1 // Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "src/crankshaft/hydrogen-gvn.h"
7 #include "src/crankshaft/hydrogen.h"
8 #include "src/objects-inl.h"
9 #include "src/v8.h"
11 namespace v8 {
12 namespace internal {
14 class HInstructionMap final : public ZoneObject {
15  public:
HInstructionMap(Zone * zone,SideEffectsTracker * side_effects_tracker)16   HInstructionMap(Zone* zone, SideEffectsTracker* side_effects_tracker)
17       : array_size_(0),
18         lists_size_(0),
19         count_(0),
20         array_(NULL),
21         lists_(NULL),
22         free_list_head_(kNil),
23         side_effects_tracker_(side_effects_tracker) {
24     ResizeLists(kInitialSize, zone);
25     Resize(kInitialSize, zone);
26   }
28   void Kill(SideEffects side_effects);
Add(HInstruction * instr,Zone * zone)30   void Add(HInstruction* instr, Zone* zone) {
31     present_depends_on_.Add(side_effects_tracker_->ComputeDependsOn(instr));
32     Insert(instr, zone);
33   }
35   HInstruction* Lookup(HInstruction* instr) const;
Copy(Zone * zone) const37   HInstructionMap* Copy(Zone* zone) const {
38     return new(zone) HInstructionMap(zone, this);
39   }
IsEmpty() const41   bool IsEmpty() const { return count_ == 0; }
43  private:
44   // A linked list of HInstruction* values.  Stored in arrays.
45   struct HInstructionMapListElement {
46     HInstruction* instr;
47     int next;  // Index in the array of the next list element.
48   };
49   static const int kNil = -1;  // The end of a linked list
51   // Must be a power of 2.
52   static const int kInitialSize = 16;
54   HInstructionMap(Zone* zone, const HInstructionMap* other);
56   void Resize(int new_size, Zone* zone);
57   void ResizeLists(int new_size, Zone* zone);
58   void Insert(HInstruction* instr, Zone* zone);
Bound(uint32_t value) const59   uint32_t Bound(uint32_t value) const { return value & (array_size_ - 1); }
61   int array_size_;
62   int lists_size_;
63   int count_;  // The number of values stored in the HInstructionMap.
64   SideEffects present_depends_on_;
65   HInstructionMapListElement* array_;
66   // Primary store - contains the first value
67   // with a given hash.  Colliding elements are stored in linked lists.
68   HInstructionMapListElement* lists_;
69   // The linked lists containing hash collisions.
70   int free_list_head_;  // Unused elements in lists_ are on the free list.
71   SideEffectsTracker* side_effects_tracker_;
72 };
75 class HSideEffectMap final BASE_EMBEDDED {
76  public:
77   HSideEffectMap();
78   explicit HSideEffectMap(HSideEffectMap* other);
79   HSideEffectMap& operator= (const HSideEffectMap& other);
81   void Kill(SideEffects side_effects);
83   void Store(SideEffects side_effects, HInstruction* instr);
IsEmpty() const85   bool IsEmpty() const { return count_ == 0; }
operator [](int i) const87   inline HInstruction* operator[](int i) const {
88     DCHECK(0 <= i);
89     DCHECK(i < kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects);
90     return data_[i];
91   }
at(int i) const92   inline HInstruction* at(int i) const { return operator[](i); }
94  private:
95   int count_;
96   HInstruction* data_[kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects];
97 };
TraceGVN(const char * msg,...)100 void TraceGVN(const char* msg, ...) {
101   va_list arguments;
102   va_start(arguments, msg);
103   base::OS::VPrint(msg, arguments);
104   va_end(arguments);
105 }
108 // Wrap TraceGVN in macros to avoid the expense of evaluating its arguments when
109 // --trace-gvn is off.
110 #define TRACE_GVN_1(msg, a1)                    \
111   if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {                         \
112     TraceGVN(msg, a1);                          \
113   }
115 #define TRACE_GVN_2(msg, a1, a2)                \
116   if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {                         \
117     TraceGVN(msg, a1, a2);                      \
118   }
120 #define TRACE_GVN_3(msg, a1, a2, a3)            \
121   if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {                         \
122     TraceGVN(msg, a1, a2, a3);                  \
123   }
125 #define TRACE_GVN_4(msg, a1, a2, a3, a4)        \
126   if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {                         \
127     TraceGVN(msg, a1, a2, a3, a4);              \
128   }
130 #define TRACE_GVN_5(msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)    \
131   if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {                         \
132     TraceGVN(msg, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);          \
133   }
HInstructionMap(Zone * zone,const HInstructionMap * other)136 HInstructionMap::HInstructionMap(Zone* zone, const HInstructionMap* other)
137     : array_size_(other->array_size_),
138       lists_size_(other->lists_size_),
139       count_(other->count_),
140       present_depends_on_(other->present_depends_on_),
141       array_(zone->NewArray<HInstructionMapListElement>(other->array_size_)),
142       lists_(zone->NewArray<HInstructionMapListElement>(other->lists_size_)),
143       free_list_head_(other->free_list_head_),
144       side_effects_tracker_(other->side_effects_tracker_) {
145   MemCopy(array_, other->array_,
146           array_size_ * sizeof(HInstructionMapListElement));
147   MemCopy(lists_, other->lists_,
148           lists_size_ * sizeof(HInstructionMapListElement));
149 }
Kill(SideEffects changes)152 void HInstructionMap::Kill(SideEffects changes) {
153   if (!present_depends_on_.ContainsAnyOf(changes)) return;
154   present_depends_on_.RemoveAll();
155   for (int i = 0; i < array_size_; ++i) {
156     HInstruction* instr = array_[i].instr;
157     if (instr != NULL) {
158       // Clear list of collisions first, so we know if it becomes empty.
159       int kept = kNil;  // List of kept elements.
160       int next;
161       for (int current = array_[i].next; current != kNil; current = next) {
162         next = lists_[current].next;
163         HInstruction* instr = lists_[current].instr;
164         SideEffects depends_on = side_effects_tracker_->ComputeDependsOn(instr);
165         if (depends_on.ContainsAnyOf(changes)) {
166           // Drop it.
167           count_--;
168           lists_[current].next = free_list_head_;
169           free_list_head_ = current;
170         } else {
171           // Keep it.
172           lists_[current].next = kept;
173           kept = current;
174           present_depends_on_.Add(depends_on);
175         }
176       }
177       array_[i].next = kept;
179       // Now possibly drop directly indexed element.
180       instr = array_[i].instr;
181       SideEffects depends_on = side_effects_tracker_->ComputeDependsOn(instr);
182       if (depends_on.ContainsAnyOf(changes)) {  // Drop it.
183         count_--;
184         int head = array_[i].next;
185         if (head == kNil) {
186           array_[i].instr = NULL;
187         } else {
188           array_[i].instr = lists_[head].instr;
189           array_[i].next = lists_[head].next;
190           lists_[head].next = free_list_head_;
191           free_list_head_ = head;
192         }
193       } else {
194         present_depends_on_.Add(depends_on);  // Keep it.
195       }
196     }
197   }
198 }
Lookup(HInstruction * instr) const201 HInstruction* HInstructionMap::Lookup(HInstruction* instr) const {
202   uint32_t hash = static_cast<uint32_t>(instr->Hashcode());
203   uint32_t pos = Bound(hash);
204   if (array_[pos].instr != NULL) {
205     if (array_[pos].instr->Equals(instr)) return array_[pos].instr;
206     int next = array_[pos].next;
207     while (next != kNil) {
208       if (lists_[next].instr->Equals(instr)) return lists_[next].instr;
209       next = lists_[next].next;
210     }
211   }
212   return NULL;
213 }
Resize(int new_size,Zone * zone)216 void HInstructionMap::Resize(int new_size, Zone* zone) {
217   DCHECK(new_size > count_);
218   // Hashing the values into the new array has no more collisions than in the
219   // old hash map, so we can use the existing lists_ array, if we are careful.
221   // Make sure we have at least one free element.
222   if (free_list_head_ == kNil) {
223     ResizeLists(lists_size_ << 1, zone);
224   }
226   HInstructionMapListElement* new_array =
227       zone->NewArray<HInstructionMapListElement>(new_size);
228   memset(new_array, 0, sizeof(HInstructionMapListElement) * new_size);
230   HInstructionMapListElement* old_array = array_;
231   int old_size = array_size_;
233   int old_count = count_;
234   count_ = 0;
235   // Do not modify present_depends_on_.  It is currently correct.
236   array_size_ = new_size;
237   array_ = new_array;
239   if (old_array != NULL) {
240     // Iterate over all the elements in lists, rehashing them.
241     for (int i = 0; i < old_size; ++i) {
242       if (old_array[i].instr != NULL) {
243         int current = old_array[i].next;
244         while (current != kNil) {
245           Insert(lists_[current].instr, zone);
246           int next = lists_[current].next;
247           lists_[current].next = free_list_head_;
248           free_list_head_ = current;
249           current = next;
250         }
251         // Rehash the directly stored instruction.
252         Insert(old_array[i].instr, zone);
253       }
254     }
255   }
256   USE(old_count);
257   DCHECK(count_ == old_count);
258 }
ResizeLists(int new_size,Zone * zone)261 void HInstructionMap::ResizeLists(int new_size, Zone* zone) {
262   DCHECK(new_size > lists_size_);
264   HInstructionMapListElement* new_lists =
265       zone->NewArray<HInstructionMapListElement>(new_size);
266   memset(new_lists, 0, sizeof(HInstructionMapListElement) * new_size);
268   HInstructionMapListElement* old_lists = lists_;
269   int old_size = lists_size_;
271   lists_size_ = new_size;
272   lists_ = new_lists;
274   if (old_lists != NULL) {
275     MemCopy(lists_, old_lists, old_size * sizeof(HInstructionMapListElement));
276   }
277   for (int i = old_size; i < lists_size_; ++i) {
278     lists_[i].next = free_list_head_;
279     free_list_head_ = i;
280   }
281 }
Insert(HInstruction * instr,Zone * zone)284 void HInstructionMap::Insert(HInstruction* instr, Zone* zone) {
285   DCHECK(instr != NULL);
286   // Resizing when half of the hashtable is filled up.
287   if (count_ >= array_size_ >> 1) Resize(array_size_ << 1, zone);
288   DCHECK(count_ < array_size_);
289   count_++;
290   uint32_t pos = Bound(static_cast<uint32_t>(instr->Hashcode()));
291   if (array_[pos].instr == NULL) {
292     array_[pos].instr = instr;
293     array_[pos].next = kNil;
294   } else {
295     if (free_list_head_ == kNil) {
296       ResizeLists(lists_size_ << 1, zone);
297     }
298     int new_element_pos = free_list_head_;
299     DCHECK(new_element_pos != kNil);
300     free_list_head_ = lists_[free_list_head_].next;
301     lists_[new_element_pos].instr = instr;
302     lists_[new_element_pos].next = array_[pos].next;
303     DCHECK(array_[pos].next == kNil || lists_[array_[pos].next].instr != NULL);
304     array_[pos].next = new_element_pos;
305   }
306 }
HSideEffectMap()309 HSideEffectMap::HSideEffectMap() : count_(0) {
310   memset(data_, 0, kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects * kPointerSize);
311 }
HSideEffectMap(HSideEffectMap * other)314 HSideEffectMap::HSideEffectMap(HSideEffectMap* other) : count_(other->count_) {
315   *this = *other;  // Calls operator=.
316 }
operator =(const HSideEffectMap & other)319 HSideEffectMap& HSideEffectMap::operator=(const HSideEffectMap& other) {
320   if (this != &other) {
321     MemCopy(data_, other.data_, kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects * kPointerSize);
322   }
323   return *this;
324 }
Kill(SideEffects side_effects)327 void HSideEffectMap::Kill(SideEffects side_effects) {
328   for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects; i++) {
329     if (side_effects.ContainsFlag(GVNFlagFromInt(i))) {
330       if (data_[i] != NULL) count_--;
331       data_[i] = NULL;
332     }
333   }
334 }
Store(SideEffects side_effects,HInstruction * instr)337 void HSideEffectMap::Store(SideEffects side_effects, HInstruction* instr) {
338   for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects; i++) {
339     if (side_effects.ContainsFlag(GVNFlagFromInt(i))) {
340       if (data_[i] == NULL) count_++;
341       data_[i] = instr;
342     }
343   }
344 }
ComputeChanges(HInstruction * instr)347 SideEffects SideEffectsTracker::ComputeChanges(HInstruction* instr) {
348   int index;
349   SideEffects result(instr->ChangesFlags());
350   if (result.ContainsFlag(kGlobalVars)) {
351     if (instr->IsStoreNamedField()) {
352       HStoreNamedField* store = HStoreNamedField::cast(instr);
353       HConstant* target = HConstant::cast(store->object());
354       if (ComputeGlobalVar(Unique<PropertyCell>::cast(target->GetUnique()),
355                            &index)) {
356         result.RemoveFlag(kGlobalVars);
357         result.AddSpecial(GlobalVar(index));
358         return result;
359       }
360     }
361     for (index = 0; index < kNumberOfGlobalVars; ++index) {
362       result.AddSpecial(GlobalVar(index));
363     }
364   } else if (result.ContainsFlag(kInobjectFields)) {
365     if (instr->IsStoreNamedField() &&
366         ComputeInobjectField(HStoreNamedField::cast(instr)->access(), &index)) {
367       result.RemoveFlag(kInobjectFields);
368       result.AddSpecial(InobjectField(index));
369     } else {
370       for (index = 0; index < kNumberOfInobjectFields; ++index) {
371         result.AddSpecial(InobjectField(index));
372       }
373     }
374   }
375   return result;
376 }
ComputeDependsOn(HInstruction * instr)379 SideEffects SideEffectsTracker::ComputeDependsOn(HInstruction* instr) {
380   int index;
381   SideEffects result(instr->DependsOnFlags());
382   if (result.ContainsFlag(kGlobalVars)) {
383     if (instr->IsLoadNamedField()) {
384       HLoadNamedField* load = HLoadNamedField::cast(instr);
385       HConstant* target = HConstant::cast(load->object());
386       if (ComputeGlobalVar(Unique<PropertyCell>::cast(target->GetUnique()),
387                            &index)) {
388         result.RemoveFlag(kGlobalVars);
389         result.AddSpecial(GlobalVar(index));
390         return result;
391       }
392     }
393     for (index = 0; index < kNumberOfGlobalVars; ++index) {
394       result.AddSpecial(GlobalVar(index));
395     }
396   } else if (result.ContainsFlag(kInobjectFields)) {
397     if (instr->IsLoadNamedField() &&
398         ComputeInobjectField(HLoadNamedField::cast(instr)->access(), &index)) {
399       result.RemoveFlag(kInobjectFields);
400       result.AddSpecial(InobjectField(index));
401     } else {
402       for (index = 0; index < kNumberOfInobjectFields; ++index) {
403         result.AddSpecial(InobjectField(index));
404       }
405     }
406   }
407   return result;
408 }
operator <<(std::ostream & os,const TrackedEffects & te)411 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TrackedEffects& te) {
412   SideEffectsTracker* t = te.tracker;
413   const char* separator = "";
414   os << "[";
415   for (int bit = 0; bit < kNumberOfFlags; ++bit) {
416     GVNFlag flag = GVNFlagFromInt(bit);
417     if (te.effects.ContainsFlag(flag)) {
418       os << separator;
419       separator = ", ";
420       switch (flag) {
421 #define DECLARE_FLAG(Type) \
422   case k##Type:            \
423     os << #Type;           \
424     break;
427 #undef DECLARE_FLAG
428         default:
429             break;
430       }
431     }
432   }
433   for (int index = 0; index < t->num_global_vars_; ++index) {
434     if (te.effects.ContainsSpecial(t->GlobalVar(index))) {
435       os << separator << "[" << *t->global_vars_[index].handle() << "]";
436       separator = ", ";
437     }
438   }
439   for (int index = 0; index < t->num_inobject_fields_; ++index) {
440     if (te.effects.ContainsSpecial(t->InobjectField(index))) {
441       os << separator << t->inobject_fields_[index];
442       separator = ", ";
443     }
444   }
445   os << "]";
446   return os;
447 }
ComputeGlobalVar(Unique<PropertyCell> cell,int * index)450 bool SideEffectsTracker::ComputeGlobalVar(Unique<PropertyCell> cell,
451                                           int* index) {
452   for (int i = 0; i < num_global_vars_; ++i) {
453     if (cell == global_vars_[i]) {
454       *index = i;
455       return true;
456     }
457   }
458   if (num_global_vars_ < kNumberOfGlobalVars) {
459     if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {
460       OFStream os(stdout);
461       os << "Tracking global var [" << *cell.handle() << "] "
462          << "(mapped to index " << num_global_vars_ << ")" << std::endl;
463     }
464     *index = num_global_vars_;
465     global_vars_[num_global_vars_++] = cell;
466     return true;
467   }
468   return false;
469 }
ComputeInobjectField(HObjectAccess access,int * index)472 bool SideEffectsTracker::ComputeInobjectField(HObjectAccess access,
473                                               int* index) {
474   for (int i = 0; i < num_inobject_fields_; ++i) {
475     if (access.Equals(inobject_fields_[i])) {
476       *index = i;
477       return true;
478     }
479   }
480   if (num_inobject_fields_ < kNumberOfInobjectFields) {
481     if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {
482       OFStream os(stdout);
483       os << "Tracking inobject field access " << access << " (mapped to index "
484          << num_inobject_fields_ << ")" << std::endl;
485     }
486     *index = num_inobject_fields_;
487     inobject_fields_[num_inobject_fields_++] = access;
488     return true;
489   }
490   return false;
491 }
HGlobalValueNumberingPhase(HGraph * graph)494 HGlobalValueNumberingPhase::HGlobalValueNumberingPhase(HGraph* graph)
495     : HPhase("H_Global value numbering", graph),
496       removed_side_effects_(false),
497       block_side_effects_(graph->blocks()->length(), zone()),
498       loop_side_effects_(graph->blocks()->length(), zone()),
499       visited_on_paths_(graph->blocks()->length(), zone()) {
500   DCHECK(!AllowHandleAllocation::IsAllowed());
501   block_side_effects_.AddBlock(
502       SideEffects(), graph->blocks()->length(), zone());
503   loop_side_effects_.AddBlock(
504       SideEffects(), graph->blocks()->length(), zone());
505 }
Run()508 void HGlobalValueNumberingPhase::Run() {
509   DCHECK(!removed_side_effects_);
510   for (int i = FLAG_gvn_iterations; i > 0; --i) {
511     // Compute the side effects.
512     ComputeBlockSideEffects();
514     // Perform loop invariant code motion if requested.
515     if (FLAG_loop_invariant_code_motion) LoopInvariantCodeMotion();
517     // Perform the actual value numbering.
518     AnalyzeGraph();
520     // Continue GVN if we removed any side effects.
521     if (!removed_side_effects_) break;
522     removed_side_effects_ = false;
524     // Clear all side effects.
525     DCHECK_EQ(block_side_effects_.length(), graph()->blocks()->length());
526     DCHECK_EQ(loop_side_effects_.length(), graph()->blocks()->length());
527     for (int i = 0; i < graph()->blocks()->length(); ++i) {
528       block_side_effects_[i].RemoveAll();
529       loop_side_effects_[i].RemoveAll();
530     }
531     visited_on_paths_.Clear();
532   }
533 }
ComputeBlockSideEffects()536 void HGlobalValueNumberingPhase::ComputeBlockSideEffects() {
537   for (int i = graph()->blocks()->length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
538     // Compute side effects for the block.
539     HBasicBlock* block = graph()->blocks()->at(i);
540     SideEffects side_effects;
541     if (block->IsReachable() && !block->IsDeoptimizing()) {
542       int id = block->block_id();
543       for (HInstructionIterator it(block); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
544         HInstruction* instr = it.Current();
545         side_effects.Add(side_effects_tracker_.ComputeChanges(instr));
546       }
547       block_side_effects_[id].Add(side_effects);
549       // Loop headers are part of their loop.
550       if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
551         loop_side_effects_[id].Add(side_effects);
552       }
554       // Propagate loop side effects upwards.
555       if (block->HasParentLoopHeader()) {
556         HBasicBlock* with_parent = block;
557         if (block->IsLoopHeader()) side_effects = loop_side_effects_[id];
558         do {
559           HBasicBlock* parent_block = with_parent->parent_loop_header();
560           loop_side_effects_[parent_block->block_id()].Add(side_effects);
561           with_parent = parent_block;
562         } while (with_parent->HasParentLoopHeader());
563       }
564     }
565   }
566 }
LoopInvariantCodeMotion()569 void HGlobalValueNumberingPhase::LoopInvariantCodeMotion() {
570   TRACE_GVN_1("Using optimistic loop invariant code motion: %s\n",
571               graph()->use_optimistic_licm() ? "yes" : "no");
572   for (int i = graph()->blocks()->length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
573     HBasicBlock* block = graph()->blocks()->at(i);
574     if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
575       SideEffects side_effects = loop_side_effects_[block->block_id()];
576       if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {
577         OFStream os(stdout);
578         os << "Try loop invariant motion for " << *block << " changes "
579            << Print(side_effects) << std::endl;
580       }
581       HBasicBlock* last = block->loop_information()->GetLastBackEdge();
582       for (int j = block->block_id(); j <= last->block_id(); ++j) {
583         ProcessLoopBlock(graph()->blocks()->at(j), block, side_effects);
584       }
585     }
586   }
587 }
ProcessLoopBlock(HBasicBlock * block,HBasicBlock * loop_header,SideEffects loop_kills)590 void HGlobalValueNumberingPhase::ProcessLoopBlock(
591     HBasicBlock* block,
592     HBasicBlock* loop_header,
593     SideEffects loop_kills) {
594   HBasicBlock* pre_header = loop_header->predecessors()->at(0);
595   if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {
596     OFStream os(stdout);
597     os << "Loop invariant code motion for " << *block << " depends on "
598        << Print(loop_kills) << std::endl;
599   }
600   HInstruction* instr = block->first();
601   while (instr != NULL) {
602     HInstruction* next = instr->next();
603     if (instr->CheckFlag(HValue::kUseGVN)) {
604       SideEffects changes = side_effects_tracker_.ComputeChanges(instr);
605       SideEffects depends_on = side_effects_tracker_.ComputeDependsOn(instr);
606       if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {
607         OFStream os(stdout);
608         os << "Checking instruction i" << instr->id() << " ("
609            << instr->Mnemonic() << ") changes " << Print(changes)
610            << ", depends on " << Print(depends_on) << ". Loop changes "
611            << Print(loop_kills) << std::endl;
612       }
613       bool can_hoist = !depends_on.ContainsAnyOf(loop_kills);
614       if (can_hoist && !graph()->use_optimistic_licm()) {
615         can_hoist = block->IsLoopSuccessorDominator();
616       }
618       if (can_hoist) {
619         bool inputs_loop_invariant = true;
620         for (int i = 0; i < instr->OperandCount(); ++i) {
621           if (instr->OperandAt(i)->IsDefinedAfter(pre_header)) {
622             inputs_loop_invariant = false;
623           }
624         }
626         if (inputs_loop_invariant && ShouldMove(instr, loop_header)) {
627           TRACE_GVN_2("Hoisting loop invariant instruction i%d to block B%d\n",
628                       instr->id(), pre_header->block_id());
629           // Move the instruction out of the loop.
630           instr->Unlink();
631           instr->InsertBefore(pre_header->end());
632           if (instr->HasSideEffects()) removed_side_effects_ = true;
633         }
634       }
635     }
636     instr = next;
637   }
638 }
ShouldMove(HInstruction * instr,HBasicBlock * loop_header)641 bool HGlobalValueNumberingPhase::ShouldMove(HInstruction* instr,
642                                             HBasicBlock* loop_header) {
643   // If we've disabled code motion or we're in a block that unconditionally
644   // deoptimizes, don't move any instructions.
645   return graph()->allow_code_motion() && !instr->block()->IsDeoptimizing() &&
646          instr->block()->IsReachable();
647 }
650 SideEffects
CollectSideEffectsOnPathsToDominatedBlock(HBasicBlock * dominator,HBasicBlock * dominated)651 HGlobalValueNumberingPhase::CollectSideEffectsOnPathsToDominatedBlock(
652     HBasicBlock* dominator, HBasicBlock* dominated) {
653   SideEffects side_effects;
654   for (int i = 0; i < dominated->predecessors()->length(); ++i) {
655     HBasicBlock* block = dominated->predecessors()->at(i);
656     if (dominator->block_id() < block->block_id() &&
657         block->block_id() < dominated->block_id() &&
658         !visited_on_paths_.Contains(block->block_id())) {
659       visited_on_paths_.Add(block->block_id());
660       side_effects.Add(block_side_effects_[block->block_id()]);
661       if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
662         side_effects.Add(loop_side_effects_[block->block_id()]);
663       }
664       side_effects.Add(CollectSideEffectsOnPathsToDominatedBlock(
665           dominator, block));
666     }
667   }
668   return side_effects;
669 }
672 // Each instance of this class is like a "stack frame" for the recursive
673 // traversal of the dominator tree done during GVN (the stack is handled
674 // as a double linked list).
675 // We reuse frames when possible so the list length is limited by the depth
676 // of the dominator tree but this forces us to initialize each frame calling
677 // an explicit "Initialize" method instead of a using constructor.
678 class GvnBasicBlockState: public ZoneObject {
679  public:
CreateEntry(Zone * zone,HBasicBlock * entry_block,HInstructionMap * entry_map)680   static GvnBasicBlockState* CreateEntry(Zone* zone,
681                                          HBasicBlock* entry_block,
682                                          HInstructionMap* entry_map) {
683     return new(zone)
684         GvnBasicBlockState(NULL, entry_block, entry_map, NULL, zone);
685   }
block()687   HBasicBlock* block() { return block_; }
map()688   HInstructionMap* map() { return map_; }
dominators()689   HSideEffectMap* dominators() { return &dominators_; }
next_in_dominator_tree_traversal(Zone * zone,HBasicBlock ** dominator)691   GvnBasicBlockState* next_in_dominator_tree_traversal(
692       Zone* zone,
693       HBasicBlock** dominator) {
694     // This assignment needs to happen before calling next_dominated() because
695     // that call can reuse "this" if we are at the last dominated block.
696     *dominator = block();
697     GvnBasicBlockState* result = next_dominated(zone);
698     if (result == NULL) {
699       GvnBasicBlockState* dominator_state = pop();
700       if (dominator_state != NULL) {
701         // This branch is guaranteed not to return NULL because pop() never
702         // returns a state where "is_done() == true".
703         *dominator = dominator_state->block();
704         result = dominator_state->next_dominated(zone);
705       } else {
706         // Unnecessary (we are returning NULL) but done for cleanness.
707         *dominator = NULL;
708       }
709     }
710     return result;
711   }
713  private:
Initialize(HBasicBlock * block,HInstructionMap * map,HSideEffectMap * dominators,bool copy_map,Zone * zone)714   void Initialize(HBasicBlock* block,
715                   HInstructionMap* map,
716                   HSideEffectMap* dominators,
717                   bool copy_map,
718                   Zone* zone) {
719     block_ = block;
720     map_ = copy_map ? map->Copy(zone) : map;
721     dominated_index_ = -1;
722     length_ = block->dominated_blocks()->length();
723     if (dominators != NULL) {
724       dominators_ = *dominators;
725     }
726   }
is_done()727   bool is_done() { return dominated_index_ >= length_; }
GvnBasicBlockState(GvnBasicBlockState * previous,HBasicBlock * block,HInstructionMap * map,HSideEffectMap * dominators,Zone * zone)729   GvnBasicBlockState(GvnBasicBlockState* previous,
730                      HBasicBlock* block,
731                      HInstructionMap* map,
732                      HSideEffectMap* dominators,
733                      Zone* zone)
734       : previous_(previous), next_(NULL) {
735     Initialize(block, map, dominators, true, zone);
736   }
next_dominated(Zone * zone)738   GvnBasicBlockState* next_dominated(Zone* zone) {
739     dominated_index_++;
740     if (dominated_index_ == length_ - 1) {
741       // No need to copy the map for the last child in the dominator tree.
742       Initialize(block_->dominated_blocks()->at(dominated_index_),
743                  map(),
744                  dominators(),
745                  false,
746                  zone);
747       return this;
748     } else if (dominated_index_ < length_) {
749       return push(zone, block_->dominated_blocks()->at(dominated_index_));
750     } else {
751       return NULL;
752     }
753   }
push(Zone * zone,HBasicBlock * block)755   GvnBasicBlockState* push(Zone* zone, HBasicBlock* block) {
756     if (next_ == NULL) {
757       next_ =
758           new(zone) GvnBasicBlockState(this, block, map(), dominators(), zone);
759     } else {
760       next_->Initialize(block, map(), dominators(), true, zone);
761     }
762     return next_;
763   }
pop()764   GvnBasicBlockState* pop() {
765     GvnBasicBlockState* result = previous_;
766     while (result != NULL && result->is_done()) {
767       TRACE_GVN_2("Backtracking from block B%d to block b%d\n",
768                   block()->block_id(),
769                   previous_->block()->block_id())
770       result = result->previous_;
771     }
772     return result;
773   }
775   GvnBasicBlockState* previous_;
776   GvnBasicBlockState* next_;
777   HBasicBlock* block_;
778   HInstructionMap* map_;
779   HSideEffectMap dominators_;
780   int dominated_index_;
781   int length_;
782 };
785 // This is a recursive traversal of the dominator tree but it has been turned
786 // into a loop to avoid stack overflows.
787 // The logical "stack frames" of the recursion are kept in a list of
788 // GvnBasicBlockState instances.
AnalyzeGraph()789 void HGlobalValueNumberingPhase::AnalyzeGraph() {
790   HBasicBlock* entry_block = graph()->entry_block();
791   HInstructionMap* entry_map =
792       new(zone()) HInstructionMap(zone(), &side_effects_tracker_);
793   GvnBasicBlockState* current =
794       GvnBasicBlockState::CreateEntry(zone(), entry_block, entry_map);
796   while (current != NULL) {
797     HBasicBlock* block = current->block();
798     HInstructionMap* map = current->map();
799     HSideEffectMap* dominators = current->dominators();
801     TRACE_GVN_2("Analyzing block B%d%s\n",
802                 block->block_id(),
803                 block->IsLoopHeader() ? " (loop header)" : "");
805     // If this is a loop header kill everything killed by the loop.
806     if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
807       map->Kill(loop_side_effects_[block->block_id()]);
808       dominators->Kill(loop_side_effects_[block->block_id()]);
809     }
811     // Go through all instructions of the current block.
812     for (HInstructionIterator it(block); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
813       HInstruction* instr = it.Current();
814       if (instr->CheckFlag(HValue::kTrackSideEffectDominators)) {
815         for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfTrackedSideEffects; i++) {
816           HValue* other = dominators->at(i);
817           GVNFlag flag = GVNFlagFromInt(i);
818           if (instr->DependsOnFlags().Contains(flag) && other != NULL) {
819             TRACE_GVN_5("Side-effect #%d in %d (%s) is dominated by %d (%s)\n",
820                         i,
821                         instr->id(),
822                         instr->Mnemonic(),
823                         other->id(),
824                         other->Mnemonic());
825             if (instr->HandleSideEffectDominator(flag, other)) {
826               removed_side_effects_ = true;
827             }
828           }
829         }
830       }
831       // Instruction was unlinked during graph traversal.
832       if (!instr->IsLinked()) continue;
834       SideEffects changes = side_effects_tracker_.ComputeChanges(instr);
835       if (!changes.IsEmpty()) {
836         // Clear all instructions in the map that are affected by side effects.
837         // Store instruction as the dominating one for tracked side effects.
838         map->Kill(changes);
839         dominators->Store(changes, instr);
840         if (FLAG_trace_gvn) {
841           OFStream os(stdout);
842           os << "Instruction i" << instr->id() << " changes " << Print(changes)
843              << std::endl;
844         }
845       }
846       if (instr->CheckFlag(HValue::kUseGVN) &&
847           !instr->CheckFlag(HValue::kCantBeReplaced)) {
848         DCHECK(!instr->HasObservableSideEffects());
849         HInstruction* other = map->Lookup(instr);
850         if (other != NULL) {
851           DCHECK(instr->Equals(other) && other->Equals(instr));
852           TRACE_GVN_4("Replacing instruction i%d (%s) with i%d (%s)\n",
853                       instr->id(),
854                       instr->Mnemonic(),
855                       other->id(),
856                       other->Mnemonic());
857           if (instr->HasSideEffects()) removed_side_effects_ = true;
858           instr->DeleteAndReplaceWith(other);
859         } else {
860           map->Add(instr, zone());
861         }
862       }
863     }
865     HBasicBlock* dominator_block;
866     GvnBasicBlockState* next =
867         current->next_in_dominator_tree_traversal(zone(),
868                                                   &dominator_block);
870     if (next != NULL) {
871       HBasicBlock* dominated = next->block();
872       HInstructionMap* successor_map = next->map();
873       HSideEffectMap* successor_dominators = next->dominators();
875       // Kill everything killed on any path between this block and the
876       // dominated block.  We don't have to traverse these paths if the
877       // value map and the dominators list is already empty.  If the range
878       // of block ids (block_id, dominated_id) is empty there are no such
879       // paths.
880       if ((!successor_map->IsEmpty() || !successor_dominators->IsEmpty()) &&
881           dominator_block->block_id() + 1 < dominated->block_id()) {
882         visited_on_paths_.Clear();
883         SideEffects side_effects_on_all_paths =
884             CollectSideEffectsOnPathsToDominatedBlock(dominator_block,
885                                                       dominated);
886         successor_map->Kill(side_effects_on_all_paths);
887         successor_dominators->Kill(side_effects_on_all_paths);
888       }
889     }
890     current = next;
891   }
892 }
894 }  // namespace internal
895 }  // namespace v8