/* * Copyright 2013, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "os_sep.h" #include "slang_rs_context.h" #include "slang_rs_export_var.h" #include "slang_rs_export_foreach.h" #include "slang_rs_export_func.h" #include "slang_rs_reflect_utils.h" #include "slang_version.h" #include "slang_rs_reflection_cpp.h" using namespace std; namespace slang { const char kRsTypeItemClassName[] = "Item"; const char kRsElemPrefix[] = "__rs_elem_"; // The name of the Allocation type that is reflected in C++ const char kAllocationSp[] = "android::RSC::sp"; static const char *GetMatrixTypeName(const RSExportMatrixType *EMT) { static const char *MatrixTypeCNameMap[] = { "rs_matrix2x2", "rs_matrix3x3", "rs_matrix4x4", }; unsigned Dim = EMT->getDim(); if ((Dim - 2) < (sizeof(MatrixTypeCNameMap) / sizeof(const char *))) return MatrixTypeCNameMap[EMT->getDim() - 2]; slangAssert(false && "GetMatrixTypeName : Unsupported matrix dimension"); return nullptr; } static std::string GetTypeName(const RSExportType *ET, bool PreIdentifier = true) { if((!PreIdentifier) && (ET->getClass() != RSExportType::ExportClassConstantArray)) { slangAssert(false && "Non-array type post identifier?"); return ""; } switch (ET->getClass()) { case RSExportType::ExportClassPrimitive: { const RSExportPrimitiveType *EPT = static_cast(ET); if (EPT->isRSObjectType()) { return std::string("android::RSC::spc_name + ">"; } else { return RSExportPrimitiveType::getRSReflectionType(EPT)->c_name; } } case RSExportType::ExportClassPointer: { const RSExportType *PointeeType = static_cast(ET)->getPointeeType(); if (PointeeType->getClass() != RSExportType::ExportClassRecord) return kAllocationSp; else return PointeeType->getElementName(); } case RSExportType::ExportClassVector: { const RSExportVectorType *EVT = static_cast(ET); std::stringstream VecName; VecName << EVT->getRSReflectionType(EVT)->rs_c_vector_prefix << EVT->getNumElement(); return VecName.str(); } case RSExportType::ExportClassMatrix: { return GetMatrixTypeName(static_cast(ET)); } case RSExportType::ExportClassConstantArray: { const RSExportConstantArrayType *CAT = static_cast(ET); if (PreIdentifier) { std::string ElementTypeName = GetTypeName(CAT->getElementType()); return ElementTypeName; } else { std::stringstream ArraySpec; ArraySpec << "[" << CAT->getNumElement() << "]"; return ArraySpec.str(); } } case RSExportType::ExportClassRecord: { // TODO: Fix for C structs! return ET->getElementName() + "." + kRsTypeItemClassName; } default: { slangAssert(false && "Unknown class of type"); } } return ""; } RSReflectionCpp::RSReflectionCpp(const RSContext *Context, const string &OutputDirectory, const string &RSSourceFileName, const string &BitCodeFileName) : mRSContext(Context), mRSSourceFilePath(RSSourceFileName), mBitCodeFilePath(BitCodeFileName), mOutputDirectory(OutputDirectory), mNextExportVarSlot(0), mNextExportFuncSlot(0), mNextExportForEachSlot(0) { mCleanedRSFileName = RootNameFromRSFileName(mRSSourceFilePath); mClassName = "ScriptC_" + mCleanedRSFileName; } RSReflectionCpp::~RSReflectionCpp() {} bool RSReflectionCpp::reflect() { writeHeaderFile(); writeImplementationFile(); return true; } #define RS_TYPE_CLASS_NAME_PREFIX "ScriptField_" bool RSReflectionCpp::writeHeaderFile() { // Create the file and write the license note. if (!mOut.startFile(mOutputDirectory, mClassName + ".h", mRSSourceFilePath, mRSContext->getLicenseNote(), false, mRSContext->getVerbose())) { return false; } mOut.indent() << "#include \"RenderScript.h\"\n\n"; // Add NOLINT to suppress clang-tidy warnings of "using namespace". // Keep "using namespace" to compile existing code. mOut.indent() << "using namespace android::RSC; // NOLINT\n\n"; mOut.comment("This class encapsulates access to the exported elements of the script. " "Typically, you would instantiate this class once, call the set_* methods " "for each of the exported global variables you want to change, then call " "one of the forEach_ methods to invoke a kernel."); mOut.indent() << "class " << mClassName << " : public android::RSC::ScriptC"; mOut.startBlock(); mOut.decreaseIndent(); mOut.indent() << "private:\n"; mOut.increaseIndent(); genFieldsToStoreExportVariableValues(); genTypeInstancesUsedInForEach(); genFieldsForAllocationTypeVerification(); mOut.decreaseIndent(); mOut.indent() << "public:\n"; mOut.increaseIndent(); // Generate the constructor and destructor declarations. mOut.indent() << mClassName << "(android::RSC::sp rs);\n"; mOut.indent() << "virtual ~" << mClassName << "();\n\n"; genExportVariablesGetterAndSetter(); genForEachDeclarations(); genExportFunctionDeclarations(); mOut.endBlock(true); mOut.closeFile(); return true; } void RSReflectionCpp::genTypeInstancesUsedInForEach() { for (auto I = mRSContext->export_foreach_begin(), E = mRSContext->export_foreach_end(); I != E; I++) { const RSExportForEach *EF = *I; const RSExportType *OET = EF->getOutType(); if (OET) { genTypeInstanceFromPointer(OET); } const RSExportForEach::InTypeVec &InTypes = EF->getInTypes(); for (RSExportForEach::InTypeIter BI = InTypes.begin(), EI = InTypes.end(); BI != EI; BI++) { genTypeInstanceFromPointer(*BI); } } } void RSReflectionCpp::genFieldsForAllocationTypeVerification() { bool CommentAdded = false; for (std::set::iterator I = mTypesToCheck.begin(), E = mTypesToCheck.end(); I != E; I++) { if (!CommentAdded) { mOut.comment("The following elements are used to verify the types of " "allocations passed to kernels."); CommentAdded = true; } mOut.indent() << "android::RSC::sp " << kRsElemPrefix << *I << ";\n"; } } void RSReflectionCpp::genFieldsToStoreExportVariableValues() { bool CommentAdded = false; for (RSContext::const_export_var_iterator I = mRSContext->export_vars_begin(), E = mRSContext->export_vars_end(); I != E; I++) { const RSExportVar *ev = *I; if (ev->isConst()) { continue; } if (!CommentAdded) { mOut.comment("For each non-const variable exported by the script, we " "have an equivalent field. This field contains the last " "value this variable was set to using the set_ method. " "This may not be current value of the variable in the " "script, as the script is free to modify its internal " "variable without changing this field. If the script " "initializes the exported variable, the constructor will " "initialize this field to the same value."); CommentAdded = true; } mOut.indent() << GetTypeName(ev->getType()) << " " RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << ev->getName() << ";\n"; } } void RSReflectionCpp::genForEachDeclarations() { bool CommentAdded = false; for (RSContext::const_export_foreach_iterator I = mRSContext->export_foreach_begin(), E = mRSContext->export_foreach_end(); I != E; I++) { const RSExportForEach *ForEach = *I; if (ForEach->isDummyRoot()) { mOut.indent() << "// No forEach_root(...)\n"; continue; } if (!CommentAdded) { mOut.comment("For each kernel of the script corresponds one method. " "That method queues the kernel for execution. The kernel " "may not have completed nor even started by the time this " "function returns. Calls that extract the data out of the " "output allocation will wait for the kernels to complete."); CommentAdded = true; } std::string FunctionStart = "void forEach_" + ForEach->getName() + "("; mOut.indent() << FunctionStart; ArgumentList Arguments; const RSExportForEach::InVec &Ins = ForEach->getIns(); for (RSExportForEach::InIter BI = Ins.begin(), EI = Ins.end(); BI != EI; BI++) { Arguments.push_back(Argument(kAllocationSp, (*BI)->getName())); } if (ForEach->hasOut() || ForEach->hasReturn()) { Arguments.push_back(Argument(kAllocationSp, "aout")); } const RSExportRecordType *ERT = ForEach->getParamPacketType(); if (ERT) { for (RSExportForEach::const_param_iterator i = ForEach->params_begin(), e = ForEach->params_end(); i != e; i++) { RSReflectionTypeData rtd; (*i)->getType()->convertToRTD(&rtd); Arguments.push_back(Argument(rtd.type->c_name, (*i)->getName())); } } genArguments(Arguments, FunctionStart.length()); mOut << ");\n"; } } void RSReflectionCpp::genExportFunctionDeclarations() { for (RSContext::const_export_func_iterator I = mRSContext->export_funcs_begin(), E = mRSContext->export_funcs_end(); I != E; I++) { const RSExportFunc *ef = *I; makeFunctionSignature(false, ef); } } // forEach_* implementation void RSReflectionCpp::genExportForEachBodies() { uint32_t slot = 0; for (auto I = mRSContext->export_foreach_begin(), E = mRSContext->export_foreach_end(); I != E; I++, slot++) { const RSExportForEach *ef = *I; if (ef->isDummyRoot()) { mOut.indent() << "// No forEach_root(...)\n"; continue; } ArgumentList Arguments; std::string FunctionStart = "void " + mClassName + "::forEach_" + ef->getName() + "("; mOut.indent() << FunctionStart; if (ef->hasIns()) { // FIXME: Add support for kernels with multiple inputs. slangAssert(ef->getIns().size() == 1); Arguments.push_back(Argument(kAllocationSp, "ain")); } if (ef->hasOut() || ef->hasReturn()) { Arguments.push_back(Argument(kAllocationSp, "aout")); } const RSExportRecordType *ERT = ef->getParamPacketType(); if (ERT) { for (RSExportForEach::const_param_iterator i = ef->params_begin(), e = ef->params_end(); i != e; i++) { RSReflectionTypeData rtd; (*i)->getType()->convertToRTD(&rtd); Arguments.push_back(Argument(rtd.type->c_name, (*i)->getName())); } } genArguments(Arguments, FunctionStart.length()); mOut << ")"; mOut.startBlock(); const RSExportType *OET = ef->getOutType(); const RSExportForEach::InTypeVec &InTypes = ef->getInTypes(); if (ef->hasIns()) { // FIXME: Add support for kernels with multiple inputs. slangAssert(ef->getIns().size() == 1); genTypeCheck(InTypes[0], "ain"); } if (OET) { genTypeCheck(OET, "aout"); } // TODO Add the appropriate dimension checking code, as seen in // slang_rs_reflection.cpp. std::string FieldPackerName = ef->getName() + "_fp"; if (ERT) { if (genCreateFieldPacker(ERT, FieldPackerName.c_str())) { genPackVarOfType(ERT, nullptr, FieldPackerName.c_str()); } } mOut.indent() << "forEach(" << slot << ", "; if (ef->hasIns()) { // FIXME: Add support for kernels with multiple inputs. slangAssert(ef->getIns().size() == 1); mOut << "ain, "; } else { mOut << "NULL, "; } if (ef->hasOut() || ef->hasReturn()) { mOut << "aout, "; } else { mOut << "NULL, "; } // FIXME (no support for usrData with C++ kernels) mOut << "NULL, 0);\n"; mOut.endBlock(); } } // invoke_* implementation void RSReflectionCpp::genExportFunctionBodies() { uint32_t slot = 0; // Reflect export function for (auto I = mRSContext->export_funcs_begin(), E = mRSContext->export_funcs_end(); I != E; I++) { const RSExportFunc *ef = *I; makeFunctionSignature(true, ef); mOut.startBlock(); const RSExportRecordType *params = ef->getParamPacketType(); size_t param_len = 0; if (params) { param_len = params->getAllocSize(); if (genCreateFieldPacker(params, "__fp")) { genPackVarOfType(params, nullptr, "__fp"); } } mOut.indent() << "invoke(" << slot; if (params) { mOut << ", __fp.getData(), " << param_len << ");\n"; } else { mOut << ", NULL, 0);\n"; } mOut.endBlock(); slot++; } } bool RSReflectionCpp::genEncodedBitCode() { FILE *pfin = fopen(mBitCodeFilePath.c_str(), "rb"); if (pfin == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not read file %s\n", mBitCodeFilePath.c_str()); return false; } unsigned char buf[16]; int read_length; mOut.indent() << "static const unsigned char __txt[] ="; mOut.startBlock(); while ((read_length = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), pfin)) > 0) { mOut.indent(); for (int i = 0; i < read_length; i++) { char buf2[16]; snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "0x%02x,", buf[i]); mOut << buf2; } mOut << "\n"; } mOut.endBlock(true); mOut << "\n"; return true; } bool RSReflectionCpp::writeImplementationFile() { if (!mOut.startFile(mOutputDirectory, mClassName + ".cpp", mRSSourceFilePath, mRSContext->getLicenseNote(), false, mRSContext->getVerbose())) { return false; } // Front matter mOut.indent() << "#include \"" << mClassName << ".h\"\n\n"; genEncodedBitCode(); mOut.indent() << "\n\n"; // Constructor const std::string &packageName = mRSContext->getReflectJavaPackageName(); mOut.indent() << mClassName << "::" << mClassName << "(android::RSC::sp rs):\n" " ScriptC(rs, __txt, sizeof(__txt), \"" << mCleanedRSFileName << "\", " << mCleanedRSFileName.length() << ", \"/data/data/" << packageName << "/app\", sizeof(\"" << packageName << "\"))"; mOut.startBlock(); for (std::set::iterator I = mTypesToCheck.begin(), E = mTypesToCheck.end(); I != E; I++) { mOut.indent() << kRsElemPrefix << *I << " = android::RSC::Element::" << *I << "(mRS);\n"; } for (RSContext::const_export_var_iterator I = mRSContext->export_vars_begin(), E = mRSContext->export_vars_end(); I != E; I++) { const RSExportVar *EV = *I; if (!EV->getInit().isUninit()) { genInitExportVariable(EV->getType(), EV->getName(), EV->getInit()); } else { genZeroInitExportVariable(EV->getName()); } } mOut.endBlock(); // Destructor mOut.indent() << mClassName << "::~" << mClassName << "()"; mOut.startBlock(); mOut.endBlock(); // Function bodies genExportForEachBodies(); genExportFunctionBodies(); mOut.closeFile(); return true; } void RSReflectionCpp::genExportVariablesGetterAndSetter() { mOut.comment("Methods to set and get the variables exported by the script. " "Const variables will not have a setter.\n\n" "Note that the value returned by the getter may not be the " "current value of the variable in the script. The getter will " "return the initial value of the variable (as defined in the " "script) or the the last value set by using the setter method. " "The script is free to modify its value independently."); for (RSContext::const_export_var_iterator I = mRSContext->export_vars_begin(), E = mRSContext->export_vars_end(); I != E; I++) { const RSExportVar *EV = *I; const RSExportType *ET = EV->getType(); switch (ET->getClass()) { case RSExportType::ExportClassPrimitive: { genGetterAndSetter(static_cast(ET), EV); break; } case RSExportType::ExportClassPointer: { // TODO Deprecate this. genPointerTypeExportVariable(EV); break; } case RSExportType::ExportClassVector: { genGetterAndSetter(static_cast(ET), EV); break; } case RSExportType::ExportClassMatrix: { genMatrixTypeExportVariable(EV); break; } case RSExportType::ExportClassConstantArray: { genGetterAndSetter(static_cast(ET), EV); break; } case RSExportType::ExportClassRecord: { genGetterAndSetter(static_cast(ET), EV); break; } default: { slangAssert(false && "Unknown class of type"); } } } } void RSReflectionCpp::genGetterAndSetter(const RSExportPrimitiveType *EPT, const RSExportVar *EV) { RSReflectionTypeData rtd; EPT->convertToRTD(&rtd); std::string TypeName = GetTypeName(EPT); if (!EV->isConst()) { mOut.indent() << "void set_" << EV->getName() << "(" << TypeName << " v)"; mOut.startBlock(); mOut.indent() << "setVar(" << getNextExportVarSlot() << ", "; if (EPT->isRSObjectType()) { mOut << "v"; } else { mOut << "&v, sizeof(v)"; } mOut << ");\n"; mOut.indent() << RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << EV->getName() << " = v;\n"; mOut.endBlock(); } mOut.indent() << TypeName << " get_" << EV->getName() << "() const"; mOut.startBlock(); if (EV->isConst()) { const clang::APValue &val = EV->getInit(); bool isBool = !strcmp(TypeName.c_str(), "bool"); mOut.indent() << "return "; genInitValue(val, isBool); mOut << ";\n"; } else { mOut.indent() << "return " << RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << EV->getName() << ";\n"; } mOut.endBlock(); } void RSReflectionCpp::genPointerTypeExportVariable(const RSExportVar *EV) { const RSExportType *ET = EV->getType(); slangAssert((ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassPointer) && "Variable should be type of pointer here"); std::string TypeName = GetTypeName(ET); const std::string &VarName = EV->getName(); RSReflectionTypeData rtd; EV->getType()->convertToRTD(&rtd); uint32_t slot = getNextExportVarSlot(); if (!EV->isConst()) { mOut.indent() << "void bind_" << VarName << "(" << TypeName << " v)"; mOut.startBlock(); mOut.indent() << "bindAllocation(v, " << slot << ");\n"; mOut.indent() << RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << VarName << " = v;\n"; mOut.endBlock(); } mOut.indent() << TypeName << " get_" << VarName << "() const"; mOut.startBlock(); if (EV->isConst()) { const clang::APValue &val = EV->getInit(); bool isBool = !strcmp(TypeName.c_str(), "bool"); mOut.indent() << "return "; genInitValue(val, isBool); mOut << ";\n"; } else { mOut.indent() << "return " << RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << VarName << ";\n"; } mOut.endBlock(); } void RSReflectionCpp::genGetterAndSetter(const RSExportVectorType *EVT, const RSExportVar *EV) { slangAssert(EVT != nullptr); RSReflectionTypeData rtd; EVT->convertToRTD(&rtd); if (!EV->isConst()) { mOut.indent() << "void set_" << EV->getName() << "(" << rtd.type->rs_c_vector_prefix << EVT->getNumElement() << " v)"; mOut.startBlock(); mOut.indent() << "setVar(" << getNextExportVarSlot() << ", &v, sizeof(v));\n"; mOut.indent() << RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << EV->getName() << " = v;\n"; mOut.endBlock(); } mOut.indent() << rtd.type->rs_c_vector_prefix << EVT->getNumElement() << " get_" << EV->getName() << "() const"; mOut.startBlock(); if (EV->isConst()) { const clang::APValue &val = EV->getInit(); mOut.indent() << "return "; genInitValue(val, false); mOut << ";\n"; } else { mOut.indent() << "return " << RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << EV->getName() << ";\n"; } mOut.endBlock(); } void RSReflectionCpp::genMatrixTypeExportVariable(const RSExportVar *EV) { uint32_t slot = getNextExportVarSlot(); stringstream tmp; tmp << slot; const RSExportType *ET = EV->getType(); if (ET->getName() == "rs_matrix4x4") { mOut.indent() << "void set_" << EV->getName() << "(float v[16])"; mOut.startBlock(); mOut.indent() << "setVar(" << tmp.str() << ", v, sizeof(float)*16);\n"; mOut.endBlock(); } else if (ET->getName() == "rs_matrix3x3") { mOut.indent() << "void set_" << EV->getName() << "(float v[9])"; mOut.startBlock(); mOut.indent() << "setVar(" << tmp.str() << ", v, sizeof(float)*9);"; mOut.endBlock(); } else if (ET->getName() == "rs_matrix2x2") { mOut.indent() << "void set_" << EV->getName() << "(float v[4])"; mOut.startBlock(); mOut.indent() << "setVar(" << tmp.str() << ", v, sizeof(float)*4);"; mOut.endBlock(); } else { mOut.indent() << "#error: TODO: " << ET->getName(); slangAssert(false); } } void RSReflectionCpp::genGetterAndSetter(const RSExportConstantArrayType *AT, const RSExportVar *EV) { std::stringstream ArraySpec; const RSExportType *ET = EV->getType(); const RSExportConstantArrayType *CAT = static_cast(ET); uint32_t slot = getNextExportVarSlot(); stringstream tmp; tmp << slot; ArraySpec << CAT->getNumElement(); mOut.indent() << "void set_" << EV->getName() << "(" << GetTypeName(EV->getType()) << " v " << GetTypeName(EV->getType(), false) << ")"; mOut.startBlock(); mOut.indent() << "setVar(" << tmp.str() << ", v, sizeof(" << GetTypeName(EV->getType()) + ") *" << ArraySpec.str() << ");"; mOut.endBlock(); } void RSReflectionCpp::genGetterAndSetter(const RSExportRecordType *ERT, const RSExportVar *EV) { slangAssert(false); } void RSReflectionCpp::makeFunctionSignature(bool isDefinition, const RSExportFunc *ef) { mOut.indent() << "void "; if (isDefinition) { mOut << mClassName << "::"; } mOut << "invoke_" << ef->getName() << "("; if (ef->getParamPacketType()) { bool FirstArg = true; for (RSExportFunc::const_param_iterator i = ef->params_begin(), e = ef->params_end(); i != e; i++) { if (!FirstArg) { mOut << ", "; } else { FirstArg = false; } mOut << GetTypeName((*i)->getType()) << " " << (*i)->getName(); } } if (isDefinition) { mOut << ")"; } else { mOut << ");\n"; } } void RSReflectionCpp::genArguments(const ArgumentList &Arguments, int Offset) { bool FirstArg = true; for (ArgumentList::const_iterator I = Arguments.begin(), E = Arguments.end(); I != E; I++) { if (!FirstArg) { mOut << ",\n"; mOut.indent() << string(Offset, ' '); } else { FirstArg = false; } mOut << I->Type << " " << I->Name; if (!I->DefaultValue.empty()) { mOut << " = " << I->DefaultValue; } } } bool RSReflectionCpp::genCreateFieldPacker(const RSExportType *ET, const char *FieldPackerName) { size_t AllocSize = ET->getAllocSize(); if (AllocSize > 0) { mOut.indent() << "android::RSC::FieldPacker " << FieldPackerName << "(" << AllocSize << ");\n"; return true; } return false; } void RSReflectionCpp::genPackVarOfType(const RSExportType *ET, const char *VarName, const char *FieldPackerName) { switch (ET->getClass()) { case RSExportType::ExportClassPrimitive: case RSExportType::ExportClassVector: case RSExportType::ExportClassPointer: case RSExportType::ExportClassMatrix: { mOut.indent() << FieldPackerName << ".add(" << VarName << ");\n"; break; } case RSExportType::ExportClassConstantArray: { /*const RSExportConstantArrayType *ECAT = static_cast(ET); // TODO(zonr): more elegant way. Currently, we obtain the unique index // variable (this method involves recursive call which means // we may have more than one level loop, therefore we can't // always use the same index variable name here) name given // in the for-loop from counting the '.' in @VarName. unsigned Level = 0; size_t LastDotPos = 0; std::string ElementVarName(VarName); while (LastDotPos != std::string::npos) { LastDotPos = ElementVarName.find_first_of('.', LastDotPos + 1); Level++; } std::string IndexVarName("ct"); IndexVarName.append(llvm::utostr(Level)); C.indent() << "for (int " << IndexVarName << " = 0; " << IndexVarName << " < " << ECAT->getSize() << "; " << IndexVarName << "++)"; C.startBlock(); ElementVarName.append("[" + IndexVarName + "]"); genPackVarOfType(C, ECAT->getElementType(), ElementVarName.c_str(), FieldPackerName); C.endBlock();*/ break; } case RSExportType::ExportClassRecord: { const RSExportRecordType *ERT = static_cast(ET); // Relative pos from now on in field packer unsigned Pos = 0; for (RSExportRecordType::const_field_iterator I = ERT->fields_begin(), E = ERT->fields_end(); I != E; I++) { const RSExportRecordType::Field *F = *I; std::string FieldName; size_t FieldOffset = F->getOffsetInParent(); const RSExportType *T = F->getType(); size_t FieldStoreSize = T->getStoreSize(); size_t FieldAllocSize = T->getAllocSize(); if (VarName != nullptr) FieldName = VarName + ("." + F->getName()); else FieldName = F->getName(); if (FieldOffset > Pos) { mOut.indent() << FieldPackerName << ".skip(" << (FieldOffset - Pos) << ");\n"; } genPackVarOfType(F->getType(), FieldName.c_str(), FieldPackerName); // There is padding in the field type if (FieldAllocSize > FieldStoreSize) { mOut.indent() << FieldPackerName << ".skip(" << (FieldAllocSize - FieldStoreSize) << ");\n"; } Pos = FieldOffset + FieldAllocSize; } // There maybe some padding after the struct if (ERT->getAllocSize() > Pos) { mOut.indent() << FieldPackerName << ".skip(" << ERT->getAllocSize() - Pos << ");\n"; } break; } default: { slangAssert(false && "Unknown class of type"); } } } void RSReflectionCpp::genTypeCheck(const RSExportType *ET, const char *VarName) { mOut.indent() << "// Type check for " << VarName << "\n"; if (ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassPointer) { const RSExportPointerType *EPT = static_cast(ET); ET = EPT->getPointeeType(); } std::string TypeName; switch (ET->getClass()) { case RSExportType::ExportClassPrimitive: case RSExportType::ExportClassVector: case RSExportType::ExportClassRecord: { TypeName = ET->getElementName(); break; } default: break; } if (!TypeName.empty()) { mOut.indent() << "if (!" << VarName << "->getType()->getElement()->isCompatible(" << kRsElemPrefix << TypeName << "))"; mOut.startBlock(); mOut.indent() << "mRS->throwError(RS_ERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR, " "\"Incompatible type\");\n"; mOut.indent() << "return;\n"; mOut.endBlock(); } } void RSReflectionCpp::genTypeInstanceFromPointer(const RSExportType *ET) { if (ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassPointer) { // For pointer parameters to original forEach kernels. const RSExportPointerType *EPT = static_cast(ET); genTypeInstance(EPT->getPointeeType()); } else { // For handling pass-by-value kernel parameters. genTypeInstance(ET); } } void RSReflectionCpp::genTypeInstance(const RSExportType *ET) { switch (ET->getClass()) { case RSExportType::ExportClassPrimitive: case RSExportType::ExportClassVector: case RSExportType::ExportClassConstantArray: case RSExportType::ExportClassRecord: { std::string TypeName = ET->getElementName(); mTypesToCheck.insert(TypeName); break; } default: break; } } void RSReflectionCpp::genInitExportVariable(const RSExportType *ET, const std::string &VarName, const clang::APValue &Val) { slangAssert(!Val.isUninit() && "Not a valid initializer"); switch (ET->getClass()) { case RSExportType::ExportClassPrimitive: { const RSExportPrimitiveType *EPT = static_cast(ET); if (EPT->getType() == DataTypeBoolean) { genInitBoolExportVariable(VarName, Val); } else { genInitPrimitiveExportVariable(VarName, Val); } break; } case RSExportType::ExportClassPointer: { if (!Val.isInt() || Val.getInt().getSExtValue() != 0) std::cerr << "Initializer which is non-NULL to pointer type variable " "will be ignored" << std::endl; break; } case RSExportType::ExportClassVector: { const RSExportVectorType *EVT = static_cast(ET); switch (Val.getKind()) { case clang::APValue::Int: case clang::APValue::Float: { for (unsigned i = 0; i < EVT->getNumElement(); i++) { std::string Name = VarName + "." + getVectorAccessor(i); genInitPrimitiveExportVariable(Name, Val); } break; } case clang::APValue::Vector: { unsigned NumElements = std::min( static_cast(EVT->getNumElement()), Val.getVectorLength()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumElements; i++) { const clang::APValue &ElementVal = Val.getVectorElt(i); std::string Name = VarName + "." + getVectorAccessor(i); genInitPrimitiveExportVariable(Name, ElementVal); } break; } case clang::APValue::MemberPointer: case clang::APValue::Uninitialized: case clang::APValue::ComplexInt: case clang::APValue::ComplexFloat: case clang::APValue::LValue: case clang::APValue::Array: case clang::APValue::Struct: case clang::APValue::Union: case clang::APValue::AddrLabelDiff: { slangAssert(false && "Unexpected type of value of initializer."); } } break; } case RSExportType::ExportClassMatrix: case RSExportType::ExportClassConstantArray: case RSExportType::ExportClassRecord: { slangAssert(false && "Unsupported initializer for record/matrix/constant " "array type variable currently"); break; } default: { slangAssert(false && "Unknown class of type"); } } } const char *RSReflectionCpp::getVectorAccessor(unsigned Index) { static const char *VectorAccessorMap[] = {/* 0 */ "x", /* 1 */ "y", /* 2 */ "z", /* 3 */ "w", }; slangAssert((Index < (sizeof(VectorAccessorMap) / sizeof(const char *))) && "Out-of-bound index to access vector member"); return VectorAccessorMap[Index]; } void RSReflectionCpp::genZeroInitExportVariable(const std::string &VarName) { mOut.indent() << "memset(&" << RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << VarName << ", 0, sizeof(" << RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << VarName << "));\n"; } void RSReflectionCpp::genInitPrimitiveExportVariable(const std::string &VarName, const clang::APValue &Val) { slangAssert(!Val.isUninit() && "Not a valid initializer"); mOut.indent() << RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << VarName << " = "; genInitValue(Val); mOut << ";\n"; } void RSReflectionCpp::genInitValue(const clang::APValue &Val, bool asBool) { switch (Val.getKind()) { case clang::APValue::Int: { const llvm::APInt &api = Val.getInt(); if (asBool) { mOut << ((api.getSExtValue() == 0) ? "false" : "true"); } else { // TODO: Handle unsigned correctly for C++ mOut << api.getSExtValue(); if (api.getBitWidth() > 32) { mOut << "L"; } } break; } case clang::APValue::Float: { const llvm::APFloat &apf = Val.getFloat(); llvm::SmallString<30> s; apf.toString(s); mOut << s.c_str(); if (&apf.getSemantics() == &llvm::APFloat::IEEEsingle) { if (s.count('.') == 0) { mOut << ".f"; } else { mOut << "f"; } } break; } case clang::APValue::ComplexInt: case clang::APValue::ComplexFloat: case clang::APValue::LValue: case clang::APValue::Vector: { slangAssert(false && "Primitive type cannot have such kind of initializer"); break; } default: { slangAssert(false && "Unknown kind of initializer"); } } } void RSReflectionCpp::genInitBoolExportVariable(const std::string &VarName, const clang::APValue &Val) { slangAssert(!Val.isUninit() && "Not a valid initializer"); slangAssert((Val.getKind() == clang::APValue::Int) && "Bool type has wrong initial APValue"); mOut.indent() << RS_EXPORT_VAR_PREFIX << VarName << " = " << ((Val.getInt().getSExtValue() == 0) ? "false" : "true") << ";"; } } // namespace slang