1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <cstdint>
21 #include <iosfwd>
23 #include <android-base/logging.h>
25 #include "base/bit_utils.h"
26 #include "read_barrier.h"
28 namespace art {
29 namespace mirror {
30 class Object;
31 }  // namespace mirror
33 class Monitor;
35 /* The lock value itself as stored in mirror::Object::monitor_.  The two most significant bits of
36  * the state. The four possible states are fat locked, thin/unlocked, hash code, and forwarding
37  * address.
38  *
39  * When the lock word is in the "thin" state and its bits are formatted as follows:
40  *
41  *  |33|2|2|222222221111|1111110000000000|
42  *  |10|9|8|765432109876|5432109876543210|
43  *  |00|m|r| lock count |thread id owner |
44  *
45  * When the lock word is in the "fat" state and its bits are formatted as follows:
46  *
47  *  |33|2|2|2222222211111111110000000000|
48  *  |10|9|8|7654321098765432109876543210|
49  *  |01|m|r| MonitorId                  |
50  *
51  * When the lock word is in hash state and its bits are formatted as follows:
52  *
53  *  |33|2|2|2222222211111111110000000000|
54  *  |10|9|8|7654321098765432109876543210|
55  *  |10|m|r| HashCode                   |
56  *
57  * When the lock word is in forwarding address state and its bits are formatted as follows:
58  *
59  *  |33|2|22222222211111111110000000000|
60  *  |10|9|87654321098765432109876543210|
61  *  |11|0| ForwardingAddress           |
62  *
63  * The `r` bit stores the read barrier state.
64  * The `m` bit stores the mark bit state.
65  */
66 class LockWord {
67  public:
68   enum SizeShiftsAndMasks : uint32_t {  // private marker to avoid generate-operator-out.py from processing.
69     // Number of bits to encode the state, currently just fat or thin/unlocked or hash code.
70     kStateSize = 2,
71     kReadBarrierStateSize = 1,
72     kMarkBitStateSize = 1,
73     // Number of bits to encode the thin lock owner.
74     kThinLockOwnerSize = 16,
75     // Remaining bits are the recursive lock count.
76     kThinLockCountSize = 32 - kThinLockOwnerSize - kStateSize - kReadBarrierStateSize -
77         kMarkBitStateSize,
78     // Thin lock bits. Owner in lowest bits.
80     kThinLockOwnerShift = 0,
81     kThinLockOwnerMask = (1 << kThinLockOwnerSize) - 1,
82     kThinLockMaxOwner = kThinLockOwnerMask,
83     // Count in higher bits.
84     kThinLockCountShift = kThinLockOwnerSize + kThinLockOwnerShift,
85     kThinLockCountMask = (1 << kThinLockCountSize) - 1,
86     kThinLockMaxCount = kThinLockCountMask,
87     kThinLockCountOne = 1 << kThinLockCountShift,  // == 65536 (0x10000)
89     // State in the highest bits.
90     kStateShift = kReadBarrierStateSize + kThinLockCountSize + kThinLockCountShift +
91         kMarkBitStateSize,
92     kStateMask = (1 << kStateSize) - 1,
93     kStateMaskShifted = kStateMask << kStateShift,
94     kStateThinOrUnlocked = 0,
95     kStateFat = 1,
96     kStateHash = 2,
97     kStateForwardingAddress = 3,
98     kStateForwardingAddressShifted = kStateForwardingAddress << kStateShift,
99     kStateForwardingAddressOverflow = (1 + kStateMask - kStateForwardingAddress) << kStateShift,
101     // Read barrier bit.
102     kReadBarrierStateShift = kThinLockCountSize + kThinLockCountShift,
103     kReadBarrierStateMask = (1 << kReadBarrierStateSize) - 1,
104     kReadBarrierStateMaskShifted = kReadBarrierStateMask << kReadBarrierStateShift,
105     kReadBarrierStateMaskShiftedToggled = ~kReadBarrierStateMaskShifted,
107     // Mark bit.
108     kMarkBitStateShift = kReadBarrierStateSize + kReadBarrierStateShift,
109     kMarkBitStateMask = (1 << kMarkBitStateSize) - 1,
110     kMarkBitStateMaskShifted = kMarkBitStateMask << kMarkBitStateShift,
111     kMarkBitStateMaskShiftedToggled = ~kMarkBitStateMaskShifted,
113     // GC state is mark bit and read barrier state.
114     kGCStateSize = kReadBarrierStateSize + kMarkBitStateSize,
115     kGCStateShift = kReadBarrierStateShift,
116     kGCStateMaskShifted = kReadBarrierStateMaskShifted | kMarkBitStateMaskShifted,
117     kGCStateMaskShiftedToggled = ~kGCStateMaskShifted,
119     // When the state is kHashCode, the non-state bits hold the hashcode.
120     // Note Object.hashCode() has the hash code layout hardcoded.
121     kHashShift = 0,
122     kHashSize = 32 - kStateSize - kReadBarrierStateSize - kMarkBitStateSize,
123     kHashMask = (1 << kHashSize) - 1,
124     kMaxHash = kHashMask,
126     // Forwarding address shift.
127     kForwardingAddressShift = kObjectAlignmentShift,
129     kMonitorIdShift = kHashShift,
130     kMonitorIdSize = kHashSize,
131     kMonitorIdMask = kHashMask,
132     kMonitorIdAlignmentShift = 32 - kMonitorIdSize,
133     kMonitorIdAlignment = 1 << kMonitorIdAlignmentShift,
134     kMaxMonitorId = kMaxHash
135   };
FromThinLockId(uint32_t thread_id,uint32_t count,uint32_t gc_state)137   static LockWord FromThinLockId(uint32_t thread_id, uint32_t count, uint32_t gc_state) {
138     CHECK_LE(thread_id, static_cast<uint32_t>(kThinLockMaxOwner));
139     CHECK_LE(count, static_cast<uint32_t>(kThinLockMaxCount));
140     // DCHECK_EQ(gc_bits & kGCStateMaskToggled, 0U);
141     return LockWord((thread_id << kThinLockOwnerShift) |
142                     (count << kThinLockCountShift) |
143                     (gc_state << kGCStateShift) |
144                     (kStateThinOrUnlocked << kStateShift));
145   }
FromForwardingAddress(size_t target)147   static LockWord FromForwardingAddress(size_t target) {
148     DCHECK_ALIGNED(target, (1 << kStateSize));
149     return LockWord((target >> kForwardingAddressShift) | kStateForwardingAddressShifted);
150   }
FromHashCode(uint32_t hash_code,uint32_t gc_state)152   static LockWord FromHashCode(uint32_t hash_code, uint32_t gc_state) {
153     CHECK_LE(hash_code, static_cast<uint32_t>(kMaxHash));
154     // DCHECK_EQ(gc_bits & kGCStateMaskToggled, 0U);
155     return LockWord((hash_code << kHashShift) |
156                     (gc_state << kGCStateShift) |
157                     (kStateHash << kStateShift));
158   }
FromDefault(uint32_t gc_state)160   static LockWord FromDefault(uint32_t gc_state) {
161     return LockWord(gc_state << kGCStateShift);
162   }
IsDefault(LockWord lw)164   static bool IsDefault(LockWord lw) {
165     return LockWord().GetValue() == lw.GetValue();
166   }
Default()168   static LockWord Default() {
169     return LockWord();
170   }
172   enum LockState {
173     kUnlocked,    // No lock owners.
174     kThinLocked,  // Single uncontended owner.
175     kFatLocked,   // See associated monitor.
176     kHashCode,    // Lock word contains an identity hash.
177     kForwardingAddress,  // Lock word contains the forwarding address of an object.
178   };
GetState()180   LockState GetState() const {
181     CheckReadBarrierState();
182     if ((!kUseReadBarrier && UNLIKELY(value_ == 0)) ||
183         (kUseReadBarrier && UNLIKELY((value_ & kGCStateMaskShiftedToggled) == 0))) {
184       return kUnlocked;
185     } else {
186       uint32_t internal_state = (value_ >> kStateShift) & kStateMask;
187       switch (internal_state) {
188         case kStateThinOrUnlocked:
189           return kThinLocked;
190         case kStateHash:
191           return kHashCode;
192         case kStateForwardingAddress:
193           return kForwardingAddress;
194         default:
195           DCHECK_EQ(internal_state, static_cast<uint32_t>(kStateFat));
196           return kFatLocked;
197       }
198     }
199   }
ReadBarrierState()201   uint32_t ReadBarrierState() const {
202     return (value_ >> kReadBarrierStateShift) & kReadBarrierStateMask;
203   }
GCState()205   uint32_t GCState() const {
206     return (value_ & kGCStateMaskShifted) >> kGCStateShift;
207   }
SetReadBarrierState(uint32_t rb_state)209   void SetReadBarrierState(uint32_t rb_state) {
210     DCHECK_EQ(rb_state & ~kReadBarrierStateMask, 0U);
211     DCHECK(rb_state == ReadBarrier::WhiteState() ||
212            rb_state == ReadBarrier::GrayState()) << rb_state;
213     DCHECK_NE(static_cast<uint32_t>(GetState()), static_cast<uint32_t>(kForwardingAddress));
214     // Clear and or the bits.
215     value_ &= ~(kReadBarrierStateMask << kReadBarrierStateShift);
216     value_ |= (rb_state & kReadBarrierStateMask) << kReadBarrierStateShift;
217   }
MarkBitState()220   uint32_t MarkBitState() const {
221     return (value_ >> kMarkBitStateShift) & kMarkBitStateMask;
222   }
SetMarkBitState(uint32_t mark_bit)224   void SetMarkBitState(uint32_t mark_bit) {
225     DCHECK_EQ(mark_bit & ~kMarkBitStateMask, 0U);
226     DCHECK_NE(static_cast<uint32_t>(GetState()), static_cast<uint32_t>(kForwardingAddress));
227     // Clear and or the bits.
228     value_ &= kMarkBitStateMaskShiftedToggled;
229     value_ |= mark_bit << kMarkBitStateShift;
230   }
232   // Return the owner thin lock thread id.
233   uint32_t ThinLockOwner() const;
235   // Return the number of times a lock value has been locked.
236   uint32_t ThinLockCount() const;
238   // Return the Monitor encoded in a fat lock.
239   Monitor* FatLockMonitor() const;
241   // Return the forwarding address stored in the monitor.
242   size_t ForwardingAddress() const;
244   // Constructor a lock word for inflation to use a Monitor.
245   LockWord(Monitor* mon, uint32_t gc_state);
247   // Return the hash code stored in the lock word, must be kHashCode state.
248   int32_t GetHashCode() const;
250   template <bool kIncludeReadBarrierState>
Equal(LockWord lw1,LockWord lw2)251   static bool Equal(LockWord lw1, LockWord lw2) {
252     if (kIncludeReadBarrierState) {
253       return lw1.GetValue() == lw2.GetValue();
254     }
255     return lw1.GetValueWithoutGCState() == lw2.GetValueWithoutGCState();
256   }
Dump(std::ostream & os)258   void Dump(std::ostream& os) {
259     os << "LockWord:" << std::hex << value_;
260   }
262  private:
263   // Default constructor with no lock ownership.
264   LockWord();
LockWord(uint32_t val)266   explicit LockWord(uint32_t val) : value_(val) {
267     // Make sure adding the overflow causes an overflow.
268     constexpr uint64_t overflow = static_cast<uint64_t>(kStateForwardingAddressShifted) +
269         static_cast<uint64_t>(kStateForwardingAddressOverflow);
270     constexpr bool is_larger = overflow > static_cast<uint64_t>(0xFFFFFFFF);
271     static_assert(is_larger, "should have overflowed");
272     static_assert(
273          (~kStateForwardingAddress & kStateMask) == 0,
274         "READ_BARRIER_MARK_REG relies on the forwarding address state being only one bits");
275     CheckReadBarrierState();
276   }
278   // Disallow this in favor of explicit Equal() with the
279   // kIncludeReadBarrierState param to make clients be aware of the
280   // read barrier state.
281   bool operator==(const LockWord& rhs) = delete;
CheckReadBarrierState()283   void CheckReadBarrierState() const {
284     if (kIsDebugBuild && ((value_ >> kStateShift) & kStateMask) != kStateForwardingAddress) {
285       uint32_t rb_state = ReadBarrierState();
286       if (!kUseReadBarrier) {
287         DCHECK_EQ(rb_state, 0U);
288       } else {
289         DCHECK(rb_state == ReadBarrier::WhiteState() ||
290                rb_state == ReadBarrier::GrayState()) << rb_state;
291       }
292     }
293   }
295   // Note GetValue() includes the read barrier bits and comparing (==)
296   // GetValue() between two lock words to compare the lock states may
297   // not work. Prefer Equal() or GetValueWithoutReadBarrierState().
GetValue()298   uint32_t GetValue() const {
299     CheckReadBarrierState();
300     return value_;
301   }
GetValueWithoutGCState()303   uint32_t GetValueWithoutGCState() const {
304     CheckReadBarrierState();
305     return value_ & kGCStateMaskShiftedToggled;
306   }
308   // Only Object should be converting LockWords to/from uints.
309   friend class mirror::Object;
311   // The encoded value holding all the state.
312   uint32_t value_;
313 };
314 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LockWord::LockState& code);
316 }  // namespace art
319 #endif  // ART_RUNTIME_LOCK_WORD_H_