1 /**
2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
5  * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
6  * of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13  * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
14  * under the License.
15  */
17 package android.app.usage;
19 import android.annotation.IntDef;
20 import android.annotation.NonNull;
21 import android.annotation.RequiresPermission;
22 import android.annotation.SystemApi;
23 import android.annotation.SystemService;
24 import android.app.PendingIntent;
25 import android.content.Context;
26 import android.content.pm.ParceledListSlice;
27 import android.os.RemoteException;
28 import android.os.UserHandle;
29 import android.util.ArrayMap;
31 import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
32 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
33 import java.util.ArrayList;
34 import java.util.Collections;
35 import java.util.List;
36 import java.util.Map;
37 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
39 /**
40  * Provides access to device usage history and statistics. Usage data is aggregated into
41  * time intervals: days, weeks, months, and years.
42  * <p />
43  * When requesting usage data since a particular time, the request might look something like this:
44  * <pre>
45  * PAST                   REQUEST_TIME                    TODAY                   FUTURE
46  * ————————————————————————————||———————————————————————————¦-----------------------|
47  *                        YEAR ||                           ¦                       |
48  * ————————————————————————————||———————————————————————————¦-----------------------|
49  *  MONTH            |         ||                MONTH      ¦                       |
50  * ——————————————————|—————————||———————————————————————————¦-----------------------|
51  *   |      WEEK     |     WEEK||    |     WEEK     |     WE¦EK     |      WEEK     |
52  * ————————————————————————————||———————————————————|———————¦-----------------------|
53  *                             ||           |DAY|DAY|DAY|DAY¦DAY|DAY|DAY|DAY|DAY|DAY|
54  * ————————————————————————————||———————————————————————————¦-----------------------|
55  * </pre>
56  * A request for data in the middle of a time interval will include that interval.
57  * <p/>
58  * <b>NOTE:</b> Most methods on this API require the permission
59  * android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS. However, declaring the permission implies intention to
60  * use the API and the user of the device still needs to grant permission through the Settings
61  * application.
62  * See {@link android.provider.Settings#ACTION_USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS}.
63  * Methods which only return the information for the calling package do not require this permission.
64  * E.g. {@link #getAppStandbyBucket()} and {@link #queryEventsForSelf(long, long)}.
65  */
66 @SystemService(Context.USAGE_STATS_SERVICE)
67 public final class UsageStatsManager {
69     /**
70      * An interval type that spans a day. See {@link #queryUsageStats(int, long, long)}.
71      */
72     public static final int INTERVAL_DAILY = 0;
74     /**
75      * An interval type that spans a week. See {@link #queryUsageStats(int, long, long)}.
76      */
77     public static final int INTERVAL_WEEKLY = 1;
79     /**
80      * An interval type that spans a month. See {@link #queryUsageStats(int, long, long)}.
81      */
82     public static final int INTERVAL_MONTHLY = 2;
84     /**
85      * An interval type that spans a year. See {@link #queryUsageStats(int, long, long)}.
86      */
87     public static final int INTERVAL_YEARLY = 3;
89     /**
90      * An interval type that will use the best fit interval for the given time range.
91      * See {@link #queryUsageStats(int, long, long)}.
92      */
93     public static final int INTERVAL_BEST = 4;
95     /**
96      * The number of available intervals. Does not include {@link #INTERVAL_BEST}, since it
97      * is a pseudo interval (it actually selects a real interval).
98      * {@hide}
99      */
100     public static final int INTERVAL_COUNT = 4;
103     /**
104      * The app is whitelisted for some reason and the bucket cannot be changed.
105      * {@hide}
106      */
107     @SystemApi
108     public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_EXEMPTED = 5;
110     /**
111      * The app was used very recently, currently in use or likely to be used very soon. Standby
112      * bucket values that are &le; {@link #STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE} will not be throttled by the
113      * system while they are in this bucket. Buckets &gt; {@link #STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE} will most
114      * likely be restricted in some way. For instance, jobs and alarms may be deferred.
115      * @see #getAppStandbyBucket()
116      */
117     public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE = 10;
119     /**
120      * The app was used recently and/or likely to be used in the next few hours. Restrictions will
121      * apply to these apps, such as deferral of jobs and alarms.
122      * @see #getAppStandbyBucket()
123      */
124     public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_WORKING_SET = 20;
126     /**
127      * The app was used in the last few days and/or likely to be used in the next few days.
128      * Restrictions will apply to these apps, such as deferral of jobs and alarms. The delays may be
129      * greater than for apps in higher buckets (lower bucket value). Bucket values &gt;
130      * {@link #STANDBY_BUCKET_FREQUENT} may additionally have network access limited.
131      * @see #getAppStandbyBucket()
132      */
133     public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_FREQUENT = 30;
135     /**
136      * The app has not be used for several days and/or is unlikely to be used for several days.
137      * Apps in this bucket will have the most restrictions, including network restrictions, except
138      * during certain short periods (at a minimum, once a day) when they are allowed to execute
139      * jobs, access the network, etc.
140      * @see #getAppStandbyBucket()
141      */
142     public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_RARE = 40;
144     /**
145      * The app has never been used.
146      * {@hide}
147      */
148     @SystemApi
149     public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_NEVER = 50;
151     /** @hide */
152     public static final int REASON_MAIN_MASK = 0xFF00;
153     /** @hide */
154     public static final int REASON_MAIN_DEFAULT =   0x0100;
155     /** @hide */
156     public static final int REASON_MAIN_TIMEOUT =   0x0200;
157     /** @hide */
158     public static final int REASON_MAIN_USAGE =     0x0300;
159     /** @hide */
160     public static final int REASON_MAIN_FORCED =    0x0400;
161     /** @hide */
162     public static final int REASON_MAIN_PREDICTED = 0x0500;
164     /** @hide */
165     public static final int REASON_SUB_MASK = 0x00FF;
166     /** @hide */
167     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_SYSTEM_INTERACTION = 0x0001;
168     /** @hide */
169     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_SEEN  = 0x0002;
170     /** @hide */
171     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_USER_INTERACTION   = 0x0003;
172     /** @hide */
173     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_MOVE_TO_FOREGROUND = 0x0004;
174     /** @hide */
175     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_MOVE_TO_BACKGROUND = 0x0005;
176     /** @hide */
177     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_SYSTEM_UPDATE      = 0x0006;
178     /** @hide */
179     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT     = 0x0007;
180     /** @hide */
181     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_SYNC_ADAPTER       = 0x0008;
182     /** @hide */
183     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_SLICE_PINNED       = 0x0009;
184     /** @hide */
185     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_SLICE_PINNED_PRIV  = 0x000A;
186     /** @hide */
187     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_EXEMPTED_SYNC_SCHEDULED_NON_DOZE = 0x000B;
188     /** @hide */
189     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_EXEMPTED_SYNC_SCHEDULED_DOZE = 0x000C;
190     /** @hide */
191     public static final int REASON_SUB_USAGE_EXEMPTED_SYNC_START = 0x000D;
193     /** @hide */
194     public static final int REASON_SUB_PREDICTED_RESTORED       = 0x0001;
197     /** @hide */
198     @IntDef(flag = false, prefix = { "STANDBY_BUCKET_" }, value = {
200             STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE,
203             STANDBY_BUCKET_RARE,
204             STANDBY_BUCKET_NEVER,
205     })
206     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
207     public @interface StandbyBuckets {}
209     /**
210      * Observer id of the registered observer for the group of packages that reached the usage
211      * time limit. Included as an extra in the PendingIntent that was registered.
212      * @hide
213      */
214     @SystemApi
215     public static final String EXTRA_OBSERVER_ID = "android.app.usage.extra.OBSERVER_ID";
217     /**
218      * Original time limit in milliseconds specified by the registered observer for the group of
219      * packages that reached the usage time limit. Included as an extra in the PendingIntent that
220      * was registered.
221      * @hide
222      */
223     @SystemApi
224     public static final String EXTRA_TIME_LIMIT = "android.app.usage.extra.TIME_LIMIT";
226     /**
227      * Actual usage time in milliseconds for the group of packages that reached the specified time
228      * limit. Included as an extra in the PendingIntent that was registered.
229      * @hide
230      */
231     @SystemApi
232     public static final String EXTRA_TIME_USED = "android.app.usage.extra.TIME_USED";
234     private static final UsageEvents sEmptyResults = new UsageEvents();
236     private final Context mContext;
237     private final IUsageStatsManager mService;
239     /**
240      * {@hide}
241      */
UsageStatsManager(Context context, IUsageStatsManager service)242     public UsageStatsManager(Context context, IUsageStatsManager service) {
243         mContext = context;
244         mService = service;
245     }
247     /**
248      * Gets application usage stats for the given time range, aggregated by the specified interval.
249      * <p>The returned list will contain a {@link UsageStats} object for each package that
250      * has data for an interval that is a subset of the time range given. To illustrate:</p>
251      * <pre>
252      * intervalType = INTERVAL_YEARLY
253      * beginTime = 2013
254      * endTime = 2015 (exclusive)
255      *
256      * Results:
257      * 2013 - com.example.alpha
258      * 2013 - com.example.beta
259      * 2014 - com.example.alpha
260      * 2014 - com.example.beta
261      * 2014 - com.example.charlie
262      * </pre>
263      *
264      * <p> The caller must have {@link android.Manifest.permission#PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS} </p>
265      *
266      * @param intervalType The time interval by which the stats are aggregated.
267      * @param beginTime The inclusive beginning of the range of stats to include in the results.
268      * @param endTime The exclusive end of the range of stats to include in the results.
269      * @return A list of {@link UsageStats}
270      *
271      * @see #INTERVAL_DAILY
272      * @see #INTERVAL_WEEKLY
273      * @see #INTERVAL_MONTHLY
274      * @see #INTERVAL_YEARLY
275      * @see #INTERVAL_BEST
276      */
queryUsageStats(int intervalType, long beginTime, long endTime)277     public List<UsageStats> queryUsageStats(int intervalType, long beginTime, long endTime) {
278         try {
279             @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
280             ParceledListSlice<UsageStats> slice = mService.queryUsageStats(intervalType, beginTime,
281                     endTime, mContext.getOpPackageName());
282             if (slice != null) {
283                 return slice.getList();
284             }
285         } catch (RemoteException e) {
286             // fallthrough and return the empty list.
287         }
288         return Collections.emptyList();
289     }
291     /**
292      * Gets the hardware configurations the device was in for the given time range, aggregated by
293      * the specified interval. The results are ordered as in
294      * {@link #queryUsageStats(int, long, long)}.
295      * <p> The caller must have {@link android.Manifest.permission#PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS} </p>
296      *
297      * @param intervalType The time interval by which the stats are aggregated.
298      * @param beginTime The inclusive beginning of the range of stats to include in the results.
299      * @param endTime The exclusive end of the range of stats to include in the results.
300      * @return A list of {@link ConfigurationStats}
301      */
queryConfigurations(int intervalType, long beginTime, long endTime)302     public List<ConfigurationStats> queryConfigurations(int intervalType, long beginTime,
303             long endTime) {
304         try {
305             @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
306             ParceledListSlice<ConfigurationStats> slice = mService.queryConfigurationStats(
307                     intervalType, beginTime, endTime, mContext.getOpPackageName());
308             if (slice != null) {
309                 return slice.getList();
310             }
311         } catch (RemoteException e) {
312             // fallthrough and return the empty list.
313         }
314         return Collections.emptyList();
315     }
317     /**
318      * Gets aggregated event stats for the given time range, aggregated by the specified interval.
319      * <p>The returned list will contain a {@link EventStats} object for each event type that
320      * is being aggregated and has data for an interval that is a subset of the time range given.
321      *
322      * <p>The current event types that will be aggregated here are:</p>
323      * <ul>
324      *     <li>{@link UsageEvents.Event#SCREEN_INTERACTIVE}</li>
325      *     <li>{@link UsageEvents.Event#SCREEN_NON_INTERACTIVE}</li>
326      *     <li>{@link UsageEvents.Event#KEYGUARD_SHOWN}</li>
327      *     <li>{@link UsageEvents.Event#KEYGUARD_HIDDEN}</li>
328      * </ul>
329      *
330      * <p> The caller must have {@link android.Manifest.permission#PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS} </p>
331      *
332      * @param intervalType The time interval by which the stats are aggregated.
333      * @param beginTime The inclusive beginning of the range of stats to include in the results.
334      * @param endTime The exclusive end of the range of stats to include in the results.
335      * @return A list of {@link EventStats}
336      *
337      * @see #INTERVAL_DAILY
338      * @see #INTERVAL_WEEKLY
339      * @see #INTERVAL_MONTHLY
340      * @see #INTERVAL_YEARLY
341      * @see #INTERVAL_BEST
342      */
queryEventStats(int intervalType, long beginTime, long endTime)343     public List<EventStats> queryEventStats(int intervalType, long beginTime, long endTime) {
344         try {
345             @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
346             ParceledListSlice<EventStats> slice = mService.queryEventStats(intervalType, beginTime,
347                     endTime, mContext.getOpPackageName());
348             if (slice != null) {
349                 return slice.getList();
350             }
351         } catch (RemoteException e) {
352             // fallthrough and return the empty list.
353         }
354         return Collections.emptyList();
355     }
357     /**
358      * Query for events in the given time range. Events are only kept by the system for a few
359      * days.
360      * <p> The caller must have {@link android.Manifest.permission#PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS} </p>
361      *
362      * @param beginTime The inclusive beginning of the range of events to include in the results.
363      * @param endTime The exclusive end of the range of events to include in the results.
364      * @return A {@link UsageEvents}.
365      */
queryEvents(long beginTime, long endTime)366     public UsageEvents queryEvents(long beginTime, long endTime) {
367         try {
368             UsageEvents iter = mService.queryEvents(beginTime, endTime,
369                     mContext.getOpPackageName());
370             if (iter != null) {
371                 return iter;
372             }
373         } catch (RemoteException e) {
374             // fallthrough and return empty result.
375         }
376         return sEmptyResults;
377     }
379     /**
380      * Like {@link #queryEvents(long, long)}, but only returns events for the calling package.
381      *
382      * @param beginTime The inclusive beginning of the range of events to include in the results.
383      * @param endTime The exclusive end of the range of events to include in the results.
384      * @return A {@link UsageEvents} object.
385      *
386      * @see #queryEvents(long, long)
387      */
queryEventsForSelf(long beginTime, long endTime)388     public UsageEvents queryEventsForSelf(long beginTime, long endTime) {
389         try {
390             final UsageEvents events = mService.queryEventsForPackage(beginTime, endTime,
391                     mContext.getOpPackageName());
392             if (events != null) {
393                 return events;
394             }
395         } catch (RemoteException e) {
396             // fallthrough
397         }
398         return sEmptyResults;
399     }
401     /**
402      * A convenience method that queries for all stats in the given range (using the best interval
403      * for that range), merges the resulting data, and keys it by package name.
404      * See {@link #queryUsageStats(int, long, long)}.
405      * <p> The caller must have {@link android.Manifest.permission#PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS} </p>
406      *
407      * @param beginTime The inclusive beginning of the range of stats to include in the results.
408      * @param endTime The exclusive end of the range of stats to include in the results.
409      * @return A {@link java.util.Map} keyed by package name
410      */
queryAndAggregateUsageStats(long beginTime, long endTime)411     public Map<String, UsageStats> queryAndAggregateUsageStats(long beginTime, long endTime) {
412         List<UsageStats> stats = queryUsageStats(INTERVAL_BEST, beginTime, endTime);
413         if (stats.isEmpty()) {
414             return Collections.emptyMap();
415         }
417         ArrayMap<String, UsageStats> aggregatedStats = new ArrayMap<>();
418         final int statCount = stats.size();
419         for (int i = 0; i < statCount; i++) {
420             UsageStats newStat = stats.get(i);
421             UsageStats existingStat = aggregatedStats.get(newStat.getPackageName());
422             if (existingStat == null) {
423                 aggregatedStats.put(newStat.mPackageName, newStat);
424             } else {
425                 existingStat.add(newStat);
426             }
427         }
428         return aggregatedStats;
429     }
431     /**
432      * Returns whether the specified app is currently considered inactive. This will be true if the
433      * app hasn't been used directly or indirectly for a period of time defined by the system. This
434      * could be of the order of several hours or days.
435      * @param packageName The package name of the app to query
436      * @return whether the app is currently considered inactive
437      */
isAppInactive(String packageName)438     public boolean isAppInactive(String packageName) {
439         try {
440             return mService.isAppInactive(packageName, mContext.getUserId());
441         } catch (RemoteException e) {
442             // fall through and return default
443         }
444         return false;
445     }
447     /**
448      * {@hide}
449      */
setAppInactive(String packageName, boolean inactive)450     public void setAppInactive(String packageName, boolean inactive) {
451         try {
452             mService.setAppInactive(packageName, inactive, mContext.getUserId());
453         } catch (RemoteException e) {
454             // fall through
455         }
456     }
458     /**
459      * Returns the current standby bucket of the calling app. The system determines the standby
460      * state of the app based on app usage patterns. Standby buckets determine how much an app will
461      * be restricted from running background tasks such as jobs and alarms.
462      * <p>Restrictions increase progressively from {@link #STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE} to
463      * {@link #STANDBY_BUCKET_RARE}, with {@link #STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE} being the least
464      * restrictive. The battery level of the device might also affect the restrictions.
465      * <p>Apps in buckets &le; {@link #STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE} have no standby restrictions imposed.
466      * Apps in buckets &gt; {@link #STANDBY_BUCKET_FREQUENT} may have network access restricted when
467      * running in the background.
468      * <p>The standby state of an app can change at any time either due to a user interaction or a
469      * system interaction or some algorithm determining that the app can be restricted for a period
470      * of time before the user has a need for it.
471      * <p>You can also query the recent history of standby bucket changes by calling
472      * {@link #queryEventsForSelf(long, long)} and searching for
473      * {@link UsageEvents.Event#STANDBY_BUCKET_CHANGED}.
474      *
475      * @return the current standby bucket of the calling app. One of STANDBY_BUCKET_* constants.
476      */
getAppStandbyBucket()477     public @StandbyBuckets int getAppStandbyBucket() {
478         try {
479             return mService.getAppStandbyBucket(mContext.getOpPackageName(),
480                     mContext.getOpPackageName(),
481                     mContext.getUserId());
482         } catch (RemoteException e) {
483         }
484         return STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE;
485     }
487     /**
488      * {@hide}
489      * Returns the current standby bucket of the specified app. The caller must hold the permission
490      * android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS.
491      * @param packageName the package for which to fetch the current standby bucket.
492      */
493     @SystemApi
494     @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS)
getAppStandbyBucket(String packageName)495     public @StandbyBuckets int getAppStandbyBucket(String packageName) {
496         try {
497             return mService.getAppStandbyBucket(packageName, mContext.getOpPackageName(),
498                     mContext.getUserId());
499         } catch (RemoteException e) {
500         }
501         return STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE;
502     }
504     /**
505      * {@hide}
506      * Changes an app's standby bucket to the provided value. The caller can only set the standby
507      * bucket for a different app than itself.
508      * @param packageName the package name of the app to set the bucket for. A SecurityException
509      *                    will be thrown if the package name is that of the caller.
510      * @param bucket the standby bucket to set it to, which should be one of STANDBY_BUCKET_*.
511      *               Setting a standby bucket outside of the range of STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE to
512      *               STANDBY_BUCKET_NEVER will result in a SecurityException.
513      */
514     @SystemApi
515     @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.CHANGE_APP_IDLE_STATE)
setAppStandbyBucket(String packageName, @StandbyBuckets int bucket)516     public void setAppStandbyBucket(String packageName, @StandbyBuckets int bucket) {
517         try {
518             mService.setAppStandbyBucket(packageName, bucket, mContext.getUserId());
519         } catch (RemoteException e) {
520             throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
521         }
522     }
524     /**
525      * {@hide}
526      * Returns the current standby bucket of every app that has a bucket assigned to it.
527      * The caller must hold the permission android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS. The key of the
528      * returned Map is the package name and the value is the bucket assigned to the package.
529      * @see #getAppStandbyBucket()
530      */
531     @SystemApi
532     @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS)
getAppStandbyBuckets()533     public Map<String, Integer> getAppStandbyBuckets() {
534         try {
535             final ParceledListSlice<AppStandbyInfo> slice = mService.getAppStandbyBuckets(
536                     mContext.getOpPackageName(), mContext.getUserId());
537             final List<AppStandbyInfo> bucketList = slice.getList();
538             final ArrayMap<String, Integer> bucketMap = new ArrayMap<>();
539             final int n = bucketList.size();
540             for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
541                 final AppStandbyInfo bucketInfo = bucketList.get(i);
542                 bucketMap.put(bucketInfo.mPackageName, bucketInfo.mStandbyBucket);
543             }
544             return bucketMap;
545         } catch (RemoteException e) {
546             throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
547         }
548     }
550     /**
551      * {@hide}
552      * Changes the app standby bucket for multiple apps at once. The Map is keyed by the package
553      * name and the value is one of STANDBY_BUCKET_*.
554      * @param appBuckets a map of package name to bucket value.
555      */
556     @SystemApi
557     @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.CHANGE_APP_IDLE_STATE)
setAppStandbyBuckets(Map<String, Integer> appBuckets)558     public void setAppStandbyBuckets(Map<String, Integer> appBuckets) {
559         if (appBuckets == null) {
560             return;
561         }
562         final List<AppStandbyInfo> bucketInfoList = new ArrayList<>(appBuckets.size());
563         for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> bucketEntry : appBuckets.entrySet()) {
564             bucketInfoList.add(new AppStandbyInfo(bucketEntry.getKey(), bucketEntry.getValue()));
565         }
566         final ParceledListSlice<AppStandbyInfo> slice = new ParceledListSlice<>(bucketInfoList);
567         try {
568             mService.setAppStandbyBuckets(slice, mContext.getUserId());
569         } catch (RemoteException e) {
570             throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
571         }
572     }
574     /**
575      * @hide
576      * Register an app usage limit observer that receives a callback on the provided intent when
577      * the sum of usages of apps in the packages array exceeds the {@code timeLimit} specified. The
578      * observer will automatically be unregistered when the time limit is reached and the intent
579      * is delivered. Registering an {@code observerId} that was already registered will override
580      * the previous one. No more than 1000 unique {@code observerId} may be registered by a single
581      * uid at any one time.
582      * @param observerId A unique id associated with the group of apps to be monitored. There can
583      *                  be multiple groups with common packages and different time limits.
584      * @param packages The list of packages to observe for foreground activity time. Cannot be null
585      *                 and must include at least one package.
586      * @param timeLimit The total time the set of apps can be in the foreground before the
587      *                  callbackIntent is delivered. Must be at least one minute.
588      * @param timeUnit The unit for time specified in {@code timeLimit}. Cannot be null.
589      * @param callbackIntent The PendingIntent that will be dispatched when the time limit is
590      *                       exceeded by the group of apps. The delivered Intent will also contain
591      *                       the extras {@link #EXTRA_OBSERVER_ID}, {@link #EXTRA_TIME_LIMIT} and
592      *                       {@link #EXTRA_TIME_USED}. Cannot be null.
593      * @throws SecurityException if the caller doesn't have the OBSERVE_APP_USAGE permission or
594      *                           is not the profile owner of this user.
595      */
596     @SystemApi
597     @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.OBSERVE_APP_USAGE)
registerAppUsageObserver(int observerId, @NonNull String[] packages, long timeLimit, @NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit, @NonNull PendingIntent callbackIntent)598     public void registerAppUsageObserver(int observerId, @NonNull String[] packages, long timeLimit,
599             @NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit, @NonNull PendingIntent callbackIntent) {
600         try {
601             mService.registerAppUsageObserver(observerId, packages, timeUnit.toMillis(timeLimit),
602                     callbackIntent, mContext.getOpPackageName());
603         } catch (RemoteException e) {
604             throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
605         }
606     }
608     /**
609      * @hide
610      * Unregister the app usage observer specified by the {@code observerId}. This will only apply
611      * to any observer registered by this application. Unregistering an observer that was already
612      * unregistered or never registered will have no effect.
613      * @param observerId The id of the observer that was previously registered.
614      * @throws SecurityException if the caller doesn't have the OBSERVE_APP_USAGE permission or is
615      *                           not the profile owner of this user.
616      */
617     @SystemApi
618     @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.OBSERVE_APP_USAGE)
unregisterAppUsageObserver(int observerId)619     public void unregisterAppUsageObserver(int observerId) {
620         try {
621             mService.unregisterAppUsageObserver(observerId, mContext.getOpPackageName());
622         } catch (RemoteException e) {
623             throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
624         }
625     }
627     /** @hide */
reasonToString(int standbyReason)628     public static String reasonToString(int standbyReason) {
629         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
630         switch (standbyReason & REASON_MAIN_MASK) {
631             case REASON_MAIN_DEFAULT:
632                 sb.append("d");
633                 break;
634             case REASON_MAIN_FORCED:
635                 sb.append("f");
636                 break;
637             case REASON_MAIN_PREDICTED:
638                 sb.append("p");
639                 switch (standbyReason & REASON_SUB_MASK) {
640                     case REASON_SUB_PREDICTED_RESTORED:
641                         sb.append("-r");
642                         break;
643                 }
644                 break;
645             case REASON_MAIN_TIMEOUT:
646                 sb.append("t");
647                 break;
648             case REASON_MAIN_USAGE:
649                 sb.append("u");
650                 switch (standbyReason & REASON_SUB_MASK) {
651                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_SYSTEM_INTERACTION:
652                         sb.append("-si");
653                         break;
654                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_SEEN:
655                         sb.append("-ns");
656                         break;
657                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_USER_INTERACTION:
658                         sb.append("-ui");
659                         break;
660                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_MOVE_TO_FOREGROUND:
661                         sb.append("-mf");
662                         break;
663                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_MOVE_TO_BACKGROUND:
664                         sb.append("-mb");
665                         break;
666                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_SYSTEM_UPDATE:
667                         sb.append("-su");
668                         break;
669                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT:
670                         sb.append("-at");
671                         break;
672                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_SYNC_ADAPTER:
673                         sb.append("-sa");
674                         break;
675                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_SLICE_PINNED:
676                         sb.append("-lp");
677                         break;
678                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_SLICE_PINNED_PRIV:
679                         sb.append("-lv");
680                         break;
682                         sb.append("-en");
683                         break;
685                         sb.append("-ed");
686                         break;
687                     case REASON_SUB_USAGE_EXEMPTED_SYNC_START:
688                         sb.append("-es");
689                         break;
690                 }
691                 break;
692         }
693         return sb.toString();
694     }
696     /**
697      * {@hide}
698      * Temporarily whitelist the specified app for a short duration. This is to allow an app
699      * receiving a high priority message to be able to access the network and acquire wakelocks
700      * even if the device is in power-save mode or the app is currently considered inactive.
701      * @param packageName The package name of the app to whitelist.
702      * @param duration Duration to whitelist the app for, in milliseconds. It is recommended that
703      * this be limited to 10s of seconds. Requested duration will be clamped to a few minutes.
704      * @param user The user for whom the package should be whitelisted. Passing in a user that is
705      * not the same as the caller's process will require the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS permission.
706      * @see #isAppInactive(String)
707      */
708     @SystemApi
709     @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.CHANGE_DEVICE_IDLE_TEMP_WHITELIST)
whitelistAppTemporarily(String packageName, long duration, UserHandle user)710     public void whitelistAppTemporarily(String packageName, long duration, UserHandle user) {
711         try {
712             mService.whitelistAppTemporarily(packageName, duration, user.getIdentifier());
713         } catch (RemoteException re) {
714             throw re.rethrowFromSystemServer();
715         }
716     }
718     /**
719      * Inform usage stats that the carrier privileged apps access rules have changed.
720      * @hide
721      */
onCarrierPrivilegedAppsChanged()722     public void onCarrierPrivilegedAppsChanged() {
723         try {
724             mService.onCarrierPrivilegedAppsChanged();
725         } catch (RemoteException re) {
726             throw re.rethrowFromSystemServer();
727         }
728     }
730     /**
731      * Reports a Chooser action to the UsageStatsManager.
732      *
733      * @param packageName The package name of the app that is selected.
734      * @param userId The user id of who makes the selection.
735      * @param contentType The type of the content, e.g., Image, Video, App.
736      * @param annotations The annotations of the content, e.g., Game, Selfie.
737      * @param action The action type of Intent that invokes ChooserActivity.
738      * {@link UsageEvents}
739      * @hide
740      */
reportChooserSelection(String packageName, int userId, String contentType, String[] annotations, String action)741     public void reportChooserSelection(String packageName, int userId, String contentType,
742                                        String[] annotations, String action) {
743         try {
744             mService.reportChooserSelection(packageName, userId, contentType, annotations, action);
745         } catch (RemoteException re) {
746         }
747     }
748 }