1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "dex_file.h"
19 #include <limits.h>
20 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <string.h>
23 #include <zlib.h>
25 #include <memory>
26 #include <sstream>
27 #include <type_traits>
29 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
31 #include "base/enums.h"
32 #include "base/leb128.h"
33 #include "base/stl_util.h"
34 #include "descriptors_names.h"
35 #include "dex_file-inl.h"
36 #include "standard_dex_file.h"
37 #include "utf-inl.h"
39 namespace art {
41 using android::base::StringPrintf;
43 static_assert(sizeof(dex::StringIndex) == sizeof(uint32_t), "StringIndex size is wrong");
44 static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<dex::StringIndex>::value, "StringIndex not trivial");
45 static_assert(sizeof(dex::TypeIndex) == sizeof(uint16_t), "TypeIndex size is wrong");
46 static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<dex::TypeIndex>::value, "TypeIndex not trivial");
UnHideAccessFlags(ClassDataItemIterator & class_it)48 void DexFile::UnHideAccessFlags(ClassDataItemIterator& class_it) {
49   uint8_t* data = const_cast<uint8_t*>(class_it.DataPointer());
50   uint32_t new_flag = class_it.GetMemberAccessFlags();
51   bool is_method = class_it.IsAtMethod();
52   // Go back 1 uleb to start.
53   data = ReverseSearchUnsignedLeb128(data);
54   if (is_method) {
55     // Methods have another uleb field before the access flags
56     data = ReverseSearchUnsignedLeb128(data);
57   }
58   DCHECK_EQ(HiddenApiAccessFlags::RemoveFromDex(DecodeUnsignedLeb128WithoutMovingCursor(data)),
59             new_flag);
60   UpdateUnsignedLeb128(data, new_flag);
61 }
CalculateChecksum() const63 uint32_t DexFile::CalculateChecksum() const {
64   return CalculateChecksum(Begin(), Size());
65 }
CalculateChecksum(const uint8_t * begin,size_t size)67 uint32_t DexFile::CalculateChecksum(const uint8_t* begin, size_t size) {
68   const uint32_t non_sum_bytes = OFFSETOF_MEMBER(DexFile::Header, signature_);
69   return ChecksumMemoryRange(begin + non_sum_bytes, size - non_sum_bytes);
70 }
ChecksumMemoryRange(const uint8_t * begin,size_t size)72 uint32_t DexFile::ChecksumMemoryRange(const uint8_t* begin, size_t size) {
73   return adler32(adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0), begin, size);
74 }
GetPermissions() const76 int DexFile::GetPermissions() const {
77   CHECK(container_.get() != nullptr);
78   return container_->GetPermissions();
79 }
IsReadOnly() const81 bool DexFile::IsReadOnly() const {
82   CHECK(container_.get() != nullptr);
83   return container_->IsReadOnly();
84 }
EnableWrite() const86 bool DexFile::EnableWrite() const {
87   CHECK(container_.get() != nullptr);
88   return container_->EnableWrite();
89 }
DisableWrite() const91 bool DexFile::DisableWrite() const {
92   CHECK(container_.get() != nullptr);
93   return container_->DisableWrite();
94 }
DexFile(const uint8_t * base,size_t size,const uint8_t * data_begin,size_t data_size,const std::string & location,uint32_t location_checksum,const OatDexFile * oat_dex_file,std::unique_ptr<DexFileContainer> container,bool is_compact_dex)96 DexFile::DexFile(const uint8_t* base,
97                  size_t size,
98                  const uint8_t* data_begin,
99                  size_t data_size,
100                  const std::string& location,
101                  uint32_t location_checksum,
102                  const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file,
103                  std::unique_ptr<DexFileContainer> container,
104                  bool is_compact_dex)
105     : begin_(base),
106       size_(size),
107       data_begin_(data_begin),
108       data_size_(data_size),
109       location_(location),
110       location_checksum_(location_checksum),
111       header_(reinterpret_cast<const Header*>(base)),
112       string_ids_(reinterpret_cast<const StringId*>(base + header_->string_ids_off_)),
113       type_ids_(reinterpret_cast<const TypeId*>(base + header_->type_ids_off_)),
114       field_ids_(reinterpret_cast<const FieldId*>(base + header_->field_ids_off_)),
115       method_ids_(reinterpret_cast<const MethodId*>(base + header_->method_ids_off_)),
116       proto_ids_(reinterpret_cast<const ProtoId*>(base + header_->proto_ids_off_)),
117       class_defs_(reinterpret_cast<const ClassDef*>(base + header_->class_defs_off_)),
118       method_handles_(nullptr),
119       num_method_handles_(0),
120       call_site_ids_(nullptr),
121       num_call_site_ids_(0),
122       oat_dex_file_(oat_dex_file),
123       container_(std::move(container)),
124       is_compact_dex_(is_compact_dex),
125       is_platform_dex_(false) {
126   CHECK(begin_ != nullptr) << GetLocation();
127   CHECK_GT(size_, 0U) << GetLocation();
128   // Check base (=header) alignment.
129   // Must be 4-byte aligned to avoid undefined behavior when accessing
130   // any of the sections via a pointer.
131   CHECK_ALIGNED(begin_, alignof(Header));
133   InitializeSectionsFromMapList();
134 }
~DexFile()136 DexFile::~DexFile() {
137   // We don't call DeleteGlobalRef on dex_object_ because we're only called by DestroyJavaVM, and
138   // that's only called after DetachCurrentThread, which means there's no JNIEnv. We could
139   // re-attach, but cleaning up these global references is not obviously useful. It's not as if
140   // the global reference table is otherwise empty!
141 }
Init(std::string * error_msg)143 bool DexFile::Init(std::string* error_msg) {
144   if (!CheckMagicAndVersion(error_msg)) {
145     return false;
146   }
147   return true;
148 }
CheckMagicAndVersion(std::string * error_msg) const150 bool DexFile::CheckMagicAndVersion(std::string* error_msg) const {
151   if (!IsMagicValid()) {
152     std::ostringstream oss;
153     oss << "Unrecognized magic number in "  << GetLocation() << ":"
154             << " " << header_->magic_[0]
155             << " " << header_->magic_[1]
156             << " " << header_->magic_[2]
157             << " " << header_->magic_[3];
158     *error_msg = oss.str();
159     return false;
160   }
161   if (!IsVersionValid()) {
162     std::ostringstream oss;
163     oss << "Unrecognized version number in "  << GetLocation() << ":"
164             << " " << header_->magic_[4]
165             << " " << header_->magic_[5]
166             << " " << header_->magic_[6]
167             << " " << header_->magic_[7];
168     *error_msg = oss.str();
169     return false;
170   }
171   return true;
172 }
InitializeSectionsFromMapList()174 void DexFile::InitializeSectionsFromMapList() {
175   const MapList* map_list = reinterpret_cast<const MapList*>(DataBegin() + header_->map_off_);
176   if (header_->map_off_ == 0 || header_->map_off_ > DataSize()) {
177     // Bad offset. The dex file verifier runs after this method and will reject the file.
178     return;
179   }
180   const size_t count = map_list->size_;
182   size_t map_limit = header_->map_off_ + count * sizeof(MapItem);
183   if (header_->map_off_ >= map_limit || map_limit > DataSize()) {
184     // Overflow or out out of bounds. The dex file verifier runs after
185     // this method and will reject the file as it is malformed.
186     return;
187   }
189   for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
190     const MapItem& map_item = map_list->list_[i];
191     if (map_item.type_ == kDexTypeMethodHandleItem) {
192       method_handles_ = reinterpret_cast<const MethodHandleItem*>(Begin() + map_item.offset_);
193       num_method_handles_ = map_item.size_;
194     } else if (map_item.type_ == kDexTypeCallSiteIdItem) {
195       call_site_ids_ = reinterpret_cast<const CallSiteIdItem*>(Begin() + map_item.offset_);
196       num_call_site_ids_ = map_item.size_;
197     }
198   }
199 }
GetVersion() const201 uint32_t DexFile::Header::GetVersion() const {
202   const char* version = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&magic_[kDexMagicSize]);
203   return atoi(version);
204 }
FindClassDef(dex::TypeIndex type_idx) const206 const DexFile::ClassDef* DexFile::FindClassDef(dex::TypeIndex type_idx) const {
207   size_t num_class_defs = NumClassDefs();
208   // Fast path for rare no class defs case.
209   if (num_class_defs == 0) {
210     return nullptr;
211   }
212   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_class_defs; ++i) {
213     const ClassDef& class_def = GetClassDef(i);
214     if (class_def.class_idx_ == type_idx) {
215       return &class_def;
216     }
217   }
218   return nullptr;
219 }
FindCodeItemOffset(const DexFile::ClassDef & class_def,uint32_t method_idx) const221 uint32_t DexFile::FindCodeItemOffset(const DexFile::ClassDef& class_def,
222                                      uint32_t method_idx) const {
223   const uint8_t* class_data = GetClassData(class_def);
224   CHECK(class_data != nullptr);
225   ClassDataItemIterator it(*this, class_data);
226   it.SkipAllFields();
227   while (it.HasNextDirectMethod()) {
228     if (it.GetMemberIndex() == method_idx) {
229       return it.GetMethodCodeItemOffset();
230     }
231     it.Next();
232   }
233   while (it.HasNextVirtualMethod()) {
234     if (it.GetMemberIndex() == method_idx) {
235       return it.GetMethodCodeItemOffset();
236     }
237     it.Next();
238   }
239   LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to find method " << method_idx;
241 }
FindFieldId(const DexFile::TypeId & declaring_klass,const DexFile::StringId & name,const DexFile::TypeId & type) const243 const DexFile::FieldId* DexFile::FindFieldId(const DexFile::TypeId& declaring_klass,
244                                              const DexFile::StringId& name,
245                                              const DexFile::TypeId& type) const {
246   // Binary search MethodIds knowing that they are sorted by class_idx, name_idx then proto_idx
247   const dex::TypeIndex class_idx = GetIndexForTypeId(declaring_klass);
248   const dex::StringIndex name_idx = GetIndexForStringId(name);
249   const dex::TypeIndex type_idx = GetIndexForTypeId(type);
250   int32_t lo = 0;
251   int32_t hi = NumFieldIds() - 1;
252   while (hi >= lo) {
253     int32_t mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
254     const DexFile::FieldId& field = GetFieldId(mid);
255     if (class_idx > field.class_idx_) {
256       lo = mid + 1;
257     } else if (class_idx < field.class_idx_) {
258       hi = mid - 1;
259     } else {
260       if (name_idx > field.name_idx_) {
261         lo = mid + 1;
262       } else if (name_idx < field.name_idx_) {
263         hi = mid - 1;
264       } else {
265         if (type_idx > field.type_idx_) {
266           lo = mid + 1;
267         } else if (type_idx < field.type_idx_) {
268           hi = mid - 1;
269         } else {
270           return &field;
271         }
272       }
273     }
274   }
275   return nullptr;
276 }
FindMethodId(const DexFile::TypeId & declaring_klass,const DexFile::StringId & name,const DexFile::ProtoId & signature) const278 const DexFile::MethodId* DexFile::FindMethodId(const DexFile::TypeId& declaring_klass,
279                                                const DexFile::StringId& name,
280                                                const DexFile::ProtoId& signature) const {
281   // Binary search MethodIds knowing that they are sorted by class_idx, name_idx then proto_idx
282   const dex::TypeIndex class_idx = GetIndexForTypeId(declaring_klass);
283   const dex::StringIndex name_idx = GetIndexForStringId(name);
284   const uint16_t proto_idx = GetIndexForProtoId(signature);
285   int32_t lo = 0;
286   int32_t hi = NumMethodIds() - 1;
287   while (hi >= lo) {
288     int32_t mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
289     const DexFile::MethodId& method = GetMethodId(mid);
290     if (class_idx > method.class_idx_) {
291       lo = mid + 1;
292     } else if (class_idx < method.class_idx_) {
293       hi = mid - 1;
294     } else {
295       if (name_idx > method.name_idx_) {
296         lo = mid + 1;
297       } else if (name_idx < method.name_idx_) {
298         hi = mid - 1;
299       } else {
300         if (proto_idx > method.proto_idx_) {
301           lo = mid + 1;
302         } else if (proto_idx < method.proto_idx_) {
303           hi = mid - 1;
304         } else {
305           return &method;
306         }
307       }
308     }
309   }
310   return nullptr;
311 }
FindStringId(const char * string) const313 const DexFile::StringId* DexFile::FindStringId(const char* string) const {
314   int32_t lo = 0;
315   int32_t hi = NumStringIds() - 1;
316   while (hi >= lo) {
317     int32_t mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
318     const DexFile::StringId& str_id = GetStringId(dex::StringIndex(mid));
319     const char* str = GetStringData(str_id);
320     int compare = CompareModifiedUtf8ToModifiedUtf8AsUtf16CodePointValues(string, str);
321     if (compare > 0) {
322       lo = mid + 1;
323     } else if (compare < 0) {
324       hi = mid - 1;
325     } else {
326       return &str_id;
327     }
328   }
329   return nullptr;
330 }
FindTypeId(const char * string) const332 const DexFile::TypeId* DexFile::FindTypeId(const char* string) const {
333   int32_t lo = 0;
334   int32_t hi = NumTypeIds() - 1;
335   while (hi >= lo) {
336     int32_t mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
337     const TypeId& type_id = GetTypeId(dex::TypeIndex(mid));
338     const DexFile::StringId& str_id = GetStringId(type_id.descriptor_idx_);
339     const char* str = GetStringData(str_id);
340     int compare = CompareModifiedUtf8ToModifiedUtf8AsUtf16CodePointValues(string, str);
341     if (compare > 0) {
342       lo = mid + 1;
343     } else if (compare < 0) {
344       hi = mid - 1;
345     } else {
346       return &type_id;
347     }
348   }
349   return nullptr;
350 }
FindStringId(const uint16_t * string,size_t length) const352 const DexFile::StringId* DexFile::FindStringId(const uint16_t* string, size_t length) const {
353   int32_t lo = 0;
354   int32_t hi = NumStringIds() - 1;
355   while (hi >= lo) {
356     int32_t mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
357     const DexFile::StringId& str_id = GetStringId(dex::StringIndex(mid));
358     const char* str = GetStringData(str_id);
359     int compare = CompareModifiedUtf8ToUtf16AsCodePointValues(str, string, length);
360     if (compare > 0) {
361       lo = mid + 1;
362     } else if (compare < 0) {
363       hi = mid - 1;
364     } else {
365       return &str_id;
366     }
367   }
368   return nullptr;
369 }
FindTypeId(dex::StringIndex string_idx) const371 const DexFile::TypeId* DexFile::FindTypeId(dex::StringIndex string_idx) const {
372   int32_t lo = 0;
373   int32_t hi = NumTypeIds() - 1;
374   while (hi >= lo) {
375     int32_t mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
376     const TypeId& type_id = GetTypeId(dex::TypeIndex(mid));
377     if (string_idx > type_id.descriptor_idx_) {
378       lo = mid + 1;
379     } else if (string_idx < type_id.descriptor_idx_) {
380       hi = mid - 1;
381     } else {
382       return &type_id;
383     }
384   }
385   return nullptr;
386 }
FindProtoId(dex::TypeIndex return_type_idx,const dex::TypeIndex * signature_type_idxs,uint32_t signature_length) const388 const DexFile::ProtoId* DexFile::FindProtoId(dex::TypeIndex return_type_idx,
389                                              const dex::TypeIndex* signature_type_idxs,
390                                              uint32_t signature_length) const {
391   int32_t lo = 0;
392   int32_t hi = NumProtoIds() - 1;
393   while (hi >= lo) {
394     int32_t mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
395     const DexFile::ProtoId& proto = GetProtoId(mid);
396     int compare = return_type_idx.index_ - proto.return_type_idx_.index_;
397     if (compare == 0) {
398       DexFileParameterIterator it(*this, proto);
399       size_t i = 0;
400       while (it.HasNext() && i < signature_length && compare == 0) {
401         compare = signature_type_idxs[i].index_ - it.GetTypeIdx().index_;
402         it.Next();
403         i++;
404       }
405       if (compare == 0) {
406         if (it.HasNext()) {
407           compare = -1;
408         } else if (i < signature_length) {
409           compare = 1;
410         }
411       }
412     }
413     if (compare > 0) {
414       lo = mid + 1;
415     } else if (compare < 0) {
416       hi = mid - 1;
417     } else {
418       return &proto;
419     }
420   }
421   return nullptr;
422 }
424 // Given a signature place the type ids into the given vector
CreateTypeList(const StringPiece & signature,dex::TypeIndex * return_type_idx,std::vector<dex::TypeIndex> * param_type_idxs) const425 bool DexFile::CreateTypeList(const StringPiece& signature,
426                              dex::TypeIndex* return_type_idx,
427                              std::vector<dex::TypeIndex>* param_type_idxs) const {
428   if (signature[0] != '(') {
429     return false;
430   }
431   size_t offset = 1;
432   size_t end = signature.size();
433   bool process_return = false;
434   while (offset < end) {
435     size_t start_offset = offset;
436     char c = signature[offset];
437     offset++;
438     if (c == ')') {
439       process_return = true;
440       continue;
441     }
442     while (c == '[') {  // process array prefix
443       if (offset >= end) {  // expect some descriptor following [
444         return false;
445       }
446       c = signature[offset];
447       offset++;
448     }
449     if (c == 'L') {  // process type descriptors
450       do {
451         if (offset >= end) {  // unexpected early termination of descriptor
452           return false;
453         }
454         c = signature[offset];
455         offset++;
456       } while (c != ';');
457     }
458     // TODO: avoid creating a std::string just to get a 0-terminated char array
459     std::string descriptor(signature.data() + start_offset, offset - start_offset);
460     const DexFile::TypeId* type_id = FindTypeId(descriptor.c_str());
461     if (type_id == nullptr) {
462       return false;
463     }
464     dex::TypeIndex type_idx = GetIndexForTypeId(*type_id);
465     if (!process_return) {
466       param_type_idxs->push_back(type_idx);
467     } else {
468       *return_type_idx = type_idx;
469       return offset == end;  // return true if the signature had reached a sensible end
470     }
471   }
472   return false;  // failed to correctly parse return type
473 }
CreateSignature(const StringPiece & signature) const475 const Signature DexFile::CreateSignature(const StringPiece& signature) const {
476   dex::TypeIndex return_type_idx;
477   std::vector<dex::TypeIndex> param_type_indices;
478   bool success = CreateTypeList(signature, &return_type_idx, &param_type_indices);
479   if (!success) {
480     return Signature::NoSignature();
481   }
482   const ProtoId* proto_id = FindProtoId(return_type_idx, param_type_indices);
483   if (proto_id == nullptr) {
484     return Signature::NoSignature();
485   }
486   return Signature(this, *proto_id);
487 }
FindTryItem(const TryItem * try_items,uint32_t tries_size,uint32_t address)489 int32_t DexFile::FindTryItem(const TryItem* try_items, uint32_t tries_size, uint32_t address) {
490   uint32_t min = 0;
491   uint32_t max = tries_size;
492   while (min < max) {
493     const uint32_t mid = (min + max) / 2;
495     const art::DexFile::TryItem& ti = try_items[mid];
496     const uint32_t start = ti.start_addr_;
497     const uint32_t end = start + ti.insn_count_;
499     if (address < start) {
500       max = mid;
501     } else if (address >= end) {
502       min = mid + 1;
503     } else {  // We have a winner!
504       return mid;
505     }
506   }
507   // No match.
508   return -1;
509 }
LineNumForPcCb(void * raw_context,const PositionInfo & entry)511 bool DexFile::LineNumForPcCb(void* raw_context, const PositionInfo& entry) {
512   LineNumFromPcContext* context = reinterpret_cast<LineNumFromPcContext*>(raw_context);
514   // We know that this callback will be called in
515   // ascending address order, so keep going until we find
516   // a match or we've just gone past it.
517   if (entry.address_ > context->address_) {
518     // The line number from the previous positions callback
519     // wil be the final result.
520     return true;
521   } else {
522     context->line_num_ = entry.line_;
523     return entry.address_ == context->address_;
524   }
525 }
527 // Read a signed integer.  "zwidth" is the zero-based byte count.
ReadSignedInt(const uint8_t * ptr,int zwidth)528 int32_t DexFile::ReadSignedInt(const uint8_t* ptr, int zwidth) {
529   int32_t val = 0;
530   for (int i = zwidth; i >= 0; --i) {
531     val = ((uint32_t)val >> 8) | (((int32_t)*ptr++) << 24);
532   }
533   val >>= (3 - zwidth) * 8;
534   return val;
535 }
537 // Read an unsigned integer.  "zwidth" is the zero-based byte count,
538 // "fill_on_right" indicates which side we want to zero-fill from.
ReadUnsignedInt(const uint8_t * ptr,int zwidth,bool fill_on_right)539 uint32_t DexFile::ReadUnsignedInt(const uint8_t* ptr, int zwidth, bool fill_on_right) {
540   uint32_t val = 0;
541   for (int i = zwidth; i >= 0; --i) {
542     val = (val >> 8) | (((uint32_t)*ptr++) << 24);
543   }
544   if (!fill_on_right) {
545     val >>= (3 - zwidth) * 8;
546   }
547   return val;
548 }
550 // Read a signed long.  "zwidth" is the zero-based byte count.
ReadSignedLong(const uint8_t * ptr,int zwidth)551 int64_t DexFile::ReadSignedLong(const uint8_t* ptr, int zwidth) {
552   int64_t val = 0;
553   for (int i = zwidth; i >= 0; --i) {
554     val = ((uint64_t)val >> 8) | (((int64_t)*ptr++) << 56);
555   }
556   val >>= (7 - zwidth) * 8;
557   return val;
558 }
560 // Read an unsigned long.  "zwidth" is the zero-based byte count,
561 // "fill_on_right" indicates which side we want to zero-fill from.
ReadUnsignedLong(const uint8_t * ptr,int zwidth,bool fill_on_right)562 uint64_t DexFile::ReadUnsignedLong(const uint8_t* ptr, int zwidth, bool fill_on_right) {
563   uint64_t val = 0;
564   for (int i = zwidth; i >= 0; --i) {
565     val = (val >> 8) | (((uint64_t)*ptr++) << 56);
566   }
567   if (!fill_on_right) {
568     val >>= (7 - zwidth) * 8;
569   }
570   return val;
571 }
PrettyMethod(uint32_t method_idx,bool with_signature) const573 std::string DexFile::PrettyMethod(uint32_t method_idx, bool with_signature) const {
574   if (method_idx >= NumMethodIds()) {
575     return StringPrintf("<<invalid-method-idx-%d>>", method_idx);
576   }
577   const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = GetMethodId(method_idx);
578   std::string result;
579   const DexFile::ProtoId* proto_id = with_signature ? &GetProtoId(method_id.proto_idx_) : nullptr;
580   if (with_signature) {
581     AppendPrettyDescriptor(StringByTypeIdx(proto_id->return_type_idx_), &result);
582     result += ' ';
583   }
584   AppendPrettyDescriptor(GetMethodDeclaringClassDescriptor(method_id), &result);
585   result += '.';
586   result += GetMethodName(method_id);
587   if (with_signature) {
588     result += '(';
589     const DexFile::TypeList* params = GetProtoParameters(*proto_id);
590     if (params != nullptr) {
591       const char* separator = "";
592       for (uint32_t i = 0u, size = params->Size(); i != size; ++i) {
593         result += separator;
594         separator = ", ";
595         AppendPrettyDescriptor(StringByTypeIdx(params->GetTypeItem(i).type_idx_), &result);
596       }
597     }
598     result += ')';
599   }
600   return result;
601 }
PrettyField(uint32_t field_idx,bool with_type) const603 std::string DexFile::PrettyField(uint32_t field_idx, bool with_type) const {
604   if (field_idx >= NumFieldIds()) {
605     return StringPrintf("<<invalid-field-idx-%d>>", field_idx);
606   }
607   const DexFile::FieldId& field_id = GetFieldId(field_idx);
608   std::string result;
609   if (with_type) {
610     result += GetFieldTypeDescriptor(field_id);
611     result += ' ';
612   }
613   AppendPrettyDescriptor(GetFieldDeclaringClassDescriptor(field_id), &result);
614   result += '.';
615   result += GetFieldName(field_id);
616   return result;
617 }
PrettyType(dex::TypeIndex type_idx) const619 std::string DexFile::PrettyType(dex::TypeIndex type_idx) const {
620   if (type_idx.index_ >= NumTypeIds()) {
621     return StringPrintf("<<invalid-type-idx-%d>>", type_idx.index_);
622   }
623   const DexFile::TypeId& type_id = GetTypeId(type_idx);
624   return PrettyDescriptor(GetTypeDescriptor(type_id));
625 }
627 // Checks that visibility is as expected. Includes special behavior for M and
628 // before to allow runtime and build visibility when expecting runtime.
operator <<(std::ostream & os,const DexFile & dex_file)629 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DexFile& dex_file) {
630   os << StringPrintf("[DexFile: %s dex-checksum=%08x location-checksum=%08x %p-%p]",
631                      dex_file.GetLocation().c_str(),
632                      dex_file.GetHeader().checksum_, dex_file.GetLocationChecksum(),
633                      dex_file.Begin(), dex_file.Begin() + dex_file.Size());
634   return os;
635 }
ToString() const637 std::string Signature::ToString() const {
638   if (dex_file_ == nullptr) {
639     CHECK(proto_id_ == nullptr);
640     return "<no signature>";
641   }
642   const DexFile::TypeList* params = dex_file_->GetProtoParameters(*proto_id_);
643   std::string result;
644   if (params == nullptr) {
645     result += "()";
646   } else {
647     result += "(";
648     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < params->Size(); ++i) {
649       result += dex_file_->StringByTypeIdx(params->GetTypeItem(i).type_idx_);
650     }
651     result += ")";
652   }
653   result += dex_file_->StringByTypeIdx(proto_id_->return_type_idx_);
654   return result;
655 }
GetNumberOfParameters() const657 uint32_t Signature::GetNumberOfParameters() const {
658   const DexFile::TypeList* params = dex_file_->GetProtoParameters(*proto_id_);
659   return (params != nullptr) ? params->Size() : 0;
660 }
IsVoid() const662 bool Signature::IsVoid() const {
663   const char* return_type = dex_file_->GetReturnTypeDescriptor(*proto_id_);
664   return strcmp(return_type, "V") == 0;
665 }
operator ==(const StringPiece & rhs) const667 bool Signature::operator==(const StringPiece& rhs) const {
668   if (dex_file_ == nullptr) {
669     return false;
670   }
671   StringPiece tail(rhs);
672   if (!tail.starts_with("(")) {
673     return false;  // Invalid signature
674   }
675   tail.remove_prefix(1);  // "(";
676   const DexFile::TypeList* params = dex_file_->GetProtoParameters(*proto_id_);
677   if (params != nullptr) {
678     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < params->Size(); ++i) {
679       StringPiece param(dex_file_->StringByTypeIdx(params->GetTypeItem(i).type_idx_));
680       if (!tail.starts_with(param)) {
681         return false;
682       }
683       tail.remove_prefix(param.length());
684     }
685   }
686   if (!tail.starts_with(")")) {
687     return false;
688   }
689   tail.remove_prefix(1);  // ")";
690   return tail == dex_file_->StringByTypeIdx(proto_id_->return_type_idx_);
691 }
operator <<(std::ostream & os,const Signature & sig)693 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Signature& sig) {
694   return os << sig.ToString();
695 }
697 // Decodes the header section from the class data bytes.
ReadClassDataHeader()698 void ClassDataItemIterator::ReadClassDataHeader() {
699   CHECK(ptr_pos_ != nullptr);
700   header_.static_fields_size_ = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr_pos_);
701   header_.instance_fields_size_ = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr_pos_);
702   header_.direct_methods_size_ = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr_pos_);
703   header_.virtual_methods_size_ = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr_pos_);
704 }
ReadClassDataField()706 void ClassDataItemIterator::ReadClassDataField() {
707   field_.field_idx_delta_ = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr_pos_);
708   field_.access_flags_ = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr_pos_);
709   // The user of the iterator is responsible for checking if there
710   // are unordered or duplicate indexes.
711 }
ReadClassDataMethod()713 void ClassDataItemIterator::ReadClassDataMethod() {
714   method_.method_idx_delta_ = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr_pos_);
715   method_.access_flags_ = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr_pos_);
716   method_.code_off_ = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr_pos_);
717   if (last_idx_ != 0 && method_.method_idx_delta_ == 0) {
718     LOG(WARNING) << "Duplicate method in " << dex_file_.GetLocation();
719   }
720 }
EncodedArrayValueIterator(const DexFile & dex_file,const uint8_t * array_data)722 EncodedArrayValueIterator::EncodedArrayValueIterator(const DexFile& dex_file,
723                                                      const uint8_t* array_data)
724     : dex_file_(dex_file),
725       array_size_(),
726       pos_(-1),
727       ptr_(array_data),
728       type_(kByte) {
729   array_size_ = (ptr_ != nullptr) ? DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&ptr_) : 0;
730   if (array_size_ > 0) {
731     Next();
732   }
733 }
Next()735 void EncodedArrayValueIterator::Next() {
736   pos_++;
737   if (pos_ >= array_size_) {
738     return;
739   }
740   uint8_t value_type = *ptr_++;
741   uint8_t value_arg = value_type >> kEncodedValueArgShift;
742   size_t width = value_arg + 1;  // assume and correct later
743   type_ = static_cast<ValueType>(value_type & kEncodedValueTypeMask);
744   switch (type_) {
745   case kBoolean:
746     jval_.i = (value_arg != 0) ? 1 : 0;
747     width = 0;
748     break;
749   case kByte:
750     jval_.i = DexFile::ReadSignedInt(ptr_, value_arg);
751     CHECK(IsInt<8>(jval_.i));
752     break;
753   case kShort:
754     jval_.i = DexFile::ReadSignedInt(ptr_, value_arg);
755     CHECK(IsInt<16>(jval_.i));
756     break;
757   case kChar:
758     jval_.i = DexFile::ReadUnsignedInt(ptr_, value_arg, false);
759     CHECK(IsUint<16>(jval_.i));
760     break;
761   case kInt:
762     jval_.i = DexFile::ReadSignedInt(ptr_, value_arg);
763     break;
764   case kLong:
765     jval_.j = DexFile::ReadSignedLong(ptr_, value_arg);
766     break;
767   case kFloat:
768     jval_.i = DexFile::ReadUnsignedInt(ptr_, value_arg, true);
769     break;
770   case kDouble:
771     jval_.j = DexFile::ReadUnsignedLong(ptr_, value_arg, true);
772     break;
773   case kString:
774   case kType:
775   case kMethodType:
776   case kMethodHandle:
777     jval_.i = DexFile::ReadUnsignedInt(ptr_, value_arg, false);
778     break;
779   case kField:
780   case kMethod:
781   case kEnum:
782   case kArray:
783   case kAnnotation:
784     UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << ": type " << type_;
785     UNREACHABLE();
786   case kNull:
787     jval_.l = nullptr;
788     width = 0;
789     break;
790   default:
791     LOG(FATAL) << "Unreached";
792     UNREACHABLE();
793   }
794   ptr_ += width;
795 }
797 namespace dex {
operator <<(std::ostream & os,const StringIndex & index)799 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StringIndex& index) {
800   os << "StringIndex[" << index.index_ << "]";
801   return os;
802 }
operator <<(std::ostream & os,const TypeIndex & index)804 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TypeIndex& index) {
805   os << "TypeIndex[" << index.index_ << "]";
806   return os;
807 }
809 }  // namespace dex
811 }  // namespace art