/* * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "NuPlayer2DecoderPassThrough" #include #include #include "NuPlayer2DecoderPassThrough.h" #include "NuPlayer2Renderer.h" #include "NuPlayer2Source.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "ATSParser.h" namespace android { // TODO optimize buffer size for power consumption // The offload read buffer size is 32 KB but 24 KB uses less power. static const size_t kAggregateBufferSizeBytes = 24 * 1024; static const size_t kMaxCachedBytes = 200000; NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::DecoderPassThrough( const sp ¬ify, const sp &source, const sp &renderer) : DecoderBase(notify), mSource(source), mRenderer(renderer), mSkipRenderingUntilMediaTimeUs(-1ll), mReachedEOS(true), mPendingAudioErr(OK), mPendingBuffersToDrain(0), mCachedBytes(0), mComponentName("pass through decoder") { ALOGW_IF(renderer == NULL, "expect a non-NULL renderer"); } NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::~DecoderPassThrough() { } void NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::onConfigure(const sp &format) { ALOGV("[%s] onConfigure", mComponentName.c_str()); mCachedBytes = 0; mPendingBuffersToDrain = 0; mReachedEOS = false; ++mBufferGeneration; onRequestInputBuffers(); int32_t hasVideo = 0; format->findInt32("has-video", &hasVideo); // The audio sink is already opened before the PassThrough decoder is created. // Opening again might be relevant if decoder is instantiated after shutdown and // format is different. status_t err = mRenderer->openAudioSink( format, true /* offloadOnly */, hasVideo, AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE /* flags */, NULL /* isOffloaded */, mSource->isStreaming()); if (err != OK) { handleError(err); } } void NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::onSetParameters(const sp &/*params*/) { ALOGW("onSetParameters() called unexpectedly"); } void NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::onSetRenderer( const sp &renderer) { // renderer can't be changed during offloading ALOGW_IF(renderer != mRenderer, "ignoring request to change renderer"); } bool NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::isStaleReply(const sp &msg) { int32_t generation; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &generation)); return generation != mBufferGeneration; } bool NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::isDoneFetching() const { ALOGV("[%s] mCachedBytes = %zu, mReachedEOS = %d mPaused = %d", mComponentName.c_str(), mCachedBytes, mReachedEOS, mPaused); return mCachedBytes >= kMaxCachedBytes || mReachedEOS || mPaused; } /* * returns true if we should request more data */ bool NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::doRequestBuffers() { status_t err = OK; while (!isDoneFetching()) { sp msg = new AMessage(); err = fetchInputData(msg); if (err != OK) { break; } onInputBufferFetched(msg); } return err == -EWOULDBLOCK && mSource->feedMoreTSData() == OK; } status_t NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::dequeueAccessUnit(sp *accessUnit) { status_t err; // Did we save an accessUnit earlier because of a discontinuity? if (mPendingAudioAccessUnit != NULL) { *accessUnit = mPendingAudioAccessUnit; mPendingAudioAccessUnit.clear(); err = mPendingAudioErr; ALOGV("feedDecoderInputData() use mPendingAudioAccessUnit"); } else { err = mSource->dequeueAccessUnit(true /* audio */, accessUnit); } if (err == INFO_DISCONTINUITY || err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { if (mAggregateBuffer != NULL) { // We already have some data so save this for later. mPendingAudioErr = err; mPendingAudioAccessUnit = *accessUnit; (*accessUnit).clear(); ALOGD("return aggregated buffer and save err(=%d) for later", err); err = OK; } } return err; } sp NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::aggregateBuffer( const sp &accessUnit) { sp aggregate; if (accessUnit == NULL) { // accessUnit is saved to mPendingAudioAccessUnit // return current mAggregateBuffer aggregate = mAggregateBuffer; mAggregateBuffer.clear(); return aggregate; } size_t smallSize = accessUnit->size(); if ((mAggregateBuffer == NULL) // Don't bother if only room for a few small buffers. && (smallSize < (kAggregateBufferSizeBytes / 3))) { // Create a larger buffer for combining smaller buffers from the extractor. mAggregateBuffer = new ABuffer(kAggregateBufferSizeBytes); mAggregateBuffer->setRange(0, 0); // start empty } if (mAggregateBuffer != NULL) { int64_t timeUs; int64_t dummy; bool smallTimestampValid = accessUnit->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs); bool bigTimestampValid = mAggregateBuffer->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &dummy); // Will the smaller buffer fit? size_t bigSize = mAggregateBuffer->size(); size_t roomLeft = mAggregateBuffer->capacity() - bigSize; // Should we save this small buffer for the next big buffer? // If the first small buffer did not have a timestamp then save // any buffer that does have a timestamp until the next big buffer. if ((smallSize > roomLeft) || (!bigTimestampValid && (bigSize > 0) && smallTimestampValid)) { mPendingAudioErr = OK; mPendingAudioAccessUnit = accessUnit; aggregate = mAggregateBuffer; mAggregateBuffer.clear(); } else { // Grab time from first small buffer if available. if ((bigSize == 0) && smallTimestampValid) { mAggregateBuffer->meta()->setInt64("timeUs", timeUs); } // Append small buffer to the bigger buffer. memcpy(mAggregateBuffer->base() + bigSize, accessUnit->data(), smallSize); bigSize += smallSize; mAggregateBuffer->setRange(0, bigSize); ALOGV("feedDecoderInputData() smallSize = %zu, bigSize = %zu, capacity = %zu", smallSize, bigSize, mAggregateBuffer->capacity()); } } else { // decided not to aggregate aggregate = accessUnit; } return aggregate; } status_t NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::fetchInputData(sp &reply) { sp accessUnit; do { status_t err = dequeueAccessUnit(&accessUnit); if (err == -EWOULDBLOCK) { // Flush out the aggregate buffer to try to avoid underrun. accessUnit = aggregateBuffer(NULL /* accessUnit */); if (accessUnit != NULL) { break; } return err; } else if (err != OK) { if (err == INFO_DISCONTINUITY) { int32_t type; CHECK(accessUnit->meta()->findInt32("discontinuity", &type)); bool formatChange = (type & ATSParser::DISCONTINUITY_AUDIO_FORMAT) != 0; bool timeChange = (type & ATSParser::DISCONTINUITY_TIME) != 0; ALOGI("audio discontinuity (formatChange=%d, time=%d)", formatChange, timeChange); if (formatChange || timeChange) { sp msg = mNotify->dup(); msg->setInt32("what", kWhatInputDiscontinuity); // will perform seamless format change, // only notify NuPlayer2 to scan sources msg->setInt32("formatChange", false); msg->post(); } if (timeChange) { doFlush(false /* notifyComplete */); err = OK; } else if (formatChange) { // do seamless format change err = OK; } else { // This stream is unaffected by the discontinuity return -EWOULDBLOCK; } } reply->setInt32("err", err); return OK; } accessUnit = aggregateBuffer(accessUnit); } while (accessUnit == NULL); #if 0 int64_t mediaTimeUs; CHECK(accessUnit->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &mediaTimeUs)); ALOGV("feeding audio input buffer at media time %.2f secs", mediaTimeUs / 1E6); #endif reply->setBuffer("buffer", accessUnit); return OK; } void NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::onInputBufferFetched( const sp &msg) { if (mReachedEOS) { return; } sp buffer; bool hasBuffer = msg->findBuffer("buffer", &buffer); if (buffer == NULL) { int32_t streamErr = ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; CHECK(msg->findInt32("err", &streamErr) || !hasBuffer); if (streamErr == OK) { return; } if (streamErr != ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { handleError(streamErr); } mReachedEOS = true; if (mRenderer != NULL) { mRenderer->queueEOS(true /* audio */, ERROR_END_OF_STREAM); } return; } sp extra; if (buffer->meta()->findMessage("extra", &extra) && extra != NULL) { int64_t resumeAtMediaTimeUs; if (extra->findInt64( "resume-at-mediatimeUs", &resumeAtMediaTimeUs)) { ALOGI("[%s] suppressing rendering until %lld us", mComponentName.c_str(), (long long)resumeAtMediaTimeUs); mSkipRenderingUntilMediaTimeUs = resumeAtMediaTimeUs; } } int32_t bufferSize = buffer->size(); mCachedBytes += bufferSize; int64_t timeUs = 0; CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs)); if (mSkipRenderingUntilMediaTimeUs >= 0) { if (timeUs < mSkipRenderingUntilMediaTimeUs) { ALOGV("[%s] dropping buffer at time %lld as requested.", mComponentName.c_str(), (long long)timeUs); onBufferConsumed(bufferSize); return; } mSkipRenderingUntilMediaTimeUs = -1; } if (mRenderer == NULL) { onBufferConsumed(bufferSize); return; } sp reply = new AMessage(kWhatBufferConsumed, this); reply->setInt32("generation", mBufferGeneration); reply->setInt32("size", bufferSize); sp mcBuffer = new MediaCodecBuffer(nullptr, buffer); mcBuffer->meta()->setInt64("timeUs", timeUs); mRenderer->queueBuffer(true /* audio */, mcBuffer, reply); ++mPendingBuffersToDrain; ALOGV("onInputBufferFilled: #ToDrain = %zu, cachedBytes = %zu", mPendingBuffersToDrain, mCachedBytes); } void NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::onBufferConsumed(int32_t size) { --mPendingBuffersToDrain; mCachedBytes -= size; ALOGV("onBufferConsumed: #ToDrain = %zu, cachedBytes = %zu", mPendingBuffersToDrain, mCachedBytes); onRequestInputBuffers(); } void NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::onResume(bool notifyComplete) { mPaused = false; onRequestInputBuffers(); if (notifyComplete) { sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatResumeCompleted); notify->post(); } } void NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::doFlush(bool notifyComplete) { ++mBufferGeneration; mSkipRenderingUntilMediaTimeUs = -1; mPendingAudioAccessUnit.clear(); mPendingAudioErr = OK; mAggregateBuffer.clear(); if (mRenderer != NULL) { mRenderer->flush(true /* audio */, notifyComplete); mRenderer->signalTimeDiscontinuity(); } mPendingBuffersToDrain = 0; mCachedBytes = 0; mReachedEOS = false; } void NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::onFlush() { doFlush(true /* notifyComplete */); mPaused = true; sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatFlushCompleted); notify->post(); } void NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::onShutdown(bool notifyComplete) { ++mBufferGeneration; mSkipRenderingUntilMediaTimeUs = -1; if (notifyComplete) { sp notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatShutdownCompleted); notify->post(); } mReachedEOS = true; } void NuPlayer2::DecoderPassThrough::onMessageReceived(const sp &msg) { ALOGV("[%s] onMessage: %s", mComponentName.c_str(), msg->debugString().c_str()); switch (msg->what()) { case kWhatBufferConsumed: { if (!isStaleReply(msg)) { int32_t size; CHECK(msg->findInt32("size", &size)); onBufferConsumed(size); } break; } default: DecoderBase::onMessageReceived(msg); break; } } } // namespace android