 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include "guest/libs/platform_support/api_level_fixes.h"

 * Contains declaration of a class EmulatedCamera that encapsulates
 * functionality of a fake camera that implements version 3 of the camera device
 * interace.

#include <camera/CameraMetadata.h>
#include <CameraMetadata.h>
using ::android::hardware::camera::common::V1_0::helper::CameraMetadata;

#include <utils/List.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/SortedVector.h>
#include "EmulatedCamera3.h"
#include "fake-pipeline2/Base.h"
#include "fake-pipeline2/JpegCompressor.h"
#include "fake-pipeline2/Sensor.h"

namespace android {

 * Encapsulates functionality for a v3 HAL camera which produces synthetic data.
 * Note that EmulatedCameraFactory instantiates an object of this class just
 * once, when EmulatedCameraFactory instance gets constructed. Connection to /
 * disconnection from the actual camera device is handled by calls to
 * connectDevice(), and closeCamera() methods of this class that are invoked in
 * response to hw_module_methods_t::open, and camera_device::close callbacks.
class EmulatedFakeCamera3 : public EmulatedCamera3,
                            private Sensor::SensorListener {
  EmulatedFakeCamera3(int cameraId, bool facingBack,
                      struct hw_module_t *module);

  virtual ~EmulatedFakeCamera3();

   * EmulatedCamera3 virtual overrides

  virtual status_t Initialize(const cvd::CameraDefinition &params);

   * Camera module API and generic hardware device API implementation

  virtual status_t connectCamera(hw_device_t **device);

  virtual status_t closeCamera();

  virtual status_t getCameraInfo(struct camera_info *info);

  virtual status_t setTorchMode(bool enabled);

   * EmulatedCamera3 abstract API implementation

  virtual status_t configureStreams(camera3_stream_configuration *streamList);

  virtual status_t registerStreamBuffers(
      const camera3_stream_buffer_set *bufferSet);

  virtual const camera_metadata_t *constructDefaultRequestSettings(int type);

  virtual status_t processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request *request);

  virtual status_t flush();

  /** Debug methods */

  virtual void dump(int fd);

   * Get the requested capability set for this camera
  status_t getCameraCapabilities();

  bool hasCapability(AvailableCapabilities cap);

   * Build the static info metadata buffer for this device
  status_t constructStaticInfo(const cvd::CameraDefinition &params);

   * Run the fake 3A algorithms as needed. May override/modify settings
   * values.
  status_t process3A(CameraMetadata &settings);

  status_t doFakeAE(CameraMetadata &settings);
  status_t doFakeAF(CameraMetadata &settings);
  status_t doFakeAWB(CameraMetadata &settings);
  void update3A(CameraMetadata &settings);

  /** Signal from readout thread that it doesn't have anything to do */
  void signalReadoutIdle();

  /** Handle interrupt events from the sensor */
  void onSensorEvent(uint32_t frameNumber, Event e, nsecs_t timestamp);

   * Static configuration information
  static const uint32_t kMaxRawStreamCount = 1;
  static const uint32_t kMaxProcessedStreamCount = 3;
  static const uint32_t kMaxJpegStreamCount = 1;
  static const uint32_t kMaxReprocessStreamCount = 2;
  static const uint32_t kMaxBufferCount = 4;
  // We need a positive stream ID to distinguish external buffers from
  // sensor-generated buffers which use a nonpositive ID. Otherwise, HAL3 has
  // no concept of a stream id.
  static const uint32_t kGenericStreamId = 1;
  static const int32_t kAvailableFormats[];

  static const int64_t kSyncWaitTimeout = 10000000;   // 10 ms
  static const int32_t kMaxSyncTimeoutCount = 1000;   // 1000 kSyncWaitTimeouts
  static const uint32_t kFenceTimeoutMs = 2000;       // 2 s
  static const nsecs_t kJpegTimeoutNs = 5000000000l;  // 5 s

   * Data members.

  /* HAL interface serialization lock. */
  Mutex mLock;

  /* Facing back (true) or front (false) switch. */
  bool mFacingBack;
  int32_t mSensorWidth;
  int32_t mSensorHeight;

  SortedVector<AvailableCapabilities> mCapabilities;

   * Cache for default templates. Once one is requested, the pointer must be
   * valid at least until close() is called on the device
  camera_metadata_t *mDefaultTemplates[CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_COUNT];

   * Private stream information, stored in camera3_stream_t->priv.
  struct PrivateStreamInfo {
    bool alive;

  // Shortcut to the input stream
  camera3_stream_t *mInputStream;

  typedef List<camera3_stream_t *> StreamList;
  typedef List<camera3_stream_t *>::iterator StreamIterator;
  typedef Vector<camera3_stream_buffer> HalBufferVector;

  // All streams, including input stream
  StreamList mStreams;

  // Cached settings from latest submitted request
  CameraMetadata mPrevSettings;

  /** Fake hardware interfaces */
  sp<Sensor> mSensor;
  sp<JpegCompressor> mJpegCompressor;
  friend class JpegCompressor;

  /** Processing thread for sending out results */

  class ReadoutThread : public Thread, private JpegCompressor::JpegListener {
    ReadoutThread(EmulatedFakeCamera3 *parent);

    struct Request {
      uint32_t frameNumber;
      CameraMetadata settings;
      HalBufferVector *buffers;
      Buffers *sensorBuffers;

     * Interface to parent class

    // Place request in the in-flight queue to wait for sensor capture
    void queueCaptureRequest(const Request &r);

    // Test if the readout thread is idle (no in-flight requests, not
    // currently reading out anything
    bool isIdle();

    // Wait until isIdle is true
    status_t waitForReadout();

    static const nsecs_t kWaitPerLoop = 10000000L;  // 10 ms
    static const nsecs_t kMaxWaitLoops = 1000;
    static const size_t kMaxQueueSize = 2;

    EmulatedFakeCamera3 *mParent;
    Mutex mLock;

    List<Request> mInFlightQueue;
    Condition mInFlightSignal;
    bool mThreadActive;

    virtual bool threadLoop();

    // Only accessed by threadLoop

    Request mCurrentRequest;

    // Jpeg completion callbacks

    Mutex mJpegLock;
    bool mJpegWaiting;
    camera3_stream_buffer mJpegHalBuffer;
    uint32_t mJpegFrameNumber;
    virtual void onJpegDone(const StreamBuffer &jpegBuffer, bool success);
    virtual void onJpegInputDone(const StreamBuffer &inputBuffer);

  sp<ReadoutThread> mReadoutThread;

  /** Fake 3A constants */

  static const nsecs_t kNormalExposureTime;
  static const nsecs_t kFacePriorityExposureTime;
  static const int kNormalSensitivity;
  static const int kFacePrioritySensitivity;
  // Rate of converging AE to new target value, as fraction of difference
  // between current and target value.
  static const float kExposureTrackRate;
  // Minimum duration for precapture state. May be longer if slow to converge
  // to target exposure
  static const int kPrecaptureMinFrames;
  // How often to restart AE 'scanning'
  static const int kStableAeMaxFrames;
  // Maximum stop below 'normal' exposure time that we'll wander to while
  // pretending to converge AE. In powers of 2. (-2 == 1/4 as bright)
  static const float kExposureWanderMin;
  // Maximum stop above 'normal' exposure time that we'll wander to while
  // pretending to converge AE. In powers of 2. (2 == 4x as bright)
  static const float kExposureWanderMax;

  /** Fake 3A state */

  uint8_t mControlMode;
  bool mFacePriority;
  uint8_t mAeState;
  uint8_t mAfState;
  uint8_t mAwbState;
  uint8_t mAeMode;
  uint8_t mAfMode;
  uint8_t mAwbMode;

  int mAeCounter;
  nsecs_t mAeCurrentExposureTime;
  nsecs_t mAeTargetExposureTime;
  int mAeCurrentSensitivity;

}  // namespace android