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result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VLD1_LANE/VLD1_LANEQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VLD1_DUP/VLD1_DUPQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, 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result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VGET_LOW %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMLAL_LANEvqdmlal_lane_s16vqdmlal_lane_s32VQDMLAL_LANE (mul with input=0) (mul with input=0)VQDMLAL_LANE (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMLSL_LANEvqdmlsl_lane_s16vqdmlsl_lane_s32VQDMLSL_LANE (mul with input=0) (mul with input=0)VQDMLSL_LANE (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VEXT/VEXTQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSHRN_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSET_LANE/VSET_LANEQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VGET_LANE/VGETQ_LANE%s: %x vget_lane_s8vget_lane_s16%s: %lx vget_lane_s32%s: %llx vget_lane_s64vget_lane_u8vget_lane_u16vget_lane_u32vget_lane_u64vget_lane_p8vget_lane_p16vget_lane_f32vgetq_lane_s8vgetq_lane_s16vgetq_lane_s32vgetq_lane_s64vgetq_lane_u8vgetq_lane_u16vgetq_lane_u32vgetq_lane_u64vgetq_lane_p8vgetq_lane_p16vgetq_lane_f32 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQSUB/VQSUBQvqsub_s8vqsub_s16vqsub_s32vqsub_s64vqsub_u8vqsub_u16vqsub_u32vqsub_u64vqsubq_s8vqsubq_s16vqsubq_s32vqsubq_s64vqsubq_u8vqsubq_u16vqsubq_u32vqsubq_u64 %s 64 bits saturation overflow output: 64 bits saturation: less than 64 bits saturation: %s less than 64 bits saturation overflow output: %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMULH_LANEvqdmulh_lane_s16vqdmulh_lane_s32vqdmulhq_lane_s16vqdmulhq_lane_s32VQDMULH_LANE (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMULLvqdmull_s16vqdmull_s32VQDMULL (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMLALvqdmlal_s16vqdmlal_s32VQDMLAL (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMLSLvqdmlsl_s16vqdmlsl_s32VQDMLSL (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCEQ/VCEQQVCEQ/VCEQQ FP special (NaN)VCEQ/VCEQQ FP special (-NaN)VCEQ/VCEQQ FP special (inf)VCEQ/VCEQQ FP special (-inf)VCEQ/VCEQQ FP special (-0.0)VCEQ/VCEQQ p8 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCGE/VCGEQVCGE/VCGEQ FP special (NaN)VCGE/VCGEQ FP special (-NaN)VCGE/VCGEQ FP special (inf)VCGE/VCGEQ FP special (-inf)VCGE/VCGEQ FP special (-0.0) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCLE/VCLEQVCLE/VCLEQ FP special (NaN)VCLE/VCLEQ FP special (-NaN)VCLE/VCLEQ FP special (inf)VCLE/VCLEQ FP special (-inf)VCLE/VCLEQ FP special (-0.0) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCGT/VCGTQVCGT/VCGTQ FP special (NaN)VCGT/VCGTQ FP special (-NaN)VCGT/VCGTQ FP special (inf)VCGT/VCGTQ FP special (-inf)VCGT/VCGTQ FP special (-0.0) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCLT/VCLTQVCLT/VCLTQ FP special (NaN)VCLT/VCLTQ FP special (-NaN)VCLT/VCLTQ FP special (inf)VCLT/VCLTQ FP special (-inf)VCLT/VCLTQ FP special (-0.0) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VBSL/VBSLQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSHL/VSHLQ (large shift amount) (negative shift amount) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VLD2/VLD2Q chunk 0 chunk 1VLD3/VLD3Q chunk 2VLD4/VLD4Q chunk 3 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VDUP_LANE/VDUP_LANEQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VRSHRN_N (with input = 0) (with large shift amount) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMULL_LANEvqdmull_lane_s16vqdmull_lane_s32VQDMULL_LANE (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VST1_LANE/VST1_LANEQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQSHL/VQSHLQ (with input = 0)VQSHL/VQSHLQvqshl_s8vqshl_s16vqshl_s32vqshl_s64vqshl_u8vqshl_u16vqshl_u32vqshl_u64vqshlq_s8vqshlq_s16vqshlq_s32vqshlq_s64vqshlq_u8vqshlq_u16vqshlq_u32vqshlq_u64 (with input = 0)VQSHL/VQSHLQ (input 0 and negative shift amount) (input 0 and negative shift amount)VQSHL/VQSHLQ (negative shift amount) (negative shift amount)VQSHL/VQSHLQ (large shift amount, negative input) (large shift amount, negative input)VQSHL/VQSHLQ (check saturation/overflow) (check saturation/overflow)VQSHL/VQSHLQ (large shift amount, positive input) (large shift amount, positive input)VQSHL/VQSHLQ (check saturation on 64 bits) (check saturation on 64 bits) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQSHL_N/VQSHLQ_Nvqshl_n_s8vqshl_n_s16vqshl_n_s32vqshl_n_s64vqshl_n_u8vqshl_n_u16vqshl_n_u32vqshl_n_u64vqshlq_n_s8vqshlq_n_s16vqshlq_n_s32vqshlq_n_s64vqshlq_n_u8vqshlq_n_u16vqshlq_n_u32vqshlq_n_u64VQSHL_N/VQSHLQ_N (check saturation with large positive input) (check saturation with large positive input) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQRSHRN_Nvqrshrn_n_s16vqrshrn_n_s32vqrshrn_n_s64vqrshrn_n_u16vqrshrn_n_u32vqrshrn_n_u64VQRSHRN_N (check saturation: shift by 3) (check saturation: shift by 3)VQRSHRN_N (check saturation: shift by max) (check saturation: shift by max) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSUB/VSUBQ float32: %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQADD/VQADDQvqadd_s8vqadd_s16vqadd_s32vqadd_s64vqadd_u8vqadd_u16vqadd_u32vqadd_u64vqaddq_s8vqaddq_s16vqaddq_s32vqaddq_s64vqaddq_u8vqaddq_u16vqaddq_u32vqaddq_u64 %s 64 bits saturation overflow output: 64 bits saturation: less than 64 bits saturation: %s less than 64 bits saturation overflow output: %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VABS/VABSQ float32: %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQABS/VQABSQvqabs_s8vqabs_s16vqabs_s32vqabsq_s8vqabsq_s16vqabsq_s32 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCOMBINE %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMAX/VMAXQVMAX/VMAXQ FP special (NaN)VMAX/VMAXQ FP special (-NaN)VMAX/VMAXQ FP special (inf)VMAX/VMAXQ FP special (-inf)VMAX/VMAXQ FP special (-0.0) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMIN/VMINQVMIN/VMINQ FP special (NaN)VMIN/VMINQ FP special (-NaN)VMIN/VMINQ FP special (inf)VMIN/VMINQ FP special (-inf)VMIN/VMINQ FP special (-0.0) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VNEG/VNEGQ float32: %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQNEG/VQNEGQvqneg_s8vqneg_s16vqneg_s32vqnegq_s8vqnegq_s16vqnegq_s32 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLAL %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLAL_LANE %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLSL %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLSL_LANE %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMOVL %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMOVN %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMULL %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMULL_LANE %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VREV16VREV32VREV64 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VRSHL/VRSHLQ (with input = 0) (input 0 and negative shift amount) (negative shift amount) (checking round_const overflow: shift by -1) (checking round_const overflow: shift by -3) (checking negative shift amount as large as input vector width) (large shift amount) (large negative shift amount) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSHL_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSHR_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSRA_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VTRN/VTRNQ chunk 0 chunk 1 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VUZP/VUZPQ chunk 0 chunk 1 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VZIP/VZIPQ chunk 0 chunk 1 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VREINTERPRET/VREINTERPRETQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMULHvqdmulh_s16vqdmulh_s32vqdmulhq_s16vqdmulhq_s32 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQRDMULHvqrdmulh_s16vqrdmulh_s32vqrdmulhq_s16vqrdmulhq_s32VQRDMULH (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow)VQRDMULH (check rounding overflow) (check rounding overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQRDMULH_LANEvqrdmulh_lane_s16vqrdmulh_lane_s32vqrdmulhq_lane_s16vqrdmulhq_lane_s32VQRDMULH_LANE (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow)VQRDMULH_LANE (check rounding overflow) (check rounding overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQRSHL/VQRSHLQ (with input = 0)VQRSHL/VQRSHLQvqrshl_s8vqrshl_s16vqrshl_s32vqrshl_s64vqrshl_u8vqrshl_u16vqrshl_u32vqrshl_u64vqrshlq_s8vqrshlq_s16vqrshlq_s32vqrshlq_s64vqrshlq_u8vqrshlq_u16vqrshlq_u32vqrshlq_u64 (with input = 0)VQRSHL/VQRSHLQ (input 0 and negative shift amount) (input 0 and negative shift amount)VQRSHL/VQRSHLQ (negative shift amount) (negative shift amount)VQRSHL/VQRSHLQ (checking overflow: shift by -1) (checking overflow: shift by -1)VQRSHL/VQRSHLQ (checking overflow: shift by -3) (checking overflow: shift by -3)VQRSHL/VQRSHLQ (checking overflow: large shift amount) (checking overflow: large shift amount)VQRSHL/VQRSHLQ (checking overflow: large shift amount with negative input) (checking overflow: large shift amount with negative input)VQRSHL/VQRSHLQ (checking overflow: large negative shift amount) (checking overflow: large negative shift amount)VQRSHL/VQRSHLQ (checking overflow: large shift amount with 0 input) (checking overflow: large shift amount with 0 input) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VABA/VABAQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VABAL test intermediate overflow %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VABD/VABDQVABD/VABDQ FP special (-0.0) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VABDL %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VAND/VANDQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VORR/VORRQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VORN/VORNQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VEOR/VEORQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VBIC/VBICQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCREATE %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VLD2_LANE/VLD2Q_LANE chunk 0 chunk 1VLD3_LANE/VLD3Q_LANE chunk 2VLD4_LANE/VLD4Q_LANE chunk 3 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VLD2_DUP/VLD2Q_DUP chunk 0 chunk 1VLD3_DUP/VLD3Q_DUP chunk 2VLD4_DUP/VLD4Q_DUP chunk 3 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLA %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLS %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMUL %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMUL_LANE %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMUL_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMULL_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMULH_Nvqdmulh_n_s16vqdmulh_n_s32vqdmulhq_n_s16vqdmulhq_n_s32VQDMULH_N (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMULL_Nvqdmull_n_s16vqdmull_n_s32VQDMULL_N (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQRDMULH_Nvqrdmulh_n_s16vqrdmulh_n_s32vqrdmulhq_n_s16vqrdmulhq_n_s32VQRDMULH_N (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow)VQRDMULH_N (check rounding overflow) (check rounding overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLA_LANE %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLS_LANE %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLA_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLS_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLAL_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMLSL_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMLAL_Nvqdmlal_n_s16vqdmlal_n_s32VQDMLAL_N (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQDMLSL_Nvqdmlsl_n_s16vqdmlsl_n_s32VQDMLSL_N (check mul overflow) (check mul overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSRI_N max shift amount %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSLI_Nmax shift amount %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VTST/VTSTQ (signed input) (unsigned input) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VADDHN %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VRADDHN %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VADDL %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VADDW %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VHADD/VHADDQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VRHADD/VRHADDQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VHSUB/VHSUBQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSUBL %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSUBW %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSUBHN %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VRSUBHN %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VMVN/VMVNQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQMOVNvqmovn_s16vqmovn_s32vqmovn_s64vqmovn_u16vqmovn_u32vqmovn_u64 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQMOVUNvqmovun_s16vqmovun_s32vqmovun_s64VQMOVUN (negative input) (negative input) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VRSHR_N (overflow test: max shift amount, positive input) (overflow test: shift by 1, with negative input) (overflow test: shift by 3, positive input) (overflow test: shift by 3, with negative input) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VRSRA_N (checking overflow: shift by 1, positive input) (checking overflow: shift by 3, positive input) (checking overflow: shift by max, positive input) (checking overflow: shift by 1, negative input) (checking overflow: shift by max, negative input) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VSHLL_N %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VPADDL/VPADDLQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VPADD %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VPADAL/VPADALQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQSHLU_N/VQSHLUQ_N (negative input)VQSHLU_N/VQSHLUQ_Nvqshlu_n_s8vqshlu_n_s16vqshlu_n_s32vqshlu_n_s64vqshluq_n_s8vqshluq_n_s16vqshluq_n_s32vqshluq_n_s64 (negative input)VQSHLU_N/VQSHLUQ_N (check saturation/overflow: shift by 1) (check saturation/overflow: shift by 1)VQSHLU_N/VQSHLUQ_N (check saturation/overflow: shift by 2) (check saturation/overflow: shift by 2) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCLZ/VCLZQ (input=0) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCLS/VCLSQ (positive input) (negative input) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCNT/VCNTQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQSHRN_Nvqshrn_n_s16vqshrn_n_s32vqshrn_n_s64vqshrn_n_u16vqshrn_n_u32vqshrn_n_u64VQSHRN_N (check saturation: shift by 3) (check saturation: shift by 3)VQSHRN_N (check saturation: shift by max) (check saturation: shift by max) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VPMAX %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VPMIN %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQSHRUN_N (negative input)VQSHRUN_Nvqshrun_n_s16vqshrun_n_s32vqshrun_n_s64 (negative input)VQSHRUN_N (check saturation/overflow) (check saturation/overflow) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s overflow output: VQRSHRUN_N (negative input)VQRSHRUN_Nvqrshrun_n_s16vqrshrun_n_s32vqrshrun_n_s64 (negative input)VQRSHRUN_N (check saturation/overflow: shift by 1) (check saturation/overflow: shift by 1)VQRSHRUN_N (check saturation/overflow: shift by max, positive input) (check saturation/overflow: shift by max, positive input)VQRSHRUN_N (check saturation/overflow: shift by max, negative input) (check saturation/overflow: shift by max, negative input) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VST2_LANE/VST2Q_LANE chunk 0 chunk 1VST3_LANE/VST3Q_LANE chunk 2VST4_LANE/VST4Q_LANE chunk 3 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VTBL1VTBL2VTBL3VTBL4VTBX1VTBX2VTBX3VTBX4 %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d %s %s output: VRECPE/VRECPEQ (positive input) (negative input) FP special (NaN, infinity) FP special (zero, large value) FP special (-0, -infinity) FP special (large negative value) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VRSQRTE/VRSQRTEQVRSQRTE/VRSQRTEQ (2)VRSQRTE/VRSQRTEQ (3)VRSQRTE/VRSQRTEQ FP special (NaN, 0)VRSQRTE/VRSQRTEQ FP special (negative, infinity)VRSQRTE/VRSQRTEQ FP special (-0, -infinity) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCAGE/VCAGEQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCAGT/VCAGTQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCALE/VCALEQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCALT/VCALTQ %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VRECPS/VRECPSQVRECPS/VRECPSQ FP special (NAN) and normal valuesVRECPS/VRECPSQ FP special (infinity, 0) and normal valuesVRECPS/VRECPSQ FP special (infinity, 0) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VRSQRTS/VRSQRTSQVRSQRTS/VRSQRTSQ FP special (NAN) and normal valuesVRSQRTS/VRSQRTSQ FP special (infinity, 0) and normal valuesVRSQRTS/VRSQRTSQ FP special (infinity, 0) %s output: %s:%d:%s [] = { result_int8x8%d, } result_int16x4result_int32x2%ld, result_int64x1%lld, result_uint8x8%u, result_uint16x4result_uint32x2%lu, result_uint64x1%llu, result_poly8x8result_poly16x4result_float32x2%lx %.7a %.7g, result_int8x16result_int16x8result_int32x4result_int64x2result_uint8x16result_uint16x8result_uint32x4result_uint64x2result_poly8x16result_poly16x8result_float32x4 %s%s output: %x, %lx, %llx, %s:%d:%s Neon overflow %d VCVT/VCVTQVCVT_N/VCVTQ_NVCVT/VCVTQ (check rounding)VCVT_N/VCVTQ_N (check rounding)VCVT_N/VCVTQ_N (check saturation)C .C@@@@@@@@@AAAAA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@* 2 RR4@LH pHDLE2T:Pa`Pa0tRRN@,(6fP Pi ``nj@0 dxVtRp@"""T )R )xz h{0  ,2 !"#$%&'()*+,-./< 3   0R9@ .p0@" N M mH @& m \ ]H ͜ :0 - \ "J@% : ; I$ > $ > B I!/  : ;I  : ;  : ; I I !I/  : ;  : ; I8  : ;  : ; I8  I : ; ' ' II : ; : ;I8 &I : ; : ; : ; : ;I'  : ;I 8  : ;I 8 : ;I!.: ;' I ": ;I#.: ;' $.: ;' @B %: ;I &4: ;I ' ( : ;) *.: ;I@B +4: ;I ,.: ;' @B -: ;I ..: ;' @B /.? : ; ' @B 04: ; I 14: ; I 24: ; 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long unsigned int_asctime_bufvld4_u8__sFILE_wdsvector_poly8x8x3vector_poly8x8x4vector_src_uint16x4x2vector_src_uint16x4x3vector_src_uint16x4x4result_bis_3_float32x2vld2q_u16result_bis_3_float32x4poly8x8_tGNU C 4.7.3 20130102 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvector_uint32x2vector_uint32x4result_poly8x16_emergencyvector_poly16x4result_int8x8vector_poly16x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_indvector_poly8x8int64x1_tuint16x8_t_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxuint64x1_tvector_float32x2vector_float32x4vdupq_n_s32__value_p5svst1q_u64poly8x16_tvst1_u8vst1_u64_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevqshluq_n_s16char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0float32x2_tpoly16x4_tint32x4_ttest_nameuint32x4_t_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_tvqshlu_n_s16__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_closevector_res_poly8x16__sdidinitvector_res_int16x8__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgamlong long 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvector_uint32x2vst1_s16result_poly8x16_emergencyresult_int8x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_ind_next_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxvector_float32x2__valuevld1_s8_p5svst1_u8_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0float32x2_ttest_name_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_close__sdidinit__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgamlong long intbuffer_uint32x2_base_freelist_mult__ULong_wcrtomb_statevld1_u8dump_results_hex_fileref_filevld1_u16__cleanup_mbstate_t__tm_isdstresult_int8x16result_int32x2result_int32x4buffer_int32x2_h_errnovector_uint8x8vpadd_s8exec_vpadduint8x8_t__tm_monuint16_tint32x2_tvector_int16x4_writeuint32x2_t_atexit_mbstatevector_res_uint32x2vld1_u32short intlong 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20130102 (prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvector_uint32x2vst1_s16result_poly8x16_emergencyvld1q_s16vector_res_int64x1result_int8x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_secvpaddlq_u16__tm_yday_inc_indint64x1_tuint16x8_t_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxuint64x1_texec_vpaddlvpaddl_u16__valuevld1_s8_p5svst1q_u64vst1_u64_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0int32x4_ttest_nameuint32x4_t_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_t__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sfvpaddl_s16__builtin_neon_sivpaddlq_u32_close__sdidinitvector_res_int16x8__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgambuffer_uint8x16long long 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetresult_poly8x16_emergencyresult_int8x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_ind_next_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxvdupq_n_s32__value_p5svst1_u8_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statechar__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0int32x4_ttest_name_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_t__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_close__sdidinit__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgamlong long int_base_freelist_mult__ULong_wcrtomb_statedump_results_hex_fileref_file__cleanup_mbstate_texec_vqmovunvdupq_n_s64__tm_isdstresult_int8x16result_int32x2result_int32x4_h_errnouint8x8_t__tm_monuint16_tint32x2_t_writevector_int16x8uint32x2_t_atexit_mbstatevector_res_uint32x2short intlong 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvector_uint32x2result_poly8x16_emergencyvector2_int8x8result_int8x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_indresult_int64x2uint16x8_t_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idx__valuevld1_s8_p5svst1q_u64_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statechar__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0int32x4_tvector2_int32x2vaddl_s16test_nameuint32x4_t_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_t__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_close__sdidinitvdup_n_u16__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgamlong long intbuffer_uint32x2_base_freelist_mult__ULongvector_res_int32x4_wcrtomb_statevld1_u8dump_results_hex_fileref_filevld1_u16__cleanup_mbstate_tvector_res_int64x2vaddl_s32__tm_isdstresult_int8x16result_int32x2result_int32x4buffer_int32x2_h_errnovector_uint8x8uint8x8_tvst1q_s64__tm_monuint16_tint32x2_tvst1q_s32vector_int16x4_writeuint32x2_t_atexit_mbstatevaddl_s8vector_res_uint32x4vld1_u32short intvdup_n_s16long 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C 4.7.3 20130102 (prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvst1_s16result_poly8x16vector1_uint32x4_emergencyresult_int8x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_indint64x1_tuint16x8_t_mbsrtowcs_statevdupq_n_u64uint64x1_tvdupq_n_s32vector2_uint16x8__valuevraddhn_u16_p5spoly8x16_tvst1_u8_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0float32x2_tpoly16x4_tint32x4_tvector2_int8x16vector2_int32x4test_nameuint32x4_t_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_tvector64_uint64x1__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_closevector2_uint8x16__sdidinitvector2_uint32x4__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgamlong long 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_tvsli_n_u64_offsetvector_uint32x2vst1_s16result_poly8x16vdup_n_s8_emergencyvld1q_s16vector2_int8x8vector_poly16x4result_int8x8vector_poly16x8exec_vsli_nvld1q_p8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_secvsliq_n_u64__tm_yday_inc_indvector_poly8x8int64x1_tuint16x8_t_mbsrtowcs_statevdupq_n_u64uint64x1_tvector_float32x2vector_float32x4vdupq_n_s32vector2_uint16x8vector2_poly8x8__valuevld1_s8_p5svst1q_u64ref_vsli_n.cpoly8x16_tvst1_u8vst1_u64_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevsli_n_p8vst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0float32x2_tpoly16x4_tint32x4_tvector2_int8x16vector2_int32x2vector2_int32x4test_nameuint32x4_tbuffer_int8x8_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_tvdup_n_p16__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_sivsliq_n_p16_closevector2_uint8x16__sdidinitvector2_uint32x4vdup_n_u16__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgambuffer_uint8x16long long 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_tbuffer_vld2_lane_float32x2_offsetresult_bis_2_uint64x1poly16x4x4_tvld4_dup_s16vector_uint64x1x2result_poly8x16int16x4x3_tbuffer_vld3_lane_float32x3result_bis_3_poly8x8result_int16x8_emergencyuint32x2x4_tvld2_dup_u64result_int8x8uint16x4x2_tbuffer_vld4_lane_uint32x4result_bis_3_int64x1vst2_f32int64_t__builtin_neon_qibuffer_vld3_lane_uint32x3__tm_secbuffer_vld2_lane_uint16x2__tm_ydayuint8x8x3_t_inc_indbuffer_vld2_lane_uint32x2result_bis_3_int32x2int64x1_tvld4_dup_u8vst3_u8_nextvst4_u64buffer_vld3_lane_poly16x3_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idx__read_neon_overflowuint64x1_tvst4_s32buffer_vld2_lane_poly16x2vst3_u16__valuebuffer_vld3_lane_int16x3__set_neon_overflow_p5svst3_u32vst3_p16uint64x1x3_t_wcsrtombs_stateint8x8x4_tresult_bis_2_float32x2buffer_vld4_lane_int8x4charvector_poly16x4x2__tm_mday_sig_funcpoly8x8x2_t_atexit0result_bis_3_uint16x4float32x2_tpoly16x4_tbuffer_vld2_lane_int16x2vector_int32x2x3vector_int32x2x4test_namevector_int64x1x3vector_int64x1x4_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16buffer_vld4_lane_int64x4result_bis_2_int8x8vst2_p8__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_tresult_bis_3_uint8x8__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_siresult_bis_2_int32x2dump_results_hex_closevld2_dup_s8__sdidinitresult_bis_4_uint64x1__builtin_neon_dibuffer_vld3_lane_int64x3int64x1x4_tint32x2x3_tclean_resultsvst2_u8poly16x4x2_t_stdin_gamma_signgamvector_uint64x1x3vld2_dup_p8long 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long unsigned int_asctime_bufvld4_u8__sFILE_wdsvector_poly8x8x3vector_poly8x8x4buffer_src_pad_float32x4vector_src_uint16x4x2vector_src_uint16x4x3vector_src_uint16x4x4buffer_vld4_lane_float32x4result_bis_3_float32x2vld2q_u16result_bis_3_float32x4poly8x8_tGNU C 4.7.3 20130102 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvst1_s16result_poly8x16_emergencyvld1q_s16result_int8x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_secref_vqrdmulh_lane.c__tm_yday_inc_ind_next_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxvdupq_n_s32__value_p5s_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0int32x4_tvector2_int32x2test_name_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_t__wch_iobsuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_close__sdidinitvector_res_int16x8__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgamlong long intexec_vqrdmulh_lane_base_freelist_mult__ULongvector_res_int32x4_wcrtomb_statevst1q_s32dump_results_hex_filevqrdmulhq_lane_s16ref_file__cleanup_mbstate_tvld1q_s32__tm_isdstresult_int8x16result_int32x2result_int32x4buffer_int32x2buffer_int32x4_h_errno__tm_monuint16_tint32x2_tvector_int16x4_writevector_int16x8vqrdmulhq_lane_s32_atexit_mbstateshort intvdup_n_s16long 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int_lbfsize_flags_errnoresult_int64x1result_int64x2__builtin_neon_uhifp_operandexec_vqrdmulh_LOCK_RECURSIVE_Tresult_uint16x4_read_mbrlen_stateresult_uint16x8dump_results_stdout_fpos_t_fns_cookiecomment_Bigintresult_float32x2__tm_wdayresult_float32x4_resultuint32_tint8_t__tm_hourvector_int32x2vector_int32x4__countfloatresult_uint64x1result_uint64x2__tm_minpoly16_t_nextfdump_neon_overflowint16_t_rand48vdupq_n_s16_result_klong long unsigned int_asctime_buf__sFILE_wdsvector_res_int16x4vst1q_s16GNU C 4.7.3 20130102 (prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvst1_s16result_poly8x16_emergencyvld1q_s16result_int8x8vqrdmulh_s16int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_ind_next_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxvdupq_n_s32__value_p5s_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0int32x4_tvector2_int32x2vector2_int32x4test_namevqrdmulh_s32_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_t__wch_iobsuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_close__sdidinitvector_res_int16x8__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgamvqrdmulhq_s16long long int_base_freelist_mult__ULongvector_res_int32x4_wcrtomb_statevst1q_s32dump_results_hex_fileref_file__cleanup_mbstate_tvld1q_s32__tm_isdstresult_int8x16result_int32x2result_int32x4buffer_int32x2buffer_int32x4_h_errno__tm_monvqrdmulhq_s32uint16_tint32x2_tvector_int16x4_writevector_int16x8_atexit_mbstateshort intvdup_n_s16long 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int_lbfsize_flags_errnoresult_int64x1result_int64x2__builtin_neon_uhifp_operand_LOCK_RECURSIVE_Tresult_uint16x4_read_mbrlen_stateresult_uint16x8dump_results_stdout_fpos_t_fns_cookiecomment_Bigintvqdmulhq_s32__tm_wdayresult_float32x4_resultuint32_tint8_t__tm_hourvector_int32x2vector_int32x4__countfloatresult_uint64x1result_uint64x2__tm_minpoly16_t_nextfdump_neon_overflowint16_t_rand48vdupq_n_s16_result_klong long unsigned int_asctime_buf__sFILE_wdsvector_res_int16x4vst1q_s16GNU C 4.7.3 20130102 (prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvst1_s16result_poly8x16_emergencyvld1q_s16result_int8x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_ind_next_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxvdupq_n_s32__value_p5s_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0int32x4_tvector2_int32x2vector2_int32x4test_name_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_t__wch_iobsuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_close__sdidinitvector_res_int16x8__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgamlong long 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvector_uint32x2vst1_s16vreinterpret_f32_p8vreinterpret_p8_u64nameresult_poly8x16vreinterpret_s32_u16vreinterpret_s64_f32vreinterpretq_u16_s64vreinterpret_p8_s32vreinterpretq_f32_u64_emergencyvld1q_s16vreinterpret_s32_p16vector_poly16x4vreinterpretq_s64_u16result_int8x8vst1_u32vreinterpret_p16_u64vreinterpretq_s8_u16vreinterpretq_u8_u64vld1q_p8vreinterpretq_s32_u32int64_tvreinterpretq_s64_p16__builtin_neon_qi__tm_secvreinterpretq_u64_f32vreinterpretq_s8_p16__tm_yday_inc_indvreinterpret_f32_s64vreinterpretq_u32_p16vreinterpret_s64_u8vector_poly8x8vreinterpretq_f32_u16int64x1_tvreinterpret_u64_p8vreinterpretq_s8_u8uint16x8_tvreinterpret_p16_s8_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxuint64x1_tvector_float32x2vector_float32x4vreinterpret_p16_s32vreinterpret_s64_s8vreinterpretq_s32_f32vreinterpret_p8_u8vreinterpret_u8_s32__valuevld1_s8vreinterpret_f32_u64_p5svreinterpretq_u16_s16vreinterpret_f32_s32vreinterpret_s32_u8poly8x16_tvst1_u8vst1_u64vreinterpret_s16_u8_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevreinterpret_s8_s64char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0vreinterpret_u32_u16vreinterpret_s64_p16float32x2_tvector_res_int32x4poly16x4_tint32x4_ttest_namevreinterpret_u32_p16vreinterpret_u32_s8vreinterpretq_u64_u16uint32x4_t_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16vreinterpretq_s8_u32int16x8_t__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_tvreinterpretq_u64_p16__builtin_neon_sfvreinterpretq_u8_p16__builtin_neon_sibuffer_float32x4result_int8x16_closevreinterpretq_f32_s32vreinterpret_u16_p16vreinterpret_s32_f32__sdidinitvector_res_int16x8__builtin_neon_divreinterpretq_s16_u16clean_resultsvreinterpret_p16_u8vreinterpretq_s64_f32_stdin_gamma_signgambuffer_uint8x16vreinterpret_p8_s64long 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long intbuffer_uint32x2vuzpq_f32int16x8x2_tresult_vec_uint8x16x2vector1_float32x4_basevector2_poly16x8_freelistvuzpq_p16uint32x2x2_t_mult__ULongresult_bis_poly8x8result_vec_int16x4x2result_bis_int32x2_wcrtomb_statevld1_u8vst2q_p8dump_results_hex_file__builtin_neon_tivuzpq_s16__builtin_neon_oiresult_vec_uint32x4x2vld1q_s8vdupq_n_u32vld1_u16result_vec_poly8x8x2__cleanupresult_vec_uint32x2x2_mbstate_tvector2_int16x8vld1q_s32vld1_p16vld1_s64vst2q_u8__tm_isdstexec_vuzpvdupq_n_s8result_int32x2vector1_int16x4result_int32x4vector1_int16x8buffer_int32x2result_bis_int16x8_h_errnovector2_int64x1vector2_int64x2uint8x8_t__buvuzp_s32int8x8x2_t__tm_monint8x16x2_tvuzp_u8buffer_poly8x8vld1q_u16uint16_tint32x2_t_writevst2_s8vld1q_p16uint32x2_tvuzpq_p8vdup_n_f32__rvvuzpq_s32_atexit_mbstateresult_vec_poly16x8x2vld1q_u8vector1_int64x1vector1_int64x2vld1_u32vdup_n_p8short intvector1_uint16x4vector2_poly8x16vdup_n_s16vector1_uint16x8vst2q_u32long 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20130102 (prerelease)__FILEresult_bis_uint32x2float32_tvtrnq_p16_offsetresult_vec_int32x2x2result_poly8x16vtrn_p8result_vec_poly16x4x2vector1_uint32x4vdup_n_s8_emergencyvtrn_s16vld1q_s16result_bis_float32x2vector2_int8x8result_bis_float32x4buffer_uint8x16result_int8x8uint16x4x2_tvld1q_p8buffer_poly16x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_indint64x1_tuint16x8_t_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxuint64x1_tvdupq_n_s32vtrnq_u8vector2_uint16x8vector2_poly8x8__valuevector1_uint32x2int32x4x2_t_p5sresult_vec_int16x8x2result_vec_int8x16x2poly8x16_t_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_stateresult_bis_poly16x8char__tm_mdayexec_vtrn_sig_funcpoly8x8x2_t_atexit0buffer_poly16x4result_vec_uint16x4x2float32x2_tpoly16x4_tint32x4_tvtrn_s32vector2_int32x2vector2_int32x4test_namevtrnq_f32uint32x4_tbuffer_int8x8_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_tvst2_p8vdup_n_p16__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_siresult_int8x16_closevector2_uint8x16vtrnq_s16result_bis_int8x8__sdidinitvector2_uint32x4vdup_n_u16__builtin_neon_diresult_bis_int8x16vtrnq_u32clean_resultsvst2_u8poly16x4x2_t_stdin_gamma_signgamresult_vec_int8x8x2long 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvector_uint32x2vst1_s16result_poly8x16vdup_n_s8vsra_n_u16_emergencyvld1q_s16vector2_int8x8vector_poly16x4result_int8x8vector_poly16x8vld1q_p8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_indvector_poly8x8int64x1_tuint16x8_t_mbsrtowcs_statevdupq_n_u64uint64x1_tvector_float32x2vector_float32x4vdupq_n_s32vector2_uint16x8vector2_poly8x8__valuevld1_s8_p5svst1q_u64poly8x16_tvsra_n_u8vst1_u64_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0float32x2_tpoly16x4_tint32x4_tvector2_int8x16vector2_int32x2vector2_int32x4test_nameuint32x4_tbuffer_int8x8_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_t__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_closevector2_uint8x16__sdidinitvector2_uint32x4vdup_n_u16__builtin_neon_divsraq_n_s16clean_resultsvsraq_n_u16_stdin_gamma_signgambuffer_uint8x16long long 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvector_uint32x2vst1_s16result_poly8x16vdup_n_s8_emergencyvld1q_s16vector2_int8x8vector_poly16x4result_int8x8vector_poly16x8vld1q_p8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_indvector_poly8x8int64x1_tuint16x8_t_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxuint64x1_tvector_float32x2vector_float32x4vmin_s8vdupq_n_s32vector2_uint16x8vector2_poly8x8__valuevld1_s8_p5spoly8x16_tvst1_u8_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0float32x2_tpoly16x4_tint32x4_tvector2_int8x16vector2_int32x2vector2_int32x4test_nameuint32x4_tbuffer_int8x8_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_t__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_closevector2_uint8x16__sdidinitvector2_uint32x4vdup_n_u16__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgambuffer_uint8x16long long 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetresult_poly8x16vdup_n_s8_emergencyresult_int8x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_indint64x1_tuint16x8_tvector64_a_int16x4_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idxuint64x1_tvcombine_u64vcombine_s32__valuevld1_s8_p5svst1q_u64poly8x16_t_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_stateexec_vcombinechar__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0float32x2_tpoly16x4_tint32x4_tref_vcombine.ctest_nameuint32x4_t_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16vector64_a_int64x1int16x8_tvdup_n_p16__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_close__sdidinitvdup_n_u16__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgamvector64_a_float32x2long long 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(prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvst1_s16result_poly8x16_emergencyvld1q_s16result_int8x8int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_sec__tm_yday_inc_ind_next_mbsrtowcs_stateresult_idx__read_neon_overflowvdupq_n_s32__valuevld1_s8_p5s_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0vqabsq_s16int32x4_ttest_name_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_t__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sfref_vqabs.c_close__sdidinitvector_res_int16x8__builtin_neon_diclean_results_stdin_gamma_signgamlong long int_base_freelistvqabs_s8_mult__ULongvector_res_int32x4_wcrtomb_statevst1q_s32dump_results_hex_fileref_filevld1q_s8__cleanup_mbstate_tvld1q_s32__tm_isdstresult_int8x16result_int32x2result_int32x4buffer_int32x2buffer_int32x4_h_errnovector_int8x16__tm_monuint16_tint32x2_tvector_int16x4_writevector_int16x8vqabsq_s8_atexit_mbstatevqabsq_s32short intvdup_n_s16long 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20130102 (prerelease)__FILEfloat32_t_offsetvst1_s16result_poly8x16_emergencyvld1q_s16result_int8x8vabsq_s16int64_t__builtin_neon_qi__tm_secvabs_f32__tm_yday_inc_ind_next_mbsrtowcs_statevabs_s16vector_float32x2vector_float32x4__valuevld1_s8_p5s_wcsrtombs_state_mblen_statevst1_s32char__tm_mday_sig_func_mbrtowc_state_atexit0float32x2_tint32x4_ttest_name_flock_t__builtin_neon_poly16int16x8_t__wch_iobsint8x8_tuint8_t__builtin_neon_sf__builtin_neon_si_closeexec_vabs_f32__sdidinitvector_res_int16x8__builtin_neon_diclean_resultsvabs_s32_stdin_gamma_signgamlong long int_base_freelist_mult__ULongvector_res_int32x4_wcrtomb_statevst1q_s32dump_results_hex_fileref_filevld1q_s8vabs_s8__cleanup_mbstate_tvld1q_s32result_idx__tm_isdstresult_int8x16result_int32x2result_int32x4buffer_int32x2buffer_int32x4_h_errnovector_int8x16vector_res_float32x4__tm_monuint16_tint32x2_tvector_int16x4_writevector_int16x8vdup_n_f32_atexit_mbstateshort intlong 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Linker, 4.1 [Build 894] armlink --no_strict_wchar_size --cpu=Cortex-A9 --fpu=VFPv3_FP16 --output=compute_ref.gccarm-rvct --scatter=scatter.scat --entry=0x2000 /sw/st/gnu_compil/comp/arm/rvds/4.1-sp2-rvct-build-894/linux/RVCT/Data/4.1/713/lib/armlib/c_2u.l/sw/st/gnu_compil/comp/arm/rvds/4.1-sp2-rvct-build-894/linux/RVCT/Data/4.1/713/lib/armlib/fz_2v.l/sw/st/gnu_compil/comp/arm/rvds/4.1-sp2-rvct-build-894/linux/RVCT/Data/4.1/713/lib/armlib/h_2u.l/sw/st/gnu_compil/comp/arm/rvds/4.1-sp2-rvct-build-894/linux/RVCT/Data/4.1/713/lib/armlib/m_2v.l/sw/st/gnu_compil/comp/arm/rvds/4.1-sp2-rvct-build-894/linux/RVCT/Data/4.1/713/lib/armlib/vfpsupport.lInput 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(STMicroelectronics ARM bare machine toolset (20130327)) 4.7.3 20130102 (prerelease)retarget.rvct.oARM C/C++ Compiler, 4.1 [Build 894]armcc --debug -c --fp16_format=ieee --cpu=Cortex-A9 -Ono_special_regs_postregalloc -I. -DREFFILE=\"stm-arm-neon.refrvct\"InitCache.oInit.oARM Assembler, 4.1 [Build 894]armasm --debug --diag_suppress=1602,1073 --cpu=Cortex-A9 --fpu=VFPv3_FP16 --apcs=/interwork --no_divide maybetermalloc1.oARM Linker, 4.1 [Build 894] armlink --partial --no_add_relocs_to_undefined --no_execstack --no_generate_mapping_symbols --diag_suppress=6642 --cpu=7-AR --fpu=None --no_unaligned_access --output=maybetermalloc1.o --vfemode=force Input Comments:maybetermalloc2.oARM Linker, 4.1 [Build 894] armlink --partial --no_add_relocs_to_undefined --no_execstack --no_generate_mapping_symbols --diag_suppress=6642 --cpu=7-AR --fpu=None --no_unaligned_access --output=maybetermalloc2.o --vfemode=force Input Comments:argv_veneer.oARM Linker, 4.1 [Build 894] armlink --partial --no_add_relocs_to_undefined --no_execstack --no_generate_mapping_symbols --diag_suppress=6642 --cpu=7-AR --fpu=None --no_unaligned_access --output=argv_veneer.o --vfemode=force Input Comments:ROM_EXECI-TCMD-TCMHEAPSTACKTTB.debug_abbrev.debug_aranges.debug_frame.debug_info.debug_line.debug_loc.debug_macinfo.debug_pubnames.debug_str.symtab.strtab.note.comment.shstrtab4 "@4 4 4T#4"#"ؑN"/"!"@%"Ɠ3u$B$O %[ͩ8gn[>%r?0?>?+T,nFg)+IhETqI,qI8I