/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Mockito contributors * This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License. */ package org.mockitousage.spies; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockito.InOrder; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException; import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.NoInteractionsWanted; import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.TooLittleActualInvocations; import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.VerificationInOrderFailure; import org.mockitoutil.TestBase; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; public class SpyingOnRealObjectsTest extends TestBase { List list = new LinkedList(); List spy = Mockito.spy(list); @Test public void shouldVerify() { spy.add("one"); spy.add("two"); assertEquals("one", spy.get(0)); assertEquals("two", spy.get(1)); verify(spy).add("one"); verify(spy).add("two"); } @Test public void shouldBeAbleToMockObjectBecauseWhyNot() { spy(new Object()); } @Test public void shouldStub() { spy.add("one"); when(spy.get(0)) .thenReturn("1") .thenReturn("1 again"); assertEquals("1", spy.get(0)); assertEquals("1 again", spy.get(0)); assertEquals("one", spy.iterator().next()); assertEquals(1, spy.size()); } @Test public void shouldAllowOverridingStubs() { when(spy.contains(anyObject())).thenReturn(true); when(spy.contains("foo")).thenReturn(false); assertTrue(spy.contains("bar")); assertFalse(spy.contains("foo")); } @Test public void shouldStubVoid() { doNothing() .doThrow(new RuntimeException()) .when(spy) .clear(); spy.add("one"); spy.clear(); try { spy.clear(); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) {} assertEquals(1, spy.size()); } @Test public void shouldStubWithDoReturnAndVerify() { doReturn("foo") .doReturn("bar") .when(spy).get(0); assertEquals("foo", spy.get(0)); assertEquals("bar", spy.get(0)); verify(spy, times(2)).get(0); verifyNoMoreInteractions(spy); } @Test public void shouldVerifyInOrder() { spy.add("one"); spy.add("two"); InOrder inOrder = inOrder(spy); inOrder.verify(spy).add("one"); inOrder.verify(spy).add("two"); verifyNoMoreInteractions(spy); } @Test public void shouldVerifyInOrderAndFail() { spy.add("one"); spy.add("two"); InOrder inOrder = inOrder(spy); inOrder.verify(spy).add("two"); try { inOrder.verify(spy).add("one"); fail(); } catch (VerificationInOrderFailure f) {} } @Test public void shouldVerifyNumberOfTimes() { spy.add("one"); spy.add("one"); verify(spy, times(2)).add("one"); verifyNoMoreInteractions(spy); } @Test public void shouldVerifyNumberOfTimesAndFail() { spy.add("one"); spy.add("one"); try { verify(spy, times(3)).add("one"); fail(); } catch (TooLittleActualInvocations e) {} } @Test public void shouldVerifyNoMoreInteractionsAndFail() { spy.add("one"); spy.add("two"); verify(spy).add("one"); try { verifyNoMoreInteractions(spy); fail(); } catch (NoInteractionsWanted e) {} } @Test public void shouldToString() { spy.add("foo"); assertEquals("[foo]" , spy.toString()); } interface Foo { String print(); } @Test public void shouldAllowSpyingAnonymousClasses() { //when Foo spy = spy(new Foo() { public String print() { return "foo"; } }); //then assertEquals("foo", spy.print()); } @Test public void shouldSayNiceMessageWhenSpyingOnPrivateClass() throws Exception { List real = Arrays.asList("first", "second"); try { List spy = spy(real); assumeTrue("Using inline mocks, it is possible to spy on private types", spy.getClass() != real.getClass()); fail(); } catch (MockitoException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessageContaining("Most likely it is due to mocking a private class that is not visible to Mockito"); } } }