated accordingly.
133    if (server.status != server_models.Server.STATUS.PRIMARY and
134        prev_status != server_models.Server.STATUS.PRIMARY):
135        return
137    if enable:
138        if post_change:
139            possible_actions = ACTIONS_AFTER_ROLE_APPLIED
140    else:
141        if post_change:
142            possible_actions = ACTIONS_AFTER_ROLE_REMOVED
143        else:
144            possible_actions = ACTIONS_BEFORE_ROLE_REMOVED
146    all_actions = []
147    for role in roles:
148        all_actions.extend(possible_actions.get(role, []))
149    for action in set(all_actions):
150        if do_action:
151            apply(action)
152        else:
153            message = ('WARNING! Action %s is skipped. Please manually '
154                       'execute the action to make your change effective.' %
155                       str(action))
156            print >> sys.stderr, message