libc++ Upcoming Meeting Status

This is a temporary page; please check the c++1z status here

This page shows the status of the papers and issues that are expected to be adopted in the next WG21 Meeting.

The groups that have contributed papers:

Paper Status

Paper #GroupPaper NameMeetingStatusFirst released version

Library Working group Issues Status

Issue #Issue NameMeetingStatus
2164What are the semantics of vector.emplace(vector.begin(), vector.back())?Jacksonville
2243istream::putback problemJacksonvilleComplete
2816resize_file has impossible postconditionJacksonvilleNothing to do
2843Unclear behavior of std::pmr::memory_resource::do_allocate()Jacksonville
2849Why does !is_regular_file(from) cause copy_file to report a "file already exists" error?JacksonvilleNothing to do
2851std::filesystem enum classes are now underspecifiedJacksonvilleNothing to do
2969polymorphic_allocator::construct() shouldn't pass resource()Jacksonville
2975Missing case for pair construction in scoped and polymorphic allocatorsJacksonville
2989path's stream insertion operator lets you insert everything under the sunJacksonvilleCompleted
3000monotonic_memory_resource::do_is_equal uses dynamic_cast unnecessarilyJacksonville
3002[networking.ts] basic_socket_acceptor::is_open() isn't noexceptJacksonville
3004§[string.capacity] and §[vector.capacity] should specify time complexity for capacity()JacksonvilleNothing to do
3005Destruction order of arrays by make_shared/allocate_shared only recommended?Jacksonville
3007allocate_shared should rebind allocator to cv-unqualified value_type for constructionJacksonville
3009Including <string_view> doesn't provide std::size/empty/dataJacksonvilleComplete
3010[networking.ts] uses_executor says "if a type T::executor_type exists"Jacksonville
3013(recursive_)directory_iterator construction and traversal should not be noexceptJacksonvilleComplete
3014More noexcept issues with filesystem operationsJacksonvilleComplete
3015copy_options::unspecified underspecifiedJacksonvilleNothing to do
3017list splice functions should use addressofJacksonville
3020[networking.ts] Remove spurious nested value_type buffer sequence requirementJacksonville
3026filesystem::weakly_canonical still defined in terms of canonical(p, base)Jacksonville
3030Who shall meet the requirements of try_lock?JacksonvilleNothing to do
3034P0767R1 breaks previously-standard-layout typesJacksonvillePatch Ready
3035std::allocator's constructors should be constexprJacksonvillePatch Ready
3039Unnecessary decay in thread and packaged_taskJacksonvillePatch Ready
3041Unnecessary decay in reference_wrapperJacksonvillePatch Ready
3042is_literal_type_v should be inlineJacksonvilleComplete
3043Bogus postcondition for filesystem_error constructorJacksonville
3045atomic<floating-point> doesn't have value_type or difference_typeJacksonville
3048transform_reduce(exec, first1, last1, first2, init) discards execution policyJacksonville
3051Floating point classifications were inadvertently changed in P0175JacksonvilleNothing to do

Issues to "Review"

Issue #Issue NameMeetingStatus
2412promise::set_value() and promise::get_future() should not raceJacksonvilleComplete
2682filesystem::copy() won't create a symlink to a directoryJacksonville
2697[concurr.ts] Behavior of future/shared_future unwrapping constructor when given an invalid futureJacksonville
2708recursive_directory_iterator::recursion_pending() is incorrectly specifiedJacksonville
2936Path comparison is defined in terms of the generic formatJacksonville

Comments about the issues

Comments about the "Review" issues

Last Updated: 7-Feb-2018