Epoll Setup ** Directions for glibc version of 2.3.2 or higher ** Epoll support is currently implemented in glibc 2.3.2, therefore if you have a$ glibc version of 2.3.2 or higher then do the following steps: 1. Download and untar the epoll library from: http://www.xmailserver.org/linux-patches/epoll-lib-0.11.tar.gz 2. Copy /include/epoll.h /usr/include 3. Compile epoll-ltp.c in the testcases/kernel/syscall/epoll ** Older version of glibc ** To compile the epoll-ltp successfully the following libraries are needed: Epoll library http://www.xmailserver.org/linux-patches/epoll-lib-0.11.tar.gz Portable Coroutine Library (PCL) http://www.xmailserver.org/libpcl.html 1. Download and untar the PCL library 2. Run ./configure 3. Run make 4. Run make install 5. Copy /pcl/.libs/libpcl.* /lib 6. Download and untar the epoll library 7. *You may have to modify the makefile in /Makefile and /examples/Makefile with the following - KERNELDIR = kernel_directory - #all: .depend $(TARGET) epoll-example change this line to$ - all: .$(TARGET) epoll-example - #include .depend comment out this line 8. Copy /include/epoll.h /usr/include 9. make 10. Copy /lib/libepoll* /lib 11. Compile epoll-ltp.c in the testcases/kernel/syscall/epoll