1 /* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 limitations under the License.
14 ==============================================================================*/
15 #include "tensorflow/core/api_def/update_api_def.h"
17 #include <ctype.h>
18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <string>
20 #include <vector>
22 #include "tensorflow/core/api_def/excluded_ops.h"
23 #include "tensorflow/core/framework/api_def.pb.h"
24 #include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
25 #include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_def_builder.h"
26 #include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_gen_lib.h"
27 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
28 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/io/path.h"
29 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/stringprintf.h"
30 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
32 namespace tensorflow {
34 namespace {
35 constexpr char kApiDefFileFormat[] = "api_def_%s.pbtxt";
36 // TODO(annarev): look into supporting other prefixes, not just 'doc'.
37 constexpr char kDocStart[] = ".Doc(R\"doc(";
38 constexpr char kDocEnd[] = ")doc\")";
40 // Updates api_def based on the given op.
FillBaseApiDef(ApiDef * api_def,const OpDef & op)41 void FillBaseApiDef(ApiDef* api_def, const OpDef& op) {
42   api_def->set_graph_op_name(op.name());
43   // Add arg docs
44   for (auto& input_arg : op.input_arg()) {
45     if (!input_arg.description().empty()) {
46       auto* api_def_in_arg = api_def->add_in_arg();
47       api_def_in_arg->set_name(input_arg.name());
48       api_def_in_arg->set_description(input_arg.description());
49     }
50   }
51   for (auto& output_arg : op.output_arg()) {
52     if (!output_arg.description().empty()) {
53       auto* api_def_out_arg = api_def->add_out_arg();
54       api_def_out_arg->set_name(output_arg.name());
55       api_def_out_arg->set_description(output_arg.description());
56     }
57   }
58   // Add attr docs
59   for (auto& attr : op.attr()) {
60     if (!attr.description().empty()) {
61       auto* api_def_attr = api_def->add_attr();
62       api_def_attr->set_name(attr.name());
63       api_def_attr->set_description(attr.description());
64     }
65   }
66   // Add docs
67   api_def->set_summary(op.summary());
68   api_def->set_description(op.description());
69 }
71 // Returns true if op has any description or summary.
OpHasDocs(const OpDef & op)72 bool OpHasDocs(const OpDef& op) {
73   if (!op.summary().empty() || !op.description().empty()) {
74     return true;
75   }
76   for (const auto& arg : op.input_arg()) {
77     if (!arg.description().empty()) {
78       return true;
79     }
80   }
81   for (const auto& arg : op.output_arg()) {
82     if (!arg.description().empty()) {
83       return true;
84     }
85   }
86   for (const auto& attr : op.attr()) {
87     if (!attr.description().empty()) {
88       return true;
89     }
90   }
91   return false;
92 }
94 // Returns true if summary and all descriptions are the same in op1
95 // and op2.
CheckDocsMatch(const OpDef & op1,const OpDef & op2)96 bool CheckDocsMatch(const OpDef& op1, const OpDef& op2) {
97   if (op1.summary() != op2.summary() ||
98       op1.description() != op2.description() ||
99       op1.input_arg_size() != op2.input_arg_size() ||
100       op1.output_arg_size() != op2.output_arg_size() ||
101       op1.attr_size() != op2.attr_size()) {
102     return false;
103   }
104   // Iterate over args and attrs to compare their docs.
105   for (int i = 0; i < op1.input_arg_size(); ++i) {
106     if (op1.input_arg(i).description() != op2.input_arg(i).description()) {
107       return false;
108     }
109   }
110   for (int i = 0; i < op1.output_arg_size(); ++i) {
111     if (op1.output_arg(i).description() != op2.output_arg(i).description()) {
112       return false;
113     }
114   }
115   for (int i = 0; i < op1.attr_size(); ++i) {
116     if (op1.attr(i).description() != op2.attr(i).description()) {
117       return false;
118     }
119   }
120   return true;
121 }
123 // Returns true if descriptions and summaries in op match a
124 // given single doc-string.
ValidateOpDocs(const OpDef & op,const string & doc)125 bool ValidateOpDocs(const OpDef& op, const string& doc) {
126   OpDefBuilder b(op.name());
127   // We don't really care about type we use for arguments and
128   // attributes. We just want to make sure attribute and argument names
129   // are added so that descriptions can be assigned to them when parsing
130   // documentation.
131   for (const auto& arg : op.input_arg()) {
132     b.Input(arg.name() + ":string");
133   }
134   for (const auto& arg : op.output_arg()) {
135     b.Output(arg.name() + ":string");
136   }
137   for (const auto& attr : op.attr()) {
138     b.Attr(attr.name() + ":string");
139   }
140   b.Doc(doc);
141   OpRegistrationData op_reg_data;
142   TF_CHECK_OK(b.Finalize(&op_reg_data));
143   return CheckDocsMatch(op, op_reg_data.op_def);
144 }
145 }  // namespace
RemoveDoc(const OpDef & op,const string & file_contents,size_t start_location)147 string RemoveDoc(const OpDef& op, const string& file_contents,
148                  size_t start_location) {
149   // Look for a line starting with .Doc( after the REGISTER_OP.
150   const auto doc_start_location = file_contents.find(kDocStart, start_location);
151   const string format_error = strings::Printf(
152       "Could not find %s doc for removal. Make sure the doc is defined with "
153       "'%s' prefix and '%s' suffix or remove the doc manually.",
154       op.name().c_str(), kDocStart, kDocEnd);
155   if (doc_start_location == string::npos) {
156     std::cerr << format_error << std::endl;
157     LOG(ERROR) << "Didn't find doc start";
158     return file_contents;
159   }
160   const auto doc_end_location = file_contents.find(kDocEnd, doc_start_location);
161   if (doc_end_location == string::npos) {
162     LOG(ERROR) << "Didn't find doc start";
163     std::cerr << format_error << std::endl;
164     return file_contents;
165   }
167   const auto doc_start_size = sizeof(kDocStart) - 1;
168   string doc_text = file_contents.substr(
169       doc_start_location + doc_start_size,
170       doc_end_location - doc_start_location - doc_start_size);
172   // Make sure the doc text we found actually matches OpDef docs to
173   // avoid removing incorrect text.
174   if (!ValidateOpDocs(op, doc_text)) {
175     LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid doc: " << doc_text;
176     std::cerr << format_error << std::endl;
177     return file_contents;
178   }
179   // Remove .Doc call.
180   auto before_doc = file_contents.substr(0, doc_start_location);
181   str_util::StripTrailingWhitespace(&before_doc);
182   return before_doc +
183          file_contents.substr(doc_end_location + sizeof(kDocEnd) - 1);
184 }
186 namespace {
187 // Remove .Doc calls that follow REGISTER_OP calls for the given ops.
188 // We search for REGISTER_OP calls in the given op_files list.
RemoveDocs(const std::vector<const OpDef * > & ops,const std::vector<string> & op_files)189 void RemoveDocs(const std::vector<const OpDef*>& ops,
190                 const std::vector<string>& op_files) {
191   // Set of ops that we already found REGISTER_OP calls for.
192   std::set<string> processed_ops;
194   for (const auto& file : op_files) {
195     string file_contents;
196     bool file_contents_updated = false;
197     TF_CHECK_OK(ReadFileToString(Env::Default(), file, &file_contents));
199     for (auto op : ops) {
200       if (processed_ops.find(op->name()) != processed_ops.end()) {
201         // We already found REGISTER_OP call for this op in another file.
202         continue;
203       }
204       string register_call =
205           strings::Printf("REGISTER_OP(\"%s\")", op->name().c_str());
206       const auto register_call_location = file_contents.find(register_call);
207       // Find REGISTER_OP(OpName) call.
208       if (register_call_location == string::npos) {
209         continue;
210       }
211       std::cout << "Removing .Doc call for " << op->name() << " from " << file
212                 << "." << std::endl;
213       file_contents = RemoveDoc(*op, file_contents, register_call_location);
214       file_contents_updated = true;
216       processed_ops.insert(op->name());
217     }
218     if (file_contents_updated) {
219       TF_CHECK_OK(WriteStringToFile(Env::Default(), file, file_contents))
220           << "Could not remove .Doc calls in " << file
221           << ". Make sure the file is writable.";
222     }
223   }
224 }
225 }  // namespace
227 // Returns ApiDefs text representation in multi-line format
228 // constructed based on the given op.
CreateApiDef(const OpDef & op)229 string CreateApiDef(const OpDef& op) {
230   ApiDefs api_defs;
231   FillBaseApiDef(api_defs.add_op(), op);
233   const std::vector<string> multi_line_fields = {"description"};
234   string new_api_defs_str = api_defs.DebugString();
235   return PBTxtToMultiline(new_api_defs_str, multi_line_fields);
236 }
238 // Creates ApiDef files for any new ops.
239 // If op_file_pattern is not empty, then also removes .Doc calls from
240 // new op registrations in these files.
CreateApiDefs(const OpList & ops,const string & api_def_dir,const string & op_file_pattern)241 void CreateApiDefs(const OpList& ops, const string& api_def_dir,
242                    const string& op_file_pattern) {
243   auto* excluded_ops = GetExcludedOps();
244   std::vector<const OpDef*> new_ops_with_docs;
246   for (const auto& op : ops.op()) {
247     if (excluded_ops->find(op.name()) != excluded_ops->end()) {
248       continue;
249     }
250     // Form the expected ApiDef path.
251     string file_path =
252         io::JoinPath(tensorflow::string(api_def_dir), kApiDefFileFormat);
253     file_path = strings::Printf(file_path.c_str(), op.name().c_str());
255     // Create ApiDef if it doesn't exist.
256     if (!Env::Default()->FileExists(file_path).ok()) {
257       std::cout << "Creating ApiDef file " << file_path << std::endl;
258       const auto& api_def_text = CreateApiDef(op);
259       TF_CHECK_OK(WriteStringToFile(Env::Default(), file_path, api_def_text));
261       if (OpHasDocs(op)) {
262         new_ops_with_docs.push_back(&op);
263       }
264     }
265   }
266   if (!op_file_pattern.empty()) {
267     std::vector<string> op_files;
268     TF_CHECK_OK(Env::Default()->GetMatchingPaths(op_file_pattern, &op_files));
269     RemoveDocs(new_ops_with_docs, op_files);
270   }
271 }
272 }  // namespace tensorflow