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2 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3 /*--- Standalone libc stuff.                   pub_tool_libcbase.h ---*/
4 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /*
7    This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
8    framework.
10    Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Julian Seward
11       jseward@acm.org
13    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
15    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
16    License, or (at your option) any later version.
18    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21    General Public License for more details.
23    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
25    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
26    02111-1307, USA.
28    The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
29 */
31 #ifndef __PUB_TOOL_LIBCBASE_H
32 #define __PUB_TOOL_LIBCBASE_H
34 #include "pub_tool_basics.h"   // VG_ macro
36 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
37    Char functions.
38    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
40 extern Bool  VG_(isspace) ( HChar c );
41 extern Bool  VG_(isdigit) ( HChar c );
42 extern HChar VG_(tolower) ( HChar c );
44 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
45    Converting strings to numbers
46    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
48 // Convert strings to numbers according to various bases.  Leading
49 // whitespace is ignored.  A subsequent '-' or '+' is accepted.  For strtoll16,
50 // accepts an initial "0x" or "0X" prefix, but only if it's followed by a
51 // hex digit (if not, the '0' will be read and then it will stop on the
52 // "x"/"X".)  If 'endptr' isn't NULL, it gets filled in with the first
53 // non-digit char.  Returns 0 if no number could be converted, and 'endptr'
54 // is set to the start of the string.  None of them test that the number
55 // fits into 64 bits.
56 //
57 // Nb: we also don't provide VG_(atoll*);  these functions are worse than
58 // useless because they don't do any error checking and so accept malformed
59 // numbers and non-numbers -- eg. "123xyz" gives 123, and "foo" gives 0!
60 // If you really want that behaviour, you can use "VG_(strtoll10)(str, NULL)".
61 extern Long  VG_(strtoll10) ( const HChar* str, HChar** endptr );
62 extern Long  VG_(strtoll16) ( const HChar* str, HChar** endptr );
63 extern ULong  VG_(strtoull10) ( const HChar* str, HChar** endptr );
64 extern ULong  VG_(strtoull16) ( const HChar* str, HChar** endptr );
66 // Convert a string to a double.  After leading whitespace is ignored, a
67 // '+' or '-' is allowed, and then it accepts a non-empty sequence of
68 // decimal digits possibly containing a '.'.  Hexadecimal floats are not
69 // accepted, nor are "fancy" floats (eg. "3.4e-5", "NAN").
70 extern double VG_(strtod)  ( const HChar* str, HChar** endptr );
72 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
73    String functions and macros
74    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
76 /* Use this for normal null-termination-style string comparison. */
77 #define VG_STREQ(s1,s2) ( (s1 != NULL && s2 != NULL \
78                            && VG_(strcmp)((s1),(s2))==0) ? True : False )
79 #define VG_STREQN(n,s1,s2) ( (s1 != NULL && s2 != NULL \
80                              && VG_(strncmp)((s1),(s2),(n))==0) ? True : False )
82 extern SizeT  VG_(strlen)         ( const HChar* str );
83 extern HChar* VG_(strcat)         ( HChar* dest, const HChar* src );
84 extern HChar* VG_(strncat)        ( HChar* dest, const HChar* src, SizeT n );
85 extern HChar* VG_(strpbrk)        ( const HChar* s, const HChar* accpt );
86 extern HChar* VG_(strcpy)         ( HChar* dest, const HChar* src );
87 extern HChar* VG_(strncpy)        ( HChar* dest, const HChar* src, SizeT ndest );
88 extern Int    VG_(strcmp)         ( const HChar* s1, const HChar* s2 );
89 extern Int    VG_(strcasecmp)     ( const HChar* s1, const HChar* s2 );
90 extern Int    VG_(strncmp)        ( const HChar* s1, const HChar* s2, SizeT nmax );
91 extern Int    VG_(strncasecmp)    ( const HChar* s1, const HChar* s2, SizeT nmax );
92 extern HChar* VG_(strstr)         ( const HChar* haystack, const HChar* needle );
93 extern HChar* VG_(strcasestr)     ( const HChar* haystack, const HChar* needle );
94 extern HChar* VG_(strchr)         ( const HChar* s, HChar c );
95 extern HChar* VG_(strrchr)        ( const HChar* s, HChar c );
96 extern SizeT  VG_(strspn)         ( const HChar* s, const HChar* accpt );
97 extern SizeT  VG_(strcspn)        ( const HChar* s, const HChar* reject );
99 /* strtok* functions and some parsing utilities. */
100 extern HChar* VG_(strtok_r)       (HChar* s, const HChar* delim, HChar** saveptr);
101 extern HChar* VG_(strtok)         (HChar* s, const HChar* delim);
103 /* Parse a 32- or 64-bit hex number, including leading 0x, from string
104    starting at *ppc, putting result in *result, and return True.  Or
105    fail, in which case *ppc and *result are undefined, and return
106    False. */
107 extern Bool VG_(parse_Addr) ( const HChar** ppc, Addr* result );
109 /* Parse an "enum set" made of one or more words comma separated.
110    The allowed word values are given in 'tokens', separated by comma.
111    If a word in 'tokens' is found in 'input', the corresponding bit
112    will be set in *enum_set (words in 'tokens' are numbered starting from 0).
113    Using in 'tokens' the special token "-" (a minus character) indicates that
114    the corresponding bit position cannot be set.
115    In addition to the words specified in 'tokens', VG_(parse_enum_set)
116    automatically accept the word "none" to indicate an empty enum_set (0).
117    If allow_all, VG_(parse_enum_set) automatically accept the word "all"
118    to indicate an enum_set with all bits corresponding to the words in tokens
119     set.
120    If "none" or "all" is present in 'input', no other word can be given
121    in 'input'.
122    If parsing is successful, returns True and sets *enum_set.
123    If parsing fails, returns False. */
124 extern Bool VG_(parse_enum_set) ( const HChar *tokens,
125                                   Bool  allow_all,
126                                   const HChar *input,
127                                   UInt *enum_set);
129 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
130    mem* functions
131    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
133 extern void* VG_(memcpy) ( void *d, const void *s, SizeT sz );
134 extern void* VG_(memmove)( void *d, const void *s, SizeT sz );
135 extern void* VG_(memset) ( void *s, Int c, SizeT sz );
136 extern Int   VG_(memcmp) ( const void* s1, const void* s2, SizeT n );
138 /* Zero out up to 12 words quickly in-line.  Do not use this for blocks
139    of size which are unknown at compile time, since the whole point is
140    for it to be inlined, and then for gcc to remove all code except
141    for the relevant 'sz' case. */
142 inline __attribute__((always_inline))
VG_(bzero_inline)143 static void VG_(bzero_inline) ( void* s, SizeT sz )
144 {
145    if (LIKELY(0 == (((Addr)sz) & (Addr)(sizeof(UWord)-1)))
146        && LIKELY(0 == (((Addr)s) & (Addr)(sizeof(UWord)-1)))) {
147       UWord* p = (UWord*)s;
148       switch (sz / (SizeT)sizeof(UWord)) {
149           case 12: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3]
150                   = p[4] = p[5] = p[6] = p[7]
151                   = p[8] = p[9] = p[10] = p[11] = 0UL; return;
152           case 11: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3]
153                   = p[4] = p[5] = p[6] = p[7]
154                   = p[8] = p[9] = p[10] = 0UL; return;
155           case 10: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3]
156                   = p[4] = p[5] = p[6] = p[7]
157                   = p[8] = p[9] = 0UL; return;
158           case 9: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3]
159                   = p[4] = p[5] = p[6] = p[7]
160                   = p[8] = 0UL; return;
161           case 8: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3]
162                   = p[4] = p[5] = p[6] = p[7] = 0UL; return;
163           case 7: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3]
164                   = p[4] = p[5] = p[6] = 0UL; return;
165           case 6: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3]
166                   = p[4] = p[5] = 0UL; return;
167           case 5: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3] = p[4] = 0UL; return;
168           case 4: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3] = 0UL; return;
169           case 3: p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = 0UL; return;
170           case 2: p[0] = p[1] = 0UL; return;
171           case 1: p[0] = 0UL; return;
172           case 0: return;
173           default: break;
174       }
175    }
176    VG_(memset)(s, 0, sz);
177 }
180 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
181    Address computation helpers
182    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
184 // Check if an address/whatever is aligned
185 #define VG_IS_2_ALIGNED(aaa_p)    (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)0x1)))
186 #define VG_IS_4_ALIGNED(aaa_p)    (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)0x3)))
187 #define VG_IS_8_ALIGNED(aaa_p)    (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)0x7)))
188 #define VG_IS_16_ALIGNED(aaa_p)   (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)0xf)))
189 #define VG_IS_32_ALIGNED(aaa_p)   (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)0x1f)))
190 #define VG_IS_WORD_ALIGNED(aaa_p) (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)(sizeof(Addr)-1))))
191 #define VG_IS_PAGE_ALIGNED(aaa_p) (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)(VKI_PAGE_SIZE-1))))
193 // 'a' -- the alignment -- must be a power of 2.
194 // The latter two require the vki-*.h header to be imported also.
195 #define VG_ROUNDDN(p, a)   ((Addr)(p) & ~((Addr)(a)-1))
196 #define VG_ROUNDUP(p, a)   VG_ROUNDDN((p)+(a)-1, (a))
200 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
201    Misc useful functions
202    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
204 /* Like qsort().  The name VG_(ssort) is for historical reasons -- it used
205  * to be a shell sort, but is now a quicksort. */
206 extern void VG_(ssort)( void* base, SizeT nmemb, SizeT size,
207                         Int (*compar)(const void*, const void*) );
209 /* Returns the base-2 logarithm of a 32 bit unsigned number.  Returns
210  -1 if it is not a power of two.  Nb: VG_(log2)(1) == 0. */
211 extern Int VG_(log2) ( UInt x );
213 /* Ditto for 64 bit unsigned numbers. */
214 extern Int VG_(log2_64)( ULong x );
216 // A pseudo-random number generator returning a random UInt.  If pSeed
217 // is NULL, it uses its own seed, which starts at zero.  If pSeed is
218 // non-NULL, it uses and updates whatever pSeed points at.
219 extern UInt VG_(random) ( /*MOD*/UInt* pSeed );
221 /* Update a running Adler-32 checksum with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and
222    return the updated checksum. If buf is NULL, this function returns
223    the required initial value for the checksum. An Adler-32 checksum is
224    almost as reliable as a CRC32 but can be computed much faster. */
225 extern UInt VG_(adler32)( UInt adler, const UChar* buf, UInt len);
227 #endif   // __PUB_TOOL_LIBCBASE_H
229 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
230 /*--- end                                                          ---*/
231 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/