1 // Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
7 #include "core/fpdfapi/edit/cpdf_pagecontentgenerator.h"
9 #include <tuple>
10 #include <utility>
12 #include "core/fpdfapi/font/cpdf_font.h"
13 #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_docpagedata.h"
14 #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_image.h"
15 #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_imageobject.h"
16 #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_page.h"
17 #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_path.h"
18 #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_pathobject.h"
19 #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_textobject.h"
20 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h"
21 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h"
22 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h"
23 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_name.h"
24 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_number.h"
25 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_reference.h"
26 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream.h"
27 #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/fpdf_parser_decode.h"
29 namespace {
operator <<(std::ostream & ar,const CFX_Matrix & matrix)31 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ar, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) {
32   ar << matrix.a << " " << matrix.b << " " << matrix.c << " " << matrix.d << " "
33      << matrix.e << " " << matrix.f;
34   return ar;
35 }
GetColor(const CPDF_Color * pColor,float * rgb)37 bool GetColor(const CPDF_Color* pColor, float* rgb) {
38   int intRGB[3];
39   if (!pColor ||
40       pColor->GetColorSpace() != CPDF_ColorSpace::GetStockCS(PDFCS_DEVICERGB) ||
41       !pColor->GetRGB(&intRGB[0], &intRGB[1], &intRGB[2])) {
42     return false;
43   }
44   rgb[0] = intRGB[0] / 255.0f;
45   rgb[1] = intRGB[1] / 255.0f;
46   rgb[2] = intRGB[2] / 255.0f;
47   return true;
48 }
50 }  // namespace
CPDF_PageContentGenerator(CPDF_PageObjectHolder * pObjHolder)52 CPDF_PageContentGenerator::CPDF_PageContentGenerator(
53     CPDF_PageObjectHolder* pObjHolder)
54     : m_pObjHolder(pObjHolder), m_pDocument(pObjHolder->m_pDocument.Get()) {
55   for (const auto& pObj : *pObjHolder->GetPageObjectList()) {
56     if (pObj)
57       m_pageObjects.emplace_back(pObj.get());
58   }
59 }
~CPDF_PageContentGenerator()61 CPDF_PageContentGenerator::~CPDF_PageContentGenerator() {}
GenerateContent()63 void CPDF_PageContentGenerator::GenerateContent() {
64   ASSERT(m_pObjHolder->IsPage());
66   CPDF_Document* pDoc = m_pDocument.Get();
67   std::ostringstream buf;
69   // Set the default graphic state values
70   buf << "q\n";
71   if (!m_pObjHolder->GetLastCTM().IsIdentity())
72     buf << m_pObjHolder->GetLastCTM().GetInverse() << " cm\n";
73   ProcessDefaultGraphics(&buf);
75   // Process the page objects
76   if (!ProcessPageObjects(&buf))
77     return;
79   // Return graphics to original state
80   buf << "Q\n";
82   // Add buffer to a stream in page's 'Contents'
83   CPDF_Dictionary* pPageDict = m_pObjHolder->m_pFormDict.Get();
84   CPDF_Object* pContent =
85       pPageDict ? pPageDict->GetObjectFor("Contents") : nullptr;
86   CPDF_Stream* pStream = pDoc->NewIndirect<CPDF_Stream>();
87   pStream->SetData(&buf);
88   if (pContent) {
89     CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(pContent);
90     if (pArray) {
91       pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Reference>(pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum());
92       return;
93     }
94     CPDF_Reference* pReference = ToReference(pContent);
95     if (!pReference) {
96       pPageDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Reference>("Contents", m_pDocument.Get(),
97                                            pStream->GetObjNum());
98       return;
99     }
100     CPDF_Object* pDirectObj = pReference->GetDirect();
101     if (!pDirectObj) {
102       pPageDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Reference>("Contents", m_pDocument.Get(),
103                                            pStream->GetObjNum());
104       return;
105     }
106     CPDF_Array* pObjArray = pDirectObj->AsArray();
107     if (pObjArray) {
108       pObjArray->AddNew<CPDF_Reference>(pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum());
109       return;
110     }
111     if (pDirectObj->IsStream()) {
112       CPDF_Array* pContentArray = pDoc->NewIndirect<CPDF_Array>();
113       pContentArray->AddNew<CPDF_Reference>(pDoc, pDirectObj->GetObjNum());
114       pContentArray->AddNew<CPDF_Reference>(pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum());
115       pPageDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Reference>("Contents", pDoc,
116                                            pContentArray->GetObjNum());
117       return;
118     }
119   }
120   pPageDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Reference>("Contents", m_pDocument.Get(),
121                                        pStream->GetObjNum());
122 }
RealizeResource(uint32_t dwResourceObjNum,const ByteString & bsType)124 ByteString CPDF_PageContentGenerator::RealizeResource(
125     uint32_t dwResourceObjNum,
126     const ByteString& bsType) {
127   ASSERT(dwResourceObjNum);
128   if (!m_pObjHolder->m_pResources) {
129     m_pObjHolder->m_pResources = m_pDocument->NewIndirect<CPDF_Dictionary>();
130     m_pObjHolder->m_pFormDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Reference>(
131         "Resources", m_pDocument.Get(),
132         m_pObjHolder->m_pResources->GetObjNum());
133   }
134   CPDF_Dictionary* pResList = m_pObjHolder->m_pResources->GetDictFor(bsType);
135   if (!pResList)
136     pResList = m_pObjHolder->m_pResources->SetNewFor<CPDF_Dictionary>(bsType);
138   ByteString name;
139   int idnum = 1;
140   while (1) {
141     name = ByteString::Format("FX%c%d", bsType[0], idnum);
142     if (!pResList->KeyExist(name))
143       break;
145     idnum++;
146   }
147   pResList->SetNewFor<CPDF_Reference>(name, m_pDocument.Get(),
148                                       dwResourceObjNum);
149   return name;
150 }
ProcessPageObjects(std::ostringstream * buf)152 bool CPDF_PageContentGenerator::ProcessPageObjects(std::ostringstream* buf) {
153   bool bDirty = false;
154   for (auto& pPageObj : m_pageObjects) {
155     if (m_pObjHolder->IsPage() && !pPageObj->IsDirty())
156       continue;
158     bDirty = true;
159     if (CPDF_ImageObject* pImageObject = pPageObj->AsImage())
160       ProcessImage(buf, pImageObject);
161     else if (CPDF_PathObject* pPathObj = pPageObj->AsPath())
162       ProcessPath(buf, pPathObj);
163     else if (CPDF_TextObject* pTextObj = pPageObj->AsText())
164       ProcessText(buf, pTextObj);
165     pPageObj->SetDirty(false);
166   }
167   return bDirty;
168 }
ProcessImage(std::ostringstream * buf,CPDF_ImageObject * pImageObj)170 void CPDF_PageContentGenerator::ProcessImage(std::ostringstream* buf,
171                                              CPDF_ImageObject* pImageObj) {
172   if ((pImageObj->matrix().a == 0 && pImageObj->matrix().b == 0) ||
173       (pImageObj->matrix().c == 0 && pImageObj->matrix().d == 0)) {
174     return;
175   }
176   *buf << "q " << pImageObj->matrix() << " cm ";
178   RetainPtr<CPDF_Image> pImage = pImageObj->GetImage();
179   if (pImage->IsInline())
180     return;
182   CPDF_Stream* pStream = pImage->GetStream();
183   if (!pStream)
184     return;
186   bool bWasInline = pStream->IsInline();
187   if (bWasInline)
188     pImage->ConvertStreamToIndirectObject();
190   uint32_t dwObjNum = pStream->GetObjNum();
191   ByteString name = RealizeResource(dwObjNum, "XObject");
192   if (bWasInline)
193     pImageObj->SetImage(m_pDocument->GetPageData()->GetImage(dwObjNum));
195   *buf << "/" << PDF_NameEncode(name) << " Do Q\n";
196 }
198 // Processing path with operators from Tables 4.9 and 4.10 of PDF spec 1.7:
199 // "re" appends a rectangle (here, used only if the whole path is a rectangle)
200 // "m" moves current point to the given coordinates
201 // "l" creates a line from current point to the new point
202 // "c" adds a Bezier curve from current to last point, using the two other
203 // points as the Bezier control points
204 // Note: "l", "c" change the current point
205 // "h" closes the subpath (appends a line from current to starting point)
206 // Path painting operators: "S", "n", "B", "f", "B*", "f*", depending on
207 // the filling mode and whether we want stroking the path or not.
208 // "Q" restores the graphics state imposed by the ProcessGraphics method.
ProcessPath(std::ostringstream * buf,CPDF_PathObject * pPathObj)209 void CPDF_PageContentGenerator::ProcessPath(std::ostringstream* buf,
210                                             CPDF_PathObject* pPathObj) {
211   ProcessGraphics(buf, pPathObj);
213   *buf << pPathObj->m_Matrix << " cm ";
215   auto& pPoints = pPathObj->m_Path.GetPoints();
216   if (pPathObj->m_Path.IsRect()) {
217     CFX_PointF diff = pPoints[2].m_Point - pPoints[0].m_Point;
218     *buf << pPoints[0].m_Point.x << " " << pPoints[0].m_Point.y << " " << diff.x
219          << " " << diff.y << " re";
220   } else {
221     for (size_t i = 0; i < pPoints.size(); i++) {
222       if (i > 0)
223         *buf << " ";
224       *buf << pPoints[i].m_Point.x << " " << pPoints[i].m_Point.y;
225       FXPT_TYPE pointType = pPoints[i].m_Type;
226       if (pointType == FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo) {
227         *buf << " m";
228       } else if (pointType == FXPT_TYPE::LineTo) {
229         *buf << " l";
230       } else if (pointType == FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo) {
231         if (i + 2 >= pPoints.size() ||
232             !pPoints[i].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo) ||
233             !pPoints[i + 1].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo) ||
234             pPoints[i + 2].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo) {
235           // If format is not supported, close the path and paint
236           *buf << " h";
237           break;
238         }
239         *buf << " " << pPoints[i + 1].m_Point.x << " "
240              << pPoints[i + 1].m_Point.y << " " << pPoints[i + 2].m_Point.x
241              << " " << pPoints[i + 2].m_Point.y << " c";
242         i += 2;
243       }
244       if (pPoints[i].m_CloseFigure)
245         *buf << " h";
246     }
247   }
248   if (pPathObj->m_FillType == 0)
249     *buf << (pPathObj->m_bStroke ? " S" : " n");
250   else if (pPathObj->m_FillType == FXFILL_WINDING)
251     *buf << (pPathObj->m_bStroke ? " B" : " f");
252   else if (pPathObj->m_FillType == FXFILL_ALTERNATE)
253     *buf << (pPathObj->m_bStroke ? " B*" : " f*");
254   *buf << " Q\n";
255 }
257 // This method supports color operators rg and RGB from Table 4.24 of PDF spec
258 // 1.7. A color will not be set if the colorspace is not DefaultRGB or the RGB
259 // values cannot be obtained. The method also adds an external graphics
260 // dictionary, as described in Section 4.3.4.
261 // "rg" sets the fill color, "RG" sets the stroke color (using DefaultRGB)
262 // "w" sets the stroke line width.
263 // "ca" sets the fill alpha, "CA" sets the stroke alpha.
264 // "q" saves the graphics state, so that the settings can later be reversed
ProcessGraphics(std::ostringstream * buf,CPDF_PageObject * pPageObj)265 void CPDF_PageContentGenerator::ProcessGraphics(std::ostringstream* buf,
266                                                 CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj) {
267   *buf << "q ";
268   float fillColor[3];
269   if (GetColor(pPageObj->m_ColorState.GetFillColor(), fillColor)) {
270     *buf << fillColor[0] << " " << fillColor[1] << " " << fillColor[2]
271          << " rg ";
272   }
273   float strokeColor[3];
274   if (GetColor(pPageObj->m_ColorState.GetStrokeColor(), strokeColor)) {
275     *buf << strokeColor[0] << " " << strokeColor[1] << " " << strokeColor[2]
276          << " RG ";
277   }
278   float lineWidth = pPageObj->m_GraphState.GetLineWidth();
279   if (lineWidth != 1.0f)
280     *buf << lineWidth << " w ";
281   CFX_GraphStateData::LineCap lineCap = pPageObj->m_GraphState.GetLineCap();
282   if (lineCap != CFX_GraphStateData::LineCapButt)
283     *buf << static_cast<int>(lineCap) << " J ";
284   CFX_GraphStateData::LineJoin lineJoin = pPageObj->m_GraphState.GetLineJoin();
285   if (lineJoin != CFX_GraphStateData::LineJoinMiter)
286     *buf << static_cast<int>(lineJoin) << " j ";
288   GraphicsData graphD;
289   graphD.fillAlpha = pPageObj->m_GeneralState.GetFillAlpha();
290   graphD.strokeAlpha = pPageObj->m_GeneralState.GetStrokeAlpha();
291   graphD.blendType = pPageObj->m_GeneralState.GetBlendType();
292   if (graphD.fillAlpha == 1.0f && graphD.strokeAlpha == 1.0f &&
293       (graphD.blendType == FXDIB_BLEND_UNSUPPORTED ||
294        graphD.blendType == FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL)) {
295     return;
296   }
298   ByteString name;
299   auto it = m_pObjHolder->m_GraphicsMap.find(graphD);
300   if (it != m_pObjHolder->m_GraphicsMap.end()) {
301     name = it->second;
302   } else {
303     auto gsDict = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dictionary>();
304     if (graphD.fillAlpha != 1.0f)
305       gsDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Number>("ca", graphD.fillAlpha);
307     if (graphD.strokeAlpha != 1.0f)
308       gsDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Number>("CA", graphD.strokeAlpha);
310     if (graphD.blendType != FXDIB_BLEND_UNSUPPORTED &&
311         graphD.blendType != FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL) {
312       gsDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("BM",
313                                    pPageObj->m_GeneralState.GetBlendMode());
314     }
315     CPDF_Object* pDict = m_pDocument->AddIndirectObject(std::move(gsDict));
316     uint32_t dwObjNum = pDict->GetObjNum();
317     name = RealizeResource(dwObjNum, "ExtGState");
318     m_pObjHolder->m_GraphicsMap[graphD] = name;
319   }
320   *buf << "/" << PDF_NameEncode(name) << " gs ";
321 }
ProcessDefaultGraphics(std::ostringstream * buf)323 void CPDF_PageContentGenerator::ProcessDefaultGraphics(
324     std::ostringstream* buf) {
325   *buf << "0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg 1 w "
326        << static_cast<int>(CFX_GraphStateData::LineCapButt) << " J "
327        << static_cast<int>(CFX_GraphStateData::LineJoinMiter) << " j\n";
328   GraphicsData defaultGraphics;
329   defaultGraphics.fillAlpha = 1.0f;
330   defaultGraphics.strokeAlpha = 1.0f;
331   defaultGraphics.blendType = FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL;
332   auto it = m_pObjHolder->m_GraphicsMap.find(defaultGraphics);
333   ByteString name;
334   if (it != m_pObjHolder->m_GraphicsMap.end()) {
335     name = it->second;
336   } else {
337     auto gsDict = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dictionary>();
338     gsDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Number>("ca", defaultGraphics.fillAlpha);
339     gsDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Number>("CA", defaultGraphics.strokeAlpha);
340     gsDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("BM", "Normal");
341     CPDF_Object* pDict = m_pDocument->AddIndirectObject(std::move(gsDict));
342     uint32_t dwObjNum = pDict->GetObjNum();
343     name = RealizeResource(dwObjNum, "ExtGState");
344     m_pObjHolder->m_GraphicsMap[defaultGraphics] = name;
345   }
346   *buf << "/" << PDF_NameEncode(name).c_str() << " gs ";
347 }
349 // This method adds text to the buffer, BT begins the text object, ET ends it.
350 // Tm sets the text matrix (allows positioning and transforming text).
351 // Tf sets the font name (from Font in Resources) and font size.
352 // Tj sets the actual text, <####...> is used when specifying charcodes.
ProcessText(std::ostringstream * buf,CPDF_TextObject * pTextObj)353 void CPDF_PageContentGenerator::ProcessText(std::ostringstream* buf,
354                                             CPDF_TextObject* pTextObj) {
355   ProcessGraphics(buf, pTextObj);
356   *buf << "BT " << pTextObj->GetTextMatrix() << " Tm ";
357   CPDF_Font* pFont = pTextObj->GetFont();
358   if (!pFont)
359     pFont = CPDF_Font::GetStockFont(m_pDocument.Get(), "Helvetica");
360   FontData fontD;
361   if (pFont->IsType1Font())
362     fontD.type = "Type1";
363   else if (pFont->IsTrueTypeFont())
364     fontD.type = "TrueType";
365   else if (pFont->IsCIDFont())
366     fontD.type = "Type0";
367   else
368     return;
369   fontD.baseFont = pFont->GetBaseFont();
370   auto it = m_pObjHolder->m_FontsMap.find(fontD);
371   ByteString dictName;
372   if (it != m_pObjHolder->m_FontsMap.end()) {
373     dictName = it->second;
374   } else {
375     uint32_t dwObjNum = pFont->GetFontDict()->GetObjNum();
376     if (!dwObjNum) {
377       // In this case we assume it must be a standard font
378       auto fontDict = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dictionary>();
379       fontDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("Type", "Font");
380       fontDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("Subtype", fontD.type);
381       fontDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("BaseFont", fontD.baseFont);
382       CPDF_Object* pDict = m_pDocument->AddIndirectObject(std::move(fontDict));
383       dwObjNum = pDict->GetObjNum();
384     }
385     dictName = RealizeResource(dwObjNum, "Font");
386     m_pObjHolder->m_FontsMap[fontD] = dictName;
387   }
388   *buf << "/" << PDF_NameEncode(dictName) << " " << pTextObj->GetFontSize()
389        << " Tf ";
390   ByteString text;
391   for (uint32_t charcode : pTextObj->GetCharCodes()) {
392     if (charcode != CPDF_Font::kInvalidCharCode)
393       pFont->AppendChar(&text, charcode);
394   }
395   *buf << PDF_EncodeString(text, true) << " Tj ET";
396   *buf << " Q\n";
397 }