/* * Copyright 2011 Joakim Sindholt * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _NINE_DEVICE9_H_ #define _NINE_DEVICE9_H_ #include "d3dadapter/d3dadapter9.h" #include "iunknown.h" #include "adapter9.h" #include "nine_helpers.h" #include "nine_state.h" struct gen_mipmap_state; struct util_hash_table; struct pipe_screen; struct pipe_context; struct cso_context; struct hud_context; struct u_upload_mgr; struct csmt_context; struct NineSwapChain9; struct NineStateBlock9; #include "util/list.h" struct NineDevice9 { struct NineUnknown base; boolean ex; boolean may_swvp; /* G3D context */ struct pipe_screen *screen; /* For first time upload. No Sync with rendering thread */ struct pipe_context *pipe_secondary; struct pipe_screen *screen_sw; struct pipe_context *pipe_sw; struct cso_context *cso_sw; /* CSMT context */ struct csmt_context *csmt_ctx; BOOL csmt_active; /* For DISCARD/NOOVERWRITE */ struct nine_buffer_upload *buffer_upload; /* creation parameters */ D3DCAPS9 caps; D3DDEVICE_CREATION_PARAMETERS params; IDirect3D9 *d3d9; /* swapchain stuff */ ID3DPresentGroup *present; struct NineSwapChain9 **swapchains; unsigned nswapchains; struct NineStateBlock9 *record; struct nine_state *update; /* state to update (&state / &record->state) */ struct nine_state state; /* device state */ struct nine_context context; struct nine_state_sw_internal state_sw_internal; struct list_head update_buffers; struct list_head update_textures; struct list_head managed_buffers; struct list_head managed_textures; boolean is_recording; boolean in_scene; uint16_t vs_const_size; uint16_t ps_const_size; uint16_t max_vs_const_f; uint16_t max_ps_const_f; struct pipe_resource *dummy_texture; struct pipe_sampler_view *dummy_sampler_view; struct pipe_sampler_state dummy_sampler_state; struct gen_mipmap_state *gen_mipmap; struct { struct util_hash_table *ht_vs; struct util_hash_table *ht_ps; struct NineVertexShader9 *vs; struct NinePixelShader9 *ps; unsigned num_vs; unsigned num_ps; float *vs_const; float *ps_const; struct util_hash_table *ht_fvf; } ff; struct { struct pipe_resource *image; unsigned w; unsigned h; POINT hotspot; /* -1, -1 if no cursor image set */ POINT pos; BOOL visible; boolean software; void *hw_upload_temp; } cursor; struct { boolean user_vbufs; boolean user_ibufs; boolean user_cbufs; boolean user_sw_vbufs; boolean user_sw_cbufs; boolean window_space_position_support; boolean vs_integer; boolean ps_integer; boolean offset_units_unscaled; } driver_caps; struct { boolean buggy_barycentrics; } driver_bugs; struct u_upload_mgr *vertex_uploader; struct u_upload_mgr *index_uploader; struct u_upload_mgr *constbuf_uploader; struct u_upload_mgr *vertex_sw_uploader; struct u_upload_mgr *constbuf_sw_uploader; unsigned constbuf_alignment; struct nine_range_pool range_pool; struct hud_context *hud; /* NULL if hud is disabled */ /* dummy vbo (containing 0 0 0 0) to bind if vertex shader input * is not bound to anything by the vertex declaration */ struct pipe_resource *dummy_vbo; BOOL device_needs_reset; int minor_version_num; long long available_texture_mem; long long available_texture_limit; /* software vertex processing */ boolean swvp; }; static inline struct NineDevice9 * NineDevice9( void *data ) { return (struct NineDevice9 *)data; } HRESULT NineDevice9_new( struct pipe_screen *pScreen, D3DDEVICE_CREATION_PARAMETERS *pCreationParameters, D3DCAPS9 *pCaps, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS *pPresentationParameters, IDirect3D9 *pD3D9, ID3DPresentGroup *pPresentationGroup, struct d3dadapter9_context *pCTX, boolean ex, D3DDISPLAYMODEEX *pFullscreenDisplayMode, struct NineDevice9 **ppOut, int minorVersionNum ); HRESULT NineDevice9_ctor( struct NineDevice9 *This, struct NineUnknownParams *pParams, struct pipe_screen *pScreen, D3DDEVICE_CREATION_PARAMETERS *pCreationParameters, D3DCAPS9 *pCaps, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS *pPresentationParameters, IDirect3D9 *pD3D9, ID3DPresentGroup *pPresentationGroup, struct d3dadapter9_context *pCTX, boolean ex, D3DDISPLAYMODEEX *pFullscreenDisplayMode, int minorVersionNum ); void NineDevice9_dtor( struct NineDevice9 *This ); /*** Nine private ***/ void NineDevice9_SetDefaultState( struct NineDevice9 *This, boolean is_reset ); struct pipe_screen * NineDevice9_GetScreen( struct NineDevice9 *This ); struct pipe_context * NineDevice9_GetPipe( struct NineDevice9 *This ); const D3DCAPS9 * NineDevice9_GetCaps( struct NineDevice9 *This ); /*** Direct3D public ***/ HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_TestCooperativeLevel( struct NineDevice9 *This ); UINT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetAvailableTextureMem( struct NineDevice9 *This ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_EvictManagedResources( struct NineDevice9 *This ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetDirect3D( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3D9 **ppD3D9 ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetDeviceCaps( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DCAPS9 *pCaps ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetDisplayMode( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT iSwapChain, D3DDISPLAYMODE *pMode ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetCreationParameters( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DDEVICE_CREATION_PARAMETERS *pParameters ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetCursorProperties( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT XHotSpot, UINT YHotSpot, IDirect3DSurface9 *pCursorBitmap ); void NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetCursorPosition( struct NineDevice9 *This, int X, int Y, DWORD Flags ); BOOL NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_ShowCursor( struct NineDevice9 *This, BOOL bShow ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateAdditionalSwapChain( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS *pPresentationParameters, IDirect3DSwapChain9 **pSwapChain ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetSwapChain( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT iSwapChain, IDirect3DSwapChain9 **pSwapChain ); UINT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetNumberOfSwapChains( struct NineDevice9 *This ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_Reset( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS *pPresentationParameters ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_Present( struct NineDevice9 *This, const RECT *pSourceRect, const RECT *pDestRect, HWND hDestWindowOverride, const RGNDATA *pDirtyRegion ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetBackBuffer( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT iSwapChain, UINT iBackBuffer, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE Type, IDirect3DSurface9 **ppBackBuffer ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetRasterStatus( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT iSwapChain, D3DRASTER_STATUS *pRasterStatus ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetDialogBoxMode( struct NineDevice9 *This, BOOL bEnableDialogs ); void NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetGammaRamp( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT iSwapChain, DWORD Flags, const D3DGAMMARAMP *pRamp ); void NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetGammaRamp( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT iSwapChain, D3DGAMMARAMP *pRamp ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateTexture( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Levels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, IDirect3DTexture9 **ppTexture, HANDLE *pSharedHandle ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateVolumeTexture( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Depth, UINT Levels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 **ppVolumeTexture, HANDLE *pSharedHandle ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateCubeTexture( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT EdgeLength, UINT Levels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, IDirect3DCubeTexture9 **ppCubeTexture, HANDLE *pSharedHandle ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateVertexBuffer( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT Length, DWORD Usage, DWORD FVF, D3DPOOL Pool, IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 **ppVertexBuffer, HANDLE *pSharedHandle ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateIndexBuffer( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT Length, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 **ppIndexBuffer, HANDLE *pSharedHandle ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateRenderTarget( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT Width, UINT Height, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE MultiSample, DWORD MultisampleQuality, BOOL Lockable, IDirect3DSurface9 **ppSurface, HANDLE *pSharedHandle ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateDepthStencilSurface( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT Width, UINT Height, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE MultiSample, DWORD MultisampleQuality, BOOL Discard, IDirect3DSurface9 **ppSurface, HANDLE *pSharedHandle ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_UpdateSurface( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DSurface9 *pSourceSurface, const RECT *pSourceRect, IDirect3DSurface9 *pDestinationSurface, const POINT *pDestPoint ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_UpdateTexture( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *pSourceTexture, IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *pDestinationTexture ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetRenderTargetData( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DSurface9 *pRenderTarget, IDirect3DSurface9 *pDestSurface ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetFrontBufferData( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT iSwapChain, IDirect3DSurface9 *pDestSurface ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_StretchRect( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DSurface9 *pSourceSurface, const RECT *pSourceRect, IDirect3DSurface9 *pDestSurface, const RECT *pDestRect, D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE Filter ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_ColorFill( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DSurface9 *pSurface, const RECT *pRect, D3DCOLOR color ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateOffscreenPlainSurface( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT Width, UINT Height, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, IDirect3DSurface9 **ppSurface, HANDLE *pSharedHandle ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetRenderTarget( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD RenderTargetIndex, IDirect3DSurface9 *pRenderTarget ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetRenderTarget( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD RenderTargetIndex, IDirect3DSurface9 **ppRenderTarget ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetDepthStencilSurface( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DSurface9 *pNewZStencil ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetDepthStencilSurface( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DSurface9 **ppZStencilSurface ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_BeginScene( struct NineDevice9 *This ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_EndScene( struct NineDevice9 *This ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_Clear( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Count, const D3DRECT *pRects, DWORD Flags, D3DCOLOR Color, float Z, DWORD Stencil ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetTransform( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE State, const D3DMATRIX *pMatrix ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetTransform( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE State, D3DMATRIX *pMatrix ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_MultiplyTransform( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE State, const D3DMATRIX *pMatrix ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetViewport( struct NineDevice9 *This, const D3DVIEWPORT9 *pViewport ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetViewport( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DVIEWPORT9 *pViewport ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetMaterial( struct NineDevice9 *This, const D3DMATERIAL9 *pMaterial ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetMaterial( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DMATERIAL9 *pMaterial ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetLight( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Index, const D3DLIGHT9 *pLight ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetLight( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Index, D3DLIGHT9 *pLight ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_LightEnable( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Index, BOOL Enable ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetLightEnable( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Index, BOOL *pEnable ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetClipPlane( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Index, const float *pPlane ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetClipPlane( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Index, float *pPlane ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetRenderState( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DRENDERSTATETYPE State, DWORD Value ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetRenderState( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DRENDERSTATETYPE State, DWORD *pValue ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateStateBlock( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE Type, IDirect3DStateBlock9 **ppSB ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_BeginStateBlock( struct NineDevice9 *This ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_EndStateBlock( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DStateBlock9 **ppSB ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetClipStatus( struct NineDevice9 *This, const D3DCLIPSTATUS9 *pClipStatus ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetClipStatus( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DCLIPSTATUS9 *pClipStatus ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetTexture( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Stage, IDirect3DBaseTexture9 **ppTexture ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetTexture( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Stage, IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *pTexture ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetTextureStageState( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Stage, D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE Type, DWORD *pValue ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetTextureStageState( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Stage, D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE Type, DWORD Value ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetSamplerState( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Sampler, D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE Type, DWORD *pValue ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetSamplerState( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD Sampler, D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE Type, DWORD Value ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_ValidateDevice( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD *pNumPasses ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetPaletteEntries( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT PaletteNumber, const PALETTEENTRY *pEntries ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetPaletteEntries( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT PaletteNumber, PALETTEENTRY *pEntries ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetCurrentTexturePalette( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT PaletteNumber ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetCurrentTexturePalette( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT *PaletteNumber ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetScissorRect( struct NineDevice9 *This, const RECT *pRect ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetScissorRect( struct NineDevice9 *This, RECT *pRect ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetSoftwareVertexProcessing( struct NineDevice9 *This, BOOL bSoftware ); BOOL NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetSoftwareVertexProcessing( struct NineDevice9 *This ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetNPatchMode( struct NineDevice9 *This, float nSegments ); float NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetNPatchMode( struct NineDevice9 *This ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_DrawPrimitive( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE PrimitiveType, UINT StartVertex, UINT PrimitiveCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_DrawIndexedPrimitive( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE PrimitiveType, INT BaseVertexIndex, UINT MinVertexIndex, UINT NumVertices, UINT startIndex, UINT primCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_DrawPrimitiveUP( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE PrimitiveType, UINT PrimitiveCount, const void *pVertexStreamZeroData, UINT VertexStreamZeroStride ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE PrimitiveType, UINT MinVertexIndex, UINT NumVertices, UINT PrimitiveCount, const void *pIndexData, D3DFORMAT IndexDataFormat, const void *pVertexStreamZeroData, UINT VertexStreamZeroStride ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_ProcessVertices( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT SrcStartIndex, UINT DestIndex, UINT VertexCount, IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 *pDestBuffer, IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 *pVertexDecl, DWORD Flags ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateVertexDeclaration( struct NineDevice9 *This, const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 *pVertexElements, IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 **ppDecl ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetVertexDeclaration( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 *pDecl ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetVertexDeclaration( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 **ppDecl ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetFVF( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD FVF ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetFVF( struct NineDevice9 *This, DWORD *pFVF ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateVertexShader( struct NineDevice9 *This, const DWORD *pFunction, IDirect3DVertexShader9 **ppShader ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetVertexShader( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DVertexShader9 *pShader ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetVertexShader( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DVertexShader9 **ppShader ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantF( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, const float *pConstantData, UINT Vector4fCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetVertexShaderConstantF( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, float *pConstantData, UINT Vector4fCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantI( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, const int *pConstantData, UINT Vector4iCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetVertexShaderConstantI( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, int *pConstantData, UINT Vector4iCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetVertexShaderConstantB( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, const BOOL *pConstantData, UINT BoolCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetVertexShaderConstantB( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, BOOL *pConstantData, UINT BoolCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetStreamSource( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StreamNumber, IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 *pStreamData, UINT OffsetInBytes, UINT Stride ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetStreamSource( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StreamNumber, IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 **ppStreamData, UINT *pOffsetInBytes, UINT *pStride ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetStreamSourceFreq( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StreamNumber, UINT Setting ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetStreamSourceFreq( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StreamNumber, UINT *pSetting ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetIndices( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 *pIndexData ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetIndices( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 **ppIndexData /*, UINT *pBaseVertexIndex */ ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreatePixelShader( struct NineDevice9 *This, const DWORD *pFunction, IDirect3DPixelShader9 **ppShader ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetPixelShader( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DPixelShader9 *pShader ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetPixelShader( struct NineDevice9 *This, IDirect3DPixelShader9 **ppShader ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantF( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, const float *pConstantData, UINT Vector4fCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetPixelShaderConstantF( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, float *pConstantData, UINT Vector4fCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantI( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, const int *pConstantData, UINT Vector4iCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetPixelShaderConstantI( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, int *pConstantData, UINT Vector4iCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_SetPixelShaderConstantB( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, const BOOL *pConstantData, UINT BoolCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_GetPixelShaderConstantB( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT StartRegister, BOOL *pConstantData, UINT BoolCount ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_DrawRectPatch( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT Handle, const float *pNumSegs, const D3DRECTPATCH_INFO *pRectPatchInfo ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_DrawTriPatch( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT Handle, const float *pNumSegs, const D3DTRIPATCH_INFO *pTriPatchInfo ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_DeletePatch( struct NineDevice9 *This, UINT Handle ); HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineDevice9_CreateQuery( struct NineDevice9 *This, D3DQUERYTYPE Type, IDirect3DQuery9 **ppQuery ); #endif /* _NINE_DEVICE9_H_ */