workspace(name = "nugget_test_systemtestharness") new_http_archive( name = "gtest", url = "", build_file = "../../core/nugget/BUILD.gtest", sha256 = "f3ed3b58511efd272eb074a3a6d6fb79d7c2e6a0e374323d1e6bcbcc1ef141bf", strip_prefix = "googletest-release-1.8.0", ) http_archive( name = "com_google_protobuf", url = "", strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.5.0", sha256 = "cef7f1b5a7c5fba672bec2a319246e8feba471f04dcebfe362d55930ee7c1c30", ) http_archive( name = "com_google_protobuf_cc", url = "", strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.5.0", sha256 = "cef7f1b5a7c5fba672bec2a319246e8feba471f04dcebfe362d55930ee7c1c30", ) http_archive( name = "com_github_gflags_gflags", url = "", strip_prefix = "gflags-2.2.1", sha256 = "4e44b69e709c826734dbbbd5208f61888a2faf63f239d73d8ba0011b2dccc97a", ) http_archive( name = "boringssl", url = "", # branch master-with-bazel ) new_local_repository( name = "nugget_thirdparty_libmpsse", path = "../../third_party/libmpsse/src", build_file_content = """ cc_library( name = "libmpsse", srcs = [ "fast.c", "mpsse.c", "support.c", ], hdrs = [ "config.h", "mpsse.h", "support.h", ], copts = [ "-Wall", "-fPIC", "-fno-strict-aliasing", "-g", "-O2", ], defines = [ "LIBFTDI1=0", ], linkopts = [ "-lftdi", ], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) """, ) ## This is the rule for when this repository is outside of repo. # new_git_repository( # name = "ahdlc", # remote = "", # ) ## Use this when a subproject of repo. new_local_repository( name = "nugget_thirdparty_ahdlc", path = "../../third_party/ahdlc", build_file_content = """ cc_library( name = "ahdlc", srcs = [ "src/lib/crc_16.c", "src/lib/frame_layer.c", ], hdrs = [ "src/lib/inc/crc_16.h", "src/lib/inc/frame_layer.h", "src/lib/inc/frame_layer_types.h", ], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) """, ) local_repository( name = "nugget_core_nugget", path = "../../core/nugget", ) local_repository( name = "nugget_host_generic", path = "../../host/generic", ) local_repository( name = "nugget_host_generic_libnos", path = "../../host/generic/libnos", ) local_repository( name = "nugget_host_generic_libnos_datagram", path = "../../host/generic/libnos_datagram", ) local_repository( name = "nugget_host_generic_libnos_transport", path = "../../host/generic/libnos_transport", ) local_repository( name = "nugget_host_generic_libnos_generator", path = "../../host/generic/libnos/generator", ) local_repository( name = "nugget_host_generic_nugget_proto", path = "../../host/generic/nugget/proto", ) local_repository( name = "nugget_host_linux_citadel_libnos_datagram", path = "../../host/linux/citadel/libnos_datagram", ) local_repository( name = "nugget_test_systemtestharness_tools", path = "tools", )