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1 /*
<lambda>null2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package androidx.lifecycle
19 import androidx.lifecycle.model.AdapterClass
20 import androidx.lifecycle.model.EventMethodCall
21 import androidx.lifecycle.model.getAdapterName
22 import com.squareup.javapoet.AnnotationSpec
23 import com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName
24 import com.squareup.javapoet.FieldSpec
25 import com.squareup.javapoet.JavaFile
26 import com.squareup.javapoet.MethodSpec
27 import com.squareup.javapoet.ParameterSpec
28 import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName
29 import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeSpec
30 import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment
31 import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier
32 import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement
33 import javax.tools.StandardLocation
35 fun writeModels(infos: List<AdapterClass>, processingEnv: ProcessingEnvironment) {
36     infos.forEach({ writeAdapter(it, processingEnv) })
37 }
39 private val GENERATED_PACKAGE = "javax.annotation"
40 private val GENERATED_NAME = "Generated"
41 private val LIFECYCLE_EVENT = Lifecycle.Event::class.java
43 private val T = "\$T"
44 private val N = "\$N"
45 private val L = "\$L"
46 private val S = "\$S"
48 private val OWNER_PARAM: ParameterSpec = ParameterSpec.builder(
49         ClassName.get(LifecycleOwner::class.java), "owner").build()
50 private val EVENT_PARAM: ParameterSpec = ParameterSpec.builder(
51         ClassName.get(LIFECYCLE_EVENT), "event").build()
52 private val ON_ANY_PARAM: ParameterSpec = ParameterSpec.builder(TypeName.BOOLEAN, "onAny").build()
54 private val METHODS_LOGGER: ParameterSpec = ParameterSpec.builder(
55         ClassName.get(MethodCallsLogger::class.java), "logger").build()
57 private const val HAS_LOGGER_VAR = "hasLogger"
writeAdapternull59 private fun writeAdapter(adapter: AdapterClass, processingEnv: ProcessingEnvironment) {
60     val receiverField: FieldSpec = FieldSpec.builder(ClassName.get(adapter.type), "mReceiver",
61             Modifier.FINAL).build()
62     val dispatchMethodBuilder = MethodSpec.methodBuilder("callMethods")
63             .returns(TypeName.VOID)
64             .addParameter(OWNER_PARAM)
65             .addParameter(EVENT_PARAM)
66             .addParameter(ON_ANY_PARAM)
67             .addParameter(METHODS_LOGGER)
68             .addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC)
69             .addAnnotation(Override::class.java)
70     val dispatchMethod = dispatchMethodBuilder.apply {
72         addStatement("boolean $L = $N != null", HAS_LOGGER_VAR, METHODS_LOGGER)
73         val callsByEventType = adapter.calls.groupBy { it.method.onLifecycleEvent.value }
74         beginControlFlow("if ($N)", ON_ANY_PARAM).apply {
75             writeMethodCalls(callsByEventType[Lifecycle.Event.ON_ANY] ?: emptyList(), receiverField)
76         }.endControlFlow()
78         callsByEventType
79                 .filterKeys { key -> key != Lifecycle.Event.ON_ANY }
80                 .forEach { (event, calls) ->
81                     beginControlFlow("if ($N == $T.$L)", EVENT_PARAM, LIFECYCLE_EVENT, event)
82                     writeMethodCalls(calls, receiverField)
83                     endControlFlow()
84                 }
85     }.build()
87     val receiverParam = ParameterSpec.builder(
88             ClassName.get(adapter.type), "receiver").build()
90     val syntheticMethods = adapter.syntheticMethods.map {
91         val method = MethodSpec.methodBuilder(syntheticName(it))
92                 .returns(TypeName.VOID)
93                 .addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC)
94                 .addModifiers(Modifier.STATIC)
95                 .addParameter(receiverParam)
96         if (it.parameters.size >= 1) {
97             method.addParameter(OWNER_PARAM)
98         }
99         if (it.parameters.size == 2) {
100             method.addParameter(EVENT_PARAM)
101         }
103         val count = it.parameters.size
104         val paramString = generateParamString(count)
105         method.addStatement("$N.$L($paramString)", receiverParam, it.name(),
106                 *takeParams(count, OWNER_PARAM, EVENT_PARAM))
107         method.build()
108     }
110     val constructor = MethodSpec.constructorBuilder()
111             .addParameter(receiverParam)
112             .addStatement("this.$N = $N", receiverField, receiverParam)
113             .build()
115     val adapterName = getAdapterName(adapter.type)
116     val adapterTypeSpecBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder(adapterName)
117             .addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC)
118             .addSuperinterface(ClassName.get(GeneratedAdapter::class.java))
119             .addField(receiverField)
120             .addMethod(constructor)
121             .addMethod(dispatchMethod)
122             .addMethods(syntheticMethods)
124     addGeneratedAnnotationIfAvailable(adapterTypeSpecBuilder, processingEnv)
126     JavaFile.builder(adapter.type.getPackageQName(), adapterTypeSpecBuilder.build())
127             .build().writeTo(processingEnv.filer)
129     generateKeepRule(adapter.type, processingEnv)
130 }
addGeneratedAnnotationIfAvailablenull132 private fun addGeneratedAnnotationIfAvailable(adapterTypeSpecBuilder: TypeSpec.Builder,
133                                               processingEnv: ProcessingEnvironment) {
134     val generatedAnnotationAvailable = processingEnv
135             .elementUtils
136             .getTypeElement(GENERATED_PACKAGE + "." + GENERATED_NAME) != null
137     if (generatedAnnotationAvailable) {
138         val generatedAnnotationSpec =
139                 AnnotationSpec.builder(ClassName.get(GENERATED_PACKAGE, GENERATED_NAME)).addMember(
140                         "value",
141                         S,
142                         LifecycleProcessor::class.java.canonicalName).build()
143         adapterTypeSpecBuilder.addAnnotation(generatedAnnotationSpec)
144     }
145 }
generateKeepRulenull147 private fun generateKeepRule(type: TypeElement, processingEnv: ProcessingEnvironment) {
148     val adapterClass = type.getPackageQName() + "." + getAdapterName(type)
149     val observerClass = type.toString()
150     val keepRule = """# Generated keep rule for Lifecycle observer adapter.
151         |-if class $observerClass {
152         |    <init>(...);
153         |}
154         |-keep class $adapterClass {
155         |    <init>(...);
156         |}
157         |""".trimMargin()
159     // Write the keep rule to the META-INF/proguard directory of the Jar file. The file name
160     // contains the fully qualified observer name so that file names are unique. This will allow any
161     // jar file merging to not overwrite keep rule files.
162     val path = "META-INF/proguard/$observerClass.pro"
163     val out = processingEnv.filer.createResource(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, "", path)
164     out.openWriter().use { it.write(keepRule) }
165 }
writeMethodCallsnull167 private fun MethodSpec.Builder.writeMethodCalls(calls: List<EventMethodCall>,
168                                                 receiverField: FieldSpec) {
169     calls.forEach { (method, syntheticAccess) ->
170         val count = method.method.parameters.size
171         val callType = 1 shl count
172         val methodName = method.method.name()
173         beginControlFlow("if (!$L || $N.approveCall($S, $callType))",
174                 HAS_LOGGER_VAR, METHODS_LOGGER, methodName).apply {
176             if (syntheticAccess == null) {
177                 val paramString = generateParamString(count)
178                 addStatement("$N.$L($paramString)", receiverField,
179                         methodName,
180                         *takeParams(count, OWNER_PARAM, EVENT_PARAM))
181             } else {
182                 val originalType = syntheticAccess
183                 val paramString = generateParamString(count + 1)
184                 val className = ClassName.get(originalType.getPackageQName(),
185                         getAdapterName(originalType))
186                 addStatement("$T.$L($paramString)", className,
187                         syntheticName(method.method),
188                         *takeParams(count + 1, receiverField, OWNER_PARAM, EVENT_PARAM))
189             }
190         }.endControlFlow()
191     }
192     addStatement("return")
193 }
takeParamsnull195 private fun takeParams(count: Int, vararg params: Any) = params.take(count).toTypedArray()
197 private fun generateParamString(count: Int) = (0 until count).joinToString(",") { N }