// Main.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "../../../Common/MyWindows.h" #include "../../../Common/MyInitGuid.h" #include "../../../Common/CommandLineParser.h" #include "../../../Common/MyException.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "../../../Windows/DLL.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileDir.h" #endif #include "../../../Windows/FileName.h" #include "../../UI/Common/ExitCode.h" #include "../../UI/Common/Extract.h" #include "../../UI/Console/ExtractCallbackConsole.h" #include "../../UI/Console/List.h" #include "../../UI/Console/OpenCallbackConsole.h" #include "../../MyVersion.h" #include "../../../../C/DllSecur.h" using namespace NWindows; using namespace NFile; using namespace NDir; using namespace NCommandLineParser; #ifdef _WIN32 HINSTANCE g_hInstance = 0; #endif int g_CodePage = -1; extern CStdOutStream *g_StdStream; static const char *kCopyrightString = "\n7-Zip SFX " MY_VERSION_COPYRIGHT_DATE "\n"; static const int kNumSwitches = 6; namespace NKey { enum Enum { kHelp1 = 0, kHelp2, kDisablePercents, kYes, kPassword, kOutputDir }; } namespace NRecursedType { enum EEnum { kRecursed, kWildcardOnlyRecursed, kNonRecursed }; } /* static const char kRecursedIDChar = 'R'; static const wchar_t *kRecursedPostCharSet = L"0-"; namespace NRecursedPostCharIndex { enum EEnum { kWildcardRecursionOnly = 0, kNoRecursion = 1 }; } static const char kFileListID = '@'; static const char kImmediateNameID = '!'; static const char kSomeCludePostStringMinSize = 2; // at least <@|!>ame must be static const char kSomeCludeAfterRecursedPostStringMinSize = 2; // at least <@|!>ame must be */ static const CSwitchForm kSwitchForms[kNumSwitches] = { { "?", NSwitchType::kSimple }, { "H", NSwitchType::kSimple }, { "BD", NSwitchType::kSimple }, { "Y", NSwitchType::kSimple }, { "P", NSwitchType::kString, false, 1 }, { "O", NSwitchType::kString, false, 1 }, }; static const int kNumCommandForms = 3; static const NRecursedType::EEnum kCommandRecursedDefault[kNumCommandForms] = { NRecursedType::kRecursed }; // static const bool kTestExtractRecursedDefault = true; // static const bool kAddRecursedDefault = false; static const wchar_t *kUniversalWildcard = L"*"; static const int kCommandIndex = 0; static const char *kHelpString = "\nUsage: 7zSFX [] [...] [...]\n" "\n" "\n" // " l: List contents of archive\n" " t: Test integrity of archive\n" " x: eXtract files with full pathname (default)\n" "\n" // " -bd Disable percentage indicator\n" " -o{Directory}: set Output directory\n" " -p{Password}: set Password\n" " -y: assume Yes on all queries\n"; // --------------------------- // exception messages static const char *kUserErrorMessage = "Incorrect command line"; // NExitCode::kUserError // static const char *kIncorrectListFile = "Incorrect wildcard in listfile"; static const char *kIncorrectWildcardInCommandLine = "Incorrect wildcard in command line"; // static const CSysString kFileIsNotArchiveMessageBefore = "File \""; // static const CSysString kFileIsNotArchiveMessageAfter = "\" is not archive"; // static const char *kProcessArchiveMessage = " archive: "; static const char *kCantFindSFX = " cannot find sfx"; namespace NCommandType { enum EEnum { kTest = 0, kFullExtract, kList }; } static const char *g_Commands = "txl"; struct CArchiveCommand { NCommandType::EEnum CommandType; NRecursedType::EEnum DefaultRecursedType() const; }; bool ParseArchiveCommand(const UString &commandString, CArchiveCommand &command) { UString s = commandString; s.MakeLower_Ascii(); if (s.Len() != 1) return false; if (s[0] >= 0x80) return false; int index = FindCharPosInString(g_Commands, (char)s[0]); if (index < 0) return false; command.CommandType = (NCommandType::EEnum)index; return true; } NRecursedType::EEnum CArchiveCommand::DefaultRecursedType() const { return kCommandRecursedDefault[CommandType]; } void PrintHelp(void) { g_StdOut << kHelpString; } static void ShowMessageAndThrowException(const char *message, NExitCode::EEnum code) { g_StdOut << message << endl; throw code; } static void PrintHelpAndExit() // yyy { PrintHelp(); ShowMessageAndThrowException(kUserErrorMessage, NExitCode::kUserError); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // filenames functions static bool AddNameToCensor(NWildcard::CCensor &wildcardCensor, const UString &name, bool include, NRecursedType::EEnum type) { /* if (!IsWildcardFilePathLegal(name)) return false; */ bool isWildcard = DoesNameContainWildcard(name); bool recursed = false; switch (type) { case NRecursedType::kWildcardOnlyRecursed: recursed = isWildcard; break; case NRecursedType::kRecursed: recursed = true; break; case NRecursedType::kNonRecursed: recursed = false; break; } wildcardCensor.AddPreItem(include, name, recursed, true); return true; } void AddCommandLineWildcardToCensor(NWildcard::CCensor &wildcardCensor, const UString &name, bool include, NRecursedType::EEnum type) { if (!AddNameToCensor(wildcardCensor, name, include, type)) ShowMessageAndThrowException(kIncorrectWildcardInCommandLine, NExitCode::kUserError); } #ifndef _WIN32 static void GetArguments(int numArgs, const char *args[], UStringVector &parts) { parts.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { UString s = MultiByteToUnicodeString(args[i]); parts.Add(s); } } #endif int Main2( #ifndef _WIN32 int numArgs, const char *args[] #endif ) { #ifdef _WIN32 // do we need load Security DLLs for console program? LoadSecurityDlls(); #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) SetFileApisToOEM(); #endif g_StdOut << kCopyrightString; UStringVector commandStrings; #ifdef _WIN32 NCommandLineParser::SplitCommandLine(GetCommandLineW(), commandStrings); #else GetArguments(numArgs, args, commandStrings); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 FString arcPath; { FString path; NDLL::MyGetModuleFileName(path); if (!MyGetFullPathName(path, arcPath)) { g_StdOut << "GetFullPathName Error"; return NExitCode::kFatalError; } } #else UString arcPath = commandStrings.Front(); #endif commandStrings.Delete(0); NCommandLineParser::CParser parser(kNumSwitches); try { if (!parser.ParseStrings(kSwitchForms, commandStrings)) { g_StdOut << "Command line error:" << endl << parser.ErrorMessage << endl << parser.ErrorLine << endl; return NExitCode::kUserError; } } catch(...) { PrintHelpAndExit(); } if (parser[NKey::kHelp1].ThereIs || parser[NKey::kHelp2].ThereIs) { PrintHelp(); return 0; } const UStringVector &nonSwitchStrings = parser.NonSwitchStrings; unsigned curCommandIndex = 0; CArchiveCommand command; if (nonSwitchStrings.IsEmpty()) command.CommandType = NCommandType::kFullExtract; else { const UString &cmd = nonSwitchStrings[curCommandIndex]; if (!ParseArchiveCommand(cmd, command)) { g_StdOut << "ERROR: Unknown command:" << endl << cmd << endl; return NExitCode::kUserError; } curCommandIndex = 1; } NRecursedType::EEnum recursedType; recursedType = command.DefaultRecursedType(); NWildcard::CCensor wildcardCensor; { if (nonSwitchStrings.Size() == curCommandIndex) AddCommandLineWildcardToCensor(wildcardCensor, kUniversalWildcard, true, recursedType); for (; curCommandIndex < nonSwitchStrings.Size(); curCommandIndex++) { const UString &s = nonSwitchStrings[curCommandIndex]; if (s.IsEmpty()) throw "Empty file path"; AddCommandLineWildcardToCensor(wildcardCensor, s, true, recursedType); } } bool yesToAll = parser[NKey::kYes].ThereIs; // NExtractMode::EEnum extractMode; // bool isExtractGroupCommand = command.IsFromExtractGroup(extractMode); bool passwordEnabled = parser[NKey::kPassword].ThereIs; UString password; if (passwordEnabled) password = parser[NKey::kPassword].PostStrings[0]; if (!NFind::DoesFileExist(arcPath)) throw kCantFindSFX; FString outputDir; if (parser[NKey::kOutputDir].ThereIs) { outputDir = us2fs(parser[NKey::kOutputDir].PostStrings[0]); NName::NormalizeDirPathPrefix(outputDir); } wildcardCensor.AddPathsToCensor(NWildcard::k_RelatPath); { UStringVector v1, v2; v1.Add(fs2us(arcPath)); v2.Add(fs2us(arcPath)); const NWildcard::CCensorNode &wildcardCensorHead = wildcardCensor.Pairs.Front().Head; CCodecs *codecs = new CCodecs; CMyComPtr< #ifdef EXTERNAL_CODECS ICompressCodecsInfo #else IUnknown #endif > compressCodecsInfo = codecs; { HRESULT result = codecs->Load(); if (result != S_OK) throw CSystemException(result); } if (command.CommandType != NCommandType::kList) { CExtractCallbackConsole *ecs = new CExtractCallbackConsole; CMyComPtr extractCallback = ecs; ecs->Init(g_StdStream, &g_StdErr, g_StdStream); #ifndef _NO_CRYPTO ecs->PasswordIsDefined = passwordEnabled; ecs->Password = password; #endif /* COpenCallbackConsole openCallback; openCallback.Init(g_StdStream, g_StdStream); #ifndef _NO_CRYPTO openCallback.PasswordIsDefined = passwordEnabled; openCallback.Password = password; #endif */ CExtractOptions eo; eo.StdOutMode = false; eo.YesToAll = yesToAll; eo.TestMode = command.CommandType == NCommandType::kTest; eo.PathMode = NExtract::NPathMode::kFullPaths; eo.OverwriteMode = yesToAll ? NExtract::NOverwriteMode::kOverwrite : NExtract::NOverwriteMode::kAsk; eo.OutputDir = outputDir; UString errorMessage; CDecompressStat stat; HRESULT result = Extract( codecs, CObjectVector(), CIntVector(), v1, v2, wildcardCensorHead, eo, ecs, ecs, // NULL, // hash errorMessage, stat); if (!errorMessage.IsEmpty()) { (*g_StdStream) << endl << "Error: " << errorMessage;; if (result == S_OK) result = E_FAIL; } if (ecs->NumArcsWithError != 0 || ecs->NumFileErrors != 0) { if (ecs->NumArcsWithError != 0) (*g_StdStream) << endl << "Archive Errors" << endl; if (ecs->NumFileErrors != 0) (*g_StdStream) << endl << "Sub items Errors: " << ecs->NumFileErrors << endl; return NExitCode::kFatalError; } if (result != S_OK) throw CSystemException(result); } else { throw CSystemException(E_NOTIMPL); /* UInt64 numErrors = 0; UInt64 numWarnings = 0; HRESULT result = ListArchives( codecs, CObjectVector(), CIntVector(), false, // stdInMode v1, v2, true, // processAltStreams false, // showAltStreams wildcardCensorHead, true, // enableHeaders false, // techMode #ifndef _NO_CRYPTO passwordEnabled, password, #endif numErrors, numWarnings); if (numErrors > 0) { g_StdOut << endl << "Errors: " << numErrors; return NExitCode::kFatalError; } if (result != S_OK) throw CSystemException(result); */ } } return 0; }