/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "FontCacheHistoryTracker.h" #include "CacheTexture.h" #include "CachedGlyphInfo.h" namespace android { namespace uirenderer { void FontCacheHistoryTracker::dumpCachedGlyph(String8& log, const CachedGlyph& glyph) { log.appendFormat("glyph (texture %p, position: (%d, %d), size: %dx%d, gen: %d)", glyph.texture, glyph.startX, glyph.startY, glyph.bitmapW, glyph.bitmapH, glyph.generation); } void FontCacheHistoryTracker::dumpRenderEntry(String8& log, const RenderEntry& entry) { if (entry.penX == -1 && entry.penY == -1) { log.appendFormat(" glyph skipped in gen: %d\n", entry.glyph.generation); } else { log.appendFormat(" rendered "); dumpCachedGlyph(log, entry.glyph); log.appendFormat(" at (%d, %d)\n", entry.penX, entry.penY); } } void FontCacheHistoryTracker::dumpUploadEntry(String8& log, const CachedGlyph& glyph) { if (glyph.bitmapW == 0 && glyph.bitmapH == 0) { log.appendFormat(" cleared cachetexture %p in gen %d\n", glyph.texture, glyph.generation); } else { log.appendFormat(" uploaded "); dumpCachedGlyph(log, glyph); log.appendFormat("\n"); } } void FontCacheHistoryTracker::dump(String8& log) const { log.appendFormat("FontCacheHistory: \n"); log.appendFormat(" Upload history: \n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mUploadHistory.size(); i++) { dumpUploadEntry(log, mUploadHistory[i]); } log.appendFormat(" Render history: \n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mRenderHistory.size(); i++) { dumpRenderEntry(log, mRenderHistory[i]); } } void FontCacheHistoryTracker::glyphRendered(CachedGlyphInfo* glyphInfo, int penX, int penY) { RenderEntry& entry = mRenderHistory.next(); entry.glyph.generation = generation; entry.glyph.texture = glyphInfo->mCacheTexture; entry.glyph.startX = glyphInfo->mStartX; entry.glyph.startY = glyphInfo->mStartY; entry.glyph.bitmapW = glyphInfo->mBitmapWidth; entry.glyph.bitmapH = glyphInfo->mBitmapHeight; entry.penX = penX; entry.penY = penY; } void FontCacheHistoryTracker::glyphUploaded(CacheTexture* texture, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint16_t glyphW, uint16_t glyphH) { CachedGlyph& glyph = mUploadHistory.next(); glyph.generation = generation; glyph.texture = texture; glyph.startX = x; glyph.startY = y; glyph.bitmapW = glyphW; glyph.bitmapH = glyphH; } void FontCacheHistoryTracker::glyphsCleared(CacheTexture* texture) { CachedGlyph& glyph = mUploadHistory.next(); glyph.generation = generation; glyph.texture = texture; glyph.startX = 0; glyph.startY = 0; glyph.bitmapW = 0; glyph.bitmapH = 0; } void FontCacheHistoryTracker::frameCompleted() { generation++; } }; // namespace uirenderer }; // namespace android