1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 // Data objects encapsulating the clear key Ecm (Entitlement Control
18 // Message) and related container messages. Deserialization and decryption
19 // are handled externally to reduce build-time dependencies.
20 //
21 // Simplified typical client-side use:
22 //   Asset asset; // from the AssetRegistry.
23 //   uint8[] ecm_buffer; // received over network, contains an EcmContainer.
24 //   EcmContainer ecm_container;
25 //   util::Status status = ecm_container.Parse(ecm_buffer);
26 //   status = ecm_container.descriptor(1).ecm().Decrypt(
27 //      ecm_container.descriptor(1).ecm().buffer(), asset_key);
28 //   string content_key;
29 //   if (ecm_container.descriptor(1).ecm().has_content_key()) {
30 //     content_key = ecm_container.descriptor(1).ecm().content_key();
31 //   }
32 //   // use |content_key| to decrypt content.
33 //
34 // Simplified typical server-side use:
35 //   EcmContainer container;
36 //   string encoded_ecm;
37 //   // Use the ecm_generator API to encode and encrypt an ECM from data fields.
38 //   util::Status status = ecm_generator::EncodeECM(..., &encoded_ecm);
39 //   // Use |encoded_ecm| to initialized the Ecm from this library.
40 //   Ecm ecm;
41 //   util::Status status = ecm.Parse(encoded_ecm);
42 //   EcmDescriptor descriptor(crypto_period_id, ecm);
43 //   status = container.Add(descriptor);
44 //   string serialized_container;
45 //   status = container.Marshall(&serialized_container);
46 //   // now |serialized_container| can be sent to the STB.
47 //
48 // Due to past overloading of the term "ECM" this library introduces some
49 // new terminology.
50 //
51 // Ecm: the 32-byte message sent from the head end to a packager that contains
52 // the asset_id, system_id, and content_key (clear).
53 //
54 // EcmDescriptor: contains an Ecm and an id (the crypto period id in the case
55 // of the BroadcastEncryptor). It contains no encrypted fields.
56 //
57 // EcmContainer: sent by the server in the video stream using the ECM pid.
58 // This contains 1 or 2 EcmDescriptors and a count. It contains no
59 // encrypted fields.
60 //
61 // The first EcmContainer sent by the server has only one EcmDescriptor. After
62 // the first crypto period change, an EcmContainer contains 2 EcmDescriptors.
63 // One has an odd id and one has an even id. The decrypted content keys from the
64 // Ecms in the EcmDescriptors are used by the Mpeg2 parser as odd and even
65 // scrambling keys. As the crypto period changes, the oldest EcmDescriptor is
66 // dropped from the EcmContainer and the new EcmDescriptor is added.
67 //
68 // These classes use a simplified protobuf model. For non-repeating fields,
69 // - has_foo() indicates whether the field is populated.
70 // - the accessor foo() returns either a value or a const reference.
71 // - a mutator sets the value.  Primitive types and strings use
72 //   set_foo(value) while for objects mutable_foo() returns a pointer.
73 //
74 // To prevent null references, objects (like the Asset contained in an Emm)
75 // are allocated as members and can be accessed via foo() even if they have
76 // not been populated. The caller must call has_foo() to make sure that the
77 // object is valid. Calling mutable_foo() to obtain a pointer causes has_foo()
78 // to return true.
79 //
80 // Repeated fields (like the EcmDescriptors contained in an EcmContainer) are
81 // handled differently.
82 // - foo_size() returns the number of instances.
83 // - the accessor foo(index) returns either a value or a const reference to
84 //   the instance at index. It is illegal to call with |index| >= the value
85 //   returned by foo_size(). |index| is checked with CHECK.
86 // - a mutator to change the value of the instance.  Primitive types and
87 //   strings use set_foo(index, value) while for objects mutable_foo(index)
88 //   returns a pointer. It is illegal to call with |index| >= the value
89 //   returned by foo_size(). |index| is checked with CHECK.
90 //
91 // Accessing a repeated field with an invalid index causes CHECK to fail.
92 // Be sure to call EcmContainer::decriptor_size() before calling descriptor()
93 // or mutable_descriptor()!
94 //
95 #ifndef CLEAR_KEY_ECM_H_
96 #define CLEAR_KEY_ECM_H_
98 #include <stddef.h>
99 #include <string>
101 #include "protos/license_protos.pb.h"
103 #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABase.h>
104 #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABuffer.h>
105 #include <utils/Errors.h>
107 using namespace std;
109 namespace android {
110 namespace clearkeycas {
112 // Entitlement Control Message. It contains clear fields. The asset_id
113 // and system_id as well as the content_key are clear.
114 //
115 // This class is not thread-safe.
116 class Ecm {
117 public:
118     // Wire size of ECM.
119     static constexpr size_t kSizeBytes = 16 + 16; // clear fields + clear key
121     // Creates an empty ECM which must be initialized via Parse().
122     Ecm();
124     ~Ecm();
126     // Parses clear fields of Ecm serialized in |buffer_as_binary| and saves
127     // a copy of |buffer_as_binary| for a future DecryptEcm call.
128     // Returns:
129     // - BAD_VALUE if |buffer_as_binary| is too small.
130     // - CLEARKEY_STATUS_INVALIDASSETID via ecm_generator::DecodeEcmClearFields if
131     //   asset_id is 0.
132     // - CLEARKEY_STATUS_INVALIDSYSTEMID via ecm_generator::DecodeEcmClearFields if
133     //   system_id is 0.
134     // Postconditions:
135     // - |asset_id_| and |system_id_| are populated with non-zero values.
136     // - |buffer_| contains a copy of the serialized Ecm.
137     status_t Parse(const sp<ABuffer>& buffer_as_binary);
139     // Parses and decrypts Ecm serialized in |buffer_as_binary| using
140     // |asset_from_emm|.asset_key().encryption_key(). It is not necessary to call
141     // Parse() first.
142     // Returns BAD_VALUE if |buffer_as_binary| is too small.
144     //   ecm_generator::DecodeEcmClearFields if asset_id is 0.
146     //   ecm_generator::DecodeEcmClearFields if system_id is 0.
148     // - asset_id in |asset_from_emm| does not match asset_id in serialized Ecm.
149     // Preconditions: |asset_from_emm| must contain asset_id and asset_key fields.
150     // Postconditions: asset_id() and system_id() are populated with non-zero
151     // values, content_key() is populated with the clear content key.
152     status_t Decrypt(const sp<ABuffer>& buffer_as_binary,
153             const Asset& asset_from_emm);
155     // |buffer_| is a serialized copy of the Ecm used for later decryption or
156     // for marshalling.
has_buffer()157     inline bool has_buffer() const { return buffer_ != NULL; }
buffer()158     const sp<ABuffer> buffer() const { return buffer_; }
set_buffer(const sp<ABuffer> & buffer)159     inline void set_buffer(const sp<ABuffer>& buffer) {
160         buffer_ = ABuffer::CreateAsCopy(buffer->data(), buffer->size());
161     }
163     // |content_key| is the clear, encryption/decryption key generated by the server.
has_content_key()164     inline bool has_content_key() const { return content_key_ != NULL; }
set_content_key(const sp<ABuffer> & value)165     inline void set_content_key(const sp<ABuffer>& value) {
166         content_key_ = ABuffer::CreateAsCopy(value->data(), value->size());
167     }
content_key()168     inline const sp<ABuffer> content_key() const { return content_key_; }
170     // |asset_id| from the server.
has_asset_id()171     inline bool has_asset_id() const { return asset_id_set_; }
asset_id()172     inline uint64_t asset_id() const { return asset_id_; }
set_asset_id(uint64_t value)173     inline void set_asset_id(uint64_t value) {
174         asset_id_ = value;
175         asset_id_set_ = true;
176     }
178     // |system_id| from the server.
has_system_id()179     inline bool has_system_id() const { return system_id_set_; }
system_id()180     inline uint32_t system_id() const { return system_id_; }
set_system_id(uint32_t value)181     inline void set_system_id(uint32_t value) {
182         system_id_ = value;
183         system_id_set_ = true;
184     }
186 private:
187     uint64_t asset_id_;
188     bool asset_id_set_;
189     sp<ABuffer> buffer_;
190     sp<ABuffer> content_key_;
191     uint32_t system_id_;
192     bool system_id_set_;
193 };
195 // Contains an Ecm and and Id.
196 // This class is not thread-safe.
197 class EcmDescriptor {
198 public:
199     // Wire size of Id field.
200     static constexpr size_t kIdSizeBytes = sizeof(uint16_t);
201     // Wire size of EcmDescriptor.
202     static constexpr size_t kSizeBytes = Ecm::kSizeBytes + kIdSizeBytes;
204     // Client-side ctor. Populate from a buffer with Parse().
205     EcmDescriptor();
207     // Server-side ctor.
208     // Args:
209     // - |id| is the crypto period ID.
210     // - |ecm| is an ECM which must have been intialized with Ecm::Parse().
211     EcmDescriptor(uint16_t id, const Ecm& ecm);
213     ~EcmDescriptor();
215     // Parses EcmDescriptor and its contained Ecm which are serialized in the
216     // binary string |buffer_as_binary|.
217     // Returns
218     // - BAD_VALUE if |buffer_as_binary| is too short to contain a
219     //   serialized EcmDescriptor.
220     // - Errors returned by Ecm::Parse.
221     // Postconditions:
222     // - id() is populated. Note that 0 is a legal value.
223     // - the clear fields of the contained Ecm have been populated.
224     status_t Parse(const sp<ABuffer>& buffer_as_binary);
226     // |id| of the contained Ecm. Typically the crypto period id.
has_id()227     inline bool has_id() const { return id_set_; }
set_id(uint16_t value)228     inline void set_id(uint16_t value) {
229         id_ = value;
230         id_set_ = true;
231     }
id()232     inline uint16_t id() const { return id_; }
234     // The contained |ecm|.
has_ecm()235     inline bool has_ecm() const { return ecm_set_; }
mutable_ecm()236     inline Ecm* mutable_ecm() {
237         ecm_set_ = true;
238         return &ecm_;
239     }
ecm()240     inline const Ecm& ecm() const { return ecm_; }
242 private:
243     Ecm ecm_;
244     bool ecm_set_;
245     uint16_t id_;
246     bool id_set_;
247 };
249 // Contains a count and 1 or 2 EcmDescriptors. This is included in the video
250 // stream by the sender in the ECM pid.
251 // This class is not thread-safe.
252 class EcmContainer {
253 public:
254     // Wire size of the count field.
255     static constexpr size_t kCountSizeBytes = sizeof(uint16_t);
256     // Minimum wire size assuming one EcmDescriptor.
257     static constexpr size_t kMinimumSizeBytes =
258             EcmDescriptor::kSizeBytes + kCountSizeBytes;
259     static constexpr size_t kMinDescriptorCount = 1;
260     static constexpr size_t kMaxDescriptorCount = 2;
262     // Creates an empty EcmContainer which must be populated via Parse()
263     // (client-side) or Add() (server-side).
264     EcmContainer();
266     ~EcmContainer();
268     // Adds an EcmDescriptor for server-side applications.
269     // If |count_| is 2, |descriptor| replaces the oldest EcmDescriptor.
270     //
271     // Returns:
272     // - INTERNAL if the EcmContainer is in a bad state (count != 0, 1, or 2).
273     // Postconditions:
274     // - count() is within bounds (1 or 2).
275     status_t Add(const EcmDescriptor& descriptor);
277     // Parses EcmContainer and its contained EcmDescriptors which are serialized
278     // in |buffer_as_binary|.
279     // Returns
280     // - BAD_VALUE if |buffer_as_binary| is too short to contain a
281     //   serialized EcmDescriptor.
282     // - ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE if the count contained in the serialized EcmContainer
283     //   is not 1 or 2.
284     // - Errors returned by EcmDescriptor::Parse.
285     // Postconditions:
286     // - count() is within bounds (1 or 2) and.
287     // - contained EcmDescriptor(s) parsed and populated.
288     status_t Parse(const sp<ABuffer>& buffer_as_binary);
has_count()290     inline bool has_count() const { return count_set_; }
291     // Sets the |count| of contained EcmDecriptors. Illegal values are silently
292     // ignored.
set_count(size_t count)293     inline void set_count(size_t count) {
294         if (!CountLegal(count)) return;
295         count_ = count;
296         count_set_ = true;
297     }
298     // Number of contained EcmDecriptors. Only 1 and 2 are legal values.
count()299     inline size_t count() const { return count_; }
301     // Returns the number of allowable descriptors. This is redundant but is
302     // provided for protobuf compatibility.
descriptor_size()303     inline size_t descriptor_size() const { return count_; }
305     // Returns a pointer to the EcmDescriptor at |index| for valid index values,
306     // otherwise calls CHECK and aborts. Always call descriptor_size() first!
mutable_descriptor(size_t index)307     inline EcmDescriptor* mutable_descriptor(size_t index) {
308         //CHECK(IndexValid(index));
309         return &descriptor_[index];
310     }
312     // Returns a reference to the EcmDescriptor at |index| for valid index
313     // values, otherwise calls CHECK and aborts. Call descriptor_size() first!
descriptor(size_t index)314     inline const EcmDescriptor& descriptor(size_t index) const {
315         //CHECK(IndexValid(index));
316         return descriptor_[index];
317     }
319 private:
320     // Count value must be 1 or 2.
CountLegal(size_t count)321     inline bool CountLegal(size_t count) const {
322         return count <= kMaxDescriptorCount && count >= kMinDescriptorCount;
323     }
324     // Index must be 0 or 1.
IndexLegal(size_t index)325     inline bool IndexLegal(size_t index) const {
326         return index < kMaxDescriptorCount;
327     }
328     // |index| is valid for this object: it is legal and < count_.
IndexValid(size_t index)329     inline bool IndexValid(size_t index) const {
330         if (!IndexLegal(index)) return false;
331         return index < count_;
332     }
333     size_t count_;
334     bool count_set_;
335     EcmDescriptor descriptor_[kMaxDescriptorCount];
338 };
340 }  // namespace clearkeycas
341 }  // namespace android
343 #endif  // CLEAR_KEY_ECM_H_