1#/usr/bin/env python3.4
3# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
6# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
7# the License at
9# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
13# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
14# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
15# the License.
17This test script is the base class for Bluetooth power testing
20import json
21import os
22import statistics
23import time
25from acts import asserts
26from acts import utils
27from acts.controllers import monsoon
28from acts.test_utils.bt.BluetoothBaseTest import BluetoothBaseTest
29from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import bluetooth_enabled_check
30from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import set_phone_screen_on
31from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import toggle_airplane_mode_by_adb
32from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
33from acts.utils import create_dir
34from acts.utils import force_airplane_mode
35from acts.utils import get_current_human_time
36from acts.utils import set_adaptive_brightness
37from acts.utils import set_ambient_display
38from acts.utils import set_auto_rotate
39from acts.utils import set_location_service
40from acts.utils import sync_device_time
43class PowerBaseTest(BluetoothBaseTest):
44    # Monsoon output Voltage in V
46    # Monsoon output max current in A
48    # Power mesaurement sampling rate in Hz
51    # Wait time for PMC to start in seconds
52    WAIT_TIME = 60
53    # Wait time for PMC to write AlarmTimes
54    ALARM_WAIT_TIME = 600
56    START_PMC_CMD = ("am start -n com.android.pmc/com.android.pmc."
57                     "PMCMainActivity")
58    PMC_VERBOSE_CMD = "setprop log.tag.PMC VERBOSE"
60    def setup_test(self):
61        self.timer_list = []
62        for a in self.android_devices:
63            a.ed.clear_all_events()
64            a.droid.setScreenTimeout(20)
65            self.ad.go_to_sleep()
66        return True
68    def disable_location_scanning(self):
69        """Utility to disable location services from scanning.
71        Unless the device is in airplane mode, even if WiFi is disabled
72        the DUT will still perform occasional scans. This will greatly impact
73        the power numbers.
75        Returns:
76            True if airplane mode is disabled and Bluetooth is enabled;
77            False otherwise.
78        """
79        self.ad.log.info("DUT phone Airplane is ON")
80        if not toggle_airplane_mode_by_adb(self.log, self.android_devices[0],
81                                           True):
82            self.log.error("FAILED to toggle Airplane on")
83            return False
84        self.ad.log.info("DUT phone Bluetooth is ON")
85        if not bluetooth_enabled_check(self.android_devices[0]):
86            self.log.error("FAILED to enable Bluetooth on")
87            return False
88        return True
90    def teardown_test(self):
91        return True
93    def setup_class(self):
94        # Not to call Base class setup_class()
95        # since it removes the bonded devices
96        for ad in self.android_devices:
97            sync_device_time(ad)
98        self.ad = self.android_devices[0]
99        self.mon = self.monsoons[0]
100        self.mon.set_voltage(self.MONSOON_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE)
101        self.mon.set_max_current(self.MONSOON_MAX_CURRENT)
102        # Monsoon phone
103        self.mon.attach_device(self.ad)
104        self.monsoon_log_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, "MonsoonLog")
105        create_dir(self.monsoon_log_path)
107        asserts.assert_true(
108            self.mon.usb("auto"),
109            "Failed to turn USB mode to auto on monsoon.")
111        asserts.assert_true(
112            force_airplane_mode(self.ad, True),
113            "Can not turn on airplane mode on: %s" % self.ad.serial)
114        asserts.assert_true(
115            bluetooth_enabled_check(self.ad),
116            "Failed to set Bluetooth state to enabled")
117        set_location_service(self.ad, False)
118        set_adaptive_brightness(self.ad, False)
119        set_ambient_display(self.ad, False)
120        self.ad.adb.shell("settings put system screen_brightness 0")
121        set_auto_rotate(self.ad, False)
123        wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.ad, False)
125        # Start PMC app.
126        self.log.info("Start PMC app...")
127        self.ad.adb.shell(self.START_PMC_CMD)
128        self.ad.adb.shell(self.PMC_VERBOSE_CMD)
130        self.log.info("Check to see if PMC app started")
131        for _ in range(self.WAIT_TIME):
132            time.sleep(1)
133            try:
134                self.ad.adb.shell('ps -A | grep "S com.android.pmc"')
135                break
136            except adb.AdbError as e:
137                self.log.info("PMC app is NOT started yet")
139    def check_pmc_status(self, log_file, label, status_msg):
140        """Utility function to check if the log file contains certain label.
142        Args:
143            log_file: Log file name for PMC log file
144            label: the label to be looked for in the log file
145            status_msg: error message to be displayed when the expected label is not found
147        Returns:
148            A list of objects which contain start and end timestamps
149        """
151        # Check if PMC is ready
152        start_time = time.time()
153        result = False
154        while time.time() < start_time + self.WAIT_TIME:
155            out = self.ad.adb.shell("cat /mnt/sdcard/Download/" + log_file)
156            self.log.info("READ file: " + out)
157            if -1 != out.find(label):
158                result = True
159                break
160            time.sleep(1)
162        if not result:
163            self.log.error(status_msg)
164            return False
165        else:
166            return True
168    def check_pmc_timestamps(self, log_file):
169        """Utility function to get timestampes from a log file.
171        Args:
172            log_file: Log file name for PMC log file
174        Returns:
175            A list of objects which contain start and end timestamps
176        """
178        start_time = time.time()
179        alarm_written = False
180        while time.time() < start_time + self.ALARM_WAIT_TIME:
181            out = self.ad.adb.shell("cat /mnt/sdcard/Download/" + log_file)
182            self.log.info("READ file: " + out)
183            if -1 != out.find("READY"):
184                # AlarmTimes has not been written, wait
185                self.log.info("AlarmTimes has not been written, wait")
186            else:
187                alarm_written = True
188                break
189            time.sleep(1)
191        if alarm_written is False:
192            self.log.info("PMC never wrote alarm file")
193        json_data = json.loads(out)
194        if json_data["AlarmTimes"]:
195            return json_data["AlarmTimes"]
197    def save_logs_for_power_test(self,
198                                 monsoon_result,
199                                 time1,
200                                 time2,
201                                 single_value=True):
202        """Utility function to save power data into log file.
204        Steps:
205        1. Save power data into a file if being configed.
206        2. Create a bug report if being configured
208        Args:
209            monsoon_result: power data object
210            time1: A single value or a list
211                   For single value it is time duration (sec) for measure power
212                   For a list of values they are a list of start times
213            time2: A single value or a list
214                   For single value it is time duration (sec) which is not
215                       counted toward power measurement
216                   For a list of values they are a list of end times
217            single_value: True means time1 and time2 are single values
218                          Otherwise they are arrays of time values
220        Returns:
221            BtMonsoonData for Current Average and Std Deviation
222        """
223        current_time = get_current_human_time()
224        file_name = "{}_{}".format(self.current_test_name, current_time)
226        if single_value:
227            bt_monsoon_result = BtMonsoonData(monsoon_result, time1, time2,
228                                              self.log)
229        else:
230            bt_monsoon_result = BtMonsoonDataWithPmcTimes(
231                monsoon_result, time1, time2, self.log)
233        bt_monsoon_result.save_to_text_file(bt_monsoon_result,
234                                            os.path.join(
235                                                self.monsoon_log_path,
236                                                file_name))
238        self.ad.take_bug_report(self.current_test_name, current_time)
239        return (bt_monsoon_result.average_cur, bt_monsoon_result.stdev)
241    def check_test_pass(self, average_current, watermark_value):
242        """Compare watermark numbers for pass/fail criteria.
244        b/67960377 = for BT codec runs
245        b/67959834 = for BLE scan+GATT runs
247        Args:
248            average_current: the numbers calculated from Monsoon box
249            watermark_value: the reference numbers from config file
251        Returns:
252            True if the current is within 10%; False otherwise
254        """
255        watermark_value = float(watermark_value)
256        variance_plus = watermark_value + (watermark_value * 0.1)
257        variance_minus = watermark_value - (watermark_value * 0.1)
258        if (average_current > variance_plus) or (average_current <
259                                                 variance_minus):
260            self.log.error('==> FAILED criteria from check_test_pass method')
261            return False
262        self.log.info('==> PASS criteria from check_test_pass method')
263        return True
266class BtMonsoonData(monsoon.MonsoonData):
267    """A class for encapsulating power measurement data from monsoon.
268       It implements the power averaging and standard deviation for
269       mulitple cycles of the power data. Each cycle is defined by a constant
270       measure time and a constant idle time.  Measure time is the time
271       duration when power data are included for calculation.
272       Idle time is the time when power data should be removed from calculation
274    """
275    # Accuracy for current and power data
276    ACCURACY = 4
277    THOUSAND = 1000
279    def __init__(self, monsoon_data, measure_time, idle_time, log):
280        """Instantiates a MonsoonData object.
282        Args:
283            monsoon_data: A list of current values in Amp (float).
284            measure_time: Time for measuring power.
285            idle_time: Time for not measuring power.
286            log: log object to log info messages.
287        """
289        super(BtMonsoonData, self).__init__(
290            monsoon_data.data_points, monsoon_data.timestamps, monsoon_data.hz,
291            monsoon_data.voltage, monsoon_data.offset)
293        # Change timestamp to use small granularity of time
294        # Monsoon libray uses the seconds as the time unit
295        # Using sample rate to calculate timestamps between the seconds
296        t0 = self.timestamps[0]
297        dt = 1.0 / monsoon_data.hz
298        index = 0
300        for ind, t in enumerate(self.timestamps):
301            if t == t0:
302                index = index + 1
303                self.timestamps[ind] = t + dt * index
304            else:
305                t0 = t
306                index = 1
308        self.measure_time = measure_time
309        self.idle_time = idle_time
310        self.log = log
311        self.average_cur = None
312        self.stdev = None
314    def _calculate_average_current_n_std_dev(self):
315        """Utility function to calculate average current and standard deviation
316           in the unit of mA.
318        Returns:
319            A tuple of average current and std dev as float
320        """
321        if self.idle_time == 0:
322            # if idle time is 0 use Monsoon calculation
323            # in this case standard deviation is 0
324            return round(self.average_current, self.ACCURACY), 0
326        self.log.info(
327            "Measure time: {} Idle time: {} Total Data Points: {}".format(
328                self.measure_time, self.idle_time, len(self.data_points)))
330        # The base time to be used to calculate the relative time
331        base_time = self.timestamps[0]
333        # Index for measure and idle cycle index
334        measure_cycle_index = 0
335        # Measure end time of measure cycle
336        measure_end_time = self.measure_time
337        # Idle end time of measure cycle
338        idle_end_time = self.measure_time + self.idle_time
339        # Sum of current data points for a measure cycle
340        current_sum = 0
341        # Number of current data points for a measure cycle
342        data_point_count = 0
343        average_for_a_cycle = []
344        # Total number of measure data point
345        total_measured_data_point_count = 0
347        # Flag to indicate whether the average is calculated for this cycle
348        # For 1 second there are multiple data points
349        # so time comparison will yield to multiple cases
350        done_average = False
352        for t, d in zip(self.timestamps, self.data_points):
353            relative_timepoint = t - base_time
354            # When time exceeds 1 cycle of measurement update 2 end times
355            if relative_timepoint > idle_end_time:
356                measure_cycle_index += 1
357                measure_end_time = measure_cycle_index * (
358                    self.measure_time + self.idle_time) + self.measure_time
359                idle_end_time = measure_end_time + self.idle_time
360                done_average = False
362            # Within measure time sum the current
363            if relative_timepoint <= measure_end_time:
364                current_sum += d
365                data_point_count += 1
366            elif not done_average:
367                # Calculate the average current for this cycle
368                average_for_a_cycle.append(current_sum / data_point_count)
369                total_measured_data_point_count += data_point_count
370                current_sum = 0
371                data_point_count = 0
372                done_average = True
374        # Calculate the average current and convert it into mA
375        current_avg = round(
376            statistics.mean(average_for_a_cycle) * self.THOUSAND,
377            self.ACCURACY)
378        # Calculate the min and max current and convert it into mA
379        current_min = round(
380            min(average_for_a_cycle) * self.THOUSAND, self.ACCURACY)
381        current_max = round(
382            max(average_for_a_cycle) * self.THOUSAND, self.ACCURACY)
384        # Calculate the standard deviation and convert it into mA
385        stdev = round(
386            statistics.stdev(average_for_a_cycle) * self.THOUSAND,
387            self.ACCURACY)
388        self.log.info("Total Counted Data Points: {}".format(
389            total_measured_data_point_count))
390        self.log.info("Average Current: {} mA ".format(current_avg))
391        self.log.info("Standard Deviation: {} mA".format(stdev))
392        self.log.info("Min Current: {} mA ".format(current_min))
393        self.log.info("Max Current: {} mA".format(current_max))
395        return current_avg, stdev
397    def _format_header(self):
398        """Utility function to write the header info to the file.
399           The data is formated as tab delimited for spreadsheets.
401        Returns:
402            None
403        """
404        strs = [""]
405        if self.tag:
406            strs.append("\t\t" + self.tag)
407        else:
408            strs.append("\t\tMonsoon Measurement Data")
409        average_cur, stdev = self._calculate_average_current_n_std_dev()
410        total_power = round(average_cur * self.voltage, self.ACCURACY)
412        self.average_cur = average_cur
413        self.stdev = stdev
415        strs.append("\t\tAverage Current: {} mA.".format(average_cur))
416        strs.append("\t\tSTD DEV Current: {} mA.".format(stdev))
417        strs.append("\t\tVoltage: {} V.".format(self.voltage))
418        strs.append("\t\tTotal Power: {} mW.".format(total_power))
419        strs.append(
420            ("\t\t{} samples taken at {}Hz, with an offset of {} samples."
421             ).format(len(self.data_points), self.hz, self.offset))
422        return "\n".join(strs)
424    def _format_data_point(self):
425        """Utility function to format the data into a string.
426           The data is formated as tab delimited for spreadsheets.
428        Returns:
429            Average current as float
430        """
431        strs = []
432        strs.append(self._format_header())
433        strs.append("\t\tTime\tAmp")
434        # Get the relative time
435        start_time = self.timestamps[0]
437        for t, d in zip(self.timestamps, self.data_points):
438            strs.append("{}\t{}".format(
439                round((t - start_time), 1), round(d, self.ACCURACY)))
441        return "\n".join(strs)
443    @staticmethod
444    def save_to_text_file(bt_monsoon_data, file_path):
445        """Save BtMonsoonData object to a text file.
446           The data is formated as tab delimited for spreadsheets.
448        Args:
449            bt_monsoon_data: A BtMonsoonData object to write to a text
450                file.
451            file_path: The full path of the file to save to, including the file
452                name.
453        """
454        if not bt_monsoon_data:
455            self.log.error("Attempting to write empty Monsoon data to "
456                           "file, abort")
457            return
459        utils.create_dir(os.path.dirname(file_path))
460        try:
461            with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
462                f.write(bt_monsoon_data._format_data_point())
463                f.write("\t\t" + bt_monsoon_data.delimiter)
464        except IOError:
465            self.log.error("Fail to write power data into file")
468class BtMonsoonDataWithPmcTimes(BtMonsoonData):
469    """A class for encapsulating power measurement data from monsoon.
470       It implements the power averaging and standard deviation for
471       mulitple cycles of the power data. Each cycle is defined by a start time
472       and an end time.  The start time and the end time are the actual time
473       triggered by Android alarm in PMC.
475    """
477    def __init__(self, bt_monsoon_data, start_times, end_times, log):
478        """Instantiates a MonsoonData object.
480        Args:
481            bt_monsoon_data: A list of current values in Amp (float).
482            start_times: A list of epoch timestamps (int).
483            end_times: A list of epoch timestamps (int).
484            log: log object to log info messages.
485        """
486        super(BtMonsoonDataWithPmcTimes, self).__init__(
487            bt_monsoon_data, 0, 0, log)
488        self.start_times = start_times
489        self.end_times = end_times
491    def _calculate_average_current_n_std_dev(self):
492        """Utility function to calculate average current and standard deviation
493           in the unit of mA.
495        Returns:
496            A tuple of average current and std dev as float
497        """
498        if len(self.start_times) == 0 or len(self.end_times) == 0:
499            return 0, 0
501        self.log.info(
502            "Start times: {} End times: {} Total Data Points: {}".format(
503                len(self.start_times),
504                len(self.end_times), len(self.data_points)))
506        # Index for measure and idle cycle index
507        measure_cycle_index = 0
509        # Measure end time of measure cycle
510        measure_end_time = self.end_times[0]
511        # Idle end time of measure cycle
512        idle_end_time = self.start_times[1]
513        # Sum of current data points for a measure cycle
514        current_sum = 0
515        # Number of current data points for a measure cycle
516        data_point_count = 0
517        average_for_a_cycle = []
518        # Total number of measure data point
519        total_measured_data_point_count = 0
521        # Flag to indicate whether the average is calculated for this cycle
522        # For 1 second there are multiple data points
523        # so time comparison will yield to multiple cases
524        done_average = False
525        done_all = False
527        for t, d in zip(self.timestamps, self.data_points):
529            # Ignore the data before the first start time
530            if t < self.start_times[0]:
531                continue
533            # When time exceeds 1 cycle of measurement update 2 end times
534            if t >= idle_end_time:
535                measure_cycle_index += 1
536                if measure_cycle_index > (len(self.start_times) - 1):
537                    break
539                measure_end_time = self.end_times[measure_cycle_index]
541                if measure_cycle_index < (len(self.start_times) - 2):
542                    idle_end_time = self.start_times[measure_cycle_index + 1]
543                else:
544                    idle_end_time = measure_end_time + self.THOUSAND
545                    done_all = True
547                done_average = False
549            # Within measure time sum the current
550            if t <= measure_end_time:
551                current_sum += d
552                data_point_count += 1
553            elif not done_average:
554                # Calculate the average current for this cycle
555                if data_point_count > 0:
556                    average_for_a_cycle.append(current_sum / data_point_count)
557                    total_measured_data_point_count += data_point_count
559                if done_all:
560                    break
561                current_sum = 0
562                data_point_count = 0
563                done_average = True
565        if not done_average and data_point_count > 0:
566            # Calculate the average current for this cycle
567            average_for_a_cycle.append(current_sum / data_point_count)
568            total_measured_data_point_count += data_point_count
570        self.log.info(
571            "Total Number of Cycles: {}".format(len(average_for_a_cycle)))
573        # Calculate the average current and convert it into mA
574        current_avg = round(
575            statistics.mean(average_for_a_cycle) * self.THOUSAND,
576            self.ACCURACY)
577        # Calculate the min and max current and convert it into mA
578        current_min = round(
579            min(average_for_a_cycle) * self.THOUSAND, self.ACCURACY)
580        current_max = round(
581            max(average_for_a_cycle) * self.THOUSAND, self.ACCURACY)
583        # Calculate the standard deviation and convert it into mA
584        stdev = round(
585            statistics.stdev(average_for_a_cycle) * self.THOUSAND,
586            self.ACCURACY)
587        self.log.info("Total Counted Data Points: {}".format(
588            total_measured_data_point_count))
589        self.log.info("Average Current: {} mA ".format(current_avg))
590        self.log.info("Standard Deviation: {} mA".format(stdev))
591        self.log.info("Min Current: {} mA ".format(current_min))
592        self.log.info("Max Current: {} mA".format(current_max))
594        return current_avg, stdev