1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  *
17  */
19 #define LOG_TAG "NBLog"
21 #include <algorithm>
22 #include <climits>
23 #include <deque>
24 #include <fstream>
25 #include <iostream>
26 #include <math.h>
27 #include <numeric>
28 #include <vector>
29 #include <stdarg.h>
30 #include <stdint.h>
31 #include <stdio.h>
32 #include <string.h>
33 #include <sys/prctl.h>
34 #include <time.h>
35 #include <new>
36 #include <audio_utils/roundup.h>
37 #include <media/nblog/NBLog.h>
38 #include <media/nblog/PerformanceAnalysis.h>
39 #include <media/nblog/ReportPerformance.h>
40 #include <utils/CallStack.h>
41 #include <utils/Log.h>
42 #include <utils/String8.h>
44 #include <queue>
45 #include <utility>
47 namespace android {
copyEntryDataAt(size_t offset) const49 int NBLog::Entry::copyEntryDataAt(size_t offset) const
50 {
51     // FIXME This is too slow
52     if (offset == 0)
53         return mEvent;
54     else if (offset == 1)
55         return mLength;
56     else if (offset < (size_t) (mLength + 2))
57         return ((char *) mData)[offset - 2];
58     else if (offset == (size_t) (mLength + 2))
59         return mLength;
60     else
61         return 0;
62 }
64 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 /*static*/
buildEntry(const uint8_t * ptr)67 std::unique_ptr<NBLog::AbstractEntry> NBLog::AbstractEntry::buildEntry(const uint8_t *ptr) {
68     const uint8_t type = EntryIterator(ptr)->type;
69     switch (type) {
70     case EVENT_START_FMT:
71         return std::make_unique<FormatEntry>(FormatEntry(ptr));
72     case EVENT_AUDIO_STATE:
74         return std::make_unique<HistogramEntry>(HistogramEntry(ptr));
75     default:
76         ALOGW("Tried to create AbstractEntry of type %d", type);
77         return nullptr;
78     }
79 }
AbstractEntry(const uint8_t * entry)81 NBLog::AbstractEntry::AbstractEntry(const uint8_t *entry) : mEntry(entry) {
82 }
84 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
begin() const86 NBLog::EntryIterator NBLog::FormatEntry::begin() const {
87     return EntryIterator(mEntry);
88 }
formatString() const90 const char *NBLog::FormatEntry::formatString() const {
91     return (const char*) mEntry + offsetof(entry, data);
92 }
formatStringLength() const94 size_t NBLog::FormatEntry::formatStringLength() const {
95     return mEntry[offsetof(entry, length)];
96 }
args() const98 NBLog::EntryIterator NBLog::FormatEntry::args() const {
99     auto it = begin();
100     // skip start fmt
101     ++it;
102     // skip timestamp
103     ++it;
104     // skip hash
105     ++it;
106     // Skip author if present
107     if (it->type == EVENT_AUTHOR) {
108         ++it;
109     }
110     return it;
111 }
timestamp() const113 int64_t NBLog::FormatEntry::timestamp() const {
114     auto it = begin();
115     // skip start fmt
116     ++it;
117     return it.payload<int64_t>();
118 }
hash() const120 NBLog::log_hash_t NBLog::FormatEntry::hash() const {
121     auto it = begin();
122     // skip start fmt
123     ++it;
124     // skip timestamp
125     ++it;
126     // unaligned 64-bit read not supported
127     log_hash_t hash;
128     memcpy(&hash, it->data, sizeof(hash));
129     return hash;
130 }
author() const132 int NBLog::FormatEntry::author() const {
133     auto it = begin();
134     // skip start fmt
135     ++it;
136     // skip timestamp
137     ++it;
138     // skip hash
139     ++it;
140     // if there is an author entry, return it, return -1 otherwise
141     if (it->type == EVENT_AUTHOR) {
142         return it.payload<int>();
143     }
144     return -1;
145 }
copyWithAuthor(std::unique_ptr<audio_utils_fifo_writer> & dst,int author) const147 NBLog::EntryIterator NBLog::FormatEntry::copyWithAuthor(
148         std::unique_ptr<audio_utils_fifo_writer> &dst, int author) const {
149     auto it = begin();
150     // copy fmt start entry
151     it.copyTo(dst);
152     // copy timestamp
153     (++it).copyTo(dst);    // copy hash
154     (++it).copyTo(dst);
155     // insert author entry
156     size_t authorEntrySize = NBLog::Entry::kOverhead + sizeof(author);
157     uint8_t authorEntry[authorEntrySize];
158     authorEntry[offsetof(entry, type)] = EVENT_AUTHOR;
159     authorEntry[offsetof(entry, length)] =
160         authorEntry[authorEntrySize + NBLog::Entry::kPreviousLengthOffset] =
161         sizeof(author);
162     *(int*) (&authorEntry[offsetof(entry, data)]) = author;
163     dst->write(authorEntry, authorEntrySize);
164     // copy rest of entries
165     while ((++it)->type != EVENT_END_FMT) {
166         it.copyTo(dst);
167     }
168     it.copyTo(dst);
169     ++it;
170     return it;
171 }
copyTo(std::unique_ptr<audio_utils_fifo_writer> & dst) const173 void NBLog::EntryIterator::copyTo(std::unique_ptr<audio_utils_fifo_writer> &dst) const {
174     size_t length = ptr[offsetof(entry, length)] + NBLog::Entry::kOverhead;
175     dst->write(ptr, length);
176 }
copyData(uint8_t * dst) const178 void NBLog::EntryIterator::copyData(uint8_t *dst) const {
179     memcpy((void*) dst, ptr + offsetof(entry, data), ptr[offsetof(entry, length)]);
180 }
EntryIterator()182 NBLog::EntryIterator::EntryIterator()
183     : ptr(nullptr) {}
EntryIterator(const uint8_t * entry)185 NBLog::EntryIterator::EntryIterator(const uint8_t *entry)
186     : ptr(entry) {}
EntryIterator(const NBLog::EntryIterator & other)188 NBLog::EntryIterator::EntryIterator(const NBLog::EntryIterator &other)
189     : ptr(other.ptr) {}
operator *() const191 const NBLog::entry& NBLog::EntryIterator::operator*() const {
192     return *(entry*) ptr;
193 }
operator ->() const195 const NBLog::entry* NBLog::EntryIterator::operator->() const {
196     return (entry*) ptr;
197 }
operator ++()199 NBLog::EntryIterator& NBLog::EntryIterator::operator++() {
200     ptr += ptr[offsetof(entry, length)] + NBLog::Entry::kOverhead;
201     return *this;
202 }
operator --()204 NBLog::EntryIterator& NBLog::EntryIterator::operator--() {
205     ptr -= ptr[NBLog::Entry::kPreviousLengthOffset] + NBLog::Entry::kOverhead;
206     return *this;
207 }
next() const209 NBLog::EntryIterator NBLog::EntryIterator::next() const {
210     EntryIterator aux(*this);
211     return ++aux;
212 }
prev() const214 NBLog::EntryIterator NBLog::EntryIterator::prev() const {
215     EntryIterator aux(*this);
216     return --aux;
217 }
operator -(const NBLog::EntryIterator & other) const219 int NBLog::EntryIterator::operator-(const NBLog::EntryIterator &other) const {
220     return ptr - other.ptr;
221 }
operator !=(const EntryIterator & other) const223 bool NBLog::EntryIterator::operator!=(const EntryIterator &other) const {
224     return ptr != other.ptr;
225 }
hasConsistentLength() const227 bool NBLog::EntryIterator::hasConsistentLength() const {
228     return ptr[offsetof(entry, length)] == ptr[ptr[offsetof(entry, length)] +
229         NBLog::Entry::kOverhead + NBLog::Entry::kPreviousLengthOffset];
230 }
232 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
timestamp() const234 int64_t NBLog::HistogramEntry::timestamp() const {
235     return EntryIterator(mEntry).payload<HistTsEntry>().ts;
236 }
hash() const238 NBLog::log_hash_t NBLog::HistogramEntry::hash() const {
239     return EntryIterator(mEntry).payload<HistTsEntry>().hash;
240 }
author() const242 int NBLog::HistogramEntry::author() const {
243     EntryIterator it(mEntry);
244     if (it->length == sizeof(HistTsEntryWithAuthor)) {
245         return it.payload<HistTsEntryWithAuthor>().author;
246     } else {
247         return -1;
248     }
249 }
copyWithAuthor(std::unique_ptr<audio_utils_fifo_writer> & dst,int author) const251 NBLog::EntryIterator NBLog::HistogramEntry::copyWithAuthor(
252         std::unique_ptr<audio_utils_fifo_writer> &dst, int author) const {
253     // Current histogram entry has {type, length, struct HistTsEntry, length}.
254     // We now want {type, length, struct HistTsEntryWithAuthor, length}
255     uint8_t buffer[Entry::kOverhead + sizeof(HistTsEntryWithAuthor)];
256     // Copy content until the point we want to add the author
257     memcpy(buffer, mEntry, sizeof(entry) + sizeof(HistTsEntry));
258     // Copy the author
259     *(int*) (buffer + sizeof(entry) + sizeof(HistTsEntry)) = author;
260     // Update lengths
261     buffer[offsetof(entry, length)] = sizeof(HistTsEntryWithAuthor);
262     buffer[offsetof(entry, data) + sizeof(HistTsEntryWithAuthor) + offsetof(ending, length)]
263         = sizeof(HistTsEntryWithAuthor);
264     // Write new buffer into FIFO
265     dst->write(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
266     return EntryIterator(mEntry).next();
267 }
269 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
271 #if 0   // FIXME see note in NBLog.h
272 NBLog::Timeline::Timeline(size_t size, void *shared)
273     : mSize(roundup(size)), mOwn(shared == NULL),
274       mShared((Shared *) (mOwn ? new char[sharedSize(size)] : shared))
275 {
276     new (mShared) Shared;
277 }
279 NBLog::Timeline::~Timeline()
280 {
281     mShared->~Shared();
282     if (mOwn) {
283         delete[] (char *) mShared;
284     }
285 }
286 #endif
288 /*static*/
sharedSize(size_t size)289 size_t NBLog::Timeline::sharedSize(size_t size)
290 {
291     // TODO fifo now supports non-power-of-2 buffer sizes, so could remove the roundup
292     return sizeof(Shared) + roundup(size);
293 }
295 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Writer()297 NBLog::Writer::Writer()
298     : mShared(NULL), mFifo(NULL), mFifoWriter(NULL), mEnabled(false), mPidTag(NULL), mPidTagSize(0)
299 {
300 }
Writer(void * shared,size_t size)302 NBLog::Writer::Writer(void *shared, size_t size)
303     : mShared((Shared *) shared),
304       mFifo(mShared != NULL ?
305         new audio_utils_fifo(size, sizeof(uint8_t),
306             mShared->mBuffer, mShared->mRear, NULL /*throttlesFront*/) : NULL),
307       mFifoWriter(mFifo != NULL ? new audio_utils_fifo_writer(*mFifo) : NULL),
308       mEnabled(mFifoWriter != NULL)
309 {
310     // caching pid and process name
311     pid_t id = ::getpid();
312     char procName[16];
313     int status = prctl(PR_GET_NAME, procName);
314     if (status) {  // error getting process name
315         procName[0] = '\0';
316     }
317     size_t length = strlen(procName);
318     mPidTagSize = length + sizeof(pid_t);
319     mPidTag = new char[mPidTagSize];
320     memcpy(mPidTag, &id, sizeof(pid_t));
321     memcpy(mPidTag + sizeof(pid_t), procName, length);
322 }
Writer(const sp<IMemory> & iMemory,size_t size)324 NBLog::Writer::Writer(const sp<IMemory>& iMemory, size_t size)
325     : Writer(iMemory != 0 ? (Shared *) iMemory->pointer() : NULL, size)
326 {
327     mIMemory = iMemory;
328 }
~Writer()330 NBLog::Writer::~Writer()
331 {
332     delete mFifoWriter;
333     delete mFifo;
334     delete[] mPidTag;
335 }
log(const char * string)337 void NBLog::Writer::log(const char *string)
338 {
339     if (!mEnabled) {
340         return;
341     }
342     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(string == NULL, "Attempted to log NULL string");
343     size_t length = strlen(string);
344     if (length > Entry::kMaxLength) {
345         length = Entry::kMaxLength;
346     }
347     log(EVENT_STRING, string, length);
348 }
logf(const char * fmt,...)350 void NBLog::Writer::logf(const char *fmt, ...)
351 {
352     if (!mEnabled) {
353         return;
354     }
355     va_list ap;
356     va_start(ap, fmt);
357     Writer::logvf(fmt, ap);     // the Writer:: is needed to avoid virtual dispatch for LockedWriter
358     va_end(ap);
359 }
logvf(const char * fmt,va_list ap)361 void NBLog::Writer::logvf(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
362 {
363     if (!mEnabled) {
364         return;
365     }
366     char buffer[Entry::kMaxLength + 1 /*NUL*/];
367     int length = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, ap);
368     if (length >= (int) sizeof(buffer)) {
369         length = sizeof(buffer) - 1;
370         // NUL termination is not required
371         // buffer[length] = '\0';
372     }
373     if (length >= 0) {
374         log(EVENT_STRING, buffer, length);
375     }
376 }
logTimestamp()378 void NBLog::Writer::logTimestamp()
379 {
380     if (!mEnabled) {
381         return;
382     }
383     int64_t ts = get_monotonic_ns();
384     if (ts > 0) {
385         log(EVENT_TIMESTAMP, &ts, sizeof(ts));
386     } else {
387         ALOGE("Failed to get timestamp");
388     }
389 }
logTimestamp(const int64_t ts)391 void NBLog::Writer::logTimestamp(const int64_t ts)
392 {
393     if (!mEnabled) {
394         return;
395     }
396     log(EVENT_TIMESTAMP, &ts, sizeof(ts));
397 }
logInteger(const int x)399 void NBLog::Writer::logInteger(const int x)
400 {
401     if (!mEnabled) {
402         return;
403     }
404     log(EVENT_INTEGER, &x, sizeof(x));
405 }
logFloat(const float x)407 void NBLog::Writer::logFloat(const float x)
408 {
409     if (!mEnabled) {
410         return;
411     }
412     log(EVENT_FLOAT, &x, sizeof(x));
413 }
logPID()415 void NBLog::Writer::logPID()
416 {
417     if (!mEnabled) {
418         return;
419     }
420     log(EVENT_PID, mPidTag, mPidTagSize);
421 }
logStart(const char * fmt)423 void NBLog::Writer::logStart(const char *fmt)
424 {
425     if (!mEnabled) {
426         return;
427     }
428     size_t length = strlen(fmt);
429     if (length > Entry::kMaxLength) {
430         length = Entry::kMaxLength;
431     }
432     log(EVENT_START_FMT, fmt, length);
433 }
logEnd()435 void NBLog::Writer::logEnd()
436 {
437     if (!mEnabled) {
438         return;
439     }
440     Entry entry = Entry(EVENT_END_FMT, NULL, 0);
441     log(&entry, true);
442 }
logHash(log_hash_t hash)444 void NBLog::Writer::logHash(log_hash_t hash)
445 {
446     if (!mEnabled) {
447         return;
448     }
449     log(EVENT_HASH, &hash, sizeof(hash));
450 }
logEventHistTs(Event event,log_hash_t hash)452 void NBLog::Writer::logEventHistTs(Event event, log_hash_t hash)
453 {
454     if (!mEnabled) {
455         return;
456     }
457     HistTsEntry data;
458     data.hash = hash;
459     data.ts = get_monotonic_ns();
460     if (data.ts > 0) {
461         log(event, &data, sizeof(data));
462     } else {
463         ALOGE("Failed to get timestamp");
464     }
465 }
logFormat(const char * fmt,log_hash_t hash,...)467 void NBLog::Writer::logFormat(const char *fmt, log_hash_t hash, ...)
468 {
469     if (!mEnabled) {
470         return;
471     }
473     va_list ap;
474     va_start(ap, hash);
475     Writer::logVFormat(fmt, hash, ap);
476     va_end(ap);
477 }
logVFormat(const char * fmt,log_hash_t hash,va_list argp)479 void NBLog::Writer::logVFormat(const char *fmt, log_hash_t hash, va_list argp)
480 {
481     if (!mEnabled) {
482         return;
483     }
484     Writer::logStart(fmt);
485     int i;
486     double f;
487     char* s;
488     int64_t t;
489     Writer::logTimestamp();
490     Writer::logHash(hash);
491     for (const char *p = fmt; *p != '\0'; p++) {
492         // TODO: implement more complex formatting such as %.3f
493         if (*p != '%') {
494             continue;
495         }
496         switch(*++p) {
497         case 's': // string
498             s = va_arg(argp, char *);
499             Writer::log(s);
500             break;
502         case 't': // timestamp
503             t = va_arg(argp, int64_t);
504             Writer::logTimestamp(t);
505             break;
507         case 'd': // integer
508             i = va_arg(argp, int);
509             Writer::logInteger(i);
510             break;
512         case 'f': // float
513             f = va_arg(argp, double); // float arguments are promoted to double in vararg lists
514             Writer::logFloat((float)f);
515             break;
517         case 'p': // pid
518             Writer::logPID();
519             break;
521         // the "%\0" case finishes parsing
522         case '\0':
523             --p;
524             break;
526         case '%':
527             break;
529         default:
530             ALOGW("NBLog Writer parsed invalid format specifier: %c", *p);
531             break;
532         }
533     }
534     Writer::logEnd();
535 }
log(Event event,const void * data,size_t length)537 void NBLog::Writer::log(Event event, const void *data, size_t length)
538 {
539     if (!mEnabled) {
540         return;
541     }
542     if (data == NULL || length > Entry::kMaxLength) {
543         // TODO Perhaps it makes sense to display truncated data or at least a
544         //      message that the data is too long?  The current behavior can create
545         //      a confusion for a programmer debugging their code.
546         return;
547     }
548     // Ignore if invalid event
549     if (event == EVENT_RESERVED || event >= EVENT_UPPER_BOUND) {
550         return;
551     }
552     Entry etr(event, data, length);
553     log(&etr, true /*trusted*/);
554 }
log(const NBLog::Entry * etr,bool trusted)556 void NBLog::Writer::log(const NBLog::Entry *etr, bool trusted)
557 {
558     if (!mEnabled) {
559         return;
560     }
561     if (!trusted) {
562         log(etr->mEvent, etr->mData, etr->mLength);
563         return;
564     }
565     size_t need = etr->mLength + Entry::kOverhead;    // mEvent, mLength, data[mLength], mLength
566                                                       // need = number of bytes written to FIFO
568     // FIXME optimize this using memcpy for the data part of the Entry.
569     // The Entry could have a method copyTo(ptr, offset, size) to optimize the copy.
570     // checks size of a single log Entry: type, length, data pointer and ending
571     uint8_t temp[Entry::kMaxLength + Entry::kOverhead];
572     // write this data to temp array
573     for (size_t i = 0; i < need; i++) {
574         temp[i] = etr->copyEntryDataAt(i);
575     }
576     // write to circular buffer
577     mFifoWriter->write(temp, need);
578 }
isEnabled() const580 bool NBLog::Writer::isEnabled() const
581 {
582     return mEnabled;
583 }
setEnabled(bool enabled)585 bool NBLog::Writer::setEnabled(bool enabled)
586 {
587     bool old = mEnabled;
588     mEnabled = enabled && mShared != NULL;
589     return old;
590 }
592 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LockedWriter()594 NBLog::LockedWriter::LockedWriter()
595     : Writer()
596 {
597 }
LockedWriter(void * shared,size_t size)599 NBLog::LockedWriter::LockedWriter(void *shared, size_t size)
600     : Writer(shared, size)
601 {
602 }
log(const char * string)604 void NBLog::LockedWriter::log(const char *string)
605 {
606     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
607     Writer::log(string);
608 }
logf(const char * fmt,...)610 void NBLog::LockedWriter::logf(const char *fmt, ...)
611 {
612     // FIXME should not take the lock until after formatting is done
613     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
614     va_list ap;
615     va_start(ap, fmt);
616     Writer::logvf(fmt, ap);
617     va_end(ap);
618 }
logvf(const char * fmt,va_list ap)620 void NBLog::LockedWriter::logvf(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
621 {
622     // FIXME should not take the lock until after formatting is done
623     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
624     Writer::logvf(fmt, ap);
625 }
logTimestamp()627 void NBLog::LockedWriter::logTimestamp()
628 {
629     // FIXME should not take the lock until after the clock_gettime() syscall
630     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
631     Writer::logTimestamp();
632 }
logTimestamp(const int64_t ts)634 void NBLog::LockedWriter::logTimestamp(const int64_t ts)
635 {
636     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
637     Writer::logTimestamp(ts);
638 }
logInteger(const int x)640 void NBLog::LockedWriter::logInteger(const int x)
641 {
642     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
643     Writer::logInteger(x);
644 }
logFloat(const float x)646 void NBLog::LockedWriter::logFloat(const float x)
647 {
648     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
649     Writer::logFloat(x);
650 }
logPID()652 void NBLog::LockedWriter::logPID()
653 {
654     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
655     Writer::logPID();
656 }
logStart(const char * fmt)658 void NBLog::LockedWriter::logStart(const char *fmt)
659 {
660     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
661     Writer::logStart(fmt);
662 }
logEnd()665 void NBLog::LockedWriter::logEnd()
666 {
667     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
668     Writer::logEnd();
669 }
logHash(log_hash_t hash)671 void NBLog::LockedWriter::logHash(log_hash_t hash)
672 {
673     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
674     Writer::logHash(hash);
675 }
isEnabled() const677 bool NBLog::LockedWriter::isEnabled() const
678 {
679     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
680     return Writer::isEnabled();
681 }
setEnabled(bool enabled)683 bool NBLog::LockedWriter::setEnabled(bool enabled)
684 {
685     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
686     return Writer::setEnabled(enabled);
687 }
689 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
691 const std::set<NBLog::Event> NBLog::Reader::startingTypes {NBLog::Event::EVENT_START_FMT,
692         NBLog::Event::EVENT_HISTOGRAM_ENTRY_TS,
693         NBLog::Event::EVENT_AUDIO_STATE};
694 const std::set<NBLog::Event> NBLog::Reader::endingTypes   {NBLog::Event::EVENT_END_FMT,
695         NBLog::Event::EVENT_HISTOGRAM_ENTRY_TS,
696         NBLog::Event::EVENT_AUDIO_STATE};
Reader(const void * shared,size_t size)698 NBLog::Reader::Reader(const void *shared, size_t size)
699     : mFd(-1), mIndent(0), mLost(0),
700       mShared((/*const*/ Shared *) shared), /*mIMemory*/
701       mFifo(mShared != NULL ?
702         new audio_utils_fifo(size, sizeof(uint8_t),
703             mShared->mBuffer, mShared->mRear, NULL /*throttlesFront*/) : NULL),
704       mFifoReader(mFifo != NULL ? new audio_utils_fifo_reader(*mFifo) : NULL)
705 {
706 }
Reader(const sp<IMemory> & iMemory,size_t size)708 NBLog::Reader::Reader(const sp<IMemory>& iMemory, size_t size)
709     : Reader(iMemory != 0 ? (Shared *) iMemory->pointer() : NULL, size)
710 {
711     mIMemory = iMemory;
712 }
~Reader()714 NBLog::Reader::~Reader()
715 {
716     delete mFifoReader;
717     delete mFifo;
718 }
findLastEntryOfTypes(const uint8_t * front,const uint8_t * back,const std::set<Event> & types)720 const uint8_t *NBLog::Reader::findLastEntryOfTypes(const uint8_t *front, const uint8_t *back,
721                                             const std::set<Event> &types) {
722     while (back + Entry::kPreviousLengthOffset >= front) {
723         const uint8_t *prev = back - back[Entry::kPreviousLengthOffset] - Entry::kOverhead;
724         if (prev < front || prev + prev[offsetof(entry, length)] +
725                             Entry::kOverhead != back) {
727             // prev points to an out of limits or inconsistent entry
728             return nullptr;
729         }
730         if (types.find((const Event) prev[offsetof(entry, type)]) != types.end()) {
731             return prev;
732         }
733         back = prev;
734     }
735     return nullptr; // no entry found
736 }
738 // Copies content of a Reader FIFO into its Snapshot
739 // The Snapshot has the same raw data, but represented as a sequence of entries
740 // and an EntryIterator making it possible to process the data.
getSnapshot()741 std::unique_ptr<NBLog::Reader::Snapshot> NBLog::Reader::getSnapshot()
742 {
743     if (mFifoReader == NULL) {
744         return std::unique_ptr<NBLog::Reader::Snapshot>(new Snapshot());
745     }
746     // make a copy to avoid race condition with writer
747     size_t capacity = mFifo->capacity();
749     // This emulates the behaviour of audio_utils_fifo_reader::read, but without incrementing the
750     // reader index. The index is incremented after handling corruption, to after the last complete
751     // entry of the buffer
752     size_t lost;
753     audio_utils_iovec iovec[2];
754     ssize_t availToRead = mFifoReader->obtain(iovec, capacity, NULL /*timeout*/, &lost);
755     if (availToRead <= 0) {
756         return std::unique_ptr<NBLog::Reader::Snapshot>(new Snapshot());
757     }
759     std::unique_ptr<Snapshot> snapshot(new Snapshot(availToRead));
760     memcpy(snapshot->mData, (const char *) mFifo->buffer() + iovec[0].mOffset, iovec[0].mLength);
761     if (iovec[1].mLength > 0) {
762         memcpy(snapshot->mData + (iovec[0].mLength),
763             (const char *) mFifo->buffer() + iovec[1].mOffset, iovec[1].mLength);
764     }
766     // Handle corrupted buffer
767     // Potentially, a buffer has corrupted data on both beginning (due to overflow) and end
768     // (due to incomplete format entry). But even if the end format entry is incomplete,
769     // it ends in a complete entry (which is not an END_FMT). So is safe to traverse backwards.
770     // TODO: handle client corruption (in the middle of a buffer)
772     const uint8_t *back = snapshot->mData + availToRead;
773     const uint8_t *front = snapshot->mData;
775     // Find last END_FMT. <back> is sitting on an entry which might be the middle of a FormatEntry.
776     // We go backwards until we find an EVENT_END_FMT.
777     const uint8_t *lastEnd = findLastEntryOfTypes(front, back, endingTypes);
778     if (lastEnd == nullptr) {
779         snapshot->mEnd = snapshot->mBegin = EntryIterator(front);
780     } else {
781         // end of snapshot points to after last END_FMT entry
782         snapshot->mEnd = EntryIterator(lastEnd).next();
783         // find first START_FMT
784         const uint8_t *firstStart = nullptr;
785         const uint8_t *firstStartTmp = snapshot->mEnd;
786         while ((firstStartTmp = findLastEntryOfTypes(front, firstStartTmp, startingTypes))
787                 != nullptr) {
788             firstStart = firstStartTmp;
789         }
790         // firstStart is null if no START_FMT entry was found before lastEnd
791         if (firstStart == nullptr) {
792             snapshot->mBegin = snapshot->mEnd;
793         } else {
794             snapshot->mBegin = EntryIterator(firstStart);
795         }
796     }
798     // advance fifo reader index to after last entry read.
799     mFifoReader->release(snapshot->mEnd - front);
801     snapshot->mLost = lost;
802     return snapshot;
804 }
806 // Takes raw content of the local merger FIFO, processes log entries, and
807 // writes the data to a map of class PerformanceAnalysis, based on their thread ID.
getAndProcessSnapshot(NBLog::Reader::Snapshot & snapshot)808 void NBLog::MergeReader::getAndProcessSnapshot(NBLog::Reader::Snapshot &snapshot)
809 {
810     String8 timestamp, body;
812     for (auto entry = snapshot.begin(); entry != snapshot.end();) {
813         switch (entry->type) {
814         case EVENT_START_FMT:
815             entry = handleFormat(FormatEntry(entry), &timestamp, &body);
816             break;
817         case EVENT_HISTOGRAM_ENTRY_TS: {
818             HistTsEntryWithAuthor *data = (HistTsEntryWithAuthor *) (entry->data);
819             // TODO This memcpies are here to avoid unaligned memory access crash.
820             // There's probably a more efficient way to do it
821             log_hash_t hash;
822             memcpy(&hash, &(data->hash), sizeof(hash));
823             int64_t ts;
824             memcpy(&ts, &data->ts, sizeof(ts));
825             // TODO: hash for histogram ts and audio state need to match
826             // and correspond to audio production source file location
827             mThreadPerformanceAnalysis[data->author][0 /*hash*/].logTsEntry(ts);
828             ++entry;
829             break;
830         }
831         case EVENT_AUDIO_STATE: {
832             HistTsEntryWithAuthor *data = (HistTsEntryWithAuthor *) (entry->data);
833             // TODO This memcpies are here to avoid unaligned memory access crash.
834             // There's probably a more efficient way to do it
835             log_hash_t hash;
836             memcpy(&hash, &(data->hash), sizeof(hash));
837             // TODO: remove ts if unused
838             int64_t ts;
839             memcpy(&ts, &data->ts, sizeof(ts));
840             mThreadPerformanceAnalysis[data->author][0 /*hash*/].handleStateChange();
841             ++entry;
842             break;
843         }
844         case EVENT_END_FMT:
845             body.appendFormat("warning: got to end format event");
846             ++entry;
847             break;
848         case EVENT_RESERVED:
849         default:
850             body.appendFormat("warning: unexpected event %d", entry->type);
851             ++entry;
852             break;
853         }
854     }
855     // FIXME: decide whether to print the warnings here or elsewhere
856     if (!body.isEmpty()) {
857         dumpLine(timestamp, body);
858     }
859 }
getAndProcessSnapshot()861 void NBLog::MergeReader::getAndProcessSnapshot()
862 {
863     // get a snapshot, process it
864     std::unique_ptr<Snapshot> snap = getSnapshot();
865     getAndProcessSnapshot(*snap);
866 }
dump(int fd,int indent)868 void NBLog::MergeReader::dump(int fd, int indent) {
869     // TODO: add a mutex around media.log dump
870     ReportPerformance::dump(fd, indent, mThreadPerformanceAnalysis);
871 }
873 // Writes a string to the console
dumpLine(const String8 & timestamp,String8 & body)874 void NBLog::Reader::dumpLine(const String8 &timestamp, String8 &body)
875 {
876     if (mFd >= 0) {
877         dprintf(mFd, "%.*s%s %s\n", mIndent, "", timestamp.string(), body.string());
878     } else {
879         ALOGI("%.*s%s %s", mIndent, "", timestamp.string(), body.string());
880     }
881     body.clear();
882 }
isIMemory(const sp<IMemory> & iMemory) const884 bool NBLog::Reader::isIMemory(const sp<IMemory>& iMemory) const
885 {
886     return iMemory != 0 && mIMemory != 0 && iMemory->pointer() == mIMemory->pointer();
887 }
889 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
appendTimestamp(String8 * body,const void * data)891 void NBLog::appendTimestamp(String8 *body, const void *data) {
892     int64_t ts;
893     memcpy(&ts, data, sizeof(ts));
894     body->appendFormat("[%d.%03d]", (int) (ts / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)),
895                     (int) ((ts / (1000 * 1000)) % 1000));
896 }
appendInt(String8 * body,const void * data)898 void NBLog::appendInt(String8 *body, const void *data) {
899     int x = *((int*) data);
900     body->appendFormat("<%d>", x);
901 }
appendFloat(String8 * body,const void * data)903 void NBLog::appendFloat(String8 *body, const void *data) {
904     float f;
905     memcpy(&f, data, sizeof(float));
906     body->appendFormat("<%f>", f);
907 }
appendPID(String8 * body,const void * data,size_t length)909 void NBLog::appendPID(String8 *body, const void* data, size_t length) {
910     pid_t id = *((pid_t*) data);
911     char * name = &((char*) data)[sizeof(pid_t)];
912     body->appendFormat("<PID: %d, name: %.*s>", id, (int) (length - sizeof(pid_t)), name);
913 }
bufferDump(const uint8_t * buffer,size_t size)915 String8 NBLog::bufferDump(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
916 {
917     String8 str;
918     str.append("[ ");
919     for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
920     {
921         str.appendFormat("%d ", buffer[i]);
922     }
923     str.append("]");
924     return str;
925 }
bufferDump(const EntryIterator & it)927 String8 NBLog::bufferDump(const EntryIterator &it)
928 {
929     return bufferDump(it, it->length + Entry::kOverhead);
930 }
handleFormat(const FormatEntry & fmtEntry,String8 * timestamp,String8 * body)932 NBLog::EntryIterator NBLog::Reader::handleFormat(const FormatEntry &fmtEntry,
933                                                          String8 *timestamp,
934                                                          String8 *body) {
935     // log timestamp
936     int64_t ts = fmtEntry.timestamp();
937     timestamp->clear();
938     timestamp->appendFormat("[%d.%03d]", (int) (ts / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)),
939                     (int) ((ts / (1000 * 1000)) % 1000));
941     // log unique hash
942     log_hash_t hash = fmtEntry.hash();
943     // print only lower 16bit of hash as hex and line as int to reduce spam in the log
944     body->appendFormat("%.4X-%d ", (int)(hash >> 16) & 0xFFFF, (int) hash & 0xFFFF);
946     // log author (if present)
947     handleAuthor(fmtEntry, body);
949     // log string
950     NBLog::EntryIterator arg = fmtEntry.args();
952     const char* fmt = fmtEntry.formatString();
953     size_t fmt_length = fmtEntry.formatStringLength();
955     for (size_t fmt_offset = 0; fmt_offset < fmt_length; ++fmt_offset) {
956         if (fmt[fmt_offset] != '%') {
957             body->append(&fmt[fmt_offset], 1); // TODO optimize to write consecutive strings at once
958             continue;
959         }
960         // case "%%""
961         if (fmt[++fmt_offset] == '%') {
962             body->append("%");
963             continue;
964         }
965         // case "%\0"
966         if (fmt_offset == fmt_length) {
967             continue;
968         }
970         NBLog::Event event = (NBLog::Event) arg->type;
971         size_t length = arg->length;
973         // TODO check length for event type is correct
975         if (event == EVENT_END_FMT) {
976             break;
977         }
979         // TODO: implement more complex formatting such as %.3f
980         const uint8_t *datum = arg->data; // pointer to the current event args
981         switch(fmt[fmt_offset])
982         {
983         case 's': // string
984             ALOGW_IF(event != EVENT_STRING,
985                 "NBLog Reader incompatible event for string specifier: %d", event);
986             body->append((const char*) datum, length);
987             break;
989         case 't': // timestamp
990             ALOGW_IF(event != EVENT_TIMESTAMP,
991                 "NBLog Reader incompatible event for timestamp specifier: %d", event);
992             appendTimestamp(body, datum);
993             break;
995         case 'd': // integer
996             ALOGW_IF(event != EVENT_INTEGER,
997                 "NBLog Reader incompatible event for integer specifier: %d", event);
998             appendInt(body, datum);
999             break;
1001         case 'f': // float
1002             ALOGW_IF(event != EVENT_FLOAT,
1003                 "NBLog Reader incompatible event for float specifier: %d", event);
1004             appendFloat(body, datum);
1005             break;
1007         case 'p': // pid
1008             ALOGW_IF(event != EVENT_PID,
1009                 "NBLog Reader incompatible event for pid specifier: %d", event);
1010             appendPID(body, datum, length);
1011             break;
1013         default:
1014             ALOGW("NBLog Reader encountered unknown character %c", fmt[fmt_offset]);
1015         }
1016         ++arg;
1017     }
1018     ALOGW_IF(arg->type != EVENT_END_FMT, "Expected end of format, got %d", arg->type);
1019     ++arg;
1020     return arg;
1021 }
Merger(const void * shared,size_t size)1023 NBLog::Merger::Merger(const void *shared, size_t size):
1024       mShared((Shared *) shared),
1025       mFifo(mShared != NULL ?
1026         new audio_utils_fifo(size, sizeof(uint8_t),
1027             mShared->mBuffer, mShared->mRear, NULL /*throttlesFront*/) : NULL),
1028       mFifoWriter(mFifo != NULL ? new audio_utils_fifo_writer(*mFifo) : NULL)
1029       {}
addReader(const NBLog::NamedReader & reader)1031 void NBLog::Merger::addReader(const NBLog::NamedReader &reader) {
1033     // FIXME This is called by binder thread in MediaLogService::registerWriter
1034     //       but the access to shared variable mNamedReaders is not yet protected by a lock.
1035     mNamedReaders.push_back(reader);
1036 }
1038 // items placed in priority queue during merge
1039 // composed by a timestamp and the index of the snapshot where the timestamp came from
1040 struct MergeItem
1041 {
1042     int64_t ts;
1043     int index;
MergeItemandroid::MergeItem1044     MergeItem(int64_t ts, int index): ts(ts), index(index) {}
1045 };
1047 // operators needed for priority queue in merge
1048 // bool operator>(const int64_t &t1, const int64_t &t2) {
1049 //     return t1.tv_sec > t2.tv_sec || (t1.tv_sec == t2.tv_sec && t1.tv_nsec > t2.tv_nsec);
1050 // }
operator >(const struct MergeItem & i1,const struct MergeItem & i2)1052 bool operator>(const struct MergeItem &i1, const struct MergeItem &i2) {
1053     return i1.ts > i2.ts || (i1.ts == i2.ts && i1.index > i2.index);
1054 }
1056 // Merge registered readers, sorted by timestamp, and write data to a single FIFO in local memory
merge()1057 void NBLog::Merger::merge() {
1058     // FIXME This is called by merge thread
1059     //       but the access to shared variable mNamedReaders is not yet protected by a lock.
1060     int nLogs = mNamedReaders.size();
1061     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NBLog::Reader::Snapshot>> snapshots(nLogs);
1062     std::vector<NBLog::EntryIterator> offsets(nLogs);
1063     for (int i = 0; i < nLogs; ++i) {
1064         snapshots[i] = mNamedReaders[i].reader()->getSnapshot();
1065         offsets[i] = snapshots[i]->begin();
1066     }
1067     // initialize offsets
1068     // TODO custom heap implementation could allow to update top, improving performance
1069     // for bursty buffers
1070     std::priority_queue<MergeItem, std::vector<MergeItem>, std::greater<MergeItem>> timestamps;
1071     for (int i = 0; i < nLogs; ++i)
1072     {
1073         if (offsets[i] != snapshots[i]->end()) {
1074             int64_t ts = AbstractEntry::buildEntry(offsets[i])->timestamp();
1075             timestamps.emplace(ts, i);
1076         }
1077     }
1079     while (!timestamps.empty()) {
1080         // find minimum timestamp
1081         int index = timestamps.top().index;
1082         // copy it to the log, increasing offset
1083         offsets[index] = AbstractEntry::buildEntry(offsets[index])->copyWithAuthor(mFifoWriter,
1084                                                                                    index);
1085         // update data structures
1086         timestamps.pop();
1087         if (offsets[index] != snapshots[index]->end()) {
1088             int64_t ts = AbstractEntry::buildEntry(offsets[index])->timestamp();
1089             timestamps.emplace(ts, index);
1090         }
1091     }
1092 }
getNamedReaders() const1094 const std::vector<NBLog::NamedReader>& NBLog::Merger::getNamedReaders() const {
1095     // FIXME This is returning a reference to a shared variable that needs a lock
1096     return mNamedReaders;
1097 }
1099 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MergeReader(const void * shared,size_t size,Merger & merger)1101 NBLog::MergeReader::MergeReader(const void *shared, size_t size, Merger &merger)
1102     : Reader(shared, size), mNamedReaders(merger.getNamedReaders()) {}
handleAuthor(const NBLog::AbstractEntry & entry,String8 * body)1104 void NBLog::MergeReader::handleAuthor(const NBLog::AbstractEntry &entry, String8 *body) {
1105     int author = entry.author();
1106     // FIXME Needs a lock
1107     const char* name = mNamedReaders[author].name();
1108     body->appendFormat("%s: ", name);
1109 }
1111 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MergeThread(NBLog::Merger & merger,NBLog::MergeReader & mergeReader)1113 NBLog::MergeThread::MergeThread(NBLog::Merger &merger, NBLog::MergeReader &mergeReader)
1114     : mMerger(merger),
1115       mMergeReader(mergeReader),
1116       mTimeoutUs(0) {}
~MergeThread()1118 NBLog::MergeThread::~MergeThread() {
1119     // set exit flag, set timeout to 0 to force threadLoop to exit and wait for the thread to join
1120     requestExit();
1121     setTimeoutUs(0);
1122     join();
1123 }
threadLoop()1125 bool NBLog::MergeThread::threadLoop() {
1126     bool doMerge;
1127     {
1128         AutoMutex _l(mMutex);
1129         // If mTimeoutUs is negative, wait on the condition variable until it's positive.
1130         // If it's positive, wait kThreadSleepPeriodUs and then merge
1131         nsecs_t waitTime = mTimeoutUs > 0 ? kThreadSleepPeriodUs * 1000 : LLONG_MAX;
1132         mCond.waitRelative(mMutex, waitTime);
1133         doMerge = mTimeoutUs > 0;
1134         mTimeoutUs -= kThreadSleepPeriodUs;
1135     }
1136     if (doMerge) {
1137         // Merge data from all the readers
1138         mMerger.merge();
1139         // Process the data collected by mMerger and write it to PerformanceAnalysis
1140         // FIXME: decide whether to call getAndProcessSnapshot every time
1141         // or whether to have a separate thread that calls it with a lower frequency
1142         mMergeReader.getAndProcessSnapshot();
1143     }
1144     return true;
1145 }
wakeup()1147 void NBLog::MergeThread::wakeup() {
1148     setTimeoutUs(kThreadWakeupPeriodUs);
1149 }
setTimeoutUs(int time)1151 void NBLog::MergeThread::setTimeoutUs(int time) {
1152     AutoMutex _l(mMutex);
1153     mTimeoutUs = time;
1154     mCond.signal();
1155 }
1157 }   // namespace android