1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
17 #include "update_engine/common/utils.h"
19 #include <stdint.h>
21 #include <dirent.h>
22 #include <elf.h>
23 #include <endian.h>
24 #include <errno.h>
25 #include <fcntl.h>
26 #include <stdio.h>
27 #include <stdlib.h>
28 #include <string.h>
29 #include <sys/mount.h>
30 #include <sys/resource.h>
31 #include <sys/stat.h>
32 #include <sys/types.h>
33 #include <unistd.h>
35 #include <algorithm>
36 #include <utility>
37 #include <vector>
39 #include <base/callback.h>
40 #include <base/files/file_path.h>
41 #include <base/files/file_util.h>
42 #include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
43 #include <base/format_macros.h>
44 #include <base/location.h>
45 #include <base/logging.h>
46 #include <base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h>
47 #include <base/rand_util.h>
48 #include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
49 #include <base/strings/string_split.h>
50 #include <base/strings/string_util.h>
51 #include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
52 #include <brillo/data_encoding.h>
54 #include "update_engine/common/clock_interface.h"
55 #include "update_engine/common/constants.h"
56 #include "update_engine/common/platform_constants.h"
57 #include "update_engine/common/prefs_interface.h"
58 #include "update_engine/common/subprocess.h"
59 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/file_descriptor.h"
61 using base::Time;
62 using base::TimeDelta;
63 using std::min;
64 using std::pair;
65 using std::string;
66 using std::vector;
68 namespace chromeos_update_engine {
70 namespace {
72 // The following constants control how UnmountFilesystem should retry if
73 // umount() fails with an errno EBUSY, i.e. retry 5 times over the course of
74 // one second.
75 const int kUnmountMaxNumOfRetries = 5;
76 const int kUnmountRetryIntervalInMicroseconds = 200 * 1000;  // 200 ms
78 // Number of bytes to read from a file to attempt to detect its contents. Used
79 // in GetFileFormat.
80 const int kGetFileFormatMaxHeaderSize = 32;
82 // The path to the kernel's boot_id.
83 const char kBootIdPath[] = "/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id";
85 // A pointer to a null-terminated string containing the root directory where all
86 // the temporary files should be created. If null, the system default is used
87 // instead.
88 const char* root_temp_dir = nullptr;
90 // Return true if |disk_name| is an MTD or a UBI device. Note that this test is
91 // simply based on the name of the device.
IsMtdDeviceName(const string & disk_name)92 bool IsMtdDeviceName(const string& disk_name) {
93   return base::StartsWith(disk_name, "/dev/ubi",
94                           base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
95          base::StartsWith(disk_name, "/dev/mtd", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE);
96 }
98 // Return the device name for the corresponding partition on a NAND device.
99 // WARNING: This function returns device names that are not mountable.
MakeNandPartitionName(int partition_num)100 string MakeNandPartitionName(int partition_num) {
101   switch (partition_num) {
102     case 2:
103     case 4:
104     case 6: {
105       return base::StringPrintf("/dev/mtd%d", partition_num);
106     }
107     default: {
108       return base::StringPrintf("/dev/ubi%d_0", partition_num);
109     }
110   }
111 }
113 // Return the device name for the corresponding partition on a NAND device that
114 // may be mountable (but may not be writable).
MakeNandPartitionNameForMount(int partition_num)115 string MakeNandPartitionNameForMount(int partition_num) {
116   switch (partition_num) {
117     case 2:
118     case 4:
119     case 6: {
120       return base::StringPrintf("/dev/mtd%d", partition_num);
121     }
122     case 3:
123     case 5:
124     case 7: {
125       return base::StringPrintf("/dev/ubiblock%d_0", partition_num);
126     }
127     default: {
128       return base::StringPrintf("/dev/ubi%d_0", partition_num);
129     }
130   }
131 }
133 // If |path| is absolute, or explicit relative to the current working directory,
134 // leaves it as is. Otherwise, uses the system's temp directory, as defined by
135 // base::GetTempDir() and prepends it to |path|. On success stores the full
136 // temporary path in |template_path| and returns true.
GetTempName(const string & path,base::FilePath * template_path)137 bool GetTempName(const string& path, base::FilePath* template_path) {
138   if (path[0] == '/' ||
139       base::StartsWith(path, "./", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
140       base::StartsWith(path, "../", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
141     *template_path = base::FilePath(path);
142     return true;
143   }
145   base::FilePath temp_dir;
146   if (root_temp_dir) {
147     temp_dir = base::FilePath(root_temp_dir);
148   } else {
149 #ifdef __ANDROID__
150     temp_dir = base::FilePath(constants::kNonVolatileDirectory).Append("tmp");
151 #else
152     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(base::GetTempDir(&temp_dir));
153 #endif  // __ANDROID__
154   }
155   if (!base::PathExists(temp_dir))
156     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(base::CreateDirectory(temp_dir));
157   *template_path = temp_dir.Append(path);
158   return true;
159 }
161 }  // namespace
163 namespace utils {
SetRootTempDir(const char * new_root_temp_dir)165 void SetRootTempDir(const char* new_root_temp_dir) {
166   root_temp_dir = new_root_temp_dir;
167 }
ParseECVersion(string input_line)169 string ParseECVersion(string input_line) {
170   base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(input_line, base::TRIM_ALL, &input_line);
172   // At this point we want to convert the format key=value pair from mosys to
173   // a vector of key value pairs.
174   vector<pair<string, string>> kv_pairs;
175   if (base::SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs(input_line, '=', ' ', &kv_pairs)) {
176     for (const pair<string, string>& kv_pair : kv_pairs) {
177       // Finally match against the fw_verion which may have quotes.
178       if (kv_pair.first == "fw_version") {
179         string output;
180         // Trim any quotes.
181         base::TrimString(kv_pair.second, "\"", &output);
182         return output;
183       }
184     }
185   }
186   LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse fwid from ec info.";
187   return "";
188 }
WriteFile(const char * path,const void * data,size_t data_len)190 bool WriteFile(const char* path, const void* data, size_t data_len) {
191   int fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600));
193   ScopedFdCloser fd_closer(&fd);
194   return WriteAll(fd, data, data_len);
195 }
ReadAll(int fd,void * buf,size_t count,size_t * out_bytes_read,bool * eof)197 bool ReadAll(
198     int fd, void* buf, size_t count, size_t* out_bytes_read, bool* eof) {
199   char* c_buf = static_cast<char*>(buf);
200   size_t bytes_read = 0;
201   *eof = false;
202   while (bytes_read < count) {
203     ssize_t rc = HANDLE_EINTR(read(fd, c_buf + bytes_read, count - bytes_read));
204     if (rc < 0) {
205       // EAGAIN and EWOULDBLOCK are normal return values when there's no more
206       // input and we are in non-blocking mode.
207       if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EAGAIN) {
208         PLOG(ERROR) << "Error reading fd " << fd;
209         *out_bytes_read = bytes_read;
210         return false;
211       }
212       break;
213     } else if (rc == 0) {
214       // A value of 0 means that we reached EOF and there is nothing else to
215       // read from this fd.
216       *eof = true;
217       break;
218     } else {
219       bytes_read += rc;
220     }
221   }
222   *out_bytes_read = bytes_read;
223   return true;
224 }
WriteAll(int fd,const void * buf,size_t count)226 bool WriteAll(int fd, const void* buf, size_t count) {
227   const char* c_buf = static_cast<const char*>(buf);
228   ssize_t bytes_written = 0;
229   while (bytes_written < static_cast<ssize_t>(count)) {
230     ssize_t rc = write(fd, c_buf + bytes_written, count - bytes_written);
232     bytes_written += rc;
233   }
234   return true;
235 }
PWriteAll(int fd,const void * buf,size_t count,off_t offset)237 bool PWriteAll(int fd, const void* buf, size_t count, off_t offset) {
238   const char* c_buf = static_cast<const char*>(buf);
239   size_t bytes_written = 0;
240   int num_attempts = 0;
241   while (bytes_written < count) {
242     num_attempts++;
243     ssize_t rc = pwrite(fd, c_buf + bytes_written, count - bytes_written,
244                         offset + bytes_written);
245     // TODO(garnold) for debugging failure in chromium-os:31077; to be removed.
246     if (rc < 0) {
247       PLOG(ERROR) << "pwrite error; num_attempts=" << num_attempts
248                   << " bytes_written=" << bytes_written
249                   << " count=" << count << " offset=" << offset;
250     }
252     bytes_written += rc;
253   }
254   return true;
255 }
WriteAll(const FileDescriptorPtr & fd,const void * buf,size_t count)257 bool WriteAll(const FileDescriptorPtr& fd, const void* buf, size_t count) {
258   const char* c_buf = static_cast<const char*>(buf);
259   ssize_t bytes_written = 0;
260   while (bytes_written < static_cast<ssize_t>(count)) {
261     ssize_t rc = fd->Write(c_buf + bytes_written, count - bytes_written);
263     bytes_written += rc;
264   }
265   return true;
266 }
PWriteAll(const FileDescriptorPtr & fd,const void * buf,size_t count,off_t offset)268 bool PWriteAll(const FileDescriptorPtr& fd,
269                const void* buf,
270                size_t count,
271                off_t offset) {
272   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE_ERRNO(fd->Seek(offset, SEEK_SET) !=
273                               static_cast<off_t>(-1));
274   return WriteAll(fd, buf, count);
275 }
PReadAll(int fd,void * buf,size_t count,off_t offset,ssize_t * out_bytes_read)277 bool PReadAll(int fd, void* buf, size_t count, off_t offset,
278               ssize_t* out_bytes_read) {
279   char* c_buf = static_cast<char*>(buf);
280   ssize_t bytes_read = 0;
281   while (bytes_read < static_cast<ssize_t>(count)) {
282     ssize_t rc = pread(fd, c_buf + bytes_read, count - bytes_read,
283                        offset + bytes_read);
285     if (rc == 0) {
286       break;
287     }
288     bytes_read += rc;
289   }
290   *out_bytes_read = bytes_read;
291   return true;
292 }
PReadAll(const FileDescriptorPtr & fd,void * buf,size_t count,off_t offset,ssize_t * out_bytes_read)294 bool PReadAll(const FileDescriptorPtr& fd, void* buf, size_t count, off_t offset,
295               ssize_t* out_bytes_read) {
296   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE_ERRNO(fd->Seek(offset, SEEK_SET) !=
297                               static_cast<off_t>(-1));
298   char* c_buf = static_cast<char*>(buf);
299   ssize_t bytes_read = 0;
300   while (bytes_read < static_cast<ssize_t>(count)) {
301     ssize_t rc = fd->Read(c_buf + bytes_read, count - bytes_read);
303     if (rc == 0) {
304       break;
305     }
306     bytes_read += rc;
307   }
308   *out_bytes_read = bytes_read;
309   return true;
310 }
312 // Append |nbytes| of content from |buf| to the vector pointed to by either
313 // |vec_p| or |str_p|.
AppendBytes(const uint8_t * buf,size_t nbytes,brillo::Blob * vec_p)314 static void AppendBytes(const uint8_t* buf, size_t nbytes,
315                         brillo::Blob* vec_p) {
316   CHECK(buf);
317   CHECK(vec_p);
318   vec_p->insert(vec_p->end(), buf, buf + nbytes);
319 }
AppendBytes(const uint8_t * buf,size_t nbytes,string * str_p)320 static void AppendBytes(const uint8_t* buf, size_t nbytes,
321                         string* str_p) {
322   CHECK(buf);
323   CHECK(str_p);
324   str_p->append(buf, buf + nbytes);
325 }
327 // Reads from an open file |fp|, appending the read content to the container
328 // pointer to by |out_p|.  Returns true upon successful reading all of the
329 // file's content, false otherwise. If |size| is not -1, reads up to |size|
330 // bytes.
331 template <class T>
Read(FILE * fp,off_t size,T * out_p)332 static bool Read(FILE* fp, off_t size, T* out_p) {
333   CHECK(fp);
334   CHECK(size == -1 || size >= 0);
335   uint8_t buf[1024];
336   while (size == -1 || size > 0) {
337     off_t bytes_to_read = sizeof(buf);
338     if (size > 0 && bytes_to_read > size) {
339       bytes_to_read = size;
340     }
341     size_t nbytes = fread(buf, 1, bytes_to_read, fp);
342     if (!nbytes) {
343       break;
344     }
345     AppendBytes(buf, nbytes, out_p);
346     if (size != -1) {
347       CHECK(size >= static_cast<off_t>(nbytes));
348       size -= nbytes;
349     }
350   }
351   if (ferror(fp)) {
352     return false;
353   }
354   return size == 0 || feof(fp);
355 }
357 // Opens a file |path| for reading and appends its the contents to a container
358 // |out_p|. Starts reading the file from |offset|. If |offset| is beyond the end
359 // of the file, returns success. If |size| is not -1, reads up to |size| bytes.
360 template <class T>
ReadFileChunkAndAppend(const string & path,off_t offset,off_t size,T * out_p)361 static bool ReadFileChunkAndAppend(const string& path,
362                                    off_t offset,
363                                    off_t size,
364                                    T* out_p) {
365   CHECK_GE(offset, 0);
366   CHECK(size == -1 || size >= 0);
367   base::ScopedFILE fp(fopen(path.c_str(), "r"));
368   if (!fp.get())
369     return false;
370   if (offset) {
371     // Return success without appending any data if a chunk beyond the end of
372     // the file is requested.
373     if (offset >= FileSize(path)) {
374       return true;
375     }
376     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE_ERRNO(fseek(fp.get(), offset, SEEK_SET) == 0);
377   }
378   return Read(fp.get(), size, out_p);
379 }
381 // TODO(deymo): This is only used in unittest, but requires the private
382 // Read<string>() defined here. Expose Read<string>() or move to base/ version.
ReadPipe(const string & cmd,string * out_p)383 bool ReadPipe(const string& cmd, string* out_p) {
384   FILE* fp = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
385   if (!fp)
386     return false;
387   bool success = Read(fp, -1, out_p);
388   return (success && pclose(fp) >= 0);
389 }
ReadFile(const string & path,brillo::Blob * out_p)391 bool ReadFile(const string& path, brillo::Blob* out_p) {
392   return ReadFileChunkAndAppend(path, 0, -1, out_p);
393 }
ReadFile(const string & path,string * out_p)395 bool ReadFile(const string& path, string* out_p) {
396   return ReadFileChunkAndAppend(path, 0, -1, out_p);
397 }
ReadFileChunk(const string & path,off_t offset,off_t size,brillo::Blob * out_p)399 bool ReadFileChunk(const string& path, off_t offset, off_t size,
400                    brillo::Blob* out_p) {
401   return ReadFileChunkAndAppend(path, offset, size, out_p);
402 }
BlockDevSize(int fd)404 off_t BlockDevSize(int fd) {
405   uint64_t dev_size;
406   int rc = ioctl(fd, BLKGETSIZE64, &dev_size);
407   if (rc == -1) {
408     dev_size = -1;
409     PLOG(ERROR) << "Error running ioctl(BLKGETSIZE64) on " << fd;
410   }
411   return dev_size;
412 }
FileSize(int fd)414 off_t FileSize(int fd) {
415   struct stat stbuf;
416   int rc = fstat(fd, &stbuf);
417   CHECK_EQ(rc, 0);
418   if (rc < 0) {
419     PLOG(ERROR) << "Error stat-ing " << fd;
420     return rc;
421   }
422   if (S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode))
423     return stbuf.st_size;
424   if (S_ISBLK(stbuf.st_mode))
425     return BlockDevSize(fd);
426   LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't determine the type of " << fd;
427   return -1;
428 }
FileSize(const string & path)430 off_t FileSize(const string& path) {
431   int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
432   if (fd == -1) {
433     PLOG(ERROR) << "Error opening " << path;
434     return fd;
435   }
436   off_t size = FileSize(fd);
437   if (size == -1)
438     PLOG(ERROR) << "Error getting file size of " << path;
439   close(fd);
440   return size;
441 }
HexDumpArray(const uint8_t * const arr,const size_t length)443 void HexDumpArray(const uint8_t* const arr, const size_t length) {
444   LOG(INFO) << "Logging array of length: " << length;
445   const unsigned int bytes_per_line = 16;
446   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i += bytes_per_line) {
447     const unsigned int bytes_remaining = length - i;
448     const unsigned int bytes_per_this_line = min(bytes_per_line,
449                                                  bytes_remaining);
450     char header[100];
451     int r = snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "0x%08x : ", i);
452     TEST_AND_RETURN(r == 13);
453     string line = header;
454     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < bytes_per_this_line; j++) {
455       char buf[20];
456       uint8_t c = arr[i + j];
457       r = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02x ", static_cast<unsigned int>(c));
458       TEST_AND_RETURN(r == 3);
459       line += buf;
460     }
461     LOG(INFO) << line;
462   }
463 }
SplitPartitionName(const string & partition_name,string * out_disk_name,int * out_partition_num)465 bool SplitPartitionName(const string& partition_name,
466                         string* out_disk_name,
467                         int* out_partition_num) {
468   if (!base::StartsWith(partition_name, "/dev/",
469                         base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
470     LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid partition device name: " << partition_name;
471     return false;
472   }
474   size_t last_nondigit_pos = partition_name.find_last_not_of("0123456789");
475   if (last_nondigit_pos == string::npos ||
476       (last_nondigit_pos + 1) == partition_name.size()) {
477     LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse partition device name: " << partition_name;
478     return false;
479   }
481   size_t partition_name_len = string::npos;
482   if (partition_name[last_nondigit_pos] == '_') {
483     // NAND block devices have weird naming which could be something
484     // like "/dev/ubiblock2_0". We discard "_0" in such a case.
485     size_t prev_nondigit_pos =
486         partition_name.find_last_not_of("0123456789", last_nondigit_pos - 1);
487     if (prev_nondigit_pos == string::npos ||
488         (prev_nondigit_pos + 1) == last_nondigit_pos) {
489       LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse partition device name: " << partition_name;
490       return false;
491     }
493     partition_name_len = last_nondigit_pos - prev_nondigit_pos;
494     last_nondigit_pos = prev_nondigit_pos;
495   }
497   if (out_disk_name) {
498     // Special case for MMC devices which have the following naming scheme:
499     // mmcblk0p2
500     size_t disk_name_len = last_nondigit_pos;
501     if (partition_name[last_nondigit_pos] != 'p' ||
502         last_nondigit_pos == 0 ||
503         !isdigit(partition_name[last_nondigit_pos - 1])) {
504       disk_name_len++;
505     }
506     *out_disk_name = partition_name.substr(0, disk_name_len);
507   }
509   if (out_partition_num) {
510     string partition_str = partition_name.substr(last_nondigit_pos + 1,
511                                                  partition_name_len);
512     *out_partition_num = atoi(partition_str.c_str());
513   }
514   return true;
515 }
MakePartitionName(const string & disk_name,int partition_num)517 string MakePartitionName(const string& disk_name, int partition_num) {
518   if (partition_num < 1) {
519     LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid partition number: " << partition_num;
520     return string();
521   }
523   if (!base::StartsWith(disk_name, "/dev/", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
524     LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid disk name: " << disk_name;
525     return string();
526   }
528   if (IsMtdDeviceName(disk_name)) {
529     // Special case for UBI block devices.
530     //   1. ubiblock is not writable, we need to use plain "ubi".
531     //   2. There is a "_0" suffix.
532     return MakeNandPartitionName(partition_num);
533   }
535   string partition_name = disk_name;
536   if (isdigit(partition_name.back())) {
537     // Special case for devices with names ending with a digit.
538     // Add "p" to separate the disk name from partition number,
539     // e.g. "/dev/loop0p2"
540     partition_name += 'p';
541   }
543   partition_name += std::to_string(partition_num);
545   return partition_name;
546 }
MakePartitionNameForMount(const string & part_name)548 string MakePartitionNameForMount(const string& part_name) {
549   if (IsMtdDeviceName(part_name)) {
550     int partition_num;
551     if (!SplitPartitionName(part_name, nullptr, &partition_num)) {
552       return "";
553     }
554     return MakeNandPartitionNameForMount(partition_num);
555   }
556   return part_name;
557 }
ErrnoNumberAsString(int err)559 string ErrnoNumberAsString(int err) {
560   char buf[100];
561   buf[0] = '\0';
562   return strerror_r(err, buf, sizeof(buf));
563 }
FileExists(const char * path)565 bool FileExists(const char* path) {
566   struct stat stbuf;
567   return 0 == lstat(path, &stbuf);
568 }
IsSymlink(const char * path)570 bool IsSymlink(const char* path) {
571   struct stat stbuf;
572   return lstat(path, &stbuf) == 0 && S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode) != 0;
573 }
TryAttachingUbiVolume(int volume_num,int timeout)575 bool TryAttachingUbiVolume(int volume_num, int timeout) {
576   const string volume_path = base::StringPrintf("/dev/ubi%d_0", volume_num);
577   if (FileExists(volume_path.c_str())) {
578     return true;
579   }
581   int exit_code;
582   vector<string> cmd = {
583       "ubiattach",
584       "-m",
585       base::StringPrintf("%d", volume_num),
586       "-d",
587       base::StringPrintf("%d", volume_num)
588   };
589   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(Subprocess::SynchronousExec(cmd, &exit_code, nullptr));
590   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(exit_code == 0);
592   cmd = {
593       "ubiblock",
594       "--create",
595       volume_path
596   };
597   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(Subprocess::SynchronousExec(cmd, &exit_code, nullptr));
598   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(exit_code == 0);
600   while (timeout > 0 && !FileExists(volume_path.c_str())) {
601     sleep(1);
602     timeout--;
603   }
605   return FileExists(volume_path.c_str());
606 }
MakeTempFile(const string & base_filename_template,string * filename,int * fd)608 bool MakeTempFile(const string& base_filename_template,
609                   string* filename,
610                   int* fd) {
611   base::FilePath filename_template;
613       GetTempName(base_filename_template, &filename_template));
614   DCHECK(filename || fd);
615   vector<char> buf(filename_template.value().size() + 1);
616   memcpy(buf.data(), filename_template.value().data(),
617          filename_template.value().size());
618   buf[filename_template.value().size()] = '\0';
620   int mkstemp_fd = mkstemp(buf.data());
621   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE_ERRNO(mkstemp_fd >= 0);
622   if (filename) {
623     *filename = buf.data();
624   }
625   if (fd) {
626     *fd = mkstemp_fd;
627   } else {
628     close(mkstemp_fd);
629   }
630   return true;
631 }
SetBlockDeviceReadOnly(const string & device,bool read_only)633 bool SetBlockDeviceReadOnly(const string& device, bool read_only) {
634   int fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open(device.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC));
635   if (fd < 0) {
636     PLOG(ERROR) << "Opening block device " << device;
637     return false;
638   }
639   ScopedFdCloser fd_closer(&fd);
640   // We take no action if not needed.
641   int read_only_flag;
642   int expected_flag = read_only ? 1 : 0;
643   int rc = ioctl(fd, BLKROGET, &read_only_flag);
644   // In case of failure reading the setting we will try to set it anyway.
645   if (rc == 0 && read_only_flag == expected_flag)
646     return true;
648   rc = ioctl(fd, BLKROSET, &expected_flag);
649   if (rc != 0) {
650     PLOG(ERROR) << "Marking block device " << device << " as read_only="
651                 << expected_flag;
652     return false;
653   }
654   return true;
655 }
MountFilesystem(const string & device,const string & mountpoint,unsigned long mountflags,const string & type,const string & fs_mount_options)657 bool MountFilesystem(const string& device,
658                      const string& mountpoint,
659                      unsigned long mountflags,  // NOLINT(runtime/int)
660                      const string& type,
661                      const string& fs_mount_options) {
662   vector<const char*> fstypes;
663   if (type.empty()) {
664     fstypes = {"ext2", "ext3", "ext4", "squashfs"};
665   } else {
666     fstypes = {type.c_str()};
667   }
668   for (const char* fstype : fstypes) {
669     int rc = mount(device.c_str(), mountpoint.c_str(), fstype, mountflags,
670                    fs_mount_options.c_str());
671     if (rc == 0)
672       return true;
674     PLOG(WARNING) << "Unable to mount destination device " << device
675                   << " on " << mountpoint << " as " << fstype;
676   }
677   if (!type.empty()) {
678     LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to mount " << device << " with any supported type";
679   }
680   return false;
681 }
UnmountFilesystem(const string & mountpoint)683 bool UnmountFilesystem(const string& mountpoint) {
684   int num_retries = 1;
685   for (;; ++num_retries) {
686     if (umount(mountpoint.c_str()) == 0)
687       return true;
688     if (errno != EBUSY || num_retries >= kUnmountMaxNumOfRetries)
689       break;
690     usleep(kUnmountRetryIntervalInMicroseconds);
691   }
692   if (errno == EINVAL) {
693     LOG(INFO) << "Not a mountpoint: " << mountpoint;
694     return false;
695   }
696   PLOG(WARNING) << "Error unmounting " << mountpoint << " after " << num_retries
697                 << " attempts. Lazy unmounting instead, error was";
698   if (umount2(mountpoint.c_str(), MNT_DETACH) != 0) {
699     PLOG(ERROR) << "Lazy unmount failed";
700     return false;
701   }
702   return true;
703 }
IsMountpoint(const std::string & mountpoint)705 bool IsMountpoint(const std::string& mountpoint) {
706   struct stat stdir, stparent;
708   // Check whether the passed mountpoint is a directory and the /.. is in the
709   // same device or not. If mountpoint/.. is in a different device it means that
710   // there is a filesystem mounted there. If it is not, but they both point to
711   // the same inode it basically is the special case of /.. pointing to /. This
712   // test doesn't play well with bind mount but that's out of the scope of what
713   // we want to detect here.
714   if (lstat(mountpoint.c_str(), &stdir) != 0) {
715     PLOG(ERROR) << "Error stat'ing " << mountpoint;
716     return false;
717   }
718   if (!S_ISDIR(stdir.st_mode))
719     return false;
721   base::FilePath parent(mountpoint);
722   parent = parent.Append("..");
723   if (lstat(parent.value().c_str(), &stparent) != 0) {
724     PLOG(ERROR) << "Error stat'ing " << parent.value();
725     return false;
726   }
727   return S_ISDIR(stparent.st_mode) &&
728          (stparent.st_dev != stdir.st_dev || stparent.st_ino == stdir.st_ino);
729 }
731 // Tries to parse the header of an ELF file to obtain a human-readable
732 // description of it on the |output| string.
GetFileFormatELF(const uint8_t * buffer,size_t size,string * output)733 static bool GetFileFormatELF(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t size,
734                              string* output) {
735   // 0x00: EI_MAG - ELF magic header, 4 bytes.
736   if (size < SELFMAG || memcmp(buffer, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0)
737     return false;
738   *output = "ELF";
740   // 0x04: EI_CLASS, 1 byte.
741   if (size < EI_CLASS + 1)
742     return true;
743   switch (buffer[EI_CLASS]) {
744     case ELFCLASS32:
745       *output += " 32-bit";
746       break;
747     case ELFCLASS64:
748       *output += " 64-bit";
749       break;
750     default:
751       *output += " ?-bit";
752   }
754   // 0x05: EI_DATA, endianness, 1 byte.
755   if (size < EI_DATA + 1)
756     return true;
757   uint8_t ei_data = buffer[EI_DATA];
758   switch (ei_data) {
759     case ELFDATA2LSB:
760       *output += " little-endian";
761       break;
762     case ELFDATA2MSB:
763       *output += " big-endian";
764       break;
765     default:
766       *output += " ?-endian";
767       // Don't parse anything after the 0x10 offset if endianness is unknown.
768       return true;
769   }
771   const Elf32_Ehdr* hdr = reinterpret_cast<const Elf32_Ehdr*>(buffer);
772   // 0x12: e_machine, 2 byte endianness based on ei_data. The position (0x12)
773   // and size is the same for both 32 and 64 bits.
774   if (size < offsetof(Elf32_Ehdr, e_machine) + sizeof(hdr->e_machine))
775     return true;
776   uint16_t e_machine;
777   // Fix endianess regardless of the host endianess.
778   if (ei_data == ELFDATA2LSB)
779     e_machine = le16toh(hdr->e_machine);
780   else
781     e_machine = be16toh(hdr->e_machine);
783   switch (e_machine) {
784     case EM_386:
785       *output += " x86";
786       break;
787     case EM_MIPS:
788       *output += " mips";
789       break;
790     case EM_ARM:
791       *output += " arm";
792       break;
793     case EM_X86_64:
794       *output += " x86-64";
795       break;
796     default:
797       *output += " unknown-arch";
798   }
799   return true;
800 }
GetFileFormat(const string & path)802 string GetFileFormat(const string& path) {
803   brillo::Blob buffer;
804   if (!ReadFileChunkAndAppend(path, 0, kGetFileFormatMaxHeaderSize, &buffer))
805     return "File not found.";
807   string result;
808   if (GetFileFormatELF(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), &result))
809     return result;
811   return "data";
812 }
FuzzInt(int value,unsigned int range)814 int FuzzInt(int value, unsigned int range) {
815   int min = value - range / 2;
816   int max = value + range - range / 2;
817   return base::RandInt(min, max);
818 }
FormatSecs(unsigned secs)820 string FormatSecs(unsigned secs) {
821   return FormatTimeDelta(TimeDelta::FromSeconds(secs));
822 }
FormatTimeDelta(TimeDelta delta)824 string FormatTimeDelta(TimeDelta delta) {
825   string str;
827   // Handle negative durations by prefixing with a minus.
828   if (delta.ToInternalValue() < 0) {
829     delta *= -1;
830     str = "-";
831   }
833   // Canonicalize into days, hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.
834   unsigned days = delta.InDays();
835   delta -= TimeDelta::FromDays(days);
836   unsigned hours = delta.InHours();
837   delta -= TimeDelta::FromHours(hours);
838   unsigned mins = delta.InMinutes();
839   delta -= TimeDelta::FromMinutes(mins);
840   unsigned secs = delta.InSeconds();
841   delta -= TimeDelta::FromSeconds(secs);
842   unsigned usecs = delta.InMicroseconds();
844   if (days)
845     base::StringAppendF(&str, "%ud", days);
846   if (days || hours)
847     base::StringAppendF(&str, "%uh", hours);
848   if (days || hours || mins)
849     base::StringAppendF(&str, "%um", mins);
850   base::StringAppendF(&str, "%u", secs);
851   if (usecs) {
852     int width = 6;
853     while ((usecs / 10) * 10 == usecs) {
854       usecs /= 10;
855       width--;
856     }
857     base::StringAppendF(&str, ".%0*u", width, usecs);
858   }
859   base::StringAppendF(&str, "s");
860   return str;
861 }
ToString(const Time utc_time)863 string ToString(const Time utc_time) {
864   Time::Exploded exp_time;
865   utc_time.UTCExplode(&exp_time);
866   return base::StringPrintf("%d/%d/%d %d:%02d:%02d GMT",
867                       exp_time.month,
868                       exp_time.day_of_month,
869                       exp_time.year,
870                       exp_time.hour,
871                       exp_time.minute,
872                       exp_time.second);
873 }
ToString(bool b)875 string ToString(bool b) {
876   return (b ? "true" : "false");
877 }
ToString(DownloadSource source)879 string ToString(DownloadSource source) {
880   switch (source) {
881     case kDownloadSourceHttpsServer: return "HttpsServer";
882     case kDownloadSourceHttpServer:  return "HttpServer";
883     case kDownloadSourceHttpPeer:    return "HttpPeer";
884     case kNumDownloadSources:        return "Unknown";
885     // Don't add a default case to let the compiler warn about newly added
886     // download sources which should be added here.
887   }
889   return "Unknown";
890 }
ToString(PayloadType payload_type)892 string ToString(PayloadType payload_type) {
893   switch (payload_type) {
894     case kPayloadTypeDelta:      return "Delta";
895     case kPayloadTypeFull:       return "Full";
896     case kPayloadTypeForcedFull: return "ForcedFull";
897     case kNumPayloadTypes:       return "Unknown";
898     // Don't add a default case to let the compiler warn about newly added
899     // payload types which should be added here.
900   }
902   return "Unknown";
903 }
GetBaseErrorCode(ErrorCode code)905 ErrorCode GetBaseErrorCode(ErrorCode code) {
906   // Ignore the higher order bits in the code by applying the mask as
907   // we want the enumerations to be in the small contiguous range
908   // with values less than ErrorCode::kUmaReportedMax.
909   ErrorCode base_code = static_cast<ErrorCode>(
910       static_cast<int>(code) & ~static_cast<int>(ErrorCode::kSpecialFlags));
912   // Make additional adjustments required for UMA and error classification.
913   // TODO(jaysri): Move this logic to UeErrorCode.cc when we fix
914   // chromium-os:34369.
915   if (base_code >= ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestHTTPResponseBase) {
916     // Since we want to keep the enums to a small value, aggregate all HTTP
917     // errors into this one bucket for UMA and error classification purposes.
918     LOG(INFO) << "Converting error code " << base_code
919               << " to ErrorCode::kOmahaErrorInHTTPResponse";
920     base_code = ErrorCode::kOmahaErrorInHTTPResponse;
921   }
923   return base_code;
924 }
TimeFromStructTimespec(struct timespec * ts)926 Time TimeFromStructTimespec(struct timespec *ts) {
927   int64_t us = static_cast<int64_t>(ts->tv_sec) * Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond +
928       static_cast<int64_t>(ts->tv_nsec) / Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond;
929   return Time::UnixEpoch() + TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(us);
930 }
StringVectorToString(const vector<string> & vec_str)932 string StringVectorToString(const vector<string> &vec_str) {
933   string str = "[";
934   for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = vec_str.begin();
935        i != vec_str.end(); ++i) {
936     if (i != vec_str.begin())
937       str += ", ";
938     str += '"';
939     str += *i;
940     str += '"';
941   }
942   str += "]";
943   return str;
944 }
946 // The P2P file id should be the same for devices running new version and old
947 // version so that they can share it with each other. The hash in the response
948 // was base64 encoded, but now that we switched to use "hash_sha256" field which
949 // is hex encoded, we have to convert them back to base64 for P2P. However, the
950 // base64 encoded hash was base64 encoded here again historically for some
951 // reason, so we keep the same behavior here.
CalculateP2PFileId(const brillo::Blob & payload_hash,size_t payload_size)952 string CalculateP2PFileId(const brillo::Blob& payload_hash,
953                           size_t payload_size) {
954   string encoded_hash = brillo::data_encoding::Base64Encode(
955       brillo::data_encoding::Base64Encode(payload_hash));
956   return base::StringPrintf("cros_update_size_%" PRIuS "_hash_%s",
957                             payload_size,
958                             encoded_hash.c_str());
959 }
DecodeAndStoreBase64String(const string & base64_encoded,base::FilePath * out_path)961 bool DecodeAndStoreBase64String(const string& base64_encoded,
962                                 base::FilePath *out_path) {
963   brillo::Blob contents;
965   out_path->clear();
967   if (base64_encoded.size() == 0) {
968     LOG(ERROR) << "Can't decode empty string.";
969     return false;
970   }
972   if (!brillo::data_encoding::Base64Decode(base64_encoded, &contents) ||
973       contents.size() == 0) {
974     LOG(ERROR) << "Error decoding base64.";
975     return false;
976   }
978   FILE *file = base::CreateAndOpenTemporaryFile(out_path);
979   if (file == nullptr) {
980     LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating temporary file.";
981     return false;
982   }
984   if (fwrite(contents.data(), 1, contents.size(), file) != contents.size()) {
985     PLOG(ERROR) << "Error writing to temporary file.";
986     if (fclose(file) != 0)
987       PLOG(ERROR) << "Error closing temporary file.";
988     if (unlink(out_path->value().c_str()) != 0)
989       PLOG(ERROR) << "Error unlinking temporary file.";
990     out_path->clear();
991     return false;
992   }
994   if (fclose(file) != 0) {
995     PLOG(ERROR) << "Error closing temporary file.";
996     out_path->clear();
997     return false;
998   }
1000   return true;
1001 }
ConvertToOmahaInstallDate(Time time,int * out_num_days)1003 bool ConvertToOmahaInstallDate(Time time, int *out_num_days) {
1004   time_t unix_time = time.ToTimeT();
1005   // Output of: date +"%s" --date="Jan 1, 2007 0:00 PST".
1006   const time_t kOmahaEpoch = 1167638400;
1007   const int64_t kNumSecondsPerWeek = 7*24*3600;
1008   const int64_t kNumDaysPerWeek = 7;
1010   time_t omaha_time = unix_time - kOmahaEpoch;
1012   if (omaha_time < 0)
1013     return false;
1015   // Note, as per the comment in utils.h we are deliberately not
1016   // handling DST correctly.
1018   int64_t num_weeks_since_omaha_epoch = omaha_time / kNumSecondsPerWeek;
1019   *out_num_days = num_weeks_since_omaha_epoch * kNumDaysPerWeek;
1021   return true;
1022 }
GetMinorVersion(const brillo::KeyValueStore & store,uint32_t * minor_version)1024 bool GetMinorVersion(const brillo::KeyValueStore& store,
1025                      uint32_t* minor_version) {
1026   string result;
1027   if (store.GetString("PAYLOAD_MINOR_VERSION", &result)) {
1028     if (!base::StringToUint(result, minor_version)) {
1029       LOG(ERROR) << "StringToUint failed when parsing delta minor version.";
1030       return false;
1031     }
1032     return true;
1033   }
1034   return false;
1035 }
ReadExtents(const string & path,const vector<Extent> & extents,brillo::Blob * out_data,ssize_t out_data_size,size_t block_size)1037 bool ReadExtents(const string& path, const vector<Extent>& extents,
1038                  brillo::Blob* out_data, ssize_t out_data_size,
1039                  size_t block_size) {
1040   brillo::Blob data(out_data_size);
1041   ssize_t bytes_read = 0;
1042   int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
1044   ScopedFdCloser fd_closer(&fd);
1046   for (const Extent& extent : extents) {
1047     ssize_t bytes_read_this_iteration = 0;
1048     ssize_t bytes = extent.num_blocks() * block_size;
1049     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(bytes_read + bytes <= out_data_size);
1050     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(utils::PReadAll(fd,
1051                                           &data[bytes_read],
1052                                           bytes,
1053                                           extent.start_block() * block_size,
1054                                           &bytes_read_this_iteration));
1055     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(bytes_read_this_iteration == bytes);
1056     bytes_read += bytes_read_this_iteration;
1057   }
1058   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(out_data_size == bytes_read);
1059   *out_data = data;
1060   return true;
1061 }
GetBootId(string * boot_id)1063 bool GetBootId(string* boot_id) {
1065       base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(kBootIdPath), boot_id));
1066   base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(*boot_id, base::TRIM_TRAILING, boot_id);
1067   return true;
1068 }
1070 }  // namespace utils
1072 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine