Lines Matching refs:opus_int32

47     opus_int32                  sLTP_shp_Q14[ 2 * MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
49 opus_int32 sAR2_Q14[ MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER ];
50 opus_int32 sLF_AR_shp_Q14;
51 opus_int32 sDiff_shp_Q14;
55 opus_int32 rand_seed;
56 opus_int32 prev_gain_Q16;
64opus_int32 AnaState[ 2 ]; /* Analysis filterbank state: 0-8 kHz …
65opus_int32 AnaState1[ 2 ]; /* Analysis filterbank state: 0-4 kHz …
66opus_int32 AnaState2[ 2 ]; /* Analysis filterbank state: 0-2 kHz …
67opus_int32 XnrgSubfr[ VAD_N_BANDS ]; /* Subframe energies …
68opus_int32 NrgRatioSmth_Q8[ VAD_N_BANDS ]; /* Smoothed energy level in each band …
70opus_int32 NL[ VAD_N_BANDS ]; /* Noise energy level in each band …
71opus_int32 inv_NL[ VAD_N_BANDS ]; /* Inverse noise energy level in each …
72opus_int32 NoiseLevelBias[ VAD_N_BANDS ]; /* Noise level estimator bias/offset …
73opus_int32 counter; /* Frame counter used in the initial p…
78 opus_int32 In_LP_State[ 2 ]; /* Low pass filter state */
79opus_int32 transition_frame_no; /* Counter which is mapped to a cut-off f…
103 opus_int32 mid_side_amp_Q0[ 4 ];
135opus_int32 In_HP_State[ 2 ]; /* High pass filter state …
136opus_int32 variable_HP_smth1_Q15; /* State of first smoother …
137opus_int32 variable_HP_smth2_Q15; /* State of second smoother …
149opus_int32 API_fs_Hz; /* API sampling frequency (Hz) …
150opus_int32 prev_API_fs_Hz; /* Previous API sampling frequency…
162opus_int32 TargetRate_bps; /* Target bitrate (bps) …
165 opus_int32 frameCounter;
173opus_int32 pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16; /* Threshold for pitch estimator …
174opus_int32 sum_log_gain_Q7; /* Cumulative max prediction gain …
232opus_int32 pitchL_Q8; /* Pitch lag to use for voiced con…
236opus_int32 rand_seed; /* Seed for unvoiced signal genera…
238 opus_int32 conc_energy;
241 opus_int32 prevGain_Q16[ 2 ];
249 opus_int32 CNG_exc_buf_Q14[ MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
251 opus_int32 CNG_synth_state[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
252 opus_int32 CNG_smth_Gain_Q16;
253 opus_int32 rand_seed;
261 opus_int32 prev_gain_Q16;
262 opus_int32 exc_Q14[ MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
263 opus_int32 sLPC_Q14_buf[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
268opus_int32 fs_API_hz; /* API sample frequency (Hz) …
316 opus_int32 Gains_Q16[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];