Lines Matching refs:was

39     // The view or control was activated.
42 // The view or control was dismissed.
45 // The view or control was updated.
53 // activity for which it's process was already running.
60 // The action was successful
66 // Type for APP_TRANSITION_REPORTED_DRAWN event: The activity was started without restoring from
70 // Type for APP_TRANSITION_REPORTED_DRAWN event: The activity was started with restoring from
94 // Notification was canceled by the status bar reporting a notification click
97 // Notification was canceled by the status bar reporting a user dismissal.
100 // Notification was canceled by the status bar reporting a user dismiss all.
103 // Notification was canceled by the status bar reporting an inflation error.
106 // Notification was canceled by the package manager modifying the package.
109 // Notification was canceled by the owning user context being stopped.
112 // Notification was canceled by the user banning the package.
115 // Notification was canceled by the app canceling this specific notification.
118 //Notification was canceled by the app cancelling all its notifications.
121 // Notification was canceled by a listener reporting a user dismissal.
124 //Notification was canceled by a listener reporting a user dismiss all.
127 // Notification was canceled because it was a member of a canceled group.
130 // Notification was canceled because it was an invisible member of a group.
133 // Notification was canceled by the device administrator suspending the package.
136 // Notification was canceled by the owning managed profile being turned off.
139 // Autobundled summary notification was canceled because its group was unbundled.
142 // Notification was canceled by the user banning the channel.
145 // Notification was snoozed.
148 // Notification was canceled due to timeout.
154 // A back-facing camera was used
157 // A front-facing camera was used
160 // An external camera was used
1823 // delay from startActivity until the starting window was drawn.
1834 // Logged when we execute an app transition. This indicates whether the process was already
1839 // the transition was executed.
2409 // ACTION: The lockscreen gets shown because the SIM card was removed
2410 // SUBTYPE: false: device was previously unlocked, true: device was previously locked
2487 // ACTION: Managed provisioning was launched to set this package as DPC app.
2849 // ACTION: An app was granted an unknown permission
2850 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
2854 // ACTION: An app requested an unknown permission and the request was denied
2859 // ACTION: An unknown permission was revoked for an app
2860 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
2869 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission READ_CALENDAR
2870 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
2874 // ACTION: An app requested the permission READ_CALENDAR and the request was denied
2879 // ACTION: The permission READ_CALENDAR was revoked for an app
2880 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
2889 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission WRITE_CALENDAR
2890 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
2894 // ACTION: An app requested the permission WRITE_CALENDAR and the request was denied
2899 // ACTION: The permission WRITE_CALENDAR was revoked for an app
2900 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
2909 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission CAMERA
2910 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
2914 // ACTION: An app requested the permission CAMERA and the request was denied
2919 // ACTION: The permission CAMERA was revoked for an app
2920 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
2929 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission READ_CONTACTS
2930 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
2934 // ACTION: An app requested the permission READ_CONTACTS and the request was denied
2939 // ACTION: The permission READ_CONTACTS was revoked for an app
2940 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
2949 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission WRITE_CONTACTS
2950 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
2954 // ACTION: An app requested the permission WRITE_CONTACTS and the request was denied
2959 // ACTION: The permission WRITE_CONTACTS was revoked for an app
2960 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
2969 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission GET_ACCOUNTS
2970 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
2974 // ACTION: An app requested the permission GET_ACCOUNTS and the request was denied
2979 // ACTION: The permission GET_ACCOUNTS was revoked for an app
2980 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
2989 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
2990 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
2994 // ACTION: An app requested the permission ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and the request was denied
2999 // ACTION: The permission ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION was revoked for an app
3000 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3009 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
3010 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3014 // ACTION: An app requested the permission ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and the request was denied
3019 // ACTION: The permission ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION was revoked for an app
3020 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3029 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission RECORD_AUDIO
3030 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3034 // ACTION: An app requested the permission RECORD_AUDIO and the request was denied
3039 // ACTION: The permission RECORD_AUDIO was revoked for an app
3040 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3049 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission READ_PHONE_STATE
3050 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3054 // ACTION: An app requested the permission READ_PHONE_STATE and the request was denied
3059 // ACTION: The permission READ_PHONE_STATE was revoked for an app
3060 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3069 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission CALL_PHONE
3070 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3074 // ACTION: An app requested the permission CALL_PHONE and the request was denied
3079 // ACTION: The permission CALL_PHONE was revoked for an app
3080 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3089 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission READ_CALL_LOG
3090 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3094 // ACTION: An app requested the permission READ_CALL_LOG and the request was denied
3099 // ACTION: The permission READ_CALL_LOG was revoked for an app
3100 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3109 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission WRITE_CALL_LOG
3110 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3114 // ACTION: An app requested the permission WRITE_CALL_LOG and the request was denied
3119 // ACTION: The permission WRITE_CALL_LOG was revoked for an app
3120 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3129 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission ADD_VOICEMAIL
3130 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3134 // ACTION: An app requested the permission ADD_VOICEMAIL and the request was denied
3139 // ACTION: The permission ADD_VOICEMAIL was revoked for an app
3140 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3149 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission USE_SIP
3150 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3154 // ACTION: An app requested the permission USE_SIP and the request was denied
3159 // ACTION: The permission USE_SIP was revoked for an app
3160 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3169 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS
3170 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3174 // ACTION: An app requested the permission PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS and the request was denied
3179 // ACTION: The permission PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS was revoked for an app
3180 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3189 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission READ_CELL_BROADCASTS
3190 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3194 // ACTION: An app requested the permission READ_CELL_BROADCASTS and the request was denied
3199 // ACTION: The permission READ_CELL_BROADCASTS was revoked for an app
3200 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3209 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission BODY_SENSORS
3210 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3214 // ACTION: An app requested the permission BODY_SENSORS and the request was denied
3219 // ACTION: The permission BODY_SENSORS was revoked for an app
3220 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3229 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission SEND_SMS
3230 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3234 // ACTION: An app requested the permission SEND_SMS and the request was denied
3239 // ACTION: The permission SEND_SMS was revoked for an app
3240 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3249 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission RECEIVE_SMS
3250 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3254 // ACTION: An app requested the permission RECEIVE_SMS and the request was denied
3259 // ACTION: The permission RECEIVE_SMS was revoked for an app
3260 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3269 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission READ_SMS
3270 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3274 // ACTION: An app requested the permission READ_SMS and the request was denied
3279 // ACTION: The permission READ_SMS was revoked for an app
3280 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3289 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH
3290 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3294 // ACTION: An app requested the permission RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH and the request was denied
3299 // ACTION: The permission RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH was revoked for an app
3300 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3309 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission RECEIVE_MMS
3310 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3314 // ACTION: An app requested the permission RECEIVE_MMS and the request was denied
3319 // ACTION: The permission RECEIVE_MMS was revoked for an app
3320 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3329 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
3330 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3334 // ACTION: An app requested the permission READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and the request was denied
3339 // ACTION: The permission READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE was revoked for an app
3340 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3349 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
3350 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3354 // ACTION: An app requested the permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and the request was denied
3359 // ACTION: The permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE was revoked for an app
3360 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3375 // ACTION: An app was granted the permission READ_PHONE_NUMBERS
3376 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3380 // ACTION: An app requested the permission READ_PHONE_NUMBERS and the request was denied
3385 // ACTION: The permission READ_PHONE_NUMBERS was revoked for an app
3386 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3396 // ACTION: A captive portal was detected during network validation
3401 // ACTION: An unvalidated network without Internet was selected by the user
3462 // ACTION: "Do not show again" was enabled in the support disclaimer and the
3635 // ACTION: Picture-in-picture was explicitly entered for an activity
3636 // VALUE: true if it was entered while hiding as a result of moving to
3640 // ACTION: The activity currently in picture-in-picture was expanded back to fullscreen
3641 // PACKAGE: The package name of the activity that was expanded back to fullscreen
3644 // ACTION: The activity currently in picture-in-picture was minimized
3645 // VALUE: True if the PiP was minimized, false otherwise
3648 // ACTION: Picture-in-picture was dismissed via the dismiss button
3699 // ACTION: Logs the number of times the saved network evaluator was used to
3703 // ACTION: Logs the number of times the recommended network evaluator was
3707 // ACTION: Logs the number of times a recommended network was resulted in a
3709 // VALUE: true if the connection was successful, false if the connection failed
3811 // Value 2: A SecurityException was thrown
3818 // Value 1: An IllegalArgumentException was thrown
3884 // ACTION: An app was granted the app-op permission ACCESS_NOTIFICATIONS
3885 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3889 … // ACTION: An app requested the app-op permission ACCESS_NOTIFICATIONS and the request was denied
3894 // ACTION: The app-op permission ACCESS_NOTIFICATIONS was revoked for an app
3895 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3904 // ACTION: An app was granted the app-op permission SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
3905 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3909 // ACTION: An app requested the app-op permission SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW and the request was denied
3914 // ACTION: The app-op permission SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW was revoked for an app
3915 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3924 // ACTION: An app was granted the app-op permission REQUEST_WRITE_SETTINGS
3925 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3929 …// ACTION: An app requested the app-op permission REQUEST_WRITE_SETTINGS and the request was denied
3934 // ACTION: The app-op permission REQUEST_WRITE_SETTINGS was revoked for an app
3935 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3944 // ACTION: An app was granted the app-op permission REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES
3945 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
3949 …// ACTION: An app requested the app-op permission REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES and the request was den…
3954 // ACTION: The app-op permission REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES was revoked for an app
3955 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
3989 // An autofill session was started.
4001 // An autofill request was processed by a service
4015 // was focused.
4035 // An autofill dataset selection UI was shown
4036 // Type TYPE_DISMISS: UI was explicityly canceled by the user
4037 // Type TYPE_CLOSE: UI was destroyed without influence of the user
4038 // Type TYPE_ACTION: dataset was selected
4039 // Type TYPE_DETAIL: authentication was selected
4040 // Package: Package of app that was autofilled
4054 // Package: Package of app that was autofilled
4059 // An activity was autofilled and all values could be applied
4075 // An autofill save UI was shown
4076 // Type TYPE_DISMISS: UI was explicityly canceled by the user
4077 // Type TYPE_CLOSE: UI was destroyed without influence of the user
4078 // Type TYPE_ACTION: data was saved
4079 // Package: Package of app that was autofilled
4091 // ACTION: An autofill service was requested to save data
4095 // Package: Package of app that was autofilled
4103 // An auto-fill session was finished
4105 // Package: Package of app that was autofilled
4443 // FIELD - The time the headset was used in a session
4558 // FIELD - Whether smart suggestion ranking was enabled or not
4691 // The value of an autofillable and savable view was reset
4692 // Package: Package of app that was autofilled
4707 // Package: Package of app that was autofilled
4713 // Package: Package of app that was autofilled
4720 // Package: Package of app that was autofilled
4755 // Type TYPE_UNKNOWN: The link was not properly set by the service
4784 // Type TYPE_OPEN: The autofill save UI was restored
4785 // Type TYPE_DISMISS: The autofill save UI was destroyed
4786 // Type TYPE_FAILURE: An invalid opperation was reported by the app's AutofillManager
4798 // DEPRECATED - on P it was merged with AUTOFILL_REQUEST
4799 // Reports how long it took to show the autofill UI after a field was focused
4806 // Action: the snooze leave-behind was shown after the user clicked the snooze icon
4976 // The autofill context was commited when the user clicked a view explicitly marked by the
5056 // ACTION: An app was granted the a permission. This can happen after a user approved a request
5059 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app that was granted the permission
5063 // ACTION: An app requested the a permission and the request was denied by the user or a device
5069 // ACTION: A permission was revoked
5070 // PACKAGE: The package name of the app the permission was revoked for
5121 // FIELD: the type of widget the selection was made in.
5156 // FIELD: the version of the widget the selection was made in.
5296 // An autofill service was bound using an unofficial(but still supported) permission.
5372 // Battery level in uAh (0 - ~3,000,000 depending on device) when this event was created.
5380 // Battery level in % (0-100) when this event was created.
5794 // Tagged data for ACTION_HIDDEN_API_ACCESSED. Indicates that access was
5800 // API that was accessed.
5804 // The number of items in the shade when this notification event was logged.
5831 // ACTION: Slice was tapped.
5905 // Tag FIELD_CHARGING_DURATION: Time in ms phone was charging
5918 // Tag used to determine what type of charging was started/ended