/* Copyright 1999-2016 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. obtain a copy of the License at http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. MagickCore image methods. */ #ifndef MAGICKCORE_IMAGE_H #define MAGICKCORE_IMAGE_H #include "MagickCore/color.h" #include "MagickCore/pixel.h" #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif #define OpaqueAlpha ((Quantum) QuantumRange) #define TransparentAlpha ((Quantum) 0) typedef enum { UndefinedAlphaChannel, ActivateAlphaChannel, AssociateAlphaChannel, BackgroundAlphaChannel, CopyAlphaChannel, DeactivateAlphaChannel, DiscreteAlphaChannel, DisassociateAlphaChannel, ExtractAlphaChannel, OffAlphaChannel, OnAlphaChannel, OpaqueAlphaChannel, RemoveAlphaChannel, SetAlphaChannel, ShapeAlphaChannel, TransparentAlphaChannel } AlphaChannelOption; typedef enum { UndefinedType, BilevelType, GrayscaleType, GrayscaleAlphaType, PaletteType, PaletteAlphaType, TrueColorType, TrueColorAlphaType, ColorSeparationType, ColorSeparationAlphaType, OptimizeType, PaletteBilevelAlphaType } ImageType; typedef enum { UndefinedInterlace, NoInterlace, LineInterlace, PlaneInterlace, PartitionInterlace, GIFInterlace, JPEGInterlace, PNGInterlace } InterlaceType; typedef enum { UndefinedOrientation, TopLeftOrientation, TopRightOrientation, BottomRightOrientation, BottomLeftOrientation, LeftTopOrientation, RightTopOrientation, RightBottomOrientation, LeftBottomOrientation } OrientationType; typedef enum { UndefinedResolution, PixelsPerInchResolution, PixelsPerCentimeterResolution } ResolutionType; typedef struct _PrimaryInfo { double x, y, z; } PrimaryInfo; typedef struct _SegmentInfo { double x1, y1, x2, y2; } SegmentInfo; typedef enum { UndefinedTransmitType, FileTransmitType, BlobTransmitType, StreamTransmitType, ImageTransmitType } TransmitType; typedef struct _ChromaticityInfo { PrimaryInfo red_primary, green_primary, blue_primary, white_point; } ChromaticityInfo; #include "MagickCore/blob.h" #include "MagickCore/colorspace.h" #include "MagickCore/cache-view.h" #include "MagickCore/color.h" #include "MagickCore/composite.h" #include "MagickCore/compress.h" #include "MagickCore/effect.h" #include "MagickCore/geometry.h" #include "MagickCore/layer.h" #include "MagickCore/locale_.h" #include "MagickCore/monitor.h" #include "MagickCore/pixel.h" #include "MagickCore/profile.h" #include "MagickCore/quantum.h" #include "MagickCore/resample.h" #include "MagickCore/resize.h" #include "MagickCore/semaphore.h" #include "MagickCore/stream.h" #include "MagickCore/timer.h" struct _Image { ClassType storage_class; ColorspaceType colorspace; /* colorspace of image data */ CompressionType compression; /* compression of image when read/write */ size_t quality; /* compression quality setting, meaning varies */ OrientationType orientation; /* photo orientation of image */ MagickBooleanType taint; /* has image been modified since reading */ size_t columns, /* physical size of image */ rows, depth, /* depth of image on read/write */ colors; /* Size of color table, or actual color count */ /* Only valid if image is not DirectClass */ PixelInfo *colormap, alpha_color, /* current alphacolor attribute */ background_color, /* current background color attribute */ border_color, /* current bordercolor attribute */ transparent_color; /* color for 'transparent' color index in GIF */ double gamma; ChromaticityInfo chromaticity; RenderingIntent rendering_intent; void *profiles; ResolutionType units; /* resolution/density ppi or ppc */ char *montage, *directory, *geometry; ssize_t offset; /* ??? */ PointInfo resolution; /* image resolution/density */ RectangleInfo page, /* virtual canvas size and offset of image */ extract_info; double fuzz; /* current color fuzz attribute - move to image_info */ FilterType filter; /* resize/distort filter to apply */ PixelIntensityMethod intensity; /* method to generate an intensity value from a pixel */ InterlaceType interlace; EndianType endian; /* raw data integer ordering on read/write */ GravityType gravity; /* Gravity attribute for positioning in image */ CompositeOperator compose; /* alpha composition method for layered images */ DisposeType dispose; /* GIF animation disposal method */ size_t scene, /* index of image in multi-image file */ delay, /* Animation delay time */ duration; /* Total animation duration sum(delay*iterations) */ ssize_t ticks_per_second; /* units for delay time, default 100 for GIF */ size_t iterations, /* number of interations for GIF animations */ total_colors; ssize_t start_loop; /* ??? */ PixelInterpolateMethod interpolate; /* Interpolation of color for between pixel lookups */ MagickBooleanType black_point_compensation; RectangleInfo tile_offset; ImageType type; MagickBooleanType dither; /* dithering on/off */ MagickSizeType extent; /* Size of image read from disk */ MagickBooleanType ping; /* no image data read, just attributes */ MagickBooleanType read_mask, write_mask; PixelTrait alpha_trait; /* is transparency channel defined and active */ size_t number_channels, number_meta_channels, metacontent_extent; ChannelType channel_mask; PixelChannelMap *channel_map; void *cache; ErrorInfo error; TimerInfo timer; MagickProgressMonitor progress_monitor; void *client_data; Ascii85Info *ascii85; ProfileInfo *generic_profile; void *properties, /* general settings, to save with image */ *artifacts; /* general operational/coder settings, not saved */ char filename[MagickPathExtent], /* images input filename */ magick_filename[MagickPathExtent], /* given image filename (with read mods) */ magick[MagickPathExtent]; /* images file format (file magic) */ size_t magick_columns, /* size of image when read/created */ magick_rows; BlobInfo *blob; /* image file as in-memory string of 'extent' */ time_t timestamp; MagickBooleanType debug; /* debug output attribute */ volatile ssize_t reference_count; /* image data sharing memory management */ SemaphoreInfo *semaphore; struct _ImageInfo *image_info; /* (Optional) Image belongs to this ImageInfo 'list' * For access to 'global options' when no per-image * attribute, properity, or artifact has been set. */ struct _Image *list, /* Undo/Redo image processing list (for display) */ *previous, /* Image list links */ *next; size_t signature; }; /* ImageInfo structure: Stores an image list, as well as all global settings used by all images held, -- unless overridden for that specific image. See SyncImagesettings() which maps any global setting that always overrides specific image settings. */ struct _ImageInfo { CompressionType compression; /* compression method when reading/saving image */ OrientationType orientation; /* orientation setting */ MagickBooleanType temporary, /* image file to be deleted after read "empemeral:" */ adjoin, /* save images to separate scene files */ affirm, antialias; char *size, /* image generation size */ *extract, /* crop/resize string on image read */ *page, *scenes; /* scene numbers that is to be read in */ size_t scene, /* starting value for image save numbering */ number_scenes, /* total number of images in list - for escapes */ depth; /* current read/save depth of images */ InterlaceType interlace; /* interlace for image write */ EndianType endian; /* integer endian order for raw image data */ ResolutionType units; /* denisty pixels/inch or pixel/cm */ size_t quality; /* compression quality */ char *sampling_factor, /* JPEG write sampling factor */ *server_name, /* X windows server name - display/animate */ *font, /* DUP for draw_info */ *texture, /* montage/display background tile */ *density; /* DUP for image and draw_info */ double pointsize, fuzz; /* current color fuzz attribute */ PixelInfo alpha_color, /* alpha (frame) color */ background_color, /* user set background color */ border_color, /* user set border color */ transparent_color; /* color for transparent index in color tables */ /* NB: fill color is only needed in draw_info! */ /* the same for undercolor (for font drawing) */ MagickBooleanType dither, /* dither enable-disable */ monochrome; /* read/write pcl,pdf,ps,xps as monocrome image */ ColorspaceType colorspace; CompositeOperator compose; ImageType type; MagickBooleanType ping, /* fast read image attributes, not image data */ verbose; /* verbose output enable/disable */ ChannelType channel; void *options; /* splay tree of global options */ void *profile; MagickBooleanType synchronize; MagickProgressMonitor progress_monitor; void *client_data, *cache; StreamHandler stream; FILE *file; void *blob; size_t length; char magick[MagickPathExtent], /* image file format (file magick) */ unique[MagickPathExtent], /* unique tempory filename - delegates */ filename[MagickPathExtent]; /* filename when reading/writing image */ MagickBooleanType debug; size_t signature; }; extern MagickExport ChannelType SetImageChannelMask(Image *,const ChannelType); extern MagickExport const char DefaultTileGeometry[], DefaultTileLabel[], LoadImageTag[], LoadImagesTag[], PSDensityGeometry[], PSPageGeometry[], SaveImageTag[], SaveImagesTag[]; extern MagickExport const double DefaultResolution; extern MagickExport ExceptionType CatchImageException(Image *); extern MagickExport FILE *GetImageInfoFile(const ImageInfo *); extern MagickExport Image *AcquireImage(const ImageInfo *,ExceptionInfo *), *AppendImages(const Image *,const MagickBooleanType,ExceptionInfo *), *CloneImage(const Image *,const size_t,const size_t,const MagickBooleanType, ExceptionInfo *), *DestroyImage(Image *), *GetImageMask(const Image *,const PixelMask,ExceptionInfo *), *NewMagickImage(const ImageInfo *,const size_t,const size_t,const PixelInfo *, ExceptionInfo *), *ReferenceImage(Image *), *SmushImages(const Image *,const MagickBooleanType,const ssize_t, ExceptionInfo *); extern MagickExport ImageInfo *AcquireImageInfo(void), *CloneImageInfo(const ImageInfo *), *DestroyImageInfo(ImageInfo *); extern MagickExport MagickBooleanType ClipImage(Image *,ExceptionInfo *), ClipImagePath(Image *,const char *,const MagickBooleanType,ExceptionInfo *), CopyImagePixels(Image *,const Image *,const RectangleInfo *, const OffsetInfo *,ExceptionInfo *), IsTaintImage(const Image *), IsHighDynamicRangeImage(const Image *,ExceptionInfo *), IsImageObject(const Image *), ListMagickInfo(FILE *,ExceptionInfo *), ModifyImage(Image **,ExceptionInfo *), ResetImagePage(Image *,const char *), SetImageAlpha(Image *,const Quantum,ExceptionInfo *), SetImageBackgroundColor(Image *,ExceptionInfo *), SetImageColor(Image *,const PixelInfo *,ExceptionInfo *), SetImageExtent(Image *,const size_t,const size_t,ExceptionInfo *), SetImageInfo(ImageInfo *,const unsigned int,ExceptionInfo *), SetImageMask(Image *,const PixelMask type,const Image *,ExceptionInfo *), SetImageStorageClass(Image *,const ClassType,ExceptionInfo *), StripImage(Image *,ExceptionInfo *), SyncImage(Image *,ExceptionInfo *), SyncImageSettings(const ImageInfo *,Image *,ExceptionInfo *), SyncImagesSettings(ImageInfo *,Image *,ExceptionInfo *); extern MagickExport size_t InterpretImageFilename(const ImageInfo *,Image *,const char *,int,char *, ExceptionInfo *); extern MagickExport ssize_t GetImageReferenceCount(Image *); extern MagickExport VirtualPixelMethod GetImageVirtualPixelMethod(const Image *), SetImageVirtualPixelMethod(Image *,const VirtualPixelMethod,ExceptionInfo *); extern MagickExport void AcquireNextImage(const ImageInfo *,Image *,ExceptionInfo *), DestroyImagePixels(Image *), DisassociateImageStream(Image *), GetImageInfo(ImageInfo *), SetImageInfoBlob(ImageInfo *,const void *,const size_t), SetImageInfoFile(ImageInfo *,FILE *); #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } #endif #endif