/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "StringPool.h" #include #include #include #include "android-base/logging.h" #include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h" #include "androidfw/StringPiece.h" #include "util/BigBuffer.h" #include "util/Util.h" using ::android::StringPiece; namespace aapt { StringPool::Ref::Ref() : entry_(nullptr) {} StringPool::Ref::Ref(const StringPool::Ref& rhs) : entry_(rhs.entry_) { if (entry_ != nullptr) { entry_->ref_++; } } StringPool::Ref::Ref(StringPool::Entry* entry) : entry_(entry) { if (entry_ != nullptr) { entry_->ref_++; } } StringPool::Ref::~Ref() { if (entry_ != nullptr) { entry_->ref_--; } } StringPool::Ref& StringPool::Ref::operator=(const StringPool::Ref& rhs) { if (rhs.entry_ != nullptr) { rhs.entry_->ref_++; } if (entry_ != nullptr) { entry_->ref_--; } entry_ = rhs.entry_; return *this; } bool StringPool::Ref::operator==(const Ref& rhs) const { return entry_->value == rhs.entry_->value; } bool StringPool::Ref::operator!=(const Ref& rhs) const { return entry_->value != rhs.entry_->value; } const std::string* StringPool::Ref::operator->() const { return &entry_->value; } const std::string& StringPool::Ref::operator*() const { return entry_->value; } size_t StringPool::Ref::index() const { // Account for the styles, which *always* come first. return entry_->pool_->styles_.size() + entry_->index_; } const StringPool::Context& StringPool::Ref::GetContext() const { return entry_->context; } StringPool::StyleRef::StyleRef() : entry_(nullptr) {} StringPool::StyleRef::StyleRef(const StringPool::StyleRef& rhs) : entry_(rhs.entry_) { if (entry_ != nullptr) { entry_->ref_++; } } StringPool::StyleRef::StyleRef(StringPool::StyleEntry* entry) : entry_(entry) { if (entry_ != nullptr) { entry_->ref_++; } } StringPool::StyleRef::~StyleRef() { if (entry_ != nullptr) { entry_->ref_--; } } StringPool::StyleRef& StringPool::StyleRef::operator=(const StringPool::StyleRef& rhs) { if (rhs.entry_ != nullptr) { rhs.entry_->ref_++; } if (entry_ != nullptr) { entry_->ref_--; } entry_ = rhs.entry_; return *this; } bool StringPool::StyleRef::operator==(const StyleRef& rhs) const { if (entry_->value != rhs.entry_->value) { return false; } if (entry_->spans.size() != rhs.entry_->spans.size()) { return false; } auto rhs_iter = rhs.entry_->spans.begin(); for (const Span& span : entry_->spans) { const Span& rhs_span = *rhs_iter; if (span.first_char != rhs_span.first_char || span.last_char != rhs_span.last_char || span.name != rhs_span.name) { return false; } } return true; } bool StringPool::StyleRef::operator!=(const StyleRef& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); } const StringPool::StyleEntry* StringPool::StyleRef::operator->() const { return entry_; } const StringPool::StyleEntry& StringPool::StyleRef::operator*() const { return *entry_; } size_t StringPool::StyleRef::index() const { return entry_->index_; } const StringPool::Context& StringPool::StyleRef::GetContext() const { return entry_->context; } StringPool::Ref StringPool::MakeRef(const StringPiece& str) { return MakeRefImpl(str, Context{}, true); } StringPool::Ref StringPool::MakeRef(const StringPiece& str, const Context& context) { return MakeRefImpl(str, context, true); } StringPool::Ref StringPool::MakeRefImpl(const StringPiece& str, const Context& context, bool unique) { if (unique) { auto range = indexed_strings_.equal_range(str); for (auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter) { if (context.priority == iter->second->context.priority) { return Ref(iter->second); } } } std::unique_ptr entry(new Entry()); entry->value = str.to_string(); entry->context = context; entry->index_ = strings_.size(); entry->ref_ = 0; entry->pool_ = this; Entry* borrow = entry.get(); strings_.emplace_back(std::move(entry)); indexed_strings_.insert(std::make_pair(StringPiece(borrow->value), borrow)); return Ref(borrow); } StringPool::Ref StringPool::MakeRef(const Ref& ref) { if (ref.entry_->pool_ == this) { return ref; } return MakeRef(ref.entry_->value, ref.entry_->context); } StringPool::StyleRef StringPool::MakeRef(const StyleString& str) { return MakeRef(str, Context{}); } StringPool::StyleRef StringPool::MakeRef(const StyleString& str, const Context& context) { std::unique_ptr entry(new StyleEntry()); entry->value = str.str; entry->context = context; entry->index_ = styles_.size(); entry->ref_ = 0; for (const aapt::Span& span : str.spans) { entry->spans.emplace_back(Span{MakeRef(span.name), span.first_char, span.last_char}); } StyleEntry* borrow = entry.get(); styles_.emplace_back(std::move(entry)); return StyleRef(borrow); } StringPool::StyleRef StringPool::MakeRef(const StyleRef& ref) { std::unique_ptr entry(new StyleEntry()); entry->value = ref.entry_->value; entry->context = ref.entry_->context; entry->index_ = styles_.size(); entry->ref_ = 0; for (const Span& span : ref.entry_->spans) { entry->spans.emplace_back(Span{MakeRef(*span.name), span.first_char, span.last_char}); } StyleEntry* borrow = entry.get(); styles_.emplace_back(std::move(entry)); return StyleRef(borrow); } void StringPool::ReAssignIndices() { // Assign the style indices. const size_t style_len = styles_.size(); for (size_t index = 0; index < style_len; index++) { styles_[index]->index_ = index; } // Assign the string indices. const size_t string_len = strings_.size(); for (size_t index = 0; index < string_len; index++) { strings_[index]->index_ = index; } } void StringPool::Merge(StringPool&& pool) { // First, change the owning pool for the incoming strings. for (std::unique_ptr& entry : pool.strings_) { entry->pool_ = this; } // Now move the styles, strings, and indices over. std::move(pool.styles_.begin(), pool.styles_.end(), std::back_inserter(styles_)); pool.styles_.clear(); std::move(pool.strings_.begin(), pool.strings_.end(), std::back_inserter(strings_)); pool.strings_.clear(); indexed_strings_.insert(pool.indexed_strings_.begin(), pool.indexed_strings_.end()); pool.indexed_strings_.clear(); ReAssignIndices(); } void StringPool::HintWillAdd(size_t string_count, size_t style_count) { strings_.reserve(strings_.size() + string_count); styles_.reserve(styles_.size() + style_count); } void StringPool::Prune() { const auto iter_end = indexed_strings_.end(); auto index_iter = indexed_strings_.begin(); while (index_iter != iter_end) { if (index_iter->second->ref_ <= 0) { index_iter = indexed_strings_.erase(index_iter); } else { ++index_iter; } } auto end_iter2 = std::remove_if(strings_.begin(), strings_.end(), [](const std::unique_ptr& entry) -> bool { return entry->ref_ <= 0; }); auto end_iter3 = std::remove_if( styles_.begin(), styles_.end(), [](const std::unique_ptr& entry) -> bool { return entry->ref_ <= 0; }); // Remove the entries at the end or else we'll be accessing a deleted string from the StyleEntry. strings_.erase(end_iter2, strings_.end()); styles_.erase(end_iter3, styles_.end()); ReAssignIndices(); } template static void SortEntries( std::vector>& entries, const std::function& cmp) { using UEntry = std::unique_ptr; if (cmp != nullptr) { std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.end(), [&cmp](const UEntry& a, const UEntry& b) -> bool { int r = cmp(a->context, b->context); if (r == 0) { r = a->value.compare(b->value); } return r < 0; }); } else { std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.end(), [](const UEntry& a, const UEntry& b) -> bool { return a->value < b->value; }); } } void StringPool::Sort(const std::function& cmp) { SortEntries(styles_, cmp); SortEntries(strings_, cmp); ReAssignIndices(); } template static T* EncodeLength(T* data, size_t length) { static_assert(std::is_integral::value, "wat."); constexpr size_t kMask = 1 << ((sizeof(T) * 8) - 1); constexpr size_t kMaxSize = kMask - 1; if (length > kMaxSize) { *data++ = kMask | (kMaxSize & (length >> (sizeof(T) * 8))); } *data++ = length; return data; } /** * Returns the maximum possible string length that can be successfully encoded * using 2 units of the specified T. * EncodeLengthMax -> maximum unit length of 0x7FFF * EncodeLengthMax -> maximum unit length of 0x7FFFFFFF **/ template static size_t EncodeLengthMax() { static_assert(std::is_integral::value, "wat."); constexpr size_t kMask = 1 << ((sizeof(T) * 8 * 2) - 1); constexpr size_t max = kMask - 1; return max; } /** * Returns the number of units (1 or 2) needed to encode the string length * before writing the string. */ template static size_t EncodedLengthUnits(size_t length) { static_assert(std::is_integral::value, "wat."); constexpr size_t kMask = 1 << ((sizeof(T) * 8) - 1); constexpr size_t kMaxSize = kMask - 1; return length > kMaxSize ? 2 : 1; } const std::string kStringTooLarge = "STRING_TOO_LARGE"; static bool EncodeString(const std::string& str, const bool utf8, BigBuffer* out, IDiagnostics* diag) { if (utf8) { const std::string& encoded = str; const ssize_t utf16_length = utf8_to_utf16_length( reinterpret_cast(encoded.data()), encoded.size()); CHECK(utf16_length >= 0); // Make sure the lengths to be encoded do not exceed the maximum length that // can be encoded using chars if ((((size_t)encoded.size()) > EncodeLengthMax()) || (((size_t)utf16_length) > EncodeLengthMax())) { diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "string too large to encode using UTF-8 " << "written instead as '" << kStringTooLarge << "'"); EncodeString(kStringTooLarge, utf8, out, diag); return false; } const size_t total_size = EncodedLengthUnits(utf16_length) + EncodedLengthUnits(encoded.size()) + encoded.size() + 1; char* data = out->NextBlock(total_size); // First encode the UTF16 string length. data = EncodeLength(data, utf16_length); // Now encode the size of the real UTF8 string. data = EncodeLength(data, encoded.size()); strncpy(data, encoded.data(), encoded.size()); } else { const std::u16string encoded = util::Utf8ToUtf16(str); const ssize_t utf16_length = encoded.size(); // Make sure the length to be encoded does not exceed the maximum possible // length that can be encoded if (((size_t)utf16_length) > EncodeLengthMax()) { diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "string too large to encode using UTF-16 " << "written instead as '" << kStringTooLarge << "'"); EncodeString(kStringTooLarge, utf8, out, diag); return false; } // Total number of 16-bit words to write. const size_t total_size = EncodedLengthUnits(utf16_length) + encoded.size() + 1; char16_t* data = out->NextBlock(total_size); // Encode the actual UTF16 string length. data = EncodeLength(data, utf16_length); const size_t byte_length = encoded.size() * sizeof(char16_t); // NOTE: For some reason, strncpy16(data, entry->value.data(), // entry->value.size()) truncates the string. memcpy(data, encoded.data(), byte_length); // The null-terminating character is already here due to the block of data // being set to 0s on allocation. } return true; } bool StringPool::Flatten(BigBuffer* out, const StringPool& pool, bool utf8, IDiagnostics* diag) { bool no_error = true; const size_t start_index = out->size(); android::ResStringPool_header* header = out->NextBlock(); header->header.type = util::HostToDevice16(android::RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE); header->header.headerSize = util::HostToDevice16(sizeof(*header)); header->stringCount = util::HostToDevice32(pool.size()); header->styleCount = util::HostToDevice32(pool.styles_.size()); if (utf8) { header->flags |= android::ResStringPool_header::UTF8_FLAG; } uint32_t* indices = pool.size() != 0 ? out->NextBlock(pool.size()) : nullptr; uint32_t* style_indices = pool.styles_.size() != 0 ? out->NextBlock(pool.styles_.size()) : nullptr; const size_t before_strings_index = out->size(); header->stringsStart = before_strings_index - start_index; // Styles always come first. for (const std::unique_ptr& entry : pool.styles_) { *indices++ = out->size() - before_strings_index; no_error = EncodeString(entry->value, utf8, out, diag) && no_error; } for (const std::unique_ptr& entry : pool.strings_) { *indices++ = out->size() - before_strings_index; no_error = EncodeString(entry->value, utf8, out, diag) && no_error; } out->Align4(); if (style_indices != nullptr) { const size_t before_styles_index = out->size(); header->stylesStart = util::HostToDevice32(before_styles_index - start_index); for (const std::unique_ptr& entry : pool.styles_) { *style_indices++ = out->size() - before_styles_index; if (!entry->spans.empty()) { android::ResStringPool_span* span = out->NextBlock(entry->spans.size()); for (const Span& s : entry->spans) { span->name.index = util::HostToDevice32(s.name.index()); span->firstChar = util::HostToDevice32(s.first_char); span->lastChar = util::HostToDevice32(s.last_char); span++; } } uint32_t* spanEnd = out->NextBlock(); *spanEnd = android::ResStringPool_span::END; } // The error checking code in the platform looks for an entire // ResStringPool_span structure worth of 0xFFFFFFFF at the end // of the style block, so fill in the remaining 2 32bit words // with 0xFFFFFFFF. const size_t padding_length = sizeof(android::ResStringPool_span) - sizeof(android::ResStringPool_span::name); uint8_t* padding = out->NextBlock(padding_length); memset(padding, 0xff, padding_length); out->Align4(); } header->header.size = util::HostToDevice32(out->size() - start_index); return no_error; } bool StringPool::FlattenUtf8(BigBuffer* out, const StringPool& pool, IDiagnostics* diag) { return Flatten(out, pool, true, diag); } bool StringPool::FlattenUtf16(BigBuffer* out, const StringPool& pool, IDiagnostics* diag) { return Flatten(out, pool, false, diag); } } // namespace aapt