1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17"""Utility functions for unit tests."""
19import os
21import constants
22import unittest_constants as uc
24def assert_strict_equal(test_class, first, second):
25    """Check for strict equality and strict equality of nametuple elements.
27    assertEqual considers types equal to their subtypes, but we want to
28    not consider set() and frozenset() equal for testing.
29    """
30    test_class.assertEqual(first, second)
31    # allow byte and unicode string equality.
32    if not (isinstance(first, basestring) and
33            isinstance(second, basestring)):
34        test_class.assertIsInstance(first, type(second))
35        test_class.assertIsInstance(second, type(first))
36    # Recursively check elements of namedtuples for strict equals.
37    if isinstance(first, tuple) and hasattr(first, '_fields'):
38        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
39        for f in first._fields:
40            assert_strict_equal(test_class, getattr(first, f),
41                                getattr(second, f))
43def assert_equal_testinfos(test_class, test_info_a, test_info_b):
44    """Check that the passed in TestInfos are equal."""
45    # Use unittest.assertEqual to do checks when None is involved.
46    if test_info_a is None or test_info_b is None:
47        test_class.assertEqual(test_info_a, test_info_b)
48        return
50    for attr in test_info_a.__dict__:
51        test_info_a_attr = getattr(test_info_a, attr)
52        test_info_b_attr = getattr(test_info_b, attr)
53        test_class.assertEqual(test_info_a_attr, test_info_b_attr,
54                               msg=('TestInfo.%s mismatch: %s != %s' %
55                                    (attr, test_info_a_attr, test_info_b_attr)))
57def assert_equal_testinfo_sets(test_class, test_info_set_a, test_info_set_b):
58    """Check that the sets of TestInfos are equal."""
59    test_class.assertEqual(len(test_info_set_a), len(test_info_set_b),
60                           msg=('mismatch # of TestInfos: %d != %d' %
61                                (len(test_info_set_a), len(test_info_set_b))))
62    # Iterate over a set and pop them out as you compare them.
63    while test_info_set_a:
64        test_info_a = test_info_set_a.pop()
65        test_info_b_to_remove = None
66        for test_info_b in test_info_set_b:
67            try:
68                assert_equal_testinfos(test_class, test_info_a, test_info_b)
69                test_info_b_to_remove = test_info_b
70                break
71            except AssertionError:
72                pass
73        if test_info_b_to_remove:
74            test_info_set_b.remove(test_info_b_to_remove)
75        else:
76            # We haven't found a match, raise an assertion error.
77            raise AssertionError('No matching TestInfo (%s) in [%s]' %
78                                 (test_info_a, ';'.join([str(t) for t in test_info_set_b])))
81def isfile_side_effect(value):
82    """Mock return values for os.path.isfile."""
83    if value == '/%s/%s' % (uc.MODULE_DIR, constants.MODULE_CONFIG):
84        return True
85    if value.endswith('.java'):
86        return True
87    if value.endswith(uc.INT_NAME + '.xml'):
88        return True
89    if value.endswith(uc.GTF_INT_NAME + '.xml'):
90        return True
91    return False
94def realpath_side_effect(path):
95    """Mock return values for os.path.realpath."""
96    return os.path.join(uc.ROOT, path)